UMP Confession Application

Lim, Kah Chun (2023) UMP Confession Application. Faculty of Computing, Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah.

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Nowadays, social media application is the most used application around the world. Everyone will use Facebook, Twitter or Instagram in their daily life and it is already part of our life now. Social media application can help people to build relationship with each other. Social media is about connecting people to people. It provides a platform for people to speak up what inside them. Therefore, it is a interesting idea if there also have an social media application that only specific and used by the community in a university. For example, UMP is chosen as the community that will have this social media application. The title of this social media application is UMP Confession Application and it is reference to public page in Facebook which is a public page for a cause, specially created for University Malaysia Pahang's students. It is a platform where they will be able to shout out what's kept inside them. This application can be develop can replace it as a new platform for the student in UMP. The application implements agile methodology as it provides higher responsiveness and minimize errors during development process. It consists of six phase which is plan, design, develop, test, release and feedback. First, requirements and objective are identified then continue with designing the system architecture of application. Next is developing the system. After the development phase, testing phase will use User Acceptance Test to detect defects and errors in the system. The application will then be released and collect feedback from the users.

Item Type: Undergraduates Project Papers
Additional Information: SV: Dr. Zafril Rizal Bin M Azmi
Uncontrolled Keywords: social media
Subjects: Q Science > QA Mathematics > QA75 Electronic computers. Computer science
Q Science > QA Mathematics > QA76 Computer software
Faculty/Division: Faculty of Computing
Depositing User: Mr. Nik Ahmad Nasyrun Nik Abd Malik
Date Deposited: 29 Feb 2024 03:03
Last Modified: 29 Feb 2024 03:03
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