Items where Division is "Faculty of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering Technology" and Year is 2022

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Number of items: 261.


A. Fahmi Huwaidi, M. Noor and Nasrul Hadi, Johari (2022) Brief review on recent technology in particle image velocimetry studies on hemodynamics in carotid artery. In: Human Engineering Symposium, HUMENS 2021 , 22 February 2021 - 22 February 2021 , Virtual Online. pp. 267-277. (266559). ISSN 21954356 ISBN 9789811641145 (Published)

A. M., Aizzuddin and Danial Shafiq, Mohd Rashid and Mohd Yusof, Taib and Wan Azmi, Wan Hamzah (2022) Simulation of the ground heat exchanger under malaysian environment based on different thermal conductivity of soil and pipe materials. In: The 6th National Conference for Postgraduate Research (NCON-PGR 2022) , 15 November 2022 , Virtual Conference, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia. p. 155.. (Published)

Abd Anasghaneem, Abd Aziz and Juliawati, Alias (2022) Performance of graphene as the corrosion inhibitor of magnesium alloy for automotive application. In: The 6th National Conference for Postgraduate Research (NCON-PGR 2022) , 15 November 2022 , Virtual Conference, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia. p. 218.. (Published)

Abdullah, N. A. Z. and Asri, M. N. A. M. and M. S. M., Sani (2022) Strategies of finite element modeling for spot welded joints and its modal correlation with experimental data. International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering (IJAME), 19 (1). pp. 9543-9550. ISSN 2180-1606. (Published)

Abdullah, Z. and Peeie, M. H. and Zakaria, M. A. and Ishak, M. I. and Shahrom, M. A. and Kujunni, B. (2022) Motion planning and tracking trajectory of an autonomous emergency braking pedestrian (AEB-P) system based on different brake pad friction coefficients on dry road surface. International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering (IJAME), 19 (3). 10002 -10013. ISSN 2180-1606. (Published)

Ahmad Fitri, Yusop and Mohamad Adzuan, Aziz and Mohd Adnin, Hamidi and Daing Mohamad Nafiz, Daing Idris and Ummi Hafsah, Zaidi (2022) Investigation on the RCCI engine on performance and emission. In: Eurasia Proceedings of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. International Conference on Technology, Engineering and Science, IConTES 2022 , 16 - 19 November 2022 , Antalya. pp. 525-540., 21. ISSN 2602-3199 ISBN 978-605728324-5 (Published)

Ajith, Gopi (2022) Performance modelling and analysis of a utility scale solar photovoltaic power plant in a tropical region. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, Thesis advisor: Sudhakar, Kumarasamy).

Akasyah, Mohd Khathri and Muhammad Yusri, Ismail and Abdul Adam, Abdullah and Rizalman, Mamat and Sutiman, . (2022) Performance, exhaust emissions and optimization using response surface methodology of a water in diesel emulsion on diesel engine. Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, 93 (1). pp. 1-12. ISSN 2289-7879. (Published)

Al-Dhahebi, Adel Mohammed and Ling, Jin Kiong and Syam, G. Krishnan and Yousefzadeh, Maryam and Elumalai, Naveen Kumar and Mohamed Saheed, Mohamed Shuaib and Seeram, Ramakrishna and Rajan, Jose (2022) Electrospinning research and products: The road and the way forward. Applied Physics Reviews, 9 (011319). pp. 1-44. ISSN 1931-9401. (Published)

Alhaj, Nura Abdalrhman and Mohd Faizal, Jamlos and Sulastri, Abdul Manap and Bakhit, Abdelmoneim Ahmed and Rizalman, Mamat (2022) A review of multiple access techniques and frequencies requirements towards 6G. In: Proceedings - 2022 RFM IEEE International RF and Microwave Conference, RFM 2022 , 19-21 December 2022 , Kuala Lumpur. pp. 1-4. (187406). ISBN 978-166548977-5 (Published)

Alhamed, Abdulrahman and Mohd Romlay, Fadhlur Rahman and Muhammad, Khairul Fikri and Mohd Zawawi, Mohd Zairulnizam and Ishak, I. (2022) Support-free fused deposition modelling printing for overhangs structure. Mekatronika - Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing & Mechatronics, 4 (2). pp. 64-71. ISSN 2637-0883. (Published)

Ali Imran, Awaludin and S. H., Tomadi and Rosdi, D. and Mas Ayu, H. (2022) Analysis and simulation of temperature distribution and stress development in wire edm of tungsten carbide. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Third International Conference on Emerging Electrical Energy, Electronics and Computing Technologies 2021 , 16-17 December 2021 , Virtual Conference. pp. 1-12., 2312 (012046). ISSN 1742-6588 (Published)

Amerrudin, Azizi and Norazlianie, Sazali and Mohd Nizar, Mhd Razali and Muhamad Zahim, Sujod and Ahmad Afif, Mohd Faudzi and Siregar, Januar Parlaungan (2022) Investigation of stabilizing internal temperature and humidity of peltier-based cooling refrigerator supplied by small scale PV. In: Engineering Technology International Conference (ETIC 2022). Engineering Technology International Conference (ETIC 2022) , 7-8 September 2022 , Virtually hosted by Universiti Malaysia Pahang. pp. 159-163., 2022. ISBN 978-1-83953-782-0 (Published)

Amerrudin, Azizi and Norazlianie, Sazali and Mohd Nizar, Mhd Razali and Muhamad Zahim, Sujod and Ahmad Afif, Mohd Faudzi and Siregar, Januar Parlaungan (2022) Investigation of stabilizing internal temperature and humidity of peltierbased cooling refrigerator supplied by small scale PV. In: IET Conference Proceedings. 2022 Engineering Technology International Conference, ETIC 2022 , 7 - 8 September 2022 , Kuantan, Virtual. pp. 159-163., 2022 (22). ISSN 2732-4494 ISBN 978-183953782-0 (Published)

Amir, Abdul Razak (2022) Hybrid Solar Heat Pump Dryer for Marine Products. FTKMA Bulletin (3). p. 26. ISSN 2773-594X

Amir, Abdul Razak and A. F., Sharol and Z. A. A., Majid and M. A. A., Azmi and M. A. S. M., Tarminzi and Ming, Y. H. and Z. A, Zakaria and M. A, Harun and A., Fazlizan and K., Sopian (2022) Effect of thermal energy storage material on the performance of double-pass solar air heater with cross-matrix absorber. Journal of Energy Storage, 51 (104494). pp. 1-15. ISSN 2352-152X. (Published)

Anuar, Mohamed and Nur Aqilah, Othman and Hamzah, Ahmad and Mohd Hasnun Ariff, Hassan (2022) Investigation of the optimal sensor location and classifier for human motion classification. In: ICCSCE 2022 - Proceedings: 2022 12th IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing and Engineering , 21-22 October 2022 , Penang. pp. 142-146. (184194). ISBN 978-166548339-1 (Published)

Ariffin, Arifuddin and A. A.M., Redhwan and A. M., Syafiq and S., Zainal Ariffin and A. R.M., Aminullah and Wan Hamzah, Azmi (2022) Stability analysis of hybrid Al2O- TiO2 nano-cutting fluids. Archives of Materials Science and Engineering, 117 (1). pp. 5-12. ISSN 1897-2764. (Published)

Arifin, Zainal and Adiyasa, I. Wayan and Mohd Azri Hizami, Rasid (2022) Design optimization analysis on the performance of BLDC motors on electric bicycles. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series ; 5th International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Informatics, and Vocational Education, ICEELINVO 2022 , 5-6 October 2022 , Yogyakarta. pp. 1-9., 2406 (012016). ISSN 1742-6588 (Published)

Arifuddin, Ariffin and Abd Aziz, Mohammad Redhwan and Wan Hamzah, Wan Azmi and Nurul Nadia, Mohd Zawawi (2022) Performance of Al2O3/TiO2 hybrid nano-cutting fluid in mql turning operation via RSM approach. Lubricants, 10 (366). pp. 1-16. ISSN 2075-4442. (Published)

Arman, Salih and Mohd Nadzeri, Omar and Nasrul Hadi, Johari and Mohd Hasnun, Arif Hassan (2022) Effect of using anti-wear and friction modifier-based additives on tribological performance of engine lubricants. In: IET Conference Proceedings. 3rd Innovative Manufacturing, Mechatronics and Materials Forum 2022, iM3F 2022 , 20 July 2022 , Pekan, Virtual. pp. 54-60., 2022 (12). ISSN 2732-4494 ISBN 978-183953704-2, 978-183953705-9, 978-183953718-9, 978-183953719-6, 978-183953742-4, 978-183953761-5, 978-183953776-9, 978-183953781-3, 978-183953788-2, 978-183953789-9, 978-183953799-8, 978-183953806-3 (Published)

At-Tasneem, Mohd Amin and Wan Azmi, Wan Hamzah and Mohd Azmi, Ismail (2022) Thermo-Hydraulic Performance of Heated Tube with Twisted Delta Winglet Swirler Insert: A Numerical Simulation. Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, 100 (1). pp. 181-200. ISSN 2289-7879. (Published)

Atik, Faysal and W. K., Ngui and M. H., Lim and M. S., Leong (2022) Ensemble Augmentation for Deep Neural Networks Using 1-D Time Series Vibration Data. Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies. pp. 1-25. ISSN 2523-3939. (Published)


Bakhit, Abdelmoneim Ahmed and Mohd Faizal, Jamlos and Alhaj, Nura Abdalrhman and Rizalman, Mamat (2022) Biofloc farming with IoT and machine learning predictive water quality system. In: Proceedings - 2022 RFM IEEE International RF and Microwave Conference, RFM 2022 , 19-21 December 2022 , Kuala Lumpur. pp. 1-4. (187406). ISBN 978-166548977-5 (Published)

Bashir, M. Nasir and Saad, Hafiz Muhammad and Muhammad, Rizwan and Quazi, Moinuddin Mohammed and Ali, Muhammad Mahmood and Ahmed, Arslan E.M. and Zaidi, Asad Ali and Soudagar, Manzoore Elahi M. and Haseeb, Abdul S.Md Abdul and Naher, Sumsun (2022) Effects of tin particles addition on structural and mechanical properties of eutectic Sn–58Bi solder joint. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 33 (28). pp. 22499-22507. ISSN 0957-4522. (Published)

Bashir, Muhammad Nasir and Haseeb, Abdul S.Md Abdul and Wakeel, Saif and Khan, Muhammad Ali and Quazi, Moinuddin Mohammed and Khan, Niaz Bahadur and Ahmed, Arslan and Soudagar, Manzoore Elahi M. (2022) Effect of Ni and Co nanoparticle-doped flux on microstructure of SAC305 solder matrix. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 33 (25). pp. 20106-20120. ISSN 0957-4522. (Published)


Chai, S. W. and Kamaluddin, M. R. and Ab Rashid, M. F. F. (2022) Optimisation of vehicle routing problem with time windows using Harris Hawks optimiser. Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences (JMES), 16 (3). 9056 -9065. ISSN 2289-4659 (print); 2231-8380 (online). (Published)

Che Ku Eddy Nizwan, Che Ku Husin (2022) Establishment of spectral subtraction-based algorithm for experimental modal analysis under operating condition. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, Thesis advisor: Mohd Fairusham, Ghazali).

Chilakamarry, Chaitanya reddy and Mimi Sakinah, A. M. and Zularisam, A. W. and Khilji, Irshad Ahamad and Kumarasamy, Sudhakar (2022) Glycerol Waste to Bio-Ethanol: Optimization of Fermentation Parameters by the Taguchi Method. Journal of Chemistry, 2022. pp. 1-11. ISSN 2090-9071. (Published)

Chuan, Zun Liang and Wan Nur Syahidah, Wan Yusoff and Azlyna, Senawi and Mohd Akramin, Mohd Romlay and Fam, Soo-Fen and Wendy Ling, Shinyie and Tan Lit, Ken (2022) A comparative effectiveness of hierarchical and non-hierarchical regionalisation algorithms in regionalising the homogeneous rainfall regions. Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology (JST), 30 (1). pp. 319-342. ISSN 0128-7680. (Published)

Cionita, Tezara and Siregar, Januar Parlaungan and Wong, Ling Shing and Cheng, Wan Hee and Fitriyana, Deni Fajar and Jamiluddin, Jaafar and Ramli, Junid and Irawan, Agustinus Purna and Hadi, Agung Efriyo (2022) The influence of filler loading and alkaline treatment on the mechanical properties of palm kernel cake filler reinforced epoxy composites. Polymers, 14 (3063). pp. 1-17. ISSN 2073-4360. (Published)

Cuce, Erdem and Cuce, Pinar Mert and Carlucci, Salvatore and Sen, Harun and Sudhakar, Kumarasamy and Md., Hasanuzzaman and Daneshazarian, Reza (2022) Solar chimney power plants : A review of the concepts, designs and performances. Sustainability (Switzerland), 14 (3). pp. 1-66. ISSN 2071-1050. (Published)

Cuce, Pinar Mert and Cuce, Erdem and Sudhakar, Kumarasamy (2022) A systematic review of thermal insulation performance of hollow bricks as a function of hollow geometry. International Journal of Ambient Energy, 43 (1). pp. 4406-4415. ISSN 0143-0750. (Published)


D. J., Krishna Kishore and M. R., Mohamed and K., Sudhakar and K., Peddakapu (2022) An improved grey wolf optimization based MPPT algorithm for photovoltaic systems under diverse partial shading conditions. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Third International Conference on Emerging Electrical Energy, Electronics and Computing Technologies 2021 , 16-17 December 2021 , Virtual Conference. pp. 1-14., 2312 (012063). ISSN 1742-6588 (Published)

Darvishi, Zeinab and Najafi, Gholamhassan and Ghobadian, Barat and Nor Azwadi, Che Sidik and Rizalman, Mamat and Mohd Fairusham, Ghazali and Hoseini, Seyed Salar (2022) 3-Dimensional CFD simulation and experimental analysis on performance of a new diffuser and wind channel for a micro wind turbine. CFD Letters, 14 (6). pp. 1-16. ISSN 2180-1363. (Published)

Das, Likhan and Rubbi, Fazlay and Khairul, Habib and Aslfattahi, Navid and Rahman, Saidur and Yahya, Syed Mohd and Kadirgama, Kumaran (2022) Insight into the investigation of diamond nanoparticles suspended therminol 55 nanofluids on concentrated photovoltaic/thermal solar collector. Nanomaterials, 12 (2975). pp. 1-22. ISSN 2079-4991. (Published)

Das, Likhan and Rubbi, Fazlay and Khairul, Habib and Aslfattahi, Navid and Saidur, Rahman Md and Yahya, Syed Mohd and Kadirgama, Kumaran (2022) Insight into the investigation of diamond nanoparticles suspended therminol®55 nanofluids on concentrated photovoltaic/thermal solar collector. Nanomaterials, 12 (2975). pp. 1-22. ISSN 2079-4991. (Published)


Erdiwansyah, . and Mahidin, . and M. S. M., Sani and Rizalman, Mamat and Asri, Gani and Munawir, . and Susmanto, . (2022) Effect of vibration and noise on spark ignition engines of methanol fuel blended with gasoline. Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research, 81 (1). pp. 32-38. ISSN 0975-1084 (Online). (Published)

Erdiwansyah, E. and Gani, Asri and Rizalman, Mamat and Mahidin, M. and Sudhakar, Kumarasamy and S. M., Rosdi and Husin, Husni (2022) Biomass and wind energy as sources of renewable energy for a more sustainable environment in Indonesia: a review. Archives of Environmental Protection, 48 (3). pp. 57-69. ISSN 2083-4772. (Published)

Erdiwansyah, Erdiwansyah and Mahidin, Mahidin and Husin, Husni and Faisal, Muhammad and Usman, Usman and Muhtadin, Muhtadin and Gani, Asri and Rizalman, Mamat (2022) Modification of perforated plate in fluidized-bed combustor to provide sufficient air supply in the combustion. Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer (FHMT), 18 (25). pp. 1-6. ISSN 2151-8629. (Published)

Esmaeili Shayan, Mostafa and Najafi, Gholamhassan and Ghobadian, Barat and Gorjian, Shiva and Rizalman, Mamat and Mohd Fairusham, Ghazali (2022) Multi-microgrid optimization and energy management under boost voltage converter with Markov prediction chain and dynamic decision algorithm. Renewable Energy, 201. pp. 179-189. ISSN 0960-1481. (Published)


Faeeza, Abdul Halim and Firdaus, Basrawi and Ahmad Syazwan, Ramli and Oumer, A. N. and Nurul Aini, Mohd Azman (2022) Effect of surface roughness and temperature on the performance of low-temperature vacuum drying with induced nucleation boiling method in dewatering stingless bees honey. Drying Technology. pp. 1-13. ISSN 0737-3937. (In Press / Online First) (In Press / Online First)

Farhah, M. and Fatanah, M. S. and Mohd Zulfakar, M. and Ummu Kulthum, Jamaludin and Normy, R. and Syatirah, M. Z. and Jihan, M. Z.N. (2022) Modeling of insulin sensitivity for Sepsis-AKI and Sepsis Non-AKI. In: 7th IEEE-EMBS Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences, IECBES 2022 - Proceedings. 7th IEEE-EMBS Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences, IECBES 2022 , 7 - 9 December 2022 , Virtual, Online. pp. 223-227.. ISBN 978-166549469-4 (Published)

Farzad, Jaliliantabar and Abdul Adam, Abdullah and Carlucci, Paolo and Kumarasamy, Sudhakar (2022) Biofuel combustion generated particles analysis. In: Application of Clean Fuels in Combustion Engines. Energy, Environment, and Sustainability . Springer, Singapore, pp. 117-129. ISBN 978-981-16-8751-8

Faysal, Atik and Ngui, Wai Keng and M. H., Lim (2022) Performance Evaluation of BPSO & PCA as Feature Reduction Techniques for Bearing Fault Diagnosis. In: Recent Trends in Mechatronics Towards Industry 4.0: Selected Articles from iM3F 2020, Malaysia , 6 August 2020 , Virtual Conference, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 605-615., 730. (Published)

Ferdous, I. U. and Alang, Nasrul Azuan and Alias, J. (2022) Prediction of the creep behavior of P91 Steel at 873 K using continuum damage mechanics model. In: Enabling Industry 4.0 through Advances in Manufacturing and Materials: Selected Articles from iM3F 2021, Malaysia. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering . Springer Singapore, Singapore, pp. 359-371. ISBN 978-981-19-2890-1

Fitriady, Muhammad Arifuddin and Nurizzatul Atikha, Rahmat and Ahmad Faiz, Mohammad (2022) Effect of mesh refinement on vertical and lateral velocity profiles of the wake flow behind a spire based on cfd. In: The 6th National Conference for Postgraduate Research (NCON-PGR 2022) , 15 November 2022 , Virtual Conference, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia. p. 160.. (Published)

Fitriyana, Deni Fajar and Doni Widodo, Rahmat and Kriswanto, Kriswanto and Athoillah, Ahmad and Prasetyo, Ares Yudi and Alrasyid, Mochamad Dzaki and Aripin, Muhammad Bustanul and Dimyati, Saeful and Irawan, Agustinus Purna and Cionita, Tezara and Siregar, Januar Parlaungan and Ismail, Rifky and Bayuseno, Athanasius Priharyoto (2022) Addition Rice Husk on the Density and Impact Strength of Non-Asbestos Brake Pad Composites Prepared by The Hand Layup Method. Jurnal Penerapan Teknologi dan Pembelajaran, 20 (1). pp. 20-28. ISSN 2527-6964. (Published)

Francis, Angel and Ramyashree, M. S. and Shanmuga Priya, S. and Kumar, Surendra Harish and Sudhakar, Kumarasamy and Fan, Wei Keen and Tahir, Muhammad (2022) Carbon dioxide hydrogenation to methanol : Process simulation and optimization studies. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 47 (86). pp. 36418-36432. ISSN 0360-3199. (Published)


G., Kadirgama and A., Kumar and M., Sandhya and L., Samylingam and D., Ramasamy and K., Kadirgama and H. A., Mohammed and M., Samykano and R., Saidur (2022) Graphene nanoplatelets–cellulose nanocrystals in engine oil for automotive applications. Green Materials, Ahead of Print. pp. 1-9. ISSN 2049-1239. (Published)

Gani, Asri and Erdiwansyah, Erdiwansyah and Sardjono, Ratnaningsih Eko and Mariana, Mariana and Rizalman, Mamat (2022) Comparison of remaining coal-burning ash-based on cd, pb, and hg concentration at different temperatures : A case study in aceh province. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management, 30 (3). pp. 342-349. ISSN 1648-6897. (Published)

Ghazali, M. S. M. and Romlay, F. R. M. and Ehsan, A. A. (2022) Development of polymer-based Y-branch symmetric waveguide coupler using soft lithography technique. In: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering; Innovative Manufacturing, Mechatronics and Materials Forum, iM3F 2020 , 6 August 2020 , Gambang, Kuantan. 71 -76., 730 (262829). ISSN 1876-1100 ISBN 978-981334596-6 (Published)


Hamada, Khalaf I. and Rahim, M. F. and Raham, M. M. and A. Bakar, Rosli (2022) Throttling effect on the performance and emissions of a multi-cylinder gasoline fuelled spark ignition engine. International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering (IJAME), 19 (4). pp. 10084-10093. ISSN 2229-8649 (Print); 2180-1606 (Online). (Published)

Hamdan, Z. A and Ahmad, Z. and Johari, N. H. (2022) Investigation of muscle fatigue of the archer’s during endurance shooting. Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences (JMES), 16 (3). 8987 -8995. ISSN 2289-4659 (print); 2231-8380 (online). (Published)

Hanafi, M. Yusop and Ghazali, M. F. and Yusof, M. F.M. and Pi Remli, Muhammad Aminuddin and Mohd Sabri, Ahmad Azri Syazwan (2022) Leakage identification based on hydraulic transient analysis. In: The 6th National Conference for Postgraduate Research (NCON-PGR 2022) , 15 November 2022 , Virtual Conference, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia. p. 37.. (Published)

Hazirah, Ismail (2022) Investigation of quenching heat transfer characteristics in metal oxide nanofluids. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, Thesis advisor: Muhamad Zuhairi, Sulaiman).

Hazirah, Ismail and Muhamad Zuhairi, Sulaiman and Okawa, Tomio (2022) Heat transfer characteristics of metallic body during quenching in saturated nanofluids. International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering (IJAME), 19 (1). pp. 9403-9411. ISSN 1985-9325(Print); 2180-1606 (Online). (Published)

Hidayat, Untung and Hendrawati, Tri Yuni and Budiyanto, Budiyanto and Ramadhan, Anwar Ilmar and Wan Hamzah, Azmi (2022) Drying and pectin extraction from waste lemon peel (citrus limon) using extraction process with ultrasonic waves. In: The 6th National Conference for Postgraduate Research (NCON-PGR 2022) , 15 November 2022 , Virtual Conference, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia. p. 225.. (Published)

Hoque, Md. Ikramul and Abdo Qasem, Mohammed Hasan and Parvez, Md. Shohan (2022) Municipal solid waste management in Khulna City Corporation Bangladesh. In: The 6th National Conference for Postgraduate Research (NCON-PGR 2022) , 15 November 2022 , Virtual Conference, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia. p. 78.. (Published)

Hou, Wentao and Ding, Yuquan and Huang, Guoqaing Qiang and Huda, Nazmul and Luqman Hakim, Ahmad Shah and Piao, Zhongyu and Shen, Yifu and Shen, Zhikang and Gerlich, Adrian P. (2022) The role of pin eccentricity in friction stir welding of Al‑Mg‑Si alloy sheets : microstructural evolution and mechanical properties. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 121 (11-12). pp. 7661-7675. ISSN 0268-3768. (Published)

Hu, Haichao and Wei, Qiang and Liu, Boya and Liu, Yun and Hu, Ning and Quanjin, Ma and Wang, Chuancai (2022) Progressive damage behaviour analysis and comparison with 2D/3D hashin failure models on carbon fibre–reinforced aluminium laminates. Polymers, 14 (2946). pp. 1-25. ISSN 2073-4360. (Published)

Hung, William Chin Wei and Muhammad Aizzat, Zakaria and Muhammad Izhar, Ishak and Mohamad Heerwan, Peeie (2022) Object tracking for autonomous vehicle using YOLO V3. In: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering; Innovative Manufacturing, Mechatronics and Materials Forum, iM3F 2021 , 20 September 2021 , Gambang, Kuantan. pp. 265-273., 900 (277979). ISSN 1876-1100 ISBN 978-981192094-3 (Published)


Imam, Ul Ferdous (2022) Influence of notch constraint on creep damage evolution and rupture life of grade 91 steel. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, Thesis advisor: Nasrul Azuan, Alang).

Irawan, Agustinus Purna and Anggarina, Paula Tjatoerwidya and Utama, Didi Widya and Najid, Najid and Mohd Zulkifly, Abdullah and Siregar, Januar Parlaungan and Cionita, Tezara and Fitriyana, Deni Fajar and Jamiluddin, Jaafar and Hadi, Agung Efriyo and Rihayat, Teuku (2022) An experimental investigation into mechanical and thermal properties of hybrid woven rattan/glass-fiber-reinforced epoxy composites. Polymers, 14 (5562). pp. 1-17. ISSN 2073-4360. (Published)

Irawan, Agustinus Purna and Fitriyana, Deni Fajar and Cionita, Tezara and Siregar, Januar Parlaungan and Laksmidewi, Dwinita and Baskara, Gregorius Dimas and Mohd Zulkifly, Abdullah and Ramli, Junid and Hadi, Agung Efriyo and Mohammad Hazim, Mohamad Hamdan and Najid, Najid (2022) Overview of the important factors influencing the performance of eco-friendly brake pads. Polymers, 14 (1180). pp. 1-22. ISSN 2073-4360. (Published)

Irnie Azlin, Zakaria and Wan Ahmad Najmi, Wan Mohamed and N. H.A., Azid and M. A., Suhaimi and Wan Hamzah, Azmi (2022) Heat transfer and electrical discharge of hybrid nanofluid coolants in a fuel cell cooling channel application. Applied Thermal Engineering, 210 (118369). pp. 1-13. ISSN 1359-4311. (Published)

Ismail, Muhammad Yusri and Beg, M. S. and Jamlos, M. F. and Azmi, W. H. and Badrulhisam, N. H. and Awad, Omar I. (2022) Potential and limitation of internet of things (IOT) application in the automotive industry: An overview. International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering (IJAME), 19 (3). 9939 -9949. ISSN 2180-1606. (Published)

Ismail, Rifky and Cionita, Tezara and Lai, Yinling and Fitriyana, Deni Fajar and Siregar, Januar Parlaungan and Bayuseno, Athanasius Priharyoto and Nugraha, Fariz Wisda and Muhamadin, Rilo Chandra and Irawan, Agustinus Purna and Hadi, Agung Efriyo (2022) Characterization of PLA/PCL/green mussel shells Hydroxyapatite (HA) biocomposites prepared by chemical blending methods. Materials, 15 (8641). pp. 1-17. ISSN 1996-1944. (Published)

Ismail, Rifky and Cionita, Tezara and Wong, Ling Shing and Fitriyana, Deni Fajar and Siregar, Januar Parlaungan and Bayuseno, Athanasius Priharyoto and Nugraha, Fariz Wisda and Muhamadin, Rilo Chandra and Ramli, Junid and Nor Azam, Endot (2022) Synthesis and characterization of calcium carbonate obtained from green mussel and crab shells as a biomaterials candidate. Materials, 15 (5712). pp. 1-15. ISSN 1996-1944. (Published)

Ismail Ali, Abdul Aziz (2022) Tooth bending stress and tooth impact stress of thin-rimmed spur gear. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, Thesis advisor: Daing Mohamad Nafiz, Daing Idris).

Ittoo, Bhavishkar and Ooi, Jong Boon and Tran, Manh Vu and Jaliliantabar, Farzad and Najafi, Gholamhassan and Swamy, Varghese (2022) Effects of dispersed multiwalled carbon nanotubes on the micro-explosion and combustion characteristics of 2-methylfuran – diesel mixture droplets. Fuel, 316 (123308). pp. 1-10. ISSN 0016-2361. (Published)


J., Kananathan and K., Rajan and M., Samykano and K., Kadirgama and K., Moorthy and M. M., Rahman (2022) Preliminary Tensile Investigation of FDM Printed PLA/Coconut Wood Composite. In: ICMER 2021: Technological Advancement in Instrumentation & Human Engineering , 26-27 October 2021 , Virtual Conference, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 339-350., 882. ISBN 978-981-15-7309-5 (Published)

Jacob, Jeeja and Kumar Pandey, Adarsh Kumar and Nasrudin, Abd Rahim and Selvaraj, Jeyraj and Paul Nadakkal, John and Samykano, Mahendran and Saidur, Rahman Md (2022) Quantifying thermophysical properties, characterization, and thermal cycle testing of nano-enhanced organic eutectic phase change materials for thermal energy storage applications. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 248 (112008). pp. 1-11. ISSN 0927-0248. (Published)

Jacob, Jeeja and Pandey, Adarsh Kumar and Nasrudin, Abd Rahim and Selvaraj, Jeyraj A.L. and Samykano, Mahendran and Saidur, Rahman Md and Tyagi, Vineet Veer (2022) Concentrated Photovoltaic Thermal (CPVT) systems : Recent advancements in clean energy applications, thermal management and storage. Journal of Energy Storage, 45 (103369). pp. 1-25. ISSN 2352-152X. (Published)

Jayabharty, Mogan and Wan Sharuzi, Wan Harun and Ishak, Ismail and Fadhlur Rahman, Mohd Romlay (2022) Parameter influence on mechanical properties of ABS; using FDM. In: The 6th National Conference for Postgraduate Research (NCON-PGR 2022) , 15 November 2022 , Virtual Conference, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia. p. 68.. (Published)

Jia, Tanzhen and Zulkifli, Ahmad@Manap and Muhammad Amirul Afiq, Saidi and Mohamad Zairi, Baharom (2022) Development and effect of the body balance to the pressure sensor monitoring. In: IET Conference Proceedings. 3rd Innovative Manufacturing, Mechatronics and Materials Forum 2022, iM3F 2022 , 20 July 2022 , Pekan, Virtual. pp. 120-123., 2022 (12). ISSN 2732-4494 ISBN 978-183953704-2, 978-183953705-9, 978-183953718-9, 978-183953719-6, 978-183953742-4, 978-183953761-5, 978-183953776-9, 978-183953781-3, 978-183953788-2, 978-183953789-9, 978-183953799-8, 978-183953806-3 (Published)

Johari, N. A. and Juliawati, A. and Zanurin, A. and Mohamed, N. S. and Alang, N. A. and M. Zain, M. Z. (2022) Recent progress of self-healing coatings for magnesium alloys protection. Journal of Coatings Technology and Research, 19 (3). 757 -774. ISSN 1547-0091. (Published)

John Paul, Nadakkal and K., Kadirgama and Mahendran, Samykano and Saidur, R. and Pandey, A. K. and Mohan, R. V. (2022) An updated review on low-temperature nanocomposites with a special focus on thermal management in buildings. Energy Engineering, 119 (4). 1299 -1325. ISSN 0199-8595. (Published)

John Paul, Nadakkal and Kadirgama, Kumaran and Samykano, Mahendran (2022) Thermophysical characterization of paraffin/palmitic acid binary eutectic composite for thermal energy harvesting. In: The 6th National Conference for Postgraduate Research (NCON-PGR 2022) , 15 November 2022 , Virtual Conference, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia. p. 66.. (Published)


Kalidasan, B. and Pandey, Adarsh Kumar and Saidur, Rahman Md and Samykano, Mahendran and Tyagi, Vineet Veer (2022) Optical absorptivity and thermal conductivity analysis of silver nanoparticle dispersed salt hydrate PCM. In: 2022 IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy : Advancement in Power and Energy Systems towards Sustainable and Resilient Energy Supply, PECon 2022Pages 203 - 2082022; 9th IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy, PECon 2022 , 5 - 6 December 2022 , Langkawi, Kedah. pp. 328-332. (185592). ISBN 978-166540990-2 (Published)

Kalidasan, B. and Pandey, Adarsh Kumar and Saidur, Rahman Md and Yadav, Aman and Samykano, Mahendran and Tyagi, Vineet Veer (2022) Graphene–silver hybrid nanoparticle based organic phase change materials for enhanced thermal energy storage. Sustainability (Switzerland), 14 (13240). pp. 1-16. ISSN 2071-1050. (Published)

Kamil Khalili, Haji Abdullah and Nurizzatul Atikha, Rahmat and Khairun Adhani, Khairunizam (2022) Flow pattern around traditional malay house using enhanced smoke wire technique in a boundary layer wind tunnel. In: IET Conference Proceedings. 2022 Engineering Technology International Conference, ETIC 2022 , 7 - 8 September 2022 , Kuantan, Virtual. pp. 49-56., 2022 (22). ISSN 2732-4494 ISBN 978-183953782-0 (Published)

Kaniz, Farhana and Kumaran, Kadirgama and Mahamude, Abu Shadate Faisal and Mushfika, Tasnim Mica (2022) Energy consumption, environmental impact, and implementation of renewable energy resources in global textile industries: an overview towards circularity and sustainability. Materials Circular Economy, 4 (15). ISSN 2524-8154. (Published)

Kavinmugil, Kalaiselvan (2022) Degassing effect on nickel aluminum bronze alloy castings. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, Thesis advisor: Maarof, Mohd Rashidi).

Kesavarma, Seluraju (2022) Investigation of mechanical behavior and properties prediction modelling of copper-filled filament for 3d printing. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, Thesis advisor: Mahendran, Samykano).

Khairul, Mohd Arshad and Muhamad, Mat Noor and Asrulnizam, Abd Manaf and Kawarada, Hiroshi and Falina, Shaili and Mohd, Syamsul (2022) A comparative modelling study of new robust packaging technology 1mm2 VCSEL packages and their mechanical stress properties. Micromachines, 13 (1513). pp. 1-15. ISSN 2072-666X. (Published)

Khairul, Mohd Arshad and Muhamad, Mat Noor and Asrulnizam, Abd Manaf and Kawarada, Hiroshi and Shaili Falina, Mohd Sukri and Mohd Nasyriq, Syamsul (2022) A comparative modelling study of new robust packaging technology 1 mm2 VCSEL packages and their mechanical stress properties. Micromachines, 13 (1513). pp. 1-15. ISSN 2072-666X. (Published)

Khairulafizal, Sultan Ali and Mohd Nadzeri, Omar and Nasrul Hadi, Johari and Mohd Hasnun Ariff, Hassan (2022) A Study on the Wear Resistance and Lubrication Properties of Mixed Engine Oils. In: Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering; 2nd Energy Security and Chemical Engineering Congress (ESChE 2021) , 3 - 5 Nov 2021 , Virtual Conference. pp. 95-107.. ISSN 2195-4356 ISBN 978-981-19-4425-3 (Published)

Khamisa, Abdul Hamid and Wan Azmi, Wan Hamzah and Mohd Yusof, Taib and Mohd Farid, Ismail and Anwar Ilmar, Ramadhan (2022) Rheological properties of TiO2/POE nanolubricant for automotive air conditioning system. Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, 90 (1). pp. 10-22. ISSN 2289-7879. (Published)

Khan, Nida and K., Sudhakar and Mamat, Rizalman (2022) Thermogravimetric Analysis of Marine Macroalgae Waste Biomass as Bio-Renewable Fuel. Journal of Chemistry, 2022. pp. 1-9. ISSN 2090-9071. (Published)

Khan, Sanjay and Sudhakar, K. and Mohd Hazwan, Yusof (2022) Techno-Environmental Analysis of Facade Integrated Photovoltaics and Electric Vehicle Charging for University Building. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2022 (7186009). ISSN 1024-123X (print); 1563-5147 (online). (Published)

Khir, Hazim and Pandey, Adarsh Kumar and Saidur, Rahman Md and Muhammad, Shakeel Ahmad and Nasrudin, Abd Rahim and Dewika, M. and Samykano, Mahendran (2022) Recent advancements and challenges in flexible low temperature dye sensitised solar cells. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 53 (102745). pp. 1-23. ISSN 2213-1388. (Published)

Kirpichnikova, I.M. and Sudhakar, K. and Makhsumov, I.B. and Martyanov, A.S. and ShanmugaPriya, S. (2022) Thermal model of a photovoltaic module with heat-protective film. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 30. pp. 1-10. ISSN 2214-157X. (Published)

Kishore, D. J. Krishna and Mohamed, M. R. and Sudhakar, K. and Peddakapu, K. (2022) Grey wolf optimization and differential evolution-based maximum power point tracking controller for photovoltaic systems under partial shading conditions. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 44 (3). 6286 -6302. ISSN 1556-7036 (Print); 1556-7230 (Online). (Published)

Krishna Kishore, Dokala Janandra and Mohd Rusllim, Mohamed and Sudhakar, Kumarasamy and Peddakapu, kurukuri and D., Anantha koteswara Rao (2022) A hybrid PEO based maximum power point tracking controller for pv system under partial shading conditions. In: The 6th National Conference for Postgraduate Research (NCON-PGR 2022) , 15 November 2022 , Virtual Conference, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia. p. 63.. (Published)

Kumar R, Reji and A.K., Pandey and Samykano, Mahendran and Nath Mishra, Yogeshwar and R.V. Mohan, R.V. and Sharma, Kamal and Tyagi, V.V. (2022) Effect of surfactant on functionalized multi-walled carbon nano tubes enhanced salt hydrate phase change material. Journal of Energy Storage, 55 (105654). pp. 1-15. ISSN 2352-152X. (Published)

Kumaresan, Rajan and Mahendran, Samykano and Kumaran, Kadirgama and Wan Sharuzi, Wan Harun and Rahman, Md. Mustafizur (2022) Fused deposition modeling: process, materials, parameters, properties, and applications. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 120. pp. 1531-1570. ISSN 1433-3015 (Online); 0268-3768 (Printed). (Published)


L., Sandanamsamy and W. S. W., Harun and I., Ishak and F. R. M., Romlay and K., Kadirgama and D., Ramasamy and S. R. A., Idris and F., Tsumori (2022) A comprehensive review on fused deposition modelling of polylactic acid. Progress in Additive Manufacturing. pp. 1-25. ISSN 2363-9520. (Published)

Likhan, Das and Navid, Aslfattahi and Khairul, Habib and R., Saidur and Kashif, Irshad and Syed Mohd, Yahya and Kadirgama, K. (2022) Improved thermophysical characteristics of a new class of ionic liquid + diethylene glycol/Al2O3 + CuO based ionanofluid as a coolant media for hybrid PV/T system. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 36 (101518). pp. 1-19. ISSN 24519049. (Published)

Lu, Hongkun and Muhamad, Mat Noor and Kadirgama, Kumaran (2022) Numerical simulation of influence of eccentric needle movement on internal flow characteristics of groove-type voc nozzle. In: IET Conference Proceedings. 2022 Engineering Technology International Conference, ETIC 2022 , 7 - 8 September 2022 , Kuantan, Virtual. pp. 447-457., 2022 (22). ISSN 27324494 ISBN 978-183953782-0 (Published)

Luqman, Abdul Halim and Firdaus, Basrawi and Ahmmad Shukrie, Md Yudin and Nurul Aini, Mohd Azman and Oumer, Ahmed Nurye and Shamsul Bahri, Abd Razak (2022) Pulsation-assisted fluidised bed drying of heat-sensitive and sticky materials: effect of basic parameter, and pulsation-specific parameter. Particulate Science and Technology. pp. 1-14. ISSN 0272-6351 (Print); 1548-0046 (Online). (Published)

Luqman, Abdul Halim and Firdaus, Basrawi and Mohammad Wajdi, Ibrahim and Ahmmad Shukrie, Md Yudin and Nurul Aini, Mohd Azman (2022) Effect of Temperature on Drying Performance of Stingless Bee Pot-Pollen Using Swirling Fluidized Bed Dryer. In: 18th International Conference on Clean Energy (ICCE2022) , Borneo Convention Centre Kuching (BCCK), Sarawak , 27-27 July 2022. pp. 1-5.. (In Press / Online First) (In Press / Online First)

Luqman Hakim, Ahmad Shah and Hou, Wentao and Razmpoosh, Mohammad Hadi and Walbridge, Scott S. and Gerlich, Adrian P. (2022) Strain rate and microtexture analysis of rapid-quenched AA6061 friction stir welds produced with tool eccentricity. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 21. pp. 1434-1441. ISSN 2238-7854. (Published)


M., Faris and Fadhlur Rahman, Mohd Romlay and Akhtar Razul, Razali and M. R., Hanifah and A., Ghazali (2022) Electric vehicle drive specification modelling for three wheels scooter configuration. In: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. Innovative Manufacturing, Mechatronics and Materials Forum, iM3F 2021 , 20 September 2021 , Gambang. pp. 85-95., 900. ISSN 1876-1100 ISBN 978-981192094-3 (Published)

M., Faris and Fadhlur Rahman, Mohd Romlay and Akhtar Razul, Razali and M. R., Hanifah and A., Ghazali (2022) Electric vehicle drive specification modelling for three wheels scooter configuration. In: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering; Innovative Manufacturing, Mechatronics and Materials Forum, iM3F 2021 , 20 September 2021 , Gambang. pp. 85-95., 900 (277979). ISSN 1876-1100 ISBN 978-981192094-3 (Published)

M., Sandhya and D., Ramasamy and K., Kadirgama and W. S. W., Harun and R., Saidur (2022) Experimental study on properties of hybrid stable & surfactant-free nanofluids GNPs/CNCs (Graphene nanoplatelets/cellulose nanocrystal) in water/ethylene glycol mixture for heat transfer application. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 348 (118019). pp. 1-10. ISSN 0167-7322. (Published)

M. A, Muhammed Nor and A. F., Yusop and M. N., Omar and N. A., Abdul Hamid and W. M., Wan Mohamed (2022) Alternative railway tools and sustainability in RAMS: A review. In: Technological Advancement in Instrumentation & Human Engineering. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering book series (LNEE), 882 . Springer, Singapore, pp. 541-554. ISBN 978-981-19-1576-5 (Printed); 978-981-19-1577-2(Online)

M. F. F., Ab Rashid and N. M. Zuki, N. M. and Oumer, A. N. (2022) Modelling and optimization of energy efficient assembly line balancing using modified moth flame optimizer. International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (1). pp. 25-39. ISSN 2229-838X (Print); 2600-7916 (Online). (Published)

Ma, Quanjin and Rejab, M. R. M. and Abu Hassan, Shukur and Hu, Haichao and Kumar, A. Praveen (2022) Potentiality of MWCNT on 3D-printed bio-inspired spherical-roof cubic core under quasi-static loading. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 136 (105514). pp. 1-7. ISSN 1751-6161. (Published)

Ma, Quanjin and Rejab, M. R. M. and Azman, O. and Aleem, S. A. A. and Tung, N. A. and Asan, S. K. and Rahim, S. R. A. and Kumar, A. Praveen (2022) Development of the real-time winding angle measurement device for the laboratory-scale 3-axis winding machine. Materials Today: Proceedings. pp. 1-7. ISSN 2214-7853. (In Press / Online First) (In Press / Online First)

Mahamude, Abu Shadate Faisal and Muhamad Kamal, Kamarulzaman and Wan Sharuzi, Wan Harun and Kumaran, Kadirgama and Devarajan, Ramasamy and Farhana, Kaniz and Rosli, Abu Bakar and Yusaf, Talal and Subramanion, Sivarao and Yousif, Belal (2022) A Comprehensive Review on Efficiency Enhancement of Solar Collectors Using Hybrid Nanofluids. Energies, 15 (4). ISSN 1996-1073. (Published)

Mahamude, Abu Shadate Faisal and Wan Sharuzi, Wan Harun and Kumaran, Kadirgama and Devarajan, Ramasamy and Farhana, Kaniz and Salih, Khalid and Yusaf, Talal (2022) Experimental study on the efficiency improvement of flat plate solar collector using hybrid nanofluids graphene/waste cotton. Energies, 15 (2309). pp. 1-27. ISSN 1996-1073. (Published)

Manda, M. S. and M. R. M., Rejab and A.H, Shukur and S.S, Amirnuddin and M.K, Kasmar (2022) Analytical Model Evaluation on Tin Slag Polymer Concrete Behavior under Compression. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering (ICAME 21). International Conference on Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering (ICAME 21) , 16-18 December 2021 , India. . (Published)

Maoqi, Li and Ishak, M. I. and Peeie, M. H. (2022) A numerical simulation of vehicle dynamics behavior for a four-wheel steering vehicle with the passive control system. Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences (JMES), 16 (2). 8953 -8964. ISSN 2289-4659 (print); 2231-8380 (online). (Published)

Maoqi, Li and M. I., Ishak and P. M., Heerwan and Muhammad Aizzat, Zakaria (2022) An Approach to Neutral Steering of a 4WIS Vehicle with Yaw Moment Control. In: Enabling Industry 4.0 through Advances in Mechatronics: selected articles from iM3F 2021, Malaysia , 20 September 2021 , Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP). pp. 459-469., 900. ISBN 978-981-19-2095-0 (Published)

Mas Ayu, Hassan and Zubaidah, Zamri and Rosdi, Daud and Norizah, Redzuan and Izman, Sudin (2022) The Effect of PLA/HA Coating Thickness on Crack Formation and Corrosion Performance. In: Advanced Materials and Engineering Technologies. Advanced Structured Materials book series (STRUCTMAT), 162 . Springer, Cham, Cham, pp. 47-53. ISBN 978-3-030-92963-3 (Printed); 978-3-030-92964-0(Online)

Md Munirul, Hasan and Rahman, Md Mustafizur and Suraya, Abu Bakar and Islam, Mir Sujaul and Kabir, Muhammad Nomani (2022) An overview of effect of activation functions on training and performance of artificial neural network modelling. In: The 6th National Conference for Postgraduate Research (NCON-PGR 2022) , 15 November 2022 , Virtual Conference, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia. p. 115.. (Published)

Miminorazeansuhaila, Loman and Mohd Hafizi, Zohari (2022) Fatigue Detection on glass fibre reinforced polymer material using Fiber Bragg Grating sensor. In: Structural Integrity Cases in Mechanical and Civil Engineering. Structural Integrity, 23 (23). Springer, Cham, Springer. Cham, pp. 115-125. ISBN 978-3-030-85645-8 (Printed); 978-3-030-85646-5(Online)

Mohamad Faizal, Ridzwan and Saiful Anwar, Che Ghani and Goyal, A. (2022) Numerical analysis of internal flow in internally cooled cutting tool. In: The 6th National Conference for Postgraduate Research (NCON-PGR 2022) , 15 November 2022 , Virtual Conference, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia. p. 116.. (Published)

Mohamad Hafidzul Rahman, Alias (2022) Optimization of solenoid driver and controller for gaseous fuel high-pressure direct injector using model-based approach. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, Thesis advisor: Mohd Fadzil, Abdul Rahim).

Mohamad Izuan, Izzudin (2022) Investigation on performance, combustion and emission characteristics using biodiesel-butanol-water blends in diesel engine. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, Thesis advisor: Ahmad Fitri, Yusop).

Mohammad, Azeem and Hamdan, Haji Ya and Kumar, Mukesh and Stabla, Paweł and Smolnicki, Michal Jan and Gemi, Lokman and Khan, Rehan and Ahmed, Tauseef and Quanjin, Ma and Sadique, Rehan Rehan and Ainul Akmar, Mokhtar and Mazli, Mustapha (2022) Application of filament winding technology in composite pressure vessels and challenges : A review. Journal of Energy Storage, 49 (103468). ISSN 2352-152X. (Published)

Mohammad Syukur, Md Noh and Saiful Anwar, Che Ghani and Wan Sharuzi, Wan Harun (2022) Investigation the contribution of process areas to lower back pain among manual assembly workers in medical device industry. In: IET Conference Proceedings. 2022 Engineering Technology International Conference, ETIC 2022 , 7 - 8 September 2022 , Kuantan, Virtual. pp. 281-288., 2022 (22). ISSN 2732-4494 ISBN 978-183953782-0 (Published)

Mohd Amiruddin, Fikri and Wan Mohcd Faizal, Wan Ishak and Hasyiya Karimah, Adli and Rizalman, Mamat and Wan Azmi, Wan Hamzah and Anwar Ilmar, Ramadhan (2022) TiO2-SiO2 nanofluids mixture with W/EG for solar water heating system: Thermal conductivity analysis based on different ratios. In: AIP Conference Proceedings, International Conference on Bioengineering and Technology (IConBET2021) , 24-25 May 2021 , Kelantan, Malaysia. pp. 1-8., 2454 (040008). ISBN 978-0-7354-4193-4 (Published)

Mohd Azlan Fahmi, Muhammad Azmi and Mohd Fadzil, Abdul Rahim and Rizalman, Mamat (2022) Simulation of direct injection, mixing and combustion of CNG fuel in a single - cylinder engine with different injector orientations using CFD. In: IET Conference Proceedings. 2022 Engineering Technology International Conference, ETIC 2022 , 7 - 8 September 2022 , Kuantan, Virtual. pp. 83-90., 2022 (22). ISSN 2732-4494 ISBN 978-183953782-0 (Published)

Mohd Azri Hizami, Rasid (2022) Estimation of iron losses in a SynRM with segmented rotor. In: 1st IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Annual On-Line Conference, ONCON 2022. 1st IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Annual On-Line Conference, ONCON 2022 , 9 - 11 December 2022 , Kharagpur. pp. 1-6.. ISBN 979-835039806-9 (Published)

Mohd Azri Hizami, Rasid and Muhammad Nor Azril, Zulkafli and Daing Mohamad Nafiz, Daing Idris (2022) Evaluation of DC machine armature winding temperature estimation using temperature measured on brush and bearing. In: 1st IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Annual On-Line Conference, ONCON 2022. 1st IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Annual On-Line Conference, ONCON 2022 , 9 - 11 December 2022 , Kharagpur. pp. 1-6.. ISBN 979-835039806-9 (Published)

Mohd Azri Hizami, Rasid and Muhammad Nor Azril, Zulkafli and Daing Mohamad Nafiz, Daing Idris and Nurul Fatimah, Abdullah (2022) Experimental evaluation of temperature distribution in armature of a brushed dc machine using thermal imaging. In: 2022 International Conference on Electrical Machines, ICEM 2022 , 5-8 September 2022 , Valencia. pp. 1927-1933. (183486). ISBN 978-166541432-6 (Published)

Mohd Azrul Hisham, Mohd Adib and Rabiatul Aisyah, Ariffin and Mohd Hanafi, Abdul Rahim and Muhammad, Rais Rahim and Muhammad Shazzuan, Sharudin and Afif Awaluddin, Othman and Ahmad Hijran, Nasaruddin and Afiq Ikmal, Zahir and Idris Mat, Sahat and Nurul Shahida, Mohd Shalahim and Narimah, Daud and Nur Hazreen, Mohd Hasni (2022) Development of Physiotherapy-Treadmill (PhyMill) as Rehabilitation Technology Tools for Kid with Cerebral Palsy. In: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering; Innovative Manufacturing, Mechatronics and Materials Forum, iM3F 2020 , 6 August 2020 , Gambang, Kuantan. pp. 829-838., 730 (262829). ISSN 18761100 ISBN 978-981334596-6 (Published)

Mohd Azrul Hisham, Mohd Adib and Rahim, Md Abdur and Idris, Mat Sahat and Nur Hazreen, Mohd Hasni (2022) Pediatrics technology applications : Enhance the bilirubin jaundice (BiliDice) device for neonates using color sensor. In: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering; Innovative Manufacturing, Mechatronics and Materials Forum, iM3F 2020 , 6 August 2020 , Gambang, Kuantan. pp. 839-847., 730 (262829). ISSN 1876-1100 ISBN 978-981334596-6 (Published)

Mohd Fadzil Faisae, Ab Rashid and Muhammad Ammar, N. M. (2022) A novel Tiki-Taka algorithm to optimize hybrid flow shop scheduling with energy consumption. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 49 (2). pp. 189-200. ISSN 2539-6218. (Published)

Mohd Farid, Ismail (2022) Performance of polyvinyl ether based nanolubricants in residential air conditioning. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, Thesis advisor: Wan Azmi, Wan Hamzah).

Mohd Hafizi, Zohari (2022) Fiber Bragg Grating Gap Sensor as An Innovative Idea for Critical Flange Monitoring. FTKMA Bulletin, 3 . p. 16. ISSN 2773-594X

Mohd Hafizi, Zohari and Epin, Vorathin and Nur Ainaa Adhreena, Muhamad Shukri (2022) Turnkey fibre bragg grating interrogator for real-time static and dynamic monitoring applications. In: IET Conference Proceedings. 2022 Engineering Technology International Conference, ETIC 2022 , 7 - 8 September 2022 , Kuantan, Virtual. pp. 250-254., 2022 (22). ISSN 2732-4494 ISBN 978-183953782-0 (Published)

Mohd Hanafi, Abdul Rahim and Mohd Azrul Hisham, Mohd Adib and Mohamad Zairi, Baharom and Nur Hazreen, Mohd Hasni (2022) Infant-Wrap (InfaWrap) device as pediatric technology tool: The heart rate and SpO2 monitoring for neonates. In: 6th Kuala Lumpur International Conference on Biomedical Engineering 2021 , 28-29 July 2021 , Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. pp. 331-339., 86 (86). ISSN 1680-0737 (Printed); 1433-9277 (Online) ISBN 978-3-030-90723-5 (Printed); 978-3-030-90724-2 (Online) (Published)

Mohd Hanafi, Muhammad Sidik and Saiful Anwar, Che Ghani and Abdul, Nasir and Muhammad Nur Farhan, Saniman (2022) Evaluation of misclassification matrix method in validation of an assistive device for manual wheelchair propulsion. International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 70 (12). pp. 272-280. ISSN 2349-0918. (Published)

Mohd Harizan, Zul and M., Ishak and Aiman, Mohd Halil and Quazi, M. M. (2022) Fabrication of Superhydrophobic on Ti6Al4V by Using the Hybrid Process of Nanosecond Laser Texturing. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Energy Security and Chemical Engineering Congress. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. 2nd Energy Security and Chemical Engineering Congress (ESChE 2021) , 3-5 November 2021 , Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Virtual Conference). pp. 341-350.. ISSN 2195-4356 ISBN 978-981-19-4424-6 (Published)

Mohd Hilmy Naim, Mohd Yakin and Nik Abdullah, Nik Mohamed and Mohd Ruzaimi, Mat Rejab (2022) Effect of particle discretization and horizon size on the displacement and damage plot using bond-based peridynamics. In: Technological Advancement in Mechanical and Automotive Engineering. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering . Springer, Singapore, 881 -897. ISBN 978-981-19-1456-0

Mohd Hilmy Naim, Mohd Yakin and Nik Mohamed, Nik Abdullah and Mohd Ruzaimi, Mat Rejab and Nur A., Hashim (2022) 1D peridynamics subjected to quasi-static load with adaptive dynamic relaxation. Journal of Engineering and Technology (JET). pp. 1-4. ISSN 2180-3811. (In Press / Online First) (In Press / Online First)

Mohd Jamil M., Mokhtarudin and Wan Naimah, W. A. Naim and Abbas, Shabudin and Payne, Stephen J. (2022) Multiscale Modelling of Brain Tissue Oxygen and Glucose Dynamics in Tortuous Capillary during Ischaemia-Reperfusion. Applied Mathematical Modelling. ISSN 0307-904X. (In Press / Online First) (In Press / Online First)

Mohd Qayyum Akbar, Abdul Halim (2022) Development and characterisation of lanthanum-based bulk metallic glass (bmg) with localised ductilisation. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, Thesis advisor: Nik Abdullah, Nik Mohamed).

Mohd Rashidi, Maarof (2022) Processing of Customized Automotive and Oil and Gas Components – Nickel Aluminium Bronze and Aluminium Silicon Material by Using Metal Casting Techniques. FTKMA Bulletin, 3 . p. 29. ISSN 2773-594X

Mohd Rashidi, Maarof and Mohd Hasbullah, Idris and Shayfull Zamree, Abd Rahim and Asnul Hadi, Ahmad and Mohd Mustafa Al Bakri, Abdullah and Pietrusiewicz, Paweł and Nabiałek, Marcin G. and Garus, J. (2022) Microstructure and high temperature oxidation of modified ductile ni-resist alloy with higher manganese content. Acta Physica Polonica A, 142 (1). pp. 56-59. ISSN 0587-4246. (Published)

Mohd Ruzaimi, Mat Rejab (2022) UMP, HKA establish international collaboration in Dual Degree in Electrical Engineering Electronics. UMPSA News .

Mohd Ruzaimi, Mat Rejab (2022) UMP, HKA jalin kerjasama antarabangsa dalam Dual-Ijazah Kejuruteraan Elektrik Elektronik. UMPSA News .

Mohd Shamil, Shaari and Urai, Sylvia Dennis and Takahashi, Akiyuki and Mohd Akramin, Romlay (2022) Predicting fatigue crack growth behavior of coalesced cracks using the global-local superimposed technique. Frattura ed Integrita Strutturale, 16 (62). pp. 150-167. ISSN 1971-8993. (Published)

Mohd. Herzwan, Hamzah and Azri, Alias (2022) Heat Generation Inside Turbocharger Without External Heat Source. Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, 100 (2). pp. 47-59. ISSN 2289-7879. (Published)

Muhamad, Mat Noor (2022) Renewable Energy, A Tube Solar Collector using Nanofluids. FTKMA Bulletin, 3 . p. 30. ISSN 2773-594X

Muhamad Soffi, Manda and Mohd Ruzaimi, Mat Rejab and Shukur, Abu Hassan and Mat Uzir, Wahit and Selvi Binoj, Joseph and Brailson Mansingh, Bright and Siti Safarah, Amirnuddin and Ali, Alamry and Lim Goh, Kheng and Nurhadiyanto, Didik (2022) Tin slag polymer concrete strengthening by basalt and aramid fiber reinforced polymer confinement. Journal of Polymer Materials, 39 (3-4). pp. 241-253. ISSN 0976-3449, 0973-8622. (Published)

Muhammad Aizzuddin, Abdullah and Mohd Yusof, Taib and Wan Azmi, Wan Hamzah (2022) Performance study of ground heat exchanger based on thermal conductivity of hybrid soil. Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, 99 (2). 94 -107. ISSN 2289-7879. (Published)

Muhammad Arifuddin, Fitriady and Nurizzatul Atikha, Rahmat and Ahmad Faiz, Mohammad (2022) Numerical simulation on the elucidation of wake flow structure behind a single Quarter Elliptic-Wedge Spire. In: Engineering Technology International Conference 2022 (ETIC 2022) , 7 - 8 September 2022 , Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Pahang. pp. 1-9.. ISBN 978-1-83953-782-0 (Published)

Muhammad Azri, Muhammed Nor and Ahmad Fitri, Yusop and Mohd Adnin, Hamidi and Mohd Nadzeri, Omar and N. A., Abdul Hamid and W. M., Wan Mohamed (2022) Reliability, availability, maintainability and safety (RAMS) components and potential: A review. In: Proceedings of Malaysian Technical Universities Conference on Engineering and Technology (MUCET) 2021. 12th Malaysian Technical Universities Conference on Engineering and Technology (MUCET 2021) , 16-18 November 2021 , Melaka, Malaysia. pp. 188-189.. ISSN 2948-4413 (Published)

Muhammad Azri, Muhammed Nor and Ahmad Fitri, Yusop and Mohd Adnin, Hamidi and N. A., Abdul Hamid and W. M., Wan Mohamed (2022) Reliability, availability, maintainability and safety (rams) in railway’s assurance system and implementation challenges : A Review. In: The 6th National Conference for Postgraduate Research (NCON-PGR 2022) , 15 November 2022 , Virtual Conference, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia. p. 148.. (Published)

Muhammad Faez Mohamad, Tajudin and Asnul Hadi, Ahmad and Juliawati, Alias and Nur Azhani, Abd Razak and Nasrul Azuan, Alang (2022) Microstructure characteristic of aluminium 6061 semi-solid feedstock billet produced with direct thermal method. In: The 6th National Conference for Postgraduate Research (NCON-PGR 2022) , 15 November 2022 , Virtual Conference, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia. p. 76.. (Published)

Muhammad Fikri, Muhammad Azian and Jaliliantabar, Farzad and Abdul Adam, Abdullah (2022) Design and fabrication of Thermophoretic Soot sampling device. In: National Conference for Postgraduate Research 2022 , 15 Nov 2022 , Online Conference. pp. 1-9.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)

Muhammad Razif, Abdullah Make and Mohd Fadzil Faisae, Ab Rashid (2022) Optimization of two-sided assembly line balancing with resource constraints using modified particle swarm optimisation. Scientia Iranica, 29 (4). pp. 2084-2098. ISSN 1026-3098. (Published)

Muhammad Syamsul Imran, Zaini and Muzamir, Hasan and M. H., Mohd Ali (2022) Shear strength of soft soil reinforced with singular bottom ash column. In: The 6th National Conference for Postgraduate Research (NCON-PGR 2022) , 15 November 2022 , Virtual Conference, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia. p. 100.. (Published)

Muhammad Zikri, Japri (2022) Noise and vibration analysis in the diesel engine based on biodiesel usage. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, Thesis advisor: Mohd Shahrir, Mohd Sani).


N., Affaf and H.S., Wong and M. H., Aiman and M., Ishak and M. M., Quazi (2022) The Effect of Laser Power and Laser Scan Passes on Bending Angle of Stainless Steel AISI 304 Laser Bending. In: Technological Advancement in Mechanical and Automotive Engineering: ICMER 2021 , 26-27 October 2021 , Virtual Conference: Universiti Malaysia Pahang. pp. 899-907.. ISBN 978-981-19-1457-7 (Published)

N. A., Johari and J., Alias and A., Zanurin and N. S., Mohamed, and N. A., Alang and M. Z., M. Zain (2022) Recent progress of self-healing coatings for magnesium alloys protection. Journal of Coatings Technology and Research, 19 (3). pp. 757-774. ISSN 1547-0091. (Published)

N. F., Halim and M. F., Basrawi and N. A., Azman and S. A., Sulaiman and S. B. A., Razak (2022) The effect of temperature on low temperature vacuum drying with induced nucleate boiling for stingless bees honey. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, The International Postgraduate Conference on Mechanical Engineering (IPCME 2021) , 19-20 January 2021 , Pekan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-7., 1078 (012018). ISSN 1757-899X (Published)

N. W., Z. Abidin and N., Salim and M. F. F., Ab Rashid and N. M. Zuki, N. M. and Ahmad Nasser, Mohd Rose and Ahmad Redza, Ahmad Mokhtar (2022) Experimental of multi-holes drilling toolpath using particle swarm optimization and CAD-CAM software on PCB. In: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering; Innovative Manufacturing, Mechatronics and Materials Forum, iM3F 2020 , 6 August 2020 , Gambang, Kuantan. pp. 197-204., 730 (262829). ISSN 1876-1100 ISBN 978-981334596-6 (Published)

Nasrul Azuan, Alang (2022) Roofed-Motorcycle How Relevant is the Concept for Malaysias Climate. FTKMA Bulletin, 3 . p. 27. ISSN 2773-594X

Nasrul Hadi, Johari and Hamady, Mohamad S. and Xu, Xiaoyun (2022) Fluid-structure interaction study of the effect of stent on local hemodynamics parameters at the stented carotid artery bifurcation. Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology, 28 (2). pp. 247-255. ISSN 2462-1943. (Published)

Niellambare, N. and H. H., Mohamad and Erny Afiza, Alias and Nasrul Hadi, Johari (2022) Investigation on the effect of venturi geometry variation on microbubble generation. In: AIP Conference Proceedings. AIP Conference Proceedings; 2nd Energy Security and Chemical Engineering Congress, ESChE 2021 , 3 - 5 November 2021 , Gambang, Kuantan. pp. 1-10., 2610 (050009). ISSN 0094-243X ISBN 978-073544378-5 (Published)

Nor Syukriah, Khlaid and Mohd Firdaus, Hassan and Rahim, Muhammad Rais (2022) A modal-based approach for modelling the cantilever FBG accelerometer with the presence of tip mass and its sensitivity analysis. Optik, 271 (170209). pp. 1-16. ISSN 1618-1336. (Published)

Norhaida, Ab Razak and Davies, Catrin Mair (2022) Numerical simulation of creep notched bar of P91 steel. Frattura ed Integrit� Strutturale, 16 (62). pp. 261-270. ISSN 1971-8993. (Published)

Nugroho, Agus and Rizalman, Mamat and Z., Bo and Wan Azmi, Wan Hamzah and Muhamad Faisal, Ghazali and T. F., Yusaf (2022) Central composite design adoption for assessing the tio quality using response surface method. In: The 6th National Conference for Postgraduate Research (NCON-PGR 2022) , 15 November 2022 , Virtual Conference, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia. p. 46.. (Published)

Nugroho, Sri and Fitriyana, Deni Fajar and Ismail, Rifky and Nurcholis, Thesar Aditya and Cionita, Tezara and Siregar, Januar Parlaungan (2022) The effect of surface hardening on the HQ 705 steel camshaft using static induction hardening and tempering method. Automotive Experiences, 5 (3). pp. 343-354. ISSN 2615-6202. (Published)

Nur Ainaa Adhreena, Muhamad Shukri and Mohd Hafizi, Zohari and Epin, Vorathin (2022) Water temperature monitoring by using fiber bragg grating sensor. In: The 6th National Conference for Postgraduate Research (NCON-PGR 2022) , 15 November 2022 , Virtual Conference, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia. p. 56.. (Published)

Nur Anis Nabila, Mokhtar and Zahiruddeen Salam, Zahari and Dayangku Noorfazidah, Awang Sh'ri (2022) Enhanced mechanical and corrosion behavior of ultrafine- grained aluminium alloy coated with ZrO2 using sol-gel- assisted dip coating technique. In: International Conference On Bioengineering And Technology (IConBET2021) , 24 - 25 May 2021 , Kelantan, Malaysia. pp. 1-8., 2454 (060029). ISBN 978-0-7354-4193-4 (Published)

Nur Syafiqah, Nor Sofian and Luqman Hakim, Ahmad Shah (2022) Comparative study of submerged friction stir welding of aluminium alloy using different cooling medium. In: Engineering Technology International Conference (ETIC 2022) , 7 - 8 September 2022 , Virtually hosted by Universiti Malaysia Pahang. 97 -104.. ISBN 978-1-83953-782-0 (Published)

Nur Syahilia Syahira, Safie and Muhamad Nasir, Murad and Lih, Tan Chye and Azwan Iskandar, Azmi and Wan Azmi, Wan Hamzah and Mohd, Danish (2022) Roles of eco-friendly non-edible vegetable oils in drilling inconel 718 through minimum quantity lubrication. Lubricants, 10 (211). pp. 1-20. ISSN 2075-4442 (Online). (Published)

Nurhanis Sofiah, Abd Ghafar and Samykano, Mahendran and Shahabuddin, Syed and Pandey, Adarsh Kumar and Kadirgama, Kumaran and Said, Zafar and Sudhakar, Kumarasamy (2022) Copper (II) oxide nanoparticles as additives in RBD palm olein : Experimental analysis and mathematical modelling. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 363 (119892). ISSN 0167-7322. (Published)

Nurul Afiqah, Zainal and Muhammad Aizzat, Zakaria and Baarath, Kunjunni and Abdul Majeed, Anwar P. P. and Ahmad Fakhri, Ab Nasir and Papaioannou, Georgios (2022) Normal forces effects of a two in-wheel electric vehicle towards the human body. In: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering; Innovative Manufacturing, Mechatronics and Materials Forum, iM3F 2020 , 6 August 2020 , Gambang, Kuantan. pp. 693-701., 730 (262829). ISSN 1876-1100 ISBN 978-981334596-6 (Published)

Nurul Asyikin, Zainal and Kamal Zuhairi, Zamli (2022) Comparative study of fuzzy symbiotic organism search variants for pairwise test suite generation. In: IET Conference Proceedings. 2022 Engineering Technology International Conference, ETIC 2022 , 7 - 8 September 2022 , Kuantan, Virtual. pp. 91-96., 2022 (22). ISSN 2732-4494 ISBN 978-183953782-0 (Published)

Nurul M., Suhaimi and Zhang, Yixuan and Joseph, Mary and Kim, Miso and Parker, Andrea G. and Griffin, Jacqueline (2022) Investigating older adults' attitudes towards crisis informatics tools: Opportunities for enhancing. In: CHI '22: Proceedings of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems , 29 April - 5 May 2022 , New Orleans, LA, USA. pp. 1-16. (258). ISBN 978-145039157-3 (Published)

Nurul Nadia, Mohd Zawawi and Wan Hamzah, Azmi and Mohamad Redhwan, Abd Aziz and Ramadhan, Anwar Ilmar and Ali, Hafiz Muhammad (2022) Optimization of air conditioning performance with Al2O3-SiO/PAG composite nanolubricants using the response surface method. Lubricants, 10 (243). pp. 1-21. ISSN 2075-4442. (Published)

Nurul Nadia, Mohd Zawawi and Wan Hamzah, Azmi and Mohd Fairusham, Ghazali and Hafiz, Muhammad Ali (2022) Performance of air-conditioning system with different nanoparticle composition ratio of hybrid nanolubricant. Micromachines, 13 (1871). pp. 1-18. ISSN 2072-666X. (Published)

Nurul Shuhada, Mohamed and Juliawati, Alias (2022) Benzotriazole (BTA) as corrosion inhibitors encapsulated in the micro/nanocontainer for smart coating: A review. In: The 6th National Conference for Postgraduate Research (NCON-PGR 2022) , 15 November 2022 , Virtual Conference, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia. p. 58.. (Published)

Nurul Suraya, Azahari (2022) Archimedes screw turbine model simulation on the effect of external and internal design parameters in power generation. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, Thesis advisor: Ummu Kulthum, Jamaluddin).

Nurulfadzilah, Hasan and Nurul Hazlina, Noordin and Mohamad Shaiful, Abdul Karim and Nurhafizah, Abu Talip Yusof and Mohd Ruzaimi, Mat Rejab (2022) Epoxy-Barium titanate nanocomposite fabrication process and dielectric properties at S and G band. In: IET Conference Proceedings. 2022 Engineering Technology International Conference, ETIC 2022 , 7 - 8 September 2022 , Kuantan, Virtual. pp. 238-243., 2022 (22). ISSN 2732-4494 ISBN 978-183953782-0 (Published)

Nurulfadzilah, Hassan and Nurul Hazlina, Noordin and Mohamad Shaiful, Abdul Karim and Nurhafizah, Abu Talip Yusof and Mohd Ruzaimi, Mat Rejab (2022) Epoxy-barium titanate nanocomposite fabrication process and dielectric properties at S and G band. In: IET Conference Proceedings. Engineering Technology International Conference, ETIC 2022 , 7 - 8 September 2022 , Virtual, Online. pp. 238-243., 2022 (22). ISSN 2732-4494 ISBN 978-1-83953-782-0 (Published)


Pandey, Ashutosh K. and Kalidasan, B. and Reji Kumar, Rajamony and Rahman, Saidur and Tyagi, Vineet Veer and Krismadinata, Krismadinata and Said, Zafar and Salam, P. Abdul and Juanico, Dranreb Earl and Ahamed, Jamal Uddin and Sharma, Kamal and Samykano, Mahendran and Tyagi, S.K. (2022) Solar energy utilization techniques, policies, potentials, progresses, challenges and recommendations in asean countries. Sustainability (Switzerland), 14 (11193). pp. 1-26. ISSN 2071-1050. (Published)

Parvez, M. S. and Rahman, M. M. and Mahendran, Samykano and Ali, M. Y. (2022) Morphological analysis of Polyaniline (PANI) integrated cotton fabric. In: Engineering Technology International Conference (ETIC 2022) , 7 - 8 September 2022 , Virtually hosted by Universiti Malaysia Pahang. pp. 113-117.. ISBN 978-1-83953-782-0 (Published)

Paul, John and A. K., Pandey and Mishra, Yogeshwar Nath and Said, Zafar and Mishra, Yogendra Kumar and Ma, Zhenjun and Jacob, Jeeja and K., Kadirgama and M., Samykano and V. V., Tyagi (2022) Nano-enhanced organic form stable PCMs for medium temperature solar thermal energy harvesting: Recent progresses, challenges, and opportunities. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 161 (112321). pp. 1-28. ISSN 1364-0321. (Published)

Paul, John and K., Kadirgama and M., Samykano and A. K., Pandey and V. V., Tyagi (2022) A comprehensive review on thermophysical properties and solar thermal applications of organic nano composite phase change materials. Journal of Energy Storage, 45 (103415). pp. 1-32. ISSN 2352-152X. (Published)

Pi Remli, M. A. and Ghazali, M. F. and Yusof, M. F.M. and Yusop, Muhammad Hanafi and Wai, Sit Kian and Sidek, Sufian and Najafi, G. (2022) Pipeline fault identification using synchrosqueezed wavelet transform based on pressure transient analysis. Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, 96 (2). pp. 158-171. ISSN 2289 - 7879. (Published)


Quanjin, Ma and Mohd Ruzaimi, Mat Rejab and Muhammad Syafiq, Idris (2022) Dataset of the lab-scale 3-axis winding machine integrated with the portable real-time winding angle measurement system. Data in Brief, 45 (108731). pp. 1-6. ISSN 2352-3409. (Published)


R., Reji Kumar and M., Samykano and W. K., Ngui and A. K., Pandey and B, Kalidasan and K., Kadirgama and V. V., Tyagi (2022) Investigation of thermal performance and chemical stability of graphene enhanced phase change material for thermal energy storage. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 128 (103250). pp. 1-7. ISSN 1474-7065. (Published)

Rabiatul Aisyah, Ariffin and Mohd Azrul Hisham, Mohd Adib and Nurul Shahida, Mohd Shalahim and Narimah, Daud and Nur Hazreen, Mohd Hasni (2022) The Treatment Impact of Partial Body Weight Supported Treadmill (PBWST) on Cerebral Palsy Kid Using Physio-Treadmill (PhyMill): A Case Study. In: 6th Kuala Lumpur International Conference on Biomedical Engineering 2021 , 28-29 July 2021 , Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. pp. 269-276., 86 (277179). ISBN 978-3-030-90723-5 (Published)

Radzuan, N. Q. and Mohd Hasnun Ariff, Hassan and Abu Kassim, K. A. and Ab. Rashid, A. A. and Mohd Razelan, Intan Suhana and Othman, N. A. (2022) The association of socio-demographic characteristics towards driver behaviour and traffic fatality in Selangor, Malaysia. In: Proceedings of HUMENS 2021. Human Engineering Symposium, HUMENS 2021 , 22 February 2021 - 22 February 2021 , Virtual Online. pp. 395-405.. ISSN 2195-4364 ISBN 978-981164114-5 (Published)

Rajan, Kumaresan and Jeevendran, Kananathan and Samykano, Mahendran and Kadirgama, Kumaran and Avinash, M. Badadhe (2022) Parameter influence on the tensile properties of FDM printed PLA/ coconut wood. In: The 6th National Conference for Postgraduate Research (NCON-PGR 2022) , 15 November 2022 , Virtual Conference, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia. p. 42.. (Published)

Reji, Kumar R and M., Samykano and W. K., Ngui and A.K., Pandey and Kalidasan, B and K., Kadirgama and V.V., Tyagi (2022) Investigation of thermal performance and chemical stability of graphene enhanced phase change material for thermal energy storage. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 128 (103250). pp. 1-7. ISSN 1474-7065. (Published)

Reji Kumar, R. and M., Samykano and A. K., Pandey and K., Kadirgama and Tyagi, V. V. (2022) A comparative study on thermophysical properties of functionalized and non-functionalized multi-walled carbon nano tubes (MWCNTs) enhanced salt hydrate phase change material. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 240 (111697). pp. 1-11. ISSN 0927-0248. (Published)

Reji Kumar, R. and M., Samykano and Pandey, A. K. and Said, Zafar and K., Kadirgama and Tyagi, V. V. (2022) Experimental investigations on thermal properties of copper (II) oxide nanoparticles enhanced inorganic phase change materials for solar thermal energy storage applications. In: 2022 Advances in Science and Engineering Technology International Conferences, ASET 2022 , 21-24 February 2022 , Dubai, UAE. pp. 1-6.. ISBN 978-166541801-0 (Published)

Romli, N. K. and Rejab, M. R. M. and Jiang, X. X. and Soffie, S. M. and Ishak, M. (2022) Mechanical response of galvanised steel sandwich structure with different numbers of web core and different spacing distance of web plate under bending load. Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences (JMES), 16 (4). 9289 -9306. ISSN 2289-4659 (print); 2231-8380 (online). (Published)

Rosdi, Daud and Nurazlina, Sulaeman and Mas Ayu, Hassan and Arman Shah, Abdullah (2022) Prediction of Malaysian Talus Bone Morphology Using Artificial Intelligence. In: Advanced Materials and Engineering Technologies. Advanced Structured Materials book series (STRUCTMAT), 162 . Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, Springer Link Malaysia, pp. 29-37. ISBN 978-3-030-92963-3 (Printed); 978-3-030-92964-0(Online)

Rosli, M. Arif Fikri and Pandey, A. K. and Samykano, M. and Kadirgama, K. and George, Mathew and Saidur, R. and Selvaraj, Jeyraj and Abd Rahim, Nasrudin and Sharma, Kamal and Tyagi, V. V. (2022) Thermal conductivity, reliability, and stability assessment of phase change material (PCM) doped with functionalized multi-wall carbon nanotubes (FMWCNTs). Journal of Energy Storage, 50 (104676). pp. 1-11. ISSN 2352-152X. (Published)

Rosli, M. Arif Fikri and Samykano, M. and Pandey, A. K. and Kadirgama, K. and Reji Kumar, R. and Selvaraj, Jeyraj and Abd Rahim, Nasrudin and Tyagi, V. V. and Sharma, Kamal and Saidur, R. (2022) Recent progresses and challenges in cooling techniques of concentrated photovoltaic thermal system: A review with special treatment on phase change materials (PCMs) based cooling. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 241 (111739). pp. 1-33. ISSN 0927-0248. (Published)


S. F., Iskandar and Mas Ayu, Hassan and Rosdi, Daud and Siti Haryani, Tomadi and A., Shah (2022) Finite element study : Effect of emergency brake on total knee arthroplasty. In: IET Conference Proceedings. 2022 Engineering Technology International Conference, ETIC 2022 , 7 - 8 September 2022 , Kuantan, Virtual. pp. 221-225., 2022 (22). ISSN 2732-4494 ISBN 978-183953782-0 (Published)

S. K., Selvamani and W. K., Ngui and K., Rajan and M., Samykano and R., Reji Kumar and Badadhe, Avinash M. (2022) Investigation of bending and compression properties on PLA-brass composite using FDM. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 128 (103251). pp. 1-8. ISSN 1474-7065. (Published)

Saedi, Azrin and Mohd Shahrin, Abu Hanifah and Hilmi Hela, Ladin and Mohamad Heerwan, Peeie and Halim, Ghafar (2022) DNR optimization for loss reduction and voltage stability considering EV charging load. In: 2022 IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy : Advancement in Power and Energy Systems towards Sustainable and Resilient Energy Supply, PECon 2022Pages 203 - 2082022; 9th IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy, PECon 2022 , 5 - 6 December 2022 , Langkawi, Kedah. pp. 351-355. (185592). ISBN 978-166540990-2 (Published)

Saffirna, M.S. and Jiang, X.X. and M.R., M.Rejab and Lim, K.S and N.N., Guo and Wang, Bangle (2022) A study on simulation analysis for laser-welded I-core sandwich plate with different material properties and T-joint weld characteristic. In: 1st International Conference on Computations in Materials and Applied Engineering – 2021 , 10/05/2021 , Nehru Nagar, Ghaziabad, India. pp. 276-285., 51 (1). ISSN 2214-7853 (Published)

Saffirna, Mohd Soffie Suppiah (2022) Study on failure maps of laser-welded I-core sandwich plates. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, Thesis advisor: Mohd Ruzaimi, Mat Rejab).

Sakinah, Muhamad Hisham (2022) Thermophysical properties and tribological behavior of hybrid cellulose nanocrystal copper (ii) oxide (cnc-cuo) as lubricant additives. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, Thesis advisor: Kumaran, Kadirgama).

Samykano, Mahendran (2022) Role of phase change materials in thermal energy storage : Potential, recent progress and technical challenges. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 52 (102234). pp. 1-29. ISSN 2213-1388. (Published)

Samylingam, Lingenthiran and Kadirgama,, Kumaran and Aslfattahi, Navid and Samykano, M. (2022) Comparison of physical properties enhancement in various heat transfer nanofluids by MXene. In: Advances in Nanofluid Heat Transfer. Elsevier, Saudi Arabia, pp. 131-150. ISBN 9780323886420 (Printed) 9780323886567 (Online)

Sandanamsamy, L. and Wan Sharuzi, Wan Harun and Ishak, Ismail and Fadhlur Rahman, Mohd Romlay (2022) Investigation of mechanical properties of 3d-printed polylactic acid (PLA). In: The 6th National Conference for Postgraduate Research (NCON-PGR 2022) , 15 November 2022 , Virtual Conference, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia. p. 69.. (Published)

Sanderasagran, A. N. and Azizuddin, Abd Aziz and Oumer, A. N. and Idris, Mat Sahat (2022) Alternative method of nature inspired geometrical design strategy for drag induced wind turbine blade morphology. International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering (IJAME), 19 (2). pp. 9759-9772. ISSN 2229-8649 (Print); 2180-1606 (Online). (Published)

Sani, M. S. M. and Abdul Wahab, M. A. and Abdullah, N. A. Z. and Asri, M. N. A. M. (2022) Structural dynamic analysis of a frame structure with different sets of bolted joints. In: AIP Conference Proceedings; 2nd International Colloquium on Computational & Experimental Mechanics, (ICCEM 2021) , 29-30 July 2021 , Online. pp. 1-8., 2545 (0200020). ISSN 0094-243X (Published)

Sani, M. S. M. and Abdullah, N. A. Z. and Asri, M. N. A. M. (2022) Variance analysis of dynamic properties for multiple top-hat section crash box structure. In: AIP Conference Proceedings; 2nd International Colloquium on Computational & Experimental Mechanics, (ICCEM 2021) , 29-30 July 2021 , Online. pp. 1-7., 2545 (020027). ISSN 0094-243X (Published)

Sani, M. S. M. and Wei, J. X. and Asri, M. N. A. M. and Abdullah, N. A. Z. (2022) Investigation on vibration analysis of beam structure with different types of joints. In: AIP Conference Proceedings; 2nd International Colloquim on Computational & Experimental Mechanics, (ICCEM) 2021 , 29 - 30 July 2021 , Online. pp. 1-11., 2545 (020016). ISSN 0094-243X (Published)

Sani, M. S. M. and Zikri, J. M. and Abdullah, A. A. (2022) Noise emission analysis in diesel engine with the palm oil methyl ester as a substitution fuel. In: AIP Conference Proceedings; 2nd International Colloquium on Computational and Experimental Mechanics, ICCEM 2021 , 29 - 30 July 2021 , Virtual, Online. pp. 1-8., 2545 (020015). ISSN 0094-243X (Published)

Sani, M.S.M. and Asri, M. N. A. M. and Abdullah, N. A. Z. (2022) The effect of model updating of crash box structures with trigger mechanisms towards the crashworthiness output of the structures. In: AIP Conference Proceedings; 2nd International Colloquium on Computational and Experimental Mechanics, ICCEM 2021 , 29 - 30 July 2021 , Virtual, Online. pp. 1-10., 2545 (020014). ISSN 0094-243X ISBN 978-073544227-6 (Published)

Sarbani, Daud and Mohd Adnin, Hamidi and Rizalman, Mamat (2022) Design of experiment to predict the effects of graphene nanoplatelets addition to diesel engine performance. Automotive Experiences, 5 (3). pp. 467-476. ISSN 2615-6202. (Published)

Sari, Alvika Meta and Ramadhan, Anwar Ilmar and Wan Hamzah, Azmi and Rahardja, Istianto Budhi and Hendrawati, Tri Yuni and Umar, Efrizon and Salsabila, Mutiara (2022) The effect of ultrasonication temperature on yield nanocellulose powder from empty palm oil bunches. In: The 6th National Conference for Postgraduate Research (NCON-PGR 2022) , 15 November 2022 , Virtual Conference, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia. p. 223.. (Published)

Sean, Kendrick Soh and Adam, A. M. and Mohd Akramin, Mohd Romlay and Mohd Shamil, Shaari (2022) Fatigue analysis of steering rack and pinion system. In: IET Conference Proceedings. 2022 Engineering Technology International Conference, ETIC 2022 , 7 - 8 September 2022 , Kuantan, Virtual. pp. 136-141., 2022 (22). ISSN 2732-4494 ISBN 978-183953782-0 (Published)

Sharifah Norsakinah, Syed Zainal Abidin and Wan Hamzah, Azmi and Ramadhan, Anwar Ilmar and Nurul Nadia, Mohd Zawawi (2022) Comprehensive review of nanoparticles dispersion technology for automotive surfaces. Automotive Experiences, 5 (3). pp. 304-327. ISSN 2615-6202. (Published)

Siti Nor Amira, Rosli and Wen Liu, Wei and Norhaida, Ab. Razak (2022) Comparison of graphene oxide properties synthesized by electrochemical exfoliation and hummers’ method. In: The 6th National Conference for Postgraduate Research (NCON-PGR 2022) , 15 November 2022 , Virtual Conference, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia. p. 81.. (Published)

Siti Norsyahira, Mohd Zahari and Nor Atiqah, Zolpakar and Mimi Muzlina, Mukri (2022) The prospective of particle image velocimetry (PIV) measurement velocity profile in thermoacoustic system. In: Eurasia Proceedings of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics; International Conference on Technology, Engineering and Science, IConTES 2022 , 16 - 19 November 2022 , Antalya, Turkey. pp. 70-78., 21. ISSN 2602-3199 ISBN 978-605728324-5 (Published)

Siti Norsyahira, Mohd Zahari and Nor Atiqah, Zolpakar and Nurrizatul Atikha, Rahmat (2022) Flow pattern analysis for oscillatory flow inside resonator tube for thermoacoustic refrigerator using PIV measurement. In: Eurasia Proceedings of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics; International Conference on Technology, Engineering and Science, IConTES 2022 , 16 - 19 November 2022 , Antalya, Turkey. pp. 18-26., 21. ISSN 2602-3199 ISBN 978-605728324-5 (Published)

Siti Nursyuhada, Mahsahirun and Nik Rumzi, Nik Idris and Zulkifli, Md. Yusof and Sutikno, Tole (2022) Non-parametric induction motor rotor flux estimator based on feed-forward neural network. International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems, 13 (2). pp. 1229-1237. ISSN 2088-8694. (Published)

Siti Rabiatull Aisha, Idris (2022) Commercial Diving A Career Path Worths a Consideration. FTKMA Bulletin, 3 . p. 28. ISSN 2773-594X

Siti Rabiatull Aisha, Idris and Nabila, Tamar Jaya and Muhammad Asyraf, Abdullah (2022) The Effect of Laser Soldering onto Intermetallic Compound Formation, Growth. In: Recent Progress in Lead-Free Solder Technology. Springer, Switzerland AG, pp. 265-282. ISBN 978-3-030-93441-5

Solechan, Solechan and Suprihanto, Agus and Widyanto, Susilo Adi and Triyono, Joko and Fitriyana, Deni Fajar and Siregar, Januar Parlaungan and Cionita, Tezara (2022) Investigating the effect of pcl concentrations on the characterization of pla polymeric blends for biomaterial applications. Materials, 15 (7396). pp. 1-13. ISSN 1996-1944. (Published)

Sreenath, S. and Azlin, Mohd Azmi and Nofri Yenita, Dahlan and Sudhakar, Kumarasamy (2022) A decade of solar PV deployment in ASEAN : Policy landscape and recommendations. Energy Reports, 8. pp. 460-469. ISSN 2352-4847. (Published)

Srivastava, Shashwat and Shet, Sachin P. and Priya, S. Shanmuga and Sudhakar, Kumarasamy and Tahir, Muhammad Suleman (2022) Molecular simulation of copper based metal-organic framework (Cu-MOF) for hydrogen adsorption. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 47 (35). pp. 15820-15831. ISSN 0360-3199. (Published)

Sudhakar, K. (2022) UMP Excels in The Research Area of PV Module Cooling. FTKMA Bulletin, 3 . p. 28. ISSN 2773-594X

Sumanto, . and Acim, Maulana and Dodi, Mulyadi and Khoirudin, . and Siswanto, . and Sukarman, . and Ade, Suhara and Safril, . (2022) Enhancement material removal rate optimization of sinker EDM process parameters using a rectangular graphite electrode. Jurnal Optimasi Sistem Industri, 21 (2). pp. 87-96. ISSN 2442-8795. (Published)

Syh Kai, Lim and Wan Hamzah, Azmi and Ahmad Shahir, Jamaludin and Ahmad Razlan, Yusoff (2022) Characteristics of Hybrid Nanolubricants for MQL Cooling lubrication machining application. Lubricants, 10 (350). pp. 1-19. ISSN 2075-4442 (Online). (Published)

Syukran Hakim, Norazman and Erny Afiza, Alias and Izzati Salwani, Zaidi (2022) Simulation of microbubble reconstruction using compressive holography. In: IET Conference Proceedings. 2022 Engineering Technology International Conference, ETIC 2022 , 7 - 8 September 2022 , Kuantan, Virtual. pp. 198-202., 2022 (22). ISSN 2732-4494 ISBN 978-183953782-0 (Published)


Talal, Yusaf and Mohamd, Laimon and Waleed, Alrefae and Kadirgama, Kumaran and Hayder A., Dhahad and Ramasamy, Devarajan and Mohd Kamal, Kamarulzaman and Belal, Yousif (2022) Hydrogen energy demand growth prediction and assessment (2021–2050) using a system thinking and system dynamics approach. Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 12 (2). pp. 1-16. ISSN 2076-3417. (Published)

Tan, F. Y. and Hassan, M. H. A. and Johari, N. H. and Omar, M. N. and Hasanudin, I. (2022) The effect of wearing soccer headgear on the head response in soccer heading. International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering (IJAME), 19 (4). 10112--10120. ISSN 2229-8649 (Print); 2180-1606 (Online). (Published)

Turiman, Sharul Nizam and Ahmad, Zulkifli and Johari, N. H. (2022) Sprint performance in rugby players: A systematic review. In: Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering; Human Engineering Symposium, HUMENS 2021 , 22 February 2021 , Virtual Conference. 253 -266.. ISSN 2195-4356 ISBN 978-981164114-5 (Published)


Ul Ferdous, Imam and Nasrul Azuan, Alang and Juliawati, Alias (2022) A review on creep deformation and damage mechanism of grade 91/92 steels. In: The 6th National Conference for Postgraduate Research (NCON-PGR 2022) , 15 November 2022 , Virtual Conference, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia. p. 159.. (Published)

Urmi, W. T. and M. M., Rahman and Safiei, W. and Kadirgama, K. and Maleque, M. A. (2022) Effects of minimum quantity lubrication technique in different machining. Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, 90 (2). 135 -159. ISSN 2289-7879. (Published)

Usaid, Ahmed Shakil and Shukur, Hj. Abu Hassan and Mohd Yazid, Yahya and Mohd Ruzaimi, Mat Rejab (2022) A focused review of short electrospun nanofiber preparation techniques for composite reinforcement. Nanotechnology Reviews, 11 (1). pp. 1991-2014. ISSN 2191-9089. (Published)


Vignesh, P. and Jayaseelan, Veerasundram and Pugazhendiran, P. and Prakash, M. Sathya and Sudhakar, Kumarasamy (2022) Nature-inspired nano-additives for Biofuel application – A Review. Chemical Engineering Journal Advances, 12 (100360). pp. 1-13. ISSN 2666-8211. (Published)


W., Anggono and M. M., Noor and S., Liao and K., Sanka and G. J., Gotama and Sutrisno, . and F. D., Suprianto (2022) Effects of extraction methods on the fuel characteristics and diesel engine performances of jatropha curcas biodiesel. Science and Engineering Ethics, 84 (4). pp. 29-39. ISSN 1353-3452 (Print); 1471-5546 (Online). (Published)

Wajiha Tasnim, Urmi and Rahman, Md Mustafizur and Wahaizad, Safiei and Kumaran, Kadirgama and Md Abdul, Maleque (2022) Effects of minimum quantity lubrication technique in different machining processes - a comprehensive review. Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, 90 (2). pp. 135-159. ISSN 2289-7879. (Published)

Wan Muhammad Aliff, Wan Mohd Jailani and Mohd Fadhlan, Mohd Yusof and Quazi, Moinuddin Mohammed and Halil, M.A. and Mahadzir, Ishak@Muhammad (2022) Study of the correlation between the surface roughness and the characteristic of the acoustic signal from laser texturing process. In: IET Conference Proceedings. 2022 Engineering Technology International Conference, ETIC 2022 , 7 - 8 September 2022 , Kuantan, Virtual. pp. 512-516., 2022 (22). ISSN 2732-4494 ISBN 978-183953782-0 (Published)

Wan Muhammad Noor Sarbani, Mat Daud (2022) Graphene additive effects on diesel blend fuels for performance, combustion and emissions on diesel engine. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, Thesis advisor: Mohd Adnin, Hamidi).

Wan Nur Azhani, Wan Samsudin and Mohd Harizan, Zul and Mohd Zamri, Ibrahim and Rohana, Abdul Karim (2022) Kelulut honey-filled pots detection using image processing based techniques. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 28 (2). pp. 1028-1036. ISSN 2502-4752. (Published)

Wan Nur Azhani, Wan Samsudin and Mohd Harizan, Zul and Mohd Zamri, Ibrahim and Rohana, Abdul Karim and Wan Norhamidah, Wan Ibrahim (2022) Zebrafish larvae locomotor activity detection using Convolutional NeuraL Network (CNN). In: IET Conference Proceedings. 2022 Engineering Technology International Conference, ETIC 2022 , 7 - 8 September 2022 , Kuantan, Virtual. pp. 130-135., 2022 (22). ISSN 2732-4494 ISBN 978-183953782-0 (Published)

Wan Nurlisa, Wan Ahmad and Mohd Azrul Hisham, Mohd Adib and Sut Txi, Mon Redee (2022) Enhanced the anxiety monitoring system among athletes with IoT for sports performance : A review. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 22 (344). pp. 2700-2707. ISSN 2247-8051. (Published)

Wan Ruslan, Wan Yusoff and Ismayuzri, Ishak and Fadhlur Rahman, Mohd Romlay (2022) Cubic spline interpolations in CNC machining. In: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering; Innovative Manufacturing, Mechatronics and Materials Forum, iM3F 2020 , 6 August 2020 , Gambang, Kuantan. pp. 253-261., 730 (262829). ISSN 1876-1100 ISBN 978-981334596-6 (Published)

Wiyanto, Henny and Makarim, Chaidir Anwar and Gondokusumo, Onnyxiforus and Siregar, Januar Parlaungan and Irawan, Agustinus Purna and Cionita, Tezara and Najid, Najid (2022) Determining concrete structure condition rating based on concrete compressive strength. Buildings, 12 (776). pp. 1-13. ISSN 2075-5309. (Published)


X. X., Jiang and M. S., Saffirna and M. R. M., Rejab and N. K., Romli and Quanjin, Ma (2022) Experiment on different T-joint characteristics for laser-welded I-core galvanized steel sandwich plates. In: Materials Today: Proceedings, 4th Online International Conference on Science & Engineering of Material (ICSEM-2021) , 19 - 22 July 2021 , Virtual Conference, India. pp. 1179-1185., 60 (Part 2). ISSN 2214-7853 (Published)

Xu, Leilei and Treacy, Mark and Zhang, Yan and Amir, Aziz and Tunér, Martin and Bai, Xue Song (2022) Comparison of efficiency and emission characteristics in a direct-injection compression ignition engine fuelled with iso-octane and methanol under low temperature combustion conditions. Applied Energy, 312 (118714). pp. 1-14. ISSN 0306-2619. (Published)


Yaacob, R. M. and Abdullah, N. A. Z. and Sani, M. S. M. (2022) Structural model updating of bolted joints in dissimilar material structure. In: AIP Conference Proceedings; 2nd International Colloquium on Computational and Experimental Mechanics, ICCEM 2021 , 29 - 30 July 2021 , Virtual, Online. pp. 1-10., 2545 (020017). ISSN 0094-243X (Published)

Yus Erny Amirah, Mohd Yusof and Muhammad Afiq, Ahmad and Aiman, M. H. and Moinuddin, Mohammed Quazi and Mahadzir, Ishak (2022) Effect of laser frequency and focal length on copper surface temperature during laser heating. In: International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research (ICMER): Technological Advancement in Mechanical and Automotive Engineering. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering book series (LNME) . Springer Singapore, Singapore, pp. 839-846. ISBN 978-981-19-1457-7 (Online); 978-981-19-1456-0 (Printed)

Yusaf, Talal and Mahamude, Abu Shadate Faisal and Farhana, Kaniz and Wan Sharuzi, Wan Harun and Kadirgama, Kumaran and Ramasamy, Devarajan and Mohd Kamal, Kamarulzaman and Subramonian, Sivarao and Hall, Steve and Dhahad, Hayder Abed (2022) A comprehensive review on graphene nanoparticles : Preparation, properties, and applications. Sustainability (Switzerland), 14 (12336). pp. 1-32. ISSN 2071-1050. (Published)

Yusaf, Talal F. and Mohd Kamal, Kamarulzaman and Abdul Adam, Abdullah and Sakinah, Muhamad Hisham and Ramasamy, Devarajan and Kadirgama, Kumaran and Samykano, Mahendran and Subramaniam, Sivaraos (2022) Physical-chemical properties modification of hermetia illucens larvae oil and diesel fuel for the internal combustion engines application. Energies, 15 (8073). pp. 1-17. ISSN 1996-1073. (Published)


Zahari, Mohamad and Amir, Abdul Razak and Krishnan, Santhana and Singh, Lakhveer and Zularisam, A.W. and Mohd Nasrullah, Zulkifli (2022) Treatment of palm oil mill effluent using electrocoagulation powered by direct photovoltaic solar system. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 177. pp. 578-582. ISSN 0263-8762. (Published)

Zaifuddin, A. Q. and Afiq, M. D. and Aiman, M. H. and Quazi, M. M. and Mahadzir, I. (2022) Effect of laser surface modification on SS316L surface roughness and laser heating temperature. In: Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering; International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research, ICMER 2021 , 26 - 27 October 2021 , Virtual Conference. pp. 959-969.. ISBN 978-981-19-1457-7 (Published)

Zamzuri, Hamedon and Ammar Zakwan, Abdullah and Ismayuzri, Ishak and Muhammad Hasnulhadi, Mohammad Jaafar (2022) Non-vibrate palm oil tree harvesting cutter using DC motor. In: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering; Innovative Manufacturing, Mechatronics and Materials Forum, iM3F 2020 , 6 August 2020 , Gambang, Kuantan. pp. 529-535., 730 (262829). ISSN 1876-1100 ISBN 978-981334596-6 (Published)

Zuhaira, Abdullah and Mohamad Heerwan, Peeie and Muhammad Aizzat, Zakaria and Muhammad Izhar, Ishak (2022) Investigation of the combination of kinematic path planning and artificial potential field path planning with pi controller for Autonomous Emergency Braking Pedestrian (AEB-P) system. In: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. Innovative Manufacturing, Mechatronics and Materials Forum, iM3F 2021 , 20 September 2021 , Gambang. pp. 285-297., 900. ISSN 1876-1100 ISBN 978-981192094-3 (Published)

Zuhaira, Abdullah and Mohamad Heerwan, Peeie and Muhammad Aizzat, Zakaria and Muhammad Izhar, Ishak (2022) Investigation of the combination of kinematic path planning and artificial potential field path planning with PI controller for autonomous emergency braking pedestrian (AEB-P) System. In: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering; Innovative Manufacturing, Mechatronics and Materials Forum, iM3F 2021 , 20 September 2021 , Gambang. pp. 285-297., 900 (277979). ISSN 1876-1100 ISBN 978-981192094-3 (Published)

Zuraila, Iberahim and Mohd Zamzuri, Mohammad Zain and Abdul Halim, Ismail and Juliawati, Alias and Muhammad Aiman, Ahmad Fozi and Nooraizedfiza, Zainon and Marina, Marzuki (2022) Image processing approach for detection and quantification of corrosion behaviour of AZ91D magnesium alloy. In: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. 6th International Conference on Electrical, Control and Computer Engineering, InECCE 2021 , 23 August 2021 , Kuantan. pp. 1047-1055., 842. ISSN 1876-1100 ISBN 978-981168689-4 (Published)

Zuraila, Iberahim and Mohd Zamzuri, Mohammad Zain and Abdul Halim, Ismail and Juliawati, Alias and Muhammad Aiman, Ahmad Fozi and Nooraizedfiza, Zainon and Marina, Marzuki (2022) Image processing approach for detection and quantification of corrosion behaviour of AZ91D magnesium alloy. In: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering; 6th International Conference on Electrical, Control and Computer Engineering, InECCE 2021 , 23 August 2021 , Kuantan, Pahang. pp. 1047-1055., 842 (274719). ISSN 1876-1100 ISBN 978-981168689-4 (Published)

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