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Ruzinah, Isha (2015) Pelajar UMP menang anugerah emas thesis dalam sambutan Hari Air Sedunia 2015. UMP News .


Abd Jalil, Borham (2013) A Framework Module Of Holistic Human Development In Facing Of Global Economic Transformation. In: International Conference on Research in Ethics Educational , 18-25 November, 2013 , Istanbul, Turkey. . (Published)

Abd Jalil, Borham (2013) Jawi tulisan serantau. Berita Harian, (25 Ja . p. 29.

Abd Rahman, Safie (2017) UMP anjur kejohanan sulung Petanque Double Remaja Terbuka. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Abd. Aziz, Itar (2016) Kongsi kepakaran demi anak bangsa. Utusan Malaysia . p. 10.

Abd. Rahman, Ahmad (2014) Pemimpin pelajar dilatih untuk tingkatkan daya kepimpinan. CREATE . p. 56. ISSN 1823-7487

Abdul Aziz, Abdul Rashid and Abdul Wahab, Muhammad Nubli and Mohd Yusof, Siti Nubailah and Abdul Rani, Anita (Ed.) (2021) Covid-19 dari perspektif sains sosial: implikasi dan solusi. Penerbit UMP, UMP. ISBN 9789672831099

Abdul Hamid, Nor Hasnul Azirah and Husain, Fazlin Marini and Ismail, Najiahtul Syafiqah and Mokhtar, Mazita (2023) An exploratory study of private companies in Malaysia: critical success factors for enterprise IT risk management. In: Terengganu Multidisciplinary International Conference (TeMIC 2023) , 30-31 October 2023 , Permai Hotel, Kuala Terengganu. pp. 268-273.. ISBN 9789672592013 (Presented)

Abdul Kamil, Jamaludin 'Akinnah intervention kit the guide to break free from 'akinnah' in the heart. Pekan Review, 7 . p. 62. ISSN 2180-3099

Abdul Kamil, Jamaludin (2012) Heart intelligence: 'Akinnah' intervention kit. Quest, 8 (5). p. 13. ISSN 1985-8159

Abdul Manap, Sulastri and Mohd. Azlan, Sayuti and Mohd. Norman, Nizam Mansor and Mohammad Firdaus, Rosli (2015) FTeK anjur pertandingan Robot LEGO pupuk minat pelajar sekolah. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Abdul Rahman, Ahmad (2015) Mahasiswa UMP curah bakti bersama masyarakat Laos dan Thailand. CREATE . p. 26. ISSN 1823-7487

Abdul Rahman, Ahmad (2015) Mahasiswa UMP curah bakti bersama masyarakat Laos dan Thailand. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Abdul Rahman, Talib and Hasan, Ahma (2020) Persepsi masyarakat di Pahang terhadap peranan Majlis Ugama Islam Pahang dalam menangani kemiskinan asnaf fakir dan miskin. Jurnal al-Sirat, 1 (19). pp. 88-95. ISSN 1823-4313. (Published)

Abdul Rahman, Talib and Hasan, Ahmad (2019) Keberkesanan latihan TVET dan bantuan modal peralatan kepada golongan asnaf fakir dan miskin dalam peningkatan di negeri Pahang. Jurnal Dunia Pengurusan, 1 (1). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2682-8251. (Published)

Abdul Rahman, Zahari and Puteri Fadzline, Muhamad Tamyez and Noor Azlinna, Azizan (2018) Assessing a measurement instrument for studying student spin-off process development. In: The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences - IEBMC 2017 8th International Economics and Business Management Conference , 28-29 November 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 830-840. (87). ISSN 2357-1330 (Published)

Abdul Rahman, Zahari and Puteri Fadzline, Muhamad Tamyez and Noor Azlinna, Azizan and Elinda, Esa (2019) The Effect of Personality Traits on the Performance of Students Enterprises. In: IEBMC 2019 9th International Economics and Business Management Conference . pp. 1-10.. ISSN 2357-1330 (Published)

Abdul Rahman, Zahari and Puteri Fadzline, Muhamad Tamyez and Noor Azlinna, Azizan and Fariza, Hashim (2018) Students Spin-Off Intentions in Malaysian Higher Educational Institutions: Founders Characteristics and University Roles. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 21 (3). pp. 1-15. ISSN 1528-2651. (Published)

Abdul Rani, Anita (Ed.) (2020) Listrik hati - mendidik rohani, minda dan luhur budi. Penerbit Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Kuantan, Pahang. ISBN 978-967-2226-66-1

Abdul Rashid, Abdul Aziz and Anita, Abdul Rani and Umi Hamidaton, Soffian Lee and Muhd Khairi, Mahyuddin and Imaduddin, Abidin and Mohd Suhardi, Mat Jusoh (2021) Konsep dan perspektif tauhidik dalam meningkatkan kebahagiaan kendiri. International Journal of Humanities Technology and Civilization (IJHTC), 6 (S1). pp. 42-50. ISSN 2289-7216. (Published)

Abdul Rashid, Abdul Aziz and Norizan, Yusof and Nor Hamizah, Ab Razak (2021) Putus cinta: Aplikasi terapi rasional emotif tingkahlaku mendepani masalah konsep kendiri dalam kalangan remaja. In: E-Proceeding (Extended Abstract) Marital and Sexuality Counseling Seminar MASEC 2021 universiti Sains Islam Malaysia. Marital and Sexuality Counseling Seminar MASEC 2021 , 22 September 2021 , Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM). pp. 37-39.. ISBN 978-967-2614-70-8 (Published)

Abdul Razak, Raaff (2019) Kementerian teliti lebih terperinci. Berita Harian . p. 8.

Adeleke, Adekunle Qudus (2020) Industrial Revolution 4.0 can help boost construction industry. New Straits Times .

Aghelie, Amir and Sorooshian, Shahryar and Noor Azlinna, Azizan (2016) Mathematical Modeling of Interrelationship Analysis to Determine Multi-Criteria Decision Making Casual Relations. Journal of Advanced Research Design, 20 (1). pp. 18-33. ISSN 2289-7984. (Published)

Ahmad, Asraf and Sorooshian, Shahryar and Cheng, Jack Kie (2016) Formulation of Logit Regression. Journal of Advanced Research Design, 21 (1). pp. 6-9. ISSN 2289-7984. (Published)

Ahmad, Hussain and Fatmawati, Latada and Shah, Sayyed Rashid and Muhammad Nubli, Abdul Wahab (2017) Exploring the Construction of Professional Selves of Non-native EFL Teachers at a Saudi Arabian University. Arab World English Journal (AWEJ), 8 (4). pp. 148-166. ISSN 2229-9327. (Published)

Ahmad, Ibrahim (2012) CLIC: a pogram on cultivating true leadership. Ilham, 9 . p. 12. ISSN 1985-157X

Ahmad, Ibrahim (2010) CMLHS 2010 Appreciation Night. Ilham, 7 . p. 7. ISSN 1985-157X

Ahmad, Ibrahim (2012) CMLHS luncheon at Bukit Gambang Resort. Ilham, 9 . pp. 13-15. ISSN 1985-157X

Ahmad, Ibrahim (2012) Deputy Minister of Higher Education visit to MLCC. Ilham, 9 . p. 4. ISSN 1985-157X

Ahmad, Ibrahim (2012) Industrial soft skills seminars. Ilham, 9 . p. 20. ISSN 1985-157X

Ahmad, Ibrahim (2012) Tazkirah ramadhan series. Ilham, 9 . p. 16. ISSN 1985-157X

Ahmad, Ibrahim (2012) Workshop on Ethnic Relations and TITAS measurement. Ilham, 9 . p. 16. ISSN 1985-157X

Ahmad, Mohd Hanafiah (2021) Comeback is Real. In: PhD Experience. Penerbit Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Kuantan, Pahang, pp. 1-7. (In Press / Online First)

Ahmad, Omar (2023) Penggunaan modul GALUS berbantukan latihan biofeedback terhadap prestasi pelajar di sekolah rendah. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah (Contributors, Thesis advisor: Muhammad Nubli, Abdul Wahab).

Ahmad, Omar and Muhammad Nubli, Abdul Wahab (2021) Penggunaan Teknik Biofeedback berbantukan latihan zikir dalam meningkatkan Skor Koheren dan pencapaian akademik pelajar Program GALUS. International Journal of Humanities Technology and Civilization (IJHTC), 3 (10). pp. 64-77. ISSN 2289-7216 (Printed); 2600-8815 (Online). (Published)

Ahmad Afif, Ahmarofi (2021) Peranan kecerdasan buatan terhadap ketidaktentuan dunia kemampuan Paul dan Sophia yang mencabar minda. UMP News .

Ahmad Afif, Ahmarofi (2021) The role of artificial intelligence in the uncertainty of the world Paul and Sophias abilities that challenge minds. CREATE, 115 . ISSN 1823-7487

Ahmad Badruzzaman, Idris (2016) 86 pelajar SMK Ahmad sertai In-Team. CREATE . p. 80. ISSN 1823-7487

Ahmad Badruzzaman, Idris and Nur ‘Aisyatul Sakinah, Baharudin (2016) 85 pemimpin pelajar sekolah timba pengalaman. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Ahmad Badruzzaman, Idris and Nur ‘Aisyatul Sakinah, Baharudin (2016) Mahasiswa UMP jalin perkongsian pintar dengan pelajar SK LKTP Jengka 5. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Ahmad Badruzzaman, Idris and Nur ‘Aisyatul Sakinah, Baharudin and Nur Amani Husna, Chai Lom and Rifaie, Mohamed (2016) Mahasiswa jalin perkongsian pintar dengan pelajar SK LKTP Jengka 5. CREATE . p. 73. ISSN 1823-7487

Ahmad Hafizi, Ahmad Giran and Puteri Fadzline, Muhamad Tamyez and Muhammad Ashraf, Fauzi and Nor Faradilla, Mohamed Idris and Madhavkumar, Vandana (2024) Decoding the future of human resource: How human resource analytics revolutionise the organisational landscape. International Journal of Industrial Management (IJIM), 18 (4). 183 -192. ISSN 2289-9286 (Print); 0127-564x (Online). (Published)

Ahmad Harris, Abd Hamid (2017) Program OSH In School ke arah sekolah selamat. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Ahmad Hilmy, Agir (2015) Kejohanan bowling erat hubungan warga kampus UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Ahmad Hilmy, Agir (2015) Majlis Hari Raya UMP Pekan meriah. CREATE . p. 45. ISSN 1823-7487

Ahmad Irfan, Ikmal Hisham (2024) BIMBING AHLI BIASA GISBH KELUAR DARIPADA KETAASUBAN. Berita Harian . p. 10.

Ahmad Irfan, Ikmal Hisham (2020) COVID-19 Sabar dan duduk rumah pra syarat mendapat rahmat Allah. UMP News .

Ahmad Irfan, Ikmal Hisham (2020) Cerapan anak bulan masih diperlukan. Berita Harian .

Ahmad Irfan, Ikmal Hisham (2024) Daripada Bashar kepada Bashir Iktibar pembebasan Syria. UMPSA News .

Ahmad Irfan, Ikmal Hisham (2021) Elak buruk sangka, ramalan khurafat ketika dilanda banjir. Berita Harian .

Ahmad Irfan, Ikmal Hisham (2020) Israel semakin mencengkam Masjid al-Aqsa. Berita Harian .

Ahmad Irfan, Ikmal Hisham (2020) Israk Mikraj dan kepentingan mengenali Al-Aqsa. UMP News .

Ahmad Irfan, Ikmal Hisham (2022) Kemerdekaan Malaysia perlu dipertahankan dan bantu pembebasan Palestin. UMP News .

Ahmad Irfan, Ikmal Hisham (2020) Kezaliman Zionis ke atas Palestin terus dibutakan dunia. Berita Harian .

Ahmad Irfan, Ikmal Hisham (2022) Malaysias independence must be defended and aid Palestine liberation. UMP News .

Ahmad Irfan, Ikmal Hisham (2019) Memuliakan guru di era pendidikan abad ke-21. UMP News .

Ahmad Irfan, Ikmal Hisham (2016) Pemeliharaan Alam Sekitar Menurut al-Quran dan al-Hadith. [Video]

Ahmad Irfan, Ikmal Hisham (2021) Takwa dalam pemakanan syubhat. UMP News .

Ahmad Irfan, Ikmal Hisham (2023) Usahakan projek tanam pokok zaitun, tin di Palestin. UMPSA News . p. 18.

Ahmad Mahfuz, Gazali (2022) Manfaat MySejahtera untuk kajian Long COVID. UMP News .

Ahmad Mahfuz, Gazali (2023) Memacu kecemerlangan UMPSA bagi melahirkan pakar rujuk bertaraf dunia. UMPSA News .

Ahmad Mahfuz, Gazali (2020) Pemenang Anugerah Nobel pertama dari Malaysia: impian atau realiti. UMP News .

Ahmad Mahfuz, Gazali and Muhammad Ashraf, Fauzi (2020) Imuniti Kelompok kawal Covid-19 bukan pilihan sesuai. Berita Harian .

Ahmad Mahfuz, Gazali and Muhammad Ashraf, Fauzi (2020) Rujuklah pihak berautoriti. Harian Metro .

Ahmad Mahfuz, Gazali and Muhammad Ashraf, Fauzi (2020) Teruskan norma baharu sementara vaksin tiba. Berita Harian .

Ahmad Muhaimin, Mohamad and Rohana, Hamzah and Hadijah, Ahmad and Norizan, Yusof and Paridah, Mohd Ali and Muhammad Salehan Alhafiz, Mat Wajar (2023) Program sokongan kesihatan mental dalam talian: Analisis keperluan dan pembangunan. e-Jurnal Penyelidikan dan Inovasi (e-JPI), 10 (1). pp. 33-49. ISSN 2289-7909. (Published)

Ahmad Muhaimin, Mohamad and Rohana, Hamzah and Paridah, Mohd Ali and Hadijah, Ahmad and Norizan, Yusof and Haslinda, Hashim and Muhammad Salehan Alhafiz, Mat Wajar (2023) Pembangunan dan Penilaian Instrumen Kesihatan Mental dan Kecerdasan Spiritual. Sains Insani, 8 (2). pp. 338-349. ISSN 0127-7871. (Published)

Ahmad Nur Aizat, Ahmad and Md Fauzi, Ahmad and Norhadilah, Abdul Hamid and Abdul Talib, Bon and Raja Zuraidah, Rasi and Nawanir, Gusman and Adnan, Bakri and Mustaqqim, Abdul Rahim (2021) Relationship of Self-Efficacy and Obstacles of E-Learning Towards Online Method in IR4. 0. Review of International Geographical Education, 11 (5). pp. 3703-3714. ISSN 2146-0353. (Published)

Ahmad Nur Aizat, Ahmad and Md Fauzi, Ahmad and Norhadilah, Abdul Hamid and Nor Aziati, Abdul Hamid and Tee, Chuan Lee and Nawanir, Gusman and Adnan, Bakri and Mustaqqim, Abdul Rahim (2021) Implementation of lean technique towards reducing waiting time in a public healthcare using arena simulation. International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (7). pp. 201-214. ISSN 2229-838X (Print); 2600-7916 (Online). (Published)

Ahmad Nur Aizat, Ahmad and Md Fauzi, Ahmad and Norhadilah, Abdul Hamid and Yunos, Ngadiman and Mohamed Ismail, Pakir and Nawanir, Gusman and Adnan, Bakri and Mustaqqim, Abdul Rahim (2020) Green lean practices towards increasing operation value of manufacturing company. International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (7). pp. 128-133. ISSN 2229-838X (Print); 2600-7916 (Online). (Published)

Ahmad Rifqi, Mohd Jerome Rinjes (2019) Lakaran sejarah baharu MPP tingkat pemerkasaan mahasiswa UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Ahmad Zaid, Sulaiman Children of Malaysians help Earthquake Victims. Pekan Review, 3 . p. 50. ISSN 2180-3099

Ahmad Zaki, Jilan (2017) Program Advokasi llmuan. Utusan Malaysia . p. 2.

Ahmad Zakki, Jilan (2016) Golf amal. Mingguan Malaysia . p. 2.

Ahmad Zakki, Jilan (2016) Tengku Abdullah, MB Pahang berbuka puasa bersama 4,000 warga UMP. Utusan Malaysia . p. 22.

Ahmad Zakki, Jilan (2016) Zakat. Utusan Malaysia . p. 2.

Ahmad Zarif, Ahmad Fauzi (2017) Ashwin menang anugerah terbaik 3MT. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Ahmad Zarif, Ahmad Fauzi (2017) Malam Anugerah Akademik rai graduan pascasiswazah. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Ahmad Ziad, Sulaiman (2015) Kursus Asas Perajurit Muda Sukarela uji ketahanan disiplin dan mental peserta. CREATE . p. 70. ISSN 1823-7487

Ainal Marhaton, Abd Ghani (2016) 73 kali masuk ICU. Harian Metro . p. 8.

Ainal Marhaton, Abd Ghani (2016) Empower Boot Camp lahir pelajar lebih berdaya saing. Berita Harian . p. 7.

Ainal Marhaton, Abd Ghani (2016) Promosi sambil mengurut. Harian Metro . p. 3.

Ainal Marhaton, Abd Ghani (2018) Selera menu antarabangsa. Harian Metro . p. 42.

Ainal Marhaton, Abd Ghani (2018) Semarak Festival Ramadan. Harian Metro . p. 65.

Ainal Marhaton, Abd Ghani (2018) UMP agih 600 pek juadah sahur. Berita Harian . p. 67.

Ainal Marhaton, Abd Ghani (2016) UMP tak sekat. Harian Metro . p. 21.

Aini, Ahmad (2013) Islamic Perspective of the Learning Organization. In: Handbook of Research on the Learning Organization: Adaptation and Context. Edward Elgar Publishing, UK, pp. 145-156. ISBN 9781781004890 (print); 9781781004906 (ebook)

Aini, Ahmad and Hasan, Ahmad (2016) A Review of Learning Organization Concept from Islamic Perspectives. International Journal of Humanities Technology and Civilization (IJHTC), 1. pp. 45-55. ISSN 2289-7216. (Published)

Aisyah, Mohd Khalil and Lee, Khai Loon and Zetty Ain, Kamaruzzaman and Ong, Chin An (2024) Effectiveness of simulation-based learning in Malaysian higher education: A case study of MonsoonSIM. Asian Education and Development Studies, 13 (1). pp. 64-77. ISSN 2046-3162. (Published)

Aisyah Khaleeda, Rosli (2020) Pre-school teachers’ beliefs towards early english language learning (ELL) among pre-schoolers in the east coast states of peninsular Malaysia. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).

Ajibike, W.A. and Adeleke, A. Q. and Fazeeda, Mohamad and Bamgbade, J.A. and M.N., M. Nawi and Moshood, T. D (2021) An Evaluation of environmental sustainability performance via attitudes , social responsibility, and culture: a mediated analysis. Environmental Challenges, 4 (100111). pp. 1-27. ISSN 2667-0100. (Published)

Al Alyani, Wafa Rashid and Lee, Chia Kuang (2024) Determinants of Total Quality Management and Institutional Pressure towards Project Performance: A Review of Literature. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences (IJARBSS), 14 (2). pp. 38-48. ISSN 2222-6990. (Published)

Al Masud, Sheikh Mohammad Maniruzzaman and Rohana, Hamzah and Hasan, Ahmad (2022) Foreign workers’ recruitment and reconsideration of crucial factors : A sequential exploratory mixed-methods study of migrant labourers in Malaysia. Migration Letters, 19 (4). pp. 475-488. ISSN 1741-8984. (Published)

Al Masud, Sheikh Mohammad Maniruzzaman and Rohana, Hamzah and Hasan, Ahmad (2022) Re-evaluation of foreign workers' placement and repatriation factors. In: The 6th National Conference for Postgraduate Research (NCON-PGR 2022) , 15 November 2022 , Virtual Conference, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia. p. 33.. (Published)

Al-Madani, Mohammed Hammam Mohammed and Fernando, Yudi and Tseng, Ming-Lang (2022) Assuring Energy Reporting Integrity: Government Policy’s Past, Present, and Future Roles. Sustainability, 14 (22). pp. 1-24. ISSN 2071-1050. (Published)

Al-Madani, Mohammed Hammam Mohammed and Fernando, Yudi and Tseng, Ming-Lang and Abideen, Ahmed Zainul (2022) Uncovering four domains of energy management in palm oil production: a sustainable bioenergy production trend. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1 (1). pp. 1-18. ISSN 0944-1344. (Published)

Al-Muhaimin, Ali (2019) 555 athletes converged on UMP-Excella International Indoor Archery Championships 3.0. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Ali Turi, Jamshid and Muhammad Faizal, A. Ghani and Sorooshian, Shahryar and Abbas, Qaiser (2017) The Impact of Socio-Emotional Intelligence Training on Teacher's Performance. Global Business and Economics Research Journal, 6 (2). pp. 18-31. ISSN 2302-4593. (Published)

Aliff, Nawi and Nor Yazi, Khamis and Zalmizy, Hussin and Muhammad Noor, Abdul Aziz (2023) Exploring disruptive adolescent behaviours on social media: A case study during the times of Crisis. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 31 (4). pp. 1343-1362. ISSN 0128-7702. (Published)

Alsamawi, Mohamed Abdulwali Ali and Mohd Ridzuan, Darun and Panigrahi, Shrikant and Al-Refaei, Abd Al-Aziz Hamed (2019) The effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on corporate performance in Oil and Gas Industry. Journal of Advanced Research in Social and Behavioural Sciences, 16 (1). pp. 1-14. ISSN 2462-1951. (Published)

Ameer Ferdaus, Ab. Aziz (2016) 36 kontinjen sertai perarakan Maulidur Rasul di UMP. Utusan Malaysia . p. 30.

Amin Ridzuan, Ishak (2016) 4K punca prestasi graduan merosot. Berita Harian . p. 16.

Amin Ridzuan, Ishak (2018) Didik mahasiswa guna kerangka kontrak sosial. Berita Harian . p. 17.

Amin Ridzuan, Ishak (2018) Pensyarah UMP hasil pelembap bibir semula jadi, murah. Berita Harian . p. 65.

Amin Ridzuan, Ishak (2018) Terapi sendiri. Harian Metro . p. 34.

Amin Ridzuan, Ishak (2016) UMP lulus biasiswa MyGift RM400,000. Berita Harian . p. 33.

Amin Ridzuan, Ishak (2019) Usah biar Kuantan kembali jadi Marikh. Berita Harian . (Unpublished)

Amin Ridzuan, Ishak (2018) WREHAB jimat masa rawatan fisioterapi. Berita Harian .

Aminatul Nor, Mohamed Said (2019) 107 pupils received school supplies donated by UMP Alumni and NGOs. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Aminatul Nor, Mohamed Said (2022) Pengarah MIDA Pahang berkunjung ke UMP buka peluang usaha sama Industri-Akademia dan Penempatan Kerjaya. UMP News .

Amira Alia, Zulkifli (2015) Mahasiswa hulur bantuan kanak-kanak mangsa taufan Haiyan dan gelandangan di Filipina. CREATE . p. 63. ISSN 1823-7487

Amirah Izzati, Mohammad Faizzull and Puteri Fadzline, Muhamad Tamyez (2021) Sexual Harassment and Workplace Bullying on Female Employees in Production Assembly Line. In: Service and Operations Management Series 3. 3, Chapter 5 . Penerbit UTHM, Batu Pahat, Johor, pp. 60-76. ISBN 978-967-2817-33-8

Amirul, Ahmad (2019) Strategi pembudayaan pembelajaran sepanjang hayat. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Anis Nabila, Khidir (2019) YBR peruntukan RM2.25j untuk biasiswa. Utusan Malaysia . p. 48.

Anita, Abdul Rani (2019) Creating Future Leaders Program 2.0. CMLHS News . (Unpublished)

Ansah, Richard Hannis and Sorooshian, Shahryar (2019) Green economy: Private sectors’ response to climate change. Environmental Quality Management, 28 (3). pp. 63-69. ISSN 1088-1913. (Published)

Anthony, Bokolo Jnr. and Mazlina, Abdul Majid and Awanis, Romli (2018) A proposed model for green practice adoption and implementation in information technology based organizations. Problemy Ekorozwoju - Problems Of Sustainable Development, 13 (1). pp. 95-112. ISSN 1895-6912. (Published)

Anuar, Abd. Aziz UMP’s flag flying high on top of Mount Kinabalu. Pekan Review, 6 . pp. 36-37. ISSN 2180-3099

Anuar, Abdul Aziz (2017) Mahasiswa dekati masyarakat dalam Program Pewaris Muda Negara. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Arman, A. Rahim (2003) Ahli Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar KUKTEM terima tauliah. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Arman, A. Rahim (2003) Jadual ko­kurikulum Briged Siswa (UQB 1011) bagi bulan Februari 2003. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Arman, A. Rahim (2003) Kempen bulan 'paperless' di KUKTEM sepanjang Januari 2003. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Arman, A. Rahim (2003) Pejabat HEP KUKTEM anjur kempen anti dadah, anti merokok & menderma darah. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Arman, A. Rahim (2003) Pertandingan menulis esei sempena bulan 'paperless' KUKTEM. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Arman, A. Rahim (2003) Pertukaran nama Kelab Pendita Awam KUKTEM. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Arwa, Mukhtar and Awanis, Romli and Noorhuzaimi@Karimah, Mohd Noor (2020) Blockchain network model to improve supply chain vsibility based on smart contract. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), 11 (10). pp. 1-7. ISSN 2156-5570. (Published)

Asdarina, Yahya (2013) Working visits to MARDI, Nasuha Herb Farm and Bogor Agricultural Institute. Quest, 9 (5). p. 6. ISSN 1985-8159

Asim, Zeeshan and Tan, Seng Teck and Sorooshian, Shahryar (2019) An Expert-Approved R&D Model. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 8 (6). pp. 1939-1946. ISSN 2249-8958. (Published)

Asmawati, Sajari (2019) The quality of chief integrity officer and ethical climate on the level of ethics and integrity and its relationship with organizational commitment : the case of federal government sector. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).

Asraf, Ahmad (2015) Kesukarelawanan pendidikan mahasiswa In-Smartive di Perlis dan Thailand. UMP News .

Asraf, Ahmad and Noor Ain Nadhirah, Zainudin (2015) Kesukarelawan Pendidikan In-Smartive di Ho Chi Minh. CREATE . p. 62. ISSN 1823-7487

Asraf, Ahmad and Nor 'Aisyatul Sakinah, Baharudin (2015) 50 fasilitator curah bakti di Kuala Berang. CREATE . p. 48. ISSN 1823-7487

Asraf, Ahmad and Nor 'Aisyatul Sakinah, Baharudin (2015) In-Smartive suntik semangat jati diri pelajar SMK Bandar Tasik. CREATE . p. 65. ISSN 1823-7487

Asraf, Ahmad and Nor 'Aisyatul Sakinah, Baharudin (2015) Kesukarelawan Pendidikan Mahasiswa UMP bersama pelajar SMK Tengku Indra Putra 1. CREATE . p. 83. ISSN 1823-7487

Asraf, Ahmad and Nor 'Aisyatul Sakinah, Baharudin (2015) Projek Kilauan Mutiara bantu sekolah kluster kecemerlangan. CREATE . p. 82. ISSN 1823-7487

Asraf, Ahmad and Nor 'Aisyatul Sakinah, Baharudin (2015) Projek Kilauan Mutiara manfaatkan pelajar di negeri Perlis dan Thailand. CREATE . p. 74. ISSN 1823-7487

Asraf, Ahmad and Nor ‘Aisyatul Sakinah, Baharudin (2015) Mahasiswa In-Smartive bantu pelajar sekolah Jengka. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Asraf, Ahmad and Nor ‘Aisyatul Sakinah, Baharudin (2015) Mahasiswa UMP curah bakti. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Asraf, Ahmad and UMP, PNC and Nor ‘Aisyatul Sakinah, Baharudin (2015) In-Smartive suntik semangat jati diri 100 pelajar SMK Bandar Tasik Selatan. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Asrol, Awang (2019) 35 graduan perintis terima diploma. Berita Harian . p. 46.

Asrol, Awang (2020) 56 rakyat Malaysia masih di Syria. Berita Harian . p. 12.

Asrol, Awang (2021) 6 subjek UMP tersenarai QS World University Rankings 2021. Berita Harian .

Asrol, Awang (2022) Nombor plat khas UC boleh dibida. Harian Metro .

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Fernando, Yudi and Mukui, JM (2023) Leftover Materials and Circular Economy 4.0: Applications and Implications. International Journal of Procurement Management, 17 (3). pp. 346-367. ISSN 1753-8440. (Published)

Fernando, Yudi and Tseng, Min-Lang and Aziz, Nurarif and Ikhsan, Ridho Bramulya and Wahyuni-TD, Ika Sari (2022) Waste-to-energy supply chain management on circular economy capability: An empirical study. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 31. pp. 26-38. ISSN 2352-5509. (Published)

Fernando, Yudi and Tseng, Ming-Lang and Nur, Gulam Muhammad and Ikhsan, Ridho Bramulya and Lim, Ming K. (2022) Practising circular economy performance in Malaysia: Managing supply chain disruption and technological innovation capability under industry 4.0. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 1 (1). pp. 1-25. ISSN 1367-5567. (Published)

Fernando, Yudi and Tseng, Ming-Lang and Wahyuni-TD, Ika Sari and Sroufe, Robert and Mohd-Zailani, Nik Ida Amiera (2022) Blockchain technology adoption for carbon trading and energy efficiency: ISO manufacturing firms in Malaysia. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications. pp. 1-22. ISSN 1367-5567. (In Press / Online First) (In Press / Online First)

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Lee, Khai Loon (2020) Your attitude determines your future. In: The PhD Journey. Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang, pp. 113-129. ISBN 978-967-2226-90-1

Lee, Khai Loon and Amin, Agnessia Jeba and M. Alzoubi, Haitham and Alshurideh, Muhammad and El Khatib, Mounir and Joghee, Shanmugan and Nair, Kiran (2024) Investigating the factors affecting e-procurement adoption in supply chain performance: An empirical study on Malaysia manufacturing industry. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 12 (2). pp. 615-632. ISSN 2291-6830 (Online). (Published)

Lee, Khai Loon and Cheng, Jack Kie and Nawanir, Gusman (2020) Individual Field Project Guideline – Bachelor of Business Engineering with Honours. Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang.

Lee, Khai Loon and Lim, Cean Peing (2022) The role of big data and predictive analytics capabilities in supply chain management: The perspective of Malaysia manufacturing firm. In: 12th Malaysian Technical Universities Conference on Engineering and Technology (MUCET 2021) , 16-18 November 2021 , Melaka, Malaysia. pp. 295-296.. (Published)

Lee, Khai Loon and Norhuda Dalya, Ab Razak (2020) The effect of information technology capabilities and individual performance on organizational performance in Malaysia manufacturing industry. In: Service and Operation Management - Series 2. Penerbit UTHM, Batu Pahat, Johor, pp. 20-30. ISBN 978-967-2916-51-2

Lee, Khai Loon and Nurul Ain Najiha, Azmi and Hanaysha, Jalal Rajeh and Alzoubi, Haitham M. and Alshurideh, Muhammad Turki (2022) The effect of digital supply chain on organizational performance: An empirical study in Malaysia manufacturing industry. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 10 (2). pp. 495-510. ISSN 2291-6830 (Online). (Published)

Lee, Khai Loon and Puteri Nurhazira, Romzi (2021) Improving canteen's service and operations management: A case study using modelling and simulation approach. In: Service and Operation Management. Penerbit UTHM, Batu Pahat, Johor, pp. 51-59. ISBN 978-967-2817-33-8 (Unpublished)

Lee, Khai Loon and Puteri Nurhazira, Romzi (2021) Improving canteen's service and operations management: A case study using modelling and simulation approach. In: Service and Operation Management (Series 3). Series 3 . Penerbit UTHM, Batu Pahat, Johor, pp. 51-59. ISBN 978-967-2817-33-8

Lee, Khai Loon and Puteri Nurhazira, Romzi and Hanaysha, Jalal Rajeh and Alzoubi, Haitham M. and Alshurideh, Muhammad (2022) Investigating the impact of benefits and challenges of IOT adoption on supply chain performance and organizational performance: An empirical study in Malaysia. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 10 (2). pp. 537-550. ISSN 2291-6830 (Online). (Published)

Lee, Khai Loon and Shaharud-din, Afiq Muqri (2022) Procurement 4.0 and organizational performance in the Malaysian construction industry. International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology (IJSSMET), 13 (1). pp. 1-22. ISSN 1947-959X. (Published)

Lee, Khai Loon and Teong, Chi Xin and Alzoub, Haitham M. and Alshurideh, Muhammad Turki and El Khatib, Mounir and Al-Gharaibe, Shehadeh Mofleh (2024) Digital supply chain transformation: The role of smart technologies on operational performance in manufacturing industry. International Journal of Engineering Business Management, 16. pp. 1-19. ISSN 1847-9790. (Published)

Lee, Khai Loon and Wong, Sze Yun and Alzoubi, Haitham M. and Al Kurdi, Barween and Alshurideh, Muhammad Turki and El Khatib, Mounir (2023) Adopting smart supply chain and smart technologies to improve operational performance in manufacturing industry. International Journal of Engineering Business Management, 15. pp. 1-14. ISSN 1847-9790. (In Press / Online First) (In Press / Online First)

Lee, Khai Loon and Zhang, Tianyang (2023) Revolutionizing supply chains: Unveiling the power of blockchain technology for enhanced transparency and performance. International Journal on Technology, Innovation, and Management, 3 (1). pp. 19-27. ISSN 2789-777X. (Published)

Lee, Van and Norhadilah, Abdul Hamid and Fauziah, Ahmad and Ahmad Nur Aizat, Ahmad and Rumaizah, Ruslan and Puteri Fadzline, Muhamad Tamyez (2021) Factors of single use plastic reduction behavioral intention. Emerging Science Journal, 5 (3). pp. 269-278. ISSN 2610-9182. (Published)

Lee, Wah Peng and Toh, Tien Choon and Lew, Yoke Lian and Khor, Sin Huai and Goh, Kai Chen and Gui, Hun Chuen and Zainordin, Nadzirah and Lee, Chia Kuang (2020) Capacity building needs of small and medium contracting enterprises in Klang Valley Malaysia. International Journal of Industrial Management (IJIM), 6 (1). pp. 17-27. ISSN 2289-9286 (Print); 0127-564x (Online). (Published)

Li, Xia and Noradilah, Md Nordin (2024) The impact of labor participation on older adults' well-being in active aging: A cross-sectional study in Hebei Province, China. Environment and Social Psychology, 9 (10). pp. 1-11. ISSN 2424-8975. (Published)

Lim, Qian Pink and Darun, Mohd Ridzuan and Nawanir, Gusman and Chiam, Kee Swan (2019) Way to go: Mirroring real experiences of the escape rooms. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8 (12S2). pp. 1-12. ISSN 2278-3075. (Published)

Liu, Yao and Abdalla, Ahmed N. (2013) Evaluating the Managerial Behavior of Managing Knowledge in Chinese SMEs. Information Technology and Management, 14 (2). pp. 159-165. ISSN 1385-951X(Print); 1573-7667(Online). (Published)

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Mahyuddin, Ismail and Mansor, Sulaiman and Nurkarimah, Yusof and Faizal, Abdul Khir and Zainal Abidin, Kusmin and Yuhaniz, Mohd Yusop (2019) The application of GSP 48 in dealing with divorce cases related to witchcraft. In: Symposium on Knowledge Transfer 2019 , 25 November 2019 , Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia. pp. 1-4.. (Published)

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Mardhiyyah, Zamani and Nurazan, Mohmad Rouyan (2016) Pengaruh Serta Peranan Ibu Bapa Dalam Pembentukan Personaliti Dan Keperibadian Syed Qutb: Analisis Autobiografi “Kisah Seorang Anak Kampung ”. International Journal of Humanities Technology and Civilization (IJHTC), 1 (2). pp. 106-115. ISSN 2289-7216. (Published)

Mardhiyyah, Zamani and Rosjuliana Hidayu, Rosli and Mohammad Baihaqi, Hasni (2013) Arabic for Beginners. Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang. ISBN 978-967-0120-53-9

Maryam Jamilah, Asha’ari and Salina, Daud and Kasavan, Saraswathy and Wan Mohammad Taufik, Wan Abdullah and Siti Indati, Mustapa and Rajadurai, Jegatheesan and Nurul Nadiah, Ahmad and Wan Noordiana, Wan Hanafi and Siti Norhidayah, Toolib and Mohamed Azrin, Mohamed Ali (2024) Global research trend of sustainable transport in response to energy efficiency: A bibliometric analysis. SAGE Open, 14 (4). pp. 1-20. ISSN 2158-2440. (Published)

Mashita, Abdul Jabar and Shareenie Shera, Abdul Hamid and Zaity Akhtar, Mukhtar and Nik Rozilaini, Wan Mohamed and Shahira, Abdul Jabar and Mohd Shafiq, Abdul Jabar (2024) Investigating factors affecting fans’ intention to attend anime events: Conceptual. Information Management and Business Review (IMBR), 16 (1). pp. 43-50. ISSN 2220-3796. (Published)

Masni, Mohamad Nor (2017) Mahasiswa UMP timba pengalaman dalam penyediaan minyak wangi berasaskan herba. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Masriah, Mansur and Zetty Ain, Kamaruzzaman and Ahmad Afif, Ahmarofi and Cheng, Jack Kie and Hamirahanim, Abdul Rahman and K. A., Masri and Nadirah, Abdul Rahim and Sarifah Radiah, ShariffS (2022) Linking integrity with road pricing cause-and-effect model: A system dynamics simulation approach. Journal of Governance and Integrity,, 5 (3). pp. 370-381. ISSN 2600-7479. (Published)

Mazeni, Ismail and Hasmadi, Hassan and Jameyah, Sheriff (2019) Investigator Cilik : Pembelajaran berasaskan penyiasatan menerusi pendekatan projek ke arah penjanaan minda kreatif & inovatif. International Journal of Humanities Technology and Civilization (IJHTC), 2 (7). pp. 49-54. ISSN 2289-7216. (Published)

Mazeni, Ismail and Nurul, Aliah and Hasmadi, Hassan (2019) Developing islamic module project for preschool teachers using modified delphi technique. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology International Journal of Educational and Pedagogical Sciences, 13 (2). pp. 227-231. ISSN 13076892. (Published)

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Mazita, Mokhtar (2017) Peranan Kerajaan Dalam Memajukan Usahawan Siswazah. In: Program Mobiliti Universitas Syiah Kuala Banda Acheh Indonesia dan Universiti Malaysia Pahang , 15-19 Oktober 2017 , Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Pekan, Pahang. pp. 1-19.. (Published)

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Mazita, Mokhtar and NorHasnul Azirah, Abdul Hamid and Nurul Athirah, Ahmad Nazri (2022) SEATROBS: Development of Sealife Travel & Tour Online Booking System Using Usability Theory. In: Proceedings of Malaysian Technical Universities Conference on Engineering and Technology (MUCET 2021 , 16-18 November 2021 , Virtual Conference, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM). pp. 402-403., 28 Julai 2022. ISSN 2948-4413 (Published)

Mazita, Mokhtar and Syed Ibrahim, Syed Ahmad (2022) Posisi, tugas dan tanggungjawab kaum hawa menurut perspektif Islam. Fikrah Pahang, Kuantan. (Unpublished)

Mazlina, Abdul Majid (2020) Adaptasi pembelajaran secara maya dalam kebiasaan bidang pendidikan. UMP News .

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Mazni, Saad and Rosita, Husain and Anita, Abdul Rani and Airin, AbdulGhani (2019) Empowering employees with spiritual intelligence for higher quality food-hygiene practices and food service performance of on-premise caterers. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1st International Postgraduate Conference on Mechanical Engineering (IPCME2018) , 31 October 2018 , UMP Library, Pekan. pp. 1-11., 469 (012066). ISSN 1757-8981 (Published)

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Mimi Rabita, Abd Wahit (2024) UMPSA recognised as No. 1 Technical University in Malaysia and 146th in the world. UMPSA News .

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Mimi Rabita, Abdul Wahit (2021) 2,517 UMP students return to hometowns to celebrate Aidilfitri. UMP News .

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Mimi Rabita, Abdul Wahit (2020) Administrators need to cultivate a culture of excellence, dynamism and strategic thinking. UMP News .

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Mimi Rabita, Abdul Wahit (2020) Communitising the Constitution enriches public understanding. UMP News .

Mimi Rabita, Abdul Wahit (2021) Conducive environment and completing assignments among the factors to celebrate Hari Raya on campus. UMP News .

Mimi Rabita, Abdul Wahit (2021) Engage with people with disabilities for well-being and happiness - Professor Dr. Ruzita. UMP News .

Mimi Rabita, Abdul Wahit (2021) Following SOP, UMP students leave to celebrate Aidilfitri. UMP News .

Mimi Rabita, Abdul Wahit (2022) German Ambassadors visit to UMP strengthens bilateral good relations. UMP News .

Mimi Rabita, Abdul Wahit (2021) KPT and UMP donate to help students family. UMP News .

Mimi Rabita, Abdul Wahit (2021) Kolaborasi UMP, IYRES dalam teknologi data raya dan pembangunan belia. UMP News .

Mimi Rabita, Abdul Wahit (2020) Kolaborasi UMP, MARA perintis Projek Gelatin Halal Dalam Negara. UMP News .

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Mimi Rabita, Abdul Wahit (2014) Lebih 5,000 hadir Syarahan Umum Tun Mahathir. CREATE . p. 21. ISSN 1823-7487

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Mimi Rabita, Abdul Wahit (2023) NC UMP umum 8 iltizam melestari kecemerlangan UMP. UMPSA News .

Mimi Rabita, Abdul Wahit (2021) Patuhi SOP, pelajar UMP berpeluang pulang ke kampung sambut Aidilfitri. UMP News .

Mimi Rabita, Abdul Wahit (2020) Pelajar UMP teruskan pengajian dalam talian tangguh masuk kampus. UMP News .

Mimi Rabita, Abdul Wahit (2021) Pelajar diberi pilihan pulang beraya di kampung atau kekal di kampus menjelang Aidilfitri. UMP News .

Mimi Rabita, Abdul Wahit (2021) Pelajar kembali ke kampus UMP berjalan lancar patuhi SOP. UMP News .

Mimi Rabita, Abdul Wahit (2020) Peluang perkasa industri logistik negara. UMP News .

Mimi Rabita, Abdul Wahit (2020) Pentadbir perlu pupuk budaya cemerlang, dinamik dan berfikiran strategik. UMP News .

Mimi Rabita, Abdul Wahit (2021) Sanjungan Budi khas buat mantan Pengerusi dan LPU UMP. UMP News .

Mimi Rabita, Abdul Wahit (2021) Sebar luas peluang Jom Masuk UMP. UMP News .

Mimi Rabita, Abdul Wahit (2016) Sehati@Gambang bantu masyarakat. Berita Harian . p. 6.

Mimi Rabita, Abdul Wahit (2021) Semangat patriotik dan bekalan ilmu Pegawai Kadet Kor SISPA siap sedia. UMP News .

Mimi Rabita, Abdul Wahit (2021) Smooth return of UMP students following SOP. UMP News .

Mimi Rabita, Abdul Wahit (2021) Suasana kondusif dan kesibukan menyiapkan tugasan antara faktor pelajar beraya di kampus. UMP News .

Mimi Rabita, Abdul Wahit (2020) Sumbangan Zakat BPMB bantu mahasiswa berkeperluan. UMP News .

Mimi Rabita, Abdul Wahit (2020) UMP Tubuh Institut Tamadun dan Kajian Strategik. UMP News .

Mimi Rabita, Abdul Wahit (2020) UMP focuses on improving the quality of higher education. UMP News .

Mimi Rabita, Abdul Wahit (2023) UMP fokus pembangunan mampan memaknakan gagasan Malaysia Madani. UMPSA News .

Mimi Rabita, Abdul Wahit (2020) UMP fokus terhadap peningkatan kualiti pendidikan tinggi. UMP News .

Mimi Rabita, Abdul Wahit (2022) UMP jalin kerjasama dengan NanoMalaysia Berhad dalam Projek Penyelidikan BICEP. UMP News .

Mimi Rabita, Abdul Wahit (2022) UMP lancar buku Rukun Negara dan Pancasila Ideologi dan Amalan. UMP News .

Mimi Rabita, Abdul Wahit (2020) UMP lancar kad alumni tanda penghargaan. UMP News .

Mimi Rabita, Abdul Wahit (2020) UMP launches alumni card as a token of gratitude. UMP News .

Mimi Rabita, Abdul Wahit (2023) UMP meterai perjanjian SARE dengan TNB dan GSPARX. UMPSA News .

Mimi Rabita, Abdul Wahit (2020) UMP perkenal 4 insentif bantu mahasiswa. UMP News .

Mimi Rabita, Abdul Wahit (2016) UMP perkenal MyGift untuk kebajikan siswa. Berita Harian . p. 20.

Mimi Rabita, Abdul Wahit (2022) UMP rai sukarelawan tonton filem Mat Kilau Kebangkitan Pahlawan. UMP News .

Mimi Rabita, Abdul Wahit (2021) UMP siap sedia terima 6,334 pelajar kembali ke kampus. UMP News .

Mimi Rabita, Abdul Wahit (2022) UMP, IMPACT MALAYSIA seal collaboration of Youth and Community Innovation programme. UMP News .

Mimi Rabita, Abdul Wahit (2021) UMP, IYRES collaboration in big data technology and youth development. UMP News .

Mimi Rabita, Abdul Wahit (2023) UMP, MBK seal collaboration in innovation development and environmental sustainability. UMPSA News .

Mimi Rabita, Abdul Wahit (2023) UMPSA collaborates with MACEE for Fulbright Malaysia programme. UMPSA News .

Mimi Rabita, Abdul Wahit (2023) UMPSA forms strategic collaboration with 12 industries involving Work-Based Learning (WBL). UMPSA News .

Mimi Rabita, Abdul Wahit (2023) UMPSA jalin kerjasama dengan MACEE bagi program Fulbright Malaysia. UMPSA News . ISSN 1823-7487

Mimi Rabita, Abdul Wahit (2023) UMPSA jalin kerjasama strategik dengan 12 industri melibatkan Pembelajaran berasaskan Kerja WBL. UMPSA News . ISSN 1823-7487

Mimi Rabita, Abdul Wahit (2022) Yayasan UMP terima RM470,648 sumbangan MUIP untuk agihan zakat dan bantuan bencana. UMP News .

Mimi Rabita, Abdul Wahit (2021) Yayasan UMP will launch special registration number under strategic collaboration with Aquatwo. UMP News .

Mohamad, Ahmad Muhaimin (2022) Kefasihan bacaan Al-Fatihah: Analisis dalam kalangan pelajar kejuruteraan. Journal of Islamic, Social, Economics and Development (JISED), 7 (45). pp. 156-165. ISSN 0128-1755. (Published)

Mohamad Aizat, Zaki (2015) Mahasiswa UMP jayakan Kem Interaksi Pemimpin Muda. CREATE . p. 51. ISSN 1823-7487

Mohamad Aizat, Zaki (2015) Mahasiswa UMP jayakan Kem Interaksi Pemimpin Muda. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Mohamad Dzulfiqar, Rasli and Muhammad Zaki Mukhtar, Mohd Nor and Sorooshian, Shahryar and Tan, Seng Teck and Md. Yusof, Ismail (2016) How Productivity Can Be Affected By Human Capital. International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 1 (6). pp. 29-32. ISSN 2455-2143. (Published)

Mohamad Ferdaus, Musa (2023) UMPSA meterai kerjasama dengan 3 institusi di Hebei. UMPSA News .

Mohamad Ferdaus, Musa (2023) UMPSA signs collaboration agreements with 3 Institutions in Hebei. UMPSA News .

Mohamad Hafiz, Yusoff Bakri (2021) Darurat, kuasa mutlak pada Agong. Utusan Malaysia .

Mohamad Hafiz, Yusoff Bakri (2021) Jika hilang majoriti, nasib Muhyiddin bergantung pada Agong. Utusan Malaysia .

Mohamad Hafiz, Yusoff Bakri (2017) Produk UMP antara pemenang AIN 2017. Utusan Malaysia .

Mohamad Hafizuddin, Rasid (2016) UMP laksana Misi Kemanusiaan ke Kemboja kali ke-4. CREATE . p. 66. ISSN 1823-7487

Mohamad Hakimi, Kamarudin (2019) 36 SPM leavers are excited to be at UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Mohamad Hakimi, Kamarudin (2019) Jualan buku terbesar Karnival Big Bad Wolf kini di UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Mohamad Hakimi, Kamarudin (2020) Kekal berada di kampus harungi PKP. UMP News .

Mohamad Hakimi, Kamarudin (2020) Students remain on campus during MCO. UMP News .

Mohamad Hakimi, Kamarudin (2019) Teruja berada di Kampus UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Mohamad Hasnur, Abdul Hamid (2018) PIMPIN anjur Seminar Halalan Tayyiba bincang isu halal kontemporari. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Mohamad Hasnur, Abdul Hamid (2017) Pendedahan tentang Viral vs Moral. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Mohamad Hasnur, Abdul Hamid (2017) Viral vs moral. UMP news . (Unpublished)

Mohamad Hazeem, Mohmad Sidik and Mohd Rashid, Ab Hamid and Abdullah, Ibrahim and Zarina, Mohd Ali (2017) Theoretical support for staff satisfaction in higher education institutions: a conceptual framework. Jurnal Pengukuran Kualiti & Analisis, 13 (2). pp. 1-16. ISSN 1823-5670. (Published)

Mohamad Hilmi, Mat Said and Hasan, Ahmad and Mansor, Sulaiman (2016) Kajian Komitmen Pensyarah Terhadap Tatacara Berpakaian, Sahsiah dan Rupa Diri Pelajar IPT Malaysia. In: Seminar Kebangsaan Tamadun dan Warisan Islam (TAWIS) 2016 , 8-9 Disember 2016 , Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi. pp. 1-15.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)

Mohamad Hilmi, Mat Said and Noryanti, Muhammad and Norsuhaila, Musa and Nabila, Abdul Malek (2023) Factors Affecting the Standard of Life of Asnaf Under Asnaf Care Program Masjid Lama Permatang Badak, Kuantan. EasyChair Preprint. pp. 1-9. (Preprint)

Mohamad Idris, Ali and Syamsul Bahari, Abdullah (2022) Bersama kurangkan kesan bencana banjir. UMP News .

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Mohamad Reeduan, Mustapha (2023) Memahami permintaan hartanah dan kuasa beli pengguna. UMP News .

Mohamad Reeduan, Mustapha (2024) Menjana kepercayaan dalam menangani rasuah dan memacu transformasi digital. UMPSA News .

Mohamad Reeduan, Mustapha (2024) Tumpu sektor pertanian, perikanan ketika nilai ringgit lemah. Berita Harian .

Mohamad Reeduan, Mustapha and Farhana, Ahamad and Noor Yuslida, Hazahari and Nurhusna, Samsudin (2024) Ethical issues in the halal food supply chain: A systematic bibliometric review. Journal of Islamic Marketing, ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print). pp. 1-16. ISSN 1759-0833. (In Press / Online First) (In Press / Online First)

Mohamad Reeduan, Mustapha and Muhammad Ashraf, Fauzi and Ong, Tian Soon and Leow, Hon Wei and Cheok, Mui Yee (2024) Employee perception of whistleblowing in the workplace: A systematic bibliometric review. Pakistan Journal of Life and Social Sciences, 22 (1). pp. 16-32. ISSN 1727-4915. (Published)

Mohamad Reeduan, Mustapha and Muhammad Ashraf, Fauzi and Puteri Fadzline, Muhamad Tamyez and So, Idris Gautama and Gui, Anderes (2024) Bibliographic Coupling Analysis IR4.0: Challenges and Opportunities in Southeast Asia. Journal of Electrical Systems, 20 (9s). pp. 1611-1622. ISSN 1112-5209. (Published)

Mohamad Reeduan, Mustapha and Noridayu, Mah Hashim and Adam, Anwar (2024) Exploring a mobile application for reporting non-compliance with halal standards: A pilot study. Journal of Governance and Integrity (JGI), 7 (1). pp. 692-699. ISSN 2600-7479. (Published)

Mohamad Rizza, Othman (2019) Industri nadir bumi dari sudut pandang pembangunan lestari. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Mohamad Rizza, Othman (2019) Industri nadir bumi dari sudut pandang pembangunan lestari (Bahagian II). UMP News . (Unpublished)

Mohamad Rizza, Othman (2019) Lestarikan pembangunan nadir bumi. Berita Harian .

Mohamad Rizza, Othman (2020) Pastikan pembangunan lestari nadir bumi. Berita Harian . p. 11.

Mohamad Shofi, Mat Isa (2020) Covid-19 mudah, cepat tersebar. Utusan Malaysia .

Mohamad Shofi, Mat Isa (2022) Dua dekad mencapai kegemilangan, UMP sanjung jasa staf. Utusan Malaysia .

Mohamad Shofi, Mat Isa (2021) Empat sektor masih perlukan pekerja asing. Utusan Malaysia .

Mohamad Shofi, Mat Isa (2018) Expoconvo UMP pikat masyarakat masuk kampus. Utusan Online .

Mohamad Shofi, Mat Isa (2021) Kerjasama strategik UMP, Kumpulan Perodua perkasa graduan TVET. Utusan Malaysia .

Mohamad Shofi, Mat Isa (2018) UMP Imarahkan Ramadan. Utusan Malaysia . p. 26.

Mohamad Shofi, Mat Isa (2023) UMP di tangga 301-400 dalam penarafan THE University Impact Rankings 2023. Utusan Malaysia .

Mohamad Shofi, Mat Isa (2018) UMP iktiraf 144 kakitangan cemerlang. Utusan Malaysia . p. 23.

Mohamad Shofi, Mat Isa (2023) UMP kini dikenali sebagai UMPSA. Utusan Malaysia .

Mohamad Shofi, Mat Isa (2017) UMP lonjak penyelidikan berimpak tinggi. Utusan Malaysia . p. 26.

Mohamad Shofi, Mat Isa (2022) UMP perluas jaringan kerjasama antarabangsa dengan Konstanz University of Applied Sciences Jerman. Utusan Malaysia .

Mohamad Shofi, Mat Isa (2016) Warga UMP berkayak Sehati Sejiwa. Utusan Malaysia . p. 28.

Mohamad Shofi, Mat Isa (2020) Yayasan UMP hulur bantuan untuk penuntut. Utusan Malaysia .

Mohamad Syahmi, Mohd Radzi (2017) Factors and causes of rising price of low-cost houses in Penang, Malaysia. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.

Mohamed Rafiee, Kamarudin (2021) UMP and Vacuumschmelze VAC signed MoU on sharing of technology and talent development. UMP News .

Mohammad, Khudari and Noraina Mazuin, Sapuan and Mohammed Ammeen, Fadhil (2021) The impact of political stability and macroeconomic variables on foreign direct investment in Turkey. In: The 9th International Seminar On Entrepreneurship, Business And Technology (ISEBT 2021) , 26-27 September 2021 , Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Kelantan (Virtual). pp. 1-13.. (Published)

Mohammad Affendy, Omardin (2019) Mengarus perdana progam TVET aras tinggi transformasi minda berkemahiran tinggi. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Mohammad Affendy, Omardin (2021) The development building maintenance training model of healthcare industry. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).

Mohammad Hakimi, Kamarudin (2018) International Night - a night of culture sharing of various countries. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Mohammad Hakimi, Kamarudin (2018) Pementasan Teater Muzikal “Superhero” Gandingan Alumni dan Mahasiswa UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Mohammad Hakimi, Kamarudin (2019) Sinergi UMP dan MRSM terhadap intelektual dan potensi pelajar. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Mohammad Hakimi, Kamarudin (2019) Synergy between UMP and MRSM have positive impact on intellectual and potential development of students. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Mohammad Hakimi, Kamarudin (2018) UMP tumpu keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerjaan untuk kesejahteraan kampus. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Mohammad Hasyir, Sunoto (2018) UMP, Axiata bangunkan program pembangunan mahasiswa berdaya saing. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Mohammad Waffy, Fazil and Lee, Chia Kuang and Puteri Fadzline, Muhamad Tamyez (2021) Cost Estimation Performance in the Construction Projects: A Systematic Review and Future Directions. International Journal of Industrial Management (IJIM), 11 (1). pp. 217-234. ISSN 2289-9286 (Print); 0127-564x (Online). (Published)

Mohammad Waffy, Fazil and Lee, Chia Kuang and Puteri Fadzline, Muhamad Tamyez (2021) Cost estimation performance in the Construction Projects: A systematic review and future directions. International Journal of Industrial Management (IJIM), 11 (1). pp. 217-234. ISSN 2289-9286 (Print); 0127-564x (Online). (Published)

Mohd Aizat Ahlam, Mohamad Mokhtar and Nur Syahidah, Yusoff and Chuan, Zun Liang (2019) Robust hotelling’s T2 statistic based on M-estimator. In: 2nd International Conference on Applied & Industrial Mathematics and Statistics (ICOAIMS 2019) , 23-25 July 2019 , Kuantan, Pahang. pp. 1-6.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)

Mohd Akram, Abdul Razak (2013) Kor SISPA UMP muncul juara. CREATE . p. 44. ISSN 1823-7487

Mohd Amin, Jalil (2020) 6 penuntut tumpang kasih di USIM. Harian Metro .

Mohd Ariffin, Abdul Aziz (2016) Cara memulakan Kelab Buku. Wadah (1). p. 5. ISSN 2180-0456

Mohd Asyraf, Othman (2016) UMP bantu guru taska tingkat kemahiran berbahasa Inggeris. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Mohd Azam, Muhamad Akhir (2019) 128 Pegawai Kadet PALAPES UMP Terima Pentauliahan Leftenan Muda. UMP News .

Mohd Farid, Md Ali (2017) FKM-MECHA Rhino kekal kejuaraan. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Mohd Farid, Md Ali (2019) Pasukan bola sepak UMP timba pengalaman di Kunming China. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Mohd Ferdaus, Musa (2020) Barisan hadapan PPPH hantar pulang pelajar ke kampung. UMP News .

Mohd Ferdaus, Musa (2020) Higher Education minister surveys UMP readiness in handling Covid-19 outbreak. UMP News .

Mohd Ferdaus, Musa (2019) Jelajah Desa peluang pemegang biasiswa UMP dekati masyarakat orang asli. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Mohd Ferdaus, Musa (2020) Kaunselor UMP beri sokongan psikologi urus kerisauan. UMP News .

Mohd Ferdaus, Musa (2020) Menteri KPT tinjau kesiapsiagaan UMP tangani penularan covid-19. UMP News .

Mohd Ferdaus, Musa (2020) PPPH frontliners send students back to hometowns. UMP News .

Mohd Ferdaus, Musa (2018) Rushdi Gaafar - A Yemeni with the flair for Malay language. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Mohd Ferdaus, Musa (2016) Sahur percuma setiap Rabu sempena Ramadan. CREATE . p. 48. ISSN 1823-7487

Mohd Ferdaus, Musa Team UMP emerged as winner in Malay Category in Royal Debate. Pekan Review, 6 . p. 48. ISSN 2180-3099

Mohd Ferdaus, Musa (2020) Thank You My Heroes - Operation of sending back UMP and east zone IPTs students goes smoothly. UMP News .

Mohd Ferdaus, Musa (2019) UMP and PERHEBAT to help empower former army personnel. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Mohd Ferdaus, Musa (2019) UMP dan PERHEBAT bantu perkasa bakal pesara tentera. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Mohd Ferdaus, Musa (2020) UMP receives donation to help student. UMP News .

Mohd Ferdaus, Musa (2020) UMP terima sumbangan bantu mahasiswa. UMP News .

Mohd Ferdaus, Musa (2023) UMPSA dan Pendidikan Malaysia perkukuh hubungan baik dengan Institusi di China. UMPSA News .

Mohd Ferdaus, Musa (2023) UMPSA establishes collaboration with D-8 International University, Iran, enhancing international cooperation. UMPSA News .

Mohd Ferdaus, Musa (2023) UMPSA establishes collaboration with Islamic Azad University, Iran. UMPSA News .

Mohd Ferdaus, Musa (2023) UMPSA jalin kerjasama dengan D-8 International University, Iran tingkat kerjasama antarabangsa. UMPSA News .

Mohd Ferdaus, Musa (2024) VC UMPSA speaks at China Conference Heilongjiang - Malaysia Higher Education Week 2024. UMPSA News .

Mohd Firdaus, Mohd Kamaruzaman (2012) Smart Partnership Program: Seiring Menuju Puncak Menara. Ilham, 9 . p. 18. ISSN 1985-157X

Mohd Hafiz, Abd. Mutalib (2021) Ahli politik bersabarlah. Utusan Malaysia .

Mohd Hafiz, Abd. Mutalib (2020) Boleh pegang jawatan dalam GLC. Utusan Malaysia .

Mohd Hafiz, Abd. Mutalib (2020) Bubar Parlimen jalan terbaik. Utusan Malaysia .

Mohd Hafiz, Abd. Mutalib (2020) Darurat tidak gantung Parlimen. Mingguan Malaysia .

Mohd Hafiz, Abd. Mutalib and Omar, Zin (2021) Tunjuk bukti ada majoriti. Utusan Malaysia .

Mohd Hanafiah, Ahmad (2018) The effect of cultural factors on the design and acceptance of assessment centre practices in Malaysian public sector. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).

Mohd Hanafiah, Ahmad and Mohd Rashid, Ab Hamid (2018) A theoretical support for cultural influence implementation and acceptance of assessment centres for Malaysia public sector. Asian Social Science & Humanities Research Journal (ASHREJ), 01 (02). pp. 11-28. ISSN 2636-9109. (Published)

Mohd Hanafiah, Ahmad and Mohd Rashid, Ab Hamid and Noor Azlinna, Azizan (2018) Impact of culture on the acceptance and outcomes of assessment centre method. Journal of Quality Measurement and Analysis, 14 (1). pp. 23-43. ISSN 2600-8599. (Published)

Mohd Harith Zubaidi, Hashim (2017) Minggu kesedaran budaya Keselamatan dan Kesihatan UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Mohd Hefzan, Azmi and Muhammad Nubli, Abdul Wahab (2019) Pembangunan model rawatan psikospiritual Islam untuk meningkatkan ciri-ciri kepulihan orang kena pengawasan: satu tinjauan literatur. Jurnal Antidadah Malaysia, 11 (2). pp. 175-192. ISSN 2231-9387. (Published)

Mohd Hizam, Hanafiah and Nurul Ashykin, Abd Aziz (2023) Persamaan latar belakang dan perbezaan prestasi perniagaan dalam kalangan francaisi milik keluarga dan bukan milik keluarga di Malaysia. Kajian Malaysia, 41 (2). pp. 247-266. ISSN 2180-4273. (Published)

Mohd Ibrahim, Iskandar (2022) Kuasa wajar diberikan kepada Majlis Raja-raja. Berita Harian .

Mohd Idaham, Umar Ong (2011) Disaster recovery facilities in the main office? Bit@FSKKP . pp. 6-7. ISSN 1985-7969

Mohd Iskandar, Ibrahim (2021) Mahkamah syariah, sivil perlu saling melengkapi, bukan bersaing. Berita Harian .

Mohd Iskandar, Ibrahim (2022) Majlis Raja-Raja perlu diberi lebih peranan dalam pelantikan JAC. Berita Harian .

Mohd Iszuani, Mohd Hassan (2019) A Visit to Japan Foundation Kuala Lumpur. CMLHS News . (Unpublished)

Mohd Khairul Anam, Md Khairudin (2019) Masakan Jepun Oden jadi taruhan. Berita Harian . p. 51.

Mohd Khairul Anam, Md Khairudin (2020) Melestarikan Kampus Hijau. Berita Harian .

Mohd Khairul Bazli, Mohd Aziz and Muhammad Azrin, Ahmad and Muhammad Khairul Annuar, Mohamed (2021) Pena PSM. Pena PSM, 1 (1). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2785-8200

Mohd Khairul Izamil, Zolkefley (2021) Memahami pemikiran golongan antivaksin. UMP News .

Mohd Khairul Izamil, Zolkefley and Che Mohd Nassir, C. M. N and Jaffer, U. (2023) Work-life balance in managing stress, job satisfaction and performance: The wasatiyyah concept and neuroscience perspective. Global Journal Al-Thaqafah, 13 (2). pp. 1-13. ISSN 2232-0474. (Published)

Mohd Marzuki, Mohamed (2019) UMP embarks on 6R Campaign for sustainable green campus. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Mohd Mokhtarishah, Mohamed Mokhtar and Hasmadi, Hassan (2021) Penggunaan media sosial sebagai medium dakwah Islam dalam kalangan penduduk Kampung Beserah, Kuantan, Pahang. International Journal of Humanities Technology and Civilization (IJHTC), 1 (11). pp. 90-107. ISSN 2289-7216, 2600-8815 (Online). (Published)

Mohd Najib, Yacob (2020) Isu Keselamatan Bersediakah Kita. UMP News .

Mohd Nizam, Abdul Rashid (2015) Working visit to Kebun Kota Sdn Bhd. CREATE . pp. 1-2. ISSN 1823-7487

Mohd Norfarhan, Mohd Mustafa Community programme captures hearts at Kampung Nyentil. Pekan Review, 2 . pp. 34-35. ISSN 2180-3099

Mohd R, Jamaludin UMP Chairman: Tall order, but achievable. Pekan Review, 1 . pp. 8-11. ISSN 2180-3099

Mohd Rafi, Mamat (2021) Bukan Bumiputera tidak minat sertai APM. Berita Harian .

Mohd Rafi, Mamat (2017) Kebal tanpa tewas. Harian Metro . p. 58.

Mohd Rafi, Mamat (2017) Pengalaman bantu RISDA juara. Harian Metro . p. 69.

Mohd Rafi, Mamat (2017) Pensyarah UMP menang anugerah inovasi 2017. Berita Harian . p. 15.

Mohd Rafi, Mamat (2020) Straw pokok kercut ganti plastik. Harian Metro .

Mohd Rahimi, Ramli and Mazli, Mamat and Asilatul Hanaa, Abdullah and Faezah, Kassim and Muhammad Shamshinor, Abdul Azzis and Fatimi, Hanafi (2023) Demographic Factors as Disparities in Sabah Values of Patriotism. Journal of Techno Social (JTS), 15 (1). pp. 47-58. ISSN 2229-8940. (Published)

Mohd Raizalhilmy, Mohd Rais (2021) 642 Hari Mengupas Watak Pentadbir Hari Ini. UMP News .

Mohd Raizalhilmy, Mohd Rais (2017) Dr. Hari dedah pengurusan risiko dalam industri. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Mohd Raizalhilmy, Mohd Rais (2021) Semangat sukarelawan dukung konsep keluarga Malaysia sempena Hari Malaysia 2021. UMP News .

Mohd Raizalhilmy, Mohd Rais and Azlina, Abd. Mubin (2015) UMP raih dua pingat Projek Kesukarelaan Terbaik VCORE. CREATE . p. 40. ISSN 1823-7487

Mohd Raizalhilmy, Mohd Rais and Mohd Zaki, Ahmad (2021) Pentadbir Unggul Pemikiran, Kompetensi dan Identiti. UMP News .

Mohd Raizalhilmy, Mohd Rais and Zainuddin, Mat Hussin and Aziman, Abdullah (2013) Hi-PET – Meraikan Kepelbagaian Bakat Kepimpinan Dalam Organisasi Abad Ke-21. In: Seminar Inovasi Sektor Awam Peringkat Kebangsaan 2013 , 18 Nov 2013 , Pulau Pinang. . (Unpublished) (Unpublished)

Mohd Rashid, Ab Hamid (2016) PSH bantu lahir pemimpin berilmu. Berita Harian . p. 22.

Mohd Rashid, Ab Hamid (2013) Sistem pengukuran prestasi penting dalam organisasi. Berita Harian, (4 Apr . p. 27.

Mohd Rosli, Hainin and Nur Izzi, Md. Yusoff (2021) Usah pandang ringan bahaya memandu dalam banjir. Berita Harian .

Mohd Rozaimy, Ridzuan and Jamal Rizal, Razali and Ju, Soon Yew and Noor Amira Syazwani, Abd Rahman and Kong, Lai Kuan and Norhidayah, Md Yusof Do you trust our public protection? Exploring its moderating effect in the relationship between perceived susceptibility and flood preparedness intention. Journal of Sustainability Science and Management. ISSN 1823-8556. (Published)

Mohd Rozaimy, Ridzuan and Jamal Rizal, Razali and Ju, Soon-Yew and Noor Amira Syazwani, Abd Rahman (2024) That is not my house? Household renters’ flood preparedness intention in the East Coast Region of Malaysia. Journal of Integrated Disaster Risk Management, 14 (1). pp. 1-26. ISSN 2185-8322. (Published)

Mohd Rozaimy, Ridzuan and Jamal Rizal, Razali and Ju, Soon-Yew and Norhidayah, Md Yusof and Kong, Lai-Kuan and Nur Hidayahtul Nabihah, Manas and Noor Amira Syazwani, Abd Rahman (2023) Mitigating flood risk in Malaysia through flood insurance: Exploring the feasibility of the United States and Japanese approaches. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences (IJARBSS), 13 (9). 240 -260. ISSN 2222-6990. (Published)

Mohd Rozaimy, Ridzuan and Jamal Rizal, Razali and Noor Amira Syazwani, Abd Rahman (2023) It takes two to tango: Unlocking flood preparedness in Malaysia through social capital. In: Compilation of research papers on SSH (Social Sciences & Humanities). MNNF Publisher, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia, pp. 9-17. ISBN 978-967-0052-07-6

Mohd Rozaimy, Ridzuan and Jamal Rizal, Razali and Soon-Yew, Ju and Noor Amira Syazwani, Abd Rahman and Amirudin, Mohd Zani and Lai-Kuan, Kong (2023) The Effectiveness of the Master of Flood Preparedness (MOFP) in Elevating Malaysian Youths' Awareness of Flood Preparedness. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences (IJARBSS), 13 (6). pp. 2483-2495. ISSN 2222-6990. (Published)

Mohd Ruzaini, Hashim (2015) 60 staf sertai ULead UMP tingkat kompetensi kepimpinan staf. CREATE . p. 66. ISSN 1823-7487

Mohd Ruzaini, Hashim (2015) BLPK anjur Program Keberkatan dan Kecemerlangan Bekerja. CREATE . p. 57. ISSN 1823-7487

Mohd Ruzaini, Hashim (2015) BLPK anjur TransU sasar elemen menuju kegemilangan. CREATE . p. 69. ISSN 1823-7487

Mohd Ruzaini, Hashim (2015) BLPK anjur program kesiapsiagaan menghadapi banjir. CREATE . p. 67. ISSN 1823-7487

Mohd Ruzaini, Hashim (2015) Program Pengurusan Bakat dan Pelan Penggantian, Pemangkin ‘Menuju Kegemilangan’ UMP. CREATE . p. 68. ISSN 1823-7487

Mohd Ruzaini, Hashim (2015) Program TransU perkukuh perasaan sayang kepada universiti. CREATE . p. 64. ISSN 1823-7487

Mohd Saiful, Mohd Sahak (2018) Bakal jurutera hebat di pentas teater. Utusan Malaysia . p. 30.

Mohd Saiful, Mohd Sahak (2016) Ekspokonvo UMP gegar Pahang. Utusan Malaysia . p. 1.

Mohd Saiful, Mohd Sahak (2017) Jelajah Kembara Waqaf Merdeka UMP. Utusan Malaysia . p. 24.

Mohd Saiful, Mohd Sahak (2017) Jom sertai Fun Run 5km UMP. Utusan Malaysia . p. 22.

Mohd Saiful, Mohd Sahak (2017) Semarak Ramadan UMP. Utusan Malaysia . p. 25.

Mohd Shahri, Mohd Akhir (2017) Projek CDVisT menang emas dalam IUCEL 2017. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Mohd Shahrul, Azuar (2019) 20 UMP staff conquered Mount Kinabalu. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Mohd Shahrul, Azuar (2019) Ekspedisi UMP tawan puncak Kinabalu. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Mohd Shariza, Abdullah (2018) 3,217 siswa lafaz ikrar. Utusan Malaysia .

Mohd Shariza, Abdullah (2019) Biodata Tengku Abdullah. Utusan Online .

Mohd Suhardi, Mat Jusoh and Noorhuzaimi@Karimah, Mohd Noor and Nazirul Mubin, Muhammad (2021) e-modul latihan tazkiyah al- nafs ( e-MLTN). In: Creation, Innovation, Technology & Research Exposition (CITREX) 2021 , 2021 , Virtually hosted by Universiti Malaysia Pahang. p. 1.. (Published)

Mohd Zaki, Ahmad (2019) Pentadbir Universiti- melestari kepimpinan, memandang masa hadapan. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Mohd Zaki, Ahmad (2009) Pesta Tahun Baharu Cina disambut meriah. CREATE . p. 38. ISSN 1823-7487

Mohd Zaki, Ahmad and Mohd Raizalhilmy, Mohd Rais (2019) Pupuk semangat kesukarelawanan mahasiswa UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Mohd Zaky, Zainuddin (2021) TUBE lahirkan 5,643 usahawan belia Bumiputera. Berita Harian .

Mohd Zamani, Nor Peah and Muhammad Nubli, Abdul Wahab and Hamdzun, Haron and Jewae, Phaosan (2017) Warisan Tembikar Tradisional Melayu Di Pahang. International Journal of Creative Futures and Heritage, 5 (1). pp. 124-141. ISSN 2289-4527 . (Published)

Mohd Zeni, Nur Azni and Abdul Kadir, Mohd Rizuan and Sapuan, Noraina Mazuin (2022) The role of governance in analysing waqf performance. In: Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems; International Conference on Business and Technology, ICBT 2021 , 6 - 7 November 2021 , Istanbul. 283 -303., 487 (280249). ISSN 2367-3370 ISBN 978-303108083-8 (Published)

Mohd. Raizal Hilmy, Mohd Rais (2020) Kunjungan MDEC bincang projek sekolah inovasi masa hadapan. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Mohd. Raizalhilmy, Mohd. Rais (2020) Hibrah covid-19 ubah cara bekerja. UMP News .

Mohd. Raizalhilmy, Mohd. Rais (2018) UMP sasar program pemerkasaan Khidmat Inovasi Sosial. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Mohd. Ruzaini, Hashim (2015) Program Trans U elemen menuju kegemilangan UMP. UMP News .

Mohd. Ruzaini, Hashim (2015) Program TransU perkukuh semangat sayang UMP. UMP News .

Mohd. Ruzaini, Hashim (2015) UMP anjur Program Keberkatan dan Kecemerlangan Bekerja. UMP News .

Mohd. Ruzaini, Hashim (2015) UMP bangunkan model kompetensi dan kepimpinan staf. UMP News .

Mohd. Shariza, Abdullah (2017) Sukarelawan, alumni UMP serah sumbangan. Utusan Malaysia . p. 30.

Mohd. Shariza, Abdullah (2017) UMP hasilkan penyelidikan inovasi berimpak tinggi. Utusan Malaysia . p. 31.

Mohd. Shariza, Abdullah (2017) UMP, IIM bergabung bina budaya integriti. Utusan Malaysia . p. 30.

Mohd. Zaki, Ahmad (2013) Malam Santai Budaya erat hubungan UMP-UMRAH. CREATE . p. 46. ISSN 1823-7487

Mohd. Zaki, Ahmad (2015) UMP pamer Seni Pertahanan Diri di pentas dunia. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Mohd. Zaki, Ahmad (2015) UMP pamer seni pertahanan diri di pentas dunia. CREATE . p. 22. ISSN 1823-7487

Mokhtar, Mazita and Yahya, Salme and Ali Khan, Muhammad Waris and kamaruzzaman, zetty ain (2022) The impact of IR 4.0 technology acceptance on small medium enterprises behavior intention in the halal food and beverage industry in Malaysia: A pilot study. Journal of Business on Hospitality and, 8 (1). pp. 167-186. ISSN 2527-6921. (Published)

Moshood, Taofeeq D. and Nawanir, Gusman and Ahmad, Mohd Hanafiah and Lee, Khai Loon and Hussain, Suhaidah (2022) Sustainable business model innovation and perspective of using microalgae to produce biofuel: A systematic literature review. Journal of Sustainability Science and Management, 17 (3). pp. 304-325. ISSN 2672-7226. (Published)

Moshood, Taofeeq D. and Nawanir, Gusman and Fatimah, Mahmud (2021) Microalgae biofuels production: A systematic review on socioeconomic prospects of microalgae biofuels and policy implications. Environmental Challenges, 5 (100207). pp. 1-13. ISSN 2667-0100. (Published)

Moshood, Taofeeq D. and Nawanir, Gusman and Fatimah, Mahmud (2021) Sustainability of biodegradable plastics: a review on social, economic, and environmental factors. Critical Reviews in Biotechnology. pp. 1-21. ISSN 0738-8551. (Published)

Moshood, Taofeeq D. and Nawanir, Gusman and Fatimah, Mahmud and Mohd Hanafiah, Ahmad and Fazeeda, Mohamad and Airin, AbdulGhani (2023) The plastic of the future: Determinants for switching intention from synthetic to biodegradable plastics among the young consumers. Journal of Social Marketing, Vol. 13 (1). pp. 121-148. ISSN 2042-6763. (Published)

Moshood, Taofeeq D. and Nawanir, Gusman and Mahmud, Fatimah and Fazeeda, Mohamad and Mohd Hanafiah, Ahmad and Airin, AbdulGhani and Kumar, Senthil (2022) Green product innovation: A means towards achieving global sustainable product within biodegradable plastic industry. Journal of Cleaner Production, 363 (132506). pp. 1-17. ISSN 1879-1786. (Published)

Moshood, Taofeeq D. and Nawanir, Gusman and Norhana, Mohd Aripin and Mohd Hanafiah, Ahmad and Lee, Khai Loon and Suhaidah, Hussain and Sanusi, Yekinni Kolawole and W. A., Ajibike (2022) Lean business model canvas and sustainable innovation business model based on the industrial synergy of microalgae cultivation. Environmental Challenges, 6 (100418). pp. 1-13. ISSN 2667-0100. (Published)

Moshood, Taofeeq D. and Nawanir, Gusman and Sorooshian, Shahryar and Fatimah, Mahmud and Adeleke, A. Q. (2020) Barriers and benefits of ICT adoption in the Nigerian construction industry. a comprehensive literature review. Applied System Innovation, 3 (4). pp. 1-19. ISSN 2571-5577. (Published)

Moshood, Taofeeq Durojaye and Adeleke, A. Q. and Nawanir, Gusman and Ajibike, W. A. and Shittu, Rukayat A. (2020) Emerging challenges and sustainability of industry 4.0 Era in the Malaysian construction industry. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 9 (1). pp. 1627-1634. ISSN 2277-3878. (Published)

Moshood, Taofeeq Durojaye and Nawanir, Gusman and Fatimah, Mahmud and W. A., Ajibike (2021) Sustainable system for supply chain management in the Malaysian manufacturing industries: a review and research direction. International Journal of Supply Chain and Operations Resilience (IJSCOR), 5 (1). pp. 79-98. ISSN 2052-8698. (Published)

Moshood, Taofeeq.D. and Adeleke, A. Q. and Nawanir, Gusman and Fatimah, Mahmud (2020) Ranking of human factors affecting contractors’ risk attitudes in the Malaysian construction industry. Social Sciences & Humanities Open, 2 (1). p. 100064. ISSN 2590-2911. (Published)

Muhamad Afzamiman, Aripin and S. A., Shami and M. H., Mohd Hisham and Rohana, Hamzah (2018) Index of Instructional Sensitivity of Holistic Approach Training Module for Malaysian TVET Instructors in Prison. International Journal of Human and Technology Interaction, 2 (1). pp. 13-18. ISSN 2590-3551. (Published)

Muhamad Afzamiman, Aripin and Sarimah, Ismail and Rohana, Hamzah and Ros Eliana, Ahmad Zuki (2018) Content Reliability Measurement of Holistic Approach Training Module. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 118 (24). pp. 1-13. ISSN 1311-8080 (print); 314-3395 (online). (Published)

Muhamad Firdaus, Azman and Nurnatasha Eizreena Atiqah, Abdullah (2017) Rutin penternak uji ketahanan sukarelawan UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Muhamad Safwan, Fadzil (2018) Kayuhan Merdeka UMP semarakkan bulan kemerdekaan. Sinar Harian . p. 4.

Muhamad Tamyez, Puteri Fadzline and Mohd, Rusyda Helma (Ed.) (2022) Penerapan teori pengurusan: konteks penyelidikan Malaysia. Penerbit Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Universiti Malaysia Pahang Lebuhraya Tun Razak, 26300 Gambang, Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur. ISBN 978-967-2831-54-9

Muhammad, Mohamad Idris (2021) Kuantan mampu jadi model bandar raya lestari. Berita Harian .

Muhammad Aizat, Azed (2015) Mahasiswa UMP terpilih dalam Mobiliti Antarabangsa Mahasiswa Malaysia-Mexico. CREATE . p. 24. ISSN 1823-7487

Muhammad Aizat, Azed (2022) Round table discussion TNBs Perspective on Supporting Sustainable Program in Malaysia. UMP News .

Muhammad Aizzat, Zakaria (2016) Karnival kerjaya manfaatkan pelajar FKP. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Muhammad Akmal Helmy, Burhanuddin (2016) 38 sukarelawanan PEKA 5 anjur program Lil’ Elephant. CREATE . p. 71. ISSN 1823-7487

Muhammad Akram Ramadhan, Ibrahim and Nor Izzati, Jaini and Utyuzhnikov, Sergey (2025) A Trade-off Ranking Method: Case of Extreme Solutions Redundancy. Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology, 43 (2). pp. 32-41. ISSN 2462-1943. (Published)

Muhammad Ashraf, Fauzi (2022) E-learning in higher education institutions during COVID-19 pandemic: Current and future trends through bibliometric analysis. Heliyon, 8 (5). pp. 1-10. ISSN 2405-8440. (Published)

Muhammad Ashraf, Fauzi (2019) Knowledge sharing in Asia Pacific via virtual community platform: A systematic review. International Journal of Web Based Communities, 15 (4). pp. 368-394. ISSN 1741-8216. (Published)

Muhammad Ashraf, Fauzi (2022) Partial least square structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) in knowledge management studies: Knowledge sharing in virtual communities. Knowledge Management & E-Learning, 14 (1). pp. 103-124. ISSN 2073-7904. (Published)

Muhammad Ashraf, Fauzi (2020) Penunggang basikal perlu jadi pengguna bijak. Berita Harian .

Muhammad Ashraf, Fauzi (2022) A review of knowledge hiding in team: Evaluation of critical research streams. Team Performance Management, 28 (5-6). 281 -305. ISSN 1352-7592. (Published)

Muhammad Ashraf, Fauzi and Abdul Rahimi, Abdul Rahman and Lee, Chia Kuang (2022) A systematic bibliometric review of the United Nation’s SDGS: Which are the most related to higher education institutions? International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print). pp. 1-23. ISSN 1467-6370. (Published)

Muhammad Ashraf, Fauzi and Cheng, Jack Kie and Puteri Fadzline, Muhamad Tamyez (2020) PhD: The Amazing Journey. Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang. ISBN 978-967-2226-90-1

Muhammad Ashraf, Fauzi and Siti Aminah, Harun and Noor Suhani, Sulaiman (2022) Examining consumer's purchasing behavior of energy-efficient appliance through the lenses of theory of planned behavior and environmental factors. Management of Environmental Quality, 33 (5). pp. 1207-1225. ISSN 1477-7835. (Published)

Muhammad Ashraf, Fauzi and Siti Aminah, Harun and Tulasi, Martin and Norazha, Paiman and Mohamed Saiful Firdaus, Hussin (2021) Smartphone addiction among young adolescents: Integration of flow theory and fear of missing out. International Journal of Information and Management Sciences (IJIMS), 32. pp. 39-58. ISSN 1017-1819. (Published)

Muhammad Ashraf, Fauzi and Tulasi, Martin (2021) The influence of transformational leadership on Malaysian students’ entrepreneurial behaviour. Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review, 9 (1). pp. 89-103. ISSN eISSN 2353-8821. (Published)

Muhammad Asyraf, Hasan (2018) 500 mahasiswa sertai Iftar Perdana Kolej Kediaman 2. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Muhammad Asyraf, Hasan and Mohd Ferdaus, Musa (2019) UMP students helped victims of earthquake in Lombok. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Muhammad Azli, Shukri (2022) Fokus dan kemahiran membuat keputusan asas kejayaan usahawan. Dewan Ekonomi, Jun . p. 50. ISSN 0128-8520

Muhammad Azli, Shukri (2021) Kolaborasi UMP dalam buku Paya Besar, Menyingkap Silam dan Mendepani Masa Hadapan. UMP News .

Muhammad Azli, Shukri (2013) UMP Vice Chancellor won National Book Award 2013. Quest, 10 (6). pp. 1-3. ISSN 1985-8159

Muhammad Azli, Shukri (2021) UMP collaboration in Paya Besar, Menyingkap Silam dan Mendepani Masa Hadapan. UMP News .

Muhammad Azli, Shukri and Amirul, Ahmad and Rosilavi, Mat Jusoh (2019) Transformasi Organisasi Manusia Asas Perubahan. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Muhammad Azrul Izwan Shah, Ros and Mazita, Mokhtar (2017) Social Enterprise: A Case Study Of The “Be A Change” Project Serai Wangi At Bukit Kenau, Pekan. In: Poster PSM - Faculty of Industrial Management , 2017 , Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Gambang, Pahang. . (Published)

Muhammad Faiz, Rosli and Abdul Rahman, Zahari and Puteri Fadzline, Muhamad Tamyez (2020) The effects of suitability and acceptability of lean principles in the flow of waste management on construction project performance. International Journal Of Construction Management. pp. 1-13. ISSN 1562-3599 (Print); 2331-2327 (Online). (Published)

Muhammad Fauzi, Ali (2017) Alumni UMP sumbang ilmu kepada bakal usahawan siswa. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Muhammad Hafiz Aswad, Ahmad Kamal (2022) Program kerjasama akademik UMP dan Jerman melangkah ke hadapan. UMP News .

Muhammad Hafiz Aswad, Ahmad Kamal (2013) UMP signed MoU with New Advanced Technology Sdn.Bhd. (NATECH). Quest, 10 (6). pp. 8-9. ISSN 1985-8159

Muhammad Hafiz Aswad, Ahmad Kamal (2023) UMPSA and Pahang State Government Study the Feasibility of Constructing Spur Line for ECRL. UMPSA News .

Muhammad Hafiz Aswad, Ahmad Kamal (2020) A decade of German Engineering Education collaboration: past, present and future. UMP News .

Muhammad Hafizuddin, Rasid (2016) Mahasiswa UMP curah bakti di Kemboja. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Muhammad Khalis, Ibrahim (2023) Turkiye juga berjasa terhadap perjuangan Palestin. Utusan Malaysia .

Muhammad Nasiruddin, Mansor (2017) UMP raih pingat hasil penyelidikan terbaik dalam Pecipta17. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Muhammad Nubli, Abdul Wahab and Salam, Urme (2014) Assessment of Psychophysiological Responses of Drug Addiction Students through HRV Biofeedback. International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences (IJPSS), 4 (5). pp. 1-11. ISSN 2249-5894. (Published)

Muhammad Nubli, Abdul Wahab and Nazrolnizah, Mohamad Noorzeli (2017) Transformasi Kejayaan Usahawan. Penerbit UMP, Kuantan. ISBN 9789672054719

Muhammad Nubli, Abdul Wahab and Wan Rusyaini, Wan Mohd (2013) Measuring Persistence in Youth Competencies Development Using Heart Rate Variability (HRV). In: International Conference on Youth 2013 (ICYOUTH 2013) , 29 – 31 October 2013 , Mines Wellness Hotel, Sri Kembangan, Selangor Malaysia. pp. 351-361.. ISSN 978-967-10933-2-0 (Published)

Muhammad Nubli, Abdul Wahab and Zulkifly, Aziz (2018) Penggunaan teknik Biofeedback untuk mengukur tahap perubahan diri dan penggunaan latihan zikir di kalangan pelatih di Pusat Pemulihan Dadah. Journal AADK. pp. 1-14. (Published)

Muhammad Nur Adilin, Mohd Anuardi and Wan Noor Farah, Wan Shamsuddin and Atsuko K., Yamazaki (2023) Analysis of Speech Anxiety among EFL Learners in Japan: A Comparison. International Journal of Learning and Teaching, 9 (2). pp. 101-105. ISSN 2377-2891(Print); 2377-2905(Online). (Published)

Muhammad Salehan Alhafiz, Mat Wajar and Rohana, Hamzah and Ahmad Muhaimin, Mohamad and Christina, Andin (2022) The influences of mental health and spiritual intelligence towards well-being and academic performance. International Journal of Humanities Technology and Civilization, 7 (1). pp. 10-21. ISSN 2289-7216. (Published)

Muhammad Shabir, Shaharudin and Ahmed, Essia Ries and Alabdullah, Tariq Tawfeeq Yousif (2020) Approaches to control mechanisms and their implications for companies’ profitability: a study in UAE. Journal of Accounting Science, 4 (2). pp. 11-20. ISSN 2548-3501. (Published)

Muhammad Shabir, Shaharudin and Fernando, Yudi (2021) Environmental Friendliness in Low Carbon Supply Chain and Operations. In: Encyclopedia of Organizational Knowledge, Administration, and Technology. IGI Global, pp. 2421-2430. ISBN 9781799834748

Muhammad Shabir, Shaharudin and Yudi, Fernando (2023) Cold supply chain of leafy green vegetables: a social network analysis approach. Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management. ISSN 2053-4620. (In Press / Online First) (In Press / Online First)

Muhammed Fawwaz, Abdul Rasid (2015) Pelajar Pendidikan Khas (Autisme) melawat UMP. UMP News .

Muhammed Fawwaz, Abdul Rasid (2015) Pelajar pendidikan khas (autisme) melawat UMP. CREATE . p. 58. ISSN 1823-7487

Muhammed Fawwaz, Abdul Rasid (2017) UMP bantu dalam pengurusan Pusat Sumber Sekolah. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Mujahidul Amin, Roslan (2023) Penilaian terhadap gagasan negara islam pas berdasarkan dokumen negara islam 2003. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, Thesis advisor: Mansor, Sulaiman).

Munira, Abdul Razak (2012) UMP Eid Fitr Celebration. Ilham, 9 . p. 17. ISSN 1985-157X

Munira, Abdul Razak and Najmuddin, Mohd Ramli and Kang, Wei Xian and Wan Suraya, Wan Nik and Zuraina, Ali (2018) Developing an Integrated Diversity Management Navigation System. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (3.25). pp. 610-613. ISSN 2227-524X. (Published)

Munira, Abdul Razak and Tuan Sidek, Tuan Muda (2021) Bahaya salah guna parkir Orang Kurang Upaya OKU. UMP News .

Murniati, Abu Karim (2020) Handling students mental health during MCO. New Straits Times .

Mustafa Al Dirawi, Ammar Nazar and Khudari, Mohamed and Salina, Daud (2024) Information technology capability, supply chain practices and leagility: A systematic literature review. Journal of Ecohumanism, 3 (8). pp. 8756-8772. ISSN 2752 - 6801 (E-ISSN), 2752 - 6798 (P-ISSN). (Published)


N. Q., Radzuan and Mohd Hasnun Ariff, Hassan and Khairil Anwar, Abu Kassim and Ahmad Azad, Ab. Rashid and Intan Suhana, Mohd Razelan and Nur Aqilah, Othman (2021) The influence of socio-demographics background on the driving behavior A short review. Journal of the Society of Automotive Engineers Malaysia, 5 (2). pp. 194-205. ISSN 2550-2239. (Published)

N. Q., Radzuan and Mohd Hasnun Ariff, Hassan and Mohd Nadzeri, Omar and Nur Aqilah, Othman and Khairil Anwar, Abu Kassim (2024) Riding towards safety: examining the patterns of motorcycle accidents in Malaysia. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Human Engineering Symposium (HUMENS 2023). 2nd International Human Engineering Symposium, HUMENS 2023 , Pekan, Pahang , 14 February 2023. pp. 455-467.. ISBN 978-981-99-6889-3 (Published)

N. Q., Radzuan and Mohd Hasnun Ariff, Hassan and Mohd Nadzeri, Omar and Nur Aqilah, Othman and Mohd Amirudin, Mohamad Radzi and Khairil Anwar, Abu Kassim (2024) The importance of proper motorcycle helmet buckling: A scientific study. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Human Engineering Symposium (HUMENS 2023). 2nd International Human Engineering Symposium, HUMENS 2023 , Pekan, Pahang , 14 February 2023. pp. 363-376.. ISBN 978-981-99-6889-3 (Published)

Nadia Eliza Natrah, Jamaluddin (2011) 45 pelajar jelajah masyarakat pribumi. CREATE . p. 60. ISSN 1823-7487

Nadira Hana, Abdul Hamid (2018) Chem E Car Programme to develop student’s creativity. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nadira Hana, Abdul Hamid (2017) Doktor terima anugerah kecemerlangan UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nadira Hana, Abdul Hamid (2017) Kapten terima anugerah professional pembelajaran sepanjang hayat. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nadira Hana, Abdul Hamid (2019) Thank You, UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Najah, Osman and Hafizoah, Kassim (2015) Exploring Strategic Thinking Skills in Process Oriented Task in ESL Classroom. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 171. pp. 937-944. ISSN 1877-0428, ESSN: 1877-0428. (Published)

Najiy, Jefri (2021) Selebriti bantu belia. Harian Metro .

Najiyah Safwa, Khashi’ie and Iskandar, Waini and Nurul Amira, Zainal and Khairum, Hamzah and Abdul Rahman, Mohd Kasim and Norihan, Md Arifin and Pop, Ioan (2022) Thermal progress of unsteady separated stagnation point flowwith magnetic field and heat generation in hybrid ferrofluid. Nanomaterials, 12 (3205). pp. 1-15. ISSN 2079-4991. (Published)

Najjahul Huda, Hassan (2017) Bola tampar UMP bersaing dalam kejohanan. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Najjahul Huda, Hassan (2012) IBakti Siswa 1Malaysia (GBS1M). Ilham, 9 . p. 6. ISSN 1985-157X

Naqiah, Puaad (2024) Beifang International Education delegation visits UMPSA. UMPSA News .

Naqiah, Puaad (2024) UMPSA sambut Bulan Integriti dan lancar buku Strategi Pembanterasan Rasuah Organisasi (OACS). UMPSA News .

Nas Norziela, Nasbah (2021) UMP, PERODUA rangka kerjasama guna model Jerman. Berita Harian .

Nasional, kini (2023) UMP kini dikenali sebagai UMPSA. .

Naufal, Shamsuddin (2016) Naib Canselor Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) mengacau bubur lambuk. Berita Harian . p. 5.

Nauwar, Ali (2019) UMP holds life-saving programme to inculcate culture of empathy. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nawanir, Gusman and Lee, Khai Loon and Mahmud, Fatimah and Lee, Chia Kuang (2019) Thesis Guideline: Bachelor of Business Engineering. UMP Publisher, Kuantan, Pahang. ISBN 978-967-2226-23-9

Nawanir, Gusman and Lim, Kong Teong and Lee, Khai Loon and Ahmad Nur Aizat, Ahmad and Moshood, Taofeeq Durojaye (2020) Less for more: The structural effects of lean manufacturing practices on sustainability of manufacturing SMEs in Malaysia. International Journal of Supply Chain Management (IJSCM), 9 (2). pp. 961-975. ISSN 2050-7399 (Online). (Published)

Nawanir, Gusman and Lim, Kong Teong and Maarof, Mohd Ghazali (2020) Lean Operations for Performance Excellence. Suara UMP, Kuantan, Pahang. ISBN 978-967-2226-92-5

Nawanir, Gusman and Lim, Kong Teong and Maarof, Mohd Ghazali and Adeleke, A. Q. and Rahamadulla, Syed Radzi (2020) Less for More: Enhancing Sustainability through Lean Operations. Suara UMP, Kuantan, Pahang. ISBN 978-967-2226-91-8

Nawanir, Gusman and Lim, Kong Teong and Thurasamy, Ramayah and Fatimah, Mahmud and Lee, Khai Loon and Mohd Ghazali, Maarof (2020) Synergistic effect of lean practices on lead time reduction: Mediating role of manufacturing flexibility. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 27 (5). pp. 1815-1842. ISSN 1463-5771. (Published)

Nawanir, Gusman and Mahmud, Fatimah and Lee, Chia Kuang (2020) Final Year Project Guideline. Suara UMP, Kuantan, Pahang. ISBN 978-967-2226-88-8

Nawanir, Gusman and Mahmud, Fatimah and Lee, Chia Kuang (2019) Final Year Project Guideline. UMP Publisher, Kuantan, Pahang. ISBN 978-967-2226-22-2

Nazrin, Zulkafli (2021) Biar Agong buat pertimbangan. Sinar Harian .

Nazrolnizah, Mohamad Noorzeli (2019) Penggunaan teknik biofeedback dalam program peningkatan prestasi diri dan perniagaan usahawan kecil amanah ikhtiar malaysia (AIM). PhD thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).

Nazrolnizah, Mohamad Noorzeli and Muhammad Nubli, Abdul Wahab (2017) The Relationship between Business Performance and HRV Biofeedback Profiles among Small Entrepreneurs. Journal of Education & Social Policy, 4 (2). pp. 121-127. ISSN 2375-0782 (Print); 2375-0790 (Online). (Published)

News, Wav (2023) UMP now known as Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah. Newswav .

Nik Amirul Mu'min, Nik Min (2018) Mahasiswa UMP tanam 500 pokok bakau di pantai Chendor. Sinar Online .

Nik Amirul Mu'min, Nik Min (2022) PRU15 UMP sedia 20 bas bantu pelajar pulang mengundi. Sinar Harian .

Nik Amirul Mu'min, Nik Min (2017) Pelajar cemerlang terima anugerah. Sinar Harian . p. 39.

Nik Amirul Mu'min, Nik Min (2020) Pengiktirafan buat UMP. Berita Harian .

Nik Amirul Mu'min, Nik Min (2019) Perkasa bakal pesara tentera. Sinar Harian . p. 20. (Unpublished)

Nik Amirul Mu'min, Nik Min (2021) SMK Tengku Afzan tidak mahu ketinggalan. Sinar Harian .

Nik Amirul Mu'min, Nik Min (2018) Sukum 2018 di UMP. Sinar Harian . p. 51.

Nik Amirul Mu'min, Nik Min (2024) UMPSA diiktiraf universiti ke-146 terbaik dunia bawah usia 50 tahun. Sinar Harian .

Nik Amirulmu'min, Nik Min (2016) Rapid Kuantan luaskan liputan. Berita Harian .

Nik Amirulmu'min, Nik Min (2021) UMP terima 1,528 pelajar baharu. Berita Harian .

Nik Athirah, Nik Mahdi and Fernando, Yudi and Abdalla, Yousif Abdelbagi (2023) Understanding the sustainable development goals concept Malaysia report and trend. Journal of Governance and Integirity, 5 (3). pp. 317-327. ISSN 2600-7479. (Published)

Nik Min, Nik Amirulmu'min (2015) Pembangunan UMP beri kesan positif. Sinar Harian .

Nik Naizi, Husin (2016) UMP students travel to Banda Aceh to help orphans. The Star . p. 4.

Nik Sukry, Ramli (2019) Penuhi keperluan semasa industri. Berita Harian . p. 8.

Nik Syuhailah, Nik Hussin and Zuraimi, Abdul Aziz and Nurul Ashykin, Abd Aziz (2022) Do childcare centres understand parents? Looking from the perspective of parent behavioural intention. Malaysian Journal of Consumer and Family Economics (MAJCAFE), 29 (2022). pp. 448-482. ISSN 1511 2802. (Published)

Nik Syuhailah, Nik Hussin and Zuraimi, Abdul Aziz and Nurul Ashykin, Abd Aziz and Nur A'mirah, Mohd Yaziz and Nor Hafiza, Othman and Hasif Rafidee, Hasbollah and Md Zaki, Muhamad Hasan (2023) Understanding parent behavioural intention in childcare service: The effect of perceived trust and emotional satisfaction. Malaysian Journal of Consumer and Family Economics (MAJCAFE), 31 (2023). pp. 294-323. ISSN 1511-2802. (Published)

Noor Afiza, Mohd Asmi (2015) Baraqah Beggers raih kemenangan. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Noor Afiza, Mohd Asmi (2019) Jalan Yang Kalsom musical entertains theatre-goers. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Noor Afiza, Mohd Asmi (2018) Kencana Pawana UMP Menang Anugerah Khas Juri. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Noor Afiza, Mohd. Asmi (2015) 40 mahasiswa pelajari budaya Nusantara. CREATE . p. 23. ISSN 1823-7487

Noor Afiza, Mohd. Asmi (2015) Baraqah Beggers raih kemenangan. CREATE . p. 44. ISSN 1823-7487

Noor Afiza, Mohd. Asmi (2015) Mahasiswa UMP pelajari budaya nusantara. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Noor Amira Syazwani, Abd Rahman and Ju, Soon Yew and Jamal Rizal, Razali and Nur Hazirah, Hamdan and Mohd Rozaimy, Ridzuan and Kong, Lai Kuan (2024) Post-COVID-19 Malaysian parents’ views on children’s vaccination: Subjective norms analysis. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE), 13 (5). pp. 2801-2809. ISSN 2252-8822. (Published)

Noor Azlinda, Zainal Abidin (2015) Pengalaman sahabat TH di tanah suci, satu perjalanan rohani menuju Ilahi. CREATE . p. 72. ISSN 1823-7487

Noor Azlinda, Zainal Abidin and Noor Raha, Mohd Radzuan (2025) Ada apa dengan tahun baharu 2025. UMPSA News .

Noor Azlinna, Azizan and Sorooshian, Shahryar (2014) Stock Market Performance And Modern Portfolio Theory: Case On Malaysian Stock Market And Asian Indices. WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics , 11 (1). pp. 303-313. ISSN 1109-9526. (Published)

Noor Raha, Mohd Radzuan (2020) Kematangan staf akademik dan pentadbiran dalam BDR. UMP News .

Noor Raha, Mohd Radzuan (2014) Ziarah di luar musim raya wajar jadi budaya. Berita Harian, (11 Au . p. 32.

Noor Suhani, Sulaiman and M. A., Fauzi and Suhaidah, Hussain and Wider, Walton (2022) Cybersecurity behavior among government employees: The role of protection motivation theory and responsibility in mitigating cyberattacks. Information, 13 (9). pp. 1-17. ISSN 2078-2489. (Published)

Noor Syahidah, Sabran (2013) Best of the best award at MTE 2013. Quest, 9 (5). p. 1. ISSN 1985-8159

Noor Syahidah, Sabran (2013) 'Cendekia Bitara Award 2012'. Quest, 9 (5). pp. 7-9. ISSN 1985-8159

Noor Syahidah, Sabran (2014) 'Cendekia Bitara' award night, honouring contributions of UMP researchers and lecturers. Quest, 11 (7). pp. 7-9. ISSN 1985-8159

Noor Syahidah, Sabran (2014) Kolokium Pentadbir bincang transisi minda dan inovasi potensi. CREATE . p. 39. ISSN 1823-7487

Noor Syahidah, Sabran (2012) MUCET 2012. Quest, 8 (5). p. 15. ISSN 1985-8159

Noor Syahidah, Sabran (2013) UMP researchers won three gold medals, three silver medals and four bronze medals at the BioMalaysia Exhibition 2013 in Persada, Johor Bharu. Quest, 10 (6). p. 10. ISSN 1985-8159

Noor Syahidah, Sabran (2013) UMP won special platinum award and five gold medals in the British Invention Show (BIS) 2013. Quest, 10 (6). p. 3. ISSN 1985-8159

Noor Syahidah, Sabran (2013) UMP's six entries all won medals including two gold medals at Water Malaysia Exhibition and Competition 2013. Quest, 9 (5). p. 10. ISSN 1985-8159

Noor Syahidah, Sabran (2013) Ump researchers garnered a special award and gold medal, three silver medals and six bronze medals in the inventors exhibition 2013. Quest, 10 (6). pp. 4-6. ISSN 1985-8159

Noor Syahidah, Sabran and Ernie Nurazlin, Lizam (2015) Celebrating the success of UMP's leading researchers in the seventh Cendekia Bitara Award. Quest, 13 (9). pp. 8-9. ISSN 1985-8159

Noormazlinah, Ahmad (2020) Amalkan tabiat makan secara sihat sepanjang PKP. UMP News .

Noorul Farina, Arifin (2019) Book review on tahfiz education and soft skills by Dr. Rashidi Abbas in Sharing@BookCafe programme. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor 'Aisyatul Sakinah, Baharudin (2015) Mahasiswa bimbing pemimpin pelajar. CREATE . p. 47. ISSN 1823-7487

Nor Adzizi, Najiruddin (2015) UMP pilih peserta bagi Pendakian Merdeka Kinabalu UMP 2015. CREATE . p. 53. ISSN 1823-7487

Nor Afzan, Mohamad Yusof (2019) UA salur bantuan makanan, sara hidup. Berita Harian . p. 5.

Nor Aisyah, Ahmad and Hasnah, Hussiin (2023) Pembangunan sosioekonomi Perlis sebelum dan selepas penjajahan British: Satu sorotan. International Journal of Humanities Technology and Civilization (IJHTC), 8 (2). 80 -89. ISSN 2289-7216. (Published)

Nor Azma, Laila (2018) Bantu jana pendapatan penduduk kampung. Berita Harian . p. 53.

Nor Azma, Laila (2018) Dedah kehidupan di kampus. Berita Harian .

Nor Azma, Laila (2020) Niaga pakaian sukan. Berita Harian .

Nor Azura, Md Amin (2020) Jom Masuk IPT 2020 bantu pelajar. Sinar Harian .

Nor Azurah, Mohd Salleh (2016) UAE terima kunjungan UTMSPACE. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Fadzillah, Zulkipli (2016) 250 pelajar antarabangsa dan keluarga hadir Majlis Iftar. CREATE . p. 42. ISSN 1823-7487

Nor Fadzillah, Zulkipli (2016) 38 sukarelawan berbakti di Zoo Negara. CREATE . p. 78. ISSN 1823-7487

Nor Fadzillah, Zulkipli (2016) Dr. Hari kongsi pengalaman tentang Six Sigma dalam CEO@ Faculty Programme. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Fadzillah, Zulkipli (2017) Drama "Namaku Bedah" kongsi keindahan kampus. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Fadzillah, Zulkipli (2016) I-Finog UMP galak reka cipta berteknologi hijau. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Fadzillah, Zulkipli (2016) Jabatan Pendaftar anjur Hari Bertemu Pelanggan. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Fadzillah, Zulkipli (2016) Kempen RM2 untuk Tabung Ihya Ramadan. CREATE . p. 53. ISSN 1823-7487

Nor Fadzillah, Zulkipli (2016) Komuniti antarabangsa UMP meriah sambut raya. CREATE . p. 30. ISSN 1823-7487 (Unpublished)

Nor Fadzillah, Zulkipli (2017) Konvensyen ROCC IM4U pikat mahasiswa UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Fadzillah, Zulkipli (2017) Mahasiswa UMP berbakti di Tuaran. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Fadzillah, Zulkipli (2016) Malam Kebudayaan Tahun Baru Cina penuh warna-warni. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Fadzillah, Zulkipli (2016) OSH In School pupuk kesedaran pelajar tentang keselamatan dan kesihatan. CREATE . p. 46. ISSN 1823-7487

Nor Fadzillah, Zulkipli (2016) PEKA 2 anjur Minggu Kesedaran HIV. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Fadzillah, Zulkipli (2016) Permata UMP anjur program kepimpinan pelajar. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Fadzillah, Zulkipli (2015) Program Leadership Diagnostic menilai prestasi kepimpinan ketua. UMP News .

Nor Fadzillah, Zulkipli (2016) Program sehari bersama OKU anjuran PERSIS suntik kesedaran. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Fadzillah, Zulkipli (2017) Projek kongsi rezeki bantu mahasiswa menjelang musim peperiksaan. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Fadzillah, Zulkipli (2016) T-REX tawan puncak Gunung Berembun Cameron. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Fadzillah, Zulkipli (2016) Temasya Olahraga UMP dapat tumpuan. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Fadzillah, Zulkipli (2016) UMP jalin kerjasama baik dengan pengamal media. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Fadzillah, Zulkipli (2018) UMP serah sumbangan raya buat anggota keselamatan. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Fadzillah, Zulkipli (2017) UMP terima kunjungan UTEM bagi tanda aras penghijauan kampus. UMP News .

Nor Fadzillah, Zulkipli (2017) UTEM official visit on green campus. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Fatin Nabilah, Mohd Tahir (2019) UMP volunteers draw up mission to assist Kota Palu victims. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Hanisah, Kamaruzaman (2016) Pertemuan gamit memori. Harian Metro . p. 3.

Nor Hidayah, Mohamad (2017) Bicara Merdeka to inculcate the love for the country. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Hidayah, Mohamad (2017) Education incentive scheme to aid new students. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Hidayah, Mohamad (2020) IPTA tangguh daftar secara semuka. Sinar Harian .

Nor Ilma, Mustafa Kamal (2013) When should an investor choose utility innovation over patent. Quest, 9 (5). p. 3. ISSN 1985-8159

Nor Ilma, Mustafa Kamal and Mazita, Mokhtar (2022) Teks Ucapan VC Sempena Majlis Hi tea dan ceramah agama Persatuan Wanita UMP (MATAHARI). In: Majlis Hi-Tea bersama Persatuan Wanita Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Matahari), 14 Februari 2022, Kuantan, Pahang. (Unpublished)

Nor Juhaida, Basri (2017) Gaya hidup sihat dengan zumba. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Khalilah, Gusti Hassan (2020) Tengku Hassanal lancar Jom Masuk IPT. Sinar Harian . p. 15.

Nor Nadia Shahida, Zakria (2020) Detik dan Waktu. UMP News .

Nor Nadia Shahida, Zakria (2020) Kesempurnaan. UMP News .

Nor Nadia Shahida, Zakria (2020) Seadanya. UMP News .

Nor Saiful, Basri (2015) Pembelajaran UMP bukan sekadar di dalam dewan kuliah; Nor Saiful Basri. CREATE . p. 66. ISSN 1823-7487

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2019) 2 pasangan kembar sambung pengajian bersama. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2020) 41 UMP staff receives zakat. UMP News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2020) 41 staf UMP terima zakat. UMP News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2020) 42 UMP staff cycles 46 km to complete the cycling mission. UMP News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2020) 42 staf UMP berbasikal sejauh 4.6 km tamatkan misi kayuhan. UMP News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2020) 50 sukarelawan pelajar timba pengalaman urus krisis. UMP News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2021) 8 produk penyelidikan UMP diiktiraf raih pingat dalam MTE 2021. UMP News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2021) Academic session is around the corner, UMP students are excited to return to campus. UMP News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2020) Acknowledgement of Excellent for 17 of UMP Advanced Staff. UMP News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2018) Alex rangkul Anugerah Olahragawan UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2019) Alumni UMP diseru terus sumbang karya, idea. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2016) Anas membanggakan UMP menang dalam Pidato Antarabangsa Bahasa Melayu (PABM) Piala Perdana Menteri 2016. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2017) Azharishah olahragawan UMP. Harian Metro . p. 67.

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2022) Bicara Perwira suntik semangat hargai perjuangan polis. UMP News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2021) COVID 19 Norma Baharu dalam Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran. UMP News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2019) Chew Wi Kang sertai mobiliti 5 bulan di China. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2021) Covid 19 Manfaatkan masa dan peluang tambah nilai pelajar. UMP News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2020) Donation for students from the compound collections. UMP News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2020) Drive through hostel registration for new UMP students. UMP News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2019) Empower Edu Tour galak 117 murid orang asli minat sains dan matematik. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2022) Excited to celebrate independence, UMP contingent wins merdeka parade. UMP News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2018) FKM reka kerusi buat Adam. UMP News . p. 2. (Unpublished)

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2019) FRIM serah 1000 anak pokok hutan untuk kampus hijau lestari. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2020) Handle stress with good insight Vice-Chancellor. UMP News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2019) Hari Terbuka PPA platform terbaik bimbing pelajar UMP dalam pengajian. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2019) Iktiraf pencapaian mahasiswa UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2020) Impian Faiz masuk UMP jadi kenyataan. UMP News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2020) Insentif Pendidikan Yayasan UMP buat mahasiswa baharu. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2017) Juruteknik bawa pulang RM7000 juara Pertandingan Memancing Terbuka UMP. UMP News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2019) Kaloborasi UMP dan CIDB dalam ekosistem Model Informasi Bangunan BIM. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2019) Karnival Kerjaya UMP tawar lebih 1000 peluang pekerjaan. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2019) Kegembiraan berganda. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2019) Kejayaan yang tertangguh Amir Ashraf Alumni UMP bangkit bergelar Usahawan. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2017) Kembara Minda staf cemerlang. UMP News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2017) Kepentingan matematik dalam industri. UMP News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2016) Khidmat komuniti dan inovasi pelajar UMP bersama masyarakat Kg. Salong. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2020) Klinik e-Census bantu pelaksanaan banci penduduk dan perumahan. UMP News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2019) Kolokium PPTI bincang pengurus profesional masa hadapan. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2016) Kolokium PPTI bincang tentang Infografik. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2019) Kombinasi Minat dan Bakat Kepimpinan Siti Aisyah dinobatkan Tokoh Siswa UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2020) Kumpul sukarelawan siapkan kelengkapan PPE. UMP News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2016) Kursus Kejurulatihan Certified NLP bina keyakinan luar biasa. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2020) Lagu Kita Jaga Kita nyanyian mahasiswa UMP berunsur nasihat cegah COVID-19. UMP News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2017) Mahasiswa UMP berkayuh serah sumbangan 44 basikal. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2019) Mahasiswa UMP matang memilih pemimpin. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2021) Majlis Penghargaan dan Serah Terima Tugas Pendaftar. UMP News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2019) Menghayati Maulidur Rasul. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2020) Norma baharu 3 tatacara bekerja staf UMP sepanjang PKPB. UMP News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2019) Palm-O-Lite hasil produk penyelidik UMP pentingkan gaya hidup sihat. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2020) Pasangan rusa peliharaan UMP lahir anak kedua. UMP News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2021) Pelajar UMP pilih perwakilan minggu ini. UMP News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2020) Pelajar baharu UMP daftar masuk residensi secara pandu lalu. UMP News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2021) Peluang pekerjaan buat pasukan sukarelawan UMP. UMP News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2019) Pembentukan sinergi kepimpinan MPP baharu. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2019) Pemerkasaan pendidikan TVET agenda utama UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2021) Pemilihan MPP UMP berjaya dilaksanakan dalam norma baharu. UMP News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2019) Pemilihan Perwakilan Pelajar UMP pada 27 November ini. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2019) Pengorbanan anggota keselamatan UMP dihargai. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2019) Pengunjung mula membanjiri Expokonvo UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2019) Pentadbir UA perlu berwibawa dalam pengurusan termaju. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2019) Penyelidikan UMP tarik minat DU Turki metrai kerjasama. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2019) Perniagaan makanan oden mahasiswa UMP jadi tumpuan. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2019) Perpaduan hadiah tidak ternilai dan perlu dipelihara. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2016) Pertemuan alumni UMP erat hubungan. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2017) Program KTP Kindy tingkat kemahiran pengasuh berbahasa Inggeris. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2016) Program sosial enterprise dalam Sehati. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2022) SEJAHTERA UMP agih bantuan buat ahli yang terjejas banjir. UMP News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2018) Santai Seni semarakkan Ekspo Konvokesyen UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2020) SeaFilm Research Product bags ITEX Special Awards 2020. UMP News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2021) Semangat kemerdekaan pupuk perpaduan. UMP News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2017) Semarak Ramadan UMP bersama pelajar antarabangsa. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2018) Siti Rokiah terima manfaat Facelift UMP bantu baikpulih rumah. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2019) Solat Dhuha rahsia kejayaan Nor Syahirah Raih. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2021) Spirit of independence fosters unity. UMP News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2020) Staf UMP kembali bertugas di pejabat secara berperingkat. UMP News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2017) Strategic partnership with AMIK Tunas Bangsa and STIKOM Tunas Bangsa. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2018) Sumbangan Tabung MyGift UMP Semarak Ramadan. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2024) Superior Personality and Sustainability of Wisdom UMPSA aims 6 commitments, 20 initiatives. UMPSA News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2020) Syahir, Kamariah dinobat Atlet Terbaik Anugerah Sukan. UMP News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2020) Syahir, Kamariah named Best Athletes. UMP News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2016) Talentcorp Boot Camp tingkat kebolehpasaran graduan. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2023) Tayangan Khas Dokumentari Pelayaran Sang Maestro rungkai khazanah Sejarah. UMPSA News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2019) Teknologi penanaman terung secara fertigasi dalam kampus UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2019) Teruja terima bantuan UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2020) UMP Advanced hargai 17 staf cemerlang. UMP News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2019) UMP Campus Pantry – free food hub for students. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2021) UMP OKU Friendly Ecosystem Policy DAMAI is launched. UMP News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2022) UMP Prihatin erat hubungan dengan komuniti Sungai Koyan. UMP News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2022) UMP Regional Discourse embodies Rukun Negara values. UMP News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2018) UMP TRIZ hasilkan 150 Projek Inovasi. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2020) UMP and AITO Firework collaborate in the field of fire safety. UMP News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2022) UMP and DOSM empower Statistical Communication. UMP News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2021) UMP associates share stories in fighting COVID 19. UMP News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2022) UMP commemorates services and contributions of retirees. UMP News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2022) UMP dan DOSM perkasakan Komunikasi Statistik. UMP News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2020) UMP honours and celebrates 9 retirees. UMP News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2020) UMP honours special children. UMP News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2019) UMP kenang jasa staf, rai felo tamat pengajian. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2023) UMP lancar Program Kembara UMP 21 dekati komuniti dalam dan luar negara. UMPSA News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2016) UMP meterai MOU dengan Selahuddin Eyyubi Universitesi (SEU). UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2020) UMP prihatin santuni anak-anak istimewa. UMP News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2020) UMP rai dan hargai 9 pesara. UMP News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2019) UMP rai staf tamat pengajian dan pesara. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2023) UMP receives visit and engagement session with BEM. UMPSA News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2019) UMP santuni  Anak Yatim dan Asnaf pilih pakaian raya. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2021) UMP students vote representatives this week. UMP News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2016) UMP tumpuan peminat sukan berbasikal UMP Funride. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2021) UMP utamakan keselamatan, kebajikan pelajar menjelang kemasukan pelajar ke kampus. UMP News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2023) UMP, UMI forge a collaboration in the fields of academics and international affairs. UMPSA News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2023) UMPSA Residents Hoist the National Flag to Enliven National Day 2023. UMPSA News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2023) UMPSA ends National Month with patriotic spirit. UMPSA News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2023) UMPSA establishes collaboration with 11 industry partners. UMPSA News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2023) UMPSA jalin kerjasama dengan 11 rakan industri. UMPSA News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2023) UMPSA umum pemenang Pertandingan Penulisan Sempena Ulang Tahun Ke-21. UMPSA News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2021) Universiti hendaklah sentiasa menjadi tempat yang bertamadun tinggi. UMP News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2021) Volunteers work together to clean river. UMP News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2018) Warga UMP kibar Jalur Gemilang semarakkan Bulan Kemerdekaan. UMP News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2023) Warga UMPSA kibar jalur gemilang semarakkan sambutan Hari Kebangsaan 2023. UMPSA News . ISSN 1823-7487

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2020) Yayasan UMP call thought to be scammer. UMP News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2021) Yayasan UMP receives RM15,000 donation from Alha Alfa Rich Legacy. UMP News .

Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2017) The importance of mathematic in industry. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Sa’adatul Afzan, Jusoh (2019) Talk on the End of the World at Mahabbah Carnival 10.0. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor Yazi, Khamis and Wan Noor Farah, Wan Shamsuddin and Azwin Arif, Abdul Rahim and Nur Syafawati, Sabuan and Suriayati, Mohd Sidek (2024) Speak Up! 2024 for Malaysian Heroes confidence booster. UMPSA News .

Nor ‘Aisyatul Sakinah, Baharudin (2015) Mahasiswa UMP bimbing pemimpin pelajar. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nor'afiza, Saim (2021) ABMS tingkat keyakinan klien. Utusan Malaysia .

Noradilah, Md Nordin and Fatin Aliana, Mohd Radzi and Munira, Abdul Razak (2024) A Cross-sectional study on loneliness among orphans. Jurnal Psikologi Malaysia, 38 (2). pp. 36-42. ISSN 2289-8174. (Published)

Noradilah, Md Nordin and Martin, Peter and Bishop, Alex J. (2023) Perceived Stress, Coping Behaviors, Social Support and Subjective Health among Unmarried Older Adults. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences (IJARBSS), 13 (12). pp. 2478-2492. ISSN 2222-6990. (Published)

Noraina Mazuin, Sapuan (2020) Belanjawan 2021 – Perkasa ekonomi dan prihatin rakyat di era COVID-19. UMP News .

Noraina Mazuin, Sapuan (2021) Social Entrepreneurship. Global Classroom FIM UMP with GRGSMS, Zoom, Universiti Malaysia Pahang. (Unpublished)

Noraina Mazuin, Sapuan (2021) Tak sabar nak melombong bauksit. Utusan Malaysia . pp. 1-2.

Noraina Mazuin, Sapuan and Mohd Nur Fadzly, Basar (2022) Developing resilient financial wellbeing among elderly citizens in Malaysia. In: Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems; International Conference on Business and Technology, ICBT 2021 , 6 - 7 November 2021 , Istanbul. 837 -848., 487 (280249). ISSN 2367-3370 ISBN 978-303108083-8 (Published)

Noraina Mazuin, Sapuan and Norwazli, Abdul Wahab and Muhammad Ashraf, Fauzi (2021) Analysing the impacts of free cash flow, agency cost and firm performance in public listed companies in Malaysia. Journal of Governance & Integrity, 5 (1). pp. 211-218. ISSN 2600-7479. (Published)

Noraina Mazuin, Sapuan and Norwazli, Abdul Wahab and Muhammad Ashraf, Fauzi (2021) Analyzing the Impacts of Free Cash Flow and Agency Cost Towards Firm Performance in the Public Listed Companies in Malaysia. Journal of Governance and Integrity (JGI), 5 (1). pp. 211-218. ISSN 2600-7479(Printed) ; e-ISSN: 2600-786X (Online). (Published)

Noraina Mazuin, Sapuan and Zetty Ain, Kamaruzzaman (2021) Service quality and customer satisfaction on courier services during Covid-19 Pandemic. Service and Operations Management: Series 3. pp. 11-22. ISSN 978-967-2817-33-8. (Published)

Noraisah Nurul Fatwa, Mohd Razali (2012) ICAM-DRB HICOM visit. Ilham, 9 . p. 19. ISSN 1985-157X

Noraisah Nurul Fatwa, Mohd Razali (2012) KPTM visit. Ilham, 9 . p. 19. ISSN 1985-157X

Noraisah Nurul Fatwa, Mohd Razali (2012) Young creative writers discovered! Ilham, 9 . p. 12. ISSN 1985-157X

Noralisa, Ismail and Norazlina, Rahmat and Norzaidah, Ngali and Norazidah, Shamsudin (2015) Hi-Viz Florescent SOTRA. In: Abstract Book of National Invention, Innovation, Design and Research 2015 , 29 October 2015 , Amansari Residence Resort, Johor, Malaysia. p. 22.. ISBN 978-983-42771-6-1 (Published)

Noralisa, Ismail and Norazlina, Rahmat and Norzaidah, Ngali and Norazidah, Shamsudin (2014) Songket Travel Organizer (SOTRA). In: Buku Abstrak An International Invention, Innovation & Design 2014 Competition & Conference , 16 October 2014 , Taman Tamadun Islam, Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia. p. 62.. (Published)

Norashikin, Mat Zain (2020) Kerap membasuh tangan cegah jangkitan. UMP News .

Norashikin, Mat Zain (2020) Practise personal care and hygiene. UMP News .

Norawazni, Yusof (2016) Aiskrim Kifayah dijamin halal. Sinar Harian . p. 15.

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Norawazni, Yusof (2016) Teringat ibu bapa di Makkah. Sinar Harian . p. 37.

Norawazni, Yusof (2023) UMP kini dikenali sebagai UMPSA. Sinar Harian .

Norawazni, Yusof (2018) UMP lancar INAP. SInar Harian . p. 25.

Norazaliza, Mohd Jamil (2019) Kemahiran mencongak dalam kalangan kanak-kanak. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Norazha, Paiman and Fauzi, Muhammad Ashraf and Natrika, Norizan and Aida, Abdul Rashid and Tan, Christine Nya-Ling and Wider, Walton and Ravesangar, Kamalesh and Selvam, Gowri (2023) Exploring personality traits in the knowledge-sharing behavior: the role of agreeableness and conscientiousness among Malaysian tertiary academics. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print). ISSN 2050-7003. (In Press / Online First) (In Press / Online First)

Norazlianie, Sazali and Wan Norharyati, Wan Salleh and A. F., Ismail and K., Kadirgama and F. E. C., Othman (2018) P84 Co-Polyimide Based-Tubular Carbon Membrane: Effect of Heating Rates on Helium Separations. Solid State Phenomena, 280. pp. 308-311. ISSN 1662-9779. (Published)

Norazlianie, Sazali and Wan Norharyati, Wan Salleh and A. F., Ismail and K., Kadirgama and F. E. C., Othman and N. H., Ismail (2019) Impact of stabilization environment and heating rates on P84 co-polyimide/nanocrystaline cellulose carbon membrane for hydrogen enrichment. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44 (37). 20924--20932. ISSN 03603199. (Published)

Norazlianie, Sazali and Wan Norharyati, Wan Salleh and A. F., Ismail and K., Kadirgama and Mahendran, Samykano and G., Najafi and Nur Izwanne, Mahyon (2018) PI/NCC-Based Tubular Carbon Membrane: Influence of Aging Times Towards Oxygen Separation Performance. Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, 51 (2). pp. 187-196. ISSN 2289-7879. (Published)

Norazlianie, Sazali and Wan Norharyati, Wan Salleh and A. F., Ismail and N. H., Ismail and N., Yusof and F., Aziz and Jamiluddin, Jaafar and K., Kadirgama (2019) Influence of intermediate layers in tubular carbon membrane for gas separation performance. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44 (37). pp. 20914-20923. ISSN 0360-3199. (Published)

Norazlin, Hassan (2018) Norazlin minat terokai bidang penyelidikan. UMP News . p. 3. (Unpublished)

Norhana, Mohd Aripin and Gusman, Nawanir and Suhaidah, Hussain and Puteri Fadzline, Muhamad Tamyez and Nur Sofia Nabila, Alimin (2024) The path to sustainable lean implementation: A case study in automotive industry. Operations Research Forum, 6 (5). pp. 1-24. ISSN 2662-2556. (In Press / Online First) (In Press / Online First)

Norhana, Mohd Aripin and Nawanir, Gusman and Suhaidah, Hussain and Fatimah, Mahmud and Lee, Khai Loon (2024) Sustenance Strategies for Lean Manufacturing Implementation in Malaysian Manufacturing Industries. International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering (IJAME), 21 (1). pp. 11018-11035. ISSN 1985-9325(Print); 2180-1606 (Online). (Published)

Norhayati, Alli (2018) Tabung endowment di IPT. Sinar Harian . p. 2.

Norhayati, Ismail (2015) Seminar Menjejak Personaliti tingkat penampilan staf. CREATE . p. 53. ISSN 1823-7487

Norhidayah, Mohamad (2017) Ashwin defeated 55 other contestants. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Norhidayah, Mohamad (2017) Azharishah menang Anugerah Olahragawan UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Norhidayah, Mohamad (2017) Boling UMP bersama media erat hubungan baik. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Norhidayah, Mohamad (2017) Ekspoconvo’17 UMP dinanti tampil meriah. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Norhidayah, Mohamad (2018) From Caring Come Courage. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Norhidayah, Mohamad (2018) “Hard work paid off”. UMP News . p. 3. (Unpublished)

Norhidayah, Mohamad (2021) Iftar Ramadan percuma buat pelajar UMP. UMP News .

Norhidayah, Mohamad (2017) Kejohanan Bola Tampar Terbuka UMP Mizuno dapat sambutan. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Norhidayah, Mohamad (2017) Lebih 80 syarikat tawar peluang kerjaya dalam Hari Kerjaya UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Norhidayah, Mohamad (2018) Mahasiswa sumbang bakti kesukarelawanan khidmat negara. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Norhidayah, Mohamad (2017) The Malaysia Day fun bicycle ride. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Norhidayah, Mohamad (2018) Passed with flying colours. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Norhidayah, Mohamad (2017) Pelajar Siswazah UMP wakili Asia-Pasifik ke Pertandingan Falling Wall Labs di Berlin Jerman. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Norhidayah, Mohamad (2017) Pelajar UMP menang anugerah perak dalam Kongres Duta Jauhar 3.0. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Norhidayah, Mohamad (2020) Pengumuman Rasmi Pelaksanaan Peperiksaan Akhir Semester dan Aktiviti Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran. UMP News .

Norhidayah, Mohamad (2016) Peserta akademik Empower ECER cemerlang dirai. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Norhidayah, Mohamad (2017) Santai berbasikal semarakkan Hari Malaysia. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Norhidayah, Mohamad (2018) Singgah Sahur UMP santuni masyarakat sedia juadah bersahur. UMP News .

Norhidayah, Mohamad (2017) ‘Strengthening the national unity’ – Menteri Besar of Pahang. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Norhidayah, Mohamad (2017) UMP diiktiraf terbaik hasilkan penyelidikan dan inovasi berimpak tinggi. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Norhidayah, Mohamad (2017) Warga Keselamatan menang Pertandingan Kawad Bomba. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Norhidayah, Mohamad (2016) Warga UMP bantu sumbang keperluan bekalan tabung darah HTAA. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Norhidayah, Mohamad (2017) The challenges of an effective management control system in Fourth Industrial Revolution. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Norhidayah, Mohamad (2020) e-Census Clinic assists with the population and housing census. UMP News .

Norhidayah, Mohamed (2017) Bengkel Supermuslim manfaat anak-anak staf UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Norhidayah, Mohamed (2017) Penyelidikan UMP diiktiraf raih pingat emas dalam SIIF Korea. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Noriah and Jamilah Bebe, Mohamad and Noor Hafida, Mohamed (2017) Strategi komunikasi pencapaian dan pengelakan dalam proses pembentangan pelajar cina. In: International Conference on the Teaching and Learning of Languages (ICTLL 2017) , 3-4 April 2017 , Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. . (Published)

Noriza, Hassan (2020) Gangguan Seksual. UMP News .

Noriza, Hassan (2020) Membudayakan Integriti dalam Kehidupan. UMP News .

Norizan, Yusof (2023) Pendamaian Kemanusiaan Bukti Kasih Sayang Sesama Manusia. Tinta Minda .

Norizan, Yusof (2024) Peperiksaan bantu bina daya tahan pelajar. Kosmo . p. 22.

Norizan, Yusof (2023) Peranan Pendidikan Emosi Melalui Institusi Keluarga Dalam Memperkukuhkan Struktur Sosial Masyarakat. Tinta Minda .

Norizan, Yusof (2023) Universiti lahirkan graduan berkualiti, holistik dan berdaya saing melalui sifat serta nilai diri individu. Create . ISSN 1823-7487

Norizan, Yusof and Abdul Rashid, Abdul Aziz and Sawai, Rezki Perdani (2021) The effect of progressive muscle relaxation using biofeedback therapy on engineering and technical students. In: Social science and technology toward performance improvement: Research concept, effect and agenda. Kaizentrenovation Sdn Bhd, Tanjung Malim, pp. 224-232. ISBN 9789671854693

Norizan, Yusof and Mardiana, Mansor and Haslinda, Hashim (2024) Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and its Affect Reduce Stress and Fatigue among Carrier Woman. Indonesian Journal of Guidance and Counseling Research, 2 (1). pp. 8-14. ISSN 2988-1560. (Published)

Nur Ainaa Adhreena, Muhamad Shukri (2023) Offer for alumni to participate in UMPSA Protege programme. UMPSA News .

Nur Ainaa Adhreena, Muhamad Shukri (2023) UMPSA Contingent Adds Festivity to Independence Day Parade and Procession. UMPSA News .

Nur Ainaa Adhreena, Muhamad Shukri (2024) UMPSA anjur Seminar Isu Akidah dan Syariat dalam Amalan Perubatan. UMPSA News .

Nur Ainaa Adhreena, Muhamad Shukri (2023) UMPSA capai misi kibar Jalur Gemilang dan benderanya di puncak Gunung Kinabalu. UMPSA News .

Nur Ainaa Adhreena, Muhamad Shukri (2024) UMPSA, SIT perkukuh kerjasama strategik dalam akademik, penyelidikan dan pengantarabangsaan. UMPSA News .

Nur Ainaa Adhreena, Muhamad Shukri (2024) UMPSA, SIT strengthen strategic cooperation in academics, research, and internationalization. UMPSA News .

Nur Alia Fatiha, Azhar (2017) Mobiliti Asean pelajar UMP timba pengalaman di negara Vietnam. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nur Ezzati, Mohd Nasir (2024) Courtesy Visit to the Embassy of Vietnam expands efforts for new cooperation between UMPSA and Educational Institutions in Vietnam. UMPSA News .

Nur Ezzati, Mohd Nasir (2024) Lawatan Hormat ke Kedutaan Vietnam buka peluang kerjasama baharu antara UMPSA dan IPT di Vietnam. UMPSA News .

Nur Ezzati, Mohd Nasir (2024) UMPSA expands cooperation with Libya through partnerships with LYAPS and LASR. UMPSA News .

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Nur Hartini, Mohd Hatta (2019) Christysterra Johnny timba pengalaman di Turki. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nur Hartini, Mohd Hatta (2019) Mitchell rangkul Hadiah Kecemerlangan Yayasan Sabah. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nur Hartini, Mohd Hatta (2020) Penyelidik UMP hasilkan pengentalan susu menggunakan campuran ekstrak tiga buah-buahan tempatan. UMP News .

Nur Hartini, Mohd Hatta (2020) Warga UMP hayati Rukun Negara kunci perpaduan. UMP News .

Nur Hartini, Mohd Hatta (2019) Zaidatul dinobatkan penerima Anugerah Profesor Dato Dr. Mashitah Mohd. Yusof. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nur Laila, Afandi (2017) Awani Rangers UMP suntik bakat mahasiswa dalam pemberitaan. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nur Laila, Afandi (2017) FKEE bantu pelajar minat dalam STEM. UMP News .

Nur Laila, Afandi (2017) Fiesta Antarabangsa UMP bakal pamer kebudayaan dan juadah tradisi negara luar. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nur Laila, Afandi (2017) Inisiatif edu-tourism, tasik UMP bakal jadi tumpuan. UMP News .

Nur Laila, Afandi (2018) KP House Pusat Transformasi Sosial Kuala Pahang. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nur Laila, Afandi (2017) Kem Saintis Muda suntik elemen STEM. UMP News .

Nur Laila, Afandi (2017) Larian LED Dance Music menjelang penganjuran FINOG 2018. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nur Laila, Afandi (2018) Malam Sanjungan Budi kenang jasa PLPU. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nur Laila, Afandi (2018) Muhammad Ameen Sukarelawan Terbaik Misi Kesukarelawanan YSS. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nur Laila, Afandi (2017) Pelajar SK Tanah Puteh lawat kampus universiti. UMP News .

Nur Laila, Afandi (2017) Pelajar UMP menang anugerah terbaik 3MT. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nur Laila, Afandi (2018) Pelancaran UMP Valid8 dan Dompet Mudah Alih UMP XChain guna Teknologi Blockchain. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nur Laila, Afandi (2017) Pembentukan barisan perwakilan kepimpinan baharu MPP UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nur Laila, Afandi (2017) Pertukaran pelajar UMP dan University Ningxia erat hubungan baik. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nur Laila, Afandi (2018) Sukarelawan UMP gotong-royong bantu pasca banjir. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nur Laila, Afandi (2018) Tarian Singa meriahkan sambutan Tahun Baru Cina. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nur Laila, Afandi (2017) UMP jalin kerjasama dengan MRL dan CCCC dalam program kemahiran industri ECRL. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nur Laila, Afandi (2017) UMP lancar INAP Medium perluas hubungan dengan industri. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nur Laila, Afandi (2017) UMP terima bot kayuh sebagai tarikan Pelancongan Pendidikan. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nur Nadia, Sallihah and Kumar, Senthil (2021) Construction inventory and working capital an empirical analysis. UMP Press, Kuantan, Pahang. ISBN 978-967-2226-98-7

Nur Nadiah Salihah, Mat Razali and Fernando, Yudi (2022) Problem-solution framework of retirement planning: A Malaysian perspective. International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy, 15 (2). pp. 97-112. ISSN 1741-8135. (Published)

Nur Najwa Farhana, Sahadan (2015) Kembara ASEAN bantu madrasah di Filipina. CREATE . p. 73. ISSN 1823-7487

Nur Sa'adatul Afzan, Jusoh (2020) Hargai masa dan kesejahteraan kehidupan. UMP News .

Nur Sa’adatul Afzan, Jusoh (2020) 142 UMP LOs makes it a mission to send students home. UMP News .

Nur Sa’adatul Afzan, Jusoh (2019) Aktif Kesukarelawanan- Nasrul Arif Zakaria terima Anugerah Prihatin Komuniti Puspanita. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nur Sa’adatul Afzan, Jusoh (2020) Appreciate time and life well being. UMP News .

Nur Sa’adatul Afzan, Jusoh (2020) Insentif Kecemerlangan (Platinum) Yayasan UMP buat mahasiswa cemerlang. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nur Sa’adatul Afzan, Jusoh (2019) Kisah Akhir Zaman sempena Karnival Mahabbah 10.0. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nur Sa’adatul Afzan, Jusoh (2018) MyPACE pupuk minat keusahawanan mahasiswa UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nur Sa’adatul Afzan, Jusoh (2019) Nurul Nadiah tujuh kali Anugerah Dekan dua terima Anugerah Kecemerlangan. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nur Sa’adatul Afzan, Jusoh (2019) PIMPIN organised a workshop on Al-Quran reading using sign language and braille. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nur Sa’adatul Afzan, Jusoh (2019) Peluang Jelajah Kampus Universiti dalam Program Explorace d’UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nur Sa’adatul Afzan, Jusoh (2020) Ramadan dalam PKP untuk dikenang. UMP News .

Nur Sa’adatul Afzan, Jusoh (2019) Recipient of 7 Deans List Awards, Nurul Nadiah receives 2 Excellence Awards. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nur Sa’adatul Afzan, Jusoh (2020) Siswazah baharu UMP mula mendaftar. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nur Sa’adatul Afzan, Jusoh (2020) UMP Foundation Excellence Incentive (Platinum) for excellent students. UMP News .

Nur Sa’adatul Afzan, Jusoh (2020) UMP laksana Dasar Bekerja Dari Rumah. UMP News .

Nur Sa’adatul Afzan, Jusoh (2019) UMP tumpuan lebih 4000 atlet Kejohanan MASUM. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nur Sa’adatul Afzan, Jusoh (2019) The importance of data analysis in business. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nur Shamsiah, Abdul Rahman and Noor Azida, Sahabudin (2024) Evaluating the effect of students' behavioural intention to use social media for collaborative learning. Iraqi Journal for Computer Science and Mathematics, 5 (4). pp. 299-309. ISSN 2788-7421. (Published)

Nurfardlina Izzati, Mokhtar (2023) Tiada halangan penuntut IPT mengundi. Sinar Harian . p. 8.

Nurhanani, Izzati and Puteri Fadzline, Muhamad Tamyez and B., Sripirabaa and Kumar, Senthil (2023) Cross-country analysis of social entrepreneurship ecosystem and support system in India and Malaysia. SCMS Journal of Indian Management, 20 (2). 34 -53. ISSN 0973-3167. (Published)

Nurin Mastura, Afandi and Lee, Khai Loon (2023) Improving the quality of paddy and pricing issues through process optimization in a rice company. International Journal of Industrial Management (IJIM), 17 (4). pp. 195-209. ISSN 2289-9286 (Print); 0127-564x (Online). (Published)

Nurizzati, Md Tuhidin (2018) ‘Friendship’ takes audience down memory lane of their school days. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nurizzatul Alin, Ahmad Bastani (2019) Alumni networking programme fosters greater bond among UMP graduates. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nurizzatul Alin, Ahmad Bastani (2019) Jelajah alumni UMP erat hubungan, kembali berbakti. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nurizzatul Alin, Ahmad Bastani (2019) Jelajah alumni jalin hubungan erat alumni UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nurizzatul Alin, Ahmad Bastani (2019) Nurul Akma jurutera muda berjiwa teguh seiring dengan usaha. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nurizzatul Alin, Ahmad Bastani (2018) Tanpa minat, tiada matlamat - Heziwan. Pekan Riview . (Unpublished)

Nurul Ain Fatehah, Baharuddin (2017) Gilap potensi kepimpinan pelajar luar kampus UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Nurul Akma, Mohamad Rani (2015) Mahasiswa UMP dan MBM bersama komuniti Kota Pariaman. CREATE . p. 76. ISSN 1823-7487

Nurul Akma, Mohamad Rani (2015) Mahasiswa UMP dan MBM bersama komuniti Kota Pariaman. UMP News .

Nurul Ashykin, Abd Aziz and Mohamad Rohieszan, Ramdan and Khairunnisa, Abdul Aziz and Hasif Rafidee, Hasbollah and Noreen Noor, Abd Aziz and Nik Syuhailah, Nik Hussin and Md Zaki, Muhamad Hasan (2023) Franchising for Global Distribution: A Systematic Review. Journal of Distribution Science, 21 (10). pp. 39-49. ISSN 1738-3110. (Published)

Nurul Ashykin, Abd Aziz and Mohd Hizam, Hanafiah and Mohamad Rohieszan, Ramdan and Mohd Nasrulddin, Abd Latif and Nurul Aien, Abd Aziz and Zuraidah, Zainol (2022) Barriers of Supply Chain Management in International Market for Malaysian Food and Beverage Franchisors. Jurnal Pengurusan, 65 (2022). pp. 98-107. ISSN 0127-2713. (Published)

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Nurul Nadira, Shaari (2017) Menu makan tengah hari, malam hanya RM1. Berita Harian . p. 25.

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Nurul Wahidah, Arshad and Mohd Zamri, Ibrahim and Rohana, Abdul Karim and Yasmin, Abdul Wahab and Nor Farizan, Zakaria and Tuan Sidek, Tuan Muda (2022) Signal-based feature extraction for makhraj emission point classification. In: IET Conference Proceedings. 2022 Engineering Technology International Conference, ETIC 2022 , 7 - 8 September 2022 , Kuantan, Virtual. pp. 19-25., 2022 (22). ISSN 2732-4494 ISBN 978-183953782-0 (Published)

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Parsia, Yasaman and Puteri Fadzline, Muhamad Tamyez (2018) Role of healthcare-facilities layout design, healing architecture, on quality of services. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET), 9 (4). pp. 599-601. ISSN 0976-6316. (Published)

Parsia, Yasaman and Puteri Fadzline, Muhamad Tamyez (2018) Solutions to overcome current MCDM limitations. In: 2nd IEOM European Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management , 26-27 July 2018 , Paris, France. . (Published)

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Puteri Fadzline, Muhamad Tamyez (2019) The Challenges and Solutions of Cybersecurity Among Malaysian Companies. In: Industry 4.0 and Hyper-Customized Smart Manufacturing Supply Chains. IGI Global, IGI Global, pp. 103-125. ISBN 9781522590781

Puteri Fadzline, Muhamad Tamyez (2019) Teknologi sudah menawan manusia? Utusan Malaysia . p. 1.

Puteri Fadzline, Muhamad Tamyez (2019) Tumpu Pengajaran Secara Maya. Utusan Malaysia . p. 1.

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Puteri Fadzline, Muhamad Tamyez and Fatimah, Mahmud and Norhadilah, Abdul Hamid (2019) Management of Technology. UMP Publisher, Universiti Malaysia Pahang. ISBN 9789672226314

Puteri Fadzline, Muhamad Tamyez and Gerth, Natalie Christiane Isabella and Abdul Rahman, Zahari and Mohd Nizam, Abdul Rashid (2021) Analyzing The Critical Factors for Humanitarian Response on Flood-Related Disaster. International Journal of Industrial Management (IJIM), 10 (1). pp. 99-112. ISSN 2289-9286 (Print); 0127-564x (Online). (Published)

Puteri Fadzline, Muhamad Tamyez and M.R, Kamaruddin (2020) Strategizing the magnetic technologies. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Case Study Conference (ICSC 2020) , 27 - 28 October 2020 , Webex (Online). pp. 166-172., 1. ISSN 2756-8482 (Published)

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Puteri Fadzline, Muhamad Tamyez and Nazaruddin, Ishal and Juhary, Ali (2016) Entrepreneurial Competencies and Networks: A Qualitative Study. International Review of Management and Marketing, 6 (8). pp. 315-321. ISSN 2146-4405. (Published)

Puteri Fadzline, Muhamad Tamyez and Norhana, Mohd Aripin and Muhammad Ashraf, Fauzi and Senthil, Kumar (2024) Mapping the doctoral students’ experiences: A customer journey analysis. Multidisciplinary Science Journal, 7 (4). pp. 1-13. ISSN 2675-1240. (Published)

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Rosjuliana Hidayu, Rosli (2017) Ibu masak, anak cemerlang! Sinar Online .

Rosjuliana Hidayu, Rosli (2019) Kolej Kediaman Wadah pembangunan holistik dan pencetus didikan konsep kendiri mahasiswa. UMP News . (Unpublished)

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Roslinda, Hashim (2019) Pekerja teknikal perlu ada sijil diiktiraf. Sinar Harian Online . (Unpublished)

Rozaida, M. D. and Mahanum, Daim (2018) The role of process innovation between organizational capability and software project success in Malaysian public sector. The Journal of Social Sciences Research (Special 4). pp. 112-124. ISSN 2411-9458. (Published)

Rozana, Sahadan (2019) Mahasiswa luar negara timba pengalaman dalam sistem penanaman secara fertigasi. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Rozana, Sani (2020) Universities prepared to aid students journey home. MSN news .

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Saad, Zuria Akmal and Abdul Rahman, Hamirahanim and Hussain, Suhaidah and Hassan, Hazlin (2023) Systematic literature review: an analysis of skill mismatch measurement. In: European Proceedings of Finance and Economics: International Symposium & Exhibition on Business and Accounting 2022 , 28 September 28 2022 , Bandar Muadzam Shah, Malaysia. pp. 391-408., 1. ISBN 978-1-80296-963-4 (Published)

Safriza, Baharuddin (2017) Foo Weng Kar dan Siti Rahmah terima Anugerah Pelajaran Diraja. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Safriza, Baharuddin (2021) Penjajahan alaf baharu - Merdekakah Kita. UMP News .

Safriza, Baharuddin (2020) UMP associates instil patriotism in their hearts. UMP News .

Safuan, Shariff and Mohd Hashim, Mohd Saad (2019) ERAS & YMGS share geotechnical expertise via Career Day Programme. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Saharudin, Ramli (2021) Replication Seminar on Sustainable Development. UMP News .

Sajid, Muhammad Khalid Mehmood and Hafizoah, Kassim and Al Fraidan, Abdullah and Hasan, Ghassan Adnan and Iqbal, Zafar and Aljarrah, Khaled and Al Anazi, Nawaf (2020) Research proposal on English Reading Comprehension Text Level Difficulties among Saudi Science students. PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology, 17 (7). pp. 6467-6493. ISSN 1567-214X. (Published)

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Sarwari, Abdul Qahar and Muhammad Nubli, Abdul Wahab (2017) The Effectiveness of HRV-Biofeedback Technology and Heart Rate Variability on Intercultural Communication Competence among Postgraduate Students from Different Nationalities. The International Journal Of Humanities & Social Studies (IJHSS), 5 (10). pp. 201-209. ISSN 2321 - 9203. (Published)

Sarwari, Abdul Qahar and Muhammad Nubli, Abdul Wahab (2018) The Effectiveness of the Quick Coherence Technique using Heart Rate Variability-Biofeedback Technology on the Recovery of Heart Coherence among University Students. Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology (JST), 26 (3). pp. 1539-1546. ISSN 0128-7680. (Published)

Sarwari, Abdul Qahar and Muhammad Nubli, Abdul Wahab (2017) Evaluation Of The Relationship Between Interpersonal Communication Competence And Intercultural Communication Competence Among Postgraduate Students From Different Nationalities. Journal of Language and Communication, 4 (2). pp. 225-237. ISSN 2289-649X. (Published)

Sarwari, Abdul Qahar and Muhammad Nubli, Abdul Wahab (2016) The Relationship between English Language Proficiency and Intercultural Communication Competence among International Students in a Malaysian Public University. International Journal of Language Education and Applied Linguistics (IJLEAL), 5. pp. 1-9. ISSN 2289-7208 (print); 2289-9294 (online). (Published)

Sarwari, Abdul Qahar and Muhammad Nubli, Abdul Wahab (2016) Study of the Relationship between Communication Competence and Heart Rate Variability among International Postgraduate Students of a Malaysian Public University. In: Proceedings of The National Conference for Postgraduate Research (NCON-PGR 2016) , 24-25 September 2016 , Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP), Pekan, Pahang. pp. 552-558.. (Published)

Sarwari, Abdul Qahar and Muhammad Nubli, Abdul Wahab (2017) Study of the Relationship between Intercultural Sensitivity and Intercultural Communication Competence among International Postgraduate Students: A Case Study at University Malaysia Pahang. Cogent Social Sciences, 3 (1). pp. 1-11. ISSN 2331-1886. (Published)

Sarwari, Abdul Qahar and Muhammad Nubli, Abdul Wahab and Nor Ashikin, Abdul Aziz (2016) Evaluation of the Characteristics of Interpersonal Communication among Postgraduate Students from Different Nationalities at a Malaysian Public University. Journal of Language and Communication , 3 (1). pp. 12-21. ISSN 2289-649X. (Published)

Sasikala, Sankaran and Hasnah, Haron and Teoh, Ai Ping and Yuvaraj, Ganesan (2019) The passage of time to develop ethical business environment through Malaysia’s Competition Act 2010 and competition agenda : post World War II to present days. In: KnE Social Sciences: FGIC 2nd Conference on Governance and Integrity 2019 , 19-20 August 2019 , Yayasan Pahang, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 459-471., 2019. ISSN 2518-668X (Published)

Sh. Othman, Sh. Mohd Firdaus and Rohana, Hamzah and Ahmad Muhaimin, Mohamad and Asmadi, Abdul Rahman (2023) Pemerkasaan pendakwah mualaf dengan ilmu kecerdasan spiritual di MUIP. International Journal of Modern Education, 5 (19). pp. 191-207. ISSN 2637-0905. (Published)

Shaban, Omar Kassim A. (2018) Factors affecting brand loyalty : a study of palm cooking oil in Malaysia. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).

Shahidah, Hamzah (2016) Penggunaan teknik bio maklumbalas bagi mengukur ciri-ciri disiplin dan tanggungjawab dalam kalangan mahasiswa. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).

Shahidah, Hamzah and Lutfan, Jaes and Muhammad Nubli, Abdul Wahab (2018) Pemantapan Elemen Disiplin melalui Kaedah Biofeedback dalam Kalangan Mahasiswa. Jurnal Sultan Alauddin Sulaiman Shah, 2018 (Special I.). pp. 201-218. ISSN 2289-8042. (Published)

Shahidah, Hamzah and Muhammad Nubli, Abdul Wahab and Hanina, H. Hamsan (2014) Student Perceptions of the Sub Element of Integrity: Case Study at University Malaysia Pahang. International Journal in Management and Social Science, 2 (11). pp. 159-168. ISSN 2321-1784. (Published)

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Shalfarina, Shahriman and Safriza, Baharuddin (2022) Journal Quality and Ecosystem initiative helps support UMP 25 Strategic Plan. UMP News .

Shamsudin, Norazidah and Mohammed, Mustafa Omar and Abd. Rahman, Nur Hasnida and Mustaffa Kamil, Nazrol Kamil (2020) Mandate performance reporting of Malaysian development financial institutions (DFIs): A review. Asian Journal of Accounting and Finance, 2 (1). pp. 1-6. ISSN 2710-5857. (Published)

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Sharifah Nuraamirah, Syed Abdul Hamid (2018) InSmartive bantu calon SPM rangka hala tuju akademik. UMP News . (Unpublished)

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Shaza Akmalina, Badrul Kamal (2017) Jom Makan Buah-buahan program santai bersama Alumni UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Shaza Akmalina, Badrul Kamal and Tengku Nadzirah, Tengku Majani and Awani Rangers, UMP (2017) Mahasiswa beri sokongan padu terhadap aspirasi TN50. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Sheikh Mohammad Maniruzzaman, Al Masud (2023) Formulation of the sustainable educational development framework (sedf) to improve migrant workforce contribution in malaysia. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, Thesis advisor: Rohana, Hamzah).

Sheikh Mohammad Maniruzzaman, Al Masud and Rohana, Hamzah and Hasan, Ahmad (2019) Bangladeshi migration across the globe: The recent experiences of development and challenges. International Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Studies, 6 (11). pp. 20-27. ISSN 2394-6296. (Published)

Sing, Jason Fung Chee and Lee, Khai Loon (2023) Enhancing order management with ERP systems: A case study in a subcontractor company. In: Individual Field Project: Applying Theoretical Know-how to Real-life Business and Engineering Situation. Penerbit Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Kuantan, Pahang, pp. 25-35. ISBN 978-967-2831-89-1

Siti Aissah, Mad Ali and Sorooshian, Shahryar and Cheng, Jack Kie (2016) Modelling for Causal Interrelationships by DEMATEL. Contemporary Engineering Sciences, 9 (9). pp. 403-412. ISSN 1313-6569 (print); 1314-7641 (online). (Published)

Siti Aminah, Harun and Muhammad Ashraf, Fauzi and Nur Muneerah, Kasim and Wider, Walton (2022) Determinants of energy efficient appliances among Malaysian households: Roles of theory of planned behavior, social interaction and appliance quality. Asian Economic and Financial Review, 12 (3). 212 -226. ISSN 2305-2147. (Published)

Siti Maharah, Abdul Khalim (2021) The implementation of environmental management system (ems) in construction project : investigation of success factors. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).

Siti Marsitah, Mohd Mokhtar and Norazmi, Anas and Norhapizah, Mohd Burhan and Rashidi, Abbas and Hasiah, Mat Salleh and Anaztasia Natasha, Muhamad Ramlan (2022) Religious Activities for Muslim Elderly at the Senior Citizens Activity Center (PAWE) in Pahang, Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences (IJARBSS), 12 (3). pp. 169-179. ISSN 2222-6990. (Published)

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Siti Norzaimalina, Abd Majid (2010) "Focus in Your Study and Don't Worry": Exploring the Roles of Student Mother in Higher Education Institution in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (MJ-SSH), 4 (8). pp. 20-28. ISSN 2504­‐8562. (Published)

Siti Nur Atikah, Nazri and Asiah, Kassim (2023) Issues and functions of code-switching in studies on popular culture: A systematic literature review. International Journal of Language Education and Applied Linguistics (IJLEAL), 13 (2). pp. 7-18. ISSN 2289-7208 (print); 2289-9294 (online). (Published)

Siti Nur Azwin, Zulkapri (2018) 1,000 sertai larian Jurutera Pahang UMP 2018. Utusan Malaysia . p. 22.

Siti Nur Azwin, Zulkapri (2020) 30 mahasiswa UMP terima insentif kecemerlangan. Sinar Harian .

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Siti Nur Azwin, Zulkapri (2019) 500 Sertai Larian Amal UMP untuk Misi Kemanusiaan Palu. UMP News . (Unpublished)

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Siti Nur Azwin, Zulkapri (2019) Al-Sultan Abdullah mesra santuni rakyat. Kosmo Online .

Siti Nur Azwin, Zulkapri (2019) Amalkan budaya jaga kebersihan sebagai gaya hidup sihat - Jo- Anna. New Sabah Times . (Unpublished)

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Siti Nur Azwin, Zulkapri (2021) Terbitan Terkini Covid1 19 dari Perspektif Sains Sosial Implikasi dan Solusi. UMP News .

Siti Nur Azwin, Zulkapri (2023) Tiada sekatan pelajar universiti balik mengundi. Utusan Malaysia .

Siti Nur Azwin, Zulkapri (2020) Transformasi usahawan empower ke arah formalisasi, digitalisasi. Berita Harian . p. 19.

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Siti Nur Azwin, Zulkapri (2018) UMP kekalkan tradisi gotong-royong sedia jamuan Iftar. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Siti Nur Azwin, Zulkapri (2023) UMP kini Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah. Berita Harian . p. 14.

Siti Nur Azwin, Zulkapri (2023) UMP kini dikenali sebagai UMPSA. Berita Harian .

Siti Nur Azwin, Zulkapri (2019) UMP mahu adakan majlis keraian khas. Kosmo . p. 3. (Unpublished)

Siti Nur Azwin, Zulkapri (2020) UMP perkenal konsep pembelajaran learning factory dedah pelajar kepada dunia pekerjaan sebenar. .

Siti Nur Azwin, Zulkapri (2020) UMP prioritises welfare and safety of students. UMP News .

Siti Nur Azwin, Zulkapri (2018) UMP pupuk semangat cintakan alam sekitar. Utusan Malaysia . p. 57.

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Siti Nur Azwin, Zulkapri (2020) UMP tuan rumah Jom Masuk IPT Zon 2. Sinar Harian . p. 30. (Unpublished)

Siti Nur Azwin, Zulkapri (2020) UMP utamakan kebajikan dan keselamatan pelajar. UMP News .

Siti Nur Azwin, Zulkapri (2023) UMPSA adorn their offices with the Jalur Gemilang in honour of independence month. UMPSA News .

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Siti Nur Azwin, Zulkapri (2020) Ucapan Naib Canselor UMP Sempena Sambutan Hari Malaysia 2020. UMP News .

Siti Nur Azwin, Zulkapri (2023) Warga UMPSA hias pejabat kibar Jalur Gemilang semarakkan bulan kemerdekaan. UMPSA News .

Siti Nur Nabirah, Amran (2018) 89 pelajar sekolah berkumpul dalam perkampungan menara gading. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Siti Nur Suhanna, H. and Mohd Najib, Y. (2022) Road safety legal compliance among Malaysian motorcyclists. Current Science and Technology (CST), 2 (1). pp. 20-29. ISSN 2785-8804. (Published)

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Siti Nurfarmy, Ibrahim (2018) 36 pasukan sertai UMP Handball East Coast Championship. Sinar Harian .

Siti Nurfarmy, Ibrahim (2019) 40 UMP students enjoyed the open air iftar at MPK field. UMP News . (Unpublished)

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Siti Nurfarmy, Ibrahim (2019) Anak petani rangkul Anugerah Pelajaran Diraja. Harian Metro . p. 13.

Siti Nurfarmy, Ibrahim (2020) Art Expression therapy helps people manage pain. UMP News .

Siti Nurfarmy, Ibrahim (2020) Consumer Advocacy Program gives exposure to B40 Group. UMP News .

Siti Nurfarmy, Ibrahim (2019) Dr. Hari Narayanan shares his industrial experience. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Siti Nurfarmy, Ibrahim (2019) Dua sahabat baik terima Hadiah Kecemerlangan Dwi Ijazah Jerman. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Siti Nurfarmy, Ibrahim (2019) Executive Engineer receives Lifelong Learning Professional Award. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Siti Nurfarmy, Ibrahim (2019) FKASA-Civer Dragon Juara Bola Jaring, FSKKP-Arctic Fox juara Futsal UMP Super 5. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Siti Nurfarmy, Ibrahim (2019) FKASA-Civer Dragon- Champion of Netball, FSKKP-Arctic Fox- Champion of Futsal UMP Super 5. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Siti Nurfarmy, Ibrahim (2019) Festival Seni Budaya Malaysia-China pamer warisan seni kebudayaan dua negara. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Siti Nurfarmy, Ibrahim (2018) Galak mahasiswa ceburi bidang keusahawanan. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Siti Nurfarmy, Ibrahim (2019) Hadiah Kecemerlangan BASF Petronas Chemicals milik Wan Hamizan. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Siti Nurfarmy, Ibrahim (2020) Hargai petugas PKU, barisan hadapan kita. UMP News .

Siti Nurfarmy, Ibrahim (2021) Hari Terbuka Pascasiswazah UMP peluang bakal pelajar sambung pengajian. UMP News .

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Siti Nurfarmy, Ibrahim (2019) Jurutera Eksekutif terima Anugerah Profesional Pembelajaran Sepanjang Hayat. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Siti Nurfarmy, Ibrahim (2018) Kee Keing Lee cabar diri hasilkan yang terbaik. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Siti Nurfarmy, Ibrahim (0010) Khairull sedia perkhidmatan kenderaan dalam kampus bantu mahasiswa. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Siti Nurfarmy, Ibrahim (2022) Khay Wey receives Setegap Ventures Petroleum Industry Excellence Prize. UMP News .

Siti Nurfarmy, Ibrahim (2019) Kursus Pensijilan Orienteering beri pendedahan kepada pengiat sukan tanah air. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Siti Nurfarmy, Ibrahim (2020) Mahasiswa Kejuruteraan ceburi perniagaan percetakan dalam kampus. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Siti Nurfarmy, Ibrahim (2019) Mahasiswa UMP teruja berbuka puasa secara santai di padang. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Siti Nurfarmy, Ibrahim (2020) Minat terhadap STEM, Kamil Khalili cipta pelbagai program tarik minat pelajar. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Siti Nurfarmy, Ibrahim (2020) Mobile clinics help UMP staff keen on health. UMP News .

Siti Nurfarmy, Ibrahim (2019) Mohammed Shafiq graduan Dwi Ijazah UMP HsKA aktif sukan. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Siti Nurfarmy, Ibrahim (2019) Nur Athirah. Sinar Harian .

Siti Nurfarmy, Ibrahim (2019) Orienteering Certification Course provided exposure to Water Sports Enthusiasts in the country. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Siti Nurfarmy, Ibrahim (2019) Pembangunan makanan tenusu tangani penyakit barah dan diabetis. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Siti Nurfarmy, Ibrahim (2019) Penampilan Khas Dayang Nur Faizah dalam Festival Citra Seni UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Siti Nurfarmy, Ibrahim (2020) Petugas UMP Holdings siapkan 1000 alat pelindung muka buat barisan hadapan. UMP News .

Siti Nurfarmy, Ibrahim (2019) Program Cintai Alam Sekitar Kolaborasi Sukarelawan ERAS bersama Komuniti. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Siti Nurfarmy, Ibrahim (2018) Program motivasi intensif QGen beri pendedahan STEM. UMP News . (Unpublished)

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Siti Nurfarmy, Ibrahim (2019) The South China Sea is not an obstacle for Dr. Mohd. Hafizil. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Siti Nurfarmy, Ibrahim (2019) Stiff competition for 52 teams vying to be the best in the game of handball organised by UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)

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Siti Nurfarmy, Ibrahim (2019) UMP HsKA Dual-Degree graduate, Mohammed Shafiq is active in sports. UMP News . (Unpublished)

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Siti Nurfarmy, Ibrahim (2019) UMP nurtures the culture of entrepreneurship among staff and students. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Siti Nurfarmy, Ibrahim (2019) UMP perkasa budaya keusahawaan. UMP News . (Unpublished)

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Siti Nurfarmy, Ibrahim (2020) UMP receives UMPH zakat. UMP News .

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Siti Nurfarmy, Ibrahim (2019) VC Award recipient Lai Chor Kiew attributes his success to mother Kwai Fong. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Siti Nurfarmy, Ibrahim (2019) Wan Hamizan receives BASF Petronas Chemicals Excellence Prize. UMP News . (Unpublished)

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Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) Acknowledgment of excellence. UMP News . (Unpublished)

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Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2016) Bengkel kewartawanan kadet cungkil bakat mahasiswa UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) Bowling Tourney to tighten the ties between UMP and Media. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) Conflict in Syria, a sign of the judgment day. UMP News . (Unpublished)

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Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) Larian belon memeriahkan Sambutan Hari Jantung Sedunia. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) Mutiara Mahkota Launched. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2018) NLP benefits PT3 and SPM candidates. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) Nurnajat won the first ever PUSPANITA Community Care Award. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) Paddle boats to boost edu-tourism. UMP News . (Unpublished)

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Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) Projek Kongsi Rezeki bantu mahasiswa menjelang musim peperiksaan. UMP News . (Unpublished)

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Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) SKY RUN kumpul dana penganjuran Kejohanan UMP Badminton Open 2017. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) Sambutan Hari Malaysia Peringkat Negeri Pahang meriah. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) Sambutan Hari Wanita Sedunia peringkat UMP meriah. UMP News . (Unpublished)

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UMP, LIB (2017) Kongsi rezeki. Harian Metro . p. 8.

UMP, LIB (2016) Larian amal kumpul dana RMl0,000. Sinar Harian . p. 43.

UMP, LIB (2016) Larian neon ceriakan malam di UMP. Berita Harian . p. 16.

UMP, LIB (2016) Latih penduduk berniaga. Sinar Harian . p. 35.

UMP, LIB (2016) Lawatan kerja perpustakaan ke Terengganu. Wadah (2). p. 8. ISSN 2180-0456

UMP, LIB (2016) Mahasiswa perlu manfaatkan kehidupan kampus. Utusan Malaysia . p. 32.

UMP, LIB (2016) Manisnya kejayaan. Harian Metro . p. 10.

UMP, LIB (2016) Matahari buat amal kebajikan di Banda Acheh. Kosmo . p. 50.

UMP, LIB (2016) MyGift UMP dilancar di ibu negara hari ini. Utusan Malaysia . p. 29.

UMP, LIB (2016) Pelajar UMP sertai kem tingkat kemahiran komunikasi. Utusan Malaysia . p. 25.

UMP, LIB (2016) Peluang pamer ketokohan diri. Sinar Harian . p. 2.

UMP, LIB (2016) Pengurusan tinggi UMP lawat KOSMO! Kosmo . p. 19.

UMP, LIB (2016) Pertandingan memancing di Tasik UMP Sabtu ini. Utusan Malaysia . p. 29.

UMP, LIB (2017) Ramai alumni UMP jadi sukarelawan. Sinar Harian . p. 37.

UMP, LIB (2016) Sahur percuma setiap Rabu. Sinar Harian . p. 27.

UMP, LIB (2017) Set makanan hanya RM1 untuk pelajar UMP. Sinar Harian . p. 35.

UMP, LIB (2017) Sukarelawan UMP berbakti di bumi Mexico. Berita Harian . p. 9.

UMP, LIB (2016) Sukarelawan UMP timba pengalaman di Pusat Konservasi Gajah. Kosmo . p. 50.

UMP, LIB (2016) Sultan Pahang lancar MyGift UMP. Utusan Malaysia . p. 10.

UMP, LIB (2016) Tamar 4U ceriakan buka puasa pelajar UMP. Sinar Harian . p. 40.

UMP, LIB (2016) Tunku Azizah raikan asnaf. Sinar Harian . p. 37.

UMP, LIB (2016) UMP Splash Run 2016 kumpul RM10,000. Utusan Malaysia .

UMP, LIB (2016) UMP anjur Festival Ramadan di 2 kampus. Harian Metro .

UMP, LIB (2016) UMP anjur kejohanan golf amal kumpul dana biasiswa pelajar. Utusan Malaysia . p. 28.

UMP, LIB (2016) UMP anjur larian amal bantu pelajar. Utusan Malaysia . p. 32.

UMP, LIB (2016) UMP berjaya kumpul dana MyGift RM1.8 juta bantu tabung Endowmen Biasiswa Pelajar. Utusan Malaysia .

UMP, LIB (2017) UMP committed to role to improve society. New Straits Times . p. 18.

UMP, LIB (2017) UMP diiktiraf terbaik. Sinar Harian . p. 29.

UMP, LIB (2016) UMP galak budaya menderma untuk ilmu. Berita Harian . p. 10.

UMP, LIB (2016) UMP lancar Inisiatif MyGift. Berita Harian . p. 28.

UMP, LIB (2016) UMP launches MyGift project. New Straits Times . p. 20.

UMP, LIB (2016) UMP lulus biasiswa RM400,000 kepada penuntut berkelayakan. Utusan Malaysia . p. 21.

UMP, LIB (2016) UMP perkenal iLead lahir graduan berdaya saing. Utusan Malaysia .

UMP, LIB (2016) UMP terima van jenazah sumbangan DRB-Hicom. Utusan Malaysia . p. 25.

UMP, LIB (2016) UMP, Ashitechno jalin kerjasama. Sinar Harian . p. 46.

UMP, LIB (2017) UMP, YP anjur persidangan tadbir urus korporat. Sinar Harian . p. 42.

UMP, LIB (2017) UMP, tujuh rakan industri jalin kerjasama. Sinar Harian .

UMP, LIB (2016) Universiti tingkat dana tabung wakaf. Sinar Harian . p. 6.

UMP, LIB (2016) Warga UMP bertadarus. Utusan Malaysia . p. 24.

UMP, LIB (2017) Young Innovators Challenge 2017 suntik minat pelajar ceburi STEM. Utusan Malaysia . p. 30.

UMP, LIB (2016) lbu tunggal terharu terima bantuan sekolah anak. Sinar Harian . p. 36.

UMP, PNC ‘1 Malaysia’ Ponggal Festival pulls over 1,000 spectators. Pekan Review, 2 . pp. 46-47. ISSN 2180-3099

UMP, PNC 1,000 attend organ donation campaign. Pekan Review, 5 . pp. 32-33. ISSN 2180-3099

UMP, PNC 1,000 undergraduates took part in world peace day. Pekan Review, 5 . pp. 28-29. ISSN 2180-3099

UMP, PNC (2009) 1,500 pelajar UMP kutuk serangan rejim tentera Israel. CREATE . p. 27. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2016) 1,500 warga UMP sambut raya bersama Tengku Mahkota Pahang. Create . pp. 4-5. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2009) 100 sertai jelajah berbasikal promosi Pahang. CREATE . p. 40. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2018) 1000 trees planted to fight against global warming. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2019) 107 Pelajar terima bantuan kelengkapan sekolah sumbangan Alumni UMP dan NGO. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2015) 12 beradik gembira terima sumbangan dalam Program Jejak Asnaf UMP. CREATE . p. 61. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2009) 15,000 pengunjung serbu Karnival Pengajian Tinggi Zon Timur di UMP. CREATE . p. 9. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2019) 2 UMP products win Malaysia Commercialisation Year 2019 (MCY 2019) Awards. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2019) 2 produk UMP raih anugerah. Harian Metro . p. 23.

UMP, PNC (2015) 2,000 hadir Menelusuri Jejak Merdeka. CREATE . p. 55. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC 2,000 turned up to celebrate Chinese New Year Cultural Night. Pekan Review, 6 . pp. 28-29. ISSN 2180-3099

UMP, PNC 200 intellectuals converge on ‘Human Capital Development’. Pekan Review, 1 . pp. 46-47. ISSN 2180-3099

UMP, PNC (2017) 2000 meriahkan Sambutan Hari Raya UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC 30 international students experienced a new kind of aidilfitri celebration in Malaysia. Pekan Review, 9 . p. 84. ISSN 2180-3099

UMP, PNC (2015) 300 penyelidikan jadi tarikan Hari Terbuka UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2016) 337 pelajar cemerlang akademik program empower ECER dirai. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2018) 344 pelatih terima Sijil Profesional Pembelajaran Sepanjang Hayat. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2019) 35 graduan perintis program kerjasama UMP dan AKEPT dalam pemantapan bakat. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2019) 35 pioneer graduates of UMP and AKEPT collaboration programme in talent development. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2019) 3MT Competition attracts PhD students to showcase their research. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2019) 40 UMP staff and students visited Al Hijrah TV station to learn more about broadcasting. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC 40 participants joined UMP Expedition in forging closer ties with Sabahans. Pekan Review, 6 . pp. 44-45. ISSN 2180-3099

UMP, PNC (2017) 41 pelajar program empower ECER cemerlang. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2015) 46 staf bukan akademik terima surat kenaikan pangkat. CREATE . p. 86. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2015) 46 staf bukan akademik terima surat kenaikan pangkat. UMP News .

UMP, PNC 5,000 staf and students attended Aidil Fitri Celebration. Pekan Review, 3 . pp. 10-11. ISSN 2180-3099

UMP, PNC 5,000 staff celebrate hari raya aidilfitri. Pekan Review, 5 . pp. 22-23. ISSN 2180-3099

UMP, PNC (2017) 500 peminat sukan berbasikal sertai UMP EcoRide 2017. Sinar Harian . p. 36.

UMP, PNC (2020) 56 rakyat kita masih di Syria. Harian Metro . p. 11.

UMP, PNC (2018) 6 new students selected for Mygift education incentive. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC 60 international students got the taste of kampung life in Cherok Paloh. Pekan Review, 5 . p. 35. ISSN 2180-3099

UMP, PNC (2015) 600 sertai Larian Amal Penyayang 2.0. CREATE . p. 46. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2018) 61 warga UMP sertai program kayuhan Merdeka. Utusan Malaysia . p. 26.

UMP, PNC 7 best friends formed A Business Company. Pekan Review, 3 . pp. 48-49. ISSN 2180-3099

UMP, PNC (2019) 8 UMP staff invited to perform pilgrimage this Haj season. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC 800 Celebrate CNY joint celebration. Pekan Review, 2 . pp. 30-31. ISSN 2180-3099

UMP, PNC (2009) 800 pelajar UMP sertai gotong-royong tingkatkan kemahiran insaniah. CREATE . p. 42. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2018) ACB UMP iktiraf penyelidikan. Utusan Malaysia . p. 31.

UMP, PNC (2018) Afizfaiz tabah masuk universiti tanpa insan tersayang. UMP News . p. 3. (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2019) Agrobank contributes pocket money to 35 selected undergraduates. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2017) Aidilfitri komuniti antarabangsa UMP meriah. Utusan Malaysia . p. 30.

UMP, PNC (2019) Ainex 2019- UMP’s search talent platform for students to invent or innovate cost-effective and eco-friendly products. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2015) Alumni UMP turun padang bantu mangsa banjir Temerloh. CREATE . p. 30. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2020) Amalkan penjagaan diri dan kebersihan. UMP News .

UMP, PNC (2016) Anas dinobat Anugerah Tokoh Pemimpin Siswa. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2014) 'Around The World’ pamer budaya antarabangsa. CREATE . p. 14. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2017) Azharishah menang Anugerah Olahragawan UMP. Sinar Harian . p. 42.

UMP, PNC (2017) Azharishah, Pui Kei dinobat Olahragawan, Olahragawati UMP. Utusan Malaysia . p. 30.

UMP, PNC (2019) Azriel Tan received Royal Academy Award (Medal of Excellence). UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2019) BID Excellence Award recipient, Christysterra Johnny gains experience in Turkey. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2017) Bakal jurutera dan teknologis pamer bakat seni. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2015) Bangunan PTMK dan PBMSK di UMP Pekan siap sepenuhnya. UMP News .

UMP, PNC (2019) Bapa terharu terima Anugerah Khas Anumerta anak. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2017) Belia perlu kongsi pandangan guna saluran betul. Sinar Harian . p. 36.

UMP, PNC (2017) Berkayuh sambil nikmati keindahan alam. Harian Metro . p. 42.

UMP, PNC (2010) Best Women Inventor’s Special Award at ITEX 2010. Quest, 6 (3). p. 1. ISSN 1985-8159

UMP, PNC (2020) Bicara Cendekiawan Mulia UMP discusses current issues. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2014) Bicara Kemerdekaan hayati semangat perjuangan rakyat Palestin. CREATE . p. 25. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2017) Bicara Merdeka semarakkan semangat sayangkan negara. UMP News .

UMP, PNC (2016) Bicara Pelan Strategik UMP 2016-2020 bersama Naib Canselor. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2013) ‘Big Cleaning Day’ pupuk kesedaran warga kampus mengenai kebersihan. CREATE . p. 9. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2019) Bina Negara Bangsa Malaysia. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2019) Blessing in disguise for Siti Hanisah, a recipient of UMP’s MyGift programme. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2009) Boling Media – UMP medan rapatkan silaturahim. CREATE . p. 36. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2016) Budaya inovasi pacu kecemerlangan UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2009) CENFED bantu IKS menerusi SMIDEC-SKILLS Upgrading Programme. CREATE . pp. 30-31. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2010) CENFED spreads wings to Sabah, Sarawak. Quest, 6 (3). p. 4. ISSN 1985-8159

UMP, PNC (2020) CIReL offers trainings on online teaching and learning. UMP News .

UMP, PNC CNY Cultural Week receives warm reception. Pekan Review, 4 . p. 40. ISSN 2180-3099

UMP, PNC (2018) Canselor UMP saran perkukuh budaya kebahagiaan dan integriti dalam sistem pendidikan. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC Cendekia Bitara Award. Pekan Review, 1 . pp. 42-43. ISSN 2180-3099

UMP, PNC (2009) Ceramah Kamal Affandy pikat warga UMP. CREATE . p. 41. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2019) Chew Wi Kang recipient of Perodua Excellence Award. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2019) Closer ties between Malaysia-Bosnia following MoU signed by UMP and MBTCA. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2019) Commemorating Maulidur Rasul. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2018) Confucius Institute to be set up in UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC Datin Seri Rosmah officially closed 'a step to University' programme. Pekan Review, 7 . pp. 10-11. ISSN 2180-3099

UMP, PNC (2018) Daughter of Felda Settler presented with Royal Academic Award (Excellence Award). UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2009) Daya kepimpinan graduan perlu diperkasakan - Canselor. CREATE . p. 4. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC De Kuala Cafe, a symbol of cooperation between ECER and UMP. Pekan Review, 9 . pp. 12-13. ISSN 2180-3099

UMP, PNC (2019) Derita ibu hidap kanser penguat semangat. Berita Harian .

UMP, PNC (2015) Diari Ramadan untuk warga UMP. UMP News .

UMP, PNC (2015) Diari ramadan untuk warga UMP. CREATE . p. 50. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2018) Didik siswazah dengan kerangka sosial. Utusan Malaysia . p. 24.

UMP, PNC (2020) Do good with your life and bring happiness to others. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2019) Double happiness. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2019) Dua Produk UMP Menang Anugerah Pengkomersialan Malaysia (MCY 2019). UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2015) Duta Jauhar bantu 15 usahawan wanita Johor. CREATE . p. 75. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2017) Eco Ride UMP 2017 promosi gaya hidup sihat di kampus. Utusan Malaysia . p. 26.

UMP, PNC (2019) Effective synergy between UMP and AKEPT in promoting leadership for a sustainable organisation. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2019) Eggplant planting using fertigation technology in UMP campus. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2019) Empower Edu Tour motivates 117 orang ssli kids in science and mathematics. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2019) Empowering TVET education – UMP’s main agenda. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2016) Enactus UMP mobility programme in India. Pekan Review, 11 . p. 59. ISSN 2180-3099

UMP, PNC (2020) Environmentally friendly Diaclean Pera Sterilant disinfectant. UMP News .

UMP, PNC (2019) ‘Everyone’s responsible to uphold dignity of National Language’. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2016) FKKSA terima 5 pelajar mobiliti dari Indonesia dan China. CREATE . p. 18. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC Facilities management in campus promotes intellectual and social activities. Pekan Review, 1 . pp. 56-57. ISSN 2180-3099

UMP, PNC (2017) Fiesta UMP pamer budaya, juadah luar. Utusan Malaysia . p. 26.

UMP, PNC (2016) Fokus strategi UMP menjadi universiti teknologi terunggul. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2019) Formation of New MPP Leadership Synergy. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2020) Gather volunteers to prepare PPE equipments. UMP News .

UMP, PNC Global community should learn the Malay language – James T.Collins. Pekan Review, 5 . p. 41. ISSN 2180-3099

UMP, PNC (2019) Graduan UMP pilihan utama dalam pasaran kerja. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2020) Grounded by MCO, UMP student finally return home. UMP News .

UMP, PNC (2019) Guru Bahasa UMP hasil inovasi rangkul anugerah. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2009) Hadiah Kecemerlangan Akademik Heitech milik Mohd. Usaid. CREATE . p. 5. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2017) Hadiah lumayan menanti kaki pancing. Utusan Malaysia . p. 22.

UMP, PNC (2016) Hari Terbuka KK5 UMP meriah. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2015) Hari Terbuka UMP sebar maklumat pengajian tinggi terhadap masyarakat. CREATE . p. 12. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2015) Hari Terbuka UMP sebar maklumat pengajian tinggi terhadap masyarakat. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2017) Hari raya komuniti antarabangsa UMP meriah. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2020) Hasrat pelajar UMP balik kampung tertunai. UMP News .

UMP, PNC (2019) Hassan Al Faiz Mohamed awarded Mercedes-Benz scholarship. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC Higher Education Ministry Secretary General joined UMP denizens in breaking of fast and iftar. Pekan Review, 6 . pp. 26-27. ISSN 2180-3099

UMP, PNC (2019) Hubungan erat MTUN Industri lahirkan pakar teknikal. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC Humanitarian Mission ‘We Love We Care’ implemented 13 development projects for students in Cambodia. Pekan Review, 9 . p. 72. ISSN 2180-3099

UMP, PNC ICT lessons for single mothers and orphans. Pekan Review, 5 . pp. 26-27. ISSN 2180-3099

UMP, PNC (2017) Ibu bapa disaran pilih pusat tahfiz berdaftar. Sinar Harian . p. 53.

UMP, PNC (2017) Ikan tenggalan 1.62kg jadi juara. Harian Metro . p. 42.

UMP, PNC (2020) The Implementation of Final Examination and Teaching and Learning. UMP News .

UMP, PNC (2013) In-Smartive semarakkan kolaborasi UMP-UTY. CREATE . p. 51. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2018) Inap perkasa jaringan industri, hubungan alumni. Berita Harian . p. 46.

UMP, PNC (2019) Infak Ramadan programme_ #BPACare contributions bring joys to school children. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC Innovation Day nurtures excellent work culture. Pekan Review, 5 . pp. 18-19. ISSN 2180-3099

UMP, PNC (2015) Inovasi UMP hasilkan kit anti-histeria. CREATE . p. 17. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC International Night: A presentation of cultural & traditional event. Pekan Review, 1 . p. 50. ISSN 2180-3099

UMP, PNC (2016) International University student helping out in gotong-royong at Madrasah Daniyah Durrulilmi. Pekan Review, 11 . pp. 60-61. ISSN 2180-3099

UMP, PNC International night featuring cultures and traditions of various countries. Pekan Review, 7 . pp. 54-55. ISSN 2180-3099

UMP, PNC (2009) JHEPA anjur seminar keusahawanan “Mengetahui Rahsia Bisnes Orang Cina”. CREATE . p. 37. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2018) JKM Pahang perintis program PST. Sinar Harian . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2017) JKNCR himpun Naib Canselor dan Rektor Universiti Awam. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2015) Jejak Asnaf Kembali ke Sekolah bantu pelajar susah. CREATE . p. 54. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC ‘Jengking’ the Champs in Shell Eco-Marathon Asia 2012. Pekan Review, 6 . p. 49. ISSN 2180-3099

UMP, PNC (2018) Joanne, 7 times Dean’s list awarded with Royal Academic Award. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2015) Jom Makan Durian erat hubungan baik UMP dan Media. CREATE . p. 55. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2017) Jom kaki pancing ke Tasik UMP. Harian Metro . p. 49.

UMP, PNC (2017) Juruteknik juara pertandingan memancing UMP. Sinar Harian . p. 36.

UMP, PNC (2019) KP House curi tumpuan penduduk Kuala Pahang. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2020) Kami OK…Jangan Risau – Pelajar UMP di Jerman. UMP News .

UMP, PNC (2014) Karnival KOSISWA dapat sambutan menggalakkan jayakan program keusahawanan. CREATE . p. 20. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2018) Kayuhan Merdeka UMP kibar Jalur Gemilang semarakkan bulan kemerdekaan. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2019) Kebolehpasaran siswazah UMP melepasi 95 peratus. Harian Metro .

UMP, PNC (2019) Keen interest and leadership talent reward Siti Aisyah with UMP Role Model Award. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2017) Kejohanan Boling UMP-Media meriah. Mingguan Malaysia . p. 21.

UMP, PNC (2019) Kemangkatan Paduka Ayahanda Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah satu kehilangan besar buat UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2013) Kembara Amal Bermotosikal rai anak yatim. CREATE . p. 13. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2017) Kembara Waqaf Merdeka 60 meriahkan bulan kemerdekaan. Sinar Harian . p. 36.

UMP, PNC (2018) Kencana Pawana UMP raih Anugerah Khas Juri. Berita Harian . p. 32.

UMP, PNC (2020) Kene ada bukti kuat kerajaaan PN hilang majoriti. Berita Harian .

UMP, PNC (2009) Kesakitan bukan penghalang saya mendaftar di UMP – Fazliani. CREATE . p. 9. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2019) Kit kerusi roda bermotor untuk warga emas. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC Knowledge is esssential for leaders-to-be- Tun Mahathir. Pekan Review, 5 . pp. 14-15. ISSN 2180-3099

UMP, PNC (2019) Kolaborasi Mahasiswa UMP dan UMK santuni pelajar minat STREAM. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2016) Kolaborasi UMP dan Kolej Teknikal Yayasan Sabah dalam Program Kejuruteraan Jerman. CREATE . p. 34. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2022) Komunis tiada ruang muncul semula di Malaysia, PDRM sentiasa pantau. Agenda Daily .

UMP, PNC (2016) Kongres ketua pentadbir hal ehwal Islam bincang isu kontemporari ummah. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2019) Kongsi Kegembiraan Alumni UMP bawa anak yatim dan asnaf beli kelengkapan raya. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2016) ‘Kongsi Rezeki’ charity programme for UMP undergraduates. Pekan Review, 11 . p. 64. ISSN 2180-3099

UMP, PNC (2015) Kongsi budaya dalam Malam Antarabangsa UMP. CREATE . p. 34. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2015) Kongsi budaya dalam Malam Antarabangsa UMP. UMP News .

UMP, PNC (2014) Konsep 1 Malaysia warnai Festival Bayu Kenyalang. CREATE . p. 51. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2009) Kor SUKSIS anjur latihan luar dan kursus asas pertolongan cemas. CREATE . p. 45. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2009) Kor SUKSIS uji ketahanan diri di Sungai Pahang. CREATE . p. 39. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2014) Larian Amal Penyayang UMP jayakan Kempen Gaya Hidup Sihat. CREATE . p. 36. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2015) Larian amal mahasiswa UMP dan amalan gaya hidup sihat. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2019) Laylatun Qadrina UMP Sportswoman and YSS Volunteer receives an award. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2017) Lebih 1 tan ikan dilepaskan untuk buruan pemancing di Tasik UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2016) Lebih 1,000 sertai Program Social Enterprise dalam Sehati. CREATE . p. 57. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2019) Lebih 100 koleksi buku milik Allahyarham Prof. Dato’ Dr. Ishak Ismail disimpan di Perpustakaan UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2015) Lebih 2,500 sukarelawan IPT bantu operasi pascabanjir. CREATE . pp. 14-15. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2015) Lebih 500 warga UMP berjalan 10,000 langkah. CREATE . p. 66. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2017) Lebih RM16,000 jadi rebutan di Tasik UMP, Pekan. Sinar Harian . p. 3.

UMP, PNC (2018) “Life must go on” Afizfaiz. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2019) Love the country and appreciate the value of true patriotism. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2017) MPP UMP terima watikah pelantikan. Sinar Harian . p. 43.

UMP, PNC (2015) MPP UMP yang baharu angkat sumpah tunai kewajipan. CREATE . p. 72. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2015) MPP UMP yang baharu angkat sumpah tunai kewajipan. UMP News .

UMP, PNC (2015) Mahasiswa UMP berbakti di Pulau Tioman. CREATE . p. 64. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2015) Mahasiswa UMP berbakti di Pulau Tioman. UMP News .

UMP, PNC (2015) Mahasiswa UMP bergotong-royong memasak bubur Asyura. UMP News .

UMP, PNC (2015) Mahasiswa UMP bincang hala tuju cabaran kontemporari. UMP News .

UMP, PNC (2009) Mahasiswa UMP dalami ilmu keusahawanan. CREATE . p. 42. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2019) Mahasiswa UMP dan Petugas UMPTV timba pengalaman di Media Prima. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2014) Mahasiswa UMP erat hubungan bersama masyarakat Pulau Tioman. CREATE . p. 47. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2020) Mahasiswa UMP tenang di kampus. UMP News .

UMP, PNC (2015) Mahasiswa bergotong-royong memasak bubur asyura. CREATE . p. 79. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2017) Mahasiswa dituntut cipta kecemerlangan. UMP News .

UMP, PNC (2015) Majlis Iftar pelajar antarabangsa meriah. CREATE . p. 46. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2019) Malay language enhancement carnival benetted UMP foreign students. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2020) Manfaatkan kehidupan dan gembirakan insan lain sangat dituntut. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC ‘Matahari’ rises on UMP’s horizon. Pekan Review, 2 . pp. 20-21. ISSN 2180-3099

UMP, PNC (2017) Memasyarakatkan teknologi agenda keterampilan UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC Mentor Minister launched UMP Cooperative. Pekan Review, 6 . pp. 24-25. ISSN 2180-3099

UMP, PNC (2013) Misi Kemanusiaan “We Love We Care” laksana 13 projek pembangunan pelajar Kemboja. CREATE . p. 40. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2019) Mitchell receives 2 awards the Sabah Foundation Excellence Prize and Dual-Degree Verein Deutscher Ingenieure Excellence Award. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2020) Mohamed Al-Fateh clinches Tokoh Siswa UMP 2019 title. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC A Mother’s Unconditional Love. Pekan Review, 3 . pp. 16-17. ISSN 2180-3099

UMP, PNC (2009) NC rai 50 petugas AUG’08. CREATE . p. 42. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2009) NC rai kedatangan kumpulan pelajar antarabangsa China. CREATE . p. 18. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2019) Nasrul Arif Zakaria Puspanita Community Care Award recipient. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2020) Nation building in Malaysia. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2016) Neon Night Run hayati keindahan alam. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2021) Non-Bumiputera participation in Student Civil Defence Corps still low, says Defence Force commissioner. Malay Mail .

UMP, PNC (2019) Nor Syahirah attributes her success to consistent Dhuha and Tahajjud prayers. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2018) Norazlin Hassan Tokoh Siswa 2017. Sinar Harian .

UMP, PNC (2009) Occupational Safety and Health Unit for UMP workers. Quest, 5 (2). p. 18. ISSN 1985-8159

UMP, PNC (2020) Online PdP new normal for UMP students. UMP News .

UMP, PNC (2020) Online tadarus is a new normal in Ramadan during MCO. UMP News .

UMP, PNC (2015) PBMSK anjur Persidangan Zakat dalam Pembangunan Ekonomi Peringkat Kebangsaan 2015. CREATE . pp. 22-23. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2013) PBMSK sumbang kerusi untuk kemudahan pelajar sekolah. CREATE . p. 39. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2019) PM Dr. Mohd. Ridzuan Darun dilantik Pendaftar Baharu UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2016) PM rasmi kampus utama UMP dan penamaan Canseleri Tun Abdul Razak. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2019) PMLK celebrates Ramadan Iftar with local communities. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC PM’s wife launches We Care “What’s My Sin?” campaign at UMP. Pekan Review, 4 . pp. 8-9. ISSN 2180-3099

UMP, PNC (2019) PPTI colloquium focused on professional management of the future. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2009) Pasangan kembar FKKSA terima ijazah. CREATE . p. 14. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2009) Pasukan Bola Sepak Pegawai Kanan UMP tumpaskan JKKK Kuala Tahan. CREATE . p. 37. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2009) Pasukan SAE bukti unggul bawa pulang 10 ribu dalam Perodua Eco-Challenge. CREATE . p. 20. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2020) PdP dalam talian kebiasaan baharu pelajar UMP. UMP News .

UMP, PNC (2017) Pekan folk overjoyed over newly-refurbished homes. New Straits Times . p. 10.

UMP, PNC (2016) Pelajar FTeK berbasikal amal gaya hidup sihat. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2013) Pelajar masuk desa dekati komuniti Kampung Budu. CREATE . p. 45. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2009) Pelajar prasiswazah China bangga menuntut di UMP. CREATE . p. 17. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2015) Pelajar tunai tanggungjawab pilih perwakilan dalam pilihan raya kampus. CREATE . p. 71. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2015) Pelajar tunai tanggungjawab pilih perwakilan dalam pilihanraya kampus. UMP News .

UMP, PNC (2020) Pelajar universiti di Pantai Timur balik kampung Rabu ini. UMP News .

UMP, PNC (2017) Pelbagai lapisan sertai Balloon Run. Utusan Malaysia . p. 26.

UMP, PNC (2020) Pelindung muka D.I.Y buat petugas barisan hadapan. UMP News .

UMP, PNC (2017) Pemangku Raja Pahang dianugerah Ijazah Kehormat UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2020) Pemangku Raja Pahang lancar Jom Masuk IPT Zon 2 Pahang. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2017) Pemangku Raja Pahang lancar pembinaan Kolej Kediaman Mawaddah UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2018) Pembasmi serangga mesra alam ke pasaran antarabangsa. Harian Metro . p. 83.

UMP, PNC (2019) Pendidikan STEM acuan pembangunan modal insan. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2013) Pengalaman baharu 30 pelajar antarabangsa sambut raya di Malaysia. CREATE . p. 19. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2020) Penganugerahan Iwate University Global Fellow pengiktirafan buat UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2016) Penghuni Perempuan Maahad Lil Aytam gembira terima sumbangan raya. CREATE . p. 60. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2019) Pengiktirafan UMP buat warga cemerlang dan komuniti terima anugerah. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2020) Pensyarah UMP cipta pelindung muka DIY guna semula. UMP News .

UMP, PNC (2017) Pensyarah UMP rakam detik fenomena gerhana matahari. UMP News .

UMP, PNC (2018) Pensyarah UMP terima anugerah Srikandi Matahari. Sinar Harian . p. 19.

UMP, PNC (2014) Persatuan Matahari rai anak yatim, sumbang kelengkapan raya. CREATE . p. 33. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2015) Persatuan Wanita UMP anjur Tazkirah Ramadan. CREATE . p. 54. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2013) Persatuan Wanita UMP hulur sumbangan bantu anak yatim dan miskin Nur Iman. CREATE . p. 38. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2017) Pertandingan memancing sempena Bulan Kemerdekaan, Hari Malaysia di tasik UMP. Utusan Malaysia . p. 14.

UMP, PNC (2018) Portal komuniti ADAM wadah perpaduan. Utusan Malaysia . p. 57.

UMP, PNC (2015) Prof. Dr. Mashitah dilantik Penolong Pesuruhjaya Kehormat JPAM. CREATE . p. 59. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2019) Prof. Ts. Dr. Mohd. Rosli Hainin appointed as UMP Deputy VC Academic International. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2019) Prof. Ts. Dr. Mohd. Rosli Hainin dilantik TNCAA UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2015) Prof.Dr Mashitah dilantik Penolong Pesuruhjaya Kehormat JPAM. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2019) Program 1R1K Taman Mutiara jadi contoh. Sinar Harian . p. 20.

UMP, PNC (2020) Program Cendekiawan Mulia UMP bincang isu semasa. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2017) Program Diskusi MPP. Harian Metro . p. 6.

UMP, PNC (2015) Program PPRN manfaatkan industri dan usahawan. CREATE . p. 20. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2015) Program PPRN manfaatkan industri dan usahawan. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2015) Program Selangkah ke Menara Gading manfaatkan pelajar luar bandar. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2014) Program Singgah Sahur bantu erat hubungan dengan masyarakat. CREATE . p. 31. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2015) Program Singgah Sahur erat hubungan dengan masyarakat. CREATE . p. 47. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2017) Projek 'facelift' ceriakan landskap perkampungan Kuala Pahang. Berita Harian . p. 38.

UMP, PNC (2017) Promosi gaya hidup sihat. Harian Metro . p. 42.

UMP, PNC (2018) Pupuk kesedaran budaya menabung dan celik pelaburan. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2018) REAM hargai pelajar kejuruteraan cemerlang. Berita Harian . p. 29.

UMP, PNC (2014) `Ramadan Jangan Pergi, Palestin Dekat di Hati’ bincang konflik kemanusiaan penduduk Palestin. CREATE . p. 28. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2020) Ramadan dalam PKP penuh hikmah. UMP News .

UMP, PNC (2020) Ramadan during MCO, A Blessing In Disguise. UMP News .

UMP, PNC (2020) Ramadan under the MCO is full of wisdom. UMP News .

UMP, PNC (2019) Rancang pengajian PhD sasar GOT. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2020) Rebut peluang sambung belajar dalam program `Jom Masuk IPT’ Zon Pahang. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2020) Rebut peluang sambung belajar menerusi Jom Masuk ipt 2020 Zon 2 Pahang. Sinar Harian .

UMP, PNC (2020) Regent of Pahang officiates Jom Masuk IPT Zone 2 Pahang. UMP News .

UMP, PNC (2020) Respect PKU staff, our frontliners. UMP News .

UMP, PNC Riong Poetry Night ingnited a synergy of new generation. Pekan Review, 6 . pp. 16-17. ISSN 2180-3099

UMP, PNC (2009) Robani, Roslinda olahragawan dan olahragawati terbaik MASUM 2009. CREATE . p. 32. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2019) Roommates awarded with Dual-Degree Programme Academic Excellence Prize. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC SABER did UMP proud at Eco-Challenge 2012. Pekan Review, 5 . p. 36. ISSN 2180-3099

UMP, PNC (2018) SK Methodist Kuantan raih hadiah utama. Utusan Malaysia .

UMP, PNC (2017) Santai berbasikal dalam Fun Ride. Sinar Harian . p. 36.

UMP, PNC (2017) Satu tan patin dilepaskan di tasik UMP. Berita Harian . p. 15.

UMP, PNC (2019) Sayangi Negara, Hargai Nilai Patrotisme Tulen. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2014) Sekretariat mahasiswa Negeri Sembilan gigih buat persediaan bantu calon STPM. CREATE . p. 54. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2019) Sendirian mendaftar, mahasiswa baharu tidak sangka terima bantuan MyGift. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2019) Sentuhan Kasih dekati masyarakat orang asli sebar luas sambung pengajian. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2019) Sinergi UMP dan AKEPT dalam Program Latihan Kepimpinan. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2019) Special GRIT chair for Muhammad Amirul. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2019) Students need to be courageous and have passion for knowledge. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2018) Sukarelawan MASKUM UMP Curah Bakti di Bumi Aceh. UMP News .

UMP, PNC (2015) Sukarelawan UMP dan IKWAM serah sumbangan kepada mangsa banjir. CREATE . p. 31. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2016) Sukarelawan UMP edar 450 pek juadah sahur untuk gelandangan. CREATE . p. 68. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2017) Sukarelawan teruskan inisiatif bantu penduduk Kampung Ulu Tual. Berita Harian . p. 55.

UMP, PNC (2019) Sultan Ahmad Shah’s demise a huge loss to UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2017) Tambah baik penguasaan pelajar dalam subjek Sains. Sinar Harian . p. 46.

UMP, PNC (2019) Tan Sri Dato Sri Abi Musa Asaari dimasyhurkan Pro Canselor UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2019) Tan Sri Dato Sri Abi Musa Asaari proclaimed as UMP Pro Chancellor. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2016) Tengku Abdullah sertai sambutan Aidilfttri UMP. Utusan Malaysia . p. 8.

UMP, PNC (2020) Tengku Hassanal nasihat pelajar jauhi sindrom 3K. Sinar Harian .

UMP, PNC Tengku Mahkota of Pahang launched Kuala Pahang Mahkota Empower ECER. Pekan Review, 6 . pp. 8-9. ISSN 2180-3099

UMP, PNC (2019) Tiada kompromi terhadap integriti akademik. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2017) Tingkatkan kefahaman generasi milenium. Mingguan Malaysia . p. 21.

UMP, PNC (2014) Transformasi cabaran bangunkan Malaysia sebuah negara industri mindset. CREATE . pp. 12-15. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2019) Tripartite collaboration hopes to boost TVET education and human capital development in the East Coast. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2019) Tumpu bidang kecerdasan buatan. Sinar Harian . p. 14.

UMP, PNC (2019) Twins excited to get new sets of school items. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2019) Two pairs of twins pursued their studies in UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2017) UDA, UMP edar lebih 3,000 pek bubur lambuk. Utusan Malaysia . p. 31.

UMP, PNC (2017) UDA, UMP rancang bina bandar universiti. Utusan Malaysia . p. 30.

UMP, PNC (2019) UMP Alumni shared joy of happiness with orphans and the asnaf in shopping for the Eid Mubarak. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2019) UMP Cakna Terhadap Kebajikan Pelajar dan Komuniti. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2017) UMP Consultancy & Training Sdn Bhd memeterai MoA dengan tenaga Swicthgear Sdn Bhd. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2017) UMP Facelift Program to beautify Kuala Pahang. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2019) UMP Family Day strengthens bond among campus residents. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2019) UMP Food Bank aids for undergraduates. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2020) UMP Foundation donates Covid-19 Aid Kit for Ramadan. UMP News .

UMP, PNC (2020) UMP Holdings personnel prepared 1000 face shield for frontliners. UMP News .

UMP, PNC (2016) UMP Racing sertai sambutan kemerdekaan. CREATE . p. 65. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2019) UMP Research Leaders Are Golden Globe Tigers. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2019) UMP acknowledged the sacrifices of its security personnel. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2015) UMP agih sumbangan mangsa banjir Perkampungan Bukit Rangin. CREATE . p. 34. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2020) UMP alumni urged to contribute ideas. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2017) UMP amal budaya kerja beretika. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2009) UMP and SMIDEC join forces in assisting SMEs. Quest, 5 (2). pp. 5-6. ISSN 1985-8159

UMP, PNC (2019) UMP and UMK undergraduates infusing interest in STREAM among pupils. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2015) UMP anjur Dialog Perundangan Amalan Sihir. CREATE . p. 41. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2017) UMP anjur pertandingan memancing. Kosmo . p. 26.

UMP, PNC (2009) UMP bangunkan modal insan untuk terus bersaing. CREATE . pp. 12-15. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2015) UMP bangunkan model kompetensi dan kepimpinan staf. CREATE . p. 60. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2015) UMP bantu komuniti Lipis dalam program operasi pascabanjir. CREATE . p. 32. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2016) UMP bersama 50 pengamal industri erat hubungan kerjasama. CREATE . p. 50. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2019) UMP bina hubungan erat dengan alumni, Fakulti Komputeran (FKom) jalin kolaborasi industri. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2020) UMP campus successfully disinfected and welcomes its workforce. UMP News .

UMP, PNC UMP celebrates at Cendekia Bitara Award Night. Pekan Review, 4 . pp. 18-19. ISSN 2180-3099

UMP, PNC (2019) UMP cemerlang 96 peratus kebolehpasaran graduan penuhi peluang pekerjaan. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2018) UMP close a deal with HP. UMP News .

UMP, PNC (2019) UMP continued to be the best in Financial Management. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2020) UMP contributes 600 hand sanitisers for frontliners. UMP News .

UMP, PNC (2016) UMP contributes its expertise in a humanitarian mission in Aceh. Pekan Review, 11 . pp. 56-57. ISSN 2180-3099

UMP, PNC (2019) UMP dan Institusi Jerman jalin kerjasama lonjak pendidikan TVET aras tinggi. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2016) UMP dan MBM lancar Program 1B1K-UMP untuk belia. CREATE . p. 20. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2019) UMP dan PCMTBE jalin kerjasama strategik. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2019) UMP dan Volkswagen metrai kerjasama perkasa bidang Automotif dan TVET. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC UMP denizens contributed RM16,865.85 in humanitarian aids to Somalia. Pekan Review, 5 . pp. 34-35. ISSN 2180-3099

UMP, PNC UMP denizens donated RM12,000 to the Palestine-Gaza Fund. Pekan Review, 9 . pp. 10-11. ISSN 2180-3099

UMP, PNC (2019) UMP diiktiraf Universiti Terbaik Penyelidikan dan Inovasi. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2019) UMP explores international collaboration with Turkey’s BAIBU. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2016) UMP feted 165 asnaf family members and distributed raya goodies. Pekan Review, 11 . pp. 12-13. ISSN 2180-3099

UMP, PNC (2019) UMP feted staff who completed their studies and the university’s retirees. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2019) UMP goes the extra mile to assist new undergraduate Amrina. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2018) UMP going greener MoU with Greentech Malaysia. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2015) UMP hargai jasa staf bersara. CREATE . p. 49. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2017) UMP hargai sumbangan media. Sinar Harian .

UMP, PNC (2020) UMP hasil HDL mampu bunuh Covid-19 dalam tempoh 30 saat. Sinar Harian .

UMP, PNC (2015) UMP hasilkan lemang meriahkan Pesta Lemang besar-besaran. CREATE . p. 44. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2009) UMP himpun intelek bincang isu pembangunan modal insan. CREATE . pp. 16-17. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2019) UMP holds Jalinan Kasih Bersama Komuniti for Baloks Rohingyas. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2019) UMP honours staff, celebrates fellows completing studies. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2015) UMP hulur sumbangan bantu mangsa banjir dalam kalangan pengamal media. CREATE . p. 33. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2017) UMP iktiraf kakitangan cemerlang. Berita Harian .

UMP, PNC (2017) UMP iktiraf staf cemerlang. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2015) UMP iktiraf sumbangan atlet cemerlang. CREATE . p. 54. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2015) UMP iktiraf sumbangan atlet cemerlang. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2018) UMP iktiraf warga kerja cemerlang dan berinovasi. UMP News .

UMP, PNC (2019) UMP inks MoU with Turkey’s Duzce University to promote tertiary education, research and bilateral relations. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2009) UMP jalin kerjasama dengan 3 sekolah kluster. CREATE . p. 38. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2009) UMP jalin kerjasama dengan 6 universiti luar negara. CREATE . p. 16. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2016) UMP jalin kerjasama dengan Dimension Bid bagi pengkomersilan produk industri minyak dan gas. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2017) UMP jalin kerjasama pengurusan Produk MyPride Jabatan Penjara. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2015) UMP jalin kerjasama strategik dengan SEDIA. UMP News .

UMP, PNC (2015) UMP kekalkan tradisi sedia juadah berbuka puasa dalam talam. CREATE . p. 49. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2015) UMP kekalkan tradisi sedia juadah berbuka puasa dalam talam. UMP News .

UMP, PNC (2010) UMP kicks off final audit for OSH award. Quest, 6 (3). p. 10. ISSN 1985-8159

UMP, PNC (2016) UMP kumpul dana MyGift 1.8 juta untuk Endowmen Biasiswa Pelajar. CREATE . p. 55. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2015) UMP laksana Program Pengurusan Bakat ULead. CREATE . p. 65. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2016) UMP lancar Ind-E- Zone pusat sehenti perkhidmatan kerjaya. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2016) UMP lancar Ind-E- Zone pusat sehenti perkhidmatan kerjaya. CREATE . p. 17. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2018) UMP lancar portal komuniti ADAM memeriahkan sambutan bulan kebangsaan. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2015) UMP lancar program RCP bantu pelajar tingkat penguasaan bahasa Inggeris. UMP News .

UMP, PNC (2020) UMP lecturers produce reusable DIY face shields. UMP News .

UMP, PNC (2009) UMP meterai MoU bersama Jobmarket Malaysia. CREATE . p. 26. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2016) UMP meterai kerjasama dengan ISN dan Silterra. CREATE . p. 33. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2015) UMP meterai persefahaman dengan HTAA tingkat kecekapan perkhidmatan. CREATE . p. 33. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2016) UMP metrai kerjasama dengan ISN dan Silterra. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2015) UMP metrai persefahaman dengan HTAA tingkat kecekapan perkhidmatan. UMP News .

UMP, PNC (2019) UMP miliki penyelidik bertaraf dunia. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2019) UMP named Best University in Research and Innovation for Non-Research University. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2016) UMP organised golf charity event to raise fund for MyGift scholarship programme. Pekan Review, 11 . p. 66. ISSN 2180-3099

UMP, PNC (2017) UMP pemangkin tingkat pengetahuan komuniti. Berita Harian . p. 19.

UMP, PNC (2015) UMP perkenal program MyGift sebagai saluran sumbangan endowmen Universiti. UMP News .

UMP, PNC (2015) UMP perkenal program MyGift sebagai saluran sumbangan endowmen universiti. CREATE . p. 60. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2018) UMP perluas projek Facelift. Utusan Malaysia . p. 23.

UMP, PNC (2013) UMP praktik ilmu di luar kelas. CREATE . p. 55. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2016) UMP rai 165 ahli keluarga asnaf terima sumbangan dan bantuan Aidil Fitri. Create . p. 8. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2018) UMP rai pengamal media Pahang. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2015) UMP rai staf akademik dan felo tamat pengajian. UMP News .

UMP, PNC (2017) UMP raih Anugerah Khas Alam Sekitar. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2015) UMP raih anugerah dan 9 pingat. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2015) UMP raih anugerah dan 9 pingat dalam MTE. CREATE . p. 16. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2015) UMP raikan bakal jemaah haji. CREATE . p. 43. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2020) UMP receives face masks and jumpsuits from HBU China. UMP News .

UMP, PNC (2010) UMP researchers shine at MTE 2010. Quest, 6 (3). p. 2. ISSN 1985-8159

UMP, PNC (2015) UMP researchers shines at PECIPTA 2015. Quest, 13 (10). p. 3. ISSN 1985-8159

UMP, PNC (2019) UMP rewarded staff and community for quality service and exemplary work. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC UMP set up fund for Japan’s triple disasters. Pekan Review, 4 . p. 41. ISSN 2180-3099

UMP, PNC (2019) UMP should seriously look into Artificial Intelligence development as future driver of tertiary education Chancellor. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2019) UMP signed MoU with Rajarshi Shahu College of Engineering. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2019) UMP student Oden food business gained popularity and good income for him. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2020) UMP students remain calm on campus. UMP News .

UMP, PNC (2019) UMP students responsibly elect leaders. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2015) UMP sumbang Bubur Lambuk untuk komuniti. CREATE . p. 48. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2018) UMP sumbang RM129, 000 imarahkan Ramadan. Sinar Harian . p. 24.

UMP, PNC (2018) UMP sumbang kelengkapan sekolah 70 anak asnaf. Utusan Malaysia . p. 27.

UMP, PNC (2016) UMP sumbang kepakaran dalam misi kemanusiaan Aceh. UMP News . (Unpublished)

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UMP, PNC (2020) UMP tangguh PP sehingga 14 April depan. UMP News .

UMP, PNC (2009) UMP tekad bangunkan sosioekonomi masyarakat di daerah Pekan. CREATE . p. 33. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2009) UMP terbit buku cara hidup suku kaum Semai Haknuk. CREATE . pp. 4-5. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2013) UMP terima 70 ribu sumbangan zakat Etiqa bantu ringankan beban pelajar. CREATE . p. 33. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2019) UMP terima Naib Canselor Keempat. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2020) UMP terima bantuan topeng muka dan pakaian perlindungan daripada HBU China. UMP News .

UMP, PNC (2009) UMP terima kunjungan Datuk Maznah Mazlan. CREATE . p. 7. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2009) UMP terima kunjungan Presiden MISR University for Science & Technology. CREATE . p. 18. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2009) UMP terima kunjungan balas Unsyiah Banda Aceh. CREATE . p. 20. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2009) UMP terima lawatan dari Universiti Diponegoro, Indonesia. CREATE . p. 19. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2018) UMP terima sumbangan 1.4 juta untuk Tabung Endowmen MyGift. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2013) UMP terima sumbangan 30 ribu zakat Bank Islam Info Sekitar Kampus. CREATE . p. 36. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2019) UMP tersenarai dalam QS University Ranking Asia-2019. .

UMP, PNC (2019) UMP tersenarai universiti terbaik dunia. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2018) UMP terus tradisi gotong-royong sedia juadah berbuka. Sinar Harian . p. 22.

UMP, PNC (2019) UMP to drive forward with Social Enterprise Technological University concept VC. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2017) UMP tuan rumah Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Pendaftar Universiti Awam. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2009) UMP tuan rumah Mesyuarat Ke-25 Jawatankuasa TNC (A & A). CREATE . p. 33. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2016) UMP undergraduates’ noble cause in Cambodia. Pekan Review, 11 . p. 58. ISSN 2180-3099

UMP, PNC (2016) UMP volunteers distributed sahur meals to the homeless. Pekan Review, 11 . pp. 62-63. ISSN 2180-3099

UMP, PNC (2020) UMP volunteers handle Campus Pantry for students benefit. UMP News .

UMP, PNC UMP welcomes 1st batch of undergraduates from China. Pekan Review, 1 . pp. 48-49. ISSN 2180-3099

UMP, PNC (2018) UMP welcomes 2104 new students. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2019) UMP welcomes its Fourth Vice-Chancellor. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2013) UMP, Alumni hargai media dan rai anak yatim. CREATE . p. 8. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2016) UMP, Dimension Bid jalin kerjasama bagi pengkomersialan produk industry minyak dan gas. CREATE . p. 35. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2017) UMP, IIM bina budaya integriti. Sinar Harian . p. 44.

UMP, PNC (2019) UMP, Kuantan Port signed MoA to enhance corporate governance. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2015) UMP, MUIP bantu mangsa banjir dalam Gotong-Royong Mahkota Amal. CREATE . p. 6. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2015) UMP, MUIP bantu mangsa banjir dalam Gotong-Royong Mahkota Amal. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2009) UMP, PASDEC, Hicom Automotive bina jalinan kerjasama akademik, pembangunan penyelidikan dan modal insan. CREATE . p. 24. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC UMP, Pahang SEDC forged ties to spur Pahang’s weaving industry. Pekan Review, 6 . pp. 14-15. ISSN 2180-3099

UMP, PNC (2015) UMP, RTM Pahang bertemu komuniti Sungai Koyan dalam program Kembara. CREATE . p. 36. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC UMP, Sapura seal JV in human capital development. Pekan Review, 1 . pp. 38-39. ISSN 2180-3099

UMP, PNC (2009) UMP-China connection. CREATE . p. 19. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC UMP-KPT 1Malaysia Rafting X-Ploration Sees Encouraging IPT Participation. Pekan Review, 2 . pp. 48-49. ISSN 2180-3099

UMP, PNC (2015) UMPH anjur majlis apresiasi hargai perunding universiti. CREATE . p. 21. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2020) UMPH bantu sedia 1000 pelindung muka dan sumbang air minuman buat petugas kesihatan. UMP News .

UMP, PNC (2020) UMPH donates 1,000 face shield and drinking water to the healthcare workers. UMP News .

UMP, PNC (2020) UMPs deer conceived the second fawn. UMP News .

UMP, PNC UMP’s Joyous ‘1Malaysia’ Light Festival Night. Pekan Review, 3 . p. 51. ISSN 2180-3099

UMP, PNC (2019) UMP’s excellent Graduate Employability up a notch to 96%. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2019) UMP’s world-class researchers. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2019) Umi Fatiha farmers daughter wins Royal Academic Award (Medal of Excellence). UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC Undergraduates held a protest against zionist regime. Pekan Review, 7 . pp. 48-49. ISSN 2180-3099

UMP, PNC (2016) Undergraduates urged to live a fulfiling life in campus. Pekan Review, 11 . pp. 46-47. ISSN 2180-3099

UMP, PNC Undergraduates' charitable work brought them closer to Kuala Pahang community. Pekan Review, 7 . pp. 58-59. ISSN 2180-3099

UMP, PNC (2019) Unity, a priceless gift and needs to be well-looked-after. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC VC: Stand up & be heard. Pekan Review, 3 . p. 41. ISSN 2180-3099

UMP, PNC (2019) Volkswagen and UMP form partnership to strengthen ties between automotive and TVET. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC Volunteers helped to ease sufferings of flood victims. Pekan Review, 7 . pp. 60-61. ISSN 2180-3099

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UMP, PNC (2015) Warga UMP berjalan malam hargai nilai alam sekitar. UMP News .

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UMP, PNC (2009) Warga UMP harus ambil iktibar daripada krisis ekonomi global – Najib. CREATE . p. 6. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2017) Warga UMP laksana ibadah korban. UMP News .

UMP, PNC (2015) Warga UMP sambut Maulidur Rasul. CREATE . p. 39. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2015) Warga UMP semarakkan kemeriahan Expokonvo 2015. UMP News .

UMP, PNC (2009) Warga UMP sumbang kali kedua bantu Palestin. CREATE . p. 35. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2015) Warga kampus semarakkan Festival Bayu Kenyalang 3.0. CREATE . p. 49. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2019) Warga kerja UMPH ikrar bebas rasuah. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2020) We are fine, dont worry- UMP students in Germany. UMP News .

UMP, PNC (2019) Wheelchairs with adjustable motorised kit for the elderly. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2019) A Wonderful Ramadan at UMP with RM130,000 contribution by Etiqa. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2019) Year Six pupils thrilled to join UMP students for iftar in campus. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC (2016) iLEAD program pengukuhan kemahiran insaniah yang pertama di Malaysia. CREATE . p. 11. ISSN 1823-7487

UMP, PNC (2018) A smile of joy with Adam’s chair. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC and Juwairiah, Osman (2019) UMP language teachers won three gold medals and a silver medal at INNOPLEN 2019. UMP News . (Unpublished)

UMP, PNC and Mohamad Rozi, Hassan (2019) Pengurusan bakat berasaskan kompetensi. UMP News . (Unpublished)

Ur Rehman, Shafique and Usman, Muhammad and Fernando, Yudi and Diyana, Kamarudin and Waheed, Abdul (2023) Improving manufacturing supply chain performance: Nexus of industrial Internet of Things, blockchain technology and innovativeness. Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management, ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print). pp. 1-24. ISSN 2053-4620. (In Press / Online First) (In Press / Online First)


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Wan Ahmad Fauzi, Wan Husain (2020) Agong ada prerogatif tunda sembah perkenan menghadap. Berita Harian .

Wan Ahmad Fauzi, Wan Husain (2021) Ahli politik wajar ambil berat titah nasihat Seri Paduka. Berita Harian .

Wan Ahmad Fauzi, Wan Husain (2021) Bagaimana sepatutnya Ordinan Darurat dimansuh. The Malaysian Insight .

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Wan Ahmad Fauzi, Wan Husain (2024) Beradab beri pandangan kepada Agong, kita bukan Westminster. UMPSA News .

Wan Ahmad Fauzi, Wan Husain (2021) Berdepan undi tidak percaya. Utusan Malaysia .

Wan Ahmad Fauzi, Wan Husain (2022) Beza rakyat dalam tafsir Westminster dan adat melayu. .

Wan Ahmad Fauzi, Wan Husain (2021) Cabaran & realiti menangani pendemik Covid-19. Webinar isu semasa ummah, Facebook Live Gerakan Pembela Ummah - UMMAH.

Wan Ahmad Fauzi, Wan Husain (2022) Citra Keluarga Malaysia dalam pembinaan negara bangsa sejahtera melalui pengupayaan Kor Akwam 181. In: Persidangan Gabungan NGO Keluarga Malaysia , 27 Julai 2022 , World Trade Center, Kuala Lumpur. pp. 1-6.. (Published)

Wan Ahmad Fauzi, Wan Husain (2020) Darurat penyelesaian di luar amalan biasa. Dewan Masyarakat .

Wan Ahmad Fauzi, Wan Husain (2022) Erti kemerdekaan yang perlu difahami. Dewan Masyarakat .

Wan Ahmad Fauzi, Wan Husain (2021) Falsafah sejahtera dari perspektif watan: realiti dan cabarannya di Malaysia. Wacana Falsafah, WEBEX Meeting.

Wan Ahmad Fauzi, Wan Husain (2021) Hasrat Seri Paduka junjung prinsip semak dan imbang. Berita Harian .

Wan Ahmad Fauzi, Wan Husain (2020) Insights: the conceptual framework for buiding the world class good governance ethics. Journal of Governance & Integrity, 4 (1). pp. 1-5. ISSN 2600-7479. (Published)

Wan Ahmad Fauzi, Wan Husain (2021) Jemaah Menteri Darurat Dari Perspektif Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Jendela DBP .

Wan Ahmad Fauzi, Wan Husain (2021) Kebijaksanaan nasihat Seri Paduka panduan bentuk Jemaah Menteri. Berita Harian .

Wan Ahmad Fauzi, Wan Husain (2022) Kedaulatan undang-undang dan pencabulan perjanjian oleh British. .

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Wan Ahmad Fauzi, Wan Husain (2024) Keperibadian Seri Paduka tepati cabaran, kehendak semasa negara. Berita Harian .

Wan Ahmad Fauzi, Wan Husain (2024) Keputusan kes Nik Elin buka ruang perkasa undang-undang syariah. Berita Harian .

Wan Ahmad Fauzi, Wan Husain (2021) Keputusan mahkamah tidak sempitkan tafsiran perundangan islam. Berita Harian .

Wan Ahmad Fauzi, Wan Husain (2020) Keselamatan, kehidupan ekonomi dan ketenteraman awam tanggungjawab YDP Agong. Harakah daily .

Wan Ahmad Fauzi, Wan Husain (2020) Kuasa Agong Antara prerogatif dan nasihat. BERNAMA.COM .

Wan Ahmad Fauzi, Wan Husain (2025) Kuasa Seri Paduka bukan sekadar simbolik demokrasi berparlimen. Berita Harian . p. 10.

Wan Ahmad Fauzi, Wan Husain (2021) Kuasa Tamatkan Darurat Di Bawah Jawatankuasa Khas Bebas 2021 – Prof Madya Datuk Dr Wan Ahmad Fauzi. .

Wan Ahmad Fauzi, Wan Husain (2021) Kursus Negara Bangsa siri 5. Kursus Negara Bangsa, ZOOM Meeting by Institut Tadbiran Awam Negara.

Wan Ahmad Fauzi, Wan Husain (2021) Mahaguru Rahman Sendo. Abad Sinergi Sdn. Bhd., Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor. ISBN 978-967-5473-56-2

Wan Ahmad Fauzi, Wan Husain (2021) Mendalami Falsafah Perjuangan Gayong. Program Webinar 7 Siri “Timba Mencari Perigi”: Bersama Guru-Guru Silat Seni Gayong, Facebook Live Majlis Gurulatih Negeri PSSGM Pahang.

Wan Ahmad Fauzi, Wan Husain (2021) Menjunjung Amanah Rakyat, Mendepani Cabaran Masa Hadapan. Forum 55 Tahun MARA, Virtual Mode, Majlis Amanah Rakyat.

Wan Ahmad Fauzi, Wan Husain (2021) Pandemik politik semasa Malaysia: keladak mendap ke dasar – air jernih semula? Satu kupasan Pasca PRU Ke-14. Bicara Akademia, Facebook Live Perkasa UTHM.

Wan Ahmad Fauzi, Wan Husain (2022) Pembubaran Parlimen atas permintaan sah menurut Perkara 43(4). .

Wan Ahmad Fauzi, Wan Husain (2022) Pembubaran Parlimen nasihat vs permintaan. .

Wan Ahmad Fauzi, Wan Husain (2022) Pemilihan PM, kerajaan tepat stabilkan politik harungi cabaran. Berita Harian .

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Wan Ahmad Fauzi, Wan Husain (2022) Pengharmonian Undang-undang di Malaysia dengan Prinsip Patuh Syariah bezanya dengan pemerkasaan bidangkuasa Mahkamah Syariah. Samudera .

Wan Ahmad Fauzi, Wan Husain (2021) Pengukuhan kedaulatan watan Malaysia sebagai keutamaan politik semasa. Bicara Watan Isyraq & Mi’raj 2.0, Facebook Live Mampir Malaysia.

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Wan Ahmad Fauzi, Wan Husain (2021) Perbincangan khas MRR adalah prerogatif Yang di-Pertuan Agong. Harakah .

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Wan Ahmad Fauzi, Wan Husain (2021) Pertembungan bidang kuasa federal, negeri perlu diurus secara perlembagaan. Harakah Daily .

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Wan Ahmad Fauzi, Wan Husain (2020) Proklamasi darurat Batu Sapi cegah pandemik COVID-19. Berita Harian .

Wan Ahmad Fauzi, Wan Husain (2021) Proklamasi darurat bukan untuk gantung sidang Parlimen. Berita Harian .

Wan Ahmad Fauzi, Wan Husain (2022) RUU Anti Lompat Parti hukum wakil rakyat tak hormat mandat. Berita Harian .

Wan Ahmad Fauzi, Wan Husain (2022) Reform keanggotaan jemaah menteri untuk membanteras korupsi politik. .

Wan Ahmad Fauzi, Wan Husain (2024) Rundingan Pusat, negeri jalan terbaik tamat polemik hak perairan. Berita Harian .

Wan Ahmad Fauzi, Wan Husain (2020) Saarani perlu rapatkan saf elak retak melarat ke Persekutuan. Berita Harian .

Wan Ahmad Fauzi, Wan Husain (2021) Sejarah Pembentukan Malaysia. Webinar Kenegaraan & Perlembagaan, Facebook Live Gabungan Mi'raj.

Wan Ahmad Fauzi, Wan Husain (2023) Seksyen 498 cegah perbuatan ditegah agama, adat Melayu. Berita Harian .

Wan Ahmad Fauzi, Wan Husain (2021) Selangor FM: Darurat Kesihatan. Selangor FM: Aspirasi Negeriku, Virtual Mode.

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Wan Ahmad Fauzi, Wan Husain (2021) Seri Paduka benar sidang perjelas hasrat sebenar proklamasi darurat. Berita Harian .

Wan Ahmad Fauzi, Wan Husain (2021) Silat Seni Gayong Falsafah Dan Perjuangan. Abad Sinergi Sdn. Bhd., Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor. ISBN 978-967-5473-50-0

Wan Ahmad Fauzi, Wan Husain (2024) Sultan Ibrahim Iskandar pewaris perdu Kesultanan Melayu Melaka. Dewan Masyarakat, Bil.2 . pp. 58-60.

Wan Ahmad Fauzi, Wan Husain (2021) Usah beri muka pihak cabar keluhuran Perlembagaan. Berita Harian . p. 12.

Wan Ahmad Fauzi, Wan Husain (2021) Usul batal ordinan ke Parlimen elak tohmahan kepada Seri Paduka. Berita Harian .

Wan Ahmad Fauzi, Wan Husain (2021) Wawancara Mi’raj: Penghina Islam & Institusi Diraja, wajarkah hukuman sebatan? Wawancara Mi’raj, Facebook Live Gabungan Mi'raj.

Wan Ahmad Fauzi, Wan Husain and Siti Aisyah, Ahmad Zailani and Mohamad Reeduan, Mustapha (2022) The Introduction of World-Class Good Governance Ethics For Better Corporate Performance In Public-Listed Companies. In: International Conference on Business Intelligence, Industrial Engineering and Management (ICBIIEM 2022) , 28-29 November 2022 , Virtual Conference, Universiti Malaysia Pahang. pp. 1-15.. (Published)

Wan Ahmad Fauzi, Wan Husain and Suraiya, Ibrahim and Wan Sallha, Yusoff and Intan Maizura, Abd Rashid and Irza Hanie, Abu Samah (2021) Introductory analysis of factors affecting intercultural couples in the context of Malaysia. In: AIP Conference Proceedings; 8th International Conference on Advanced Material Engineering and Technology, ICAMET 2020 , 26 - 27 November 2020 , Langkawi. , 2437 (020282). ISSN 0094-243X ISBN 978-073544118-7 (Published)

Wan Helmy, Zain (2014) C.H.E. Det Optimisme, disiplin dan wawasan. CREATE . pp. 6-9. ISSN 1823-7487

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Wan Husain, Wan Ahmad Fauzi (2021) FAQ darurat. Editor Malaysia .

Wan Husain, Wan Ahmad Fauzi (2021) Mahkamah syariah wujud lebih awal daripada mahkamah kehakiman persekutuan. Editor Malaysia .

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Wan Jumani, Fauzi and Noor Raha, Mohd Radzuan and Ezihaslinda, Ngah and Anita, Abdul Rani and Fatimah, Ali (2021) Digitising English language learning for early childhood educators in Malaysian context: The rationale. Asia-Pacific Journal Of Research In Early Childhood Education, 15 (3). pp. 113-134. ISSN 1976-1961. (Published)

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Wan Nazrul Helmy, Wan Mohd Zain (2009) 43 pelajar sertai Kem Transformasi Diri untuk pemimpin pelajar. CREATE . p. 46. ISSN 1823-7487

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Wan Nazrul Helmy, Wan Mohd Zain (2014) Majlis meraikan sukarelawan UMP dan peserta Teach Malaysia Teach. CREATE . p. 49. ISSN 1823-7487

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Wan Norsyafawati, W. Muhamad Radzi and Sayang Nurshahrizleen, Ramlan and Intan Maizura, Abd Rashid and Irza Hanie, Abu Samah and Aliana Shazma, Amir Amir and Wan Ahmad Fauzi, Wan Husain and Najuwa, Mohd Nasir (2021) Determinants of job rotation among employees in Malaysia education sector. In: AIP Conference Proceedings: Proceedings Of 8th International Conference On Advanced Materials Engineering & Technology (ICAMET 2020) , 26-27 November 2020 , Langkawi, Malaysia. pp. 1-7., 2437 (020281). ISSN 0094-243X ISBN 978-0-7354-4118-7 (Published)

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