Items where Year is 2017
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Singh, Lakhveer and Kalia, Vipin Chandra, eds. (2017) Waste Biomass Management - A Holistic Approach. Springer International Publishing. ISBN 978-3-319-49595-8
A., Abu Bakar and M. K. F., Mohd Ali and N., Md Noor and N., Yahaya and M., Ismail and Arman, Abdullah (2017) Bio-corrosion of Carbon Steel by Sulfate Reducing Bacteria Consortium In Oil and Gas Pipelines. Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences (JMES) , 11 (2). pp. 2592-2600. ISSN 2289-4659 (print); 2231-8380 (online). (Published)
A., Jamaludin and C. K. M., Faizal (2017) Autoclave-Assisted Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles using Metroxylon Sagu for Antibacterial Application. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 10 (6). pp. 1-5. ISSN 0974-6846 (Print); 0974-5645 (Online). (Published)
A., Shaari and Mazrul Nizam, Abu Seman and C. K. M., Faizal (2017) Optimization of Mechanical Properties of Silver Nanoparticles (AgNPS)-Loaded Chitosan/Polylactic Acid (PLA) Biofilms by Using Response Surface Methodology (RSM). In: 2nd International Conference on Materials Science and Nanotechnology (ICMSNT 2017) and 2nd International Symposium on Material Science and Technology (ISMST 2017) , 19-22 April 201 , Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 1-6., 109 (01001). ISSN 2261-236X (Published)
A., Shah and S., Izman and Abdul-Kadir, Mohammed Rafiq and Mas Ayu, Hassan (2017) Influence of Substrate Temperature on Adhesion Strength of TiN Coating of Biomedical Ti-13Zr-13Nb Alloy. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 42 (11). pp. 4737-4742. ISSN 2193-567X. (Published)
A., Taib and M. Z. A. M., Zahid and M. A. A., Rahim and Faisal, Ade and Saffuan, Wan Ahmad (2017) Selection Of Multiple Earthquakes Considering Vertical Ground Motion To Structures. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Geo-Environmental, Sp. (NCWE). pp. 10-14. ISSN 2180-2742. (Published)
A. A., Haneen and Noraziah, Ahmad and Ritu, Gupta (2017) Review on Data Partitioning Strategies in Big Data Environment. Advanced Science Letters, 23 (11). pp. 11101-11104. ISSN 1936-6612. (Published)
A. A., Mohammed and Bachtiar, Dandi and M. R. M., Rejab and S. F., Hasany (2017) Effect of Potassium Permanganate on Tensile Properties of Sugar Palm Fibre Reinforced Thermoplastic Polyurethane. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 10 (7). pp. 1-5. ISSN 0974-6846(print); 0974-5645(online). (Published)
A. A. M., Redhwan and W. H., Azmi and M. Z., Sharif and R., Mamat and Nurul Nadia, Mohd Zawawi (2017) Comparative Study of Thermo-physical Properties of SiO2 and Al2O3 Nanoparticles Dispersed in PAG Lubricant. Applied Thermal Engineering, 116. pp. 823-832. ISSN 1359-4311. (Published)
A. F., Ahmad and A. R., Razali and I. S. M., Razelan (2017) Utilization of Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) in Asphalt Pavement: A Review. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Science and Technology International Conference , 19-20 April 2017 , Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia. pp. 1-7., 203 (012004). ISSN 1757-8981 (Print), 1757-899X (Online) (Published)
A. F., Ahmad and A. R., Razali and I. S. M., Razelan and S. S. A., Jalil and M. S. M., Noh and A. A., Idris (2017) Utilization of Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) in Bituminous Mixture for Improved Performance of Roads. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Science and Tech nology International Conference , 19-20 April 2017 , Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia. pp. 1-11., 203 (012005). ISSN 1757-8981 (Print), 1757-899X (Online) (Published)
A. F. H. , Fansuri and A. N. M., Rose and N. M. Zuki, N. M. and H., Ahmad (2017) The Challenges of Lean Manufacturing Implementation in Kitting Assembly. In: IOP Conference Series:International Conference of Mechanical Engineering Research (ICMER2017) , 1 - 2 August 2017 , Kuantan, Malaysia. , 257 (012069). ISSN 17578981 (Published)
A. H., Hazrin and Z., Maryam and A., Hizrri and Norhidayah, Abdull and Niza, Samsuddin and M. A., Mohd Shukri (2017) Occupancy implications on Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in selected primary school classrooms around Kuantan, Pahang. Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine, Special (1). pp. 94-105. ISSN 1675-0306. (Published)
A. K. M., Kafi and M. M., Yusoff and Choucair, Mohammad and Crossley, Maxwell J. (2017) A Conductive Crosslinked Graphene/Cytochrome C Networks for The Electrochemical and Biosensing Study. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 21 (10). pp. 2761-2767. ISSN 1433-0768. (Published)
A. K. M., Kafi and N. S., Azmi and M. M., Yusoff and Crossley, Maxwell J. (2017) Superoxide Radical Biosensor Based on a 3D Enzyme/Carbon Nanotube Conductive Networks. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 17 (8). pp. 5896-5899. ISSN 1533-4880 (Print); 1533-4899 (Online). (Published)
A. K. M., Kafi and Nina Suhaity, Azmi and Mashitah, Mohd Yusoff and Crossley, Maxwell J. (2017) Fabrication of 3-dimensional cross-linked redox enzyme/nanomaterials. Procedia Technology, 27. pp. 201-202. ISSN 2212-0173. (Published)
A. K. M., Kafi and Wali, Qamar and Rajan, Jose and Biswas, Tapan Kumar and M. M., Yusoff (2017) A Glassy Carbon Electrode Modified With Sno2 Nanofibers, Polyaniline and Hemoglobin for Improved Amperometric Sensing of Hydrogen Peroxide. Microchimica Acta, 184 (11). pp. 4443-4450. ISSN 0026-3672. (Published)
A. M., Aizzuddin and Z. M., Hafizi and Kee, L. V. and Vorathin, E. and Lim, Kok Sing (2017) Development of Fibre Bragg grating (FBG) dynamic pressure transducer with diminutive voltage inconsistency. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research, ICMER 2017 , 1-2 August 2017 , The Swiss Garden Beach Resort, Kuantan. pp. 1-10., 257 (012080). ISSN 1757-899X (Published)
A. Malik, Hamat and M. F., Ghazali and Priyandoko, Gigih (2017) The use of transmission line modelling for detection of leakage in pipeline. Journal of Mechanical Engineering, SI 4 (4). pp. 74-83. ISSN 1823-5514. (Published)
A. N. M., Rose and M. F. F., Ab Rashid and N. M. Zuki, N. M. and Ahmad, H. (2017) Similarities of Lean Manufacturing Approaches Implementation in SMEs Towards The Success: Case Study in the Automotive Component Industry. In: MATEC Web of Conferences: The 9th International Unimas Stem Engineering Conference (ENCON 2016) , 26-28 October 2017 , Sarawak, Malaysia. pp. 1-6., 87 (02024). ISSN 2261-236X (Published)
A. R., Razali and C. T., Ann and A. F., Ahmad and Nazrul Idzham, Kasim (2017) Finite element structural analysis of a low energy micro sheet forming machine concept design. In: Mechanical Engineering Science And Technology 2017 , 19-20 April 2017 , Politeknik Metro, Johor Bahru. pp. 1-6., 203 (1). ISSN 17578981 (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
A. Razak, Mustapha (2017) Performance of solid waste by product (palm oil clinker) as partial coarse aggregate replacement. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
A. Y., Adam and A. N., Oumer and Azri, Alias and M., Ishak and M. M., Noor (2017) Investigation of Thermal-Hydraulic Performance in Flat Tube Heat Exchangers at Various Tube Inclination Angles. International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering (IJAME), 14 (3). pp. 4542-4560. ISSN 1985-9325(Print); 2180-1606 (Online). (Published)
Aainaa Izyan, Nafsun and Herz, F. and Specht, E. and Komossa, H. and Wirtz, S. and Scherer, V. and Liu, X. (2017) Thermal Bed Mixing in Rotary Drums for Different Operational Parameters. Chemical Engineering Science, 160. pp. 346-353. ISSN 0009-2509. (Published)
Ab Rashid, Mohd Fadzil Faisae and Razman, Mat Tahar and Nik Mohamed, Nik Mohd Zuki and Rose, Ahmad Nasser Mohd and Baharom, Mohamad Zairi (2017) Modelling and optimization of assembly line balancing with multi-resource constraints. , [Research Report] (Unpublished)
Abbas, Mohammed Ausama Al-Sarraf (2017) Development of sugar palm fibre reinforced thermoplastic polyurethane composites. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Abbas Mohammed, Khudhair and N. Mohammed, Muamer and Mazlina, Abdul Majid and Mohd Sharifuddin, Ahmad (2017) A conceptual security sub-model for enhancing human-agent collaboration based on generic nodal approach. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences. ISSN 1816-949x (Print); 1818-7803 (Online). (Published)
Abd Hamid, Zahidy and Noor Azlinna, Azizan and Sorooshian, Shahryar (2017) An Analytical Algorithm for Delphi Method for Consensus Building and Organizational Productivity. In: Organizational Productivity and Performance Measurements Using Predictive Modeling and Analytics (Advances in Business Information Systems). IGI Global, Pennsylvania (USA), pp. 62-79. ISBN 9781522506546
Abd Rahman, Hj Safie (2017) 22 pendaki UMP bakal tawan Gunung Kinabalu. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Abd Rahman, Safie (2017) UMP anjur kejohanan sulung Petanque Double Remaja Terbuka. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Abd Rahman, Zulhishamuddin and Mohamed Suffian, Reza and S. N., Aqida and Mohd Rashidi, Maarof (2017) Microstructural Evolution and Phase Transformation in Laser Cladding of Cr and Mo Powder on Grey Cast Iron: Mixture Design of Experiment (DOE). Materials Research Ibero-american Journal of Materials. pp. 1-7. ISSN ISSN 1516-1439 / ISSN 1980-5373. (Published)
Abd Rashid, Abd Aziz and Anbese, Yohannes Tamirat and Hagos, F. Y. and Heikal, Morgan R. and Firmansyah, F. (2017) Characteristics of Early Flame Development in a Direct-Injection Spark-Ignition CNG Engine Fitted with a Variable Swirl Control Valve. Energies, 10 (7). pp. 1-16. ISSN 1996-1073 . (Published)
Abd. Halim, Hadi (2017) ECRL bawa limpahan ekonomi menyeluruh. Utusan Malaysia . pp. 8-9.
Abdolbaqi, Mohammed Khdher (2017) Heat transfer enhancement of bioglycol/water based TiO2 and SiO2 nanofluids in a flat tube with twin twisted tapes. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Abdul Adam, Abdullah and Nur Atiqah, Ramlan and Nur Fauziah, Jaharudin and Herzwan, Hamzah and Mohd Fahmi, Othman and Mrwan, Anes Abdulla G. (2017) Analysis of Combustion Characteristics, Engine Performance and Exhaust Emissions of Diesel Engine Fueled with Upgraded Waste Source Fuel. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 42 (28). pp. 17993-18004. ISSN 0360-3199. (Published)
Abdul Aziz, Mohd Azoddein (2017) Merkuri: panduan asas pengendalian dan pengurusan. Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang. ISBN 978-967-2054-46-7
Abdul Aziz, Mohd Azoddein and Mani Malam, Ahmad and R. M., Yunus and Nik Meriam, Nik Sulaiman (2017) Effect of Acclimatization Time to Microbial Cell Growth and Biosynthesis of Mesophilic Gammaproteobacterium, in Orbital Shake Flasks. In: 2nd International Conference on Materials Science and Nanotechnology, ICMSNT 2017 and 2017 2nd International Symposium on Material Science and Technology, ISMST 2017 , 19-22 April 2017 , Auckland University of Technology(AUT), Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 1-6., 109 (04003). ISSN 2261-236X (Published)
Abdul Aziz, Mohd Azoddein and Mazrul Nizam, Abu Seman and Wan Mohd Hafizuddin, Wan Yussof and Mariah, Che Mamat and Mohamad, Drani (2017) Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) Awareness Training for Process 3 Services Solution Sdn Bhd. In: 4th National Conference On Knowledge Transfer (NCKT'17) , 11-12 December 2017 , UUM Sintok, Kedah. pp. 1-6.. (Published)
Abdul Aziz, Mohd Azoddein and R. M., Yunus and Nik Meriam, Nik Sulaiman and Ahmad Bazli, Bustary and Faten Ahada, Mohd Azli and Suzana, Che Sayuti (2017) Effect of Mercury concentration on P. putida growth in Mercury removal. Journal of Applied and Physical Sciences, 3 (3). pp. 107-116. ISSN 2414-3103. (Published)
Abdul Aziz, Mohd Azoddein and Yana, Nuratri and Faten Ahada, Mohd Azli and Ahmad Bazli, Bustary (2017) Assessing storage of stability and mercury reduction of freeze-dried Pseudomonas putida within different types of lyoprotectant. In: AIP Conference Proceedings: Proceedings of the 3rd Advanced Materials Conference 2016 (3rd AMC 2016) , 28-29 November 2016 , Langkawi, Malaysia. , 1901 (100012). ISBN 978-0-7354-1589-8 (Published)
Abdul Aziz, Nor Hidayati and Zuwairie, Ibrahim and Ab. Aziz, Nor Azlina and Saifudin, Razali and Abas, Khairul Hamimah and Mohamad, Mohd Saberi (2017) A Kalman Filter Approach to PCB Drill Path Optimization Problem. In: 2016 IEEE Conference on Systems, Process and Control (ICSPC 2016) , 16-18 December, 2016 , Swiss Garden Hotel & Residences, Melaka, Malaysia. pp. 33-36.. ISBN 978-1-5090-1180-3; 978-150901181-0 (Published)
Abdul Fattah, Mohd Tahir and S. N., Aqida (2017) An Investigation of Laser Cutting Quality Of 22MnB5 Ultra High Strength Steel Using Response Surface Methodology. Optics & Laser Technology, 92. pp. 142-149. ISSN 0030-3992. (Published)
Abdul Halim, Abdul Razik and Elsholkami, Mohamed and Elkamel, Ali and Simon, Leonardo (2017) Multi-Products Productions from Malaysian Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch (EFB): Analyzing Economic Potentials from the Optimal Biomass Supply Chain. Journal of Cleaner Production, 168. pp. 131-148. ISSN 0959-6526 (print), 1879-1786 (online). (Published)
Abdul Halim, Abdul Razik and Mohd Zulkifli, Mohamad Noor and Muhamad Fariz, Failaka and Elkamel, Marwen and Elkamel, Ali (2017) Utilising biomass for renewable energy production: Optimal profitability evaluation from different processing routes. Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences (JMES), 11 (4). pp. 3046-3057. ISSN 2289-4659 (print); 2231-8380 (online). (Published)
Abdul Kadhim, Wafaa and Mohd Asyrak, Deraman and Syamsul Bahari, Abdullah and Saiful Nizam, Tajuddin and M. M., Yusoff and Yun Hin, Taufiq-Yap and Mohd Hasbi, Ab. Rahim (2017) Efficient and Reusable Iron-Zinc Oxide Catalyst for Oxidative Desulfurization of Model Fuel. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 5 (2). pp. 1645-1656. ISSN 2213-3437. (Published)
Abdul Mu’iz, Embong (2017) Study of water quality for rain water harvesting systems on roof material. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Abdul Qahar, Sarwari (2017) The relationship between interpersonal communication competence, intercultural communication competence and heart rate variability among international postgraduate students. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Abdul Qayyum, Samsuddin (2017) Effect of crude palm oil (CPO) and changes of temperature towards the asphalt mixture strength. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Abdul Rahman, Ahmad (2017) Mobiliti Hijau Alam UMP bersama masyarakat Jawa Barat. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Abdul Razak, Mohamad Ghazi (2017) Effect of river morphology in Sungai Jemberau at Tasik Chini due to upland activities. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Abdul Razak, Raaff (2017) Kadar kebolehpasaran graduan UMP meningkat. Berita Harian . p. 18.
Abdul Razak, Raaff (2017) Tiga fakulti UMP diiktiraf terbaik GE. Berita Harian . p. 33.
Abdul Razak, Raaff (2017) UMP mahu bina penginapan pelajar guna konsep wakaf. Berita Harian . p. 9.
Abdul Razak, Raaff and Amin Ridzuan, Ishak (2017) UMP diminta tumpu teknologi kereta api. Berita Harian . p. 2.
Abdul Sahli, Fakharudin and Md Nasir, Sulaiman and Norwati, Mustapha (2017) Modelling Of Biogas Production From Banana Stem Waste With Neural Networks Learning Strategies To Optimse The Production. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 95 (2). pp. 285-291. ISSN 1992-8645(print); 817-3195(online). (Published)
Abdul Wahab, Mohammad and Sunarti, Abd Rahman (2017) Influence of PVDF/Pebax TFC Casting Temperature towards CO2/N2 Gas Separation. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 10 (2). pp. 1-5. ISSN 0974-6846 (Print); 0974-5645 (Online). (Published)
Abdulbari, Hayder A. and Basheer, Esmail Abdullah Mohammed (2017) Electrochemical Biosensors: Electrode Development, Materials, Design, and Fabrication. ChemBioEng Reviews, 4 (2). pp. 92-105. ISSN 2196-9744. (Published)
Abdulbari, Hayder A. and Basheer, Esmail Abdullah Mohammed (2017) Investigating the Enhancement of Microfluidics-Based Electrochemical Biosensor Response with Different Microchannel Dimensions. Current Analytical Chemistry, 13 (5). pp. 361-369. ISSN 1573-4110. (Published)
Abdulbari, Hayder A. and Fiona Ling, Wang Ming (2017) Hibiscus Mucilage for Enhancing the Flow in Blood-Stream-Like Microchannel System. Chemical Engineering Communications, 204 (11). pp. 1282-1298. ISSN 1563-5201. (Published)
Abdulbari, Hayder A. and Fiona Ling, Wang Ming and Wafaa, Kamil Mahmood (2017) Insoluble Additives for Enhancing a Blood-Like Liquid Flow in Micro-Channels. Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser. B, 29 (1). pp. 144-153. ISSN 1001-6058. (Published)
Abdulbari, Hayder A. and Mahammed, Hassan D. and Zulkefli, Yaacob and Mahmood, Wafaa K. (2017) Elucidation of Longitudinally Grooved-Riblets Drag Reduction Performance using Pressure Drop Measurements. International Journal of Fluid Mechanics Research, 44 (2). pp. 131-153. ISSN 2152-5102. (Published)
Abdulbari, Hayder A. and Mohamad Amran, Mohd Salleh and Rashed, Musaab K. and M. Halim Shah, Ismail (2017) The Effect of Passive-Active Interaction Method on Drag Reduction Performance in Rotating Disk Apparatus. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 10 (2). pp. 1-5. ISSN 0974-6846 (Print); 0974-5645 (Online). (Published)
Abdulbari, Hayder A. and Nizam, Zuhan and Wafaa, Kamil Mahmood (2017) Biodegradable grease from palm oil industry wastes. In: 5th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management, ATHENS2017 , 21-24 June 2017 , Aegli Zappiou, Athens, Greece. pp. 1-10.. (Published)
Abdulhadi, Hassan A. and S. N., Aqida and M., Ishak and Mohammed, Ghusoon R. (2017) Fatigue Mechanical Behavior of (PMMA) Poly(methacrylate) Under Shot Peening Treatment. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 14 (6). pp. 2927-2930. ISSN 1546-1955 (Print); ISSN 1546-1963 (Online). (Published)
Abdulhadi, Hassan Abdulrssoul (2017) Thermal wear behaviour of H13 tool steel in die casting process. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Abdulhadi, Hassan Abdulrssoul and S. N., Aqida and Izwan, Ismail and M., Ishak and Mohammed, Ghusoon R. (2017) Thermally-Induced Crack Evaluation in H13 Tool Steel. Metals, 7 (11). pp. 475-485. ISSN 2075-4701. (Published)
Abdulla Fairuzullah, Ahmad Tajuddin and Noraziah, Ahmad and Abdalla, Ahmed N. (2017) Overview Between Clustering and Load Balancing. Advanced Science Letters, 23 (11). pp. 11109-11113. ISSN 1936-6612. (Published)
Abdulla Fairuzullah, Ahmad Tajuddin and Noraziah, Ahmad and Mohd Helmy, Abdul Wahab and Haneen, A. A. and Roslina, Mohd Sidek (2017) A Big Data Model for Education Sector. In: 1st International Conference on Big Data and Cloud Computing (ICOBIC 2017) , 25-26 November 2017 , Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. pp. 1-6.. (Published)
Abdullah, Arman and Abdullah, Syamsul B. and Samah, Rozaimi Abu and Mohd Zahari, Mior Ahmad Khushairi and Md Zain, Wan Salwanis (2017) Utilization of NYPA (NYPA furticans) palm frond as a potential for bio-ethanol. , [Research Report] (Unpublished)
Abdullah, Long (2017) Membangunkan garis panduan kaedah rawatan kesuburan IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization) berteraskan syarak. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, Thesis advisor: Mansor, Sulaiman).
Abdulsaheb, Ghaida Muttasher (2017) An enhanced cluster head selection algorithm for routing in mobile AD-HOC network. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, Thesis advisor: Sulaiman, Norrozila).
Abdussalam, Abdalla Geth and Mohd Ridzuan, Darun (2017) Exploring the Relationship between Working Capital Management, Profitability and Capital Structure. Accounting and Finance Review, 2 (1). pp. 38-45. ISSN 0128-2611. (Published)
Abhilash, K. P. and Selvin, P. Christopher and Nalini, B. and Rajan, Jose and Vijayaraghavan, R. and Chowdari, B. V. R. and Adams, S. and Reddy, M. Venkatashamy (2017) Investigations on the Influence of Sm3+Ion on the Nano TiO2 Matrix as the Anode Material for Lithium Ion Batteries. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 710. pp. 205-215. ISSN 0925-8388 (print); 1873-4669 (online). (Published)
Abid, Hussanan and Mohd Zuki, Salleh and Sharidan, Shafie and Khan, Ilyas (2017) Convection Heat Transfer in Micropolar Nanofluids with Oxide Nanoparticles in Water, Kerosene and Engine Oil. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 229. pp. 482-488. ISSN 0167-7322. (Published)
Achmad, Hendriyawan and Priyandoko, Gigih and Rosmazi, Rosli and Mohd Razali, Daud (2017) Tele-operated mobile robot for 3D visual inspection utilizing distributed operating system platform. International Journal of Vehicle Structures & Systems, 9 (3). pp. 190-194. ISSN 0975-3060 (Print); 0975-3540 (Online). (Published)
Adam, Samsudin (2017) Program Statistics Is Awesome bantu pelajar UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Adam, Samsudin and Norhayati, Rosli and Amalina Nisa, Ariffin (2017) Stability Analysis of Explicit and Implicit Stochastic Runge-Kutta Methods for Stochastic Differential Equations. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 890 (012084). pp. 1-7. ISSN 1742-6596. (Published)
Adam Shariff Adli, Aminuddin and Nor Izzati, Jaini and Maznah, Mat Kasim and Mohd Kamal, Mohd Nawawi (2017) A two stage data envelopment analysis model with undesirable output. In: 1st International Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics and Statistics 2017, ICoAIMS 2017 , 8-10 August 2017 , Vistana City Centre, Kuantan, Pahang. pp. 1-5., 890 (1). ISSN 17426588 (Published)
Addie Irawan, Hashim and Marni Azira, Markom and Abdul Hamid, Adom and Mohd Muslim Tan, E. S. (2017) Scan Matching and KNN Classification for Mobile Robot Localisation Algorithm. In: 3rd IEEE International Symposium on Robotic & Manufacturing Automation , 19-21 September 2017 , Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia. . (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Adekiigbe, Adebanjo and Ahmed, Abdulghani Ali and Sadiq, Ali Safa and Ghafoor, Kayhan Zrar and Kamalrulnizam, Abu Bakar (2017) An Efficient Cluster Head Election Algorithm for Client Mesh Networks using Fuzzy Logic Control. Journal of Internet Technology, 18 (5). pp. 1057-1067. ISSN 1607-9264. (Published)
Adel Mohammed, Al-Dhahebi and Ahmad Kadri, Junoh and Zamri, Mohamed and Wan Zuki Azman, Wan Muhamad (2017) A computational approach for optimizing vehicles' interior noise and vibration. International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering (IJAME), 14 (4). pp. 4690-4703. ISSN 2229-8649 (Print); 2180-1606 (Online). (Published)
Adeleke, A. Q. and A. Y., Bahaudin and A. M., Kamarudeen and Bamgbaded, J. A. and Salimon, Maruf Gbadebo (2017) The Implications of Political Factor on Construction Risk Management: The Perspectives of Construction Companies in Nigerian. International Journal of Organization & Business Execellence, 2 (1). pp. 100-110. ISSN 2504-8589. (Published)
Adeleke, A. Q. and A. Y., Bahaudin and AM., Kamaruddeen and Nawanir, Gusman and Akindoyo, D. O. (2017) Organizational Factors, Construction Risk Management and Government Regulations in Nigerian Construction Companies: Data Screening and Premilinary Analysis. In: Proceedings of the FGIC 1st Conference on Governance & Integrity , 3-4 April 2017 , Yayasan Pahang, Kuantan, Malaysia. pp. 396-409.. ISBN 978-967-2054-37-5 (Published)
Adibah, Danh Sapry (2017) Factors hindering the implementation of augmented reality (AR) in Malaysian construction. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Adilah Nurain, Ahmad (2017) Comparison of watershed boundaries delineation for Kuantan River Basin. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Adnan M., Husein and Dawood, H. K. and R. A., Bakar and K., Kadirgama (2017) Numerical Study on Turbulent Forced Convective Heat Transfer Using Nanofluids TiO2 in an Automotive Cooling System. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 9. pp. 72-78. ISSN 2214-157X. (Published)
Adnan Mohammed, Hussein and M. M., Noor and K., Kadirgama and D., Ramasamy and M. M., Rahman (2017) Heat Transfer Enhancement Using Hybrid Nanoparticles in Ethylene Glycol Through a Horizontal Heated Tube. International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering (IJAME), 14 (2). pp. 4183-4195. ISSN 1985-9325(Print); 2180-1606 (Online). (Published)
Adnun , M. Hussein and K., Kadirgama and D., Rarnasarny and R. A., Bakar (2017) Heat Transfer Enhancement with Nanofluids for Automotive Cooling. In: Engineering Applications of Nanotechnology: From Energy to Drug Delivery (Topics in Mining, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering). Springer, pp. 71-100. ISBN 978-3-319-29759-0
Advein, Ami (2017) Analysis of construction and demolition waste generation at Kuantan, Pahang. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Afidatusshimah, Mazlan and Hamdan, Daniyal and Amir Izzani, Mohamed and M., Ishak and Amran, Abdul Hadi (2017) Monitoring the Quality of Welding based on Welding Current and Ste Analysis. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research (ICMER2017) , 1-2 August 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-5., 257 (012043). ISSN 1757-899X (Published)
Afiqah, Yeop and Jessinta, Sandanasam and Sook, Fun Pan and Sureena, Abdullah and M. M., Yusoff and Jolius, Gimbun (2017) The Effect of Particle Size and Solvent Type On The Gallic Acid Yield Obtained from Labisia Pumila by Ultrasonic Extraction. In: MATEC Web of Conferences: Fluids and Chemical Engineering Conference (FluidsChE 2017) , 4-6 April 2017 , Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. pp. 1-5., 111 (02008). ISSN 2261-236X (Published)
Afiqah Azeera, Awang Damit (2017) Effect of column size on the seismic capacity of elevated reinforced concrete water tank. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Afiqah Fairuz, Mahmud (2017) The development of rainfall temporal pattern in Klang Valley. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Afiqah Farhana, Zamani (2017) A study on the problems facing by G1 and G2 contractors in Malaysia. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Ahamed, Nizam Uddin and Rabbi, M. F. and Zahari, Taha and K., Sundaraj and Tasriva, Sikandar (2017) The Effects of Rest Interval on Electromyographic Signal on Upper Limb Muscle during Contraction. In: 3rd International Conference on Movement, Health and Exercise: Engineering Olympic Success: From Theory to Practice. IFMBE Proceedings, 58 . Springer, Singapore, pp. 10-13. ISBN 978-981-10-3736-8
Ahamed, Nizam Uddin and Zahari, Taha and Ismail, Mohd Khairuddin and Rabbi, M. F. and Sikandar, Tasriva and Palaniappan, Rajkumar and Ali, Md. Asraf and Rahman, S. A. M. Matiur and Sundaraj, Kenneth (2017) Development of Fuzzy Inference System for Automatic Tea Making. In: IEEE International Conference on Automatic Control and Intelligent Systems (I2CACIS 2016) , 22 October 2016 , Shah Alam, Malaysia.. pp. 196-201.. ISBN 978-1-5090-4186-2 (Published)
Ahmad, Firdaus and Nor Badrul, Anuar and Mohd Faizal, Ab Razak and Sangaiah, Arun Kumar (2017) Bio-Inspired Computational Paradigm for Feature Investigation and Malware Detection: Interactive Analytics. Multimedia Tools and Applications. pp. 1-37. ISSN 1380-7501(print); 1573-7721(online). (Published)
Ahmad, Hussain and Fatmawati, Latada and Shah, Sayyed Rashid and Muhammad Nubli, Abdul Wahab (2017) Exploring the Construction of Professional Selves of Non-native EFL Teachers at a Saudi Arabian University. Arab World English Journal (AWEJ), 8 (4). pp. 148-166. ISSN 2229-9327. (Published)
Ahmad, Iftikhar and Ahmad, Siraj-ul-Islam and Bilal, Muhammad Qamar and Anwar, Nabeela (2017) Stochastic numerical treatment for solving Falkner–Skan equations using feedforward neural networks. Neural Computing and Applications, 28. pp. 1131-1144. ISSN 0941-0643. (Published)
Ahmad, Iftikhar and Hussain, Muhammad Sabboor and Noor Raha, Mohd Radzuan (2017) Teachers’ Beliefs Versus Learners’ Beliefs In Grammar Teaching: Harmonizing Teaching and Learning for Adult Learners’ Improved Proficiency In English. International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature, 6 (7). pp. 130-142. ISSN 2200-3592 (Print); 2200-3452 (Online). (Published)
Ahmad, Iftikhar and Zahoor Raja, Muhammad Asif and Bilal, Muhammad and Ashraf, Farooq (2017) Neural network methods to solve the Lane–Emden type equations arising in thermodynamic studies of the spherical gas cloud model. Neural Computing and Applications, 28. pp. 929-944. ISSN 0941-0643. (Published)
Ahmad, M. M. and Abdul Aziz, Mohd Azoddein and Mior Ahmad Khushairi, Mohd Zahari and Mazrul Nizam, Abu Seman and Jami, M. S. (2017) Biological Sulfide Oxidation and Its Impact on Cell Biomass Synthesis by Mesophilic Bacterium Bacillus Cerues (ATCC 14579). Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology (JCEIB), 1 (1). pp. 83-96. ISSN 0126-8139. (Published)
Ahmad, Mani Malam and Abd. Aziz, Mohd Azoddein and Mior Ahmad Khushairi, Mohd Zahari and Mazrul Nezam, Abu Seman and Mohammed Saedi, Jami and Olalere, Olusegun Abayomi and Alara, Oluwaseun Ruth (2017) Optimization of process parameters in mixed sulfide oxidation bacterial culture using response surface methodology as a tool. Journal of King Saud University - Science. pp. 1-8. ISSN 1018-3647. (In Press / Online First) (In Press / Online First)
Ahmad, Mani Malam and Abd. Aziz, Mohd Azoddein and Mior Ahmad Khushairi, Mohd Zahari and Mazrul Nizam, Abu Seman and Mohammed Saedi, Jami (2017) Screening of Effective Markers for Mesophilic Bacterium Growth Using Factorial Experimental Design. International Journal of Bio-Science and Bio-Technology (IJBSBT), 9 (3). pp. 59-74. ISSN 2233-7849. (Published)
Ahmad, Mani Malam and Abdul Aziz, Mohd Azoddein and Mior Ahmad Khushairi, Mohd Zahari and Mazrul Nizam, Abu Seman and Mohammad Saedi, Jami (2017) Microbial Interactions in Response to Sulfide Effect on Mesophilic Bacterial Mixed Culture (BMC) Growth. Journal of Advanced Research in Materials Science, 30 (1). pp. 10-20. ISSN 2289-7992. (Published)
Ahmad, Salman and Razman, Mat Tahar and Cheng, Jack Kie and Yao, Liu (2017) Public acceptance of residential solar photovoltaic technology in Malaysia. PSU Research Review, 1 (3). pp. 242-254. ISSN 2398-4007. (Published)
Ahmad, Waqar and Zuraina, Ali and Imtiaz, Taj (2017) The Impact of Smartboard on Preparatory Year EFL Learners' Motivation at a Saudi University. Advances in Language and Literary Studies, 8 (3). pp. 172-180. ISSN 2203-4714. (Published)
Ahmad, Waqar and Zuraina, Ali and Sipra, Muhammad Aslam and Taj, Imtiaz Hassan (2017) The Impact of Smartboard on Preparatory Year EFL Learners’ Motivation at a Saudi University. Advances in Language and Literary Studies, 8 (3). pp. 172-180. ISSN 2203-4714. (Published)
Ahmad, Yazan Sadeq Al Sariera (2017) A bat-inspired t-way strategy for mixed-strength test suite generation. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, Thesis advisor: Kamal Z., Zamli).
Ahmad Afif, Mohd Faudzi and Hirotaka, Takano and Junichi, Murata (2017) Transfer learning through abstraction using learning vector quantization. In: 4th International Conference On Electrical, Control and Computer Engineering (INECCE2017) , 16-17 October 2017 , Hotel Adya, Langkawi. pp. 1-8.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Ahmad Faathir, Che Mohd Zulkifli (2017) Building information modelling (BIM) mechanical systems plumbing and HVAC. Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Ahmad Fadly Nurullah, Rasedee and Rakhimov, Abdumalik A. and Ahmedov, Anvarjon A. and Torla, Hassan (2017) On the lebesgue constants of fourier-laplace series by Riesz Means. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series; 37th International Conference on Quantum Probability and Related Topics, QP 2016 , 22 - 26 August 2016 , Faculty of Science of the International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuantan. pp. 1-9., 819 (1). ISSN 1742-6588 (print); 1742-6596 (online) (Published)
Ahmad Faizul, Ali (2017) The effect of waste clay brick as a partial sand replacement on the mechanical properties of concrete. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Ahmad Fakhri, Ab. Nasir and M. Nordin, A. Rahman and Nashriyah, Mat and A. Rasid, Mamat and Ahmad Shahrizan, Abdul Ghani (2017) Ficusdeltoidea (Jack) Moraceae Varietal Identification Using Statistical Recognition Approach. World Applied Sciences Journal. pp. 82-88. ISSN 1818-4952. (Published)
Ahmad Fauzan, Soberi (2017) Crushed induced liquefaction potential of sandy soils in Kuantan. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Ahmad Harris, Abd Hamid (2017) Program OSH In School ke arah sekolah selamat. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Ahmad Huzaimi, Abd Jamil and Mohamad Syazli, Fathi (2017) An overview of contract documents for building information modelling (BIM) construction projects. Journal of Advanced Research in Business and Management Studies, 7 (2). pp. 68-72. ISSN 2462-1935. (Published)
Ahmad Lutfi Fajri, Zaidan (2017) The properties of concrete containing rejected foamed concrete as partial sand replacement. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Ahmad Muhaimin, Ismail and Mohd Saberi, Mohamad and Hairudin, Abdul Majid and Khairul Hamimah, Abas and Safaai, Deris and Zaki, Nazar and Siti Zaiton, Mohd Hashim and Zuwairie, Ibrahim and Muhammad Akmal, Remli (2017) An Improved Hybrid of Particle Swarm Optimization and the Gravitational Search Algorithm to Produce a Kinetic Parameter Estimation of Aspartate Biochemical Pathways. Biosystems, 162. pp. 81-89. ISSN 0303-2647. (Published)
Ahmad Nor Kasruddin, Nasir and Mohd Ashraf, Ahmad and A. R.A., Azwan and Mohd Falfazli, Mat Jusof (2017) A multi-objective Spiral Dynamic algorithm and its application for PD design. In: 8th IEEE Control and System Graduate Research Colloquium, ICSGRC 2017 , 4-5 August 2017 , Shah Alam, Malaysia. pp. 1-6.. ISBN 978-153860380-2 (Published)
Ahmad Qushairi, Mohamad and Khan, Ilyas and Lim, Yeou Jiann and Sharidan, Shafie and Zaiton, Mat Isa and Zulkhibri, Ismail (2017) Heat Transfer on Rotating Second Grade Fluid Through an Accelerated Plate. Malaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, 13 (3). pp. 218-222. ISSN 2289-599x. (Published)
Ahmad Qushairi, Mohamad and Khan, Ilyas and Nor Athirah, Mohd Zin and Zaiton, Mat Isa and Sharidan, Shafie and Zulkhibri, Ismail (2017) Mixed Convection Flow on MHD Non-coaxial Rotation of Second Grade Fluid in a Porous Medium. In: AIP Conference Proceedings: The 4th International Conference On Mathematical Sciences , 15-17 November 2016 , Putrajaya, Malaysia. pp. 1-8., 1830 (020044). ISSN 0094-243X ISBN 978-0-7354-1498-3 (Published)
Ahmad Ridwan, Abdullah and Nur Aidah Nabihah, Dandang and Nur Zalikha, Khalil and W. S., Wan Harun (2017) Effect of Sintering Temperature on Physical Properties & hardness of CoCrMo alloys fabricated by metal injection moulding process. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research (ICMER2017) , 1-2 August 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-8., 257 (012010). ISSN 1757-899X (Published)
Ahmad Rosli, Abdul Manaf and Jiwang, Yan (2017) Improvement of Form Accuracy and Surface Integrity of Si-HDPE Hybrid Micro-Lens Arrays in Press Molding. Precision Engineering, 47. pp. 469-479. ISSN 0141-6359. (Published)
Ahmad Rosli, Abdul Manaf and Sugiyama, Tsunetoshi and Yan, Jiwang (2017) Design and Fabrication of Si-HDPE Hybrid Fresnel Lenses for Infrared Imaging Systems. Optics Express, 25 (2). pp. 1202-1220. ISSN 1094-4087. (Published)
Ahmad Saifuddin, Othman and Nurul Nadrah Aqilah, Tukimat (2017) Assessment of the Potential Occurrence of Dry Period in the Long Term for Pahang State, Malaysia. In: Malaysian Technical Universities Conference on Engineering and Technology (MUCET 2017) , 6-7 December 2017 , Penang, Malaysia. pp. 1-6.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Ahmad Salihin, Samsudin (2017) Structural and ionic conduction study of enhanced bio-polymer electrolytes based carboxymethyl cellulose doped NH4Br. In: The 5th Annual Conference on Engineering and Information Technology , 27 - 29 March 2018 , Kyoto, Japan. pp. 1-2.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Ahmad Salihin, Samsudin and M. I. N., Isa (2017) Investigation on Electrical Conduction Mechanism of Plasticized Carboxymethyl Cellulose-NH4Br Solid Bio-Polymer Electrolytes. In: The 5th International Symposium on Fundamental and Applied Sciences , 29-31 March 2017 , Nagoya, Japan. pp. 1-3.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Ahmad Salihin, Samsudin and M. I. N., Isa (2017) A novel approaches an enhancement of ammonium salts-based cellulose derivative proton conductive polymer electrolytes for protonic battery applications. In: Global Conference On Polymer And Composite Materials (PCM 2017) , 23-25 Mei 2017 , Pusan National University. p. 1.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Ahmad Shah Hizam, Md. Yasir and N. M. Zuki, N. M. (2017) Production Layout Efficiency Improvement for Armoured Vehicle Assembly Line. International Journal of Information Research and Review, 4 (3). pp. 3810-3815. ISSN 2349-9141. (Published)
Ahmad Shah Hizam, Md. Yasir and N. M. Zuki, N. M. (2017) Productivity and Efficiency Improvement Using Witness Simulation and Ergonomic Study in Automotive Assembly Line. In: The Proceedings of the 47th International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering (CIE47) , 11-13 October 2017 , Lisbon, Portugal. pp. 1-8. (132). ISSN 2164-8689 (Published)
Ahmad Shahrizan, Abdul Ghani and Ahmad Fakhri, Ab. Nasir (2017) Integration of Enhanced Background Filtering and Wavelet Fusion for High Visibility and Detection Rate of Deep Sea Underwater Image of Underwater Vehicle. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology (ICoICT 2017) , 17-19 May 2017 , Melaka, Malaysia. pp. 220-225.. ISBN 978-1-5090-4911-0 (Published)
Ahmad Shahrizan, Abdul Ghani and Mat Isa, Nor Ashidi (2017) Automatic System for Improving Underwater Image Contrast and Color Through Recursive Adaptive Histogram Modification. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 141. pp. 181-195. ISSN 0168-1699. (Published)
Ahmad Syahiman, Mohd Shah and Mohamad Shaiful, Abdul Karim and M. S., Jadin and Airul Sharizli, Abdullah and Ruhaizad, Ishak and Yuki, Ishikawa and Hiroki, Takahashi and Suguru, Odakura and Naoto, Kakimoto (2017) Efficient operation of lithium-ion batteries based on GPV-forecasted PV output. In: 4th International Conference On Electrical, Control and Computer Engineering (INECCE2017) , 16-17 October 2017 , Hotel Adya, Langkawi. pp. 1-6.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Ahmad Syazwan, Ramli and Firdaus, Basrawi and Daing Mohamad Nafiz, Daing Idris and Ahmmad Shukrie, Md Yudin and Thamir Khalil, Ibrahim (2017) A New Dewatering Technique for Stingless Bees Honey. In: 1st International Meliponine Scientific Conference, Convention & Carnival. , 16-18 May 2017 , Putrajaya, Malaysia. pp. 1-4.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Ahmad Syazwan, Saiddin (2017) Behaviour of hybrid fibers in reinforced recycled concrete aggregate beam (50% of recycled aggregate). Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Ahmad Zaki, Jilan (2017) Program Advokasi llmuan. Utusan Malaysia . p. 2.
Ahmad Zarif, Ahmad Fauzi (2017) Ashwin menang anugerah terbaik 3MT. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Ahmad Zarif, Ahmad Fauzi (2017) Malam Anugerah Akademik rai graduan pascasiswazah. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Ahmed, Abdulghani Ali and Li, Chua Xue (2017) Locating and collecting cybercrime evidences on cloud storage: review. In: 3rd International Conference on Information Science and Security (ICISS 2016) , 19-22 December 2016 , Pattaya, Thailand. pp. 1-5.. ISBN 978-1-5090-5493-0 (Published)
Ahmed, Abdulghani Ali and Noorul Ahlami, Kamarul Zaman (2017) AIRSE : an approach for attack intention recognition based on similarity of evidences. In: 1st EAI International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering, COMPSE 2016 , 11-12 November 2016 , Penang, Malaysia. . ISBN 9781631901362 (Published)
Ahmed, Abdulghani Ali and Chua, Xue Li (2017) Proactive Model for Locating and Collecting Cybercrime Evidences on Cloud Computing. International Journal of Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 3 (2). p. 60. ISSN 2475-3432. (Published)
Ahmed, Abdulghani Ali and Kit, Yee Wai (2017) MICIE: A model for identifying and collecting intrusion evidences. In: 12th International Conference on Signal Image Technology and Internet-Based Systems (SITIS 2016) , 28 November - 1 December 2016 , Naples, Italy. pp. 288-294.. ISBN 978-1-5090-5698-9 (Published)
Ahmed, Abdulghani Ali and Noorul Ahlami, Kamarul Zaman (2017) Attack Intention Recognition: A Review. International Journal of Network Security, 19 (2). pp. 244-250. ISSN 1816-353X (Print); 1816-3548 (Online). (Published)
Ahmed, Bestoun S. and Gambardella, Luca M. and Afzal, Wasif and Kamal Z., Zamli (2017) Handling Constraints in Combinatorial Interaction Testing in the Presence of Multi Objective Particle Swarm and Multithreading. Information and Software Technology, 86. pp. 20-36. ISSN 0950-5849. (Published)
Ahmed, Bestoun S. and Kamal Z., Zamli and Afzal, Wasif and Bures, Miroslav (2017) Constrained Interaction Testing: A Systematic Literature Study. IEEE Access, PP (99). pp. 1-26. ISSN 2169-3536. (Published)
Ahmed, M. M. and Nor Ashidi, Mat Isa (2017) Knowledge Base to Fuzzy Information Granule: A Review from the Interpretability-Accuracy Perspective. Applied Soft Computing, 54. pp. 121-140. ISSN 1568-4946 (print); 1872-9681 (online). (Published)
Ahmed Yousif Adam, Mohammed (2017) Effect of tube inclination angle on the thermal and fluid dynamic performance of flat tube heat exchanger. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Ahmedov, Anvarjon A. and Siti Nor Aini, Mohd Aslam and Siti Fatimah, Ahmad Zabidi (2017) The uniform convergence of the eigenfunctions expansions of the biharmonic operator in closed domain. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1st International Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics and Statistics (ICoAIMS 2017) , 8-10 August 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-8., 890 (012028). ISSN 1742-6588 (print); 1742-6596 (online) (Published)
Ahmmad Shukrie, Md Yudin (2017) Performance characteristics of air distributor designs in a fluidized bed. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Aikhuele, Daniel O. and Faiz, Mohd Turan (2017) An intuitionistic fuzzy multi-criteria decision-making method based on an exponential-related function. International Journal of Fuzzy System Applications, 6 (4). pp. 33-46. ISSN 2156-177X. (Published)
Aikhuele, Daniel O. and Odofin, S. M. (2017) A generalized triangular intuitionistic fuzzy geometric averaging operator for decision-making in engineering and management. Information (Switzerland), 8 (3). ISSN 2078-2489. (Published)
Aikhuele, Daniel Osezua (2017) Hybrid-fuzzy techniques with flexibility and attitudinal parameters for supporting early product design and reliability management. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Aikhuele, Daniel Osezua (2017) Interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy multi-criteria model for design concept selection. Management Science Letters, 7 (9). pp. 457-466. ISSN 1923-9335 (Print); 1923-9343 (Online). (Published)
Aikhuele, Daniel Osezua (2017) Systematic model for lean product development implementation in an automotive related company. Management Science Letters, 7 (7). ISSN 1923-9335 (Print); 1923-9343 (Online). (Published)
Aikhuele, Daniel Osezua and Faiz, Mohd Turan (2017) An Exponential-Related Function for Decision-Making In Engineering and Management. Open Engineering, 7 (1). pp. 153-160. ISSN 2081‐9927. (Published)
Aikhuele, Daniel Osezua and Faiz, Mohd Turan (2017) Extended TOPSIS Model for Solving Multi-Attribute Decision Making Problems in Engineering. Decision Science Letters, 6. pp. 365-376. ISSN 1929-5804 (Print); 1929-5812 (Online). (Published)
Aikhuele, Daniel Osezua and Faiz, Mohd Turan (2017) An Integrated Fuzzy Dephi and Interval-Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy M-Topsis Model for Design Concept Selection. Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research, 13 (2). pp. 425-438. ISSN 2220-5810. (Published)
Aikhuele, Daniel Osezua and Faiz, Mohd Turan (2017) A Subjective and Objective Fuzzy-Based Analytical Hierarchy Process Model for Prioritization of Lean Product Development Practices. Management Science Letters, 7 (6). pp. 297-310. ISSN 1923-9335 (Print); 1923-9343 (Online). (Published)
Aikhuele, Daniel Osezua and Faiz, Mohd Turan and Odofin, S. M. and Ansah, Richard Hannis (2017) Interval-Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Topsis-Based Model For Troubleshooting Marine Diesel Engine Auxiliary System. International Journal Maritime Engineering, 159 (Pt. A1). pp. 107-114. ISSN 1479-8751. (Published)
Aikhuele, Daniel Osezua and Sorooshian, Shahryar and Ansah, Richard Hannis and Faiz, Mohd Turan (2017) Application Of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Topsis Model For Troubleshooting An Offshore Patrol Boat Engine. Polish Maritime Research, 24 (2). pp. 68-76. ISSN 2083-7429. (Published)
Ain Nadia Nadira, Marafi (2017) The study of indoor air quality at lecture classroom, University Malaysia Pahang. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Aini, Ahmad and Norrihan, Sulan and Anita, Abdul Rani (2017) Integration Of Learning Organization Ideas And Islamic Core Values Principle At University. The Learning Organization, 24 (6). pp. 392-400. ISSN 0969-6474. (Published)
Ainul Azila, Che Fauzi and Noraziah, Ahmad and Tutut, Herawan and Z., Abdullah and Gupta, Ritu (2017) Managing Fragmented Database Using BVAGQ-AR Replication Model. Advanced Science Letters, 23 (11). pp. 11088-11091. ISSN 1936-6612. (Published)
Airin, Abdul Ghani and Haslinda, Hashim and Anita, Abdul Rani and Noor Raha, Mohd Radzuan and Fatimah, Ali and Wan Jumani, Fauzi and Noor Azlinda, Zainal Abidin and Ezihaslinda, Ngah and Siti Farhana, Haron (2017) Inculcating Heart Intelligence in English Communication Workshop for Day-care Educators. In: Intervarsities Multidisciplinary International Conference , 20-21 April 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-6.. (Published)
Ajit, Azilah (2017) The development of kit system for honey quality quick check from different species of stingless bee honey in Malaysia. , [Research Report] (Unpublished)
Akash Kumar, Shukla and Sudhakar, K. and Prashant, Baredar (2017) Recent Advancement in BIPV Product Technologies: A Review. Energy and Buildings, 140. pp. 188-195. ISSN 0378-7788. (Published)
Akbari, Abolghasem and Daryabor, Farshid and Azizan, Abu Samah and Fanodi, Mohsen (2017) Validation of TRMM 3B42 V6 for estimation of mean annual rainfall over ungauged area in semiarid climate. Environmental Earth Sciences, 76 (15). pp. 1-2. ISSN 1866-6299. (Published)
Akhtar, Muhammad Nadeem and Ali Salim, Landa Zeenelabdin and Swee, Keong Yeap and Nadiah, Abu and Seema, Zareen and Kong, Mun Lo and Addila, Abu Bakar and Noorjahan Banu, Alitheen (2017) Synthesis and Cytotoxic Effects of (E)-3-(2,3-dimethoxyphenyl)-1-(5-methylfuran-2-yl) prop-2-en-1-one in MDA-MB231 and MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cell Lines. Phytochemistry Letters, 19. pp. 145-150. ISSN 1874-3900. (Published)
Akhtar, Muhammad Nadeem and Gul, Samreen and Rehman, Aziz-ur and Abbasi, M. Athar and Khan, Khalid Mohammed and Nafeesa, Khadija and Siddiqa, Asia and Shahid, Muhammad and Subhani, Zinayyera (2017) Synthesis, Antimicrobial Evaluation and Hemolytic Activity of 2-[[5-alkyl/aralkyl substituted-1,3,4-oxadiazol-2-yl]thio]-N-[4-(4-morpholinyl)phenyl]acetamide derivatives. Journal of Saudi Chemical Society, 21 (Suppl. 1). pp. 425-433. ISSN 1319-6103. (Published)
Akindoyo, John Olabode and Beg, M. D. H. and Suriati, Ghazali and Heim, Hans P. and Feldmann, Maik (2017) Effects of Surface Modification on Dispersion, Mechanical, Thermal And Dynamic Mechanical Properties Of Injection Molded PLA-hydroxyapatite Composites. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 103. pp. 96-105. ISSN 1359-835X. (Published)
Akindoyo, John Olabode and Beg, M. D. H. and Suriati, Ghazali and Oluwasoga, Akindoyo Edward and Nitthiyah, Jeyaratnam (2017) Synthesis of Hydroxyapatite through Ultrasound and Calcination Techniques. In: Mechanical Engineering, Science and Technology International Conference. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering , 19–20 April 2017 , Politeknik Metro, Johor Bahru, Malaysia. pp. 1-8., 203 (1). ISSN 1757-8981(print); 1757-899X(online) (Published)
Akramin, M. R.M. and Sidek, Mohd Zaidi and Oumer, Ahmed Nurye and Amirruddin, A. K. and Hassan, Wan Anuar Wan and Mahdhir, Mohd Yusof (2017) Development of the overlay formulation in finite element model. , [Research Report] (Unpublished)
Al Adresi, Alaeldeen and Mohd Ridzuan, Darun (2017) Determining relationship between strategic human resource management practices and organizational commitment. International Journal of Engineering Business Management, 9. pp. 1-9. ISSN 1847-9790. (Published)
Al Adresi, Alaeldeen Saleh M. (2017) Strategic human resource management practices, perceived organisational support and employee trust towards organisational commitment. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Al Yaqoobi, Zainab Mohammed Bati (2017) The differential effects of pronunciation teaching methods of consonant sounds /p/ and /ʧ/ among Omani EFL learners. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Al-Bashiri, Hael and Abdulgabber, Mansoor Abdullateef and Awanis, Romli and Hujainah, Fadhl (2017) Collaborative Filtering Recommender System: Overview and Challenges. Advanced Science Letters, 23 (9). pp. 9045-9049. ISSN 1936-6612. (Published)
Al-Bashiri, Hael and Abdulgabber, Mansoor Abdullateef and Awanis, Romli and Hujainah, Fadhl (2017) Collaborative Filtering Similarity Measures: Revisiting. In: International Conference on Advances in Image Processing (ICAIP 2017) , 25-27 August 2017 , Bangkok, Thailand. pp. 1-5.. ISBN 978-1-4503-5295-6 (Published)
Al-Btoush, Mohammed A. KA. and Ahmad Tarmizi, Haron (2017) Barriers and Challenges of Building Information Modelling Implementation in Jordanian Construction Industry. Global Journal of Engineering Science and Research Management, 4 (9). pp. 9-20. ISSN 2349-4506. (Published)
Al-Dhahebi, Adel Mohammed and Ahmad Kadri, Junoh and Zamri, Mohamed and Wan Zuki Azman, Wan Muhamad (2017) A computational approach for optimizing vehicles’ interior noise and vibration. International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering (IJAME), 44 (4). pp. 4690-4703. ISSN 1985-9325(Print); 2180-1606 (Online). (Published)
Al-Emran, Mostafa and Salloum, Said A. (2017) Students' attitudes towards the use of mobile technologies in e-Evaluation. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM), 11 (5). pp. 195-202. ISSN 1865-7923. (Published)
Al-Emran, Mostafa and Shaalan, Khaled (2017) Academics’ Awareness towards Mobile Learning in Oman. International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems, 6 (1). pp. 1-7. ISSN 2210-142X. (Published)
Al-Fakih, K. and Chin, Siew Choo and Doh, Shu Ing (2017) Finite Element Analysis of Beam to Column Bolted Connection - A Review. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 10 (8). pp. 1-9. ISSN 0974-6846 (Print); 0974-5645 (Online). (Published)
Al-Fakih, Kamal Ahmed and Chin, Siew Choo and Doh, Shu Ing (2017) Behavior Study of Top Seat Angle Steel Beam to Column Connections. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 12 (24). pp. 7539-7547. ISSN 1816-949x (Print); 1818-7803 (Online). (Published)
Al-Hashem, Hassan Dhiaaldeen Mahammed (2017) Drag reduction in ducts using structured internal surfaces. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Al-Saffar, Ahmed Ali Mohammed and Tao, Hai and Mohammed, Ahmed Talab (2017) Review of deep convolution neural network in image classification. International Conference on Radar Antenna, Microwave, Electronics, and Telecommunications. pp. 26-31. ISSN 978-1-5386-3849. (Published)
Al-Sharafi, Mohammed A. and Ruzaini, Abdullah Arshah and Abu-Shanab, Emad A. (2017) Factors Affecting the Continuous Use of Cloud Computing Services from Expert's Perspective. In: Proceeding of the 2017 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON) , 5-8 November 2017 , Penang, Malaysia. pp. 986-991.. ISBN 978-1-5090-1134-6 (Published)
Al-Sharafi, Mohammed A. and Ruzaini, Abdullah Arshah and Abu-Shanab, Emad A. (2017) Factors Influencing the Continuous Use of Cloud Computing Services in Organization Level. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Image Processing (ICAIP 2017) , 25-27 August 2017 , Bangkok, Thailand. pp. 189-194.. ISBN 978-1-4503-5295-6 (Published)
Al-Sharafi, Mohammed A. and Ruzaini, Abdullah Arshah and Herzallah, Fadi A. T. and Alajmi, Qasim (2017) The Effect of Perceived Ease of Use and Usefulness on Customers Intention to Use Online Banking Services: The Mediating Role of Perceived Trust. International Journal of Innovative Computing, 7 (1 ). pp. 9-14. ISSN 2180-4370. (Published)
Al-Sharifi, H. A. M. and Abdul Rahman, Mohd Kasim (2017) Effect of Aligned Magnetohydrodynamics on Convective Boundary Layer Flow of Jeffrey Micropolar Fluid with Newtonian Heating Across a Stretching Sheet. In: AIP Conference Proceedings: The 4th International Conference On Mathematical Sciences , 15-17 November 2016 , Putrajaya, Malaysia. pp. 1-8., 1830 (1). ISBN 978-0-7354-1498-3 (Published)
Al-Sharifi, H. A. M. and Abdul Rahman, Mohd Kasim and L. A., Aziz and Mohd Zuki, Salleh and S., Shafie (2017) Influence of Aligned Magneto Hydrodynamic of Jeffrey Fluid across a Stretching Sheet. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 10 (7). pp. 1-5. ISSN 0974-6846 (Print); 0974-5645 (Online). (Published)
Al-Sharifi, H. A. M. and Abdul Rahman, Mohd Kasim and Mohd Zuki, Salleh and Shafie, S. (2017) Numerical Solutions on Flow and Heat Transfer of Non-Newtonian Jeffrey Micropolar Fluid. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 10 (7). pp. 1-5. ISSN 0974-6846 (Print); 0974-5645 (Online). (Published)
Al-Shetwi, Ali Q. and Muhamad Zahim, Sujod (2017) Modeling and Control of Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Power Plant With Fault Ride-Through Capability. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, 140 (2). pp. 1-8. ISSN 0199-6231 (print); 1528-8986 (online). (Published)
Al-Shetwi, Ali Q. and Muhamad Zahim, Sujod (2017) Modeling and dynamics study of large scale PV system connected Malaysian grid under different fault conditions. In: International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Electronic and Systems Engineering (ICAEES 2016) , 14-16 November 2016 , Putrajaya Marriott Hotel, Putrajaya; Malaysia. pp. 488-494.. ISBN 978-1-5090-2889-4 (Published)
Al-haimi, Basheer and Mohd. Rashid, Ab. Hamid and Hujainah, Fadhl (2017) Higher Education of Yemen: History, Development and Current Status. In: Proceedings of the FGIC 1st Conference on Governance & Integrity , 3-4 April 2017 , Yayasan Pahang, Kuantan, Malaysia. pp. 216-223.. ISBN 978-967-2054-37-5 (Published)
Alajmi, Qasim and Sadiq, Ali Safa and Adzhar, Kamaludin and Al-Sharafi, Mohammed A. (2017) E-Learning Models: The Effectiveness of the Cloud-Based E-Learning Model over the Traditional E-Learning Model. In: 8th International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT 2017) , 17-18 May 2017 , Amman, Jordan. pp. 12-16.. ISBN 978-1-5090-6332-1 (Published)
Alam, A. K. M. Moshiul and Beg, M. D. H. and R. M., Yunus (2017) Microstructure and fractography of multiwalled carbon nanotube reinforced unsaturated polyester nanocomposites. Polymer Composites, 38. E462-E471. ISSN 1548-0569. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Alam, Lubna and Mazlin, Mokhtar and Islam, Mir Sujaul (2017) Spatial Variation of the Radioactive Element Polonium-210 in a Coal Burning Power Plant Area of Malaysia. International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering (IJMPE), 5 (8). pp. 41-45. ISSN 2320-2092. (Published)
Alara, Oluwaseun Ruth and Nour, A. H. and Olalere, Olusegun Abayomi (2017) Mathematical modelling and morphological properties of thin layer oven drying of Vernonia amygdalina leaves. Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences. pp. 1-7. ISSN 1658-077X. (In Press / Online First) (In Press / Online First)
Alara, Oluwaseun Ruth and Nour, A. H. and Siti Kholijah, Abdul Mudalip and Olalere, Olusegun Abayomi (2017) Effect of drying methods on the free radicals scavenging activity of Vernonia amygdalina growing in Malaysia. Journal of King Saud University - Science. pp. 1-5. ISSN 1018-3647. (In Press / Online First) (In Press / Online First)
Alara, Oluwaseun Ruth and Nour, A. H. and Siti Kholijah, Abdul Mudalip and Olalere, Olusegun Abayomi (2017) Phytochemical and Pharmacological Properties of Vernonia amygdalina: A Review. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology (JCEIB), 2. pp. 80-96. ISSN 0126-8139. (Published)
Alara, Oluwaseun Ruth and Siti Kholijah, Abdul Mudalip and Olalere, Olusegun Abayomi (2017) Optimization of Mangiferin Extrated from Phaleria Macrocarpa Fruits Using Response Surface Methodology. Journal of Applied Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, 5. pp. 82-87. ISSN 2214-7861. (Published)
Alavi, Sayed Qasim and Hussanan, Abid and Abdul Rahman, Mohd Kasim and Norhayati, Rosli and Mohd Zuki, Salleh (2017) MHD Stagnation Point flow Towards an Exponentially Stretching Sheet with Prescribed wall Temperature and Heat Flux. International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics, 3 (4). pp. 3511-3523. ISSN 2199-5796. (Published)
Alazaiza, M. Y. D. and Ngien, S. K. and Bob, M. M. and Samira A., Kamaruddin and Wan Faizal, Wan Ishak (2017) Quantification Of Dense Nonaqueous Phase Liquid Saturation In Double-Porosity Soil Media Using A Light Transmission Visualization Technique. Journal of Porous Media, 20 (7). pp. 591-606. ISSN 1934-0508. (Published)
Alazaiza, M. Y. D. and Ngien, S. K. and Bob, Mustafa M. and Samira, A. Kamaruddin and Wan Faizal, Wan Ishak (2017) Assessment of the Behaviour of Soil Structure in Double-Porosity Kaolin Media Using Light Transmission Visualization (LTV) Method. International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 11 (3). pp. 316-320. ISSN 1938-6362 (Print) 1939-7879 (Online). (Published)
Alazaiza, Motasem Y D (2017) Contaminant fate and transport in double-porosity soil medium using light transmission visualization technique. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, Thesis advisor: Ngien, Su Kong).
Alazaiza, Motasem Y. D. and Ngien, S. K. and Mustafa, M. Bob and Samira, A. Kamaruddin and Wan Faizal, Wan Ishak (2017) Influence of Macro-pores on DNAPL Migration in Double-Porosity Soil Using Light Transmission Visualization Method. Transport in Porous Media, 117 (1). pp. 103-123. ISSN 0169-3913. (Published)
Alazzawi, Ammar K. and Homaid, Ameen A. Ba and Alomoush, Alaa A. and Alsewari, Abdulrahman A. (2017) Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for Pairwise Test Generation. Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering (JTEC), 9 (1-2). pp. 103-108. ISSN 2180-1843(print); 2289-8131(online). (Published)
Albashir, Walid Ali and Yuserrie, Zainuddin and Panigrahi, Shrikant (2017) Conceptual Framework on Usage of Islamic Banking amongst Banking Customers in Libya. International Journal of Innovation and Business Strategy (IJIBS), 7 (1). pp. 10-17. ISSN 2232-044X. (Published)
Albtoosh, Ja’far A. Aldibat and Ahmad Tarmizi, Haron (2017) Variation Orders Causes in Construction Buildings Projects in Jordan. Global Journal of Engineering Science and Research Management, 4 (9). pp. 42-48. ISSN 2349-4506. (Published)
Alfarra, Hossam Adden and Alsibai, Mohammad Hayyan (2017) Wireless Smart Sensor Network for Flood Management Optimization. International Journal of Engineering Technology And Sciences (IJETS), 7 (1). pp. 1-7. ISSN 2289-697X. (Published)
Alghail, Adnan Ali and Liu, Yao and Cheng, Jack Kie (2017) Importance of Project-oriented Organizational Culture in Knowledge Management Processes. Global Journal For Research Analysis (GJRA), 6 (6). pp. 400-403. ISSN 2277-8160. (Published)
Alghail, Adnan Ali and Liu, Yao and Cheng, Jack Kie (2017) The Roles of Knowledge Management in Project Management towards Organizational Performance. Global Journal For Research Analysis (GJRA), 6 (7). pp. 41-43. ISSN 2277-8160. (Published)
Alghail, Adnan Ali and Liu, Yao and Cheng, Jack Kie and Alkawsi, Jamal (2017) The Effect of Knowledge Management Capabilities on Project Management Success. International Journal of Business Management (IJBM), 2 (2). pp. 1-12. ISSN 0127-9815 (Print); 0127-9890 (Online). (Published)
Ali, Elghool and Firdaus, Basrawi and Ibrahim, Thamir K. and Khairul, Habib and Hassan, Ibrahim and D. M. N., D. Idris (2017) A Review on Heat Sink for Thermo-electric Power Generation: Classifications and Parameters Affecting Performance. Energy Conversion and Management, 134. pp. 260-277. ISSN 0196-8904. (Published)
Ali, Eman N. (2017) Extracting bioactive compounds from Moringa oleifera leaves for anticancer product. , [Research Report] (Unpublished)
Ali, Eman N. (2017) Waste water treatment with Moringa oleifera press cake. , [Research Report] (Unpublished)
Ali, Gomaa A. M. and Divyashree, A. and Supriya, S. and Chong, Kwok Feng and Ethiraj, Anita S. and Reddy, M. V. and Algarni, H. and Hegde, Gurumurthy (2017) Carbon Nanospheres Derived from Lablab Purpureus for High Performance Supercapacitor Electrodes: a Green Approach. Dalton Transactions, 46. pp. 14034-14044. ISSN 1477-9226. (Published)
Ali, Gomaa A. M. and Ellie Yi, Lih Teo and Aboelazm, Eslam A. A. and Sadegh, Hamidreza and Memar, Amir O. H. and Shahryari-Ghoshekandi, Ramin and K. F., Chong (2017) Capacitive Performance of Cysteamine Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 197. pp. 100-104. ISSN 0254-0584. (Published)
Ali, Gomaa A. M. and M. M., Yusoff and Shaaban, Essam R. and Chong, Kwok Feng (2017) High Performance MnO2 Nanoflower Supercapacitor Electrode by Electrochemical Recycling of Spent Batteries. Ceramics International, 43 (11). pp. 8440-8448. ISSN 0272-8842. (Published)
Ali, Jahan and Hasan, Munirul and M. Nomani, Kabir and Alginahi, Yasser M. (2017) Assessment of Wireless Technologies for deployment in Intelligent Transportation System based on Internet of Things. I O R Journal Of Computer Science &, Information Technology, 1 (1). pp. 1-7. (Published)
Ali, Mohammed A. H. and Musa, Mailah and Wan Azhar, Wan Yusoff and Zamzuri, Hamedon and Zulkifli, Md. Yusof (2017) An Intelligent Robust Control of Wheeled Mobile Robot in Restricted Environment. International Journal of Control Systems and Robotics, 2. pp. 6-11. ISSN 2367-8917. (Published)
Ali, Mohammed A. H. and Wan Azhar, Wan Yusoff and Zamzuri, Hamedon and Zulkifli, Md. Yusof and Musa, Mailah (2017) Global Mobile Robot Path Planning using Laser Simulator. In: International Symposium on Robotics and Manufacturing Automation (ROMA) 2016 , 25-27 September 2016 , Ipoh, Perak. . ISBN 9781509009282 (Published)
Ali, Mohammed A. H. and Wong, Kelvin Thai (2017) Automated fruit grading system. In: IEEE 3rd International Symposium On Robotic And Manufacturing Automation , 19-21 September 2017 , Kuala Lumpur. pp. 1-6.. ISBN 978-1-5386-2539-2 (Published)
Ali, Obed Majeed and R., Mamat and Rasul, M. G. and Najafi, G. (2017) Chapter eighteen-potential of biodiesel as fuel for diesel engine. In: Clean Energy for Sustainable Development: Comparisons and Contrasts of New Approaches. Elsevier, pp. 557-590. ISBN 978-0-12-805423-9
Ali Turi, Jamshid and Muhammad Faizal, A. Ghani and Sorooshian, Shahryar and Abbas, Qaiser (2017) The Impact of Socio-Emotional Intelligence Training on Teacher's Performance. Global Business and Economics Research Journal, 6 (2). pp. 18-31. ISSN 2302-4593. (Published)
Ali Zaynal Abidin, Othman (2017) Plastic to fuel : the effect of real plastic wastes composition. Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Allahham, Alaa Azmi and Mohammed, Muamer N. (2017) A Modified Route Discovery Approach For Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) Protocol In Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks. International Journal of Software Engineering and Computer Systems (IJSECS), 3. pp. 17-30. ISSN 2289-8522. (Published)
Allahham, Alaa Azmi and Mohammed, Muamer N. and Kadhim, Nassir Sallom (2017) Multipath routing protocol based on cross-layer approach for MANET. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM), 11 (1). pp. 71-83. ISSN 1865-7923. (Published)
Almatar, Manaf and AlMandeal, Husam and Makky, Essam A. and Kayar, Begum and Yarar, Emel and Var, Isıl and Koksal, Fatih (2017) The Physiological/Pathophysiological Significance of Vitamin D in Cancer, Cardiovascular Disorders and Beyond. Current Drug Metabolism, 18 (3). pp. 207-224. ISSN 1875-5453. (Published)
Almatar, Manaf and Eldeeb, Mohamed and Makky, Essam A. and Koksal, Fatih (2017) Are There Any Other Compounds Isolated from Dermacoccus spp at All? Current Microbiology, 17 (1). pp. 132-144. ISSN 0343-8651 (print); 1432-0991 (online). (Published)
Alqadami, Abdulrahman Shueai Mohsen and Mohd Faizal, Jamlos and Imtiaz, Islam and Soh, Ping Jack and R., Mamat and Khairi, Khairil A. and Narbudowicz, Adam Z (2017) Multi-band antenna array based on double negative metamaterial for multi automotive applications. Progress In Electromagnetics Research (PIER), 159. pp. 27-37. ISSN 1070-4698 (print); 1559-8985 (online). (Published)
Alqadami, Abdulrahman Shueai Mohsen and Mohd Faizal, Jamlos and Ping, Jack Soh and Sharul Kamal, Abdul Rahim and Vandenbosch, Guy A. E. and Narbudowicz, Adam (2017) Miniaturized Dual-band Antenna Array with Double-negative (DNG) Metamaterial for Wireless Applications. Applied Physics A, 123 (22). pp. 1-5. ISSN 0947-8396 (Print) 1432-0630 (Online). (Published)
Alqadami, Abdulrahman Shueai Mohsen and Ping, Jack Soh and Sharul Kamal, Abdul Rahim and Narbudowicz, Adam and Mohd Faizal, Jamlos (2017) Left-handed Compact MIMO Antenna Array based on Wire Spiral Resonator for 5-GHz Wireless Applications. Applied Physics A, 123 (64). pp. 1-5. ISSN 0947-8396(print); 1432-0630(online). (Published)
Alrubaye, Ali Jamal and Muzamir, Hasan and Mohammed, Y. Fattah (2017) Stabilization of Soft Kaolin Clay with Silica Fume and Lime. International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 11 (1). pp. 90-96. ISSN 1938-6362 . (Published)
Alsewari, Abdulrahman A. and Alazzawi, Ammar K. and Rassem, Taha H. and M. Nomani, Kabir and Homaid, Ameen A. Ba and Alsariera, Yazan A. and Tairan, Nasser M. and Kamal Z., Zamli (2017) ABC Algorithm for Combinatorial Testing Problem. Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering (JTEC), 9 (3-3). pp. 85-88. ISSN 2180-1843. (Published)
Alsibai, Mohammad Hayyan (2017) Arduino/ Genuino start as profesional. Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang. ISBN 978-967-2054-53-5
Alsibai, Mohammad Hayyan and Syafiq Fauzi, Kamarulzaman and Hossam , Adden Alfarra and Naif, Yasir Hashim (2017) Real Time Emergency Auto Parking System in Driver Lethargic State for Accident Preventing. In: MATEC Web of Conferences: The 2nd International Conference on Automotive Innovation and Green Vehicle (AiGEV 2016) , 2-3 August 2016 , Malaysia Automotive Institute, Cyberjaya, Selangor. pp. 1-10., 90 (01034). ISSN 2261-236X (Published)
Alsibai, Mohammed Hayyan and Sayong, Maxwell and Koay, Li Woon and Atnaw, Samson M. and Nurul Nadia, Nor Hamran (2017) Optimization of hybrid electric vehicle control for efficient performance at critical energy levels. In: 6th IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing and Engineering (ICCSCE 2016) , 25-27 November 2016 , PARK ROYAL Penang Resort, Penang; Malaysia. pp. 205-210.. ISBN 978-1-5090-1178-0 (Published)
Alsibai, Mohammed Hayyan and Sulastri, Abdul Manap (2017) Arduino/Genuino: start as professional: short course in a book. Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang. ISBN 9789672054535
Alwin, Long Su Weng and Atnaw, Samson M. and Roziah, Zailan and Muhamad Muhtazam, Noor Din (2017) Sustainability Management Program for Industries- A Case Study. In: Fluids and Chemical Engineering Conference (FluidsChE 2017) , 4-6 April 2017 , Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. pp. 1-5., 111 (02010). ISSN 2261-236X (Published)
Alwin, Long Su Weng and Atnaw, Samson M. and Roziah, Zailan and Muhamad Muhtazam, Noor Din (2017) Towards Cooling Tower Efficiency-An Energy Audit Approach. In: Fluids and Chemical Engineering Conference (FluidsChE 2017) , 4-6 April 2017 , Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. pp. 1-4., 111 (02011). ISSN 2261-236X (Published)
Aman, Sidra and Khan, Ilyas and Zulkhibri, Ismail and Mohd Zuki, Salleh and Al-Mdallal, Qasem M. (2017) Heat Transfer Enhancement in Free Convection Flow of CNTs Maxwell Nanofluids with Four Different Types of Molecular Liquids. Scientific Reports, 7 (2445). pp. 1-13. ISSN 2045-2322. (Published)
Aman, Sidra and Khan, Ilyas and Zulkhibri, Ismail and Mohd Zuki, Salleh and Alshomrani, Ali Saleh and Alghamdi, Metib Said (2017) Magnetic Field Effect on Poiseuille Flow and Heat Transfer of Carbon Nanotubes along a Vertical Channel Filled with Casson Fluid. AIP Advances, 7 (1). pp. 1-18. ISSN 2158-3226. (Published)
Aman, Sidra and Mohd Zuki, Salleh and Zulkhibri, Ismail and Khan, Ilyas (2017) Exact Solution for Heat Transfer Free Convection Flow of Maxwell Nanofluids with Graphene Nanoparticles. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1st International Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics and Statistics (ICoAIMS 2017) , 8-10 August 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-5., 890 (012004). ISSN 1742-6596 (Published)
Amanina Farhana, Ahmad (2017) The effects of waste polyethylene terephthalate as an aggregate coating on the properties of bituminous mixture for road making. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Amelia, Victor Dass (2017) Crushing impact on liquefaction of various sand soil in Kuantan. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Amin Ridzuan, Ishak (2017) Pahang hasil sistem atasi salah guna kuasa, rasuah. Berita Harian . p. 26.
Amin Ridzuan, Ishak (2017) Pembersih kuman daun sirih dapat reaksi positif. Berita Harian . p. 5.
Amin Ridzuan, Ishak (2017) Penyelidik UMP cipta mesin pemotong daun mengkuang. Berita Harian . p. 3.
Amin Ridzuan, Ishak and Shahrinnahar, Latib (2017) Graduan UMP dinasihati hayati nilai murni. Berita Harian . p. 15.
Aminuddin, Azfar and Mohd Akmal, Azhar (2017) Development and Evaluation of Goat Milk Tablet Using Dry Granulation Techniques for Nutraceutical Purposes. International Journal of Engineering Technology And Sciences (IJETS), 7 (1). pp. 1-7. ISSN 2289-697X. (Published)
Amir Izzani, Mohamed and Mohd Mawardi, Saari and Ozaki, Ryotaro and Kadowaki, Kazunori (2017) Influence Of mechanical pressure on space charge penetration behavior in low-density polyethylene (LDPE) sheet. In: International Symposium on Electrical Insulating Materials, ISEIM 2017 , 11-15 September 2017 , Toyohashi Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Toyohashi; Japan. pp. 184-187.. ISBN 978-488686099-6 (Published)
Amir Izzani, Mohamed and Takashi, Ozaki (2017) Influnce of mechanical pressure on space charge penetration behavior in low-density polyethylene (LDPE) sheet. In: 8th International Symposium On Electrical Insulating Materials , 11-15 September 2017 , Toyohashi Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Toyohashi City, Japan. pp. 1-4.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Amira Fatiha, Baharudin and Noor Azida, Sahabudin and Adzhar, Kamaludin (2017) Behavioral Tracking in E-Learning by Using Learning Styles Approach. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 8 (1). pp. 17-26. ISSN 2502-4752. (Published)
Amiril Sahab, Abdul Sani and Erween, Abd Rahim and Syahrullail, Samion (2017) A Review on Ionic Liquids as Sustainable Lubricants in Manufacturing and Engineering: Recent Research, Performance, and Applications. Journal of Cleaner Production, 168. pp. 1571-1589. ISSN 0959-6526. (Published)
Amiril Sahab, Abdul Sani and Erween, Abd Rahim and Syahrullail, Samion (2017) Tribological Performance of Modified Jatropha Oil Containing Oil-Miscible Ionic Liquid for Machining Applications. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 31 (12). pp. 5675-5685. ISSN 1976-3824. (Published)
Amiruddin, Hilmi and Wan Mahmood, Wan Mohd Faizal and Abdullah, Shahrir and Abu Mansor, Mohd Radzi and Abdollah, Mohd Fadzli and R., Mamat and Alias, Azri (2017) Effect of vaned diffuser on the performance of small turbocharger. Journal of Mechanical Engineering, SI (1). pp. 227-236. ISSN 1823-5514. (Published)
Amirul Edham, Roslee (2017) Evaluation of heat capacity of CdSe quantum dots using DFT calculations. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Amirul Edham, Roslee and Saifful Kamaluddin, Muzakir and Jamil, Ismail and M. M., Yusoff (2017) A Heat Capacity Model of T3/2 Dependence for Quantum Dots. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19 (1). pp. 408-418. ISSN 1463-9076 (print), 1463-9084 (online). (Published)
Amizatulhani, Abdullah and Hemanta, Hazarika and Noriyuki , Yasufuku and Ryohei , Ishikura (2017) Numerical Study on the Seismic Response of Waterfront Retaining Wall Reinforced with Cushion. In: Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls. Springer, Japan, pp. 545-554. ISBN 978-4-431-56205-4
Amran, Umarul Imran and Arshad, Ahmad and Mohamad Rizza, Othman (2017) Life Cycle Assessment of Simulated Hydrogen Production by Methane Steam Reforming. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 11 (3). pp. 43-50. ISSN 1991-8178. (Published)
Amri, Mohamad and Yuserrie, Zainuddin and Alam, Nafis and Kendall, Graham (2017) Does Decentralized Decision Making Increase Company Performance Through Its Information Technology Infrastructure Investment? International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, 27. pp. 1-15. ISSN 1467-0895. (Published)
Amri Muaz, Azmimurad and Najah, Osman (2017) Pilot test: analysis of technical vocabulary size among engineering students at Universiti Malaysia Pahang. In: E-Proceeding of the 6th Global Summit on Education 2017 (GSE 2017) , 4 December 2017 , Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. pp. 34-41.. ISBN 978-967-0792-22-4 (Published)
Anas Mohamad Husian, Kassim (2017) Shear strength of soft clay reinforced with polypropylene column. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Anis Fatin Nabilah, Abdul Latif (2017) The study of magnesium-doped calcium copper titanate (CaCu3Ti4O12) effect to the microstructural and electrical properties of Ca(Cu3-xMgx)Ti4O12. Faculty of Industrial Sciences and Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Anis Sakinah, Zainal Abidin and Kamal, Yusoh and Saidatul Shima, Jamari and Abu, Hannifa and Zulhelmi, Ismail (2017) In-situ Thermal Reduction of Graphene Oxide/alkylamine for Reinforced Polybutylene Succinate Nanocomposite. In: Proceedings of 5th International Conference and Exhibition Sustainable Energy and Advanced Materials (ICE-SEAM 2017) , 16-19 October 2017 , Melaka, Malaysia. pp. 1-6.. (Published)
Anisah Sajidah, Haji Saud and Mohd Hasbi, Ab. Rahim and Mior Ahmad Khushairi, Mohd Zahari (2017) Synthesis of Sugar Carbonate: A Brief Review. Global Journal of Advanced Research, 4 (2). pp. 37-43. ISSN 2394-5788 . (Published)
Anita, Abdul Rani and Haslinda, Hashim and Fatimah, Ali and Imaduddin, Abidin and Aini, Ahmad (2017) Inculcating spiritual intelligence to enhance students' psychological wellbeing. In: 8th ICEEPSY The International Conference on Education and Educational Psychology , 11-14 October 2017 , Porto Univ, Fac Med, Porto, PORTUGAL. pp. 245-251., XXXI (23). ISSN 2357-1330 (Published)
Anita, Abdul Rani and Imaduddin, Abidin and Aini, Ahmad and Fatimah, Ali and Haslinda, Hashim (2017) Inculcating Spiritual Intelligence to Enhance Students’ Psychological Wellbeing. In: The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences: 8th ICEEPSY The International Conference on Education and Educational Psychology , 11-14 October 2017 , Porto, Portugal. pp. 245-251.. ISSN 2357-1330 (Published)
Ansah, Richard Hannis and Aikhuele, Daniel Osezua and Liu, Yao (2017) Unethical Admissions: Academic Integrity in Question. Science and Engineering Ethics, 23 (4). pp. 1237-1239. ISSN 1353-3452 (Print); 1471-5546 (Online). (Published)
Ansah, Richard Hannis and Sorooshian, Shahryar (2017) Effect of Lean Tools to Control External Environment Risks of Construction Projects. Sustainable Cities and Society, 32. pp. 348-356. ISSN 2210-6707. (Published)
Ansah, Richard Hannis and Sorooshian, Shahryar (2017) Unethical University Operations: Deception in Disguise. International Journal of Ethics Education, 2 (1). pp. 97-98. ISSN 2363-9997 (Print); 2364-0006 (Online). (Published)
Ansah, Richard Hannis and Sorooshian, Shahryar and Shariman, Mustafa and Oluyinka, Oludapo Samson (2017) Constructions Project Management Risks’ Framework. Quality - Access to Success, 18 (158). pp. 90-95. ISSN 1582-2559. (Published)
Anthony Jr, Bokolo and Mazlina, Abdul Majid and Awanis, Romli (2017) A Green information technology governance framework for eco-environmental risk mitigation. Progress in Industrial Ecology, 11 (1). pp. 30-48. ISSN 14768917. (Published)
Anthony Jr, Bokolo and Mazlina, Abdul Majid and Awanis, Romli (2017) Green information technology system practice for sustainable collaborative enterprise: A structural literature review. International Journal of Sustainable Society, 9 (3). pp. 242-272. ISSN 17562538. (Published)
Anuar, Abdul Aziz (2017) Mahasiswa dekati masyarakat dalam Program Pewaris Muda Negara. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Anwar, P. P. Abdul Majeed and Zahari, Taha and A. F. Z., Abidin and Muhammad Aizzat, Zakaria and Ismail, Mohd Khairuddin and M. A. M., Razman and Z., Mohamed (2017) The Control of a Lower Limb Exoskeleton for Gait Rehabilitation: A Hybrid Active Force Control Approach. In: IEEE International Symposium on Robotics and Intelligent Sensors, IRIS 2016 , 17- 20 December 2016 , Hosei UniversityTokyo; Japan. pp. 183-190., 105. ISSN 1877-0509 (Published)
Anwar, P. P. Abdul Majeed and Zahari, Taha and Ismail, Mohd Khairuddin and Mohd Yashim, Wong Paul Tze and Muhammad Amirul, Abdullah and Mohd Azraai, M. Razman (2017) The Control of an Upper-Limb Exoskeleton by Means of a Particle Swarm Optimised Active Force Control for Motor Recovery. In: IFMBE Proceedings: 3rd International Conference on Movement, Health & Exercise (MoHE 2016) , 28-30 September 2016 , Melaka, Malaysia. pp. 56-62., 58. ISBN 978-981-10-3737-5 (Published)
Arafat, Md Yasir (2017) Source apportionment and pollution loading in Lake Chini watershed using multivariate statistical analysis. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Aralapura, Yuvaraj Rajkumar and Lutfor, M. R. and M. M., Yusoff and Kular, Sandeep (2017) Photo-Induced Characteristics of Azobenzene Based Gold Nanoparticles. IET Micro & Nano Letters, 12 (3). pp. 201-204. ISSN 1750-0443. (Published)
Arshad, Sazmal E. and Yusslee, Eddy F. and Lutfor, M. R. and Sarkar, Shaheen M. and Patuwan, Siti Z. (2017) Hydrothermal Synthesis of Free-Template Zeolite T from Kaolin. In: AIP Conference Proceedings: Proceedings of the 3rd Advanced Materials Conference 2016 (3rd AMC 2016) , 28-29 November 2016 , Langkawi, Malaysia. pp. 1-9., 1901 (030004). ISBN 978-0-7354-1589-8 (Published)
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Asiah, Kassim and Fathiah Izzati, Mohammad Fadzillah and Hafizoah, Kassim and Hamizah, Zahari and Mohd Shafiq, Abdul Jabar and Nur Syafawati, Sabuan and Suriya Kumar, Sinnadurai (2017) UHL 2412 English for Academic Communication Module. Other. Centre for Modern Languages and Human Sciences, Kuantan, Pahang.
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Asim, Zeeshan and Sorooshian, Shahryar (2017) Overview On Pakistan R&D Sector In Context Adopting Technological Capabilities. In: Intervarsities Multidisciplinary International Conference 2017 (IMICO 2017) , 21-22 April 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang. pp. 1-6.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Asma Aida, Amin Hafiz (2017) An overview of pavement maintenance practice by local authority and government agency. Faculty of Civil Engineering & Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Asmawati, Sajari and Hasnah, Haron and Ishak, Ismail (2017) Ethical Climate, Chief Integrity Officer and Level of Ethics and Integrity in Malaysian Public Sector. In: Proceedings of the FGIC 1st Conference on Governance & Integrity , 3-4 April 2017 , Yayasan Pahang, Kuantan, Malaysia. pp. 297-307.. ISBN 978-967-2054-37-5 (Published)
Asmawati, Sajari and Hasnah, Haron and Ishak, Ismail (2017) Level of Ethics and Integrity: Case Studies of Malaysian Public Sector Organizations. In: The 12th Asian Academy of Management International Conference (AAMC 2017) , 6-9 October 2017 , Penang, Malaysia. pp. 1-20.. (Published)
Asmida, Ideris and Croiset, Eric and Pritzker, Mark (2017) Ni-samaria-doped Ceria (Ni-SDC) Anode-supported Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) Operating with CO. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 42 (14). pp. 9180-9187. ISSN 0360-3199. (Published)
Asmida, Ideris and Croiset, Eric and Pritzker, Mark and Amin, Ashraf (2017) Direct-methane Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) with Ni-SDC Anode-Supported Cell. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 42 (2017) 23118 e23129, 42. pp. 23118-23129. ISSN 0360-3199. (Published)
Asrol, Awang (2017) Ceria dapat baju baharu. Berita Harian . p. 4.
Asrol, Awang (2017) GASTEP ' Raja Libas'. Harian Metro . p. 55.
Asrol, Awang (2017) UMP ungguli bola jaring. Harian Metro . p. 85.
Asrul, Adam and Zuwairie, Ibrahim and Norrima, Mokhtar and Mohd Ibrahim, Shapiai and Cumming, Paul and Marizan, Mubin (2017) Improving EEG Signal Peak Detection Using Feature Weight Learning of a Neural Network with Random Weights for Eye Event-Related Applications. Sadhana, 42 (5). pp. 1-13. ISSN 0256-2499(print); 0973-7677(online). (Published)
Atnaw, Samson M. and C. K. M., Faizal and Oumer, Abduaziz Jama (2017) Development of Solar Biomass Drying System. In: MATEC Web of Conferences: Engineering Technology International Conference 2016 (ETIC 2016) , 4-5 August 2016 , Ho Chi Mini City, Vietnam. pp. 1-7., 97 (01081). ISSN 2261-236X (Published)
Atnaw, Samson M. and Shaharin, A. Sulaiman and Singh, Lakhveer and Zularisam, A. W. and Wan Faizal, Wan Ishak (2017) Modeling and Parametric Study for Maximizing Heating Value of Gasification Syngas. BioResources, 12 (2). pp. 2548-2564. ISSN 1930-2126 (print); 1930-2126 (online). (Published)
Atnaw, Samson M. and Shaharin Anwar, Sulaiman and Suzana, Yusup (2017) Biomass Gasification. In: Waste Biomass Management - A Holistic Approach. Springer, pp. 159-186. ISBN 978-3-319-49595-8
Atta, Mohammed Thamir (2017) The Effect of Usability and Information Quality on Decision Support Information System (DSS). Arts and Social Sciences Journal, 8 (2). pp. 1-4. ISSN 2151-6200. (Published)
Atyaf Khalid Hammed, Al-Dahan (2017) Preparation and characterization of supported nano-zero valent iron for treatment of organic pollutants in water. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Awad, Omar I. and Ali, Obed Majeed and R., Mamat and Abdul Adam, Abdullah and G., Najafi and M. K., Kamarulzaman and I. M., Yusri and M. M., Noor (2017) Using Fusel Oil as a Blend in Gasoline to Improve SI Engine Efficiencies: A Comprehensive Review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 69. pp. 1232-1242. ISSN 1364-0321. (Published)
Awad, Omar I. and R., Mamat and Ali, Obed M. and Azmi, W. H. and K., Kadirgama and I. M., Yusri and A. M., Leman and Yusaf, T. (2017) Response Surface Methodology (RSM) Based Multi-Objective Optimization of Fusel Oil-Gasoline Blends at Different Water Content in SI Engine. Energy Conversion and Management, 150. pp. 222-241. ISSN 0196-8904. (Published)
Awad, Omar I. and R., Mamat and F., Yusop and M. M., Noor and I. M., Yusri (2017) By-Product Alcohol: Fusel Oil as an Alternative Fuel in Spark Ignition Engine. International Journal of Transport and Vehicle Engineering, 4 (6). p. 267. (Published)
Awad, Omar I. and R., Mamat and Ibrahim, Thamir K. and Obed M., Ali and K., Kadirgama and A. M., Leman (2017) Performance and Combustion Characteristics of an SI Engine Fueled With Fusel Oil-Gasoline at Different Water Content. Applied Thermal Engineering, 123. pp. 1374-1385. ISSN 1359-4311. (Published)
Awad, Omar I. and R., Mamat and M. M., Noor and F., Yusop and I. M., Yusri (2017) The Impacts of Moisture Content on Performance and Emissions of a Four-Cylinder SI Engine Running with Fusel Oil-Gasoline Blends. WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development, 13. pp. 120-128. ISSN 1790-5079 (print); 2224-3496 (online). (Published)
Awad, Omar I. and R., Mamat and M. M., Noor and Ibrahim, Thamir K. and I. M., Yusri (2017) Performance, Combustion Characteristics and Emission Tests of Single Cylinder Engine Running on Fusel Oil - Diesel Blended (F20) Fuel. International Journal of Vehicle Structures & Systems, 9 (3). pp. 195-198. ISSN 0975-3060 (Print); 0975-3540 (Online). (Published)
Awad, Omar I. and R., Mamat and Obed M., Ali and I. M., Yusri and Abdul Adam, Abdullah and Ahmad Fitri, Yusop and M. M., Noor (2017) The Effect of Adding Fusel Oil to Diesel On the Performance and the Emissions Characteristics in a Single Cylinder CI Engine. Journal of the Energy Institute, 90 (3). pp. 382-396. ISSN 1743-9671. (Published)
Awad, Omar I. and R., Mamat and Obed M., Ali and Mohd Fahmi, Othman and Abdul Adam, Abdullah (2017) Experimental Study of Performance and Emissions of Fusel Oil-Diesel Blend in a Single Cylinder Diesel Engine. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 9 (2). pp. 138-142. ISSN 1793-8236 . (Published)
Awad, Omar I. and R., Mamat and Thamir K., Ibrahim and Hagos, F. Y. and M. M., Noor and I. M., Yusri and A. M., Leman (2017) Calorific Value Enhancement of Fusel Oil by Moisture Removal and Its Effect on the Performance and Combustion of a Spark Ignition Engine. Energy Conversion and Management, 137. pp. 86-96. ISSN 0196-8904. (Published)
Awang Shri, Dayangku Noorfazidah and Tsuchiya, Koichi and Yamamoto, Akiko (2017) Corrosion behavior of HPT-deformed TiNi alloys in cell culture medium. In: 4th International Conference on the Advancement of Materials and Nanotechnology (ICAMN 2016) , 9-11 November 2016 , Langkawi. pp. 1-6., 1877 (1). ISSN 0094243X ISBN 978-073541557-7 (Published)
Ayesha, Noor and Yuserrie, Zainuddin and Panig, Shrikant Krupasindhu (2017) Employee’s intention to stay, fit organization and organizational commitment: A conceptual framework. In: International Symposium & Exhibition on Business and Accounting 2017 (ISEBA 2017 , 1 March 2017 , Universiti Tenaga Nasional College of Business Management & Accounting Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah Campus Bandar Muadzam Shah, Pahang Malaysia. . (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Ayodele, Bamidele V. and Khan, Maksudur R. and Cheng, C. K. (2017) Greenhouse Gases Abatement by Catalytic Dry Reforming Of Methane to Syngas over Samarium Oxide-Supported cobalt Catalyst. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. pp. 1-14. ISSN 1735-1472(print); 1735-2630(online). (Published)
Ayodele, Bamidele V. and Nor Shahirah, Mohd Nasir and Khan, Maksudur R. and Cheng, C. K. (2017) Synthesis, Characterization and Catalytic Performance of Ceria-Supported Cobalt Catalyst for Methane Dry Reforming To Syngas. Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences, 21 (1). pp. 248-260. ISSN 1394-2506. (Published)
Ayodele, Bamidele V. and Sureena, Abdullah and Cheng, C. K. (2017) Kinetics and Mechanistic Studies of CO-Rich Hydrogen Production by CH4/CO2 Reforming over Praseodymia Supported Cobalt Catalysts. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 42 (47). pp. 28408-28424. ISSN 0360-3199. (Published)
Ayodele, Freida Ozavize and Liu, Yao and Hasnah, Haron (2017) A Novel Accounting Knowledge Sharing System: A Conceptual Framework. International Journal of Information and Management Sciences (IJIMS), 28 (3). pp. 277-298. ISSN 1017-1819. (Published)
Ayodele, Freida Ozavize and Liu, Yao and Hasnah, Haron (2017) Promoting Ethics and Integrity in Management Academic Research: Retraction Initiative. In: Proceedings of the FGIC 1st Conference on Governance & Integrity , 3-4 April 2017 , Yayasan Pahang, Kuantan, Malaysia. pp. 442-459.. ISBN 978-967-2054-37-5 (Published)
Ayodele, Freida Ozavize and Liu, Yao and Hasnah, Haron (2017) Response Strategies to Disruptive Innovation in Accounting: Knowledge Perspective. In: 29th Asia Pacific Conference On International Accounting Issue (APC 2017) , 5-8 November 2017 , Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. pp. 1-21.. (Published)
Azad, Saiful and Rahman, Md. Arafatur and Asyhari, A. Taufiq and Pathan, Al-Sakib Khan (2017) Crowd Associated Network: Exploiting over a Smart Garbage Management System. IEEE Communications Magazine, 55 (7). pp. 186-192. ISSN 0163-6804. (Published)
Azad, Saiful and Rahman, Musfiq and Ranak, M. S. A. Noman and Ruhee, B. M. F. Kamal and Nisa, N. Nourin and Kabir, Nazrul and Rahman, Md. Arafatur and Jasni, Mohamad Zain (2017) VAP Code: A Secure Graphical Password for Smart Devices. Computers & Electrical Engineering, 59. pp. 99-109. ISSN 0045-7906. (Published)
Azhani, Zukri and Nazir, Ramli and Fatin Nabilah, Mender (2017) An Experimental Study On Stabilization Of Pekan Clay Using Polyethylene And Polypropylene. In: International Conference Of Global Network For Innovative Technology And Awam International Conference In Civil Engineering (IGNITE-AICCE’17) , 8–9 August 2017 , Penang, Malaysia. 030002-1.. ISBN 9780735415744 (Published)
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Azharin Shah, Abd Aziz (2017) Development of water adsorbent from spent bleaching earth for dehydration of azeotrope ethanol- water mixture. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Azhroul, Bah Piyan (2017) The effectiveness of micronized powder and crumb rubbers as fine aggregates replacement in ultra-high performance concrete. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Azilah, Ajit and Ahmad Ziad, Sulaiman and Chisti, Yusuf (2017) Production of Bioethanol by Zymomonas Mobilis in High-gravity Extractive Fermentations. Food and Bioproducts Processing, 102. pp. 123-135. ISSN 0960-3085. (Published)
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Aziz, Amir and Mamat, Rizalman and Abdullah, Abdul Adam and Hagos, Ftwi Yohaness and Ali, Obed Majeed (2017) Performance and NOx emissions of a diesel engine with water injection. , [Research Report] (Unpublished)
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Azizan, Ramli and Mohamad Ezuan, Abdul Jalil (2017) Addressing the Practice of Safety Management in Halal Industry - An Overview and A Step Towards Sustainable Cooperation. International Journal of Engineering Technology And Sciences (IJETS), 8 (1). pp. 1-15. ISSN 2289-697X. (Published)
Azizuddin, Abd Aziz and Daisuke, Sumiyoshi and Yasunori, Akashi (2017) Low Cost Humidity Controlled Air-Conditioning System for Building Energy Savings in Tropical Climate. Journal of Building Engineering, 11. pp. 9-16. ISSN 2352-7102. (Published)
Azizul Qayyum, Basri and N. M. Zuki, N. M. (2017) The study of extended single minute exchange of die (SMED) method in 1200 tonnage tandem press line for operation improvement. In: The Proceedings of the 47th International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering (CIE47) , 11-13 October 2017 , Lisbon, Portugal. pp. 1-7. (149). ISSN 2164-8689 (Published)
Azlan, Abd. Rahman and Rashidi, Abbas (2017) Persepsi masyarakat terhadap program pengimarahan masjid di negeri Pahang: Satu analisis. In: e-Proceeding of the 4th International Conference on Masjid, Zakat and Waqf Management 2017 (IMAF-2017) , 4-5 December 2017 , Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia. pp. 285-295.. ISBN 978-967-13087-3-8 (Published)
Azlan, Ahmad Tajuddin (2017) Solving gate allocation problem (AGAP) using distance-evaluated particle swarm optimization (DEPSO). Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Azlina, Mohd Ariffin (2017) Estudiar Espanol Conmigo (nivel 1). Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang. ISBN 978-967-2054-22-1
Azmi, W. H. (2017) Novel Lubricant Compressor For Automotive Air Conditioning System. In: The Invention & New Product Exposition (INPEX) 2017 , 13-15 June 2017 , Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. p. 1.. (Published)
Azmi, W. H. and H. W., Chiam and N. M., Adam and M. K. A. M., Ariffin (2017) Numerical Study Of Nanofluid Heat Transfer For Different Tube Geometries – A Comprehensive Review On Performance. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 86. pp. 60-70. ISSN 0735-1933. (Published)
Azmi, W. H. and M. Z., Sharif and Yusof, T. M. and R., Mamat and A. A. M., Redhwan (2017) Potential of Nanorefrigerant and Nanolubricant on Energy Saving in Refrigeration System – A Review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 69. pp. 415-428. ISSN 1364-0321. (Published)
Azmi, W. H. and N. A., Usri and R., Mamat and K. V., Sharma and M. M., Noor (2017) Force Convection Heat Transfer of Al2O3 Nanofluids for Different Based Ratio of Water: Ethylene Glycol Mixture. Applied Thermal Engineering, 112. pp. 707-719. ISSN 1359-4311. (Published)
Azmir, Azhari and Zamzuri, Hamedon and Mebrahitom, A. (2017) A study on Wire Breakage in Electrical Discharge Machining of Polyurethane Foam. In: Materials Today: Proceedings, 6th International Conference of Materials Processing and Characterization (ICMPC 2016) , 5-7 December 2016 , Hyderabad, India. pp. 5222-5227., 4 (4). ISSN 2214-7853 (Published)
Azoddein, Abdul Aziz Mohd and Yunus, Rosli Mohd (2017) Characterization of enzyme produced by Pseudomonas putida in treating mercury form petrochemical wastewater. , [Research Report] (Unpublished)
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Azrina, M. Ralib and Fatimah, Dzaharudin and Mohd Basri, Mat Nor (2017) 025 Estimates of glomerular filtration rate in the critically ill with sepsis. Kidney International Reports, 2 (4 Supp). pp. 33-34. ISSN 2468-0249. (Published)
Azwin Arif, Abdul Rahim and Mohamed Amin, Embi and Rosseni, Din and Supyan, Hussin and Norazah, Mohd Nordin and Nor Yazi, Khamis and Mohd Shafeirul Zaman, Abd Majid (2017) Confirmation of elements in mobile language learning framework for engineering and technology. In: Malaysian International Conference On Academic Strategies In English Language Teaching , 1-2 November 2017 , IDCC, Shah Alam Selangor. pp. 1-12.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Azza Nurshafira, Zul' Azman (2017) Potential impact of bauxite mining activity on water quality at Sungai Penggorak, Kuantan catchment area. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Azziatul Khadijah, Ibrahim (2017) Assessment of heavy metal contamination in soil due to landfill leachate and industrial wastewater. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
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Baarath, Kunjunni and Muhammad Aizzat, Zakaria and Suparmaniam, M. V. and Mohd Yazid, Abu (2017) Platooning Strategy of Mobile Robot: Simulation and Experiment. In: MATEC Web of Conferences: The 2nd International Conference on Automotive Innovation and Green Vehicle (AiGEV 2016) , 2-3 August 2016 , Malaysia Automotive Institute, Cyberjaya, Selangor. pp. 1-13., 90 (01060). ISSN 2261-236X (Published)
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Bagaber, Salem Abdullah and A. R., Yusoff (2017) Multi-Objective Optimization of Cutting Parameters to Minimize Power Consumption in Dry Turning of Stainless Steel 316. Journal of Cleaner Production, 157. pp. 30-46. ISSN 0959-6526 (print), 1879-1786 (online). (Published)
Bagaber, Salem Abdullah and A. R., Yusoff (2017) A comparative study on performance of CBN inserts when turning steel under dry and wet conditions. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research (ICMER2017) , 1-2 August 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-11., 257 (012041). ISSN 1757-899X (Published)
Bagaber, Salem Abdullah and Abdullahi, Tijjani and Zawati, Harun and Daib, Nateq and Mohd Hafiz Dzarfan, Othman (2017) The Effect of Lanthanum Addition on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of A390 Aluminium Alloy. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 42 (11). pp. 4559-4564. ISSN 1319-8025 (print); 2191-4281 (online). (Published)
Bahaaddein, K. M. Mahgoub and Suhaimi, Hasan and S. A., Sulaiman and R., Mamat and Abdul Adam, Abdullah and Hagos, F. Y. (2017) Combustion and Performance of Syngas Dual Fueling in a CI Engine with Blended Biodiesel as Pilot Fuel. BioResources, 12 (3). pp. 5617-5631. ISSN 1930-2126 (print); 1930-2126 (online). (Published)
Bahagian Perancangan dan Pembangunan, Perpustakaan (2017) Poster: Khasiat herba penyembuh ajaib. Perpustakaan Universiti Malaysia Pahang. (Unpublished)
Bahamid, Rami A. and Doh, Shu Ing (2017) A Review of Risk Management Process in Construction Projects of Developing Countries. In: The Global Congress on Construction, Material and Structural Engineering 2017 (GCoMSE 2017) , 28-29 August 2017 , Johor Bahru, Malaysia. pp. 1-8.. (Published)
Baitule, Akshay Suhas and Sudhakar, K. (2017) Solar Powered Green Campus: A Simulation Study. International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies, 12 (4). pp. 400-410. ISSN 1748-1325. (Published)
Bakr, Zinab H. and Wali, Qamar and Azhar, Fakharuddin and Schmidt-Mende, Lukas and Brown, Thomas M. and Rajan, Jose (2017) Advances In Hole Transport Materials Engineering For Stable And Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells. Nano Energy, 34. pp. 271-305. ISSN 2211-2855. (Published)
Balansundram, Vekes and Norazana, Ibrahim and Rafiziana, M. Kasman and Mohd Kamarudin, Abd Hamid and Ruzinah, Isha and Hasrinah, Hasbullah and Roshafima, Rasit Ali (2017) Catalytic Pyrolysis of Coconut Copra and Rice Husk for Possible Maximum Production of Bio-Oil. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 56. pp. 1177-1182. ISSN 2283-9216. (Published)
Balansundram, Vekes and Norazana, Ibrahim and Ruzinah, Isha and Rafiziana, Md Kasmani and Mohd Kamarudin, Abd Hamid and Hasrinah, Hasbullah and Roshafima, Rasit Ali (2017) The Effect of Catalyst Loading (Ni-Ce/Al2O3) on Coconut Copra Pyrolysis via Thermogravimetric Analyzer. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 56. pp. 901-906. ISSN 2283-9216. (Published)
Balasundram, Vekes and Norazana, Ibrahim and Ruzinah, Isha and Mohd Dinie Huhaimin, Samsudin and Rafiziana, Md. Kasmani and Mohd. Kamaruddin, Abd. Hamid and Hasrinah, Hasbullah (2017) Thermogravimetric studies on the catalytic Pyrolysis of rice husk. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 56. pp. 427-432. ISSN 2283-9216. (Published)
Baridula, Ravinder Reddy and Abdullah, Ibrahim and C. K. M., Faizal and Kulkarni, Ratnakar and Ramaraju, Ramgopal Varma (2017) Influence of groove size and reinforcements addition on mechanical properties and microstructure of friction stir welded joints. In: 4th Asia Pacific Conference on Manufacturing Systems and the 3rd International Manufacturing Engineering Conference, APCOMS-iMEC 2017 , 7-8 December 2017 , Yogyakarta, Indonesia. pp. 1-8., 319 (1). ISSN 1757-8981 (Print), 1757-899X (Online) (Published)
Baridula, Ravinder Reddy and C. K. M., Faizal and Ramaraju, Ramgopal Varma and Abdullah, Ibrahim (2017) Effect of Welding Speed on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties due to The Deposition of Reinforcements on Friction Stir Welded Dissimilar Aluminium Alloys. In: MATEC Web of Conferences: 8th International Conference on Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering 2017 (ICME’17) , 22-23 July 2017 , Langkawi, Malaysia. pp. 1-11., 135 (00039). ISSN 261-236X (Published)
Baridula, Ravinder Reddy and Ramaraju, Ramgopal Varma and C. K. M., Faizal and Abdullah, Ibrahim (2017) Effect of Groove Size on Mechanical Properties and Microstructure Due to Reinforcement Addition in Friction Stir Welded Dissimilar Alloys. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 12 (20). pp. 5671-5676. ISSN 1819-6608. (Published)
Basheer, Esmail Abdullah Mohammed and Abdulbari, Hayder A. (2017) Study on the Effects of Electrode and Microchannel Sizes on the Performance of MBEB. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 10 (2). pp. 1-4. ISSN 0974-6846 (Print); 0974-5645 (Online). (Published)
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Basir, Zahrom (2017) Hasilkan cecair pembunuh kuman guna daun sirih. Berita Harian . p. 4.
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Bastian Wibar, Momang (2017) Development of portable checking fixture device for automotive quality-confirmation inspection. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Bawadi, Abdullah and Nur Azeanni, Abd Ghani and Vo, Dai-Viet N. (2017) Recent Advances in Dry Reforming of Methane Over Ni-Based Catalysts. Journal of Cleaner Production, 162. pp. 170-185. ISSN 0959-6526. (Published)
Bayu, Triwibowo and Haniif, Prasetiawan and Anwaruddin, Hisyam and Mohammad Fariz, Fauzan and Muhammad Habib Fahd, Rizky (2017) Modeling and Simulation of Steady State Model Approach for Horizontal Three Phase Separator (HTPS). In: 5th Engineering International Conference on Education, Concept, and Application of Green Technology, EIC 2016 , 5-6 Oktober 2016 , Patra Jasa Hotel Semarang; Indonesia. pp. 1-6., 1818 (020062). ISSN 0094-243X ISBN 978-073541486-0 (Published)
Beg, M. D.H. and Yunus, Rosli Mohd and Bijarimi, Mohd (2017) Improvement of dispersion of different carbon nanotubes (CNTS) in liquid polymer resin for composites. , [Research Report] (Unpublished)
Beh, Khi Khim and Fahmi, Samsuri and Lee, Lai Seng and Ooi, Su Guan and Ong, Wei Jie and Khairudin, Mohamed (2017) The fabrication of microelectrode array biochip on PET using plate-to-plate NIL. In: AIP Conference Proceedings, 3rd International Conference of Global Network for Innovative Technology 2016: Advanced Materials for Innovative Technologies (IGNITE 2016) , 27-29 January 2016 , Penang, Malaysia. pp. 1-2., 1865 (070001). ISSN 0094-243X ISBN 9780735415454 (Published)
Benjunior, B. and A. H., Ahmad and Mohd Rashidi, Maarof and Mohamed Reza Zalani, Mohamed Suffian (2017) Effect of Different Cooling Rates Condition on Thermal Profile and Microstructure of Aluminium 6061. Procedia Engineering, 184. pp. 298-305. ISSN 1877-7058. (Published)
Benraghda, Abdelmadjid and Noor Raha, Mohd Radzuan (2017) Self-Appraisal among Engineering Undergraduates in Delivering Technical Oral Presentation in a Public University of Malaysia. International Journal of English and Education, 6 (3). pp. 114-121. ISSN 2278-4012. (Published)
Benraghda, Abdelmadjid and Noor Raha, Mohd Radzuan and Zuraina, Ali (2017) Impediments to Delivering Oral Presentations in English among Malaysian ESP Undergraduates. English for Specific Purposes World (53). pp. 1-13. ISSN 1682-3257. (Published)
Benraghda, Abdelmadjid and Zuraina, Ali and Noor Raha, Mohd Radzuan (2017) Beliefs of the International University Students towards Performing English Oral Presentation in Academic Settings. “Pilot study”. English for Specific Purposes World (53). pp. 1-7. ISSN 1682-3257. (Published)
Bilal, Muhammad and Norhayati, Rosli and Ahmad, Iftikhar and Ullah, Safi (2017) Numerical Solution of Second Order Delay Type Differential equation by Collocation Method via First Boubeker Polynomials. Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 13 (9). pp. 6571-6582. ISSN 0973-1768. (Published)
Bishoyi, Deepak and Sudhakar, K. (2017) Experimental Performance of a Direct Evaporative Cooler in Composite Climate of India. Energy and Buildings, 153. pp. 190-200. ISSN 0378-7788. (Published)
Bishoyia, Deepak and Sudhakar, K. (2017) Modeling and Performance Simulation of 100 MW PTC Based Solar Thermal Power Plant in Udaipur India. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 10. pp. 216-226. ISSN 2214-157X. (Published)
Biswas, Tapan Kumar and Yuvaraj, A. R. and Sarkar, Shaheen M. and Muhammad Nor Fazli, Abd Malek and M. M., Yusoff and Arsad, Sazmal E. and Lutfor, M. R. (2017) Synthesis and Characterization of New Liquid Crystals Embedded Gold Nanoparticles for Photoswitching Properties. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters, 9 (2). pp. 100-108. ISSN 1941-4900. (Published)
Bokolo, Anthony Jnr and Mazlina, Abdul Majid (2017) An agent based green decision making model for sustainable information technology governance. Advanced Science Letters, 23 (11). pp. 11114-11118. ISSN 1936-6612. (Published)
Bokolo, Anthony Jnr. and Awanis, Romli and Mazlina, Abdul Majid (2017) An Agent Based Green Assessment System Architecture for Sustainable Practice Implementation among IT Practitioners in University Campuses. In: The 8th International Conference on Information Technology , 17-18 May 2017 , Amman, Jordan. pp. 17-25.. ISBN 978-1-5090-6332-1 (Published)
Boon, Jia Geng and Rokiah, Hashim and Othman, Sulaiman and Sugimoto, Tomoko and Sato, Masatoshi and Nurjannah, Salim and M. H. M., Amini and Sitti Fatimah, M. R. and Nor Izaida, Ibrahim (2017) Importance of Lignin on the Properties of Binderless Particleboard Made From Oil Palm Trunk. ARPN Journal of Engineering & Applied Sciences, 12 (1). pp. 33-40. ISSN 1819-6608. (Published)
Bryan Andrew, Balasan (2017) Synthesis and characterization of polyvinyl alcoholcerium (III) acetate nanofiber composites of various ratio of [OH-]:[Ce3+]. Faculty of Industrial Sciences and Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Btoush, Mohammed and Ahmad Tarmizi, Haron (2017) Minimizing Delays in the Jordanian Construction Industry by Adopting BIM Technology. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Global Congress on Construction, Material and Structural Engineering 2017 (GCoMSE2017) , 28-29 August 2017 , Johor Bahru, Malaysia. pp. 1-8., 271 (012041). ISSN 1757-899X (Published)
Btoush, Mohammed and Ahmad Tarmizi, Haron (2017) Understanding BIM Adoption in the AEC Industry: The Case of Jordan. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Global Congress on Construction, Material and Structural Engineering 2017 (GCoMSE2017) , 28-29 August 2017 , Johor Bahru, Malaysia. pp. 1-8., 271 (012044). ISSN 1757-899X (Published)
C. C., Chong and A. H. K., Owgi and N. Aini, Razali and Chin, S. Y. and Setiabudi, H. D. (2017) CO2 Reforming of CH4 Over Ni/SBA-15 Prepared by Surfactant-Assisted Impregnation Method: Comparative Study of Surfactant Types. In: The 3rd International Conference on Green Chemical Engineering and Technology (3rd GCET) , 7-8 November 2017 , Melaka, Malaysia. p. 1.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Chahal, Sugandha and Jahir Hussain, Fathima Shahitha and M. M., Yusoff and Mohammad Syaiful Bahari, Abdull Rasad and Anuj, Kumar (2017) Nanohydroxyapatite-coated Hydroxyethyl Cellulose/poly (vinyl) Alcohol Electrospun Scaffolds and Their Cellular Response. International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials, 66 (3). pp. 115-122. ISSN 0091-4037(Print); 1563-535X(Online). (Published)
Chaker, Mhamdi and Al-Emran, Mostafa and Salloum, Said A. (2017) Text mining and analytics a case study from news channels posts on Facebook. In: Intelligent Natural Language Processing: Trends and Applications. Springer, Berlin, Germany, pp. 399-415. ISBN 9783319670560
Chala, G. T. and A. R. A., Aziz and Hagos, F. Y. (2017) Combined Effect of Boost Pressure and Injection Timing on the Performance and Combustion of CNG in a DI Spark Ignition Engine. International Journal of Automotive Technology, 18 (1). pp. 85-96. ISSN 1229-9138. (Published)
Chan, Chung Hoong and M. A., Ameedeen (2017) Boyer-Moore horspool algorithm used in content management system of data fast searching. Advanced Science Letters, 23 (11). 11387 -11390. ISSN 1936-6612. (Published)
Chan, Kien Chong (2017) Finite element analysis (FEA) of RC beams reinforced with natural fiber woven mats by abaqus. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Chan, Shi Jing and Bayuaji, Luhur and Rosdiyana, Samad and Mahfuzah, Mustafa and Nor Rul Hasma, Abdullah and Zainah, Md. Zain and Pebrianti, Dwi (2017) Fault Detection and Isolation for Complex System. In: AIP Conference Proceedings: Proceeding of the 3rd International Conference of Global Network for Innovative Technology 2016 (3rd IGNITE-2016) , 27-29 January 2016 , Penang, Malaysia. pp. 1-6., 1865 (070010). ISBN 978-0-7354-1545-4 (Published)
Chan, Shi Jing and Pebrianti, Dwi and Goh, Ming Qian and Bayuaji, Luhur (2017) Fault Detection in Quadrotor MAV. In: 7th IEEE International Conference on System Engineering and Technology (ICSET 2017) , 2-3 October 2017 , Shah Alam, Malaysia. pp. 65-70.. ISSN 2470-640X (Published)
Chan, Shi Jing and Pebrianti, Dwi and M. F., Abas and Bayuaji, Luhur (2017) Fault Tolerance For Two Wheel Mobile Robot Using FSM (Finite State Machine). International Journal of Software Engineering & Computer Sciences (IJSECS), 3. pp. 106-119. ISSN 2289-8522. (Published)
Chan, Tian Xian (2017) Application of 1-D analytical solution for salt intrusion investigation in the Belat Estuary. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Chan, Yi Lin and Fahmiruddin, Esa and You, Kok Yeow and Sim, Man Seng and Mohd Zul Hilmi, Mayzan and Mohamad Ashry, Jusoh (2017) Electromagnetic properties of magnetite/epoxy resin composites at X-band frequency. In: Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS - FALL 2017) , 19-22 November 2017 , Singapore. pp. 3004-3010., 2017. ISSN 1559-9450 ISBN 978-153861211-8 (Published)
Chang, Yong En (2017) Control of wheeled mobile robot in restricted environment. Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Che Fatin Fatiha, Che Man (2017) Study on the impact of mining and agricultural activities on Tasik Chini water quality. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Chee, Fang Lit (2017) Development of robot kit for visually impaired. Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Chee, Ghuan Tan and Wei, Ting Chia and Taksiah, A. Majid and Fadzli, Mohamed Nazri and M. I., Adiyanto (2017) Soft Storey Effects on Plastic Hinge Propagation of Moment Resisting Reinforced Concrete Building Subjected to Ranau Earthquake. In: AIP Conference Proceeding: Proceedings of the International Conference of Global Network for Innovative Technology and AWAM International Conference in Civil Engineering (IGNITE-AICCE’17) , 8-9 August 2017 , Penang, Malaysia. pp. 1-8., 1892 (120007). ISBN 978-0-7354-1574-4 (Published)
Chee, W. K. and Lim, H. N. and Z., Zainal and Harrison, I. and Huang, N. M. and Andou, Y. and Chong, Kwok Feng and Pandikumar, A. (2017) Electrospun Nanofiber Membranes as Ultrathin Flexible Supercapacitors. RSC Advances, 7 (20). pp. 12033-12040. ISSN 2046-2069. (Published)
Cheng, Ching Yee (2017) The analysis of conversion words in HSK Level 1 vocabulary list. In: 1st ASEAN Academic Conference on Teaching Chinese , 16-17 February 2017 , Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. . (Published)
Cheng, Jack Kie and Fazeeda, Mohamad (2017) From The Magic Tree: Oud to Look Good, Smell Good & Feel Good (Fragrance & Perfume Part 3). Living Malaysia .
Cheng, Jack Kie and Sorooshian, Shahryar and Zainab, A. Malik (2017) Understanding the interrelationship between different knowledge areas in PMBOK through the development of system dynamics model. The Social Sciences, 12 (3). pp. 473-481. ISSN 1818-5800 (Print); 1993-6125 (Online). (Published)
Cheng, Yoke Wang and Chang, Ying Shi and Ng, Kim Hoong and Wu, Ta Yeong and Cheng, C. K. (2017) Photocatalytic Restoration of Liquid Effluent from Oil Palm Agroindustry in Malaysia using Tungsten Oxides Catalyst. Journal of Cleaner Production, 162. pp. 205-219. ISSN 0959-6526 (print), 1879-1786 (online). (Published)
Cheow, Shek Hong (2017) Development of electronic kit for respiratory for detecting asthma. Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Chia, Vi Vien (2017) Production of L-asparaginase through biodegradation of chicken bone wastes. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Chiam, H. W. and Azmi, W. H. and Usri, N. A. and R., Mamat and N. M., Adam (2017) Thermal Conductivity and Viscosity Of Al2o3 Nanofluids for Different Based Ratio of Water and Ethylene Glycol Mixture. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 81. pp. 420-429. ISSN 0894-1777. (Published)
Chiam, Kee Swan and Mohammad Musab, Azmat Ali and Nor Ashikin, Abdul Aziz and Normala, Samsudin and Ruhil Amal, Azmuddin and Farah Liyana, Ahmad A’azmey (2017) English For Technical Communication 2.0. UHL2422. Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang. ISBN 978-967-0691-88-6
Chiang, Xin Yi (2017) Potential of cellulose tri acetate (CTA) membrane for seawater treatment by forward osmosis. Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Chin, S. Y. (2017) UMP dan INSTEP bakal berkolaborasi tawar program kejuruteraan kimia. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Chin, Siew Choo and Foo, Sheng Tong and Doh, Shu Ing and Jolius, Gimbun and Yuen, Kei Foo and Siregar, J. P. (2017) Potential External Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Beam Using Natural Fiber Composite Plate. In: 3rd International Conference on Civil, Architectural, Structural and Constructional Engineering (ICCASCE 2017) , 14-16 July 2017 , Seoul, Korea. . (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Chin, Sim Yee and Abdulbari, Hayder A. and Cheng, Chin Kui (2017) Kinetics and mass transfer of esterification of acrylic acid with 2-ethyl hexanol in a tubular packed bed reactor. , [Research Report] (Unpublished)
Chong, Chee Keong (2017) Hot cold tumbler. Faculty of Engineering Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Chong, Soo Ling (2017) Preparation and characterization of H3PO4-modified cerium oxide catalysts for ethylene production from ethanol dehydration. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Chong, Soo Ling and Soh, Jiah Chee and Cheng, C. K. (2017) Production of Ethylene From Ethanol Dehydration Over H3PO4-Modified Cerium Oxide Catalysts = Penghasilan Etilena Daripada Pendehidratan Etanol Dengan Mangkin Serium Oksida Terubahsuai H3PO4. Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences, 21 (4). pp. 839-848. ISSN 1394-2506. (Published)
Chong, Wei Jian and M. Z., Ibrahim and Thum, Wei Seong and Ting, Ei Wei and Sabira, Khatun (2017) Embedded Character Recognition System using Random Forest Algorithm for IC Inspection System. Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering, 10 (1-3). pp. 121-125. ISSN 2289-8131. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Choon, Sen Seah and Shahreen, Kasim and Mohd Farhan, Md Fudzee and Jeffrey Mark, Law Tze Ping and Mohd Saberi, Mohamad and Saedudin, Rd Rohmat and Mohd Arfian, Ismail (2017) An Enhanced Topologically Significant Directed Random Walk in Cancer Classification using Gene Expression Datasets. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 24 (8). pp. 1828-1841. ISSN 1319-562X. (Published)
Chowdhury, M. A. and Debnath, U. K. and Mia, M. S. and Nuruzzaman, D. M. (2017) Experimental and characterisation of eroded surfaces of T-glass fibre embedded in polyester matrix. International Journal of Materials Engineering Innovation, 8 (3-4). pp. 159-172. ISSN 1757-2754. (Published)
Chowdhury, M. A. and Debnath, U. K. and Nuruzzaman, D. M. and Islam, Monirul (2017) Erosion of Mild Steel for Engineering Design and Applications. Journal of Bio- and Tribo-Corrosion, 3 (3). pp. 1-17. ISSN 2198-4220(print); 2198-4239(online). (Published)
Chowdhury, Mohammad Asaduzzaman and Debnath, Uttam Kumar and Nuruzzaman, D. M. and Islam, Md. Monirul (2017) Study of Erosive Surface Characterization of Copper Alloys under Different Test Conditions. Surfaces and Interfaces, 9. pp. 245-259. ISSN 2468-0230. (Published)
Christina, Andin and Hafizah, Harun and Rohana, Hamzah and Khalid, Johari (2017) I don’t want to be a teacher: Factors restricting male students from entering the teaching profession. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 25 ((S) May). pp. 21-32. ISSN 0128-7702. (Published)
Chua, Gek Kee and Nur Anis, Mohamad Ariff (2017) Lipopolysaccharide Induces The Production Of Diagnostic Monoclonal Antibody By Hybridoma Cells Against Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 12 (11). pp. 2939-2951. ISSN 1823-4690. (Published)
Chua, Zhen Yang (2017) A study on spent coffee ground as cement admixtures. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Conie, Toh and Mohd Hairul, Ab. Rahim and Nooraini, Mohd. Ain and Namasivayam, Parameswari and Rusea, Go and Nur Ashikin, Psyquay Abdullah and Meilina Ong, Abdullah and Janna Ong, Abdullah (2017) Floral micromorphology and transcriptome analyses of a fragrant Vandaceous Orchid, Vanda Mimi Palmer, for its fragrance production sites. BMC Research Notes, 10 (554). pp. 1-10. ISSN 1756-0500. (Published)
D., Devandran and A. N., Oumer and N. T., Rao and F., Basrawi and Hassan, Ibrahim (2017) Investigation on Effect of Some Operating Conditions on Flow and Heat Transfer of Supercritical Co2 In Helical Coiled Tubes Via Multilevel Factorial Methodology. Malaysian Journal of Industrial Technology, 2 (2). pp. 23-30. ISSN 2462-2540. (Published)
D., Ramasamy and C.Y., Goh and K., Kadirgama and F., Benedict and M. M., Noor and G., Najafi and A., P.Carlucci (2017) Engine Performance, Exhaust Emission And Combustion Analysis Of A 4-Stroke Spark Ignited Engine Using Dual Fuel Injection. Fuel, 207. pp. 719-728. ISSN 0016-2361. (Published)
D., Ramasamy and K., Kadirgama and M. M., Noor (2017) Experiments on Dissimilar Valve Lift (DVL) for Turbulence Increment on a Bi-Fuel Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Engine. Defect and Diffusion Forum, 370. pp. 19-28. ISSN 1662-9507. (Published)
D., Ramasamy and Kaaliarasan, Ramachandran and G., Kadirgama and K., Kadirgama and Mahendran, Samykano and W. H., Azmi and M. M., Noor and M. M., Rahman (2017) Experimental investigation and empirical model development of thermal conductivity for cellulose nanocrystal (CNC) based nanofluid. In: 25th International Conference on Composites/Nano-Engineering (ICCE-25) , 15-23 May 2017 , Rome, Italy. pp. 1-4.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
D., Ramasamy and Kaaliarasan, Ramachandran and K., Kadirgama and Mahendran, Samykano and W. H., Azmi and M. M., Noor and M. M., Rahman (2017) Investigation of Dynamic Viscosity Through Experiment and Correlation Determination through Response Surface Methodology for Cellulose Nanocrystal (Cnc) Dispersed in Ethylene Glycol-Water Mixture. In: 25th International Conference on Composites/Nano-Engineering (ICCE-25) , 15-23 May 2017 , Rome, Italy. pp. 1-3.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
D., Ramasamy and Mohanesan, K and K., Kadirgama and M. M., Noor and M. M., Rahman (2017) Hybrid Electric Vehicle Car Body Drag Analysis using Computational Fluid Dynamics. International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering (IJAME), 14 (3). pp. 4496-4507. ISSN 1985-9325(Print); 2180-1606 (Online). (Published)
Damhuji, Rifai (2017) Response surface and neuro fuzzy methodology for rotating magnetic field and GMR array sensor for crack detection in ferromagnetic pipe. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Damhuji, Rifai and Abdalla, Ahmed N. and Ramdan, Razali and Kharudin, Ali and Faraj, Moneer A. (2017) An Eddy Current Testing Platform System for Pipe Defect Inspection Based on an Optimized Eddy Current Technique Probe Design. Sensors, 17 (3). pp. 1-24. ISSN 1424-8220. (Published)
Dandang, N. A. N. and W. S., Wan Harun and Nur Zalikha, Khalil and A. H., Ahmad and F. R. M., Romlay and N. A., Johari (2017) Paraffin Wax Removal from Metal Injection Moulded Cocrmo Alloy Compact by Solvent Debinding Process. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research (ICMER2017) , 1-2 August 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-10., 257 (012020). ISSN 1757-899X (Published)
Dandang, N. A. N. and W. S., Wan Harun and Nur Zalikha, Khalil and A. H., Ahmad and F. R. M., Romlay and N. A., Johari (2017) Paraffin wax removal from metal injection moulded cocrmo alloy compact by solvent debinding process. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research (ICMER2017) , 1-2 August 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-11., 257 (012020). ISSN 1757-8981 (Published)
Daneshfozoun, S. and Redza, Reedzwan and Vo, Dai-Viet N. and Ramli, Nasser Mohamed and Abdullah, M. Azmuddin and Abdullah, Bawadi (2017) Adsorption Kinetics of Pb(II) Ions from Aqueous Solution using Modified Magnetic Nano-Composite of OPEFB. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 10 (11). pp. 1-5. ISSN (Print) : 0974-6846 ; (Online) : 0974-5645. (Published)
Das, Debashish and Sadiq, Ali Safa and Mirjalili, Seyedali (2017) Stock prediction by applying hybrid Clustering-GWO-NARX neural network technique. In: The 6th International Conference on Computer Science and Computational Mathematics (ICCSCM 2017) , 4-5 May 2017 , Langkawi, Malaysia. pp. 1-8.. (Published)
Das, Debashish and Sadiq, Ali Safa and Mirjalili, Seyedali and Noraziah, Ahmad (2017) Hybrid clustering-GWO-NARX neural network technique in predicting stock price. In: 6th International Conference on Computer Science and Computational Mathematics, ICCSCM 2017 , 4-5 May 2017 , Langkawi, Malaysia. pp. 1-14., 892 (012018). ISSN 1742-6596(Print); 1742-6588(Online) (Published)
Das, Debashish and Sadiq, Ali Safa and Noraziah, Ahmad and Lloret, Jaime (2017) Stock Market Prediction with Big Data Through Hybridization of Data Mining and Optimized Neural Network Techniques. Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing, 29 (1-2). pp. 157-181. ISSN 1542-3980(print); 1542-3999(online). (Published)
Deb, Anjan and Ferdous, Jannatul and Ferdous, Kaniz and Uddin, M. Rakib and Khan, Maksudur R. and Rahman, Md. Wasikur (2017) Prospect of Castor Oil Biodiesel in Bangladesh: Process Development and Optimization Study. International Journal of Green Energy, 14 (12). pp. 1063-1072. ISSN 1543-5075(print); 1543-5083(online). (Published)
Debbarmaa, Mary and Sudhakar, K. and Baredar, Prashant (2017) Thermal Modeling, Exergy Analysis, Performance of BIPV and BIPVT: A Review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 73. pp. 1276-1288. ISSN 1364-0321. (Published)
Debnath, U. K. and Chowdhury, M. A. and Nuruzzaman, D. M. (2017) The Experimental Characteristics and Evaluation of Nylon-12 in Erosion Process. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 45 (3). pp. 773-787. ISSN 0090-3973. (Published)
Deepak, Bishoyi and Sudhakar, K. (2017) Modeling and Performance Simulation of 100 MW LFR Based Solar Thermal Power Plant in Udaipur India. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 10. pp. 216-226. ISSN 2214-157X. (Published)
Deshmukh, Vaibhav N. and Radhakrishnan, S. and Kulkarni, R. R. (2017) Investigations on Thermal Conductivity, Heat Transfer Coefficient and Viscosity of Graphite Nanoparticle Dispersed Nanofluid. Journal of Nanofluids, 6 (6). pp. 1008-1016. ISSN 2169-432X (Print); 2169-4338 (Online) . (Published)
Dhanushkodi, S. and Wilson, Vincent H. and Sudhakar, K. (2017) Mathematical modeling of drying behavior of cashew in a solar biomass hybrid dryer. Resource-Efficient Technologies, 3 (4). pp. 359-364. ISSN 2405-6537. (Published)
Diana Surya, Abd Wahab (2017) Ambil peluang bangunkan sahsiah diri. Sinar Harian . p. 35.
Diana Surya, Abd Wahab (2017) Berjaya cipta produk bunuh jentik-jentik. Sinar Harian . p. 36.
Diana Surya, Abd Wahab (2017) Dengar pandangan orang muda. Sinar Harian . p. 15.
Diana Surya, Abd Wahab (2017) Graduan UMP diingat hayati nilai murni. Sinar Harian . p. 41.
Diana Surya, Abd Wahab (2017) Ibu terima ijazah anak. Sinar Harian . p. 41.
Diana Surya, Abd Wahab (2017) 'Saya tak pernah terlibat urusan tender'. Sinar Harian .
Diana Surya, Abd Wahab (2017) Seronok berpuasa di perantauan. Sinar Harian . p. 36.
Diana Surya, Abd Wahab (2017) UMP rangkul anugerah di London. Sinar Harian . p. 35.
Diana Surya, Abd Wahab (2017) Ubah wajah Kuala Pahang. SInar Harian . p. 25.
Din, Fakhrud and Kamal Z., Zamli (2017) Fuzzy adaptive teaching learning-based optimization strategy for pairwise testing. In: 7th IEEE International Conference on System Engineering and Technology (ICSET 2017) , 2-3 October 2017 , Shah Alam; Malaysia. pp. 17-22.. ISBN 978-153860383-3 (Published)
Dinie Amni, Mahamud (2017) Earthquake resistance and structural performance of steel warehouse under Acheh and El Centro excitation. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Diyana, Kamarudin (2017) Cases on Sampling in the Business Setting. In: Collection of Teaching Cases for Business Administration Studies. Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang, pp. 60-68. ISBN 978-967-2054-50-4
Diyana, Kamarudin (2017) Methodology (Technology). Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang. ISBN 978-967-2054-15-3
Doh, Shu Ing and Muhammad Aizat, Azed (2017) Influence of Burning Method of Sewage Sludge Ash on ESP-SSA Mortar Brick Mechanical Properties. In: DSG International Conference On Engineering (DICE 2017) , 18-20 September 2017 , Kuala Lumpur. pp. 1-5.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Doh, Shu Ing and Muhammad Aizat, Azed and Chin, Siew Choo (2017) A comparative study on different burning method of sewage sludge ash in mortar brick with eggshell powder as additive. In: 3rd International Conference on Construction and Building Engineering: Smart Construction Towards Global Challenges, ICONBUILD 2017 , 14-17 August 2017 , Palembang; Indonesia. pp. 1-12., 1903. ISSN 0094243X ISBN 978-073541591-1 (Published)
Dzulqarnain, Abu Bakar (2017) Improvising the integral approach model to address OSHMS leadership challenges at a Malaysian pipe coating facility. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Edham, Amirul and Saifful Kamaluddin, Muzakir and Jamil, Ismail and M. M., Yusoff and Rajan, Jose (2017) A Heat Capacity Model of T 3/2 Dependence for Quantum Dots. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19. pp. 408-418. ISSN 1463-9076 (print), 1463-9084 (online). (Published)
Edriyana, Abd Aziz and Syazwan, N. Moni and Marlinda, Abdul Malek and Iqmal, H. Hadi and Nabil F., Zulkifli (2017) Water supply treatment sustainability of semambu water supply treatment process - water footprint approach. In: Malaysian Technical Universities Conference on Engineering and Technology (MUCET 2017) , 6-7 December 2017 , Penang, Malaysia. pp. 1-6.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Ei Wei., Ting and M. Z., Ibrahim and D.J., Mulvaney (2017) Finger vein verification system using repeated line tracking and dimensionality reduction using PCA algorithms with SURF matching. In: 7th ICATSE International Conference On It Convergence And Security, 2017 , 24-29 September 2017 , Seoul, South Korea. pp. 1-8.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Elfira, Anuar and Syed Mohd Saufi, Tuan Chik and Mazrul Nizam, Abu Seman and Hafizuddin, Wan Yussof and Ahmad Fauzi, Ismail (2017) Thin Film Composite Hollow Fiber Membrane for Separation in Biorefinery. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 56. pp. 1099-1104. ISSN 2283-9216. (Published)
Elghool, Ali and F., Basrawi and Hassan, Ibrahim and Thamir Khalil, Ibrahim (2017) Investigation on the performance of a prototype of thermo-electric generation with heat pipe-heat sink. In: UTP-UMP Symposium on Energy Systems, SES 2017 , 26-27 September 2017 , Perak, Malaysia. pp. 1-7., 131. ISSN 2261236X (Published)
Emyra Ezzaty, Masiren (2017) Molecular dynamic simulation of amine-based absorption process for co2 capture. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, Thesis advisor: Noorlisa, Harun).
Engku Haliza, Engku Ibrahim and Azimah, Ahmad Zaki (2017) Analysing and Synthesising Morphemes: The Case of Malay Pre-University ESL Students. Advanced Science Letters, 23 (5). pp. 4964-4967. ISSN 1936-6612. (Published)
Engku Nadia, Engku Mat Nasir and Fatinah, Ab Rahman and Syarifah, Abd Rahim and Raihana Z., Edros and Nornizar, Anuar (2017) Preliminary Study on Operating Parameters toward the Metastable Zone-Width of Carbamazepine Co-Crystal. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 10 (7). pp. 1-5. ISSN 0974-6846 (Print); 0974-5645 (Online). (Published)
Engku Norfatima, Engku Dahalan and Azizul Helmi, Sofian (2017) Corrosion Behavior of Organic Epoxy-Zinc Coating with Fly Ash as an Extender Pigment. In: The 3rd International Conference on Green Chemical Engineering and Technology (GCET 2017) , 7-8 November 2017 , Melaka, Malaysia. . (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Erliza, Serri (2017) A short predictive Model Predictive Control (MPC) approach for hybrid characteristics analysis in DC-DC converter. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, Thesis advisor: Ahmad, Abu Zaharin).
Erliza, Serri and Abu Zaharin, Ahmad (2017) Comparative study of short prediction MPC-KF with PI controller for DC-DC buck converter. In: IEEE International Conference on Automatic Control and Intelligent Systems (I2CACIS 2016) , 22 October 2016 , UniversIti Teknologi Mara Shah Alam, Malaysia. pp. 219-224.. ISBN 978-1-5090-4186-2 (Published)
Erma Yusnida, Jusoh (2017) Alat mudahkan juadah dihidang. Sinar Harian . p. 42.
Erma Yusnida, Jusoh (2017) Ambil iktibar pelarian Rohingya. Sinar Harian . p. 36.
Erma Yusnida, Jusoh (2017) Bantu promosikan pelancongan. Sinar Harian . p. 35.
Erma Yusnida, Jusoh (2017) Kempen satu rumah satu kebun. Sinar Harian . p. 39.
Erma Yusnida, Jusoh (2017) Kuasai Mandarin 28 Jam. Sinar Harian . p. 41.
Erma Yusnida, Jusoh (2017) Optimis jayakan modul PLKI. Sinar Harian . p. 35.
Erma Yusnida, Jusoh (2017) Penuntut UMP muncul juara 3MT. Sinar Harian . p. 35.
Erma Yusnida, Jusoh (2017) Tumpu teknologi bina rel. Sinar Harian . p. 9.
Erma Yusnida, Jusoh (2017) UMP proaktif hasilkan inovasi. Sinar Harian . p. 36.
Erma Yusnida, Jusoh (2017) UMP raih Anugerah Khas. Sinar Harian . p. 41.
Ernawan, Ferda and M. Nomani, Kabir and Jasni, Mohamad Zain (2017) Bit Allocation Strategy Based on Psychovisual Threshold in Image Compression. Multimedia Tools and Applications. pp. 1-24. ISSN 1380-7501(print); 1573-7721(online). (Published)
Ernawan, Ferda and M. Nomani, Kabir and Kamal Z., Zamli (2017) An Efficient Image Compression Technique using Tchebichef Bit Allocation. Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 148. pp. 106-119. ISSN 0030-4026. (Published)
Ernawan, Ferda and M. Nomani, Kabir and Mohamad Fadli, Zolkipli and Zuriani, Mustaffa (2017) Block-based Tchebichef image watermarking scheme using psychovisual threshold. In: 2016 2nd International Conference on Science and Technology-Computer (ICST) , 26-27 Oktober 2016 , Yogyakarta, Indonesia. pp. 6-10.. ISBN 9781509043576 (Published)
Ernawan, Ferda and Ramalingam, Mritha and Sadiq, Ali Safa and Zuriani, Mustaffa (2017) An improved imperceptibility and robustness of 4×4 DCT-SVD image watermarking using modified entropy. Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering (JTEC), 9 (2-7). pp. 111-116. ISSN 2180-1843. (Published)
Esfahani, Hamid and Ramakrishna, Seeram and Rajan, Jose (2017) Electrospun Ceramic Nanofiber Mats Today: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications. Materials, 10 (11). pp. 1-43. ISSN 1996-1944. (Published)
Ezree Farhan, Abu Hanipah (2017) Composite zinc-fly ash coating on mild steel. Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Ezrin Hani, Sukadarin and Hanida, Abdul Aziz and Junaidah, Zakaria and Joharizal, Johari and Mimi Nabila, Mohd Noordin and Mohd Hafizi, Che Mat and Mohd Shamsul Azmi, Samsudin and Mohd Fauzan, Mohd and Nur Fazrina, Mohd Salleh (2017) Occupational safety and health risk management in pineapple plantation. In: Proceedings of 4th National Conference on Knowledge Transfer , 11-12 December 2017 , Kedah. pp. 220-225.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Ezrin Hani, Sukadarin and Junaidah, Zakaria (2017) Musculoskeletal Disorder among Municipal Solid Waste Collectors. Asia Pacific Environmental and Occupational Health Journal , 3 (1). pp. 28-32. ISSN 2462 -2214. (Published)
Ezrin Hani, Sukadarin and Junaidah, Zakaria (2017) Preliminary study of musculoskeletal complaints and ergonomic risk factors among catering workers. Asia Pacific Environmental and Occupational Health Journal , 3 (1). pp. 39-43. ISSN 2462 -2214. (Published)
Ezrin Hani, Sukadarin and Nur Syazwani, Mohd Nawi and Baba, M. Deros and Norani, Nordin and Mohd Nizam A., Rahman (2017) Critical factors for oil palm plantation workers acceptance and use of mechanization technovation tools. In: 2nd World Conference on Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship , 12-14 May 2017 , Istanbul, Turkey. pp. 218-223., 4. ISSN 978-605-9811-01-9 (Published)
Ezrinda, Mohd Zaihidee and Kamarul Hawari, Ghazali and Mohd Zuki, Salleh (2017) Image Enhancement using Thermal-visible Fusion for Human Detection. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1st International Conference on Applied & Industrial Mathematics and Statistics 2017 (ICoAIMS 2017) , 8-10 August 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-6., 890 (012038). ISBN 1742-6596 (Published)
Ezrinda, Mohd Zaihidee and Kamarul Hawari, Ghazali and Ren, Jinchang and Mohd Zuki, Salleh (2017) A Hybrid Thermal-visible Fusion for Outdoor Human Detection. In: Progress in Electronics Engineering, Computer Engineering and Information Technology (PIECT 2017) , 16-18 May 2017 , Bandung, Indonesia. pp. 1-6.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Ezzaty Faridah Nor, Mohd Hussin and Ping, Jack Soh and Mohamed Fareq, Abdul Malek and Mohd Faizal, Jamlos and Muhammad Ameerul Fikrey, Fauzi and H., Lago and Hasliza, A. Rahim (2017) A wearable textile dipole for search and rescue application. In: 5th International Conference on Electronic Devices, Systems and Applications (ICEDSA) , 6-8 December 2016 , Ras Al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates. pp. 1-4.. ISBN 978-1-5090-5306-3 (Published)
Ezzaty Faridah Nor, Mohd Hussin and Ping, Jack Soh and Mohd Faizal, Jamlos and Herwansyah, Lago and Azremi, Abdullah Al-Hadi and Mohd Hafiz Fazalul, Rahiman (2017) A Wideband Textile Antenna with a Ring-slotted AMC Plane. Applied Physics A, 123 (46). pp. 1-7. ISSN 0947-8396 (Print) 1432-0630 (Online). (Published)
F., Basrawi and A. Rahman, A Hamid and Mohd Ridzuan, Baharin and Mohd Najib, Mohd Noordin and Mohd Hazwan, Yusof (2017) A preliminary study on the thermal performance of a ventilated honey cassette for stingless bees. In: UTP-UMP Symposium on Energy Systems, SES 2017 , 26-27 September 2017 , Perak, Malaysia. pp. 1-6., 131. ISSN 2261236X (Published)
F., Basrawi and Asnul Hadi, Ahmad and Daing Mohamad Nafiz, Daing Idris and Mohd Rashidi, Maarof and Chand, M. R. R. and Ahmad Syazwan, Ramli (2017) Engineering economic analysis of meliponiculture in Malaysia considering current market price. In: UTP-UMP Symposium on Energy Systems, SES 2017 , 26-27 September 2017 , Perak, Malaysia. pp. 1-7., 131. ISSN 2261236X (Published)
F., Basrawi and Thamir K., Ibrahim and Khairul, Habib and Yamada, Takanobu and D. M. N., D. Idris (2017) Techno-Economic Performance of Biogas-Fueled Micro Gas Turbine Cogeneration Systems in Sewage Treatment Plants: Effect of Prime Mover Generation Capacity. Energy, 124. pp. 238-248. ISSN 1876-6102. (Published)
F., Deraman and Ahmedov, Anvarjon A. (2017) On Almost Everywhere Covergence of Dyadic Fourier Series in L2. In: 2nd International Conference and Workshop on Mathematical Analysis 2016 (ICWOMA2016). AIP Publishing, Melville, NY, pp. 1-6. ISBN 978-0-7354-1461-7
F., Wasbari and R. A., Bakar and Gan, Leong Ming and A. A., Yusof and N. M., Daud and T., Ali (2017) Comparison of hydro-pneumatic accumulator's charging performance under different thermal process for dual hybrid driveline. In: 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research (ICMER2017) , 1–2 August 2017 , Swiss Garden Beach Resort, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-10., 257 (1). ISSN 17578981 (Published)
F., Wasbari and R. A., Bakar and Gan, Leong Ming and Musthafah, M. T. and A. A., Yusof (2017) A Review of Compressed-air Hybrid Technology in Vehicle System. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 67. pp. 935-953. ISSN 1364-0321. (Published)
F. A., Fauzi and Z., Ghazalli and Siregar, J. P. and N. S. M., Noor and Zahari, Taha and Zulkifli, Ahmad and K., Kadirgama and Nasrul Hadi, Johari and N. H., Mohamed (2017) A Finite Element Analysis of a Recurve Bow Riser using Carbon Fibre Hybrid Composites. Advanced Science Letters, 23 (11). pp. 11467-11470. ISSN 1936-6612. (Published)
F. A., Zakaria and R., Daud and Mas Ayu, Hassan and Siti Haryani, Tomadi and Salwani, Mohd Salleh and Mohammed Rafiq, Abdul Kadir (2017) The Effect of Position and Different Size of Radial Hole on Performance of Cannulated Pedicle Screw. In: MATEC Web of Conferences: International Conference on Mechanical, Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering (ICMAA 2017) , 29-31 July 2016 , Langkawi, Malaysia. pp. 1-4., 108 (13001). ISSN 2261-236X (Published)
F. R. M., Romlay and Mohd Shafiq, Mat Ghazali and Luqman, Ismail (2017) Design and Fabrication of Polymer-Based Asymmetric Waveguide Coupler Utilizing Injection Moulding Process. In: Proceedings of 3rd National Conference on Knowledge Transfer , 30 November - 1 December 2016 , Penang, Malaysia. pp. 99-102.. ISBN 978-967-394-283-1 (Published)
Faculty of Industrial Management, . (2017) Proceedings of the FGIC 1st Conference on Governance & Integrity. Penerbit Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Kuantan, Pahang. ISBN 978-967-2054-37-5
Fadhlyya Arawaney, Abdul Ghani and Mohd Shahridwan, Ramli and Nor Aida Zuraimi, Md Noar and Abdul Rahman, Mohd Kasim and Greenhow, Martin (2017) Mathematical Modelling of Wave Impact on Floating Breakwater. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1st International Conference on Applied & Industrial Mathematics and Statistics 2017 (ICoAIMS 2017) , 8-10 August 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-5., 890 (012005). ISSN 1742-6596 (Published)
Fahad, Ahmed Mohammed and Ahmed, Abdulghani Ali and M. N. M., Kahar (2017) The importance of monitoring cloud computing: An intensive review. In: IEEE Region 10 Conference, TENCON 2017 , 5-8 November 2017 , Penang, Malaysia. pp. 2858-2863., 2017. ISBN 978-1-5090-1134-6 (Published)
Fairuz Rizal, Mohamad Rashidi and W. Z. W., Hasan and M. N., Hamidon and S., Shafie (2017) An implementation of modified nodal array approach in designing a readout circuit for piezoresistive pressure sensor array. In: 3rd IEEE International Symposium in Robotics and Manufacturing Automation (ROMA 2017) , 19-21 September 2017 , Kuala Lumpur. pp. 1-6., 2017. ISBN 978-1-5386-2539-2 (Published)
Faiz, Mohd Turan and Aikhuele, Daniel Osezua (2017) Need for Reliability Assessment of Parent Product before Redesigning a New Product. Current Science, 112 (1). pp. 10-11. ISSN 0011‐3891. (Published)
Faiz, Mohd Turan and Daniel Osezua, Aikhuele and Kartina, Johan (2017) Reliability information to support decision making for e-Government projects. In: 3rd International Conference on Communication and Information Processing, ICCIP 2017 , 24-26 November 2017 , Tokyo, Japan. pp. 1-6.. ISBN 978-145035365-6 (Published)
Faiz, Mohd Turan and Kartina, Johan and Nik Hisyamudin, Muhd Nor and Badrul, Omar (2017) Sustainability Assessment Model in Product Development. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 226. pp. 1-9. ISSN 1757-8981 (Print), 1757-899X (Online). (Published)
Faiz, Mohd Turan and Kartina, Johan and Nur Soliha, Sahimi and Nik Hisyamudin, Muhd Nor (2017) Development of Integrated Assessment System for Underground Power Cable Performance: A Case Study. In: 3rd and 4th International Engineering Research and Innovation Symposium, IRIS 2017 , 6–7 May 2017 , Melaka, Malaysia. pp. 1-9., 226 (012020). ISSN 1757-8981 (Print); 1757-899X (Online) (Published)
Faiz, Mohd Turan and Kartina, Johan and Wan Nurul Syahirah, Wan Lanang (2017) Assessing sustainability in environmental management: a case study in malaysia industry. In: International Research And Innovation Summit (IRIS) , 6-7 May 2017 , Kings Green Malaysia, Melaka. pp. 1-11.. (Published)
Faizal Hazri, Mat Ripin and Rahmah, Mokhtar and Wahidah, Mohd Zain (2017) Adaptive tutoring system user preferences: Does gender matter? In: 6th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for the Muslim World, ICT4M 2016 , 22-24 November 2016 , Jakarta, Indonesia. pp. 24-29.. ISBN 978-1-5090-4521-1 (Published)
Faizatul Farhana, Farush Khan (2017) Bashir jadi 'gogo' miliki cabaran tersendiri. Berita Harian . p. 12.
Fakhrud, Din and Alsewari, Abdulrahman A. and Kamal Z., Zamli (2017) A parameter free choice function based hyper-heuristic strategy for pairwise test generation. In: International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security Companion (QRS-C) , 25-29 July 2017 , Prague, Czech Republic. pp. 85-91.. ISBN 978-1-5386-2072-4 (Published)
Fakhrulddin, Sarmad K. and Abdulbari, Hayder A. (2017) Enhancement of PEO Performance in Reducing Turbulent Flow Drag with the Addition of SDBS Anionic Surfactant. Journal of Engineering Research, 5 (3). pp. 64-75. ISSN 2307-1885. (Published)
Fakhrulddin, Sarmad K. and Abdulbari, Hayder A. and Ahmad Ziad, Sulaiman and Rafeeq, Hind A. (2017) The Effect of HTAC Addition on the Efficiency of PEO in Turbulent Flow. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 10 (2). pp. 1-5. ISSN 0974-6846 (Print); 0974-5645 (Online). (Published)
Fakhrur Razil Alawi, Abdul Wahid and Nur Hazirah Huda, Mohd Harun and Siti Raishan, Mohd Rashid and Noor Asma Fazli, Abdul Samad and Suriyati, Saleh (2017) Physicochemical property changes and volatile analysis for torrefaction of oil palm frond. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 56. pp. 199-204. ISSN 2283-9216. (Published)
Fakhrur Razil Alawi, Abdul Wahid and Suriyati, Saleh and Noor Asma Fazli, Abdul Samad (2017) Estimation of higher heating value of torrefied palm oil wastes from proximate analysis. Energy Procedia, 138. pp. 307-312. ISSN 1876-6102 . (Published)
Fakir, Md Moslemuddin and Sabira, Khatun (2017) A numerical approach for efficiency analysis of heat distribution through fin. International Review of Aerospace Engineering, 10 (6). pp. 337-344. ISSN 1973-7459. (Published)
Faradila, Naim and Tuan Nur Amalia, Tuan Arifien and Rosyati, Hamid and Nurul Wahidah, Arshad and Nurulfadzilah, Hassan and Kamarul Hawari, Ghazali (2017) Analysis of unclean hand system detection using template matching technique. In: 4th International Conference On Electrical, Control And Computer Engineering (INECCE2017) , 16-17 October 2017 , Hotel Adya, Langkawi. pp. 1-4.. ISSN 2180 -1843 (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Farah Amira, Mohd Ghazali (2017) Design of a thermoforming process for a semi-crystalline polymer. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, Thesis advisor: Jaafar, Abdul Aziz).
Farah Aqila, Tun Riduan (2017) Effect of storey height on seismic performance of elevated reinforced concrete water tank. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Farah Aqilah, Mustafa (2017) Performance of red seaweed for azo dye removal : acid yellow 17. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Farah Ayuni, Fauzi and Zahari, Taha and Zakri, Ghazalli and Siregar, J. P. and Zulkifli, Ahmad@Manap and K., Kadirgama and Nasrul Hadi, Johari and Danial, Mohamed (2017) Analysis of an Olympic Scale of a Recurve Bow Riser on the Basis of Malaysian Under 15 and Under 17 Archers. In: Advances in Human Factors in Sports and Outdoor Recreation. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 496 . Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, pp. 131-140. ISBN 978-3-319-41952-7
Farah Fazira, Kamaruzaman and Nuruzzaman, Dewan Muhammad and Noor Mazni, Ismail and Zamzuri, Hamedon and Iqbal, AKM Asif and Azmir, Azhari (2017) Microstructure and Properties of Aluminium-Aluminium Oxide Graded Composite Materials. In: 4th Asia Pacific Conference on Manufacturing System and 3rd International Manufacturing Engineering Conference (APCOMS-iMEC 2017) , 7-8 December 2017 , Yogyakarta, Indonesia. . (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Farah Hanani, Zulkifli and Jahir Hussain, Fathima Shahitha and Zeyohannes, Senait Sileshi and Mohammad Syaiful Bahari, Abdull Rasad and M. M., Yusoff (2017) A Facile Synthesis Method of Hydroxyethyl Cellulose-Silver Nanoparticle Scaffolds for Skin Tissue Engineering Applications. Materials Science and Engineering: C, 79. pp. 151-160. ISSN 0928-4931. (Published)
Farah Nadia, Mahfudz (2017) Measurement of contact angle of silicone glue droplet on Cu surface in MEMS Microphone Package. Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Farah Nurshahida, Mohd Subakir and Wan Mohd Faizal, Wan Mohd Ishak and Nurul Aini, Mohd Azman and Aida, Ibrahim (2017) Chemical composition and physicochemical properties of red seaweeds (kappaphycus alvarezii, eucheuma spinosum and eucheuma striatum) from Sabah, Malaysia. In: Proceedings of the International Food Research Conference 2017 , 25-27 July 2017 , Universiti Putra Malaysia. pp. 301-304.. (Published)
Faraj, Moneer A. and Abdalla, Ahmed N. and Fahmi, Samsuri and Damhuji, Rifai and Kharudin, Ali (2017) Investigate of the Effect of Width Defect on Eddy Current Testing Signals Under Different Materials. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 10 (2). pp. 1-5. ISSN 0974-6846 (Print); 0974-5645 (Online). (Published)
Farezza Hanum, Rashid (2017) Programmes suspended. New Straits Times . p. 11.
Farhan, Mohd Said and Tan, Kai Quan (2017) Recovery of the biological active compounds of Musa Sp. through microwave assisted extraction. IIUM Engineering Journal, 18 (2). pp. 105-116. ISSN 2289-7860. (Published)
Farid Izamer, Azizan (2017) Study on maintenance management practice of telecommunication tower through strategic planning in Malaysia. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Faridah, Taju Rahim and Yuserrie, Zainuddin (2017) Moderating effect of environmental turbulence on firm’s technological innovation capabilities (TIC) and business performance in the automotive industry in Malaysia: A conceptual framework. In: MATEC Web of Conferences: The 2nd International Conference on Automotive Innovation and Green Vehicle (AiGEV 2016) , 2-3 August 2016 , Malaysia Automotive Institute, Cyberjaya, Selangor. pp. 1-11., 90 (01009). ISSN 2261-236X (Published)
Faridah, Taju Rahim and Yuserrie, Zainuddin (2017) A Preliminary Study on Technological Innovation Capabilities (TICs) and Competitive Advantage in the Automotive Industry in Malaysia. In: International Symposium & Exhibition on Business and Accounting 2017 (ISEBA 2017) , 1 March 2017 , Muadzam, Pahang. pp. 1-16.. (Published)
Faridah, Taju Rahim and Yuserrie, Zainuddin (2017) Study On The Impact Of Linkage Capabilities On Technological Competitive Advantage And Firm Performance In The Automotive Industry In Malaysia. International Journal of Industrial Management (IJIM), 3. pp. 61-88. ISSN 2289-9286 (Print); 0127-564x (Online). (Published)
Faridah, Zulkipli and Zulkifli, Mohd Nopiah and Noor Ezlin, Ahmad Basri and Cheng, Jack Kie and Siti Sarah, Januri (2017) Multilinear regression analysis on solid waste generation quantity in Malaysia towards sustainable development. International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, 4 (9). pp. 46-52. ISSN 2313-626X. (Published)
Fatanah, M. Suhaimi and Chase, J. Geoffrey and Pretty, Christopher G. and Shaw, Geoffrey M. and Normy Norfiza, A. Razak and Ummu Kulthum, Jamaludin (2017) Insulin Sensitivity and Sepsis Score: A Correlation between Model-based Metric and Sepsis Scoring System in Critically Ill Patients. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 32. pp. 112-123. ISSN 1746-8094. (Published)
Fatanah, M. Suhaimi and Ummu Kulthum, Jamaludin and Normy Norfiza, A. Razak and Azrina, Md Ralib and Mohd Basri, Mat Nor (2017) Performance of Glycemic Control Protocol and Virtual Trial. Advanced Science Letters, 23 (6). pp. 5415-5418. ISSN 1936-6612. (Published)
Fatchurrohman, Nanang and Farhana, N. and Marini, C. D. (2017) Investigation on the effect of Friction Stir Processing Parameters on Micro-structure and Micro-hardness of Rice Husk Ash reinforced Al6061 Metal Matrix Composites. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, The 4th Asia Pacific Conference on Manufacturing Systems and the 3rd International Manufacturing Engineering Conference , 7-8 December 2017 , Yogyakarta, Indonesia. pp. 1-6., 319 (012032). ISSN 1757-899X (Published)
Fatchurrohman, Nanang and S., Sulaiman (2017) Solidification analysis in permanent mould casting of aluminium alloy LM6 reinforced titanium carbide particulates metal matrix composites. In: 5th International Conference on Engineering and Innovative Materials (ICEIM 2016) , 10-12 September 2016 , Kuala Lumpur. pp. 148-151., 889. ISBN 9783038357704 (Published)
Fatchurrohman, Nanang and S. T., Chia (2017) Performance Of Hybrid Nano-Micro Reinforced Magnesium Composites Brake Calliper: Simulation Approach. In: 4th International Conference On Mechanical Engineering Research (ICMER 2017) , 1-2 August 2017 , Swiss Garden, Kuantan.. pp. 1-7., 257 (1). ISSN 17578981 (Published)
Faten Ahada, Mohd Azli and Abdul Aziz, Mohd Azoddein and Mazrul Nizam, Abu Seman and Agus Sahar, Abdul Hamid and Tahfiz, Tajuddin and Said, N. (2017) Transfer of electrocoagulation technology knowledge for the treatment of petroleum based industrial wastewater. In: 4th National Conference on Knowledge Transfer (NCKT 2017) , 11-12 December 2017 , EDC - UUM Hotel, Sintok Kedah. pp. 1-6.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Fatimah, Ali and Noor Raha, Mohd Radzuan and Nor Suhardiliana, Sahar and Zuraina, Ali and Afifuddin Husairi, Hussain (2017) Measuring English Grammar Test: A Rasch Analysis Approach. In: 8th The International Conference on Education and Educational Psychology (ICEEPSY) , 11-14 October 2017 , Porto University, Porto, Portugal. pp. 236-244.. ISSN 2357-1330 (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Fatimah, Dzaharudin and Azrina, Md Ralib and Mohd Basri, Mat Nor and Ummu Kulthum, Jamaludin (2017) Implementation of a Prototype Glomerular Filtration Rate Application To Monitor Creatinine Kinetic Dynamics in Critically Ill Patients. In: IEEE-EMBS Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences , 4-8 December 2016 , Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. pp. 1-5.. (Published)
Fatimah, Dzaharudin and Ooi, A. and Manasseh, R. (2017) Effects of Boundary Proximity on Monodispersed Microbubbles in Ultrasonic Fields. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 410 (8). pp. 330-342. ISSN 0022-460X. (Published)
Fatimah, Dzaharudin and Ummu Kulthum, Jamaludin (2017) BMM1312 Computer Programming. Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang. ISBN 978-967-2054-55-9
Fatimah Azzahra’, Misebah (2017) Kinetics of biolubricant synthesis from jatropha curcas oil using Paphia undulata as a solid catalyst. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, Thesis advisor: Ir. Said, Nurdin).
Fatin Izzati, Sulaiman (2017) Risk management in construction industry. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Fatin Nabihah, Suhaime (2017) Truss bridge movement and displacement analysis for different types of earthquake loadings. Faculty of Civil Engineering & Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Fatin Nabilah, Giman and Ping, Jack Soh and Mohd Faizal, Jamlos and H., Lago and Azremi Abdullah, Al-Hadi and Mohamedfareq, Abdulmalek and Nidhal, Abdulaziz (2017) Conformal Dual-band Textile Antenna with Metasurface for WBAN Application. Applied Physics A, 123 (32). pp. 1-7. ISSN 0947-8396 (Print) 1432-0630 (Online). (Published)
Fatin Syazwana, Hashim (2017) Production of renewable glucose from oil palm frond bagasse by using sacchariseb C6 through enzymatic hydrolysis. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Fatin Syazwana, Hashim and Hafizuddin, Wan Yussof and Mior Ahmad Khushairi, Mohd Zahari and Roshanida, A. Rahman and Rosli, Md Illias (2017) Physicochemical and Morphological Characterisation of the Native and Alkaline Pre-treated Fibre Pressed Oil Palm Frond for Fermentable Sugars Production. Chemical Engineering Transaction, 56 (2017). pp. 1087-1092. ISSN 2283-9216. (Published)
Fatin Syazwana, Hashim and Wan Mohd Hafizuddin, Wan Yussof and Mah, Kah Hong and Nurul Fatihah, Mahamad Roli and Syed Mohd Saufi, Tuan Chik and Mazrul Nizam, Abu Seman and Abdul Wahab, Mohammad (2017) Factors Affecting Enzymatic Hydrolysis from Pretreated Fibre Pressed Oil Palm Frond Using Sacchariseb C6. Journal of Physical Science, 28 (Supp.1). pp. 281-295. ISSN 1675-3402 (print); 2180-4230 (online). (Published)
Fatin Syazwana, Hashim and Wan Mohd Hafizuddin, Wan Yussof and Mior Ahmad Khushairi, Mohd Zahari and Roshanida, A. Rahman and Rosli, Md. Illias (2017) Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Pretreated Fibre Pressed Oil Palm Frond by using Sacchariseb C6. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 29th Symposium of Malaysian Chemical Engineers (SOMChE) 2016 , 1-3 December 2016 , Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia. pp. 1-8., 206 (012008). ISSN 1757-899X (Published)
Fatinah, Ab Rahman and Syarifah, Abd Rahim and Tan, Chou C. and Han, L. S. and Noor Ashila, Ramle (2017) Carbamazepine-Fumaric Acid and Carbamazepine-Succinic Acid Co-crystal Screening Using Solution Based Method. International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications (IJCEA), 8 (2). pp. 136-140. ISSN 2010-0221. (Published)
Fatmawati, Latada and Hafizoah, Kassim (2017) Problem-oriented project -based learning (POPBL): an initiative to encourage soft skills expansion among students at a public university. Journal of Global Business and Social Entrepreneurship, 1 (3). pp. 75-83. ISSN 2462-1714. (Published)
Fatmawati, Latada and Hafizoah, Kassim (2017) Project-oriented problem-based learning (POPBL): an initiative to enrich soft skills among students at a public university. Journal Of Global Business And Social Entrepreneurship (GBSE), 1 (3). pp. 75-83. ISSN 2462-1714. (Published)
Fatmawati, Latada and Jamilah Bebe, Mohamad and Aini, Ahmad and Mansor, Sulaiman (2017) Problem-oriented project-based learning an initiative to mould balance graduates. In: Integrated Cumulative Grade Point (iCGPA) International Conference (iIC2017) , 18-19 Julai 2017 , Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. p. 1.. (Published)
Fauziah, Zainuddin and Ruzaini, Abdullah Arshah and Rozlina, Mohamed and Rahmah, Mokhtar (2017) Human Factor of Formal Engineering Methods in Validating Requirement Specification. Advanced Science Letters, 23 (6). pp. 5481-5486. ISSN 1936-6612. (Published)
Fayaz, Fahim and Mahadi, Bahari and Nguyen-Phu, Huy and Nguyen-Huy, Chinh and Bawadi, Abdullah and Vo, Dai-Viet N. (2017) Syngas Production via Ethanol Dry Reforming: Effect of Promoter Type on Al2O3-supported Co Catalysts. In: 15th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology , 31 August - 2 September 2017 , Rhodes, Greece. pp. 1-5.. (Published)
Fazilah, Abdul Aziz and Z., Ghazalli and N. M. Zuki, N. M. and Amri, Isfar (2017) Assessing exposure to physical risk factors for work-related musculoskeletal disorders and relevant psychosocial factors among assembly workers in an automotive component assembly plant. Human Factors & Ergonomics Journal (HFEJ), 2 (1). pp. 34-51. ISSN 2590-3705. (Published)
Fazilah, Abdul Aziz and Z., Ghazalli and N. M. Zuki, N. M. and Amri, Isfar (2017) Investigation on musculoskeletal discomfort and ergonomics risk factors among production team members at an automotive component assembly plant. In: 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research, ICMER 2017 , 1-2 August 2017 , Swiss Garden Hotel and Spa Kuantan, Pahang; Malaysia. pp. 1-11., 257 (1). ISSN 17578981 (Published)
Fazilah, Abdul Aziz and Zakri, Ghazalli and N. M. Zuki, N. M. and Amri, Isfar (2017) A Future Framework of Knowledge-Based Ergonomics Assessment System at Workplace in Automotive Assembly Plant. In: Advances in Social & Occupational Ergonomics. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 487 (Pt. II). Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, pp. 93-105. ISBN 978-3-319-41687-8 (Print); 978-3-319-41688-5 (Online)
Fazilah, Abdul Aziz and Zakri, Ghazalli and N. M. Zuki, N. M. and Amri, Isfar and N. S. M., Shalahim (2017) G3-4 musculoskeletal discomforts among assembly team members performing assembly welding task. The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics, 53 (Supplement2). pp. 466-469. ISSN 1884-2844. (Published)
Fazliana, Fauzun and S. N., Aqida and I., Ismail and Norhafzan, Bariman (2017) Micro-Bulges Investigation on Laser Modified Tool Steel Surface. MATEC Web of Conferences, 95. pp. 1-4. ISSN 2261-236X. (Published)
Fernando, Yudi and Sharon, Shih Sim Tan and Wahyuni-TD, Ika Sari and Tundys, Blanka (2017) The Effects of Reverse Logistics on Cost Control Abilities: An Insight into Manufacturing Companies in Malaysia. International Journal of Value Chain Management (IJVCM), 8 (4). pp. 285-306. ISSN 1741-5365. (Published)
Fernando, Yudi and Wei, Lin Hor (2017) Impacts of Energy Management Practices on Energy Efficiency and Carbon Emissions Reduction: A Survey of Malaysian Manufacturing Firms. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 126. pp. 62-73. ISSN 0921-3449. (Published)
Fernando, Yudi and Wen, Xin Wah (2017) The impact of Eco-innovation Drivers on Environmental Performance: Empirical Results from the Green Technology Sector in Malaysia. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 12. pp. 27-43. ISSN 2352-5509. (Published)
Fiona Ling, Wang Ming and Abdulbari, Hayder A. (2017) Drag Reduction by Natural Polymeric Additives in PMDS Microchannel: Effect of Types of Additives. In: MATEC Web of Conferences: Fluids and Chemical Engineering Conference (FluidsChE 2017) , 4-6 April 2017 , Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. pp. 1-5., 111 (01001). ISSN 2261-236X (Published)
Fiona Ling, Wang Ming and Abdulbari, Hayder A. (2017) Enhancing the Flow in Microchannel using Natural Polymeric Additives. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 10 (7). pp. 1-5. ISSN 0974-6846 (Print); 0974-5645 (Online). (Published)
Fiona Ling, Wang Ming and Wafaa, Kamil Mahmood and Abdulbari, Hayder A. (2017) Rapid Prototyping of Microfluidics Devices using Xurograhy Method. In: MATEC Web of Conferences: Fluids and Chemical Engineering Conference (FluidsChE 2017) , 4-6 April 2017 , Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. pp. 1-5., 111 (01009). ISSN 2261-236X (Published)
Foo, Sheng Tong and Chin, Siew Choo and Doh, Shu Ing and Jolius, Gimbun (2017) Natural Fiber Composites as Potential External Strengthening Material – A Review. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 10 (2). pp. 1-5. ISSN 0974-6846 (Print); 0974-5645 (Online). (Published)
Fook, Wei Jian (2017) Weather station analysis using microcontroller and internet of things (IOT). Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Fui-Ling, Voon and Mohd Roslan, Sulaiman and Akhtar, Muhammad Nadeem and Mohamad Fauzi, Idris and Ahmad, Akira and Enoch Kumar, Perimal and Daud, Ahmad Israf and Lee, Ming-Tatt (2017) Cardamonin (2′,4′-dihydroxy-6′-methoxychalcone) Isolated from Boesenbergia Rotunda (L.) Mansf. Inhibits CFA-induced Rheumatoid Arthritis in Rats. European Journal of Pharmacology, 794. pp. 127-134. ISSN 0014-2999. (Published)
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Gaanty Pragas, Maniam (2017) Biodiesel: Issues and Challenges. In: The 1st Maejo Engineo, International Conference On Renewable Energy , 31 May-2 June 2017 , Chiang Mai, Thailand. . (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Gaanty Pragas, Maniam (2017) Preparation for Viva voice. Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang. ISBN 978-967-2054-13-9
Gaanty Pragas, Maniam and Intan Shafinaz, Abd Manaf and Nurul Hajar, Embong and Mohd Hasbi, Ab. Rahim and Hooi, Ooi Eng (2017) Reducing the amount of water used for washing palm methyl ester in biodiesel industry. In: Proceedings of 4th National Conference on Knowledge Transfer , 11-12 December 2017 , Kedah. pp. 23-25.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Gajendran, Natarajan and Jolius, Gimbun and Ranganathan, Balu (2017) Chemical Engineering Allied Fields - International Conference on Fluids and Chemical Engineering FluidsChE 2017, Malaysia, Special Issue, Vol: 3. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 10 (7). pp. 1-4. ISSN 0974-6846 (Print); 0974-5645 (Online). (Published)
Gallego, Maria Gabriela and Skowyra, Monika and Gordon, Michael H. and Nurul Aini, Mohd Azman and Almajano, Maria Pilar (2017) Effect of Leaves of Caesalpinia decapetala on Oxidative Stability of Oil-in-Water Emulsions. Antioxidants, 6 (1). pp. 1-17. ISSN 2076-3921. (Published)
Gan, Wei Teng (2017) Preparation and characterisation of MgO nanoparticle incorporated bioresin using palm oil. Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
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George, Enelda Christy (2017) Factors influencing first-time house buyers in Tuaran. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
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Gimbun, Jolius (2017) Assessment of pollution dispersion from Gebeng industrial area. , [Research Report] (Unpublished)
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Gisen, Jacqueline Isabella Anak (2017) Investigation on the effect of estuary shape in propagating salinity intrusion. , [Research Report] (Unpublished)
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Goh, Ming Qian and Pebrianti, Dwi and Yee, Woon Chun and Yoon, Hooi Hao and Bayuaji, Luhur (2017) Waypoint navigation of quad-rotor MAV. In: 7th IEEE International Conference on System Engineering and Technology (ICSET 2017) , 2-3 October 2017 , Shah Alam, Malaysia. pp. 38-42.. ISBN 978-1-5386-0383-3 (Published)
Gopalakrishnan, Siva and Ummu Kulthum, Jamaludin (2017) Investigation on different types of blood glucose control system. Journal of Mechanical Engineering, SI(4) (2). pp. 135-152. ISSN 1823- 5514 (Print); 2550-164X (Online). (Published)
Gouda, Gamal Abdelaziz Hussein and Ali, Gomaa A. M. (2017) Potentiometric Study of Rhenium(V) Complex Formation With Azathioprine And Ceftriaxone. Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences, 21 (6). pp. 1266-1275. ISSN 1394-2506. (Published)
Gulraiz, Ahmad and Rasool, Nasir and Ikram, Hafiz Mansoor and Khan, Samreen Gul and Mahmood, Tariq and Ayub, Khurshid and Zubair, Muhammad and Al-Zahrani, Eman and Rana, Usman Ali and Akhtar, Muhammad Nadeem and Noorjahan Banu, Alitheen (2017) Efficient Synthesis of Novel Pyridine-Based Derivatives via Suzuki Cross-Coupling Reaction of Commercially Available 5-Bromo-2-methylpyridin-3-amine: Quantum Mechanical Investigations and Biological Activities. Molecules, 22 (2). pp. 1-19. ISSN 1420-3049 (print); 1420-3049 (online). (Published)
Gupta, Ritu and Noraziah, Ahmad and Gupta, Arun and Abdalla, Ahmed N. (2017) Overview of Simulation in Wood Plastic Composites Manufacturing. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 10 (7). pp. 1-5. ISSN 0974-6846 (Print); 0974-5645 (Online). (Published)
Gupta, Ritu and Noraziah, Ahmad and Gupta, Arun and Ainul Azila, Che Fauzi (2017) Challenges in predicting wood plastic composites (WPCs). Advanced Science Letters, 23 (11). pp. 11035-11039. ISSN 1936-6612. (Published)
Gupta, Ritu and Noraziah, Ahmad and Gupta, Arun and Ainul Azila, Che Fauzi (2017) Wood Plastic Composites (WPC)-Challenges in Prediction of Properties. Advanced Science Letters, 23 (11). pp. 11035-11039. ISSN 1936-6612. (Published)
Gupta, Vinod Kumar and Agarwal, Shilpi and Sadegh, Hamidreza and Ali, Gomaa A. M. and Bharti, Arvind Kumar and Makhlouf, Abdel Salam Hamdy (2017) Facile Route Synthesis of Novel Graphene Oxide-β-cyclodextrin Nanocomposite and Its Application as Adsorbent for Removal of Toxic Bisphenol A from the Aqueous Phase. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 237. pp. 466-472. ISSN 0167-7322. (Published)
H., Lago and Mohd Faizal, Jamlos and Ping, Jack Soh and M. H., Muslim and Vandenbosch, Guy A. E. and Narbudowicz, Adam (2017) Bandwidth Enhancement of an Array Antenna using Slotted Artificial Magnetic Conductors. Applied Physics A, 123 (53). pp. 1-5. ISSN 0947-8396(Print); 1432-0630 (Online). (Published)
H., Termidi and Aainaa Izyan, Nafsun and Anwaruddin, Hisyam (2017) Responsible Mineral Resource Development: The Way Forward. Journal of Malaysian Critical Metals, 2. pp. 1-4. ISSN 0128-2557. (Published)
H. M., Luqman and W. Zuhriraihan, W. M. Zulkifly and C. Zafirah, Rosly and Khalijah, Khalid and Ummu Kulthum, Jamaludin and Azrina, Md. Ralib and Mohd Basri, Mat Nor (2017) Performance of blood glucose management protocols in HTAA intensive care unit. In: IEEE International Conference on Automatic Control and Intelligent Systems (I2CACIS 2016) , 22 October 2016 , UniversIti Teknologi Mara Shah Alam, Malaysia. pp. 156-161.. ISBN 978-1-5090-4186-2 (Published)
H. M., Mahmudul and Hagos, F. Y. and R., Mamat and Abdul Adam, Abdullah and Wan Faizal, Wan Ishak and Alenezi, R. (2017) Production, Characterization and Performance of Biodiesel as an Alternative Fuel in Diesel Engines – A Review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 72. pp. 497-509. ISSN 1364-0321. (Published)
H. Sovester, H and M. I., Adiyanto (2017) Seismic Performance Of Reinforced Concrete School Buildings In Sabah. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Geo-Environmental, Sp. (NCWE). pp. 148-152. ISSN 2180-2742. (Published)
Habeeb, Omar Abed and K., Ramesh and Ali, Gomaa A. M. and R. M., Yunus (2017) Application of Response Surface Methodology for Optimization of Palm Kernel Shell Activated Carbon Preparation Factors for Removal of H2S from Industrial Wastewater. Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences and Engineering), 79 (7). pp. 1-10. ISSN 0127-9696 (print); 2180-3722 (online). (Published)
Habeeb, Omar Abed and K., Ramesh and Ali, Gomaa A. M. and R. M., Yunus (2017) Experimental Design Technique on Removal of Hydrogen Sulfide using CaO-eggshells Dispersed onto Palm Kernel Shell Activated Carbon: Experiment, Optimization, Equilibrium and Kinetic Studies. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed., 32 (2). pp. 305-320. ISSN 1000-2413 (Print); 1993-0437 (Online). (Published)
Habeeb, Omar Abed and K., Ramesh and Ali, Gomaa A. M. and R. M., Yunus (2017) Isothermal Modelling Based Experimental Study of Dissolved Hydrogen Sulfide Adsorption from Waste Water using Eggshell Based Activated Carbon. Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences, 21 (2). pp. 334-345. ISSN 1394-2506. (Published)
Habeeb, Omar Abed and K., Ramesh and Ali, Gomaa A. M. and R. M., Yunus (2017) Low-cost and eco-friendly activated carbon from modified palm kernel shell for hydrogen sulfide removal from wastewater: adsorption and kinetic studies. Desalination and Water Treatment, 84. pp. 205-214. ISSN 1944-3986. (Published)
Habeeb, Omar Abed and K., Ramesh and Ali, Gomaa A. M. and R. M., Yunus (2017) Optimization of Activated Carbon Synthesis using Response Surface Methodology to Enhance H2S Removal from Refinery Wastewater. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology (JCEIB), 1. pp. 1-17. ISSN 0126-8139. (Published)
Habeeb, Omar Abed and K., Ramesh and Ali, Gomaa A. M. and R. M., Yunus and Olalere, Olusegun Abayomi (2017) Kinetic, Isotherm And Equilibrium Study Of Adsorption Of Hydrogen Sulfide From Wastewater Using Modified Eggshells. IIUM Engineering Journal, 18 (1). pp. 13-25. ISSN 2289-7860. (Published)
Habeeb, Omar Abed and K., Ramesh and Sethupathi, Sumathi and R. M., Yunus (2017) Optimization and Characterization Study of Preparation Factors of Activated Carbon Derived from Coconut shell to Remove of H2S from Wastewater. In: Activated carbon: prepared from various precursors. Ideal International E-Publication, India, pp. 44-61. ISBN 978-93-86675-07-1
Hafiz Osman, Mohammad (2017) The properties of concrete containing coconut shell as part of coarse aggregate replacement. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Hafizoah, Kassim (2017) Scientific Writing (Technology). Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang. ISBN 978-967-2054-08-5
Hagos, F. Y. and A. Rashid, A. Aziz and Shaharin, A. Sulaiman and Firmansyah, F. and R., Mamat (2017) Effect of Fuel Injection Timing of Hydrogen Rich Syngas Augmented With Methane in Direct-Injection Spark-Ignition Engine. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 42 (37). pp. 23846-23855. ISSN 0360-3199. (Published)
Hagos, F. Y. and Obed M., Ali and R., Mamat and Abdul Adam, Abdullah (2017) Effect Of Emulsification And Blending On The Oxygenation And Substitution Of Diesel Fuel For Compression Ignition Engine. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 75. pp. 1281-1294. ISSN 1364-0321. (Published)
Hagos, Ftwi Yohaness and Azmi, W. H. and Mamat, Rizalman and Abdullah, Abdul Adam and Aziz, Amir and Oumer, Ahmed Nurye (2017) Experimental and numerical investigation of phase material as heat storage from a concentrating solar collector. , [Research Report] (Unpublished)
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Hamada, Hussein M. and Ahmad Tarmizi, Haron and Zahrizan, Zakaria and Humada, Ali Mahmood (2017) Factor Affecting of BIM Technique in the Construction Firms in Iraq. In: MATEC Web of Conferences: International Symposium on Civil and Environmental Engineering 2016 (ISCEE 2016) , 5-6 December 2017 , Melaka, Malaysia. pp. 1-8., 103 (03003). ISSN 2261-236X (Published)
Hamada, Hussein M. and Ahmad Tarmizi, Haron and Zahrizan, Zakaria and Humada, Ali Mahmood (2017) Implementation of 4D/BIM in the Iraqi construction industry. International Journal of Engineering Systems Modelling and Simulation, 9 (4). pp. 227-236. ISSN 1755-9758. (Published)
Hamidah, Abdullah and Khan, Maksudur R. and Huei, Ruey Ong and Zahira, Yaakob (2017) Modified TiO2 Photocatalyst for CO2 Photocatalytic Reduction: An overview. Journal of CO2 Utilization, 22. pp. 15-32. ISSN 2212-9820. (Published)
Hamidah, Abdullah and Nur Aminatulmimi, Ismail and Zahira, Yaakob and Khan, Maksudur R. and Syarifah, Abd Rahim (2017) CeO2-TiO2 for Photoreduction Of CO2 To Methanol Under Visible Light: Effect Of Ceria Loading. Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences, 21 (1). pp. 166-172. ISSN 1394-2506. (Published)
Hamidreza , Sadegh and Ali, Gomaa A. M. and Zeynab , Abbasi and Mallikarjuna , N. Nadagouda (2017) Adsorption Of Ammonium Ions Onto Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Chemia, 62 (2). pp. 233-245. ISSN 1224-7154. (Published)
Hamim, Sovester (2017) Seismic performance of reinforced concrete school in Sabah. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Hammid, Ali Thaeer and M. H., Sulaiman (2017) Optimal Long-Term Hydro Generation Scheduling of Small Hydropower Plant (SHP) using Metaheuristic Algorithm in Himreen Lake Dam. In: MATEC Web of Conferences: UTP-UMP Symposium on Energy Systems 2017 (SES 2017) , 26-27 September 2017 , Perak, Malaysia. pp. 1-5., 131 (04017). ISSN 2261-236X (Published)
Hammid, Ali Thaeer and M. H., Sulaiman and Kadhim, Atheer A. (2017) Optimum Power Production of Small Hydropower Plant (SHP) Using Firefly Algorithm (FA) in Himreen Lake Dam (HLD), Eastern Iraq. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, 12 (10). pp. 455-466. ISSN 1815-932X. (Published)
Hammid, Ali Thaeer and M. H., Sulaiman and Kadhim, Atheer A. and Kareem, Ali N. and Jadaa, Khalid J. (2017) Priority of Kaplan Turbine and Small Hydropower Plants Over Other Resources: An Overview. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 12 (9 SI). pp. 8695-8705. ISSN 1816-949x (Print); 1818-7803 (Online). (Published)
Hammood, Omar A. and M. N. M., Kahar and Mohammed, Muamer N. (2017) Enhancement the video quality forwarding Using Receiver-Based Approach (URBA) in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network. In: IEEE International Conference on Radar, Antenna, Microwave, Electronics, and Telecommunications (ICRAMET) , 23-24 October 2017 , Jakarta, Indonesia. pp. 64-67.. ISBN 978-1-5386-3849-1 (Published)
Hammood, Omar A. and M. N. M., Kahar and Mohammed, Muamer N. (2017) Enhancement the video quality forwarding Using Receiver-Based Approach(URBA) in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network. In: IEEE International Conference on Radar, Antenna, Microwave, Electronics, and Telecommunications (ICRAMET) , 23-24 October 2017 , Jakarta, Indonesia. pp. 64-67.. ISBN 978-1-5386-3849-1 (Published)
Hammood, Omar A. and M. N. M., Kahar and Mohammed, Muamer N. and Hammood, Waleed A. (2017) Issues and Challenges of Video Dissemination in VANET and Routing Protocol: Review. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 12 (11 S. I.). pp. 9266-9277. ISSN 1816-949x (Print); 1818-7803 (Online). (Published)
Hamzah, Ahmad and Nur Aqilah, Othman (2017) Investigation on Intermittent Observation in Mobile Robot Localization with Fuzzy Logic Technique. In: IEEE International Conference on Automatic Control and Intelligent Systems (I2CACIS 2016) , 22 October 2016 , Shah Alam, Malaysia. pp. 17-22.. ISBN 978-1-5090-4186-2 (Published)
Hamzah, Ahmad and Nurul Atikah , Mohd Nor (2017) Detection and Analysis of Activity Recognition for Hand Rehabilitation. In: 8TH IEEE Control And System Graduate Research Colloquium (ICSGRC 2017) , 4-5 August 2017 , Grand Blue Wave Hotel, Shah Alam, Selangor. pp. 246-250.. ISBN 9781538603802 (Published)
Hamzah, Ahmad and Siti Nur Aishah, Mohd Amin and Mohd Razali, Daud and Saifudin, Razali and Nur Aqilah, Othman and Mohd Syakirin, Ramli (2017) Robotics in school: a stem approach for creativity and innovation. In: Proceedings of 4th National Conference on Knowledge Transfer , 11-12 December 2017 , Kedah. pp. 153-158.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Hanafi, M. Yusop and M. F., Ghazali and M. F. M., Yusof and Remli, M. A. Pi and Karollah, B. and Rusman, . (2017) The Use of Transmission Line Modelling to Test the Effectiveness of I-kaz as Autonomous Selection of Intrinsic Mode Function. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research (ICMER2017) , 1-2 August 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-10., 257 (012070). ISSN 1757-899X (Published)
Hanafi, M. Yusop and M. F., Ghazali and M. F. M., Yusof and Remli, M. A. Pi and M. H., Kamarulzaman (2017) Pipe Leak Diagnostic Using High Frequency Piezoelectric Pressure Sensor And Automatic Selection Of Intrinsic Mode Function. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research (ICMER2017) , 1-2 August 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-10., 257 (012091). ISSN 1757-899X (Published)
Hanafi, M. Yusop and M. F., Ghazali and M. F. M., Yusof and Wan Sofian, Wan Hamat (2017) Improvement of Cepstrum Analysis for the Purpose to Detect Leak, Feature and Its Location in Water Distribution System based on Pressure Transient Analysis. Journal of Mechanical Engineering, SI 4 (4). pp. 102-122. ISSN 1823-5514. (Published)
Hanafi, M. Yusop and M. F., Ghazali and Mohd Fadhlan, Mohd Yusof and Wan Sofian, Wan Hamat (2017) Development of intelligent leak detection system based on artificial pressure transient signal using integrated Kurtosis-based Algorithm for Z-filter Technique (I-Kaz). Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 4 (4). pp. 84-102. ISSN 1823-5514 (Print); 2550-164X (Online). (Published)
Hanida, Abdul Aziz and Azmi, Mohd Shariff (2017) A Journey of Process Safety Management Program for Process Industry. International Journal of Engineering Technology And Sciences (IJETS), 8 (1). pp. 1-9. ISSN 2289-697X. (Published)
Hanida, Abdul Aziz and Mohamad Rizza, Othman and Azmi, Mohd Shariff and Tan, Lian See (2017) Application of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) in Prioritizing HAZOP Analysis for Pilot Plant. Chemical Engineering Research Bulletin, 19 (Special). pp. 87-95. ISSN 0379-7678 (Print); 2072-9510 (Online). (Published)
Hanipah, M. Razali and Jafferi, Jamaludin and Heerwan, P. M. and Mohamed, Zamri and Abdullah, Abdul Adam (2017) Development and characterisation of a flexible valve timing system towards optimised performance of small internal combustion engines. , [Research Report] (Unpublished)
Hanisah, Kasbon and Siti Zurainiwati, Abdul Kadir (2017) Factors of Committing Academic Dishonesty among Students in a Malaysian Public University. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies (IJHSS), 5 (4). 275-279 . ISSN 2321-9203. (Published)
Haque, Muhammad E. and R. A., Bakar and Gan, Leong Ming and Shakaib, M. (2017) Modeling of Temperature and Aifflow Pattern In a Refrigerator. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 12 (10). pp. 3054-3060. ISSN 1819-6608. (Published)
Harada, Shota and Akagi, Tetsuya and Dohta, Shujiro and Kobayashi, Wataru and Koga, Keiichiro and Abdul Nasir, Abd (2017) Compactification of low-cost servo valve using buckled tubes and its application. In: International Conference on Multimedia Systems and Signal Processing, ICMSSP 2016 , 3-5 September 2016 , New Taipei; Taiwan. pp. 69-73.. ISBN 978-150904519-8 (Submitted) (Submitted)
Hardinnawirda, Kahar (2017) Effect of electroless nickel-boron (EN-B) surface finish on solderability of SAC305 and solder joint strength. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Hardinnawirda, Kahar and Zetty Akhtar, Abd Malek and Siti Rabiatull Aisha, Idris (2017) A Review on Effect of Surface Finish and Cooling Rate on Solder Joint Reliability. In: High Performance and Optimum Design of Structures and Materials II. WIT Transactions on The Built Environmen. WIT Press, pp. 1-3. ISBN 9781784661434
Harilal, Midhun and Baiju, Vidyadharan and Izan Izwan, Misnon and Anilkumar, Gopinathan M. and Lowe, Adrian and Jamil, Ismail and M. M., Yusoff and Rajan, Jose (2017) One-Dimensional Assembly of Conductive and Capacitive Metal Oxide Electrodes for High-Performance Asymmetric Supercapacitors. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 9 (12). pp. 10730-10742. ISSN 1944-8244 (print); 1944-8252 (online). (Published)
Harilal, Midhun and Krishnan, Syam G. and Yar, Asfand and Izan Izwan, Misnon and Reddy, M. Venkatashamy and M. M., Yusoff and Dennis, John Ojur and Rajan, Jose (2017) Pseudocapacitive Charge Storage in Single-Step-Synthesized CoO-MnO2-MnCo2O4 Hybrid Nanowires in Aqueous Alkaline Electrolytes. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 121 (39). pp. 21171-21183. ISSN 1932-7447 (print); 1932-7455 (online). (Published)
Harilal, Midhun and Syam, G. Krishnan and Lathakumary Vijayan, Binci and M., Venkatashamy Reddy and Adams, Stefan and Barron, Andrew R. and M. M., Yusoff and Rajan, Jose (2017) Continuous Nanobelts of Nickel Oxide-Cobalt Oxide Hybrid With Improved Capacitive Charge Storage Properties. Materials & Design, 122. pp. 376-384. ISSN 0264-1275. (Published)
Harilal, Midhun Harilal and Krishnan, Syam G. and Vijayan, Bincy Lathakumary and M. M., Yusoff and Rajan, Jose and Reddy, M. Venkatashamy and Adams, Stefan and Barron, Andrew R. (2017) Continuous Nanobelts of Nickel Oxide–Cobalt Oxide Hybrid With Improved Capacitive Charge Storage Properties. Materials and Design, 122. pp. 376-384. ISSN 0264-1275. (Published)
Harold, Geruna and Nor Rul Hasma, Abdullah and Maulana Zulfikar, Asril and Mahfuzah, Mustafa and Rosdiyana, Samad and Pebrianti, Dwi (2017) Fruit Fly Optimization (FFO) for Solving Economic Dispatch Problem in Power System. In: International Conference On System Engineering And Technology (ICSET 2017) , 2-3 October 2017 , Shah Alam, Selangor. pp. 1-5.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Haroon, Arshad and Shaharin, A Sulaiman and Hussain, Zahid and Naz, Yasin and F., Basrawi (2017) Microwave Assisted Pyrolysis of Plastic Waste for Production of Fuels: A Review. In: MATEC Web of Conferences: UTP-UMP Symposium on Energy Systems 2017 (SES 2017) , 26-27 September 2017 , Perak, Malaysia. pp. 1-7., 131 (02005). ISSN 2261-236X (Published)
Harun, Safiq Irsyad and Siti Rabiatull Aisha, Idris and N., Tamar Jaya (2017) A study on the development of local exhaust ventilation system (LEV’s) for installation of laser cutting machine. In: Joining and Welding Symposium 2017 , 11 July 2017 , Universiti Malaysia Pahang. pp. 1-6., 238 (012013). ISSN 17578981 (Published)
Hasan, Ahmad and Mansor, Sulaiman and Tuan Sidek, T. M. and Mohamad Hilmi, Mat Said (2017) Imarah masjid: analisa awalan ke atas isu tauliah dan kelayakan tenga pengajar. In: 4th International Conference on Masjid, Zakat and Waqf Management (IMAF-2017) , 4-5 Disember 2017 , Bangi, Selangor, MALAYSIA. pp. 351-358., 1. (Submitted) (Submitted)
Hasan, M.M. and M., Ishak and M. R. M., Rejab (2017) Effect of pin tool design on the material flow of dissimilar AA7075-AA6061 friction stir welds. In: 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research (ICMER2017) , 1–2 August 2017 , Swiss Garden Beach Resort, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-8., 257 (1). ISSN 17578981 (Published)
Hasan, Mohammed Midhat (2017) Design of tool and backing/clamping system for dissimilar friction stir welding of high strength AA7075-T6 AND AA2024-T351 aluminum alloys. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, Thesis advisor: Ishak, Mahadzir).
Hasan, Raed Abdulkareem and Mohammed, Muamer N. (2017) A krill herd behaviour inspired load balancing of tasks in cloud computing. Studies in Informatics and Control, 26 (24). pp. 413-424. ISSN 220-1766. (Published)
Hasan, Raed Abdulkareem and Tapus, Nicolae and Mohammed, Mostafa Abdulghafoor and Hammood, Omar A. (2017) A comprehensive study: Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) for Facility Layout Problem. In: IEEE Proceedings of 16th RoEduNet Conference: Networking in Education and Research (RoEduNet 2017) , 21-23 September 2017 , Targu Mures, Romania. pp. 1-8.. ISSN 2247-5443 (Published)
Hashabra, Amani M. and Makky, Essam A. and Rashid, Shah Samiur (2017) Laccase as Bio-Pretreatment Step of Sawdust for Ethanol Production: Optimization and Statistical Modeling. In: Proceedings of the FGIC 1st Conference on Governance & Integrity , 3-4 April 2017 , Yayasan Pahang, Kuantan, Malaysia. pp. 355-369.. ISBN 978-967-2054-37-5 (Published)
Hashem, Mohammed Abdo (2017) Development of autonomous vehicle for road marks painting. , [Research Report] (Unpublished)
Hashim, Yasir (2017) Investigation of FinFET as a Temperature Nano-Sensor Based on Channel Semiconductor Type. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, International Research and Innovation Summit (IRIS2017) , 6-7 May 2017 , Melaka, Malaysia. pp. 1-6., 226 (012123). ISSN 1757-899X (Published)
Hashim, Yasir (2017) A New Approach for Dimensional Optimization of Inverters in 6T-Static Random-Access Memory Cell Based on Silicon Nanowire Transistor. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 17 (2). pp. 1061-1067. ISSN 1533-4880 (Print); 1533-4899 (Online). (Published)
Hashim, Yasir (2017) Temperature Effect on ON/OFF Current Ratio of FinFET Transistor. In: 2017 IEEE Regional Symposium on Micro and Nanoelectronics (RSM) , 23-25 August 2017 , Batu Ferringhi, Malaysia. pp. 231-234. (172623). ISBN 978-1-5090-4029-2 (Published)
Hashimah, Mohd Hadzri (2017) Properties of modified bitumen in hot mix asphalt using crumb rubber. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Hasmadi, Hassan and Hasnah, Hussiin and Jamal Rizal, Razali and Rohana, Hamzah and Munira, Abdul Razak and Husna, Hashim and Mohamad Azam, Muhd Akhir (2017) Modul hubungan etnik. Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang. ISBN 978-967-2054-52-8
Hasmira, Abd Sahatar (2017) Study of sand brick ratio 1:3 for partial replacement of sand with palm kernel shells (0%, 5% and 15%). Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Hasnah, Haron (2017) Conceptual paper presentation (technology). Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang. ISBN 978-967-2054-35-1
Hasneeza, L. Zakaria and Kamal Z., Zamli (2017) Elitism Based Migrating Birds Optimization Algorithm for Optimization Testing. International Journal of Software Engineering and Technology, 3 (1). pp. 10-18. (Published)
Hassan Abdulrssoul, Abdulhadi and S. N., Aqida and M., Ishak and I., Ismail and Ghusoon, Ridha Mohammed (2017) Experimental Investigation of Thermal Fatigue Die Casting Dies by Using Response Surface Modelling. Metals, 7 (6). pp. 1-13. ISSN 2075-4701. (Published)
Hazim, Sharudin and Nik Rosli, Abdullah and G., Najafi and R., Mamat and H. H., Masjuki (2017) Investigation of The Effects of Iso-Butanol Additives on Spark Ignition Engine Fuelled with Methanol-Gasoline Blends. Applied Thermal Engineering, 114. pp. 593-600. ISSN 1359-4311. (Published)
Hazim, Sharudin and Nik Rosli, Abdullah and M. N. A. M., Yusof and H. H., Masjuki and Ali, Obed Majeed (2017) Investigation of the emission characteristics of iso-butanol additives on methanol-gasoline blends using spark ignition engine. Journal of Mechanical Engineering, S4 (1). pp. 93-106. ISSN 1823-5514 (Print); 2550-164X (Online). (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Hazlina, Faizal (2017) Bengkel Semakan Data Penarafan UI GreenMetric. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Hazreek, Z.A.M and Raqib, A.G.A. and Aziman, M. and Azhar, A.T.S. and Khaidir, A.T.M. and Fairus, Y.M. and Rosli, S. and Mohd Fakhrurrazi, Ishak and Izzaty, R.A. (2017) Preliminary Groundwater Assessment using Electrical Method at Quaternary Deposits Area. In: 3rd and 4th International Engineering Research and Innovation Symposium, IRIS 2017 , 6–7 May 2017 , Melaka, Malaysia. pp. 1-10., 226 (1). ISSN 1757-8981(print); 1757-899X(online) (Published)
Hazrulrizawati, Abd Hamid and Mohd Hairul, Ab. Rahim and Aizi Nor Mazila, Ramli and Mashitah, Mohd Yusoff and Ahmad Faizal, Abdull Razis (2017) Isolation and characterization of alkaloids from Passiflora feotida for potential of antidepressant compounds. , [Research Book Profile: Research Report] (Unpublished)
Hazrulrizawati, Hamid and Aizi Nor Mazila, Ramli and M. M., Yusoff (2017) Indole Alkaloids from Plants as Potential Leads for Antidepressant Drugs: A Mini Review. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 8 (96). pp. 1-7. ISSN 1663-9812. (Published)
Hazrulrizawati, Hamid and Roziasyahira, Mutazah and M. M., Yusoff and Nurul Ashikin, Abd Karim and Ahmad Faizal, Abdull Razis (2017) Comparative Analysis of Antioxidant and Antiproliferative Activities of Rhodomyrtus Tomentosa Extracts Prepared with Various Solvents. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 108 (Pt. B). pp. 451-457. ISSN 0278-6915. (Published)
Hazrulrizawati, Hamid and Suria, Kupan and M. M., Yusoff (2017) Dihydroactinidiolide from thermal degradation of β-carotene. International Journal of Food Properties, 20 (3). pp. 674-680. ISSN 1094-2912 (Print); 1532-2386 (Online). (Published)
Hazrulrizawati, Hamid and Zeyohannes, Senait Sileshi and M. M., Yusoff (2017) Rhodomyrtus Tomentosa: A Phytochemical and Pharmacological Review. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, 10 (1). pp. 1-7. ISSN 0974-2441(print); 2455-3891(online). (Published)
Heamamalini, Parathethasan (2017) Esterification of acrylic acid and 2-ethyl hexanol in tubular reactor for the synthesis of 2-ethylhexyl acrylate. Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Hidayatul Nur, Hasim and Ramalingam, Mritha and Ernawan, Ferda and R., Puviarasi (2017) Developing fish feeder system using Raspberry Pi. In: IEEE Third International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Electronics, Information, Communication and Bio-Informatics (AEEICB 2017) , 27-28 February 2017 , Chennai, India. pp. 1-5.. ISBN 978-1-5090-5434-3 (Published)
Hidayatul Nur, Hasim and Ramalingam, Mritha and Ferda, Ernawan and R., Puviarasi (2017) Developing fish feeder system using Raspberry Pi. In: 3rd IEEE International Conference on Advances in Electrical and Electronics, Information, Communication and Bio-Informatics (AEEICB 2017) , 27 - 28 February 2017 , Chennai, India. pp. 246-250. (7972422). ISBN 978-150905434-3 (Published)
Hidir, Reduan (2017) UMP award shows R&D focus success. New Straits Times . p. 13.
Hidir, Reduan (2017) UMP's hostel for needy students. New Straits Times . p. 23.
Hiew, Ming Yu and Gupta, Arun and Gupta, Ritu and Husain, Muhamed Saad Bala (2017) Investigation of Bioplastic Properties Developed from Acrylate Epoxidized Soybean Oil Through Ring Opening Polymerization Process. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology (JCEIB), 1 (1). pp. 29-41. ISSN 0126-8139. (Published)
Hiew, Thong Yap and Ngien, S. K. and Norasman, Othman and Nadiatul Adilah, Ahmad Abdul Ghani and Norhan, Abd. Rahman (2017) Parametric Investigation in Malaysian Separate Sewer Systems. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Municipal Engineer, 170 (ME2). pp. 90-96. ISSN 0965-0903 (Print); 1751-7699 (Online). (Published)
Hilman, Fauzi and Mohd Ibrahim, Shapiai and Noor Akhmad, Setiawan and Jafreezal, Jaafar and Mahfuzah, Mustafa (2017) Channel selection for common spatial pattern Based on energy calculation of motor imagery EEG signal. In: 3rd International Conference on Control, Electronics, Renewable Energy, and Communications (ICCREC 2017) , 26-28 September 2017 , Yogyakarta, Indonesia. pp. 33-39., 2017. ISBN 978-1-5386-1667-3 (Published)
Hilmi, Amiruddin and Wan Mohd Faizal, Wan Mahmood and Shahrir, Abdullah and Mohd Radzi, Abu Mansor and R., Mamat and Azri, Alias (2017) Application of Taguchi Method in optimization of design darameter for turbocharger vaned diffuser. Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, 69 (3). pp. 409-413. ISSN 0036-8792. (Published)
Hilmi, Amiruddin and Wan Mohd Faizal, Wan Mahmood and Shahrir, Abdullah and Mohd Radzi, Abu Mansor and R., Mamat and Azri, Alias (2017) Application of Taguchi method in optimization of design parameter for turbocharger vaned diffuser. Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, 69 (3). pp. 409-413. ISSN 0036-8792. (Published)
Hilmi, Kamaludin (2017) Investigating the use of potassium-rich pellet on the feed conversion ratio, water quality analysis and fruit development of lycopersicon sp. growing in aquaponics system. Faculty of Industrial Sciences and Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Hilmi Hakim, Bakri (2017) A study of construction waste material management in Malaysia : a contractor point of view. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Hin, Lee Lee and Fredolin, Tangang and Gisen, J. I. A. and Saim, Suratman (2017) Prediction of Salinity Intrusion in the Sheltered Estuary of Terengganu River in Malaysia using 1-D Empirical Intrusion Model. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 36 (5). pp. 57-66. ISSN 0253-505X (Print) 1869-1099 (Online). (Published)
Hindryawati, Noor and Daniel, and Erwin, and Gaanty Pragas, Maniam (2017) Preparation of spent bleaching earth-supported calcium from limestone as catalyst in transesterification of waste frying oil. Jurnal Bahan Alam Terbarukan, 6 (1). pp. 68-75. ISSN 2303-0623. (Published)
Ho, Cheong Lee and Noraziah, Ahmad and Herawan, Tutut (2017) The Backbone of Key Successful Branding Strategies in the 21st Century: Innovation in Design Technology, Decision Making on Product Quality, and Collaborative Communications. In: Artificial Intelligence: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. Information Science Reference, pp. 717-758. ISBN 9781522517597
Hoseini, S. S. and G., Najafi and Ghobadian, B. and R., Mamat and Nor Azwadi, Che Sidik and Azmi, W. H. (2017) The Effect of Combustion Management on Diesel Engine Emissions Fueled with Biodiesel-Diesel Blends. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 73. pp. 307-331. ISSN 1364-0321. (Published)
Hoseini, S.S. and Najafi, G. and Ghobadian, B. and Rahimi, A. and Yusaf, Talal and R., Mamat and N. A. C., Sidik and Azmi, W. H. (2017) Effects of Biodiesel Fuel Obtained from Salvia Macrosiphon Oil (Ultrasonic-Assisted) On Performance and Emissions of Diesel Engine. Energy, 131. pp. 289-296. ISSN 0360-5442(print); 1873-6785(online). (Published)
Hui, Liang Khor and Liew, Siau-Chuin and Jasni, Mohamad Zain (2017) Region of Interest-Based Tamper Detection and Lossless Recovery Watermarking Scheme (ROI-DR) on Ultrasound Medical Images. Journal of Digital Imaging. pp. 1-22. ISSN 0897-1889. (Published)
Hujainah, Fadhl and Al-haimi, Basheer and Nasser, Abdullah B. and Hujainah, Amira and Al-Bashiri, Hael (2017) Applying Architectural Analysis for Current Software Systems: A Case Study of KFC and Pizza Hut Online Food Ordering Systems in Malaysia. Advanced Science Letters, 23 (9). pp. 9145-9151. ISSN 1936-6612. (Published)
Humaira, Abdul Latif and Mohd Rashid, Ab Hamid and Noor Azlinna, Azizan and Abdul Aziz, Jemain (2017) Path Modelling of Antecedent of Diabetes Mellitus on Blood Glucose Measurements. In: AIP Conference Proceedings: The 3rd ISM International Statistical Conference 2016 (ISM-III) , 9-11 August 2016 , Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. pp. 1-10., 1842 (020008). ISBN 978-0-7354-1512-6 (Published)
Hussam Alddin S., Ahmed and Mohammed Hasan, Ali and Laith M., Kadhum and Mohamad Fadli, Zolkipli and Yazan A., Alsariera (2017) A review of challenges and security risks of cloud computing. Journnal of Telecommunication Electronic and Computer Engineering, 9 (1-2). pp. 87-91. ISSN 2180-1843. (Published)
Hussanan, Abid and Mohd Zuki, Salleh and Khan, Ilyas and Razman, Mat Tahar (2017) Heat Transfer in Magnetohydrodynamic Flow of a Casson Fluid with Porous Medium and Newtonian Heating. Journal of Nanofluids, 6. pp. 1-10. ISSN 2169-432X (Print); 2169-4338 (Online) . (Published)
Hussanan, Abid and Mohd Zuki, Salleh and Khan, Ilyas and Razman, Mat Tahar (2017) Unsteady Free Convection Flow of a Micropolar Fluid With Newtonian Heating: Closed Form Solution. Thermal Science, 21 (6 Part A). pp. 2313-2326. ISSN 2334-7163. (Published)
Hussein Mahmood, Hamada (2017) Evaluation of bim implementation requirements affecting iraqi construction firms. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Hyreil A., Kasdirin and N. M., Yahya and M. S. M., Aras and Tokhi, M. O. (2017) Hybridizing Invasive Weed Optimization with Firefly Algorithm for Unconstrained and Constrained Optimization Problems. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 95 (4). pp. 912-927. ISSN 1992-8645 (print); 817-3195 (online). (Published)
I. M., Yusri and R., Mamat and A., Aziz and Ahmad Fitri, Yusop and Awad, Omar I. and S. M., Rosdi (2017) Investigation of Emissions Characteristics of Secondary Butyl Alcohol-Gasoline Blends in a Port Fuel Injection Spark Ignition Engine. In: MATEC Web of Conferences: The 2nd International Conference on Automotive Innovation and Green Vehicle (AiGEV 2016) , 2-3 August 2016 , Malaysia Automotive Institute, Cyberjaya, Selangor. pp. 1-11., 90 (01036). ISSN 2261-236X (Published)
I. M., Yusri and R., Mamat and Azmi, W. H. and Awad, Omar I. and M. F., Othman and S. M., Rosdi (2017) Influences of Gasoline Fuels on Waste Heat Recovery Potentiality of a Spark Ignition Engine. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 10 (7). pp. 1-5. ISSN 0974-6846(print); 0974-5645(online). (Published)
I. M., Yusri and R., Mamat and Azmi, W. H. and Awad, Omar I. and Mohd Hafizil, Mat Yasin and Ahmad Fitri, Yusop (2017) Investigation of Influences of Secondary butyl-alcohol Blends on Performance and Cycle-To-Cycle Variations in a Spark Ignition Engines. Energy Procedia, 110. pp. 310-315. ISSN 1876-6102 . (Published)
I. M., Yusri and R., Mamat and Azmi, W. H. and Awad, Omar I. and Obed M., Ali and A. I. M., Shaiful (2017) Application of Response Surface Methodology in Optimization of Performance and Exhaust Emissions of Secondary butyl alcohol-gasoline Blends in SI Engine. Energy Conversion and Management, 133. pp. 178-195. ISSN 0196-8904. (Published)
I. M., Yusri and R., Mamat and G., Najafi and A., Razman and Awad, Omar I. and Azmi, W. H. and W. M. F., Wan Ishak and A. I. M., Shaiful (2017) Alcohol Based Automotive Fuels from First Four Alcohol Family in Compression and Spark Ignition Engine: A Review on Engine Performance and Exhaust Emissions. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 77. pp. 169-181. ISSN 1364-0321. (Published)
Ibrahim, Abu Bakar and Noor Azah, Hashim and Hanie Nadirah, Mohd Tamrin and Rashidi, Abbas (2017) Hubungan Sunnah Rasullullah S.A.W. Dalam Amalan Berkongsi Makanan Menggunakan Dulang Dengan Tahap Kekenyangan. In: International Conference on Da’wah and Islamic Management (IC-DAIM 2017) , 31 October - 1 November 2017 , Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM). pp. 240-250.. (Published)
Ibrahim, Ashraf Osman and Hussien, Walaa Akif and Yagoop, Ayat Mohammoud and Mohd Arfian, Ismail (2017) Feature Selection and Radial Basis Function Network for Parkinson Disease Classification. Kurdistan Journal of Applied Research, 2 (3). pp. 167-171. ISSN 2411-7706. (Published)
Ibrahim, Thamir K. and F., Basrawi and Awad, Omar I. and Abdalla, Ahmed N. and G., Najafi and R., Mamat and Hagos, F. Y. (2017) Thermal Performance of Gas Turbine Power Plant Based on Exergy Analysis. Applied Thermal Engineering, 115. pp. 977-985. ISSN 1359-4311. (Published)
Ibrahim, Thamir K. and Mohammed, Mohammed Kamil and Awad, Omar I. and M. M., Rahman and G., Najafi and F., Basrawi and R., Mamat (2017) The Optimum Performance of the Combined Cycle Power Plant: A Comprehensive Review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 79. pp. 457-474. ISSN 1364-0321. (Published)
Ida Rizyani, Tahir and Mazita, Mokhtar and Azizan, Azit and Wan Khairul Anuar, Wan Abd Manan and Khairun Aisyah, Mohammad (2017) Brand Personality and Generation Y Purchase Intention Of Halal Fast Food Restaurants In Pahang. In: 4th International Conference on the Roles of the Humanities and Social Sciences in Engineering 2017 (ICoHSE4) , 24-26 February 2017 , Penang, Malaysia. pp. 1-22.. (Published)
Idris, Mat Sahat (2017) Fluid Mechanics 1. Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang. ISBN 978-967-2054-19-1
Idris, Mat Sahat and Mohd Nazrull, Syann Lesan and Mohd Azrul Hisham, Mohd Adib (2017) Development of Walking Gait Cue Stick with Laser and Stability Control for Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury. In: iMEDITEC 2017 Proceeding International Medical Device and Technology Conference , 6-7 September 2017 , Johor Bahru, Malaysia. pp. 244-246.. ISBN 978-967-0194-93-6 (Published)
Ihsan, Md Yusoff (2017) Determination of hydrology cycle in Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) Gambang and Pekan campus. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Ihsan Ali, Ghani and Nor Azwadi, Che Sidik and R., Mamat and G., Najafi and Tan, Lit Ken and Yutaka, Asako and Wan Mohd Arif, Aziz Japar (2017) Heat Transfer Enhancement In Microchannel Heat Sink Using Hybrid Technique of Ribs and Secondary Channels. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 114. pp. 640-655. ISSN 0017-9310. (Published)
Ijeomah, Geoffrey and Fahmi, Samsuri and Mohamad Adzhar, Md Zawawi (2017) Analytical modelling of sensing performance of carbon nanotubes for gas sensing. International Journal of Nano and Biomaterials, 7 (1). pp. 14-28. ISSN 1752-8941. (Published)
Ijeomah, Geoffrey and Fahmi, Samsuri and Mohamad Adzhar, Md Zawawi (2017) Novel Synthesis and Promising Applications of Graphene Nanostructures. International Journal of Engineering Technology And Sciences (IJETS), 8 (1). pp. 1-22. ISSN 2289-697X. (Published)
Ijeomah, Geoffrey and Fahmi, Samsuri and Mohamad Adzhar, Md Zawawi (2017) A Review of Surface Engineering of Graphene for Electrochemical Sensing Applications. International Journal of Engineering Technology And Sciences (IJETS), 8 (1). pp. 1-31. ISSN 2289-697X. (Published)
Ijeomah, Geoffrey and Fahmi, Samsuri and Mohamad Adzhar, Md Zawawi and Obite, Felix (2017) Carbon Nanotube-Graphene hybrid: Recent Synthesis Methodologies and Applications. International Journal of Engineering Technology And Sciences (IJETS), 7 (1). pp. 1-20. ISSN 2289-697X. (Published)
Ilham, A. Hadi and Izzeldin, I. Mohd and Mohamad Milood, Almelian and Mohamed Asghaiyer, Omran (2017) The impact of partial discharge on the dielectric properties of refined bleached and deodorized palm pil (RBDPO). In: 4th International Conference On Electrical, Control & Computer Engineering , 16-17 October 2017 , Hotel Adya, Langkawi. pp. 1-5.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Imaduddin, Abidin and Anita, Abdul Rani and Zarina, Mohd Ali and Jamal Rizal, Razali (2017) University-industry collaboration and malaysian public universities funding model. In: Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Economices and Social Sciences (ICESS-2017) , 21-22 October 2017 , Istanbul, Turkey. pp. 149-155.. ISSN 2307-7549 (Published)
Imla Syafiqah, Mohd Salleh and Wan Mohd Hafizuddin, Wan Yussof and Abdul Aziz, Mohd Azoddein and Shivananda, Chandraseagar and Wan Faizal, Wan Ishak (2017) A Factorial Analysis Study on Removal of Mercury by Palm Oil Fuel Ash Adsorbent. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 56. pp. 1501-1506. ISSN 2283-9216. (Published)
Imtiaz, Hassan Taj and Fatimah, Ali and Muhammad Aslam, Sipra and Waqar, Ahmad (2017) Effect of Technology Enhanced Language Learning on EFL Reading Comprehension at Tertiary Level. Arab World English Journal (AWEJ), 8 (1). pp. 108-129. ISSN 2229-9327. (Published)
Indok Nuratikah, Nizamudin (2017) Effect of nanoclay on mechanical and thermal properties of kenaf recycle polyethylene wood plastic composites. Faculty of Industrial Sciences and Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Indrawati, Turmudi and Rohana, Hamzah and Sarimah, Ismail and Muhammad Afzamiman, Aripin and Nor Hasrina, Mohamad and Haslinda, Hashim and Nur Qistina, Andin (2017) Purpose of education and spiritual potential ; What is your definition. Sains Humanika, 9 (1-2). pp. 23-31. ISSN 2289-6996. (Published)
Intan Najiha Akhmar, Saharuddin (2017) The probability distribution of daily rainfall distribution in Klang Valley. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Intan Shafinaz, Abd Manaf and Mohd Hasbi, Ab. Rahim and Gaanty Pragas, Maniam (2017) Biodiesel Production via Ultrasound-Assisted Method using Oil Adsorbed on Spent Bleaching Clay. In: ASIA International Multidisciplinary Conference 2017 , 1-2 May 2017 , Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. pp. 1-9.. (Published)
Intan Suhana, Mohd Razelan (2017) Safer Roads: Comparisons Between Road Assessment Program and Composite Road Safety Index Method. MATEC Web of Conferences (08005). pp. 1-9. ISSN 2261-236X. (Published)
Intisar Ibrahim, Ridwan and Rosmah, Ali and Izzeldin, I. Mohd and Mohamad Zulkefli, Adam and Nazar, ElFadil (2017) Rasch Measurement Analysis for Validation Instrument to Evaluate Students Technical Readiness for Embedded Systems. In: IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON) 2016 , 22-25 November 2016 , Singapore. pp. 2115-2119.. ISBN 9781509025978 (Published)
Iqbal, AKM Asif and Arai, Yoshio (2017) Investigation of the Fatigue Crack Propagation Behaviour in the Al Alloy/Hybrid MMC Bi-layer Material. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, International Conference on Materials and Intelligent Manufacturing (ICMIM 2017) , 21-23 August 2017 , National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore. pp. 1-6., 244 (012013). ISSN 1757-8981 (Print), 1757-899X (Online) (Published)
Iqbal, AKM Asif and Arai, Yoshio (2017) Stress analysis on the reinforcement particles of the metal matrix composite by Raman spectroscopy. In: 4th Asia Pacific Conference on Manufacturing Systems and the 3rd International Manufacturing Engineering Conference, APCOMS-iMEC 2017 , 7-8 December 2017 , Yogyakarta, Indonesia. pp. 1-7., 319 (1). ISSN 1757-8981 (Print), 1757-899X (Online) (Published)
Iqbal, AKM Asif and Mei, Jing Lim and Nuruzzaman, D. M. (2017) Effect of compaction load and sintering temperature on the mechanical properties of the Al-SiC nano-composite materials. In: AIP Conference Proceedings: Advanced materials for sustainability and growth: Proceedings of the 3rd Advanced Materials Conference (AMC2016) , 28-29 November 2016 , Langkawi, Malaysia. pp. 1-8., 1901 (030006). ISSN 1551-7616 ISBN 978-0-7354-1589-8 (Published)
Iqbal, AKM Asif and Norul Amierah, Nor Zamani (2017) Effect of reinforcement volume fraction on the mechanical properties of the Al-SiC nanocomposite materials. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, International Research and Innovation Summit (IRIS2017) , 6-7 May 2017 , Melaka, Malaysia. 012168., 226 (012168). ISSN 1757-8981 (Published)
Iradatul Hanis, Abd Hamid (2017) Improving safety performance in constructions project in Malaysia ( case study : in Kuantan ). Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Irene, Wei Kiong Ting (2017) UMP among the top 2.4% universities in Asia. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Irene, Wei Kiong Ting and Kweh, Qian Long and Kausalyaa, Somosundaram (2017) Ownership Concentration, Dividend Payout and Firm Performance: The Case of Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies, 54 (2). pp. 269-280. ISSN 1511-4554. (Published)
Irene, Wei Kiong Ting and Kweh, Qian Long and Lo, Huai-Chun (2017) Ownership Concentration and R&D Investments? Variations Brought by Family Control in Taiwan. In: Proceedings of the FGIC 1st Conference on Governance & Integrity , 3-4 April 2017 , Yayasan Pahang, Kuantan, Malaysia. pp. 94-106.. ISBN 978-967-2054-37-5 (Published)
Irfan, Ahmed (2017) Vertically aligned hierarchical nano-architectures for highly efficient and stable solution processable solar cells. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Irshad, Kashif and Habib, Khairul and Kareem, M. W. and F., Basrawi and Bidyut, Baran Saha (2017) Evaluation of Thermal Comfort in a Test Room Equipped with a Photovoltaic Assisted Thermo-Electric Air Duct Cooling System. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 42. pp. 26956-26972. ISSN 0360-3199. (Published)
Ishak, Ismail (2017) UMP dan IIM bina budaya integriti. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Ishak, Ismail and Hasnah, Haron and Darun, Mohd Ridzuan and Noor Azlinna, Azizan and Abdul Shukur, Ishak and Wan Khairul Anuar, Wan Abd Manan and Shamsudin, Norazidah (2017) Kuala Pahang Seafood Complex: Fisheries based products and restaurant as preferred destination and tourism attraction. , [Research Report] (Unpublished)
Ishak, M. and Idris, Siti Rabiatull Aisha and Ahmad Shah, Luqman Hakim and Rejab, Mohd Ruzaimi Mat (2017) Development of welded stiffener plates using dissimilar and similar metal joining technique. , [Research Report] (Unpublished)
Ishak, M. and Idris, Siti Rabiatull Aisha and Aiman, M. H. and Yusoff, Wan Azhar (2017) Dissimilar metal joining of aluminium and magnesium alloy by gas metal arc spot welding technique. , [Research Report] (Unpublished)
Ishak, M.F. and Muhammad Farhan, Zolkepli (2017) Exploration of Method for Slope Stabilization Influenced by Unsaturated Soil. Science International, 29 (1). pp. 105-108. ISSN 1013-5316. (Published)
Ishmael, Ukaegbu Chinonso and Rashid, Shah Samiur (2017) Biological Characterization of Water Extracts from the Caps and Stalks of White Hypsizygus Tessellatus (Bunapi Shimeji) and Flammulina Velutipes (Enoki) Mushrooms. Innovat International Journal Of Medical & Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2 (3). pp. 30-34. ISSN 2456-8694. (Published)
Ishmael, Ukaegbu Chinonso and Rashid, Shah Samiur and Jalal, K. C. A. and Sarkar, Shaheen M. and Hazrulrizawati, Hamid and Nina Suhaity, Azmi (2017) Between the bioactive extracts of edible mushrooms and pharmacologically important nanoparticles : Need for the investigation of a synergistic combination - A mini review. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, 10 (3). pp. 13-24. ISSN 2455-3891(print); 0974-2441(online). (Published)
Ishtiaq, Muhammad and Zuraina, Ali and Salem, Muhammad (2017) An Experimental Study of the Effects of Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) on Vocabulary Learning of EFL Adult Learners. Arab World English Journal (AWEJ), 8 (3). pp. 356-375. ISSN 2229-9327. (Published)
Iskandar, Abdul Halim (2017) An experimental study of the structural capacity of composite beam (concrete cast I-beam). Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Islam, M. Amirul and Chee, Wai Woon and Ethiraj, Baranitharan and Cheng, C. K. and Yousuf, Abu and Khan, Maksudur R. (2017) Correlation of Power Generation With Time-Course Biofilm Architecture Using Klebsiella Variicola In Dual Chamber Microbial Fuel Cell. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 42 (41). pp. 25933-25941. ISSN 0360-3199. (Published)
Islam, M. Amirul and Ethiraj, Baranitharan and Cheng, C. K. and Yousuf, Abu and Khan, Maksudur R. (2017) Electrogenic and Anti-Methanogenic Properties of Bacillus cereus for Enhanced Power Generation in Anaerobic Sludge Driven Microbial Fuel Cell. Energy & Fuels, 31 (6). pp. 6132-6139. ISSN 0887-0624. (Published)
Islam, M. Amirul and Ethiraj, Baranitharan and Cheng, C. K. and Yousuf, Abu and Khan, Maksudur R. (2017) Electrogenic and Antimethanogenic Properties of Bacillus cereus for Enhanced Power Generation in Anaerobic Sludge-Driven Microbial Fuel Cells. Energy Fuels, 31 (6). pp. 6132-6139. ISSN 1520-5029. (Published)
Islam, M. Amirul and Karim, Ahasanul and Chee, Wai Woon and Ethiraj, Baranitharan and Cheng, C. K. and Yousuf, Abu and Khan, Maksudur R. (2017) Augmentation of Air Cathode Microbial Fuel Cell Performance using Wild Type Klebsiella Variicola. RSC Advances, 7 (8). pp. 4798-4805. ISSN 2046-2069. (Published)
Islam, M. Amirul and Woon, Chee Wai and Ethiraj, Baranitharan and Cheng, C. K. and Yousuf, Abu and Khan, Maksudur R. (2017) Ultrasound Driven Biofilm Removal for Stable Power Generation in Microbial Fuel Cell. Energy & Fuels, 31 (1). pp. 968-976. ISSN 0887-0624. (Published)
Islam, M. Amirul and Woon, Chee Wai and Ethiraj, Baranitharan and Yousuf, Abu and Huei, Ruey Ong and Khan, Maksudur R. (2017) Bioelectrochemical Behavior Of Wild Type Bacillus Cereus In Dual Chamber Microbial Fuel Cell. IIUM Engineering Journal, 18 (2). pp. 79-86. ISSN 2289-7860. (Published)
Islam, Md. Shaharul and Lutfor, M. R. and M. M., Yusoff and Sarkar, Shaheen M. (2017) Highly Active Bio-Waste Cellulose Supported Poly(Amidoxime) Palladium(II) Complex for Heck Reactions. Journal of Cleaner Production, 149. pp. 1045-1050. ISSN 0959-6526 (print), 1879-1786 (online). (Published)
Islam, Md. Shaharul and Mandal, Bablu Hira and Biswas, Tapan Kumar and Lutfor, M. R. and Rashid, S. S. and Tan, Suat Hian and Sarkar, Shaheen M. (2017) Tapioca Cellulose Based Copper Nanoparticles for Chemoselective N-Alkylation. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 17 (1). pp. 550-557. ISSN 1533-4880 (Print); 1533-4899 (Online). (Published)
Islam, Mir Sujaul (2017) Integrated modelling of land use and climate change impact on water Quality In Cameron Highland area, Pahang, Malaysia. , [Research Report] (Unpublished)
Islam, Mir Sujaul and Arafat, Md. Yasir and Zularisam, A. W. and Edriyana, Abd Aziz (2017) Characterization of Chini Lake Water Quality with Malaysian WQI using Multivariate Statistical Analysis. Bangladesh Journal of Botany, 46 (2). pp. 691-699. ISSN 0253-5416. (Published)
Islam, Mir Sujaul and Karim, Md. Abdul and Mohamad Idris, Ali and Noram Irwan, Ramli (2017) Assessment of Heavy Metal Contents in Surface Sediment of the Tungguk River Surrounding the Industrial Complex of Gebeng City. Bioresearch Communications, 3 (1). pp. 362-371. ISSN 2411-0485 (Print); 2411-0272 (Online). (Published)
Islam, Mir Sujaul and Salah, M. G and Arafat, Md. Yasir and Abdul Syukor, Abd Razak and A., Idris (2017) Surface water quality assessment of the Gebeng industrial area using water quality standard and index. Journal of Engineering and Science Research , 1 (2). pp. 118-126. ISSN 2289-7127. (Published)
Isma Farhan, Roslan (2017) Properties of concrete with partial rice husk as fine aggregate replacement. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Ismail, Mohd Khairuddin and S. N., Sidek and H., Md Yusof and Baarath, K. and Anwar, P. P. Abdul Majeed (2017) Assistive-as-needed strategy for upper-limb robotic systems: an initial survey. In: 6th International Conference on Mechatronics (ICOM 2017) , 8-9 August 2017 , Gombak, Selangor. pp. 1-6., 260 (1). ISSN 1757-8981 (Published)
Ismail, Zulkhibri and Mohamad, Ahmad Qushairi and Mohd Zin, Nor Athirah and Lim, Yeou Jiann and Shafie, Sharidan and Khan, Ilyas (2017) Analytical solution for unsteady second grade fluid in presence of non-coaxial rotation. In: 1st International Conference on Applied & Industrial Mathematics and Statistics , 8-10 August 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang Malaysia. pp. 1-7., 890 (1). ISSN 17426588 (Published)
Ismail Ali, Abdul Aziz and Daing Mohamad Nafiz, Daing Idris and Mohd Hasnun Ariff, Hassan and F., Basrawi and Ahmad Fitri, Yusop and Wafiuddin, Md Ghazali (2017) Finite element analysis on effects of rim and web thicknesses on root stress of thin-rimmed spur gear with asymmetric web arrangement. In: 3rd Advanced Materials Conference (AMC 2016) , 28 - 29 November 2016 , Bayview Hotel, Langkawi, Kedah. , 1901 (1). ISSN 0094-243X (Published)
Ismail Ali, Abdul Aziz and S. R., Mohd Hanafi and Daing Mohamad Nafiz, Daing Idris and M. R. M., Rejab and Mohd Hasnun Ariff, Hassan and F., Basrawi (2017) Investigating Effects of Rim and Web Thicknesses on Root Stress of Thin-rimmed Spur Gear with Symmetric Web Arrangement. In: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH DAY 2017 , 30 Mac 2017 , Perpustakaan UTEM. pp. 1-2.. ISBN 978-967-0257-88-4 (online) (Published)
Ismayadi, Ismail and Idza Riati, Ibrahim and Rodziah, Nazlan (2017) Evolution of Magnetic Properties in Ferrites: Trends of Single-Sample and Multi-Sample Sintering. In: Sintering of Functional Materials. InTech, pp. 77-103. ISBN 978-953-51-3757-3
Ismed, Iskandar (2017) Competing risk models in reliability systems, an exponetial distribution model with Bayesian analysis approach. In: 4th Asia Pacific Conference on Manufacturing Systems and the 3rd International Manufacturing Engineering Conference, APCOMS-iMEC 2017 , 7-8 December 2017 , Yogyakarta, Indonesia. pp. 1-6., 319 (1). ISSN 17578981 (Published)
Izan Izwan, Misnon and Rajan, Jose (2017) Synthesis and Electrochemical Evaluation of the PANI/δ-MnO2 Electrode for High Performing Asymmetric Supercapacitors. New Journal of Chemistry, 41 (14). pp. 6574-6584. ISSN 1144-0546. (Published)
Izirwan, Izhab and Nor Aishah, Saidina Amin and Mohd, Asmadi (2017) Dry Reforming of Methane Over Oil Palm Shell Activated Carbon and ZSM-5 Supported Cobalt Catalysts. International Journal of Green Energy, 14 (10). pp. 831-838. ISSN 1543-5075(print); 1543-5083(online). (Published)
Izzat Akmal, Ruslee (2017) Mechanical properties of cement brick using rice husk ash (RHA) as cement replacement. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Izzati, Ahmad Rudaini and Rosmawati, Naim and Sureena, Abdullah and N. M., Mohktar and Juhana, Jaafar (2017) PVDF-CLOISITE hollow fiber membrane for CO2 absorption via membrane contactor. Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences and Engineering), 79 (1-2). pp. 17-23. ISSN 2180-3722. (Published)
Izzuddin, Zaman and Shiau, Wei Chan and M. S. M., Sani (2017) Design analysis of mechanical jack for assembling canopy. In: International Conference on Machine Learning and Soft Computing, ICMLSC 2017 , 13-16 January 2017 , Ho Chi Minh City; Viet Nam. pp. 209-213.. ISBN 978-145034828-7 (Published)
Izzuddin, Zaman and Syaiful Azmirul, Mohd Rozlan and Nor Azali, Azmir and Maznan, Ismon and M. A., Madlan and Musli Nizam, Yahya and Muhd Hafeez, Zainulabidin and M. S. M., Sani and M. F. M., Noh (2017) Modelling of rigid walled enclosure couple to a flexible wall using matlab and ansys APDL. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series; 1st International Conference on Materials Physics and Mechanics 2017, MPM 2017 , 23 July 2017 , Langkawi. pp. 1-7., 914 (1). ISSN 1742-6588 (print); 1742-6596 (online) (Published)
J., Alias (2017) The Influence of Hot Forming Process on the Microstructure and Corrosion Performance of Recycled Magnesium Alloys. In: International Corrosion Prevention Symposium for Research Scholars (CORSYM 2017) , 3-4 May 2017 , Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. pp. 1-18.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
J., Alias and Zhou, X. and Das, Sanjeev and El-Fakir, Omer and Thompson, G. E. (2017) Microstructure Evolution and Texture Development of Hot Form-Quench (HFQ) AZ31 Twin Roll Cast (TRC) Magnesium Alloy. In: AIP Conference Proceedings: Proceedings of the 3rd Advanced Materials Conference 2016 (3rd AMC 2016) , 28-29 November 2016 , Langkawi, Malaysia. , 1901 (130005). ISBN 978-0-7354-1589-8 (Published)
J., Kananathan and Sofiah, A. G. N. and Mahendran, Samykano and S., Ulakanathan and Nurul Akmal, Che Lah and W. S., Wan Harun and K., Sudhakar and K., Kadirgama and W. K., Ngui and Siregar, J. P. (2017) Influence of Boric Acid (H3BO3) Concentration on the Physical Properties of Electrochemical Deposited Nickel (Ni) Nanowires. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research (ICMER2017) , 1-2 August 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-7., 257 (012033). ISSN 1757-899X (Published)
Jabbar, Waheb A. and Mahamod, Ismail and Rosdiadee, Nordin (2017) Energy and Mobility Conscious Multipath Routing Scheme for Route Stability and Load Balancing in MANETs. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 77. pp. 245-271. ISSN 1569-190X. (Published)
Jabbar, Waheb A. and Mahamod, Ismail and Rosdiadee, Nordin and Roshahliza, M. Ramli (2017) Traffic Load-Based Analysis of MBQA-OLSR Routing Protocol in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. In: IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON 2017) , 5-8 November 2017 , Pulau Pinang. pp. 2677-2682.. ISBN 978-1-5090-1134-6/17 (Published)
Jaber, Aws Naser and Mohamad Fadli, Zolkipli and Mazlina, Abdul Majid and Shahid, Anwar (2017) Methods for Preventing DDoS Attacks in Cloud Computing. Advanced Science Letters, 23 (6). pp. 5282-5285. ISSN 1936-6612. (Published)
Jadin, Mohd Shawal and Mohamed, Amir Izzani and Ghazali, K. H. (2017) Design and development of alternative power generation system from heat sources. , [Research Report] (Unpublished)
Jaffrey, V. and N. M. Zuki, N. M. and A. N. M., Rose (2017) Improvement of productivity in low volume production industry layout by using witness simulation software. In: 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research (ICMER2017) , 1–2 August 2017 , Swiss Garden Beach Resort, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-7., 257. ISSN 17578981 (Published)
Jahid, Hj. Sidek (2017) Modul 2: Rawatan Spiritual Islam. Modul Istitabah . Majlis Agama Islam Selangor (MAIS), Selangor, Malaysia, pp. 47-98. ISBN 978-983-2381-55-6
Jamal Rizal, Razali and Imaduddin, Abidin (2017) Pendekatan inventif TRIZ dan 11 Tools dalam kemahiran penyelesaian masalah. International Journal of Humanities Technology and Civilization (IJHTC), 2 (1). pp. 45-49. ISSN 2289-7216. (Published)
Jamalizadeh, Azam and Sorooshian, Shahryar (2017) Merits of Industrial Clustering: Case of Date’s Industry of Iran. Quality - Access to Success, 18 (156). pp. 123-126. ISSN 1582-2559. (Published)
James, Jasper A. and M., Sushmitha and R., Premkumar and Narayanamurthy, Vigneswaran and R., Kalpana (2017) Microfluidic micro-well (size and shape) by numerical optimization for single cell applications: vertical trapping approach. In: International Conference on Microelectronic Devices, Circuits and Systems (ICMDCS 2017) , 10-12 August 2017 , Vellore, India. pp. 1-6.. ISBN 978-1-5386-1716-8 (Published)
Jamilah Bebe, Mohamad (2017) Sukarelawan UMP bersama masyarakat Orang Asli Jahai. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Jamilah Bebe, Mohamad and Anis Nabilla, Ahmad and Jamal Rizal, Razali (2017) Penggunaan Eufemisme di dalam Filem P. Ramlee: Lambang Kesopanan dalam Pertuturan Masyarakat Melayu. In: 2nd International Confrence On Humanities, Language, Culture & Business (2nd ICOHLCB) , 22-23 April 2017 , Cameron Highlands Pahang, Malaysia. . (Published)
Jamilah Bebe, Mohamad and Noriah, Mohamed and Noor Hafida, Mohamed (2017) Tinjauan Terhadap Pencabulan Dan Perlanggaran Maksim Oleh Pelajar Cina Di Dalam Proses Pembentangan Kerja Kursus Bahasa Melayu. In: 2nd International Confrence On Humanities, Language, Culture & Business (2nd ICOHLCB) , 22-23 April 2017 , Cameron Highlands Pahang, Malaysia. . (Published)
Jamrah, Mahat (2017) UMP rangkul pingat dalam Kejohanan Sukanun. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Jamshid , Ali Turi and Muhammad Faizal , A. Ghani and Yasir , Javid and Sorooshian, Shahryar (2017) Teacher’s instructional strategies to support slow learners in selected schools, The Islamic Republic Of Pakistan. The Online Journal of Islamic Education, 5 (2). pp. 1-10. ISSN 2289-3016. (Published)
Jarial, Rini (2017) Extraction, characterization and purification of flavonoids from filicophytes. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Jarial, Rini and Shard, A. and Thakur, Sveta and Mimi Sakinah, A. M. and Zularisam, A. W. and Rezania, Shahabaldin and Kanwar, S. S. and Singh, L. (2017) Characterization of Flavonoids from Fern Cheilanthes Tenuifolia and Evaluation of Antioxidant, Antimicrobial and Anticancer Activities. Journal of King Saud University - Science. ISSN 1018-3647. (In Press / Online First) (In Press / Online First)
Jarial, Rini and Singh, Lakhveer and Thakur, Sveta and Zularisam, A. W. and Mimi Sakinah, A. M. and S. S., Kanwar (2017) Evaluation of Antilipolytic, Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activities of Selected Ferns. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, 7 (6). pp. 150-156. ISSN 2231-3354. (Published)
Jarial, Rini and Singh, Lakhveer and Zularisam, A. W. and Kanwar, S. S. (2017) Anti-lipolytic activity and phytochemical screening of Chelianthesalbomarginata against pathogenic microorganisms. IIUM Engineering Journal, 18 (2). pp. 56-62. ISSN 1511-788X. (Published)
Jasim, S. E. and Mohamad Ashry, Jusoh (2017) Design Broad Bandwidth Microwave Bandpass Filter Of 10 Ghz Operating Frequency Using HFSS. In: Proceedings of 119th The IIER International Conference , 4-5 September 2017 , Putrajaya, Malaysia. pp. 31-34.. (Published)
Jaya Vejayan, Palliah (2017) Industrial training guidelines For the Faculty of Industrial Sciences and Technology Universiti Malaysia Pahang. Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang. ISBN 976-967-2054-57-3
Jaya Vejayan, Palliah and Amira Alia, Zulkifli and Syed Mohd Saufi, Tuan Chik and Norliana, Munir and Ambu, Stephen and Halijah, Ibrahim (2017) Uncovering a Protease in Snake Venom Capable To Coagulate Milk to Curd. International Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Research (IJBR), 8 (4). pp. 409-423. ISSN 0976-2612. (Published)
Jaya Vejayan, Palliah and Selladuri, Nathaniel Enock and Halijah, Ibrahim and Adawiyah Suriza, Shuib and M. M., Yusoff (2017) Biological Activities of Essential Oils Hydrodistillated from Two Closely Related Ginger Species: Alpinia malaccensis var. nobilis and Alpinia latilabris leaves. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 20 (4). pp. 959-971. ISSN 0976-5026. (Published)
Jayakumar, Saravanan and M. M., Yusoff and Mohd Hasbi, Ab. Rahim and Gaanty Pragas, Maniam and Natanamurugaraj, Govindan (2017) The Prospect of Microalgal Biodiesel using Agro-Industrial and Industrial Wastes in Malaysia. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 72. pp. 33-47. ISSN 1364-0321. (Published)
Jessinta, Sandanasamy and M. M., Yusoff and Jolius, Gimbun (2017) Optimization of Ultrasonic-Assisted Extraction of Polyphenolic and Flavonoids from Labisia pumila. Materials Science Forum, 890. pp. 167-170. ISSN 0255-5476 (print); 1662-9752 (online). (Published)
Jessy Lynn, Jaspin (2017) Carbon dioxide (CO2) dry reforming of glycerol for syngas production over rhenium promoted on Ni-based catalyst supported on santa barbara amorphous 15 ( SBA15). Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Jiah, Chee Soh and Soo, Ling Chong and Cheng, C. K. (2017) Catalytic Ethylene Production from Ethanol Dehydration over Non-Modified and Phosphoric Acid Modified Zeolite H-Y (80) Catalysts. Fuel Processing Technology, 158. pp. 85-95. ISSN 0378-3820. (Published)
Jiang, X. X. and Ji, H. and M. R. M., Rejab and Zhang, S. and M., Ishak and Zhu, L. (2017) Geometrical parameters influence on the stiffness of steel sandwich plates with web-core. In: 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research, ICMER 2017 , 1-2 Aug. 2017 , Swiss Garden Hotel, Balok, Kuantan, Pahang. pp. 1-10., 257 (1). ISSN 17578981 (Published)
Jing, Li and Husam Ali , Abdulmohsin and Samer Sami , Hasan and Li , Kaiming and Belal , Al-Khateeb and Mazen Ismaeel, Ghareb and Mohammed, Muamer N. (2017) Hybrid Soft Computing Approach for Determining Water Quality Indicator: Euphrates River. Neural Computing and Applications. pp. 1-11. ISSN 0941-0643. (Published)
Jiwanuruk, Tara and Putivisutisak, Sompong and Vas-Umnuay, Paravee and Bumroongsakulsawat, Palang and Cheng, C. K. and Assabumrungrat, Suttichai (2017) Modeling of Thermally-Coupled Monolithic Membrane Reformer for Vehicular Hydrogen Production. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 42 (42). pp. 26308-26319. ISSN 0360-3199. (Published)
Jnr, Bokolo Anthony and Mazlina, Abdul Majid and Awanis, Romli (2017) A Case Based Reasoning Decision Support Model for Green ITIS Diffusion in Collaborative Enterprise. In: IEEE Conference on Open Systems (ICOS 2016) , 10-12 October 2016 , Langkawi, Malaysia. pp. 1-6.. ISBN 978-1-5090-2603-6 (Published)
Jnr, Bokolo Anthony and Mazlina, Abdul Majid and Awanis, Romli (2017) A Model for Adopting Sustainable Practices in Software Based Organizations. In: The 8th International Conference on Information Technology , 17-18 May 2017 , Jordan. pp. 1-10.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Jnr, Bokolo Anthony and Mazlina, Abdul Majid and Awanis, Romli (2017) Sustainable Adoption And Implementation In Collaborative Enterprise: A Systematic Literature Review. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 95 (9). pp. 1875-1915. ISSN 1992-8645 (print); 817-3195 (online). (Published)
Joash EE, De Silva (2017) Learn Mandarin in 28 hours with award-winning book. The Star . p. 3.
Joash EE, De Silva (2017) Skills training for work in rail industry. The Star . p. 2.
Joash EE, De Silva and Clarissa, Chung (2017) Finding jobs a big concern among grads. The Star . p. 16.
Jolius, Gimbun (2017) Aliran bendalir dan kejuruteraan kimia menjadi fokus Persidangan FluidsChE 2017. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Jolius, Gimbun (2017) UMP menang pertandingan kereta inovasi CHEM-E-CAR ke-12. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Jolius, Gimbun and Gajendran, Natarajan and Ranganathan, Balu (2017) Natural Resources Product Prospects-International Conference on Fluids and Chemical Engineering-FluidChE 2017, Malaysia. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 10 (16). pp. 1-4. ISSN 0974-6846 (Print); 0974-5645 (Online). (Published)
Jolius, Gimbun and Law, Woon Phui and Anandharamakrishnan, C. (2017) Computational fluid dynamics modelling of the dairy drying processes. In: Handbook of Drying for Dairy Products. Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 179-201. ISBN 978-1-118-93049-6
Julius, Beneoluchi Odili and M. N. M., Kahar and Noraziah, Ahmad and M., Zarina and Riaz, Ul Haq (2017) Performance Analyses of Nature-inspired Algorithms on the Traveling Salesman’s Problems for Strategic Management. Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing. pp. 1-11. ISSN 1079-8587. (In Press / Online First) (In Press / Online First)
Jun, Yan Tai and Kah, Hon Leong and Pichiah, Saravanan and Azrina, Abd Aziz (2017) Dopant-free Oxygen-rich Titanium Dioxide: LED Light-induced Photocatalysis and Mechanism Insight. Journal of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, 52 (19). pp. 11630-11642. ISSN 2327-6045 (print); 2327-6053 (online). (Published)
Jun, Yun Tai and Kah, Hon Leong and Saravanan, Pichiah and Azrina, Abd Aziz and Lan, Ching Sim (2017) Dopant-free oxygen-rich titanium dioxide: LED lightinduced photocatalysis and mechanism insight. Journal of Materials Science, 52 (19). pp. 11630-11642. ISSN 0022-2461 (Print); 1573-4803 (Online). (Published)
Junaida, Sulaiman and Noorhuzaimi@Karimah, Mohd Noor and Suryanti, Awang (2017) The assimilation of multi-type information for seasonal precipitation forecasting using modular neural network. Advanced Science Letters, 23 (11). pp. 11365-11368. ISSN 1936-6612. (Published)
Junaidi, Rahman (2017) Mahasiswa UMP timba ilmu di China. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Junaidi, Rahman (2017) A study on effectiveness of pedestrian bridge utilization at Jalan Tanah Putih. Faculty of Engineering Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Jurida, Jamaludin and Fatmawati, Adam and Ruwaida, Abdul Rasid and Zulkafli, Hassan (2017) Thermal Studies on Arabic Gum - Carrageenan Polysaccharides Film. Chemical Engineering Research Bulletin, 19 (Special). pp. 80-86. ISSN 0379-7678 (Print); 2072-9510 (Online). (Published)
K., Kadirgama (2017) Investigation of Chip and Surface Roughness when Milling AISI304 Stainless Steel. In: Engineering and Innovative Materials V. Trans Tech Publications Ltd, pp. 152-158. ISBN 9783038357704
K., Kadirgama and D., Ramasamy and Kong, Chung Hwa (2017) Assessment of Alternative Methods of Preparing Internal Combustion Engine Cylinder Bore Surfaces for Frictional Improvement. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 39 (9). pp. 3591-3605. ISSN 1678-5878 (Print); 1806-3691 (Online). (Published)
K., Ramachandran and K., Kadirgama and D., Ramasamy and Azmi, W. H. and F. , Tarlochan (2017) Investigation on effective thermal conductivity and relative viscosity of cellulose nanocrystal as a nanofluidic thermal transport through a combined experimental – Statistical approach by using Response Surface Methodology. Applied Thermal Engineering, 122. pp. 473-483. ISSN 1359-4311. (Published)
K., Sudhakar and Soni, Ruma Arora (2017) Carbon sequestration through solar bioreactors: industrial strategies. In: Carbon Utilization. Green Energy and Technology . Springer, Singapore, pp. 143-155. ISBN 978-981-10-3352-0
K. A., Hamid and Azmi, W. H. and M. F., Nabil and R., Mamat (2017) Improved Thermal Conductivity of Tio2-Sio2 Hybrid Nanofluid in Ethylene Glycol and Water Mixture. In: 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research (ICMER2017) , 1–2 August 2017 , Swiss Garden Beach Resort, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-7., 257 (012067). ISSN 1757-8981 (Print); 1757-899X (Online) (Published)
K. A., Hamid and W. H., Azmi and M. F., Nabil and R., Mamat (2017) Heat transfer augmentation of mixture ratio tio2 to sio2 in hybrid nanofluid. In: 5th International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering 2017 , 16-18 Ogos 2017 , Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM). pp. 1-13., 13 (2). (Published)
K. A., Mohammad and Syarifah, Abd Rahim and M. R., Abu Bakar (2017) Effect of Seed Loading and Temperature of Seeding on Carbamazepine-Saccharin Co-Crystal. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 10 (6). pp. 1-5. ISSN 0974-6846 (Print); 0974-5645 (Online). (Published)
K. G., Li and Mohd Ibrahim , Shapiai and Asrul, Adam and Zuwairie, Ibrahim (2017) Feature Scaling For EEG Human Concentration Using Particle Swarm Optimization. In: International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ICITEE) , 5 - 6 October 2016 , Yogyakarta, Indonesia. . ISBN 978-150904139-8 (Published)
K. P., Ping and Rosyati, Hamid and Faradila, Naim and Nurul Wahidah, Arshad and Zeehaida , Mohamed (2017) Automatic Gram Staining for Sputum Slide. In: 4th International Conference On Electrical, Control And Computer Engineering (INECCE2017) , 16-17 October 2017 , Hotel Adya, Langkawi. pp. 1-6.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Kaaliarasan, Ramachandran (2017) Cellulose nanocrystals as a dispersant in thermal transport fluid : investigation of heat transfer analysis in automotive cooling system. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, Thesis advisor: Kadirgama, Kumaran).
Kadhem, Athraa Ali and Noor Izzri, Abdul Wahab and Ishak, Aris and Jasronita, Jasni and Abdalla, Ahmed N. (2017) Computational Techniques for Assessing the Reliability and Sustainability of Electrical Power Systems: A Review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 80. pp. 1175-1186. ISSN 1364-0321. (Published)
Kadhem, Athraa Ali and Noor Izzri, Abdul Wahab and Ishak, Aris and Jasronita, Jasni and Abdalla, Ahmed N. (2017) Reliability Assessment of Power Generation Systems Using Intelligent Search Based on Disparity Theory. Energies, 10 (3). pp. 1-13. ISSN 1996-1073 . (Published)
Kadhem, Athraa Ali and Noor Izzri, Abdul Wahab and Ishak, Aris and Jasronita, Jasni and Abdalla, Ahmed N. and Matsukawa, Yoshiaki (2017) Reliability assessment of generating systems with wind power penetration via BPSO. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 7 (4). pp. 1248-1254. ISSN 2088-5334. (Published)
Kah, Hon Leong and Azrina, Abd Aziz and Yee, Li Kang and Sheau, Wei Goh and Kulhar, Vijay Singh and Lan, Ching Sim and Pichiah, Saravanan (2017) Synergized Mechanistic and Solar Photocatalysis Features of N-TiO2 Functionalised Activated Carbon. AIMS Materials Science, 4 (3). pp. 800-813. ISSN 2372-0484. (Published)
Kahtan, Hasan and Wan Nor Ashikin, Wan Ahmad Fatthi and Azma, Abdullah and Abdulgabber, Mansoor Abdullateef and Noor Aishah, Rosli (2017) Automotive anti-theft system using fuzzy logic method. In: International Conference Software Engineering & Computer Systems (ICSECS 2017) , 22-24 November 2017 , Langkawi. pp. 1-7.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Kamal Z., Zamli and Fakhrud, Din and Kendall, Graham and Ahmed, Bestoun S. (2017) An Experimental Study of Hyper-heuristic Selection and Acceptance Mechanism for Combinatorial T-Way Test Suite Generation. Information Sciences, 399. pp. 121-153. ISSN 0020-0255. (Published)
Kamal Z., Zamli and Fakhrud, Din and Salmi, Baharom and Ahmed, Bestoun S. (2017) Fuzzy Adaptive Teaching Learning-based Optimization Strategy for the Problem of Generating Mixed Strength T-Way Test Suites. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 59. pp. 35-50. ISSN 0952-1976. (Published)
Kamaliah, Abdul Samad (2017) Synergistic ferulic acid production from banana stem waste by co-culture. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Kamaliah, Abdul Samad and N., Zainol (2017) The Use of Factorial Design for Ferulic Acid Production by Co-Culture. Industrial Crops and Products, 95. pp. 202-206. ISSN 0926-6690. (Published)
Kamaliah, Abdul Samad and N., Zainol (2017) Effects Of Agitation and Volume of Inoculum on Ferulic Acid Production by Co-Culture. Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 10. pp. 9-12. ISSN 1878-8181. (Published)
Kamil Zakwan, Mohd Azmi (2017) Opposition- based simulated kalman filters and their application in system identification. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Kamil Zakwan, Mohd Azmi and Zuwairie, Ibrahim and Pebrianti, Dwi and Mohd Saberi, Mohamad (2017) Simultaneous computation of model order and parameter estimation for ARX model based on single swarm and multi swarm simulated Kalman filter. Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering, 9 (1-3). pp. 151-155. ISSN 2289-8131. (Published)
Kang, Mei Feng (2017) Pertandingan bertutur Bahasa Mandarin. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Kang, Mei Feng (2017) Teaching and Learning of Chinese As a Second Language in Malaysian Micro Chinese Primary School: A Case Study of SJK (C) Yoke Hwa Kuala Pahang. In: The 2nd International Conference on Theory and Practice of Chinese Language Teaching 2017 , 14-15 October 2017 , New Era University College. . (Published)
Kang, Mei Feng and Syahrina, Ahmad and Jamal Rizal, Razali (2017) Analisis Kontrastif Daripada Aspek Fonologi Antara Bahasa Jepun Dan Bahasa Mandarin Dalam Sebutan Nombor = Contrastive Analysis Of Phonological Aspect In Number Articulation In Japanese And Mandarin Language. Journal Of Global Business And Social Entrepreneurship (GBSE), 1 (1). pp. 1-11. ISSN 2462-1714. (Published)
Kartina, Johan and Faiz, Mohd Turan (2017) Framework of Systematic Sustainability Assessment Strategy (FSSAS) for Hydroelectric Power Industry in Malaysia. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, International Research and Innovation Summit (IRIS2017) , 6-7 May 2017 , Melaka, Malaysia. pp. 1-10., 226 (012060). ISSN 1757-8981 (Print), 1757-899X (Online) (Published)
Kartina, Johan and Faiz, Mohd Turan and Wan Nurul Syahirah, Wan Lanang (2017) Perception of employees of industries in Malaysia on corporate sustainability in affecting customer confidence and loyalty: a case study. In: 3rd and 4th International Engineering Research and Innovation Symposium (IRIS2017) , 6-7 May 2017 , Melaka; Malaysia. pp. 1-12., 226 (1). ISSN 17578981 (Published)
Kashif, Irshad and Khairul, Habib and F., Basrawi and Saha, Bidyut Baran (2017) Study of a Thermoelectric Air Duct System Assisted by Photovoltaic Wall for Space Cooling In Tropical Climate. Energy, 119. pp. 504-522. ISSN 0360-5442 (Print), 1873-6785 (Online). (Published)
Kee, Keing Lee (2017) Extraction of polyphenol from phyllanthus niruri. Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Kelvin Lazarus, Lazarus (2017) Adaptive beamforming algorithm based on Simulated Kalman Filter. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, Thesis advisor: Nurul Hazlina, Noordin).
Keream, Settar S. and Abdalla, Ahmed N. and Mohd Razali, Daud (2017) Nonlinear Dynamic Inverse Controller Based In Field Oriented With SVPWM Current Control. Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology (JST), 25 (S.). pp. 37-44. ISSN 0128-7680. (Published)
Keream, Settar Subry (2017) Enhancement of a three phase induction motor performance by using a nonlinear inverse dynamics controller. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Khadijah Husna, Abd Hamid and Nurul Aini, Mohd Azman and Shalyda, Md Shaarani and Norashikin, Mat Zain and Normazlinah, Ahmad and Ahmad Ziad, Sulaiman and Syed Mohd Saufi, Tuan Chik and Wan Faizal, Wan Ishak and Pablos, Maria Pillar Almajano (2017) Alchemilla vulgaris and Filipendula ulmaria Extracts as Potential Natural Preservatives in Beef Patties. Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences, 21 (4). pp. 986-995. ISSN 1394-2506. (Published)
Khairatun Najwa, Mohd Amin and Annamalai, Pratheep Kumar and Martin, Darren (2017) Cellulose Nanocrystals With Enhanced Thermal Stability Reinforced Thermoplastic Polyurethane. Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences, 21 (3). pp. 754-761. ISSN 1394-2506. (Published)
Khairool Azizul, Mohammad and Syarifah, Abd Rahim and Mohd Rushdi, Abu Bakar (2017) Kinetics and Nucleation Mechanism of Carbamazepine–Saccharin Co-Crystals in Ethanol Solution. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. pp. 1-7. ISSN 1388-6150 (print); 1588-2926 (online). (Published)
Khairul Adlan, Ismail (2017) Pengendalian selamat peralatan merkuri dan raksa. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Khairul Amrizal, Abu Nawas and Mahfuzah, Mustafa and Rosdiyana, Samad and Pebrianti, Dwi and Nor Rul Hasma, Abdullah (2017) K-NN classification of brain dominance. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 8 (4). pp. 2494-2502. ISSN 2088-8708. (Published)
Khairul Firdaus, Anuar and Dk. Siti Suhailah, Pg. Haji Abas and Azian, Ibrahim and Azi Izwani, Nor Hamzah (2017) The Barriers And Challenges Of Women’s Involvement In The Construction Industry Within Klang Valley Area. International Journal of Industrial Management (IJIM), 3. pp. 61-75. ISSN 2289-9286 (Print); 0127-564x (Online). (Published)
Khairul Ihsan, Yaakob and M., Ishak and Siti Rabiatull Aisha, Idris (2017) The effect of pulse welding parameters on weld geometry of boron steel using low power fibre laser. Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences (JMES), 11 (3). pp. 2895-2905. ISSN 2289-4659 (Print); 2231-8380 (Online). (Published)
Khairul Ihsan, Yaakob and M., Ishak and Siti Rabiatull Aisha, Idris and Aiman, Mohd Halil and Nur Zalikha, Khalil (2017) Hardness Variation of Welded Boron Steel Using Continuous Wave (CW) and Pulse Wave (PW) Mode of Fiber Laser. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Joining and Welding Symposium , 11 July 2017 , Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-5., 238 (012007). ISSN 1757-899X (Published)
Khairul Muzafar, Ahmad (2017) Modification of austenitic cast iron (Ni-resist) with high manganese content by using heat treatment. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, Thesis advisor: Mohd Rashidi, Maarof).
Khairunisa, Muthusamy and Budiea, Ahmed Mokhtar Albshir and Ahmad Lutfi Fajri, Zaidan and Mohd Hafizuddin, Rasid and Dayang Siti, Hazimmah (2017) Properties of Concrete Containing Foamed Concrete Block Waste as Fine Aggregate Replacement. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Global Congress on Construction, Material and Structural Engineering 2017 (GCoMSE2017) , 28-29 August 2017 , Johor Bahru, Malaysia. pp. 1-6., 271 (012084). ISSN 1757-899X (Published)
Khairunisa, Muthusamy and M. F. S., Ali and M. N. A. A. , Zawawi and N., Nordin and Sharifah Maszura, Syed Mohsin and Nur Farhayu, Ariffin (2017) Palm Oil Clinker: A Potential Partial Sand Replacement In Brick Production. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Geo-Environmental, Sp. (NCWE). pp. 132-136. ISSN 2180-2742. (Published)
Khairunisa, Muthusamy and Mohd Hanafi, Hashim and Mohd Nazrin Akmal, Ahmad Zawawi (2017) The Effect of Unground Palm Oil Fuel Ash Content as a Partial Sand Replacement on Compressive Strength of Oil Palm Shell Lightweight Aggregate Concrete. In: Intervarsities Multidisciplinary International Conference 2017 (IMICO 2017) , 21-22 April 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang. pp. 1-5.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Khairunnisa, Ibrahim (2017) Phase formation and electrical properties of sodium bismuth titanate doped by barium titanate. Faculty of Industrial Sciences and Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Khairunnisa Asyiqin, Jamaludin (2017) Development of the flood risk map for Sungai Isap area. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Khalaf, Osamah Ibrahem (2017) Performance enhancement of adaptive cluster formation and routing protocols in wireless networks. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Khaled Abdul Rahman, Jomaa and Cheng, Jack Kie (2017) An integrated model to control traffic lights : controlling of traffic lights in multiple intersections using fuzzy logic and genetic algorithm. Business and Economics Journal, 8 (1). pp. 1-9. ISSN 2151-6219. (Published)
Khalid, Adam and Mazlina, Abdul Majid and Fakherldin, Mohammed Adam Ibrahim and Jasni, Mohamad Zain (2017) A big data prediction framework for weather forecast using MapReduce algorithm. Advanced Science Letters, 23 (11). pp. 11138-11143. ISSN 1936-6612. (Published)
Khalid Adam, Ismail Hammad (2017) Mapreduce algorithm for weather dataset. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, Thesis advisor: Mazlina, Abdul Majid).
Khan, Md. Ashikur Rahman and M. M., Rahman (2017) Surface Characteristics of Ti-5Al-2.5Sn in Electrical Discharge Machining Using Negative Polarity of Electrode. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 92 (1-4). pp. 1-13. ISSN 0268-3768 (Print), 1433-3015 (Online). (Published)
Khan, Musaddiq Majid (2017) Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) From Birth To Prophet Hood. Al-Qalam, 22 (S1). pp. 39-53. ISSN 2071-8683. (Published)
Khan, Musaddiq Majid (2017) Qur’ānic Methodology of Education: A Reflection on the Du’a of Prophet Abraham. In: GATR Official Proceeding of the 5th Global Conference on Business and Social Sciences on "Contemporary Issues in Management and Social Sciences Research" (CIMSSR 2017) , 4-5 May 2017 , Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. pp. 274-282.. ISBN 978-967-13147-0-8 (Published)
Khan, Musaddiq Majid (2017) Types and Characteristics of Leadership: A Qur’anic Presentation. In: Proceedings of 3rd International Conference On Qalb-Guided Leadership In Higher Education Institutions (iQALB 2017) , 5-6 December 2017 , Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia. pp. 75-90.. ISBN 978-967-440-421-5 (Published)
Khan, Musaddiq Majid (2017) Understanding the Mad’u: Towards an Impactful Da’wah. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Da’wah and Islamic Management (IC-DAIM 2017) , 30 Oktober - 1 November 2017 , Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia. pp. 326-337., 1 (1). ISBN 978-967-440-412-3 (Published)
Kharsah, Wael Sahdo (2017) The correlation between self-esteem, university commitment and academic performance among undergraduate students at the final year of their degree. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Kharudin, Ali (2017) Lift-off detection system using Error Compensated Eddy Current Testing based on fuzzy logic. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, Thesis advisor: Roshahliza, M Ramli).
Kharudin, Ali and Abdalla, Ahmed N. and Damhuji, Rifai (2017) Multi-Excitation Signal for Depth Crack Defect in Eddy Current Testing. In: The International Conference on Fluids and Chemical Engineering (FluidsChE 2017) , 4-6 April 2017 , Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. pp. 1-6.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Kharudin, Ali and Abdalla, Ahmed N. and Damhuji, Rifai and Faraj, Moneer A. (2017) A Review on System Development in Eddy Current Testing and Technique for Defect Classification and Characterization. IET Circuits, Devices & Systems, 11 (4). pp. 330-343. ISSN 1751-858X. (Published)
Kho, Yap Bing and Abid, Hussanan and Muhammad Khairul Anuar, Mohamed and Norhafizah, Md Sarif and Zulkhibri, Ismail and Mohd Zuki, Salleh (2017) Thermal Radiation Effect on MHD Flow and Heat Transfer Analysis of Williamson Nanofluid Past Over a Stretching Sheet With Constant Wall Temperature. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1st International Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics and Statistics (ICoAIMS 2017) , 8-10 August 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-6., 890 (012034). ISSN 1742-6596 (Published)
Kho, Yap Bing and Abid, Hussanan and Norhafizah, Md Sarif and Zulkhibri, Ismail and Mohd Zuki, Salleh (2017) Model for MHD Flow of Casson Nanofluid Over A Stretching Sheet With Newtonian Heating and Thermal Radiation Effects. In: The 8th International Conference On Numerical Optimization and Operations Research (ICNOOR 2017) , 27-29 August 2017 , Bukit Tinggi, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia. . (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Kho, Yap Bing and Mohd Zuki, Salleh and Norhafizah, Md Sarif and Zulkhibri, Ismail and Abid, Hussanan and Mohammad Khairul, Anuar Mohamed (2017) Thermal Radiation Effect on MHD Flow and Heat Transfer of Williamson Nanofluids Over a Stretching Sheet With Newtonian Heating. In: AIP Conference Proceedings: The 4th International Conference On Mathematical Sciences , 15-17 November 2016 , Putrajaya, Malaysia. pp. 1-8., 1830 (1). ISSN 0094-243X ISBN 978-0-7354-1498-3 (Published)
Khodabakhshi, F. and Marzbanrad, B. and L. H., Shah and Jahed, H. and Gerlich, A. P. (2017) Friction-Stir Processing of a Cold Sprayed AA7075 Coating Layer on the AZ31B Substrate: Structural Homogeneity, Microstructures and Hardness. Surface and Coatings Technology, 331. pp. 116-128. ISSN 0257-8972. (Published)
Khoo, Ying Siew (2017) Effect of electrolyte addition and type of solvents used on the quality of nanofiber scaffold. Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Khor, Hui Liang (2017) A new multi-frames watermarking technique for tamper detection and recovery. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, Thesis advisor: Liew Siau, Chuin).
Khudhur, Ahmed M. and Hashim, Yasir and Abdalla, Ahmed N. (2017) Development of Neuron Ion Channel Model using Colored Noise Terms in the Conductance. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 14 (7). pp. 262-270. ISSN 2040-7459. (Published)
Khudhur, Ahmed M. and Naif, Yasir Hashim and Abdalla, Ahmed N. (2017) Enhancement into the dissipative stochastic mechanics based neuron model under input current pulses. In: 15th International Conference on Researches in Science and Technology (ICRST) , 23-24 June 2017 , Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. p. 24.. (Published)
Khudhur, Ahmed Mahmood and Naif, Yasir Hashim and Khdher, Abdolbaqi Mohammed (2017) Enhancement the voltage clamp technique under noisy input currents. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. ISBN 978-3-330-33515-8
Kim, Hoong Ng and Cheng, C. K. (2017) Photocatalytic Degradation of Palm Oil Mill Effluent Over Ultraviolet-Responsive Titania: Successive Assessments of Significance Factors and Process Optimization. Journal of Cleaner Production, 142 (4). pp. 2073-2083. ISSN 0959-6526 (print), 1879-1786 (online). (Published)
Kim, Hoong Ng and Khan, Maksudur R. and Ng, Yun Hau and Hossain, Sk Safdar and Cheng, C. K. (2017) Restoration of Liquid Effluent from Oil Palm Agroindustry in Malaysia using UV/TiO2 and UV/ZnO Photocatalytic Systems: A Comparative Study. Journal of Environmental Management, 196. pp. 674-680. ISSN 0301-4797. (Published)
Kiwa, Toshihiko and Koji, Morita and Matsunaga, Yasuaki and Mohd Mawardi, Saari and Sakai, Kenji and Tsukada, Keiji (2017) High-Resolution Laser-Assisted Magnetic Nanoparticle Imaging Using a High-TC SQUID Magnetometer. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 27 (4). pp. 1-4. ISSN 1051-8223 (Print); 1558-2515 (Online). (Published)
Koh, Chai Fong (2017) Development of photocatalyst for CO₂ conversion to hydrocarbon fuel. Faculty of Engineering Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Kong, Chung Hwa and D., Ramasamy and K., Kadirgama and M. M., Noor and M. M., Rahman and Samykano, Mahendran (2017) Methods of Preparing Internal Combustion Engine Cylinder Bore Surfaces for Frictional Improvement. In: MATEC Web of Conferences: The 2nd International Conference on Automotive Innovation and Green Vehicle (AiGEV 2016) , 2-3 August 2016 , Malaysia Automotive Institute, Cyberjaya, Selangor. pp. 1-11., 90 (01055 ). ISSN 2261-236X (Published)
Kong, Zhung Jie (2017) Implementation of swarm intelligence algorithms on mobile robots. Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Kottasamy, A. and K., Kadirgama and Keeran, Annamalai and Mohanesan, K. and D., Ramasamy and M. M., Rahman and M. M., Noor and M. Razali, Hanipah (2017) Titanium Oxide with Nanocoolant for Heat Exchanger Application. Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences (JMES) , 11 (3). pp. 2834-2844. ISSN 2289-4659 (print); 2231-8380 (online). (Published)
Kozaki, Daisuke and Norhasmira Idayu, Harun and Mohd Hasbi, Ab. Rahim and Mori, Masanobu and Nakatani, Nobutake and Tanaka, Kazuhiko (2017) Determination of Water Quality Degradation Due to Industrial and Household Wastewater in the Galing River in Kuantan, Malaysia Using Ion Chromatograph and Water Quality Data. Environments, 4 (2). pp. 1-15. ISSN 2076-3298. (Published)
Krishnan, Santhana and Singh, Lakhveer and Mimi Sakinah, A. M. and Thakur, Sveta and Mohd, Nasrullah and Otieno, Andrew and Zularisam, A. W. (2017) An Investigation of Two-Stage Thermophilic and Mesophilic Fermentation Process for the Production of Hydrogen and Methane from Palm Oil Mill Effluent. Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, 36 (3). pp. 895-902. ISSN 1944-7442 (print); 1944-7450 (online). (Published)
Krishnan, Santhana and Singh, Lakhveer and Puranjan, Mishra and Mohd, Nasrullah and Mimi Sakinah, A. M. and Thakur, Sveta and Siddique, Md. Nurul Islam and Zularisam, A. W. (2017) Comparison of Process Stability in Methane Generation from Palm Oil Mill Effluent using Dairy Manure as Inoculum. Environmental Technology & Innovation, 8. pp. 360-365. ISSN 2352-1864. (Published)
Krishnan, Syam G. (2017) Development of magnesium cobalt oxide and its composite with reduced graphene oxide for asymmetric supercapacitor applications. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Krishnan, Syam G. and Harilal, Midhun and Izan Izwan, Misnon and Reddy, M. Venkatashamy and Adams, Stefan and Rajan, Jose (2017) Effect of processing parameters on the charge storage properties of MgCo2O4 electrodes. Ceramics International, 43 (15). pp. 12270-12279. ISSN 0272-8842. (Published)
Krishnan, Syam G. and Harilal, Midhun and Pal, Bhupender and Izan Izwan, Misnon and Karuppaiah, Chelladurai and Yang, Chun-Chen and Rajan, Jose (2017) Improving The Symmetry Of Asymmetric Supercapacitors Using Battery-Type Positive Electrodes And Activated Carbon Negative Electrodes By Mass And Charge Balance. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 805. pp. 126-132. ISSN 1572-6657. (Published)
Krishnan, Syam G. and Harilal, Midhun and Yar, Asfand and Vijayan, Bincy Lathakumary and Dennis, John Ojur and M. M., Yusoff and Rajan, Jose (2017) Critical Influence of Reduced Graphene Oxide Mediated Binding of M (M = Mg, Mn) with Co ions, Chemical Stability and Charge Storability Enhancements of Spinal-Type Hierarchical MCo2O4 Nanostructures. Electrochimica Acta, 243. pp. 119-128. (Published)
Kumar, Anuj and Sharma, K. V. and Gupta, Arun and Tywoniak, Jan and Hajek, Petr (2017) Optimization of Processing Parameters of Medium Density Fiberboard Using Response Surface Methodology for Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes as a Nanofiller. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 75 (2). pp. 203-213. ISSN 0018-3768(print); 1436-736X(online). (Published)
Kumar, Nallapaneni Manoj and Sudhakar, K. and M., Samykano (2017) Techno-economic analysis of 1 MWp grid connected solar PV plant in Malaysia. International Journal of Ambient Energy. pp. 1-10. ISSN 0143-0750 (Print); 2162-8246 (Online). (In Press / Online First) (In Press / Online First)
Kumar, Ravinder and Singh, Lakhveer and Zularisam, A. W. (2017) Enhanced Oxygen Reduction Reaction In Air-Cathode Microbial Fuel Cells Using Flower-Like Co3O4 As An Efficient Cathode Catalyst. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 42 (30). pp. 19287-19295. ISSN 0360-3199. (Published)
Kumar, Ravinder and Singh, Lakhveer and Zularisam, A. W. (2017) Mesoporous Co3O4 Nanoflakes as an Efficient and Non-Precious Cathode Catalyst for Oxygen Reduction Reaction in Air-Cathode Microbial Fuel Cells. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 78. pp. 329-336. ISSN 1876-1070. (Published)
Kumar, Ravinder and Singh, Lakhveer and Zularisam, A. W. (2017) Microbial Fuel Cells: Types and Applications. In: Waste Biomass Management - A Holistic Approach. Springer, pp. 367-384. ISBN 978-3-319-49595-8
Kun, Chee Yong (2017) Simulation study on reinforced concrete beam with variation of shape and size of opening. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Kuppusamy, Palaniselvam and Ilavenil, Soundharrajan and Srigopalram, Srisesharam and Gaanty Pragas, Maniam and M. M., Yusoff and Natanamurugaraj, Govindan and Choi, Ki Choon (2017) Treating of Palm Oil Mill Effluent using Commelina Nudiflora Mediated Copper Nanoparticles as a Novel Bio-control Agent. Journal of Cleaner Production, 141. pp. 1023-1029. ISSN 0959-6526 (print), 1879-1786 (online). (Published)
Kuppusamy, Palaniselvam and Ilavenil, Soundharrajan and Srigopalram, Srisesharam and Kim, Da Hye and Natanamurugaraj, Govindan and Gaanty Pragas, Maniam and M. M., Yusoff and Choi, Ki Choon (2017) Synthesis of Bimetallic Nanoparticles (Au–Ag Alloy) Using Commelina nudiflora L. Plant Extract and Study its on Oral Pathogenic Bacteria. Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials, 27 (2). pp. 562-568. ISSN 1574-1443 (Print); 574-1451 (Online). (Published)
Kuppusamy, Palaniselvam and Natanamurugaraj, Govindan and M. M., Yusoff and J. A. Ichwan, Solachuddin (2017) Proteins are Potent Biomarkers to Detect Colon Cancer Progression. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences. ISSN 1319-562X. (Published)
Kuppusamy, Palaniselvam and Soundharrajan, Ilavenil and Natanamurugaraj, Govindan and Srigopalram, Srisesharam and M. M., Yusoff and Gaanty Pragas, Maniam and Choi, Ki Choon (2017) Potential Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Applications of Diatoms Microalgae - An Overview. Indian Journal of Geo Marine Sciences, 46 (4). pp. 663-667. ISSN 0975-1033 (Online); 0379-5136 (Print). (Published)
Kusairi, R.M. and Kohbalan, Moorthy and Habibollah, Haron and Mohd Saberi, Mohamad and Suhami, Napis and Shahreen, Kasim (2017) An improved parallelized mRMR for gene subset selection in cancer classification. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 7 (4-2). pp. 1595-1600. ISSN 2088-5334. (Published)
Kusbiantoro, Andri (2017) 189 pelajar FTK tahun akhir pamer projek penyelidikan. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Kushendarsyah, Saptaji (2017) Micro-cutting of biocomplatible materials used for medical applications. , [Research Book Profile: Research Report] (Unpublished)
Kwan, Hui Yee (2017) The undrained shear strength of soft clay reinforced with single encapsulated lime bottom ash column. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
L. A., Aziz and Abdul Rahman, Mohd Kasim and H. A. M., Al-Sharafi and Mohd Zuki, Salleh and Nurul Farahain, Mohammad and Sharidan, Shafie and Anati, Ali (2017) Influence of Aligned MHD on Convective Boundary Layer Flow of Viscoelastic Fluid. In: AIP Conference Proceedings: The 3rd ISM International Statistical Conference 2016 (ISM-III) , 9-11 August 2016 , Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. pp. 1-8., 1842 (030005). ISBN 978-0-7354-1512-6 (Published)
L. A., Aziz and N. S., Arifin and S. M., Zokri and Abdul Rahman, Mohd Kasim and Mohd Zuki, Salleh and I., Waini and S., Shafie (2017) Mathematical Modelling on Convective Boundary Layer of Non-Newtonian Micropolar Viscoelastic Fluid. In: Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Research Day 2017. Centre for Advanced Research on Energy (CARe), pp. 440-441. ISBN 9789670257884
L. H., Shah and Guo, Shihui and Walbridge, Scott and Gerlich, Adrian (2017) Effect of Tool Eccentricity on the Properties of Friction Stir Welded AA6061 Aluminum Alloys. Manufacturing Letters, 15. pp. 14-17. ISSN 2213-8463. (Published)
L. H., Shah and Nurul Hidayah, Othman and Gerlich, Adrian (2017) Review of Research Progress on Aluminum-Magnesium Dissimilar Friction Stir Welding. Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 23 (3). pp. 256-270. ISSN 1362-1718. (Published)
Lai, Pauline Huey Min (2017) Fire safety practices among residents in Azelia Bukit Banyan, Sungai Petani, Kedah. Faculty of Engineering Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Laila Amera, Aziz and Abdul Rahman, Mohd Kasim and Mohd Zuki, Salleh and Wan Nur Syahidah, Wan Yusoff (2017) Boundary layer flow of mixed convection viscoelastic micropolar fluid over a horizontal circular cylinder with aligned magnetohydrodynamic effect. Malaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, 13 (4). pp. 567-571. ISSN 2289-5981. (Published)
Laila Amera, Aziz and Abdul Rahman, Mohd Kasim and Nur Syahidah, Yusoff and Mohd Zuki, Salleh and Sharidan, Shafie (2017) Magnetohydrodynamics effect on convective boundary layer flow and heat transfer of viscoelastic micropolar fluid past a sphere. In: 1st International Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics and Statistics 2017, ICoAIMS 2017 , 8-10 August 2017 , Vistana City Centre Kuantan, Pahang; Malaysia. pp. 1-8., 890 (1). ISSN 17426588 (Published)
Lam, Mian Mian (2017) Flow behaviour enhancement in micro-channels. Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Lardhi, Fatima Ali Salah and Noor Raha, Mohd Radzuan and Benraghda, Abdelmadjid (2017) Factors That Affect Arab EFL Learners' English Pronunciation. English for Specific Purposes World (53). pp. 1-13. ISSN 1682-3257. (Published)
Lau, Jett Chen (2017) The comparative study of mechanical properties of coconut shell as partial replacement of fine aggregate in concrete with different curing method. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Laupa, Junus (2017) Biodesel daripada bahan buangan prosesan sawit. Utusan Malaysia . p. 18.
Law, Hoon Chit (2017) Experimental evaluation on the performance of waste biomass briquettes formation and combustion characteristics. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Law, Woon Phui (2017) Effect of nozzle assembly, insulation and operating condition on partial combustion unit performance : computational fluid dynamics and experimental study. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Lee, Chia Kuang (2017) Developing an Integrated Industrialised Building system (IBS) maturity model: a hybrid model with RIGGS'S OMAX. (Unpublished)
Lee, Chin Mei and Monson, Rita E. and Adams, Rachel M. and Salmond, George P. C. (2017) The LacI-Family Transcription Factor, RbsR, is a Pleiotropic Regulator of Motility, Virulence, Siderophore and Antibiotic Production, Gas Vesicle Morphogenesis and Flotation in Serratia. Frontiers in Microbiology, 8. pp. 1-14. ISSN 1664-302X. (Published)
Lee, K.H. and N. A. M, Mukhtar and Hagos, F. Y. and M. M., Noor (2017) A study of the stabilities, microstructures and fuel characteristics of tri-fuel (diesel-biodiesel-ethanol) using various fuel preparation methods. In: 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research, ICMER 2017 , 1-2 August 2017 , Swiss Garden Hotel and Spa Kuantan, Pahang; Malaysia. pp. 1-15., 257 (1). ISSN 1757-8981 (Print); 1757-899X (Online) (Published)
Lee, Kelvin Khai Meng (2017) Investigation of the mechanical properties of Al-Al2O3-Gr hybrid composite fabricated by powder metallurgy. Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Lee, Lay Khoon (2017) Region-growing based segmentation and bag of features classification for breast ultrasound images. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Lee, Sin Gie (2017) Strenghtening of RC beams with bamboo fiber reinforced composite-polyester plate. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Lee, Yen Wah (2017) Behaviour of concrete beams reinforced jute fiber mat. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Leung, P. K. and Martin, T. and Shah, A. A. and Mohd Rusllim, Mohamed and Anderson, M. A. and Palma, J. (2017) Membrane-Less Hybrid Flow Battery Based on Low-Cost Elements. Journal of Power Sources, 341. pp. 36-45. ISSN 0378-7753. (Published)
Li, Woon Koay and Hashim, Yasir (2017) A Review On Indoor Smart Energy Management System. International Journal of Engineering Technology And Sciences (IJETS), 7 (1). pp. 1-16. ISSN 2289-697X. (Published)
Li, Woon Koay and Naif, Yasir Hashim (2017) A review on indoor smart energy managemet system. International Journal of Engineering Technology And Sciences (IJETS), 7 (1). pp. 1-16. ISSN 2289-697X. (Published)
Liana Syafawati, Mohamad Azmi (2017) Tendering and estimating strategies In contractor organization. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Liew, Chun Keat and M. Z., Ibrahim and Mohd Hisyam, Mohd Ariff (2017) Image Processing Analysis of Prevention for Mold Growth on Bread using Negative Ion Technology. Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering, 10 (1-2). pp. 175-179. ISSN 2289-8131. (Published)
Liew, Hua Wu and Mohd Ridzuan, Nordin and Zahira, Yaakob and Kong, Yong Liew and Jin, Lin Li (2017) Effects of Fe on Catalytic Hydrogenation of Palm Oil in Aqueous Solution. Chemical Papers, 71 (1). pp. 119-126. ISSN 0366-6352 (Print); 1336-9075 (Online). (Published)
Liew, Xiu Qing (2017) Development of table tennis launcher. Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Lim, Chong Lye and Kamarul Arifin, Ahmad and Ahmedov, Anvarjon A. and N. M., Adam (2017) Cryogenic pipe flow simulation for liquid nitrogen. Journal of Mechanical Engineering, SI 2 (2). pp. 179-198. ISSN 1823-5514 (Print); 2550-164X (Online). (Published)
Lim, Kar Sing and Nordin, Yahaya and Jeom, Kee Paik and Norhazilan, Md Noor and Mohd Hairil, Mohd (2017) Effects Of Soil Properties On The Corrosion Progress Of X70-Carbon Steel In Tropical Region. Ships and Offshore Structures, 12 (7). pp. 991-1002. ISSN 1744-5302 (Print); 1754-212X (Online). (Published)
Lim, Kar Sing and Siti Nur Afifah, Azraai and Nordin, Yahaya and Zardasti, Libriati and Norhazilan, Md Noor (2017) Strength Development of Epoxy Grouts for Pipeline Rehabilitation. Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences and Engineering), 79 (1). pp. 9-14. ISSN 0127-9696 (print); 2180-3722 (online). (Published)
Lim, Su Pueh (2017) External strengthening of reinforced concrete beams with bamboo fiber–vinyl ester composite plate. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Lim, Yong Zhao (2017) The mechanical properties of eggshell concrete using quarry rock dust as sand substitute. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Lina Nabilah, Luqman Loke (2017) Effect of the size of multi-layer spacer configuration on membrane performance : a CFD study. Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Ling, Fiona Wang Ming (2017) Flow enhancement in microchannels using okra, aloe vera and hibiscus mucilages. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Ling, Jin Kiong and Rajan, Jose (2017) Effect of halogen substitution on the absorption and emission profile of organometallic perovskites. In: UTP-UMP Symposium on Energy Systems, SES 2017 , 26-27 September 2017 , Perak, Malaysia. pp. 1-9., 131. ISSN 2261-236X (Published)
Liu, Yao (2017) Literature review. Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang. ISBN 978-967-2054-14-6
Liu, Yao and Sui, Hai Juan (2017) Linking Knowledge Creation with Employee Engagement: A Conceptual Model. In: Proceedings of INTCESS 2017 4th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences , 6-8 February 2017 , Istanbul, Turkey. pp. 1076-1085.. ISBN 978-605-64453-9-2 (Published)
Liu, Yao and Yan, Shao Qin and Sui, Hai Juan and Freida, Ayodele Ozavize and Feng, Li (2017) Bridging Leader’s Personality with Leadership Style. The Social Sciences, 12 (6). pp. 1076-1084. ISSN 1818-5800. (Published)
Liyananadirah, Mat Suli and Wan Hanisah, Wan Ibrahim and Badhrulhisham, Abdul Aziz and Mohd Rizauddin, Deraman and Nurul Ain, Ismail (2017) A Review of Rare Earth Mineral Processing Technology. Chemical Engineering Research Bulletin, 19 (Special). pp. 20-35. ISSN 0379-7678 (Print); 2072-9510 (Online). (Published)
Lock, Irene S. M. and Lock, Serene S. M. and Vo, Dai-Viet N. and Abdullah, Bawadi (2017) Influence of Palladium on Ni-based Catalyst for Hydrogen Production via Thermo-catalytic Methane Decomposition. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS, 57. pp. 343-348. ISSN 2283-9216. (Published)
Logatarsan, Chandran (2017) Design, fabrication and performance test of die-punch set for powder compaction process. Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Loh, Huang Ming (2017) Durability studies of Spent Mushroom Compost Ash (SMCA) as partial cement replacement in concrete. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Loh, Ri Jian (2017) Development of a 1-D salt intrusion modelling programme using python programming language. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Loo, Kian Loon (2017) Finite element analysis of concrete deep beams with various locations of opening and reinforcement arrangements. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Loo, Pei Wen (2017) Evaluation of peak flow design criterion for sewerage system in Taman Mahkota. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Low, M. H. and M. N.A., Mukhtar and Hagos, F. Y. and M. M., Noor (2017) Tri-fuel (diesel-biodiesel-ethanol) emulsion characterization, stability and the corrosion effect. In: 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research, ICMER 2017 , 1-2 August 2017 , Swiss Garden Hotel and Spa Kuantan, Pahang; Malaysia. pp. 1-11., 257 (1). ISSN 1757-8981 (Print); 1757-899X (Online) (Published)
Lukman Syarif, Andi Lantara (2017) The durability study of blend cement using sewage sludge ash (SSA) and eggshell. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Lum, Shirley (2017) Non-invasive hypertension monitoring in smart furniture. Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Luqma Illieana, Mat Isa (2017) Modelling post-fire erosion on natural slope containing nesosilicate minerals. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Luqman, Abdul Halim and Mohamad Firdaus, Basrawi and Azizuddin, Abd Aziz and Zulkifli, Mustafa and Oumer, A. N. and Ahmad Syazwan, Ramli (2017) A new cooling technique for stingless bees hive. In: MATEC Web of Conferences: UTP-UMP Symposium on Energy Systems 2017 (SES 2017) , 26-27 September 2017 , Perak, Malaysia. pp. 1-6., 131 (03013). ISSN 2261236X (Published)
Lutfor, M. R. and Biswas, Tapan Kumar and Sarkar, Shaheen M. and M. M., Yusoff and Mohd Sani, Sarjadi and Arshad, Sazmal E. and Musta, Baba (2017) Adsorption of Rare Earth Metals from Water using a Kenaf Cellulose-based Poly(hydroxamic acid) Ligand. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 243. pp. 616-623. ISSN 0167-7322. (Published)
Lutfor, M. R. and Sarkar, Shaheen M. and M. M., Yusoff and Mohd Harun, Abdullah (2017) Optical Detection and Efficient Removal of Transition Metal Ions from Water using Poly(hydroxamic acid) Ligand. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 242. pp. 595-608. ISSN 0925-4005. (Published)
Lye, Lim Chong and Kamarul Arifin, Ahmad and Ahmedov, Anvarjon A. and Nor Mariah, Adam (2017) Derivation of three-dimensional heat transfer mathematical equations to predict conductivity of insulation systems for liquid nitrogen pipe flow. Journal of Mechanical Engineering, S1 2 (1). pp. 39-56. ISSN 1823-5514 (print); 2550-164X (online). (Published)
M., Ghada and A. I., Najla and M. H., Sajad and A., Fida and M. S., Eltohami and Nour, A. H. and Elhassan, Hajo Elzein and Elsaman, Tilal (2017) Efficacy of some Sudanese Medicinal Plants Extracts to Remove Heavy Metals from Water. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 11 (3). pp. 51-55. ISSN 1991-8178. (Published)
M., Ishak and Muhammad Naqiuddin, Mat Salleh and Siti Rabiatull Aisha, Idris (2017) The Mechanical and Microstructural Study of Welded AA7075 Using Different Filler Metals. International Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements, 5 (5). 696 -712. ISSN 2046-0546 (print); 2046-0554 (online). (Published)
M., Ishak and S. N., Aqida and Mohammed, Ghusoon R. and Abdulhadi, Hassan A. (2017) Weld bead profile of laser welding dissimilar joints stainless steel. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research (ICMER2017) , 1-2 August 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-9., 257 (1). ISSN 1757-8981 (Print), 1757-899X (Online) (Published)
M., Waris (2017) Case on Managing Multi-Projects in Process Industry. In: Collection of Teaching Cases for Business Administration Studies. Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang, pp. 18-21. ISBN 978-967-2054-50-4
M., Waris and Asadullah, Khan and Ishak, Ismail and Panda, Sitansu (2017) Project Governance: A Need for Public Sector Infrastructure Projects in Pakistan. In: Proceedings of the FGIC 1st Conference on Governance & Integrity , 3-4 April 2017 , Yayasan Pahang, Kuantan, Malaysia. pp. 141-154.. ISBN 978-967-2054-37-5 (Published)
M., Waris and Panda, Sitansu (2017) Case on Integrated Time and Cost Monitoring of Construction Projects. In: Collection of Teaching Cases for Business Administration Studies. Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang, pp. 22-25. ISBN 978-967-2054-50-4
M. A., Abas and N. S. A., Zubir and N., Ismail and N. A. M., Ali and Mohd Hezri Fazalul, Rahiman and Saiful Nizam, Tajuddin and M. N., Taib (2017) Agarwood Oil Quality Classifier Using Machine Learning. In: International Symposium On Computational Intelligence And Application , Jul 14, 2017 - Jul 15, 2017 , Melaka, Malaysia. . (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
M. A., Ameedeen and Thong, Weng Jie (2017) Seamless model interoperability for software design and analysis. Advanced Science Letters, 23 (11). pp. 11178-11181. ISSN 1936-6612. (Published)
M. A., Anwar and Kurniawan, Tedi and Asmara, Y. P. and W. S., Wan Harun and Oumar, A. N. and Nandyanto, A. B. D. (2017) Morphology Evaluation of ZrO2 Dip Coating on Mild Steel and its Corrosion Performance in NaOH Solution. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research (ICMER2017) , 1-2 August 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-6., 257 (012087). ISSN 1757-899X (Published)
M. A., Hisyam and Dayangku Noorfazidah, Awang Sh'ri (2017) Grain size and mechanical properties of metals subjected to equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) process. In: Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Research Day 2017 , 30 March 2017 , UTEM Library, Melaka. pp. 301-302.. ISBN 978-967-0257-884 (Published)
M. A. A., Ahmad and Chin, S. Y. (2017) Screening of Catalyst and Important Variable for the Esterification of Acrylic Acid with 2 Ethylhexanol. In: 29th Symposium of Malaysian Chemical Engineers (SOMChE) 2016 , 1st - 3rd December 2016 , Sarawak, Malaysia. pp. 1-10., 206 (1). ISSN 1757-8981 (Print), 1757-899X (Online) (Published)
M. A. A., Aziz and Ahmad Fitri, Yusop and Mohd Hafizil, Mat Yasin and Mohd Adnin, Hamidi and Azri, Alias and H., Hussin and S., Hamri (2017) Study of alcohol fuel of butanol and ethanol effect on the compression ignition (CI) engine performance, combustion and emission characteristic. In: 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research, ICMER 2017 , 1-2 August 2017 , Swiss Garden Hotel and Spa Kuantan, Pahang; Malaysia. pp. 1-13., 257 (1). ISSN 1757-8981 (Print); 1757-899X (Online) (Published)
M. A. H., Abu Hassan and Dayangku Noorfazidah, Awang Shri (2017) Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Metals Subjected to Equal Channel Angular Pressing (ECAP) Process. In: Mechanical Engineering Research Day 2017 , 30 Mac 2017 , Perpustakaan UTEM. pp. 1-2.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
M. F., Nabil and Azmi, W. H. and K., Abdul Hamid and R., Mamat and Hagos, F. Y. (2017) An Experimental Study on the Thermal Conductivity and Dynamic Viscosity of Tio2-Sio2 Nanofluids in Water: Ethylene Glycol Mixture. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 86. pp. 181-189. ISSN 0735-1933. (Published)
M. F., Nabil and Azmi, W. H. and K. A., Hamid and R., Mamat (2017) Heat Transfer and Friction Factor of Composite TiO2–SiO2nanofluids in Water-Ethylene Glycol (60:40) Mixture. In: 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research (ICMER2017) , 1–2 August 2017 , Swiss Garden Beach Resort, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-8., 257 (012066). ISSN 1757-8981 (Print); 1757-899X (Online) (Published)
M. F., Nabil and Azmi, W. H. and K. A., Hamid and R., Mamat (2017) Heat transfer and friction factor of composite TiO2-SiO2 nanofluids in water-ethylene glycol (60:40) mixture. In: 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research, ICMER 2017 , 1-2 August 2017 , Swiss Garden Hotel and Spa Kuantan, Pahang; Malaysia. pp. 1-8., 257 (1). ISSN 1757-8981(print); 1757-899X(online) (Published)
M. F., Nabil and W. H., Azmi and K. A., Hamid and N. N. M., Zawawi and Priyandoko, Gigih and R., Mamat (2017) Thermo-physical Properties of Hybrid Nanofluids and Hybrid Nanolubricants: A Comprehensive Review on Performance. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 83. pp. 30-39. ISSN 0735-1933. (Published)
M. F., Nabil and W. H., Azmi and K. A., Hamid and R., Mamat (2017) Heat transfer performance of Ti02- Si02 nanofluid in water-ethylene glycol mixture. In: International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering 2017 (ICAME) , 16-18 Ogos 2017 , Society of Mechanical Engineering Liveliness, FKM, UiTM. pp. 1-10., 13 (2). (Published)
M. F., Othman and N., Anuar and Sunarti, Abd Rahman and N. A ., Ahmad Taifuddin (2017) Cocrystal screening of ibuprofen with oxalic acid and citric acid via grinding method. In: 3rd International Conference on Global Sustainability and Chemical Engineering, ICGSCE 2017 , 15-16 February 2017 , Marriot Hotel, Putrajaya; Malaysia. pp. 1-6., 358 (1). ISSN 1757-8981 (Print), 1757-899X (Online) (Published)
M. F. F., Ab Rashid (2017) A Hybrid Ant-Wolf Algorithm to Optimize Assembly Sequence Planning Problem. Assembly Automation, 37 (2). pp. 238-248. ISSN 0144-5154. (Published)
M. F. F., Ab Rashid and Tiwari, Ashutosh and Windo, Hutabarat (2017) Comparison of Sequential and Integrated Optimisation Approaches for ASP and ALB. Procedia CIRP, 63. pp. 505-510. ISSN 2212-8271. (Published)
M. F. F. A., Hamidi and W. S., Wan Harun (2017) Evaluation of mechanical properties for open cellular structure 17-4 PH stainless steel alloy fabricated by selective laser melting process. In: Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Research Day 2017. Centre for Advanced Research on Energy (CARe), pp. 122-123. ISBN 9789670257884
M. F. F. A., Hamidi and W. S., Wan Harun and M., Samykano and S. A., Che Ghani and Z., Ghazalli and F., Ahmad and A. B., Sulong (2017) A Review of Biocompatible Metal Injection Moulding Process Parameters for Biomedical Applications. Materials Science and Engineering: C, 78. pp. 1263-1276. ISSN 0928-4931. (Published)
M. F. F. A., Hamidi and W. S., Wan Harun and Nur Zalikha, Khalil and S. A., Che Ghani and M. Z., Azir (2017) Study of Solvent Debinding Parameters for Metal Injection Moulded 316L Stainless Steel. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research (ICMER2017) , 1-2 August 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-9., 257 (012035). ISSN 1757-899X (Published)
M. F. M., Sunif and F. R. M., Romlay (2017) Travelling Wave Rotary Ultrasonic Motor with Novel Hollow Segments Stator. International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, 10 (3). pp. 277-282. ISSN 0974-5572. (Published)
M. F. M., Yusof and M., Ishak and M. F., Ghazali (2017) Feasibility of using acoustic method in monitoring the penetration status during the Pulse Mode Laser Welding process. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering: Joining and Welding Symposium , 11 July 2017 , Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-9., 238 (012006). ISSN 1757-899X (Published)
M. H., Abdullah and S. A., Che Ghani and Z., Zaulkafilai and Saiful Nizam, Tajuddin (2017) Development open source microcontroller based temperature data logger. In: 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research (ICMER2017) , 1–2 August 2017 , Swiss Garden Beach Resort, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-13., 257 (1). ISSN 17578981 (Published)
M. H., Low and M. Mukhtar, N. and Hagos, F. Y. and M. M., Noor (2017) Tri-Fuel Emulsion Fuel Characterization, Stability and The Corrosion Effect. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research (ICMER2017) , 1-2 August 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-11., 257 (012082). ISSN 1757-8981 (Print), 1757-899X (Online) (Published)
M. H., Mohamad Nor and Z. H., Ismail and Mohd Ashraf, Ahmad (2017) Broadcast control of multi-agent systems with instability phenomenon. In: 6th International Conference on Underwater System Technology: Theory & Applications , 13-14 December 2016 , Penang, Malaysia. pp. 7-12.. ISBN 9781509057986 (Published)
M. H., Muhammad Sidik and S. A., Che Ghani (2017) Volume Measuring System Using Arduino for Automatic Liquid Filling Machine. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER), 12 (24). pp. 14505-14509. ISSN 0973-4562 (print); 1087-1090 (online). (Published)
M. H., Sulaiman and Zuriani, Mustaffa (2017) Cuckoo search algorithm as an optimizer for optimal reactive power dispatch problems. In: The 3rd International Conference on Control, Automation and Robotics (ICCAR 2017) , 22-24 April 2017 , Nagoya, Japan. pp. 735-739.. ISBN 978-150906087-0 (Published)
M. H. M., Hamdan and Siregar, J. P. and Bachtiar, Dandi and M. R. M., Rejab and Mahendran, Samykano and E. H., Agung and Cionita, Tezara and Jamiluddin, Jaafar (2017) Effect of alkaline treatment on mechanical properties of woven ramie reinforced thermoset composite. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research (ICMER2017) , 1-2 August 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-6., 257 (1). ISSN 1757-8981 (Published)
M. H. M., Hazwan and Z., Shayfull and S., Sharif and S. M., Nasir and Mohd Rashidi, Maarof (2017) Warpage Optimisation on the Moulded Part using Response Surface Methodology (RSM) and Glowworm Swarm Optimisation (GSO). In: MATEC Web of Conferences: Engineering Technology International Conference 2016 (ETIC 2016) , 4-5 August 2016 , Ho Chi Mini City, Vietnam. pp. 1-11., 97 (01105). ISSN 2261-236X (Published)
M. H. M., Hazwan and Z., Shayfull and S., Sharif and S. M., Nasir and Mohd Rashidi, Maarof (2017) Warpage Optimisation on the Moulded Part with Conformal Cooling Channels using Response Surface Methodology (RSM) and Glowworm Swarm Optimisation (GSO). In: 2016 Engineering Technology International Conference, ETIC 2016 , 5 Ogos 2016 , Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam. pp. 1-12., 97. ISSN 2261-236X (Published)
M. H. M., Nazmul and M. K. K., Fazlul and Rashid, Shah Samiur and Doustjalali, Saeid Reza and Farzana, Yasmin and Al-Jashamy, Karim and Munira, Bhuiyan and Sabet, Negar Shafiei (2017) ESBL and MBL genes detection and plasmid profile analysis from Pseudomonas aeruginosa clinical isolates from Selayang Hospital, Malaysia. Pakistan Journal of Medical & Health Sciences, 11 (3). pp. 815-818. ISSN 1996-7195. (Published)
M. H. M., Yasin and R., Mamat and Ahmad Fitri, Yusop and M. H., Ali and I., Izzudin (2017) Study of Fuel Inlet Temperature Variations on Palm Biodiesel Operating with a Diesel Engine. In: MATEC Web of Conferences: The 2nd International Conference on Automotive Innovation and Green Vehicle (AiGEV 2016) , 2-3 August 2016 , Malaysia Automotive Institute, Cyberjaya, Selangor. pp. 1-8., 90 (01079). ISSN 2261-236X (Published)
M. H. N., Izham and N. A. Z., Abdullah and Siti Norazila, Zahari and M. S. M., Sani (2017) Structural Dynamic Investigation of Frame Structure with Bolted Joints. In: MATEC Web of Conferences: The 2nd International Conference on Automotive Innovation and Green Vehicle (AiGEV 2016) , 2-3 August 2016 , Malaysia Automotive Institute, Cyberjaya, Selangor. pp. 1-9., 90 (01043). ISSN 2261-236X (Published)
M. I., Adiyanto and Majid, Taksiah A. and Fadzli, Mohamed Nazri (2017) Nonstructural Damages of Reinforced Concrete Buildings Due to 2015 Ranau Earthquake. In: AIP Conference Proceedings: Proceeding of the 3rd International Conference of Global Network for Innovative Technology 2016 (3rd IGNITE-2016) , 27-29 January 2016 , Penang, Malaysia. pp. 1-6., 1865 (090002). ISBN 978-0-7354-1545-4 (Published)
M. I., Anwar and Sharidan, Shafie and T., Hayat and S. A., Shehzad and Mohd Zuki, Salleh (2017) Numerical Study for MHD Stagnation-Point Flow of a Micropolar Nanofluid Towards a Stretching Sheet. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 39 (1). pp. 89-100. ISSN 1806-3691. (Published)
M. I. I., Mahamud and M., Ishak and Aiman, Mohd Halil (2017) Study of Dissimilar Welding AA6061 Aluminium Alloy and AZ31B Magnesium Alloy with ER5356 Filler Using Friction Stir Welding. In: Joining and Welding Symposium (JWS2017) , 11 July 2017 , Universiti Malaysia Pahang. pp. 1-8., 238 (1). ISSN 17578981 (Published)
M. M., Hasan and M. M., Rahman and M. Nomani, Kabir and Abdul Adam, Abdullah (2017) Numerical Study on the Combustion and Performance Characteristics of a HCCI Engine Resulting from the Autoignition of Gasoline Surrogate Fuel. Journal of Energy Engineering , 143 (5). pp. 1-10. ISSN 0733-9402. (Published)
M. M., Noor and K., Kadirgama and A. M., Hussein (2017) Nanoparticles Suspended in Ethylene Glycol Thermal Properties and Applications: An Overview. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 69. pp. 1324-1330. ISSN 1364-0321. (Published)
M. M., Rahman and Kamal, M. (2017) Fatigue Life Prediction of Titanium Alloy for Block Loading Using The Hybrid Approach of Critical Plane and Continuum Damage Mechanics. International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering (IJAME), 14 (1). pp. 4080-4096. ISSN 2229-8649 (Print); 2180-1606 (Online). (Published)
M. M., Rahman and M. M., Hasan (2017) Performance and Emission Characteristics of Biodiesel–Diesel Blend and Environmental and Economic Impacts of Biodiesel Production: A Review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 74. pp. 938-948. ISSN 1364-0321. (Published)
M. M., Razali and M. F. F., Ab Rashid and M.R.A., Make (2017) Optimization of mixed-model assembly line balancing problem with resource constraints. In: Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Research Day 2017. Centre for Advanced Research on Energy (CARe), pp. 115-117. ISBN 9789670257884
M. M., Yusoff and Abdul Syukor, Abd Razak and Doh, Shu Ing and Gaanty Pragas, Maniam and Mohamad Idris, Ali and Muzamir, Hasan and Noram Irwan, Ramli and Zulkefli, Yaacob (2017) Sustainable Mining: Case Study for Bauxite Mining in Pahang. Academy of Sciences Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 978-983-29153-4-8
M. M., Yusoff and Nik Rohani, Nik Mustapa and Sarkar, Shaheen M. and Biswas, Tapan Kumar and Lutfor, M. R. and Sazmal Effendi, Arshad and Mohd Sani, Sarjadi and Kulkarni, Ajaykumar D. (2017) Synthesis of Ion Imprinted Polymers for Selective Recognition and Separation of Rare Earth Metals. Journal of Rare Earths, 35 (2). pp. 177-186. ISSN 1002-0721. (Published)
M. N., Kabir and Ali, Jahan and Alsewari, Abdulrahman A. and Kamal Z., Zamli (2017) An adaptive flower pollination algorithm for minimizing software testing redundancy. In: IEEE 3rd International Conference on Electrical Information and Communication Technology (EICT) , 7-9 December 2017 , Khulna, Bangladesh. pp. 1-5.. ISBN 978-1-5386-2307-7 (Published)
M. N., Morshed and Sabira, Khatun and V., Vijayasarveswari and Fakir, Md Moslemuddin and M. Z., Ibrahim and Kamarul Hawari, Ghazali and Mohd Hisyam, Mohd Ariff (2017) Cognitive radio based optimal sensing for resource allocation in smart cities/villages. In: 4th International Conference On Electrical, Control & Computer Engineering , 16-17 October 2017 , Hotel Adya, Langkawi. pp. 1-5.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
M. R., Abdul Hamid and Sami, W. and M. H., Mohmad Sidek (2017) Discriminant Validity Assessment: Use of Fornell & Larcker Criterion versus HTMT Criterion. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1st International Conference on Applied & Industrial Mathematics and Statistics 2017 (ICoAIMS 2017) , 8-10 August 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-5., 890 (012163). ISSN 1742-6596 (Published)
M. R., Hao and Normaniha, Abd Ghani and M. S., Abdul Wahid (2017) Real time PID control of wireless two-wheeled balancing lego Ev3 robot. In: 4th International Conference On Electrical, Control & Computer Engineering , 16-17 October 2017 , Hotel Adya, Langkawi. pp. 1-6.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
M. R. M., Akramin and A. K., Ariffin and Kikuchi, Masanori and S., Abdullah (2017) Sampling Method in Probabilistic S‑version Finite Element Analysis for Initial Flaw Size. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 39 (1). pp. 357-365. ISSN 1678-5878 (Print); 1806-3691 (Online). (Published)
M. Rafiqul, Islam and Mimi Sakinah, A. M. and Zularisam, A. W. (2017) Hydrolysis of Lignocellulosic Biomass for Recovering Hemicellulose: State of the Art. In: Waste Biomass Management - A Holistic Approach. Springer, pp. 73-106. ISBN 978-3-319-49595-8
M. S., Jadin and Khai, Ng Boon and Norizam, Sulaiman and A. Salah, Wael (2017) Hotspot detection for wall-mounted air-conditioner system. In: International Conference on Promising Electronic Technologies (ICPET 2017) , 16-17 October 2017 , Deir El-Balah, Palestine. pp. 118-123.. ISBN 978-1-5386-2269-8 (Published)
M. S., Shaari and A. K., Ariffin and Takahashi, Akiyuki and S., Abdullah and Kikuchi, Masanori and M. R. M., Akramin (2017) Fatigue Crack Growth Analysis On Square Prismatic With Embedded Cracks Under Tension Loading. Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences (JMES) , 11 (1). pp. 2511-2525. ISSN 2289-4659 (print); 2231-8380 (online). (Published)
M. S. A., Rahim and I., Ismail and S. A., Wahid and S. N., Aqida (2017) Magnetic Field Simulation of a Thermal Conductivity Measurement Instrument for Magnetorheological Fluid. In: MATEC Web of Conferences: The 2nd International Conference on Automotive Innovation and Green Vehicle (AiGEV 2016) , 2-3 August 2016 , Malaysia Automotive Institute, Cyberjaya, Selangor. pp. 1-9., 90 (01061). ISSN 2261-236X (Published)
M. S. A., Rahim and Izwan, Ismail and Choi, S. B. and Azmi, W. H. and S. N., Aqida (2017) Thermal Conductivity Enhancement and Sedimentation Reduction of Magnetorheological Fluids with Nano-Sized Cu and Al Additives. Smart Materials and Structures, 26 (115009). pp. 1-11. ISSN 0964-1726. (Published)
M. S. M., Sani and N. A., Nazri and D.A.J., Alawi (2017) Vibration analysis of resistance spot welding joint for dissimilar plate structure (mild steel 1010 and stainless steel 304). In: Joining And Welding Symposium (Jws) 2017 , 11 Julai 2017 , UMP Pekan. pp. 1-9., 238 (1). ISSN 17578981 (Published)
M. S. M., Sani and N. A., Nazri and M. N., Abdul Rani and M. A., Yunus (2017) Dynamic analysis of I cross beam section dissimilar plate joined by TIG welding. In: International Conference On Electrical, Electronics, Materials and Applied Science (ICEEMAS) , 21-24 December 2017 , Secunderabad, Telangana, Hyderabad, India. pp. 1-7.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
M. Y. S., Hamid and M. L., Firmansyah and S., Triwahyono and A. A., Jalil and R. R., Mukti and E., Febriyanti and V., Suendo and Setiabudi, H. D. and M., Mohamed and W., Nabgan (2017) Oxygen Vacancy-rich Mesoporous Silica KCC-1 for CO2 Methanation. Applied Catalysis A: General, 532. pp. 86-94. ISSN 0926-860X. (Published)
M. Z., Sharif and Azmi, W. H. and A .A. M., Redhwan and R., Mamat and T. M., Yusof (2017) Performance Analysis of Sio2/PAG Nanolubricant in Automotive Air Conditioning System. International Journal of Refrigeration, 75. pp. 204-216. ISSN 0140-7007. (Published)
M. Z., Sharif and Azmi, W. H. and A. A. M., Redhwan and N. N. M., Zawawi and R., Mamat (2017) Improvement of nanofluid stability using 4-step UV-vis spectral absorbency analysis. Journal of Mechanical Engineering, S1 4 (2). pp. 233-247. ISSN 1823-5514 (print); 2550-164X (online). (Published)
M. Z., Sharif and Azmi, W. H. and A. A. M., Redhwan and R., Mamat and T. M., Yusof (2017) Performance analysis of SiO2/PAG nanolubricant in automotive air conditioning system. International Journal of Refrigeration, 75. pp. 204-216. ISSN 0140-7007. (Published)
M. Z., Sharif and Azmi, W. H. and Redhwan, A. A. M. and Zawawi, N. M. M. (2017) Preparation and Stability of Silicone Dioxide Dispersed in Polyalkylene Glycol based Nanolubricants. In: MATEC Web of Conferences: The 2nd International Conference on Automotive Innovation and Green Vehicle (AiGEV 2016) , 2-3 August 2016 , Malaysia Automotive Institute, Cyberjaya, Selangor. pp. 1-9., 90 (01049). ISSN 2261-236X (Published)
M. Z., Zuwairi and Sunarti, Abd Rahman (2017) Study on CO2/ N2 Separation: The Effect of Rubbery Polymer Coating on PVDF Membrane. In: 29th Symposium of Malaysian Chemical Engineers (SOMChE) 2016 , 1st - 3rd December 2016 , Sarawak, Malaysia. pp. 1-7., 260 (1). ISSN 1757-8981 (Print), 1757-899X (Online) (Published)
M. Z. A., Wahab and Muhammad Hafiz, Mazwir and Nurul Ain, Ismail (2017) Responsible Mining: Challenges To Make It Right - Government Perspective. Journal of Malaysian Critical Metals, 2. pp. 1-4. ISSN 0128-2557. (Published)
M. Zabri, Abu Bakar and Rosdiyana, Samad and Pebrianti, Dwi and Mahfuzah, Mustafa and Nor Rul Hasma, Abdullah (2017) Experiment and analysis of computer vision-based wrist radial and ulnar deviation exercises. In: IEEE International Conference on Automatic Control and Intelligent Systems (I2CACIS 2016) , 22 October 2016 , UniversIti Teknologi Mara Shah Alam, Malaysia. pp. 190-195.. ISBN 978-1-5090-4186-2 (Published)
M.Kh, Abdolbaqi and Rizalman, Mamat and Nor Azwadi, Che Sidik and Azmi, W. H. and P., Selvakumar (2017) Experimental investigation and development of new correlations for heat transfer enhancement and friction factor of BioGlycol/water based TiO2 nanofluids in flat tubes. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 108. pp. 1026-1035. ISSN 0017-9310. (Published)
M.M., Naser and A., Zulkiple and Al bargi, W.A. and Khalifa, N.A. and Daniel, B.D. (2017) Modeling pedestrian gap crossing index under mixed traffic condition. Journal of Safety Research, 63. pp. 91-98. ISSN 0022-4375. (Published)
M.N., Ismail and A. N. M., Rose and N. Z., Mohammed and M. F. F., Ab Rashid (2017) Development of six sigma methodology for CNC milling process improvements. In: 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research, ICMER 2017 , 1-2 August 2017 , Swiss Garden Hotel and Spa Kuantan, Pahang; Malaysia. pp. 1-15., 257 (1). ISSN 17578981 (Published)
Ma, Quanjin and M. R. M., Rejab and M. S., Idris and Bachtiar, Dandi and J. P., Siregar and M. N., Harith (2017) Design and optimize of 3-axis filament winding machine. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research (ICMER2017) , 1-2 August 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-9., 257 (012039). ISSN 1757-899X (Published)
Ma, Quanjin and M. R. M., Rejab and M. S., Idris and M., Amiruddin and Bachtiar, Dandi and J. P., Siregar and M. I., Ibrahim (2017) Design Of Portable 3-Axis Filament Winding Machine With Inexpensive Control System. In: International UNIMAS STEM Engineering Conference (ENCON 2017) , 13-14 September 2017 , Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. pp. 1-11.. (Published)
Mah, K. H. and Wan Mohd Hafizuddin, Wan Yussof and Mazrul Nizam, Abu Seman and A. W., Mohammad (2017) Synthesis and Characterization of Polyester Thin Film Composite Membrane via Interfacial Polymerization: Fouling Behaviour of Uncharged Solute. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 162 (1). pp. 1-7. (Published)
Mahadi, Bahari (2017) Ethanol dry reforming over lanthanide-promoted Ni/A12O3 catalysts for syngas production. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Mahfuzah, Mustafa and Hana Najwa, Omar Rashid and Nor Rul Hasma, Abdullah and Rosdiyana, Samad and Pebrianti, Dwi (2017) Mammography Image Segmentation: Chan-Vese Active Contour and Localised Active Contour Approach. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 5 (3). pp. 577-588. ISSN 2502-4752. (Published)
Mahmood, Mahmood H. and Yang, Zhi and Thanoon, Raid D. and Makky, Essam A. and Mohd Hasbi, Ab. Rahim (2017) Lipase Production and Optimization from Bioremediation of Disposed Engine Oil. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (JOCPR), 9 (6). pp. 26-36. ISSN 0975-7384. (Published)
Mahmood, Mahmood H. and Zhi, Yang and Thanoon, Raid D. and Makky, Essam A. and Mohd Hasbi, Ab. Rahim (2017) Bioremediation of Disposed Engine Oil for Lipase Production. In: Proceedings of the FGIC 1st Conference on Governance & Integrity , 3-4 April 2017 , Yayasan Pahang, Kuantan, Malaysia. pp. 337-354.. ISBN 978-967-2054-37-5 (Published)
Mahmood, Syed and Sengupta, Pinaki and Mandal, Uttam K. and Chatterjee, Bappaditya and Taher, Muhammad (2017) Development, Validation and Pharmacokinetic Application of a Simple and Robust RP-HPLC Method for Quantitation of Raloxifene in Rat Plasma. Latin American Journal of Pharmacy, 36 (9). pp. 1901-1908. ISSN 2362-3853. (Published)
Mahmudul, H. M. and Hagos, F. Y. and R., Mamat and M. M., Noor and I. M., Yusri (2017) Effect of Oxygenate Additive on Diesel Engine Fuel Consumption and Emissions Operating with Biodiesel-Diesel Blend at Idling Conditions. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research (ICMER2017) , 1-2 August 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-7., 257 (012084). ISSN 1757-899X (Published)
Mahyuddin, Ismail and Zulfakar, Ramlee and Jahid, Sidekk and Mohd. Jim, Hamzah and Zainal Abidin, Kusmin and Siti Aisyah, Romli (2017) Kesalahan Jenayah Sihir: Analisa Seksyen 152 Perintah Kanun Hukuman Jenayah Syariah Brunei Darussalam = Witchcraft Crime: An Analysis Section 152 of the Syariah Penal Code Order Brunei Darussalam). Borneo Research Journal, 11. pp. 60-71. ISSN 1985-5443. (Published)
Maisalsadila, Ismail (2017) Study the effect of martensite-ferrite comstituents phase of the plain medium carbon dual phase (DP) steel on the mechanical property and corrosion behavior. Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Maisarah, Abdullah (2017) Study of sand brick ratio 13 for partial replacement of sand with palm kernel shells (0%, 10% and 20%). Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Majid, Ahmad A. A. and Wu, David T. and Koh, Carolyn A. (2017) New in situ measurements of the viscosity of gas clathrate hydrate slurries formed from model water-in-oil emulsions. Langmuir, 33 (42). pp. 11436-11445. ISSN 0743-7463. (Published)
Makbol, N.M. and Khoo, Bee Ee and Rassem, Taha H. and Loukhaoukha, Khaled (2017) A New Reliable Optimized Image Watermarking Scheme Based on the Integer Wavelet Transform and Singular Value Decomposition for Copyright Protection. Information Sciences, 417. pp. 381-400. ISSN 0020-0255. (Published)
Manam, N.S. and W. S., Wan Harun and Awang Shri, Dayangku Noorfazidah and Saiful Anwar, Che Ghani and Kurniawan, Tedi and M. H., Ismail and M. H. I., Ibrahim (2017) Study of Corrosion in Biocompatible Metals for Implants: A RevieW. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 701. pp. 698-715. ISSN 0925-8388 (print), 1873-4669 (online). (Published)
Mandal, Bablu Hira and Lutfor, M. R. and M. M., Yusoff and K. F., Chong and Sarkar, Shaheen M. (2017) Bio-waste Corn-cob Cellulose Supported Poly(hydroxamic acid) Copper Complex for Huisgen Reaction: Waste to Wealth Approach. Carbohydrate Polymers, 156. pp. 175-181. ISSN 0144-8617. (Published)
Mandiartha, Putu and Duffield, C. F. and Intan Suhana, Mohd Razelan and Azlina, Ismail (2017) Pavement Maintenance Optimization Model using Markov Decision Processes. Journal of Physics: Conference series, 890 (012104). pp. 1-6. ISSN 1742-6588 (print); 1742-6596 (online). (Published)
Mandiartha, Putu and Intan Suhana, Mohd Razelan and Azlina, Ismail (2017) Risk Management, Governance and Financing Issues in Public-Private Partnership Transportation Projects. Journal of Governance & Integrity, 1 (1). pp. 80-98. ISSN 2600-7479. (Published)
Mandiartha, Putu and Intan Suhana, Mohd Razelan and Azlina, Ismail (2017) Risk Management, Governance and Financing Issues in Public-Private Partnerships Transportation Projects. In: Proceedings of the FGIC 1st Conference on Governance & Integrity , 3-4 April 2017 , Yayasan Pahang, Kuantan, Malaysia. pp. 378-395.. ISBN 978-967-2054-37-5 (Published)
Mani Malam, Ahmad and A. M., Azoddien and Zahari, Mohamad and M. N., Seman and M. S., Jami (2017) Biological Sulfide Oxidation and Its Impact on Cell Biomass Synthesis by Mesophilic Bacterium Bacillus Cereus (ATCC 14579). Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology (JCEIB), 1 (1). pp. 1-14. ISSN 0126-8139. (Published)
Maniam, Gaanty Pragas and Ab. Rahim, Mohd Hasbi and Jose, Rajan (2017) Alkaline earth metals loading on waste deoiled-spent bleaching clay as catalysts in transesterification reaction. , [Research Report] (Unpublished)
Mansor, Sulaiman and Hasan, Ahmad (2017) Zakat klik: pengiraan had kifayah termudah. In: Konvensyen Fiqh & Teknologi 2.0 , 14 & 15 November 2017 , Vistana Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. pp. 1-8.. (Submitted) (Submitted)
Mansor, Sulaiman and Hasan, Ahmad and Ahmad Irfan, Ikmal Hisham and Noradilah, Md Nordin and Saharudin, Ramli (2017) Had Al-Kifayah sebagai Garis Pembeza antara Golongan Susah dan Senang dalam Sesebuah Masyarakat: Suatu Tinjauan Kritis. International Journal of Humanities Technology and Civilization (IJHTC), 2 (1). pp. 34-44. ISSN 2289-7216. (Published)
Mansor, Sulaiman and Zailin Shah, Yusoff and Ahmad Murad, Zainuddin and Ahmad Irfan, Ikmal Hisham and Abdullah, Long (2017) Pemeliharaan Maslahah di Sebalik Pensyariatan Konsep Berpakaian Wanita Menurut Islam. International Journal of Humanities Technology and Civilization (IJHTC), 2 (1). pp. 62-72. ISSN 2289-7216. (Published)
Mansor, U. Q. A. and Ahmad Yusri, Ismail and Asdarina, Yahya and N. F. A., Shafie and Ayub Md, Som and Nour, A. H. and R. M., Yunus (2017) Kinetic study for Ultrasonic assisted Membrane Anaerobic System (UMAS) treating decanter Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME). Journal of Mechanical Engineering, SI 2 (2). pp. 45-56. ISSN 1823-5514 (Print); 2550-164X (Online). (Published)
Mansurov, Fatkhiddin (2017) An Explanation of the Sufi Terms Used in Khawaja Yusuf Hamadânî’s Works. In: International Conference Proceedings SEAPSIL IV , 10-11 Oktober 2017 , Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. pp. 615-623., 4. ISBN 978-967-960-422-1 (Published)
Mansurov, Fatkhiddin and Noor Azlinda, Zainal Abidin (2017) Risālah dar Ādāb al-Tarīqah: as a contribution to the contemporary sufism. In: Sustainability of Language Sciences International Conference (SoLS2017) , 20-21 November 2017 , Putrajaya, Malaysia. pp. 1-16.. (Published)
Marco, Tieman (2017) Rail networks are future of Malaysian logistics. New Straits Times . p. 16.
Marhazlin, Mohamad (2017) Problem and dilemma faced by Malaysia contractor when handling international project. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Marina, Maria Steven Imbahrajoo (2017) Adaptation of anti-cea hybridomas cell line to serum free culture medium by using slow adaptaion technique. Faculty of Engineering Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Mariotte, Patrick Jebi (2017) Conversion of carbon dioxide to methanol over visible light responsive catalyst. Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Marlina, Yakno and Junita, Mohd Saleh and Bakhtiar, Affendi Rosdi (2017) Grayscale and binary enhancement of dorsal hand vein images. International Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, 11. pp. 129-141. ISSN 1998-4464. (Published)
Martin, Hii Chun Yeong (2017) A study on the properties of rice husk reinforced bioplastic. Faculty of Engineering Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Maryam, Zahaba and Hazrin, Abdul Hadi and Hizrri, Ariffin and Norhidayah, Abdull and Niza, Samsuddin and Mohd Shukri, Mohd Aris (2017) Composition and source determination of heavy metals (HM) in particles in selected primary schools in Pahang. ESTEEM Academic Journal, 13 (Special). pp. 176-184. ISSN 1675-7939 (Print); 2289-4934 (Online). (Published)
Maryudi, M. and Dewayanto, Nugroho and Beg, M. D. H. and R. M., Yunus (2017) Comparison of manganese laurate, manganese palmitate and manganese stearate on accelerating degradation of HDPE during natural weathering. Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences and Engineering), 79 (7). pp. 123-130. ISSN 0127-9696 (print); 2180-3722 (online). (Published)
Mas Ayu, H. (2017) Hydroxyapatite coating with oxide interlayer on biomedical grade cobalt based alloy. , [Research Report] (Unpublished)
Mas Ayu, Hassan and Izman, Sudin and R., Daud and Krishnamurithy, G. and A., Shah and Siti Haryani, Tomadi and Salwani, Mohd Salleh (2017) Surface Modification on CoCrMo Alloy to Improve the Adhesion Strength of Hydroxyapatite Coating. Procedia Engineering, 184. pp. 399-408. ISSN 1877-7058. (Published)
Mas Ayu, Hassan and Rosdi, Daud and A., Shah and Mohd Faiz, M. Y. and Hazwan, H. M. and Salwani, Mohd Salleh and Siti Haryani, Tomadi and Reza, M. S. (2017) Thermal Oxidation Process Improved Corrosion in Cobalt Chromium Molybdenum Alloys. International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, 9 (4). pp. 144-149. ISSN 2313-626X. (Published)
Masni, Mohamad Nor (2017) Mahasiswa UMP timba pengalaman dalam penyediaan minyak wangi berasaskan herba. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Mathivanan, D. B. and Siregar, J. P. and M. R. M., Rejab and Bachtiar, Dandi and Cionita, Tezara (2017) The Mechanical Properties of Alkaline Treated Pineapple Leaf Fibre to Reinforce Tapioca based Bioplastic Resin Composite. In: Manufacturing Sciences and Technologies VII. Trans Tech Publications Ltd, pp. 66-70. ISBN 9783038357322
Mazeni , Ismail and Hasmadi, Hassan (2017) Gaya pengajaran dalam kalangan guru Tabika Kemas di Kelantan. Jurnal Pendidikan Awal Kanak-Kanak Kebangsaan, 6 (Special). pp. 1-15. ISSN 2550-178X. (Published)
Mazin Mustafa, Mahdi and Abu Zaharin, Ahmad (2017) Hybrid Micro-grid Control and Active Power Sharing Using MIT Rule Based on Speed Droop Controller. In: IEEE International Conference on Automatic Control and Intelligent Systems (I2CACIS) , 22 October 2016 , Shah Alam, Selangor. pp. 113-118.. ISBN 978-1-5090-4186-2 (Published)
Mazita, Mokhtar (2017) Peranan Kerajaan Dalam Memajukan Usahawan Siswazah. In: Program Mobiliti Universitas Syiah Kuala Banda Acheh Indonesia dan Universiti Malaysia Pahang , 15-19 Oktober 2017 , Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Pekan, Pahang. pp. 1-19.. (Published)
Mazita, Mokhtar (2017) Serai Wangi Project - Asnaf at Bukit Kenau, Pekan, Pahang. [Video]
Mazita, Mokhtar (2017) UMP Social Enterprise Project with Asnaf at Bukit Kenau, Pekan. Project Report. Faculty of Industrial Management.
Mazlina, Abdul Majid (2017) FSKKP Postgraduate Day 2017. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Mazlina, Abdul Majid (2017) Research overview. Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang. ISBN 978-967-2054-27-6
Mazma Syahidatul Ayuni, Mazlan and Norhayati, Rosli (2017) Stochastic Gompertzian model for breast cancer growth process. In: AIP Conference Proceedings: The 3rd ISM International Statistical Conference 2016 (ISM-III) , 9-11 August 2016 , Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. pp. 1-7., 1842 (030013). ISSN 0094-243X ISBN 978-0-7354-1512-6 (Published)
Mazma Syahidatul Ayuni, Mazlan and Norhayati, Rosli and Nina Suhaity, Azmi and Solachuddin Jauhari, Arief Ichwan (2017) Modelling the cancer growth process by stochastic differential equations with the effect of chondroitin sulfate (cs) as anticancer therapeutics. Journal of Physics: Conference series, 890 (012085). pp. 1-6. ISSN 1742-6588 (print); 1742-6596 (online). (Published)
Md Isa, Khairuddin and Farizul Hafiz , Kasim and Saiful Azhar , Saad and Mohd Asri , Ab Rahim and Abd Aziz, Mohd Aizudin and Md Ali, Umi Fazara (2017) Influence of operating parameters on biomass conversion under suband supercritical water conditions. Chemical Engineering and Technology, 40 (3). pp. 537-545. ISSN 09307516. (Published)
Md Noh, Ab. Majid (2017) Determinants and outcomes firm state of innovativeness in Malaysian service sector : a study on knowledge-intensive business services firm. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Md. Ashikur, Rahman Khan and M. M., Rahman (2017) Surface finish characteristics of titanium alloy in a non conventional technique. In: International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Material Sciences (ICEMS-2016) , 17-19 March 2016 , Jaipur, India. pp. 9352-9355., 4 (9). ISSN 2214-7853 (Published)
Mebrahitom, A. and Seow , Xiang and Azmir, Azhari and Tamiru, A. (2017) Remaining Tool Life Prediction Based On Force Sensors Signals During End Milling Of Stavax ESR Tool Steel. In: International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE) , 3-9 November 2017 , Swiss Garden Hotel, Balok, Kuantan, Pahang. pp. 1-7.. ISBN 9780791858356 (Published)
Melissa, Madsahik (2017) The water footprint assessment of water supply treatment process (WSTP) - comparison between Semambu, Kuantan WSTP and Peramu, Pekan WSTP. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Meor, Ahmad and Nasriin Rizal , Ishak (2017) UMP tawar bantuan skim penyelidikan. Berita Harian . V52.
Meor, Ahmad and Nasrin Rizal, Ishak (2017) Pelaburan, Strategi betul. Berita Harian . V11.
Meor Ahmad Nasriin Rizal, Ishak (2017) UMP tawar program pascasiswazah bagi golongan profesional. Berita Harian . p. 58.
Mia, Md. Shahin and Chowdhury, Mohammad Asaduzzaman and Rahaman, Mohammad Lutfar and Nuruzzaman, D. M. and Das, Suman and Debnath, Uttam Kumar (2017) Friction and Wear of Non-Ferrous Materials Under Artificially Created Vibration for Machine Design. International Journal of Materials Engineering Innovation, 8 (2). pp. 96-121. ISSN 1757-2754. (Published)
Mimi Rabita, Abdul Wahit (2017) Wanita UMP amal gaya hidup sihat. Berita Harian . p. 16.
Mimi Sakinah, A. M. (2017) Conceptual paper presentation (engineering). Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang. ISBN 978-967-2054-09-2
Mirjat, Nayyar Hussain and Uqaili, Mohammad Aslam and Harijan, Khanji and Valasai, Das Gordhan and Shaikh, Faheemullah and M., Waris (2017) A Review of Energy and Power Planning and Policies of Pakistan. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 79. pp. 110-127. ISSN 1364-0321. (Published)
Mohamad, Ahmad Johari and Mohamed, Mohd Rusllim and Mustafa, Mahfuzah and Aliman, Omar and Sulaiman, Mohd Herwan and Daud, Mohd Razali and Wan Mohd Faizal, Wan Ishak (2017) Real time prediction for Sungai Isap residence using artificial intelligence techniques. , [Research Report] (Unpublished)
Mohamad Aiman, Mohamad Nawawi (2017) The study of sediment behaviour changes at Sungai Lembing between 2008 and 2016. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Mohamad Al Amin, Razali and Farhan, Mohd Said (2017) Red Pigment Production By Monascus Purpureus In Stirred-Drum Bioreactor. Galeri Warisan Sains (GWS), 1 (1). pp. 13-15. ISSN 2521-0866. (Published)
Mohamad Amirulnain, Adi (2017) Influence of elevated temperature on compressive strength of rubberized ultra-high performance concrete. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Mohamad Aqib Haqmi, Abas and Nurul Shakila, Ahmad Zubir and Nurlaila Shazareen, Ismail and Nor Azah, Mohd Ali and Mohd Hezri, Fazalul Rahiman and Ihsan, Mohd Yassin and Saiful Nizam, Tajuddin and Mohd Nasir, Taib (2017) Development of web application for agarwood oil quality discriminator in virtualization platform. In: 13th IEEE International Colloquium on Signal Processing and its Applications, CSPA 2017 , 10 - 12 March 2017 , Parkroyal Penang Resort, Batu Ferringhi Beach, Penang. pp. 13-17. (8064916). ISBN 9781509011841 (Published)
Mohamad Ashry, Jusoh (2017) Carbon black from pyrolised agriculture waste as electromagnetci shielding material. , [Research Report] (Unpublished)
Mohamad Azim Fitri, Abd Aziz (2017) UMP digesa jadi pelopor. Harian Metro . p. 40.
Mohamad Badrul Hisyam, Mohd Yusoff (2017) Behaviour of RC beams with recycle aggregate as coarse aggregate replacement with addition of steel fibres. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Mohamad Fadli, Zolkipli and Jaber, Aws Naser (2017) Hypervisor IDPS: DDoS Prevention Tool for Cloud Computing. In: The Invention & New Product Exposition (INPEX) 2017 , 13-15 June 2017 , Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. p. 1.. (Published)
Mohamad Faiz, Syed Ali (2017) Properties of cement sand brick containing palm oil clinker as partial sand replacement. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Mohamad Hafiz, Mohd Salehim (2017) Experimental study of wood chip as partial replacement for coarse aggregate with ratio 5%, 10 and 15%. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Mohamad Hafiz, Yusoff Bakri (2017) Produk UMP antara pemenang AIN 2017. Utusan Malaysia .
Mohamad Hafizuddin, Mohd Bakhri (2017) Measuring safety rating in construction project (case study). Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Mohamad Hafizuddin, Rasid (2017) The potential of palm oil fuel ash as partial sand replacement in concrete. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Mohamad Haris, Abdullah (2017) Safety and health practice by construction workers. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Mohamad Hasan, Raja Aznn (2017) Integrated asssesment of the Klang River water quality for enviromental management. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Mohamad Hasnur, Abdul Hamid (2017) Jom Lepak @Masjid Kg. Marhum Pekan lebarkan hubungan UMP dengan komuniti. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Mohamad Hasnur, Abdul Hamid (2017) Kembara Musafir perkukuh jati diri. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Mohamad Hasnur, Abdul Hamid (2017) Pendedahan tentang Viral vs Moral. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Mohamad Hasnur, Abdul Hamid (2017) Program 'Anda Tanya Ustaz Jawab' merungkai polemik RUU 355. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Mohamad Hasnur, Abdul Hamid (2017) Viral vs moral. UMP news . (Unpublished)
Mohamad Hazeem, Mohmad Sidik (2017) Modelling of the antecedents of staff satisfaction on turnover intention in a Malaysian Public University. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, Thesis advisor: Mohd Rashid, Ab Hamid).
Mohamad Hazeem, Mohmad Sidik and Ab Hamid, Mohd Rashid and Abdullah, Ibrahim (2017) Descriptive analysis of staff satisfaction and turnover intention in a Malaysian University. In: AIP Conference Proceedings; 3rd ISM International Statistical Conference 2016: Bringing Professionalism and Prestige in Statistics, ISM 2016 , 9 - 11 August 2016 , Institute of Mathematical Sciences, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. pp. 1-2., 1842. ISSN 0094-243X ISBN 9780735415126 (Published)
Mohamad Hazeem, Mohmad Sidik and Mohd Rashid, Ab Hamid and Abdullah, Ibrahim and Zarina, Mohd Ali (2017) Theoretical support for staff satisfaction in higher education institutions: a conceptual framework. Jurnal Pengukuran Kualiti & Analisis, 13 (2). pp. 1-16. ISSN 1823-5670. (Published)
Mohamad Hazman, Mohamad Yusof (2017) Application of thermal imaging for prediction soil saturation for slope monitoring. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Mohamad Heerwan, Peeie and N. M., Ali and Ogino, H. (2017) Study on Differential Regenerative Braking Torque Control to Increase the Stability of the Small Electric Vehicle With Four In-Wheel Motors. In: MATEC Web of Conferences: The 2nd International Conference on Automotive Innovation and Green Vehicle (AiGEV 2016) , 2-3 August 2016 , Malaysia Automotive Institute, Cyberjaya, Selangor. pp. 1-11., 90 (01042). ISSN 2261-236X (Published)
Mohamad Heerwan, Peeie and S. M., Ashraf and M., Ishak (2017) Combination of Skid Control and Direct Yaw Moment Control to Improve The Safety And Stability of The Small Electric Vehicle With Two In-Wheel Motors. In: 8th International Conference In Mechanical And Manufacturing Engineering (ICME2017) , 22-23 July 2017 , Bella Vista Waterfront, Langkawi, Kedah, Malaysia. pp. 1-12., 135. ISSN 2261236X (Published)
Mohamad Heerwan, Peeie and S. M., Asyraf and A. N., Efistein and C. H., Seah and J. M., Zikri and Syawahieda, J. N. (2017) Experimental Study of the Vehicle Dynamics Behavior during Lane Changing in Different Speeds. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research (ICMER2017) , 1-2 August 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-8., 257 (012078). ISSN 1757-8981 (Print), 1757-899X (Online) (Published)
Mohamad Hilmi, Mat Said and Abi Sofian, Abdul Aziz (2017) Explorasi aplikasi mudah alih "Bookkeeper' dalam mengurus tadbir kewangan masjid. In: e-Proceeding of the 4th International Conference on Masjid, Zakat and Waqf Management 2017 (IMAF-2017) , 4-5 December 2017 , Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia. pp. 364-373.. ISBN e-ISBN 978-967-13087-3-8 (Published)
Mohamad Hilmi, Mat Said and Hasan, Ahmad and Mansor, Sulaiman and Rashidi, Abbas (2017) Kajian Keprihatinan Ahli Akademik Terhadap Tatacara Berpakaian, Sahsiah dan Rupa Diri Pelajar Universiti Malaysia Pahang. International Journal of Humanities Technology and Civilization (IJHTC), 2 (1). pp. 91-98. ISSN 2289 7208(print); 2289 9294(online). (Published)
Mohamad Kamal, Ghani (2017) The relationship between construction sector and economic in Malaysia. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Mohamad Khaidier, Mohd Raffi (2017) Effect of crude palm oil (CPO) as an alternative additive to the binder in asphalt mixture. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Mohamad Laziem Jameel, Mohd Sofe (2017) The undrained shear strength of soft clay reinforced with single ceramic waste column. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Mohamad Muzakkir, Tajuddin and Muhammad Hasbullah, Patulla and Asmida, Ideris and Mazni, Ismail (2017) Self-combustion Synthesis of Ni Catalysts Modified with La and Ce using Glycine–Nitrate Process (GNP). Malaysian Journal of Catalysis, 2 (1). pp. 8-11. ISSN 0128-2581. (Published)
Mohamad Nazmi, Zaidi Moni and F., Basrawi and Shaharin Anwar, Sulaiman and Ahmad Faridzuan, Zakeria and Muhammad Fahmi, Ramely (2017) Effect of ventilation on thermal comfort in campus hostel bedrooms after sunset. In: UTP-UMP Symposium on Energy Systems (SES 2017) , 26-27 September 2017 , Perak, Malaysia. pp. 1-7., 131 (03005). ISSN 2261-236X (Published)
Mohamad Rizza, Othman and Arshad, Ahmad and Umarul Imran, Amran (2017) Kinetic Based Simulation of Methane Steam Reforming and Water Gas Shift for Hydrogen Production Using Aspen Plus. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 56. pp. 1681-1686. ISSN 2283-9216. (Published)
Mohamad Rizza, Othman and Hanida, Abdul Aziz and Azmi, Mohd Shariff and Lian, See Tan (2017) Application of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) in Prioritizing HAZOP Analysis for Pilot Plant. Chemical Engineering Research Bulletin, 19. pp. 87-95. ISSN 2072-9510. (Published)
Mohamad Rozi, Hassan (2017) Pengaruh orientasi keusahawanan dan organisasi pembelajaran terhadap prestasi perusahaan kecil dan sederhana sektor pembuatan. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Mohamad Shahrulnizam, Zakaria and Mohd Rashidi, Salim and Mohd Haniff, Ibrahim and Asrul Izam, Azmi and Ahmad Sharmi, Abdullah and Muhammad Yusof, Mohd Noor and Nor Hafizah, Ngajikin and Hadi, Manap (2017) Analysis of improved low cost transmissive formaldehyde (CH2O) ultraviolet gas sensor. Journal of Electrical Engineering, 16 (2). pp. 16-21. ISSN 0128-4428. (Published)
Mohamad Shofi, Mat Is (2017) UMP terima tiga bot kayuh. Utusan Malaysia . p. 27.
Mohamad Shofi, Mat Isa (2017) 95% penuntut UMP dapat kerja. Utusan Malaysia . p. 21.
Mohamad Shofi, Mat Isa (2017) Cabaran kaki pancing UMP. Utusan Malaysia .
Mohamad Shofi, Mat Isa (2017) ECRL lonjak kemakmuran. Utusan Malaysia . p. 13.
Mohamad Shofi, Mat Isa (2017) Perpustakaan Digital pupuk minat membaca. Utusan Malaysia . p. 27.
Mohamad Shofi, Mat Isa (2017) UMP Advanced manfaat Bajet 2018. Utusan Malaysia .
Mohamad Shofi, Mat Isa (2017) UMP lonjak penyelidikan berimpak tinggi. Utusan Malaysia . p. 26.
Mohamad Shofi, Mat Isa (2017) UMP tawar kursus teknologi kereta api. Mingguan Malaysia . p. 2.
Mohamad Shofi, Mat Isa (2017) Wakaf untuk pembinaan asrama UMP. Utusan Malaysia . p. 31.
Mohamad Syafiq, Abdul Wahab and Sunarti, Abd Rahman and Abdul Latif, Ahmad (2017) Biomethane Purification Using PVDF/Pebax 1657 Thin Film Composite Membrane. Journal of Physical Science, 28 (Supp.1). pp. 39-51. ISSN 1675-3402 (print); 2180-4230 (online). (Published)
Mohamad Syahmi, Mohd Radzi (2017) Factors and causes of rising price of low-cost houses in Penang, Malaysia. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Mohamed, Amir Izzani and Oumer, Ahmed Nurye and Jadin, Mohd Shawal (2017) Development of peltier cooling system for automotive. , [Research Report] (Unpublished)
Mohamed Asghaiyer , Omran and Izzeldin, I. Mohd and Mohamad Milood , Almelia (2017) Shunt Hybridactive Power Filter In Based On Two Compensation Strategies With PI And Fuzzy Logic Controllers. In: 4th International Conference On Electrical Control And Computer Engineering (INECCE 2017) , 16-17 October 2017 , Hotel Adya, Langkawi. pp. 1-5.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Mohamed Fairos, Burkanudeen (2017) Determine of soil properties and soil erosion at Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Pekan. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Mohamed Luqman, Mohamed Roslan (2017) Study of cold joint concrete by infrared thermography and ultrasonic pulse velocity. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Mohammad Affendy, Omardin (2017) Pengkalan ilmu teknologi kejuruteraan keretapi api. UMP News .
Mohammad Affendy, Omardin and Liu, Yao and Diyana, Kamarudin (2017) In-house green knowledge practice for hospital building maintenance. In: Proceeding: International Conference on Social Sciences, Humanities and Technology (ICSHT 2017) , 2-3 December 2017 , Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia. pp. 391-401.. ISBN 978-967-14841-3-5 (Published)
Mohammad Affendy, Omardin and Wan Mohd Nazmi, Wan Abdul Rahman and Wan Dagang, Wan Ali (2017) Integration of Environmental Sustainability Strategies Within Pre-Construction Processes. The Social Sciences, 12 (5). pp. 787-793. ISSN 1818-5800. (Published)
Mohammad Affendy, Omardin and Yao, Liu and Diyana, Kamarudin (2017) In-house green knowledge practice for hospital building maintenance. Journal of Information System and Technology Management, 2 (6). pp. 62-72. ISSN 0128-1666. (Published)
Mohammad Amirul, Mohd Yusof and Mazrul Nizam, Abu Seman (2017) Effect of piperazine (PIP) concentration and reaction time on the formation of thin film composite forward osmosis (FO) membrane. Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) , 79 (1-2). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2180–3722. (Published)
Mohammad Baihaqi, Hasni (2017) M-learning and Its Effects On Learning Arabic As Second Language for Engineering Students. Journal of Humanities, Language, Culture and Business (HLCB), 1 (1). pp. 175-183. ISSN 0126-8147. (Published)
Mohammad Baihaqi, Hasni and Farah Hanan, Aminallah (2017) Analisis kontrastif dalam penggunaan gender antara (والمؤنث المذكر) Bahasa Arab dan Melayu dalam kalangan pelajar kejuruteraan di Universiti Malaysia Pahang. Journal Of Global Business And Social Entrepreneurship (GBSE), 1 (1). pp. 100-109. ISSN 2462-1714. (Published)
Mohammad Baihaqi, Hasni and Mardhiyyah, Zamani and Shahrel Ahmad, Shuhel Ahmad (2017) Error Analysis in Arabic Language among Engineering Student at Universiti Malaysia Pahang. In: 7th International Conference on Literature, Humanities, Social Sciences and Education (LHSSE-2017) , 29-30 September 2017 , Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. pp. 124-130.. ISBN 978-81-934174-4-7 (Published)
Mohammad Hafizi, Jamaluddin and R., Mamat and Amir, Aziz and M. M., Noor and Ahmad Tamimi, Ahmad Termizi (2017) Development of Strand Burner Test by Using Aluminized AP/HTPB. In: 4th Asia Conference on Mechanical and Materials Engineering. Trans Tech Publications Ltd, pp. 99-104. ISBN 9783038357445
Mohammad Iskandar Halimie, Abd Halim (2017) Use of infrared thermography for concrete strength assessment with different overlay. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Mohammad Izzad, Mohammad Idzlaluddin (2017) Threat assessment analysis for vehicle collision avoidance. Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Mohammad Najmi, Mohammad Ali (2017) Structural properties of yttrium iron garnet doped carbon black prepared via sol-gel technique. Faculty of Industrial Sciences and Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Mohammad Naqiuddin, Mohamad Salleh and M., Ishak and Aiman, Mohd Halil and Siti Rabiatull Aisha, Idris and F. R. M., Romlay (2017) Investigation on the effect of pulsed energy on strength of fillet lap laser welded AZ31B magnesium alloys. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Joining and Welding Symposium , 11 July 2017 , Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-7., 238 (012009). ISSN 1757-8981 (Print), 1757-899X (Online) (Published)
Mohammad Zuhaili, Yahya (2017) Synthesis and optimization of poly (HEMA-co-EGDMA-co-VBC) for preparation of hypercrosslinked aminated polymer using DoE method. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Mohammad Zuhaili, Yahya and Norhayati, Abdullah (2017) Preparation and characterization of hypercrosslinked poly (HEMA-co-EGDMA-co-VBC). Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 10 (6). pp. 1-9. ISSN 0974-6846. (Published)
Mohammed, Ghusoon R. and M., Ishak and S. N., Aqida and Abdulhadi, Hassan Abdulrssoul (2017) Fiber Laser Welding of Dissimilar 2205/304 Stainless Steel Plates. Metals, 7 (12). pp. 1-19. ISSN 2075-4701. (Published)
Mohammed, Ghusoon R. and M., Ishak and S. N., Aqida and Hassan, A. Abdulhadi (2017) Effects of Heat Input on Microstructure, Corrosion and Mechanical Characteristics of Welded Austenitic and Duplex Stainless Steels: A Review. Metals, 7 (2). pp. 1-18. ISSN 2075-4701. (Published)
Mohammed, M. Hasan and M., Ishak and M. R. M., Rejab (2017) Effect of Backing Material and Clamping System on the Tensile Strength Of Dissimilar AA7075-AA2024 Friction Stir Welds. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 91 (9-12). pp. 3991-4007. ISSN 0268-3768 (Print), 1433-3015 (Online). (Published)
Mohammed, Mohammed Adam Taheir (2017) An enhanced soft set data reduction using decision partition order technique. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, Thesis advisor: Abdullah Arshah, Ruzaini).
Mohammed, Mohammed Adam Taheir and Sadiq, Ali Safa and Ruzaini, Abdullah Arshah and Ernawan, Ferda and Mirjalili, Seyedali (2017) Soft Set Decision/Forecasting System Based on Hybrid Parameter Reduction Algorithm. Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering, 9 (2-7). pp. 143-148. ISSN 2289-8131. (Published)
Mohammed, Mohammed Falah and Chee, Peng Lim (2017) Improving the Fuzzy Min-Max Neural Network with a K-nearest Hyperbox Expansion Rule for Pattern Classification. Applied Soft Computing, 52. pp. 135-145. ISSN 1568-4946 (print); 1872-9681 (online). (Published)
Mohammed, Mohammed Falah and Chee, Peng Lim (2017) A New Hyperbox Selection Rule and a Pruning Strategy for the Enhanced Fuzzy Min–Max Neural Network. Neural Networks, 86. pp. 69-79. ISSN 0893-6080. (Published)
Mohammed, Mohammed Falah and Rassem, Taha H. (2017) An Ensemble of Enhanced Fuzzy Min Max Neural Networks for Data Classification. Telkomnika, 15 (2). pp. 942-948. ISSN 1693-6930. (Published)
Mohammed, Muamer N. and Nahar, Ali Kareem and Abdalla, Ahmed N. and Hammood, Omar A. (2017) Peak-to-average power ratio reduction based on optimized phase shift technique. In: 17th International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies , 25-27 September 2017 , Cairns, QLD, Australia. pp. 1-6.. ISBN 978-1-5090-6514-1 (Published)
Mohammed, Muamer N. and Nahar, Ali Kerem and Abdalla, Ahmed N. (2017) A Novel Rotating Phase Shift Technique based Peak-to-Average Power Ratio Reduction in OFDM System. In: The 17th International Symposium On Communications And Information Technologies (ISCIT2017) , 25-27 September 2017 , Cairns, Queensland, Australia. pp. 1-10.. (Published)
Mohammed Ragab, Ahmed (2017) Delevolpment of semi active suspension system. Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Mohammed Zainul Ariff, Zaharuddin (2017) Production of bio-fertilizer from landfill leachate through vermicomposting with rice husk addition as a bulking agent. Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Mohd, Nasrullah and Singh, Lakhveer and Zahari, Mohamad and Siti, Norsita and Santhana, Krishnan and Norul Wahida, Kamaruzaman and Zularisam, A. W. (2017) Treatment of Palm Oil Mill Effluent by Electrocoagulation with Presence of Hydrogen Peroxide as Oxidizing Agent and Polialuminum Chloride as Coagulant-Aid. Water Resources and Industry, 17. pp. 7-10. ISSN 2212-3717. (Published)
Mohd, Rashid and Noraziah, Ahmad (2017) Review on Green Technology Implementation Challenges in University Data Centre. Advanced Science Letters, 23 (11). pp. 11134-11137. ISSN 1936-6612. (Published)
Mohd Abdul Hadi, Mohd Zaid (2017) A study of flexural strength of prism using oil palm shell (ops) as a partial replacement of coarse aggregate. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Mohd Aizudin, Abd Aziz and Khairuddin, Md Isa and Radzuwan, Ab Rashid (2017) Pneumatic jigging: influence of operating parameters on separation efficiency of solid waste materials. Waste Management and Research, 35 (6). pp. 647-655. ISSN 0734242X. (Published)
Mohd Ali, Mohd.Kucheb (2017) Plastics to fuel : effect of plastic to oil palm ash catalyst weight ratio and plastic types. Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Mohd Ali Hanafiah, Shaharudin and Zahari, Taha (2017) Numerical Model of Heat Transfer Coefficient in Hot Stamping Process. Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, 11 (2). pp. 401-406. ISSN 1935-0090 (Print); 2325-0399 (Online) . (Published)
Mohd Aminudin, Jamlos and Abdul Hafiizh, Ismail and Mohd Faizal, Jamlos and Narbudowicz, Adam (2017) Hybrid Graphene–Copper UWB Array Sensor for Brain Tumor Detection via Scattering Parameters in Microwave Detection System. Applied Physics A, 123 (112). pp. 1-7. ISSN 0947-8396 (Print); 1432-0630 (Online). (Published)
Mohd Amir Izuddin, Mohamad Ghazali (2017) Engineering students' perceptions towards the use of a vocabulary mobile application in learning technical vocabulary. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Mohd Amir Izuddin, Mohamad Ghazali and Zuraina, Ali (2017) The Impact of Using VocBlast to Learn Technical Vocabulary at Tertiary Level. International Journal of Novel Research in Education and Learning, 4 (3). pp. 22-25. ISSN 2394-9686. (Published)
Mohd Amir Shahlan, Mohd Aspar and Nasrul Anuar, Abd Razak and Mohammed Rafiq, Abdul Kadir and Hadi, Manap (2017) Development of 3-Dimensional Model of Femur Bone Considering Cortical and Cancellous Structures. International Journal of Engineering Technology And Sciences (IJETS), 7 (1). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2289-697X. (Published)
Mohd Amirul Hakim, Sidek and R. M., Yunus and Fadzil, Mat Yahaya and Muhammad Faisal, Baderolhissam and Ahmad Khan, Mohamad Al-Nizar Khan (2017) Properties of Mortar with Red Gypsum as Cement Replacement Material by Using Industrial Approach Method. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 11 (13). pp. 115-121. ISSN 1991-8178. (Published)
Mohd Amirul Radzi, Mohd Radzami (2017) The effect of SBE on the properties of cement sand brick. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Mohd Anuar, Awang Idris and Muhammad Nubli, Abdul Wahab and Nora Yusma, Mohamed Yusoff (2017) The Significant Effect of Wudu’ and Zikr in the Controlling of Emotional Pressure Using Biofeedback Emwave Technique. International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering, 11 (4). pp. 828-834. (Published)
Mohd Anwar, Zawawi and Nurul Sufia, Nor Ziran and Hadi, Manap (2017) Respiration rate detection based on intensity modulation using plastic optical fiber. In: International Conference on Applied Photonics and Electronics (InCAPE 2017) , 9-10 August 2017 , Port Dickson, N. Sembilan. pp. 1-4., 162. ISSN 2101-6275 (Published)
Mohd Arfian, Ismail and Mezhuyev, Vitaliy and Kohbalan, Moorthy and Shahreen, Kasim and Ashraf Osman, Ibrahim (2017) Optimisation of Biochemical Systems Production using Hybrid of Newton Method, Differential Evolution Algorithm and Cooperative Coevolution Algorithm. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 8 (1). pp. 27-35. ISSN 2502-4752. (Published)
Mohd Arfian, Ismail and Mezhuyev, Vitaliy and Safaai, Deris and Mohd Saberi, Mohamad and Shahreen, Kasim and Saedudin, Rd Rohmat (2017) Multi-objective Optimization of Biochemical System Production Using an Improve Newton Competitive Differential Evolution Method. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 7 (4-2). pp. 1535-1542. ISSN 2088-5334. (Published)
Mohd Ashraf, Ahmad and Hao, Mok Ren and Raja Mohd Taufika, Raja Ismail and Ahmad Nor Kasruddin, Nasir (2017) Model-free wind farm control based on random search. In: IEEE International Conference on Automatic Control and Intelligent Systems (I2CACIS 2016) , 22 October 2016 , UniversIti Teknologi Mara Shah Alam, Malaysia. pp. 131-134.. ISBN 978-1-5090-4186-2 (Published)
Mohd Ashraf, Ahmad and Raja Mohd Taufika, Raja Ismail (2017) A Data-Driven Sigmoid-based PI Controller for Buck-Converter Powered DC Motor. In: IEEE Symposium on Computer Applications & Industrial Electronics (ISCAIE 2017) , 24-25 April 2017 , Langkawi, Malaysia. pp. 1-6.. (Published)
Mohd Azizi, Alias (2017) A case study of maintenance of fire prevention. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Mohd Azri Hizami, Rasid and Benkara, Khadija and Lanfranchi, Vincent (2017) Fast Electro-Mechanical Performance Evaluation Tool For Synchronous Reluctance Machine. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 18 (11). pp. 1567-1573. ISSN 2234-7593 (Print); 2005-4602 (Online). (Published)
Mohd Azzre, Sham Mohd Nasir (2017) Study on water quality of the sungai balok, Gebeng, Kuantan, Malaysia. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Mohd Bijarimi, Mat Piah and Sahrim, Ahmad and A. K. M., Moshiul Alam (2017) Toughening Effect of Liquid Natural Rubber on The Morphology and Thermo-Mechanical Properties of the Poly(Lactic Acid) Ternary Blend. Polymer Bulletin, 17. pp. 3301-3317. ISSN 0170-0839(Print); 1436-2449(Online). (Published)
Mohd Damanhuri, Nor Alisa and Ayob, Nor Syafikah and Harris, David (2017) Numerical Approximation of Granular Flow in a Container. In: CITREx 2017 , 2017 , Universiti Malaysia Pahang. . (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Mohd Fadzil, Abdul Rahim and Zahari, Taha and Rizalman, Mamat (2017) Injection characteristics study of high-pressure direct injector for Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) using experimental and analytical method. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 257. pp. 1-21. ISSN 1757-8981 (Printed); 1757-899X(Online). (Published)
Mohd Fahmi, Othman and Abdul Adam, Abdullah and G., Najafi and R., Mamat (2017) Green Fuel as Alternative Fuel for Diesel Engine: A Review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 80. pp. 694-709. ISSN 1364-0321. (Published)
Mohd Faizal, Md Jaafar and Hamidah, Mohd Saman and Muhd Norhasri, Muhd Sidek and Noorli, Ismail and Nur Farhayu, Ariffin (2017) Chloride Resistance Behavior on Nano-Metaclayed Ultra-High Performance Concrete. MATEC Web of Conferences, 103 (01023). pp. 1-10. ISSN 2261-236X. (Published)
Mohd Faizul Farhan, Ahmad Hamidi and W. S., Wan Harun and Osada, Toshiya and S. A., Che Ghani and Dayangku Noorfazidah, Awang Shri (2017) Effect of sintering parameters on physical properties of SS 316L alloy compact. Journal of Mechanical Engineering, SI 3 (2). pp. 123-131. ISSN 1823- 5514 (Print); 2550-164X (Online). (Published)
Mohd Fakhrurrazi, Ishak and Mohammad Affendy, Omardin and M.H., Zainal Abidin and S.A., Ahmad Tajudin (2017) A Simple and Effective Tool to Extrude Tropical Residual Soil Sample. In: 3rd and 4th International Engineering Research and Innovation Symposium, IRIS 2017 , 6–7 May 2017 , Melaka, Malaysia. pp. 1-6., 226 (1). ISSN 17578981 (Published)
Mohd Fakhrurrazi, Ishak and Muhammad Farhan, Zolkepli and Mohammad Affendy, Omardin (2017) Tropical Residual Soil Properties on Slopes. International Journal of Engineering Technology And Sciences (IJETS), 8 (1). pp. 1-9. ISSN 2289-697X. (Published)
Mohd Farid, Md Ali (2017) FKM-MECHA Rhino kekal kejuaraan. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Mohd Fauzi, Abu Hassan and Ahmad Shahrizan, Abdul Ghani and Dhanesh, Ramachandram and Abduljalil, Radman and Shahrel Azmin, Suandi (2017) Enhancement of Under-Exposed Image for Object Tracking Algorithm Through Homomorphic Filtering and Mean Histogram Matching. Advanced Science Letters, 23 (11). pp. 11257-11261. ISSN 1936-6612. (Published)
Mohd Fauzi, Mohamad Yusof and Abu Zaharin, Ahmad (2017) Power energy management strategy of micro-grid system. In: IEEE International Conference on Automatic Control and Intelligent Systems (I2CACIS 2016) , 22 October 2016 , UniversIti Teknologi Mara Shah Alam, Malaysia. pp. 107-112. (16774382). ISBN 978-1-5090-4186-2 (Published)
Mohd Fawzi, Zamri (2017) Design of cooling channel in hot stamping tool by heuristic approach. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, Thesis advisor: Yusoff, Ahmad Razlan).
Mohd Ferdaus, Musa (2017) Projek prihatin mahasiswa UMP bersama gelandangan KL. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Mohd Ferdaus, Musa (2017) A day with the homeless. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Mohd Fharkhan, Abdul Ghapar (2017) UMP agih lebih 1,000 pek juadah sahur. Berita Harian . p. 27.
Mohd Firdaus, Osmom (2017) Housing defects in Kuantan : a case study on buyers’ satisfaction of housing projects. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Mohd Ghani, Awang (2017) Introduction of industrial psychology I. Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang. ISBN 978-967-2054-58-0
Mohd Ghani, Awang (2017) Introduction of industrial psychology II. Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang. ISBN 978-967-2054-62-7
Mohd Ghani, Awang and Diyana, Kamarudin (2017) Survey research in social science with complete samples. Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang. ISBN 978-967-2054-65-8
Mohd Ghazali, Maarof and Sorooshian, Shahryar and Suhaila, Abdul Hamid (2017) Roles and Perceptions of Kaizen Champions: A Study of Kaizen Implementation in Malaysian Automotive Industry. In: E-Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Management and Muamalah 2017 (ICoMM 2017) , 7-8 November 2017 , Putrajaya, Malaysia. pp. 1-14.. ISSN 2180-1681 (Published)
Mohd Ghazali, Maarof and Sorooshian, Shahryar and Suhaila, Abdul Hamid (2017) What drives a successful Kaizen implementation? An insight from Malaysian automotive manufacturers. In: 7th Annual Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, IEOM 2017 , 11-13 April 2017 , Hotel Sofitel Rabat Jardin des RosesRabat; Morocco. pp. 983-984.. ISSN 2169-8767 ISBN 978-098554976-3 (Published)
Mohd Ghazali, Maarof and Sorooshian, Shahryar and Syed Radzi, Rahamaddulla and Suhaila, Abdul Hamid (2017) Technology Transfer Obstacles. International Journal of Pharmacy & Technology, 9 (1). pp. 28100-28105. ISSN 0975-766X. (Published)
Mohd Hafiz, Burhan and Nik Hisyamudin, Muhd Nor and Mogan, Yarwindran and Mustaffa, Ibrahim and Mohd Fahrul, Hassan and Mohd Azwir, Azlan and Faiz, Mohd Turan and Kartina, Johan (2017) Designing an Orthotic Insole by Using Kinect® XBOX Gaming Sensor Scanner and Computer Aided Engineering Software. In: 3rd and 4th International Engineering Research and Innovation Symposium, IRIS 2017 , 6–7 May 2017 , Melaka, Malaysia. pp. 1-9., 226 (012026). ISSN 1757-8981 (Print); 1757-899X (Online) (Published)
Mohd Hafizil, Mat Yasin and R., Mamat and Ahmad Fitri, Yusop and Abdul Adam, Abdullah and Mohd Hafiz, Ali and Mohd Fahmi, Othman (2017) Cylinder Pressure Cyclic Variations in a Diesel Engine operating with Biodiesel-Alcohol Blends. In: 9th International Conference On Applied Energy (ICAE 2017) , 21-24 August 2017 , Cardiff, United Kingdom. pp. 1-6.. ISSN 1876-6102 (Published)
Mohd Hafizil, Mat Yasin and R., Mamat and Ahmad Fitri, Yusop and Daing Mohamad Nafiz, Daing Idris and Yusaf, Talal and Rasul, Muhammad and G., Najafi (2017) Study of a Diesel Engine Performance with Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) System Fuelled with Palm Biodiesel. Energy Procedia, 110. pp. 26-31. ISSN 1876-6102 . (Published)
Mohd Hafizil, Mat Yasin and R., Mamat and Ali, Obed Majeed and Ahmad Fitri, Yusop and Mohd Adnin, Hamidi and I. M., Yusri and Rasul, Muhammad (2017) Study of Diesel-biodiesel Fuel Properties and Wavelet Analysis on Cyclic Variations in a Diesel Engine. Energy Procedia, 110. pp. 498-503. ISSN 1876-6102 . (Published)
Mohd Hafizil, Mat Yasin and R., Mamat and G., Najafi and Ali, Obed Majeed and Ahmad Fitri, Yusop and Mohd Hafiz, Ali (2017) Potentials of Palm Oil as New Feedstock Oil for a Global Alternative Fuel: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 79. pp. 1034-1049. ISSN 1364-0321. (Published)
Mohd Hafizu, Zakaria and Saiful Anwar, Che Ghani and Wan Sharuzi, Wan Harun and Zuriadi, Zaulkafilai and Siti Rohaida, Mohamed (2017) Fabrication of aluminium internally cooled cutting tool by means of selective laser melting (SLM). Journal of Mechanical Engineering, SI 3 (1). pp. 185-198. ISSN 1823-5514. (Published)
Mohd Hafizuddin, Khairuddin (2017) Experimental study of saw wood dust (SWD) as partial replacement for fine aggregate with ratio 5%, 10% and 15%. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Mohd Hanafiah, Ahmad and Ab Hamid, M. R. and Ida Rizyani, Tahir and Noor Azlinna, Azizan (2017) The influence of culture on perception of fairness on assessment centres for staff selection. , [Research Report] (Unpublished)
Mohd Harith Zubaidi, Hashim (2017) Minggu kesedaran budaya Keselamatan dan Kesihatan UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Mohd Hasnun Ariff, Hassan and Zahari, Taha (2017) Analytical modelling of protective headgear for soccer players. In: Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Research Day 2017. Centre for Advanced Research on Energy (CARe), pp. 66-67. ISBN 9789670257884
Mohd Hazreek, Zainal Abidin and Aziman, Madun and Saiful Azhar, Ahmad Tajudin and Mohd Fakhrurrazi, Ishak (2017) Forensic assessment on near surface landslide using electrical resistivity imaging (ERI) at Kenyir lake area in Terengganu, Malaysia. Procedia Engineering, 171. pp. 434-444. ISSN 1877-7058. (Published)
Mohd Hazwan Syafiq , Harun and M. F., Ghazali and A. R., Yusoff (2017) Analysis of Tri-axial Force and Vibration Sensors for Detection of Failure Criterion in Deep Twist Drilling Process. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 89 (9-12). pp. 3535-3545. ISSN 0268-3768 (Print), 1433-3015 (Online). (Published)
Mohd Herwan, Sulaiman and Muhammad Ikram, Mohd Rashid and Omar, Aliman (2017) Power system operation & control: the teaching module. Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang. ISBN 978-967-2054-61-0
Mohd Herwan, Sulaiman and Zuriani, Mustaffa (2017) Belajar Least Squares Support Vector Machines (LS-SVM) dalam masa seminggu. Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang. ISBN 978-967-2054-36-8
Mohd Hizzul Syafiq, Muhamed Shukri (2017) The undrained shear strength of soft clay reinforced with a group of ceramic waste column. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Mohd Ibrahim, Shapiai and Zuwairie, Ibrahim and Asrul, Adam (2017) Pareto Optimality Concept for Incorporating Prior Knowledge for System Identification Problem with Insufficient Samples. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 42 (7). pp. 2697-2710. ISSN 1319-8025 (print); 2191-4281 (online). (Published)
Mohd Ikmar Nizam, Mohamad Isa and Ahmad Salihin, Samsudin (2017) An enhancement on electrical properties of carboxymethyl cellulose-NH4Br based biopolymer electrolytes through impedance characterization. International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization, 22 (5). pp. 447-454. ISSN 1023-666X. (Published)
Mohd Irwan, Musa and Ahmad Amirul Faiz, Ahmad Tajudin (2017) CERRM dan Yamaguchi University tingkat penyelidikan Geoteknik. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Mohd Iszuani, Mohd Hassan (2017) A Study on How to Master Japanese Numbers in Oral Conversation Using Japanese Inazuma Software. In: 16th International Conference on Teaching, Education & Learning (ICTEL) , 21-22 June 2017 , University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. . (Published)
Mohd Jamil Mohamed, Mokhtarudin and Payne, Stephen J. (2017) The Study of the Function of AQP4 in Cerebral Ischaemia-Reperfusion Injury using Poroelastic Theory. International Journal for Numerical Methods In Biomedical Engineering, 33 (1). pp. 1-14. ISSN 2040-7939 (print); 2040-7947 (online). (Published)
Mohd Mukhris, Awang (2017) Sukarelawan InSmartive timba pengalaman bersama komuniti Orang Asli dalam Projek Semaian Kasih. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Mohd Najib, Yacob and Mimi Haryani, Hassim (2017) Comprehensive Review on Risk Assessment Methodologies for HAZMAT Transportation Between 1995-2015. Journal of Advanced Review on Scientific Research, 30 (1). pp. 12-59. ISSN 2289-7887. (Published)
Mohd Nasrullah, Zulkifli (2017) Treatment of palm oil mill effluent by electrocoagulation process. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Mohd Nurul Akhyar, Mohd Azlan (2017) Effect of water depth on the performance of solar still. Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Mohd Rafi, Mamat (2017) Beserah B ungguli Piala Legasi Tun Abdul Razak. Harian Metro . p. 55.
Mohd Rafi, Mamat (2017) Kebal tanpa tewas. Harian Metro . p. 58.
Mohd Rafi, Mamat (2017) Mahir bahasa Mandarin dalam 28 jam. Berita Harian . p. 20.
Mohd Rafi, Mamat (2017) Pengalaman bantu RISDA juara. Harian Metro . p. 69.
Mohd Rafi, Mamat (2017) Pensyarah UMP menang anugerah inovasi 2017. Berita Harian . p. 15.
Mohd Raizalhilmy, Mohd Rais (2017) Dr. Hari dedah pengurusan risiko dalam industri. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Mohd Raizalhilmy, Mohd Rais (2017) Pertandingan Hackathon pupuk minat pelajar sekolah minat STEM. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Mohd Raizalhilmy, Mohd Rais (2017) An insight on risk management in industry by Dr. Hari. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Mohd Rashid, Ab Hamid (2017) Data Collection & Analysis (Technology). Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang. ISBN 978-967-2054-07-8
Mohd Rasidi, Ibrahim and Najah, Mahadi and Afiff, Latif and Zulafiff, Rahim and Zazuli, Mohid and Mohammad Sukri, Mustapa and S. A., Che Ghani (2017) Research on relationship between cutting conditions and chip formation during end milling of aluminium alloy 6061. In: 5th Asia Conference on Mechanical and Materials Engineering (ACMME 2017) , 9-11 June 2017 , Tokyo, Japan. pp. 56-60., 909. ISSN 0255-5476 ISBN 978-303571291-9 (Published)
Mohd Razali, Hanipah and A. R., Razali (2017) The numerical assessment of motion strategies for integrated linear motor during starting of a free-piston engine generator. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research (ICMER2017) , 1-2 August 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-9., 257 (012054). ISSN 1757-8981 (Published)
Mohd Riduwan, Ghazali and Khairul Hamimah, Abas and Badaruddin, Muhammad and Nor Azlina, Ab. Aziz and Kian, Sheng Lim (2017) MLGSA: Multi-Leader Gravitational Search Algorithm for MultiObjective Optimization Problem. In: International Conference on Information in Business and Technology Management (I2BM 2016) , 26-28 January 2016 , Melaka, Malaysia. pp. 1-6.. ISSN 1343-4500 (print); 1344-8994 (online) (Published)
Mohd Rizuan, Abdul Kadir and Amanuddin, Shamsuddin and Juwahir, Kayan and Rashidi, Abbas (2017) Moral Obligation and Punishment Alert: An Empirical Study of Accounting Undergraduate Behavior When Personal Interest Is Involved. International Journal of Humanities Technology and Civilization (IJHTC), 2 (1). pp. 83-90. ISSN 2289 7208(print); 2289 9294(online). (Published)
Mohd Rushdi, Mohamad and L. H., Shah and M., Ishak (2017) Investigation of Preheating Method on Joint Strength of Aluminium-Stainless Steel Dissimilar Welding Using Metal Inert Gas (MIG) Process. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Joining and Welding Symposium , 11 July 2017 , Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-9., 238. ISSN 1757-8981 (Print), 1757-899X (Online) (Published)
Mohd Sabri, Mahmud and Safinski, Tomasz and Nelson, Mark Ian and Adesina, Adesoji Adediran (2017) Enhancement of Heterogeneous Ethyl Oleate Synthesis Using Aqueous Ethanol. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 11 (3 Special). pp. 160-164. ISSN 1991-8178. (Published)
Mohd Saiful, Mohd Sahak (2017) Jaringan INAP industri UMP. Utusan Malaysia .
Mohd Saiful, Mohd Sahak (2017) Jelajah Kembara Waqaf Merdeka UMP. Utusan Malaysia . p. 24.
Mohd Saiful, Mohd Sahak (2017) Jom sertai Fun Run 5km UMP. Utusan Malaysia . p. 22.
Mohd Saiful, Mohd Sahak (2017) Semarak Ramadan UMP. Utusan Malaysia . p. 25.
Mohd Saiful, Mohd Sahak (2017) Tengku Abdullah dianugerah Ijazah Kehormat UMP. Utusan Malaysia .
Mohd Salleh, Abdul Rahim and Izwan, Ismail and S. N., Aqida (2017) Effects of Nano Copper Additive on Thermal Conductivity of Magnetorheological Fluid at Different Environment Temperature. Materials Science Forum, 890. pp. 108-111. ISSN 0255-5476. (Published)
Mohd Shafiq, Mat Ghazali and Fadhlur Rahman, Mohd Romlay (2017) Design and simulation of polymer-based 1x4 asymmetric waveguide coupler. In: 4th National Conference On Knowledge Transfer (NCKT''17) , 10-13 Disember 2017 , Sintok Kedah. pp. 1-3.. (Published)
Mohd Shafiq, Mohd Sueb and Jakub , Zdarta and Teofil , Jesionowsk and Gunnar , Jonsson and Anne , S. Meyer and Henning , Jørgensen and Manuel , Pinelo (2017) High-Performance Removal Of Acids And Furans From Wheat Straw Pretreatment Liquid By Diananofiltration. Separation Science and Technology, 52 (11). pp. 1901-1912. ISSN 0149-6395 (Print) 1520-5754 (Online). (Published)
Mohd Shafiq, Mohd Sueb and Luo, Jianquan and Meyer, Anne S. and Jørgensen, Henning and Pinelo, Manuel (2017) Impact of the Fouling Mechanism on Enzymatic Depolymerization of Xylan in Different Configurations of Membrane Reactors. Separation and Purification Technology, 178. pp. 154-162. ISSN 1383-5866. (Published)
Mohd Shafiq, Mohd Zin (2017) Study of monitoring concrete strength development using infrared thermography (IRT). Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Mohd Shahri, Mohd Akhir (2017) Projek CDVisT menang emas dalam IUCEL 2017. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Mohd Shahri, Mohd Akhir (2017) Transformasi digital dalam pembelajaran dan keusahawanan. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Mohd Shahri, Mohd. Akhir (2017) Produk penghawa dingin jimat tenaga raih pingat emas dan Anugerah Khas Croatia INOVA. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Mohd Shahridwan, Ramli and Fadhlyya Arawaney, Abdul Ghani and Nor Aida Zuraimi, Md Noar and Mohd Zuki, Salleh and Greenhow, Martin (2017) Mathematical modelling of wave impacts on seaward-inclined seawall. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1st International Conference on Applied & Industrial Mathematics and Statistics 2017 (ICoAIMS 2017) , 8-10 August 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-9., 890 (012008 ). ISSN 1742-6588 (print); 1742-6596 (online) (Published)
Mohd Sham, Mohamad and Sahimel Azwal, Sulaiman and Yuhani, Yusof and Shahoodh, Mohammed Khalid (2017) Compatible Pair of Actions for Two Same Cyclic Groups of 2-Power Order. Journal of Physics: Conference series, 890 (012120). pp. 1-5. ISSN 1742-6588 (print); 1742-6596 (online). (Published)
Mohd Yazid, Abu and K. R., Jamaludin and Muhammad Aizzat, Zakaria (2017) Characterisation of Activity Based Costing on Remanufacturing Crankshaft. International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering (IJAME). ISSN 1985-9325(Print); 2180-1606 (Online). (Published)
Mohd Yuhyi, Mohd Tadza and Fauzi, Baharudin (2017) Treatment Efficiency And Compressibility Behavior Of Soil Modified With Powdered Activated Carbon. International Journal of GEOMATE, 12 (33). pp. 122-126. ISSN 2186-2982(print); 2186-2990(online). (Published)
Mohd Yuhyi, Mohd Tadza and Muhammad Afiq, Mohd Tadza and Bag, Ramakrishna and Noor Sheena Herayani, Harith (2017) Potential Impact Of Andrassy Bentonite Microbial Diversity In The Long-Term Performance Of A Deep Nuclear Waste Repository. In: Annual Women in Nuclear (WiN) Malaysia Conference , 28-29 September 2017 , Selangor, Malaysia. . (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Mohd Yuhyi, Mohd Tadza and Nor Syafiqah, Mohd Azmi and Roslanzairi, Mustapha and Nor Dalilah, Desa and Kamarudin, Samuding (2017) Malaysian Alternative to International Reference Bentonite Buffer in Underground Nuclear Waste Repository. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1799 (1). pp. 1-6. ISSN 0094-243X. (Published)
Mohd Yuhyi, Mohd Tadza and Nurhidayah, Mahazam and Tripathy, Snehasis (2017) An Evaluation of Osmotic Technique Under Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation Exposure. International Journal of GEOMATE, 12 (32). pp. 30-36. ISSN 2186-2982(print); 2186-2990(online). (Published)
Mohd Zahari, Mior Ahmad Khushairi and Saiful Nizam, Tajuddin and Aizi Nor Mazila, Ramli and Nina Suhaity, Azmi (2017) Optimization, scale-up and characterization of sesquiterpene from oil palm frond juice. , [Research Report] (Unpublished)
Mohd Zahari, Mior Ahmad Khushairi and Yussof, Hafizuddin Wan and Azilah, Ajit and Nina Suhaity, Azmi (2017) Studies on the production of bioethanol from oil palm frond juice as a renewable and sustainable fermentation substrate. , [Research Report] (Unpublished)
Mohd Zaidi, Mohd Tumari and M.A.M., Nasir and Muhammad Salihin, Saealal and A.W.A. , Aziz and Shahrizal, Saat and Mohd Helmi, Suid and Mohd Riduwan, Ghazali (2017) The control scheme of vehicle steer by wire system by using PD-PID controller. In: Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Research Day 2017. Centre for Advanced Research on Energy (CARe), pp. 13-14. ISBN 9789670257884
Mohd Zamani, Nor Peah and Muhammad Nubli, Abdul Wahab and Hamdzun, Haron (2017) The Production Technology of Traditional Pottery Terenang in Temin Kraf = Teknologi Penghasilan Tembikar Tradisional Terenang di Temin Kraf. EDUCATUM Journal of Social Sciences (EJoSS), 3 (1). pp. 10-20. ISSN 2289-9391. (Published)
Mohd Zamani, Nor Peah and Muhammad Nubli, Abdul Wahab and Hamdzun, Haron and Jewae, Phaosan (2017) Warisan Tembikar Tradisional Melayu Di Pahang. International Journal of Creative Futures and Heritage, 5 (1). pp. 124-141. ISSN 2289-4527 . (Published)
Mohd Zuki, Salleh and Mohd Shahridwan, Ramli and Fadhlyya Arawaney, Abdul Ghani and Nor Aida Zuraimi, Md Noar and Greenhow, Martin (2017) Mathematical modeling of wave impacts on inclined seawall. In: 3rd ISM International Statistical Conference 2016: Bringing Professionalism and Prestige in Statistics, ISM 2016 , 9-11 August 2016 , University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur; Malaysia. pp. 1-9., 1842 (030009). ISSN 0094243X ISBN 978-073541512-6 (Published)
Mohd Zulkifli, Mohamad Noor and Mariyamni, Awang and Sonny, Irawan (2017) Percentage difference of resistivity of nanoparticles in determining crude oil using sand-pack experimental method. Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences, 21 (4). 972 -978. ISSN 13942506. (Published)
Mohd. Shafie, Bakar (2017) Z-source inverter in five-phase system using simple boost pulse width modulation. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Mohd. Shariza, Abdullah (2017) Sukarelawan, alumni UMP serah sumbangan. Utusan Malaysia . p. 30.
Mohd. Shariza, Abdullah (2017) Tiga fakulti UMP capai kebolehpasaran graduan. Utusan Malaysia . p. 30.
Mohd. Shariza, Abdullah (2017) UMP baik pulih rumah nelayan. Utusan Malaysia . p. 14.
Mohd. Shariza, Abdullah (2017) UMP hasilkan penyelidikan inovasi berimpak tinggi. Utusan Malaysia . p. 31.
Mohd. Shariza, Abdullah (2017) UMP tawar program pascasiswazah. Utusan Malaysia . p. 26.
Mohd. Shariza, Abdullah (2017) UMP, IIM bergabung bina budaya integriti. Utusan Malaysia . p. 30.
Mok, Ren Hao and Raja Mohd Taufika, Raja Ismail and Mohd Ashraf, Ahmad (2017) Using Spiral Dynamic Algorithm for Maximizing Power Production of Wind Farm. In: IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI 2017) , 13-17 May 2017 , Sapporo, Japan. pp. 1-4.. (Published)
Moneer, A. Faraj and Fahmi, Samsuri and Abdalla, Ahmed N. and Damhuji, Rifai and Kharudin, Ali (2017) Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System Model Based on the Width and Depth of the Defect in an Eddy Current Signal. Applied Sciences, 7 (7). pp. 1-12. ISSN 2076-3417. (Published)
Monir, Md Minhaj Uddin and Yousuf, Abu and Azrina, Abd Aziz and Atnaw, Samson M. (2017) Enhancing Co-Gasification of Coconut Shell by Reusing Char. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 10 (6). pp. 1-5. ISSN 0974-6846 (Print); 0974-5645 (Online). (Published)
Moqsud, M. Azizul and Sato, Koki and Muzamir, Hasan and Yukio, Nakata and Omine, Kiyoshi (2017) Seasonal Variation of Contaminated Geo-Environmental Condition of Yamaguchi Bay Tidal Flat, Japan. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 10. pp. 27-31. ISSN 2352-4855. (Published)
Morshed, Mohammad Nayeem and Sabira, Khatun and Latifah Munirah, Kamarudin and Syed Alwee, Aljunid and R. Badlishah, Ahmad and Ammar, Zakaria and Fakir, Md Moslemuddin (2017) Enhanced experimental investigation of threshold determination for efficient channel detection in 2.4 GHz WLAN cognitive radio networks. International Journal of Microwave & Optical Technology (IJMOT), 12 (5). pp. 374-381. ISSN 1553-0396. (Published)
Mudaber, Mohammad Hassan and Yuhani, Yusof and Mohd Sham, Mohamad (2017) Differentiating the Persistency and Permanency of Some Two Stages DNA Splicing Language via Yusof-Goode (Y-G) Approach. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1st International Conference on Applied & Industrial Mathematics and Statistics 2017 (ICoAIMS 2017) , 8-10 August 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-6., 890 (012081). ISSN 1742-6596 (Published)
Muhamad Arifpin, Mansor and A. R., Ismail and Nurul Nadia, Nor Hamran and M. S., Sarifudin (2017) Knowledge Management To Boost Productivity In Manufacturing. In: 3rd International Conference On Business and Engineering Research (ICBER 2017) , 17-18 November 2017 , Osaka,Japan. pp. 1-5.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Muhamad Fadzil, Che Ani (2017) Design of smart wireless street lighting system. Faculty of Engineering Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Muhamad Faez, Lukman (2017) Synthesis of zinc oxide nanoparticles and antibacterial activity against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Muhamad Faiq Fida'ie, Azami (2017) Design and develop modular CNC machine : machine based part. Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Muhamad Firdaus, Azman and Nur Afifah, Ahmad Sabri (2017) Sukarelawan UMP berbakti dalam Projek Semaian Budi. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Muhamad Firdaus, Azman and Nur Afiqah, Turidi (2017) InSmartive bimbing pemimpin pelajar. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Muhamad Firdaus, Azman and Nurnatasha Eizreena Atiqah, Abdullah (2017) Farmer’s routine endurance challenge for UMP volunteers. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Muhamad Firdaus, Azman and Nurnatasha Eizreena Atiqah, Abdullah (2017) Rutin penternak uji ketahanan sukarelawan UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Muhamad Iqmal Hisham, Abd Hadi (2017) Water supply treatment sustainability of Semambu Water Treatment Plant (WTP) - a water footprint approach. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Muhamad Khairi, Jusup (2017) Kinetic study on ferulic acid production from banana stem waste via mechanical extraction. Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Muhamad Magffierah, Razali and M. F. F., Ab Rashid and Muhammad Razif, Abdullah Make (2017) Optimization of Automotive Manufacturing Layout for Productivity Improvement. Journal of Mechanical Engineering , SI 4 (1). pp. 171-184. ISSN 1823- 5514(print); 2550-164X(online). (Published)
Muhamad Norhafiz, Nordin (2017) The impact of oil palm empty fruit bunch (OPEFB) fibre loading on low density polyethylene (LDPE). Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Muhamad Zarif, Anuar (2017) Effects of processing parameters on production of graphene by mechanical exfoliation. Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Muhammad , Aziz and Kurniawan, Tedi and Takuya , Oda and Takao , Kashiwagi (2017) Advanced Power Generation using Biomass Wastes from Palm Oil Mills. Applied Thermal Engineering, 114. pp. 1378-1386. ISSN 1359-4311. (Published)
Muhammad Adam, Zahari (2017) Design and development of single-axis solar tracking system and water level control for application of line focus concentrator for solar desalination process. Faculty of Engineering Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Muhammad Aizuddin, Mohammad (2017) Properties of cement brick containing coconut husk fiber as partial sand replacement title. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Muhammad Aizzat, Zakaria and Anwar, P. P. A. Majeed and Ismail, Mohd Khairuddin and Zahari, Taha (2017) Kinematics Analysis of a 3DoF Lower Limb Exoskeleton for Gait Rehabilitation: A Preliminary Investigation. In: 3rd International Conference on Movement, Health and Exercise: Engineering Olympics Success: From Theory to Practice. Springer, pp. 168-172. ISBN 978-981-10-3736-8
Muhammad Alif Asyraf, Hairon Anuar (2017) An experimental study of the structural capacity of composite beam (concrete cast c-beam). Faculty of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Muhammad Ammarhariz, Hamdan (2017) Adverse effect of anthropogenic activities on water quality of Kuantan River, Kuantan. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Muhammad Arif Fahmi, Supian (2017) Production of microcrystalline cellulose from palm cellulose pulp. Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Muhammad Asyraf, Shahrom and Mohamad Heerwan, Peeie (2017) Development of Zero Turning Radius by Using Different Independent Torque. In: IEEE The 3rd International Conference On Control, Automation and Robotics (ICCAR 2017) , 21-25 April 2017 , Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan. pp. 647-650.. ISBN 978-1-5090-6088-7 (Published)
Muhammad Az-Zuhri, Azman and Roslinazairimah, Zakaria and Siti Zanariah, Satari and Noor Fadhilah, Ahmad Radi (2017) Entropy of stable seasonal rainfall distribution in Kelantan. In: AIP Conference Proceedings: The 3rd ISM International Statistical Conference 2016 (ISM-III) , 9-11 August 2016 , Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. pp. 1-8., 1842 (020002). ISBN 978-0-7354-1512-6 (Published)
Muhammad Azfar, Bahaudin (2017) Mechanical properties of cement brick using quarry dust as partial sand replacement. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Muhammad Azizur Rahman, Ramli and Mansor, Sulaiman (2017) Tahap Perlaksanaan Maqasid Syariah dalam Pembangunan Produk Sukuk di Malaysia: Satu Kajian Kualitatif. International Journal of Humanities Technology and Civilization (IJHTC), 2 (1). pp. 1-9. ISSN 2289-7216. (Published)
Muhammad Azli, Shukri (2017) Indeks buku tingkat sitasi penerbitan. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Muhammad Azreen, Ibrahim (2017) Properties of cement sand brick containing ground palm oil fuel ash (POFA) as partial sand replacement. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Muhammad Azrul Izwan Shah, Ros and Mazita, Mokhtar (2017) Social Enterprise: A Case Study Of The “Be A Change” Project Serai Wangi At Bukit Kenau, Pekan. In: Poster PSM - Faculty of Industrial Management , 2017 , Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Gambang, Pahang. . (Published)
Muhammad Bilal, Muslim and Suriyati, Saleh and Noor Asma Fazli, Abdul Samad (2017) Effects of purification on the hydrogen production in biomass gasification process. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 56. pp. 1495-1500. ISSN 2283-9216. (Published)
Muhammad Farhan, Zolkepli and Mohd Fakhrurrazi, Ishak (2017) Exploration of Methods for Slope Stabilization Influence by Unsaturated Soil. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (2). pp. 121-131. ISSN 1823-7843. (Published)
Muhammad Fat-Hi Al Juwaini, Pahrol (2017) Liquefaction risks on bulk cargoes carrying unamended & amended Gebeng bauxite in accordance to International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes (IMSBC) code. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Muhammad Fauzi, Ali (2017) Alumni UMP sumbang ilmu kepada bakal usahawan siswa. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Muhammad Fikri, Norsaidi (2017) A study of the level of satisfaction of user on bridge management system : case study, Penang Second Bridge. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Muhammad Firdaus, Muhammad Asri (2017) Study on soil erosion properties and rate at Sungai Jemberau, Tasik Chini. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Muhammad Hanif, Abd Rashid and Nik Hisyamudin, Muhd Nor and Siti Norhana, Selamat and Mohd Fahrul, Hassan and Abd Khalil, Abd Rahim and Mohd Fauzi, Ahmad and Al Emran, Ismail and Badrul, Omar and Mohd Faiz, Mokhtar and Faiz, Mohd Turan and Yokoyama, Seiji (2017) Eco-design of Low Energy Mechanical Milling Through Implementation of Quality Function Deployment and Design for Sustainability. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Sustainable Energy Towards Global Synergy , 1–3 August 2016 , Jogjakarta, Indonesia. pp. 1-10., 1831 (020039). ISBN 978-0-7354-1499-0 (Published)
Muhammad Hanif Ikhwan, Razali (2017) Development of smart mug with charging coaster using a peltier module and rechargeable battery. Faculty of Engineering Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Muhammad Hafiz, Hamzah and Nor Azwadi, Che Sidik and Tan, Lit Ken and R., Mamat and Najafi, G. (2017) Factors Affecting the Performance of Hybrid Nanofluids: A Comprehensive Review. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 115. pp. 630-646. ISSN 0017-9310. (Published)
Muhammad Hilmi, Jalil and Mitsugu, Todo (2017) Development and Characterization of Gear Shape Porous Scaffolds Using 3D Printing Technology. International Journal of Bioscience, Biochemistry and Bioinformatics, 7 (2). pp. 74-83. ISSN 2010-3638. (Published)
Muhammad Hilmi, Jalil and Muhammad Hazli, Mazlan and Todo, Mitsugu (2017) Biomechanical Comparison of Polymeric Spinal Cages Using Ct Based Finite Element Method. International Journal of Bioscience, Biochemistry and Bioinformatics, 7 (2). pp. 110-117. ISSN 2010-3638. (Published)
Muhammad Ikram, Mohd Rashid and Hamdan, Daniyal (2017) ADVISOR Simulation and Performance Test of Split Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Conversion. Energy Procedia, 105. pp. 1408-1413. ISSN 1876-6102 . (Published)
Muhammad Ikram, Mohd Rashid and Muhamad Azrin, Adnan (2017) Modeling and Analysis Technical Performance of BLDC Motor (Electric Motorcycle). In: 4th International Conference On Electrical, Control & Computer Engineering , 16-17 October 2017 , Langkawi, Malaysia. pp. 1-10.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Muhammad Izzulfikri, Azman (2017) Seismic performance of flat slab under the different earthquake loading. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Muhammad Kamili, Zahidi and Mohd Razali, Hanipah (2017) The Two-Stroke Poppet Valve Engine. Part 2: Numerical Investigations Of Intake And Exhaust Flow Behaviour. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research (ICMER2017) , 1-2 August 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. 012024., 257 (012024). ISSN 1757-8981 (Published)
Muhammad Kamili, Zahidi and Mohd Razali, Hanipah and D., Ramasamy and M. M., Noor and K., Kadirgama and M. M., Rahman (2017) The Two-Stroke Poppet Valve Engine. Part 1: Intake and Exhaust Ports Flow Experimental Assessments. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research (ICMER2017) , 1-2 August 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-8., 257 (012023). ISSN 1757-8981 (Published)
Muhammad Khairol Annuar, Zaini and Lee, Yen-Sian and Lim, Kok-Sing and Nurul Asha, Mohd Nazal and Mohd Hafizi, Zohari and Harith, Ahmad (2017) Axial stress profiling for few-mode fiber Bragg grating based on resonant wavelength shifts during etching process. Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 34 (9). pp. 1894-1898. ISSN 1520-8540. (Published)
Muhammad Khairul Anuar, Mohamed and Mohd Zuki, Salleh and Nor Aida Zuraimi, Md Noar and Anuar, Ishak (2017) Buoyancy Effect on Stagnation Point Flow past a Stretching Vertical Surface with Newtonian Heating. In: 2nd International Conference and Workshop on Mathematical Analysis 2016 (ICWOMA2016) , 2-4 August 2016 , Langkawi, Malaysia. pp. 1-8., 1795 (020005). ISBN 978-0735414617 (Published)
Muhammad Nabil Fikri, Zulkifli (2017) Water supply treatment sustainability of Panching water supply treatment process- a water footprint approach. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Muhammad Naqiuddin, Mat Salleh (2017) A study on double fillet lap welding of thin sheet AZ31B magnesium alloy by low power fiber laser. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, Thesis advisor: Ishak@Muhammad, Mahadzir).
Muhammad Naqiuddin, Mat Salleh and M., Ishak and F. R. M., Romlay (2017) Effect of Fiber Laser Parameters on Laser Welded AZ31B Magnesium Alloys. In: MATEC Web of Conferences: The 2nd International Conference on Automotive Innovation and Green Vehicle (AiGEV 2016) , 2-3 August 2016 , Malaysia Automotive Institute, Cyberjaya, Selangor. pp. 1-12., 90 (01032). ISSN 2261-236X (Published)
Muhammad Nasiruddin, Mansor (2017) Oligowell-Inulin Complex. Sinar Harian . p. 8.
Muhammad Nasiruddin, Mansor (2017) Penyelidik UMP raih 2 pingat emas dan 1 pingat perak dalam Pameran IENA Jerman. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Muhammad Nasiruddin, Mansor (2017) UMP raih pingat hasil penyelidikan terbaik dalam Pecipta17. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Muhammad Nazrin, Ramli and Ping, Jack Soh and Mohd Faizal, Jamlos and Herwansyah, Lago and Norazizan, Mohd Aziz and Azremi, Abdullah Al-Hadi (2017) Dual-Band Wearable Fluidic Antenna With Metasurface Embedded In A PDMS Substrate. Applied Physics A, 123 (149). pp. 123-149. ISSN 0947-8396 (Print) 1432-0630 (Online). (Published)
Muhammad Nazrin Akmal, Ahmad Zawawi and Khairunisa, Muthusamy and Fadzil, Mat Yahaya and Mohd Hanafi, Hashim and Nur Azzimah, Zamri (2017) Utilization of fly ash as partial sand replacement in oil palm shell lightweight aggregate concrete. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Global Congress on Construction, Material and Structural Engineering 2017 (GCoMSE2017) , 28-29 August 2017 , Johor Bahru, Malaysia. pp. 1-6., 271 (012003). ISSN 1757-8981 (Print), 1757-899X (Online) (Published)
Muhammad Nizam, Semail (2017) Kompetensi nilai teras untuk P4P. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Muhammad Norqayyuum, Md Nasib (2017) Behaviour of reinforced recycled concrete aggregate beam with addition of steel fiber and kenaf fiber (hybrid). Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Muhammad Nubli, Abdul Wahab (2017) Rahsia kecerdasan spiritual teknik biomaklumbalas. Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang. ISBN 978-967-2054-48-1
Muhammad Nubli, Abdul Wahab and Nazrolnizah, Mohamad Noorzeli (2017) Transformasi Kejayaan Usahawan. Penerbit UMP, Kuantan. ISBN 9789672054719
Muhammad Nubli, Abdul Wahab and Suriya Kumar, Sinnadurai and Mohd Azam, Mohd Akhir and Rosasliza, Samat (2017) The Development Of Personality Profiling Systems On The Assessment Of Individual Performance For The Betterment Of Training Programme. The Journal of Quality in Education, 2 (2). pp. 1-12. ISSN 2028-1897. (Published)
Muhammad Qahri Harir, Mohd Rapi (2017) Minimizing wear of EDM electrode in machining a hard material. Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Muhammad Razif, Abdullah Make and M. F. F., Ab Rashid and Muhamad Magffierah, Razali and Manugari, Perumal (2017) Assembly Line Balancing using Heuristic Approaches in Manufacturing Industry. Journal of Mechanical Engineering, SI 4 (2). pp. 171-185. ISSN 1823-5514. (Published)
Muhammad Salihin, Saealal and A.T., Ramachandran and M. F., Abas and N., Md.Saad (2017) Synchronize Speed Control for Multiple DC Motors Using Linear Quadratic Regulator. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing, Mathematics and Statistics (iCMS 2015): Bridging Research Endeavors. Springer, pp. 85-92. ISBN 978-981-10-2772-7
Muhammad Shafiq, Noor Zammizi (2017) Finite element analysis of warehouse steel structure using ansys. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Muhammad Suhaimi, Man and Mohd Amirulmukmin, Abdullah and Syamsul Bahari, Abdullah and Zulkefli, Yaacob (2017) Screening Cation and Anion of Ionic Liquid for Dissolution of Silicon Dioxide using COSMO-RS. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 10 (6). pp. 1-6. ISSN 0974-6846 (Print); 0974-5645 (Online). (Published)
Muhammad Syafiq, Mohd Shafei (2017) Removal of heavy metal using sequencing batch reactor (SBR). Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Muhammad Syarif Wira’I, Abd Razak and Aida Khairani, Ariffin (2017) Sukarelawan UMP kongsi kepakaran dengan masyarakat Tammalang. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Muhammad Syazwan, Shamsudin (2017) CO2 absorption performance of PVDF/alumina hollow fiber membrane for membrane contactor application. Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Muhammad Taufik, Mat Rais and Mohammad Rushyaidi Shahmy, Mohammad ‘Azman and Kartik Shaanmugan, Krishnasamy and Hasnah, Haron (2017) Corporate Governance in Air Asia Berhad. In: Proceedings of the FGIC 1st Conference on Governance & Integrity , 3-4 April 2017 , Yayasan Pahang, Kuantan, Malaysia. pp. 51-61.. ISBN 978-967-2054-37-5 (Published)
Muhammed Fawwaz, Abdul Rasid (2017) UMP bantu dalam pengurusan Pusat Sumber Sekolah. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Muna, Ibrahim and Makky, Essam A. and Seema, Zareen and Abdelhadi, Tarek F. and Nina Suhaity, Azmi and Jamil, Ismail (2017) Bioremediation of PAHS from Industrial Refinery Effluents to Highly Valuable Transformed Compounds. In: Proceedings of the FGIC 1st Conference on Governance & Integrity , 3-4 April 2017 , Yayasan Pahang, Kuantan, Malaysia. pp. 323-336.. ISBN 978-967-2054-37-5 (Published)
Muna, Jalal Ali (2017) In vitro evaluatinon of oral hygiene commercial products for antimicrobial susceptibility and in combination with the extracts from four spices. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Munem, Osama A. and Kasturi, Mahendran and Makky, Essam A. and Normaiza, Z. and Thanoon, Raid D. and M. M., Yusoff (2017) Hypoglycemic Effect of Some Ethnomedicinal Plants and Its Applications on Pancreas Improvement. In: Proceedings of the FGIC 1st Conference on Governance & Integrity , 3-4 April 2017 , Yayasan Pahang, Kuantan, Malaysia. pp. 370-377.. ISBN 978-967-2054-37-5 (Published)
Munira, Abdul Razak (2017) Model mandat rakyat berdasarkan perilaku pengundi, daya saing politik dan sistem penyampaian politik bersepadu. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, Thesis advisor: Muhammad Nubli, Abdul Wahab).
Munirah, Che Nordin (2017) Water quality study at Tasik Chini in 2013 and 2016 during wet and dry season. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Munirah Ezzah, Tuan Zakaria and Saidatul Shima, Jamari and Suriati, Ghazali (2017) Synthesis of superabsorbent carbonaceous kenaf fibre filled polymer using inverse suspension polymerisation. Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences (JMES) , 11 (3). pp. 2794-2800. ISSN 2289-4659 (print); 2231-8380 (online). (Published)
Munirah Ezzah, Tuan Zakaria and Saidatul Shima, Jamari and Yeong, Yi Ling and Suriati, Ghazali (2017) Synthesis of Superabsorbent Polymer via Inverse Suspension Method: Effect of Carbon Filler. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 204 (1). pp. 1-6. ISSN 1757-8981 (Print), 1757-899X (Online). (Published)
Muzamir, Hasan and Ahmad Amirul Faez, Ahmad Nor Azmi and Moqsud, M. Azizul and Weng, Long Tam and Biao, Yu Phang (2017) Properties of Raw and Processed Bukit Goh Bauxite In Kuantan, Pahang In Accordance With IMSBC Code. In: Seventh International Conference on Geotechnique, Construction Materials and Environment , 21-24 November 2017 , Mie, Japan. pp. 1-6.. ISBN 978-4-9905958-8-3 C3051 (Published)
Muzamir, Hasan and Nurul Aina, Husaini and Norhayani, Pangee @ Mohd Nor (2017) Shear Strength of Clay Reinforced With Square and Triangular Arrangement of Group Encapsulated Bottom Ash Columns. International Journal of GEOMATE, 12 (33). pp. 127-133. ISSN 2186-2982 (print); 2186-2990(online). (Published)
Muzamir, Hasan and Siti Hajar, Aziz and Wan Nursyafiqah, Wan Jusoh (2017) Basic Properties of Gebeng Bauxite in Accordance to IMSBC Code. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 10 (7). pp. 1-5. ISSN 0974-6846 (Print); 0974-5645 (Online). (Published)
Muzamir, Hasan and Tam, Weng Long and Phang, Biao Yu and Ahmad Amirul Faiz, Ahmad Tajudin (2017) Geotechnical Properties Of Raw And Processed Bukit Goh Bauxite In Accordance With International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes (IMSBC) Code. In: Seventh International Conference on Geotechnique, Construction Materials and Environment (GEOMATE 2017) , 21-23 November 2017 , Tsu, Mie Prefecture, Japan. p. 1.. (Published)
N H, Ibrahim and W H, W Ibrahim and Mimi Sakinah, A.M. and N Harun, Harun and Mohamad Rizza, Harun (2017) Simulation of dilute acid hydrolysis of wood sawdust for xylose production using aspen plus. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 11 (3). pp. 114-119. ISSN 1991-8178. (Published)
N., Baharudin and Nor Mazlee, Norazmi and Hadi, Manap (2017) Colour Measurement by UV Absorption Technique. International Journal of Information Research and Review, 4 (2). pp. 3754-3759. ISSN 2349-9141. (Published)
N., Jamil and Rohaida, Che Man and Shalyda, Md Shaarani and Siti Zubaidah, Sulaiman and Siti Kholijah, Abdul Mudalip and Zatul Iffah, Mohd Arshad (2017) Characterization of α-Cyclodextrin Glucanotransferase from Bacillus licheniformis. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 10 (7). pp. 1-5. ISSN 0974-6846 (Print); 0974-5645 (Online). (Published)
N., Masngut and S., Manap and S., Shaarani and Rohaida, Che Man (2017) Bacteria Isolation from Landfill for Production of Industrial Enzymes for Waste Degradation. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 10 (7). pp. 1-5. ISSN 0974-6846(print); 0974-5645(Online). (Published)
N., Zainol and Muhammad Faiz, Mohamed Ameen and Sunarti, Abd Rahman and Muhammad Adib, Rinalto and Nur Syahirah, Muhammad Nor (2017) Factorial Analysis on Processing Factors for Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium Contents in Mushroom Waste. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology (JCEIB), 1 (1). pp. 42-56. ISSN 0126-8139. (Published)
N., Zainol and N., Masngut and S. N., Ismail (2017) Effect of Storage Time to Ferulic Acid Content in Extracted Banana Stem Waste Juice. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 10 (6). pp. 1-5. ISSN 0974-6846 (Print); 0974-5645 (Online). (Published)
N., Zainol and Siti Rahmah, Rahim (2017) Factorial Analysis on Bacillus Sp. Removal Using Garlic Solution. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology (JCEIB), 1 (1). pp. 18-28. ISSN 0126-8139. (Published)
N. A., Jamaludin and Ahmedov, Anvarjon A. (2017) The Almost Everywhere Convergence of Eigenfunction Expansions of Schrödinger Operator in Lp Classes. Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 11 (S2). pp. 119-136. ISSN 18238343. (Published)
N. A., Nazri and M. S. M., Sani (2017) Finite Element Normal Mode Analysis of Resistance Welding Jointed of Dissimilar Plate Hat Structure. In: 4th International Conference On Mechanical Engineering Research (ICMER) 2017 , 1-2 August 2017 , Hotel Swiss Graden, Kuantan. pp. 1-9., 257 (1). ISSN 17578981 (Published)
N. A. Z., Abdullah and M. S. M., Sani and I., Zaman (2017) Correlation of Structural Modal Properties of Go-Kart Frame Structure using Different Type of Joint in Finite Element Modeling. Advanced Science Letters, 23 (11). pp. 11315-11319. ISSN 1936-6612. (Published)
N. A. Z., Abdullah and M. S. M., Sani and M. M., Rahman and Izzuddin, Zaman (2017) Correlation of Numerical and Experimental Analysis for Dynamic Behaviour of a body-in-white (BIW) Structure. In: MATEC Web of Conferences: The 2nd International Conference on Automotive Innovation and Green Vehicle (AiGEV 2016) , 2-3 August 2016 , Malaysia Automotive Institute, Cyberjaya, Selangor. pp. 1-10., 90 (01020). ISSN 2261-236X (Published)
N. A. Z., Abdullah and M. S. M., Sani and Nurul Aina, Husaini and M. M., Rahman and I., Zaman (2017) Dynamics Properties of a Go-Kart Chassis Structure and Its Prediction Improvement Using Model Updating Approach. International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering (IJAME), 14 (1). pp. 3887-3897. ISSN 2229-8649 (Print); 2180-1606 (Online). (Published)
N. F. D., Razak and M. S. M., Sani and Azmi, W. H. and Zhang, B. (2017) Noise and vibration analysis for automotive radiator cooling fan. In: 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research, ICMER 2017 , 1-2 Aug. 2017 , Swiss Garden Hotel and Spa, Kuantan, Pahang. pp. 1-9., 257 (1). ISSN 17578981 (Published)
N. F. H., Rahmat and Ruwaida, Abdul Rasid (2017) Gasification of Empty Fruit Bunch with Carbon Dioxide In An Entrained Flow Gasifier for Syngas Production. In: 29th Symposium of Malaysian Chemical Engineers (SOMChE) 2016 , 1st - 3rd December 2016 , Sarawak, Malaysia. pp. 1-11., 206 (1). ISSN 1757-8981 (Print), 1757-899X (Online) (Published)
N. F. M., Aun and P. J. , Soh and Mohd Faizal, Jamlos and H., Lago and A. A., Al-Hadi (2017) A Wideband Rectangular-Ring Textile Antenna Integrated with Corner-Notched Artificial Magnetic Conductor (AMC) Plane. Applied Physics A, 123 (19). pp. 1-6. ISSN 0947-8396 (Print) 1432-0630 (Online). (Published)
N. H., Abd Halim and H., Md Nor and Putra Jaya, Ramadhansyah and A., Mohamed and N., Abdul Hassan and M. H., Wan Ibrahim and Noram Irwan, Ramli and F., Mohamed Nazri (2017) Sound Absorption and Morphology Characteristic of Porous Concrete Paving Blocks. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Global Congress on Construction, Material and Structural Engineering 2017 (GCoMSE2017) , 28-29 August 2017 , Johor Bahru, Malaysia. pp. 1-5., 271 (012015). ISSN 1757-8981 (Print), 1757-899X (Online) (Published)
N. H., Husain and Asnul Hadi, Ahmad and Mohd Rashidi, Maarof (2017) An overview of thixoforming process. In: 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research (ICMER2017) , 1–2 August 2017 , Swiss Garden Beach Resort, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-9., 257 (1). ISSN 17578981 (Published)
N. H., Kamarudin and M. F. F., Ab Rashid (2017) Modelling of Simple Assembly Line Balancing Problem Type 1 (SALBP-1) with Machine and Worker Constraints. In: International Postgraduate Conference On Engineering, Science & Technology (GUEST2017) , 15-18 October 2017 , Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia., Johor. pp. 1-10.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
N. H., Othman and M., Ishak and L. H., Shah (2017) Effect of shoulder to pin ratio on magnesium alloy Friction Stir Welding. In: Joining and Welding Symposium (JWS2017) , 11 July 2017 , Universiti Malaysia Pahang. pp. 1-9., 238 (1). ISSN 17578981 (Published)
N. H., Razak and M. M., Rahman and K., Kadirgama (2017) Cutting Force And Chip Formation In End Milling Operation When Machining Nickel-Based Superalloy, Hastelloy C-2000. Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences (JMES) , 11 (1). pp. 2539-2551. ISSN 2289-4659 (print); 2231-8380 (online). (Published)
N. M., Yahya and Tokhi, M. O. (2017) A Modified Bats Echolocation-Based Algorithm for Solving Constrained Optimisation Problems. International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation, 10 (1). pp. 12-23. ISSN 1758-0366 . (Published)
N. M., Yunus and N. A., Roslan and Chin, S. Y. and Sumaiya, Zainal Abidin (2017) Kinetic Studies of Free Fatty Acid Esterification using Cation Exchange Resins as Catalyst. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 10 (7). pp. 1-7. ISSN 0974-6846(print); 0974-5645(online). (Published)
N. M. F., Di and Siti Zanariah, Satari and Roslinazairimah, Zakaria (2017) Detection of different outlier scenarios in circular regression model using single-linkage method. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1st International Conference on Applied & Industrial Mathematics and Statistics 2017 (ICoAIMS 2017) , 8-10 August 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-5., 890. ISSN 1742-6588 (print); 1742-6596 (online) (Published)
N. M. J., Rasali and Saifful Kamaluddin, Muzakir and Ahmad Salihin, Samsudin (2017) A Study on Dielectric Properties of The Cellulose Derivative-NH4Br-Glycerol- Based The Solid Polymer Electrolyte System. Makara Journal of Technology, 21 (2). pp. 65-69. ISSN 2355-2786. (Published)
N. S., Arifin and S. M., Zokri and L. A., Aziz and Abdul Rahman, Mohd Kasim and Mohd Zuki, Salleh and N. F., Mohammad (2017) Mathematical Modeling on Aligned Magnetic Field of Two-Phase Dusty Casson Fluid. In: Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Research Day 2017. Centre for Advanced Research on Energy (CARe), pp. 442-444. ISBN 9789670257884
N. S., Mohamed and J., Alias (2017) A Review on the Effect of Welding on the Corrosion of Magnesium Alloys. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research (ICMER2017) , 1-2 August 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-9., 257 (012028). ISSN 1757-899X (Published)
N. S. A., Zubir and M. A., Abas and N., Ismail and Mohd Hezri Fazalul, Rahiman and Saiful Nizam, Tajuddin and M. N., Taib (2017) Statistical Analysis of Agarwood Oil Compounds In Discriminating the Quality of Agarwood Oil. Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, 7 (4S). pp. 1-17. ISSN 1112-9867. (Published)
N. S. M., Noor and Z., Ghazalli and M. R. M., Rejab and F. A., Fauzi and R., Mamat and K., Kadirgama and M. S. M., Sani and Z., Ahmad and Nasrul Hadi, Johari (2017) A Comparison of Muscular Activity among European, Korea and Malaysian During Seating Using Musculoskeletal Computational Analysis Method. Advanced Science Letters, 23 (11). pp. 11471-11474. ISSN 1936-6612. (Published)
N. S. M., Sabri and H., Hasbullah and N., Said and N., Ibrahim and R. M., Kasmani and R. R., Ali and Sunarti, Abd Rahman (2017) Hydrophilicity enhancement of metal oxide nanoparticles incorporated polysulfone ultrafiltration membrane. Journal of Applied Membrane Science & Technology, 20 (1). pp. 29-38. ISSN 2600-9226. (Published)
N. S. M., Sahid and M. M., Rahman and K., Kadirgama and D., Ramasamy and M. A., Maleque and M. M., Noor (2017) Experimental Investigation On The Performance Of The Tio2 And Znohybrid Nanocoolant In Ethylene Glycol Mixture Towards AA6061-T6 Machining. International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering (IJAME), 14 (1). pp. 3913-3926. ISSN 2229-8649 (Print); 2180-1606 (Online). (Published)
N. S. M., Sahid and M. M., Rahman and K., Kadirgama and Maleque, M. A. (2017) Experimental investigation on properties of hybrid nanofluids (TiO2 and ZnO) in water–ethylene glycol mixture. Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences (JMES), 11 (4). pp. 3087-3094. ISSN 2289-4659 (print); 2231-8380 (online). (Published)
N. T., Rao and A. N., Oumer and Ummu Kulthum, Jamaludin and Hassan, Ibrahim and F., Basrawi and A. Y., Adam (2017) Model Validation for Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Supercritical CO2 in Mini-Channels. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 12 (14). pp. 4312-4317. ISSN 1819-6608. (Published)
N. Z. M., Zaid and M. R. M., Rejab and A. F., Jusoh and Bachtiar, Dandi and Siregar, J. P. (2017) Effect of Varying Geometrical Parameters of Trapezoidal Corrugated-Core Sandwich Structure. In: MATEC Web of Conferences: The 2nd International Conference on Automotive Innovation and Green Vehicle (AiGEV 2016) , 2-3 August 2016 , Malaysia Automotive Institute, Cyberjaya, Selangor. pp. 1-8., 90 (01018). ISSN 2261-236X (Published)
Nabi, F. G. and Sundaraj, K. and Kiang, L. C. and Palaniappan, R. and Sundaraj, S. and Ahamed, Nizam Uddin (2017) Artificial Intelligence Techniques Used for Wheeze Sounds Analysis: Review. In: 3rd International Conference on Movement, Health and Exercise: Engineering Olympic Success: From Theory to Practice. IFMBE Proceedings, 58 . Springer, Singapore, pp. 37-40. ISBN 978-981-10-3736-8
Nabiilah, Ab Rahim and Zamzuri, Hamedon and Faiz, Mohd Turan (2017) Bits Reduction in the Electrodeposition Process of a Pickup Truck – A case study. Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, 11 (1). pp. 27-33. ISSN 1995-6665. (Published)
Nabil Zhafri, Mohd Nasir and Muhammad Aizzat, Zakaria and Saifudin, Razali and Mohd Yazid, Abu (2017) Autonomous Mobile Robot Localization using Kalman Filter. In: MATEC Web of Conferences: The 2nd International Conference on Automotive Innovation and Green Vehicle (AiGEV 2016) , 2-3 August 2016 , Malaysia Automotive Institute, Cyberjaya, Selangor. pp. 1-9., 90 (01069). ISSN 2261-236X (Published)
Nabilah Sahira, Nor Azman (2017) Effect of magnetic of addition Co0.5Ni0.5Fe2O4 nanoparticles on the microstructure and electric transport properties of YBCO superconductor. Faculty of Industrial Sciences and Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nada Nadhirah, Abdul Latif (2017) The effectiveness of pedestrian bridge. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nadiah, Mokhtar and Edriyana, Abd Aziz and Azmi, Aris and Wan Faizal, Wan Ishak and Noor Saadiah, Mohd Ali (2017) Biosorption of Azo-dye using Marine macro-alga of Euchema Spinosum. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 5 (6). pp. 5721-5731. ISSN 2213-3437. (Published)
Nadiatul Adilah, Ahmad Abdul Ghani and Junaidah, Ariffin (2017) Improving Total Sediment Load Prediction using the GE Technique (Case Study: Malaysia). In: Fluids and Chemical Engineering Conference (FluidsChE 2017) , 4-6 April 2017 , Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. . (Published)
Nadiatul Adilah, Ahmad Abdul Ghani and N. Syamimi, Namin and Norashikin, A. Kamal and Junaidah, Ariffin (2017) Study on Characteristic of Bed Material and Bed Load Discharge in Sungai Jemberau, Tasik Chini due to Mining and Logging Activities. In: 4th International Conference on Southeast Asian Natural Resources and Environmental Management (SANREM 2017) , 4-6 December 2017 , Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. pp. 1-6.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Nadiatul Adilah, Ahmad Abdul Ghani and Nor Farahin, Muhammad Azman Shah (2017) Effect of Sg. Lembing morphology due to sedimentation and extreme flood event. In: Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Science & Technology (ICSTIE 2016) , 2-3 November 2016 , Penang, Malaysia. pp. 9-16.. ISBN 978-967-0841-31-1 (Published)
Nadira Hana, Abdul Hamid (2017) Doktor terima anugerah kecemerlangan UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nadira Hana, Abdul Hamid (2017) Kapten terima anugerah professional pembelajaran sepanjang hayat. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nadira Hana, Abdul Hamid (2017) Teroka bidang sains bersama ‘Street Science’. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nafrizuan, Mat Yahya (2017) Bat echolocation-inspired algorithms for global optimisation problems. Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang. ISBN 978-967-2054-47-4
Nair, Anju V. and Abdul Rahman, Mohd Kasim and Mohd Zuki, Salleh (2017) A Suitable Numerical Approximation for the Thermal Postbuckling Behaviour of Orthotropic Circular Plates. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1st International Conference on Applied & Industrial Mathematics and Statistics 2017 (ICoAIMS 2017) , 8-10 August 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-6., 890 (012061). ISSN 1742-6596 (Published)
Nair, Anju V. and Abdul Rahman, Mohd Kasim and Mohd Zuki, Salleh (2017) Vibration Analysis of Circular Plates in Contact with Fluid: A Numerical Approach. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Science and Technology International Conference , 1920 April 2017 , Politeknik Metro, Johor Bahru, Malaysia. pp. 1-9., 203 (012021). ISSN 1757-899X (Published)
Najeeb, Mushtaq and Hamdan, Daniyal and Ramdan, Razali and Muhamad, Mansor (2017) An Efficient Control Implementation for Inverter Based Harmony Search Algorithm. International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive System (IJPEDS), 8 (1). pp. 279-289. ISSN 2088-8694(print); 2088-8694(online). (Published)
Najeeb, Mushtaq and Hamdan, Daniyal and Ramdan, Razali and Muhamad, Mansor (2017) An efficient control implementation for inverter based harmony serach algorithm. International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive System (IJPEDS), 8 (1). pp. 279-289. ISSN 2088-8694. (Published)
Najeeb, Mushtaq and Muhamad, Mansor and Ramdan, Razali and Hamdan, Daniyal and Ali, Mahmood (2017) An Intelligent Voltage Controller for a PV Inverter System Using Simulated Annealing Algorithm-Based PI Tuning Approach. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 12 (3). pp. 660-669. ISSN 1816-949X. (Published)
Najihah, Mohamed and Ahmad Lutfi, Amri Ramli and Ahmad, Abd Majid and Abd Rahni, Mt Piah (2017) Modified Harmony Search. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1st International Conference on Applied & Industrial Mathematics and Statistics 2017 (ICoAIMS 2017) , 8-10 August 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-7., 890 (012097). ISSN 1742-6588 (print); 1742-6596 (online) (Published)
Najjahul Huda, Hassan (2017) Bola tampar UMP bersaing dalam kejohanan. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Najwa Wahida, Zainal Abidin and M. F. F., Ab Rashid and N. M. Zuki, N. M. (2017) A Review of Multi-holes Drilling Path Optimization Using Soft Computing Approaches. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering. pp. 1-12. ISSN 1134-3060(print); 1886-1784(online). (In Press / Online First) (In Press / Online First)
Nandiyanto, Asep Bayu Dani and Putra, Zulfan Adi and Andika, Riezqa and Muhammad Roil, Bilad and Kurniawan, Tedi and Zulhijah, Rizka and Hamidah, Ida (2017) Porous activated carbon particles from rice straw waste and their adsorption properties. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 12 (10). pp. 1-11. ISSN 1823-4690. (Published)
Nang Nor Azimah, Long Nadzri and Mior Ahmad Khushairi, Mohd Zahari and Saiful Nizam, Tajuddin and Che Mohd Aizal, Che Mohd (2017) Full Factorial Design for Production of Methyl 3-(3,5-Di-Tert-Butyl-4-Hydroxyphenyl) Propionate Using Oil Palm Frond Juice as a Sole Substrate by Ceratocystis fimbriata. In: 2nd International Conference on Separation Technology (ICoST’17) , 15-16 April 2017 , Johor Bahru, Malaysia. pp. 1-10.. ISBN 978-967-0194-85-1 (Published)
Nang Nor Azimah, Long Nadzri and Mior Ahmad Khushairi, Mohd Zahari and Saiful Nizam, Tajuddin and Che Mohd Aizal, Che Mohd (2017) Production of Volatile Organic Compounds Using Oil Palm Frond Juice as a Sole Substrate by Ceratocystis fimbriata. In: 2nd International Conference on Separation Technology (ICoST’17) , 15-16 April 2017 , Johor Bahru, Malaysia. pp. 1-8.. ISBN 978-967-0194-85-1 (Published)
Naqib Hakim, Kamarudin and Mebrahitom, A. and Azmir, Azhari (2017) Assembly meshing of abrasive waterjet nozzle erosion simulation. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, International Conference on Advances in Manufacturing and Materials Engineering (ICAMME 2017) , 8-9 August 2017 , Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. pp. 1-8., 290 (012069). ISSN 1757-899X (Published)
Naqibah, Azman and Nik Hisyamudin, Muhd Nor and Mohd Fahrul, Hassan and Saifulnizan, Jamian and Muhammad Hanif, Abd Rashid and Badrul, Omar and Siti Zarina, Mohd Muji and Fariza, Mohamad and Mohd Fauzi, Ahmad and Faiz, Mohd Turan and Elmi, Abu Bakar (2017) Review on Design for Medical Device. In: MATEC Web of Conferences: 8th International Conference on Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering 2017 (ICME’17) , 22-23 July 2017 , Langkawi, Malaysia. pp. 1-10., 135 (00020). ISSN 2261-236X (Published)
Narayanamurthy, Vigneswaran and Lakshminarayanan, Sujatha and Yacin, S. Mohamed and Fahmi, Samsuri (2017) Design Optimization and Analysis of Proof Mass Actuation for MEMS Accelerometer: A Simulation Study. Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, 26 (6). pp. 1-10. ISSN 0218-1266 (print); 1793-6454 (online). (Published)
Naser, Mohamed M Muftah (2017) Investigation of pedestrian crossing facilities along Jalan Ampang. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Nasir, Ahmad Fakhri Ab (2017) Vehicle locator system for multi-storage car park management. , [Research Report] (Unpublished)
Nasir, Akhyari and Ruzaini, Abdullah Arshah and M. R., Abdul Hamid (2017) Information Security Policy Compliance Behavior Based on Comprehensive Dimensions of Information Security Culture: A Conceptual Framework. In: ICISDM '17: Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Information System and Data Mining , 1-3 April 2017 , Charleston, SC, USA. pp. 56-60., 1. ISBN 978-1-4503-4833-1 (Published)
Nasrullah, Mohd and Ameedeen, Mohamed Ariff and Nurul Huda, Othman and Faizal, Che Ku M. (2017) Optimization of active protein extraction from biomass waste for application in water treatment. , [Research Report] (Unpublished)
Nasser, Abdullah B. and Alsewari, Abdulrahman A. and Tairan, Nasser M. and Kamal Z., Zamli (2017) Pairwise Test Data Generation based on Flower Pollination Algorithm. Malaysia Journal of Computer Science, 30 (3). pp. 242-257. ISSN 0127-9084. (Published)
Natanamurugaraj, Govindan (2017) Algae Biofuel: Opportunities and Challenges. In: The 1st Maejo-Engineo, International Conference On Renewable Energy , 31 May - 2 June 2017 , The Empress Hotel, Chiang Mai, Thailand. p. 1.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Natanamurugaraj, Govindan and M. M., Yusoff and Gaanty Pragas, Maniam (2017) Algae: biodiversiti, influencial parameters and the applications. Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang. ISBN 978-967-2054-59-7
Natanamurugaraj, Govindan and M. M., Yusoff and Gaanty Pragas, Maniam (2017) A textbook of algae : biodiversity, influencial parameters and the applications. Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang. ISBN 9789672054597
Navale, S. J. and Kulkarni, R. R. and Thipse, S. S. (2017) An Experimental Study On Performance, Emission And Combustion Parameters Of Hydrogen Fueled Spark Ignition Engine With The Timed Manifold Injection System. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 42 (12). pp. 8299-8309. ISSN 0360-3199. (Published)
Navanitharuban, Batumalai (2017) The effectiveness of effective microorganisms in treating wastewater. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nazatul Sharreena, Suhaimi and Mohd Mawardi, Saari and Amir Izzani, Mohamed and Nurul Akmal, Che Lah and Mahendran, Samykano (2017) Development of A Compact and Sensitive AC Magnetometer for Evaluation Of Magnetic Nanoparticles Solution. In: IEEE 8th Control and System Graduate Research Colloquium (ICSGRC 2017) , 4-5 August 2017 , Shah Alam, Malaysia. pp. 221-224.. ISBN 978-1-5386-0380-2 (Published)
Nazikussabah, Zaharudin (2017) Seaweed Bioactivity: Effects on glucose liberation. University of Copenhagen, Frederiksnerg, Denmark. ISBN 978-87-7209-091-7
Nazikussabah, Zaharudin and Hazrulrizawati, Hamid and Dzulkaflee, N. F. (2017) Nutrient content in Malaysia torch ginger flower (Etlingera elatior). In: 15th Asean Food Conference-Food Science and Technology 2017 , 14-17 November 2017 , Sheraton Hotel, HCMC, Vietnam. p. 1.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Nazikussabah, Zaharudin and Salmeán, Armando Asunción and Dragsted, Lars Ove (2017) Inhibitory Effects Of Edible Seaweeds, Polyphenolics and Alginates On The Activities Of Porcine Pancreatic α-amylase. Food Chemistry, 245. pp. 1196-1203. ISSN 0308-8146. (Published)
Nazila, Ishak and Hasmawani, Hashim and Muhammad Khairul Anuar, Mohamed and Norhafizah, Md Sarif and Norhayati, Rosli and Mohd Zuki, Salleh (2017) Thermal Radiation Effects on Stagnation Point Flow Past a Stretching/Shrinking Sheet in a Maxwell Fluid With Slip Condition. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1st International Conference on Applied & Industrial Mathematics and Statistics 2017 (ICoAIMS 2017) , 8-10 August 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-9., 890 (012021). ISSN 1742-6588 (print); 1742-6596 (online) (Published)
Nazratul Zaheera, Abdul Kapor and Gaanty Pragas, Maniam and Mohd Hasbi, Ab. Rahim (2017) Esterification of Palm Fatty Acid Distillate using Sulfonated Alumina. In: Proceeding Of ICBN 2017 Langkawi, Malaysia , 29-30 March 2017 , Langkawi, Malaysia. pp. 36-39.. ISBN 978-967-13620-4-4 (Published)
Nazratul Zaheera, Abdul Kapor and Gaanty Pragas, Maniam and Mohd Hasbi, Ab. Rahim and M. M., Yusoff (2017) Palm Fatty Acid Distillate as a Potential Source for Biodiesel Production-A Review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 143. pp. 1-9. ISSN 0959-6526 (print); 1879-1786 (online). (Published)
Nazrolnizah, Mohamad Noorzeli and Muhammad Nubli, Abdul Wahab (2017) Keupayaan Usahawan Kecil Melaksanakan Kemahiran Keusahawanan Menggunakan Kaedah HRV Biofeedback = Potential of Small Entrepreneurs to Implement Entrepreneurial Skills Using HRV Biofeedback. Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (MJ-SSH), 2 (1). pp. 66-77. ISSN 2504-8562. (Published)
Nazrolnizah, Mohamad Noorzeli and Muhammad Nubli, Abdul Wahab (2017) The Relationship between Business Performance and HRV Biofeedback Profiles among Small Entrepreneurs. Journal of Education & Social Policy, 4 (2). pp. 121-127. ISSN 2375-0782 (Print); 2375-0790 (Online). (Published)
Ng, Kim Hoong (2017) An application of advanced oxidation process to photopolish palm oil mill effluent over TIO2 and ZnO photocatalysts. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, Thesis advisor: Cheng, Chin Kui).
Ng, Yik Ru (2017) The effect of alkali treatment on tensile properties and water absorption of coir / polypropylene biocomposite. Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Ngien, S. K. and Chua, M. and Soong, H. Y. (2017) A Study on Malaysian Sewage treatment plant effluent application in aquaponics system. In: 35th Conference of the ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organizations (CAFEO 35) , 16-18 November 2017 , Bangkok, Thailand. pp. 1-7.. (Submitted) (Submitted)
Ngien, S. K. and Hiew, Thong Yap (2017) Flow Design of Sewerage System - A Case Study in Taman Pandan Damai, Kuantan. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 10 (2). pp. 1-4. ISSN (Print) : 0974-6846, (Online) : 0974-5645. (Published)
Ngien, S. K. and Teo, Feng Yenn and Liew, Yuk San and Mohammad Fikry, Abdullah and Shaharuddin, S. and Balqis, Mohamed Rehan and Rahmah, Elfithri and Chow, Ming Fai and Norbaizura, Zulkifli (2017) 37th IAHR World Congress - Young Professionals Network Newsletter (Issue 02). 37th IAHR World Congress - Young Professionals Network Newsletter (Issue 02) . pp. 1-4.
Ngien, S. K. and Teo, Fenn Yeng and Liew, Yuk San and Mohammad Fikry, Abdullah and Syafiq, Shaharuddin and Balqis, Mohamed Rehan and Rahmah, Elfithri and Chow, Ming Fai (2017) 37th IAHR World Congress-Young Professionals Network Newsletter (Issue 01). 37th IAHR World Congress Young Professionals Network Newsletter (Issue 01). pp. 1-4.
Ngien, S. K. and Yap, H. T. (2017) Flow design of sewerage system – a case study in Taman Pandan Damai, Kuantan. In: International Conference on Fluids and Chemical Engineering (FluidsChE2017) , 4-6 April 2017 , Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. pp. 1-4., 10 (2). ISSN 0974-6846(Print); 0974-5645(Online) (Published)
Nguang, Suok Ling and Yeong, Yi Ling and Pang, Sook Fun and Jolius, Gimbun (2017) Ultrasonic Assisted Extraction on Phenolic and Flavonoid Content from Phyllanthus niruri Plant. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 10 (2). pp. 1-5. ISSN 0974-6846 (Print); 0974-5645 (Online). (Published)
Nickolas, N. and Moorthy, P. and A. N., Oumer and M., Ishak (2017) A Review on Improving Thermal-Hydraulic Performance of Finand- Tube Heat Exchangers. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research (ICMER2017) , 1-2 August 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-11., 257 (012049). ISSN 1757-899X (Published)
Nik Abdullah, Nik Mohamed and Singh, S.S.K. and S., Abdullah (2017) The Needs of Understanding Stochastic Fatigue Failure For The Automobile Crankshaft: A Review. Engineering Failure Analysis, 80. pp. 464-471. ISSN 1350-6307. (Published)
Nik Aloesnita, Nik Mohd Alwi and Ainol Haryati, Ibrahim (2017) Promoting Second Language Learning and Intercultural Communication between Engineering and Liberal Arts Tertiary Education Students. In: 7th World Engineering Education Forum 2017 , 13-16 November 2017 , Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. pp. 66-70.. ISBN 978-1-5386-1523-2 (Published)
Nik Amirul Mu'min, Nik Min (2017) 166 pelajar teruja sertai lawatan sehari ke UMP. Sinar Harian . p. 36.
Nik Amirul Mu'min, Nik Min (2017) Pelajar cemerlang terima anugerah. Sinar Harian . p. 39.
Nik Amirul Mu'min, Nik Min (2017) Rai graduan pascasiswazah. Sinar Harian . p. 25.
Nik Amirul Mu'min, Nik Min (2017) Tunku Azizah dilantik Pro Canselor Universiti Malaysia Pahang. Sinar Harian . p. 38.
Nik Amirul mu'min, Nik Min (2017) Pelajar tahun akhir UM terima anugerah AINEX 2017. Sinar Harian . p. 36.
Nik Amirulmu'min, Nik Min (2017) Medium berbakti kepada masyarakat. Sinar Harian . p. 25.
Nik Nor Aziati, Abdul Aziz and Mimi Sakinah, A. M. (2017) Optimization Of Glycerol Recovery From Pretreatment Process To Produce Succinic Acid Via Anaerobic Fermentation. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology (JCEIB), 2. pp. 27-36. ISSN 0126-8139. (Published)
Nik Sukry, Ramli (2017) 143 anak yatim, kakitangan UAE dirai. Berita Harian . p. 22.
Nithyadharseni, P. and Abhilash, K. P. and Petnikota, Shaikshavali and Anilkumar, M.R. and Rajan, Jose and Ozoemena, K.I. and Vijayaraghavan, R. and Kulkarni, Pranav and Balakrishna, Geetha and Chowdari, B. V. R. and Adams, Stefan and Reddy, M. V. (2017) Synthesis and Lithium Storage Properties of Zn, Co and Mg doped SnO2 Nano Materials. Electrochimica Acta, 247. pp. 358-370. ISSN 0013-4686. (Published)
Nitthiyah, Jeyaratnam and Nour, A. H. and K., Ramesh and Akindoyo, John Olabode (2017) Microwave Assisted Hydrodistillation - An Overview of Mechanism and Heating Properties. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 11 (3). pp. 22-29. ISSN 1991-8178. (Published)
Noor, Hindryawati and Erwin, Erwin and Maniam, Gaanty Pragas (2017) Esterification of oil adsorbed on palm decanter cake into methyl ester using sulfonated rice husk ash as heterogeneous acid catalyst. Esterification of oil adsorbed on palm decanter cake into methyl ester using sulfonated rice husk ash as heterogeneous acid catalyst , 1813. ISSN 0094-243X. (Published)
Noor Afiza, Mohd Sani (2017) Kumpulan Nasyid Zafreen menang dalam Festival Belia Islam 2017. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Noor Ainina Fazlia, Mohammad (2017) Rate of occupancy of Rapid Kuantan buses. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Noor Aisyah , Ab Rahman and Mahfuzah, Mustafa and Rosdiyana, Samad and Nor Rul Hasma, Abdullah and Norizam, Sulaiman and Pebrianti, Dwi (2017) Classification of EEG Signal for Body Earthing Application. In: 4th International Conference On Electrical, Control & Computer Engineering (INECCE2017) , 16-17 October 2017 , Hotel Adya, Langkawi. pp. 1-6.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Noor Akma, Abu Bakar and Khalid, Adam and Mazlina, Abdul Majid and Allegra, Mario (2017) A simulation model for crowd evacuation of fire emergency scenario. In: 8th International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT 2017) , 17-18 May 2017 , Amman, Jordan. pp. 361-368.. ISBN 978-1-5090-6332-1 (Published)
Noor Akma, Abu Bakar and Mazlina, Abdul Majid and Khalid, Adam (2017) An Overview of Crowd Evacuation Simulation. Advanced Science Letters, 23 (11). pp. 11428-11431. ISSN 1936-6612. (Published)
Noor Am Zura, Abdullah (2017) Dynamic model updating of body-in-white structure using sensitivity analysis. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Noor Amalina Nisa, Ariffin and Norhayati, Rosli (2017) Derivation of stochastic Taylor methods for stochastic differential equations. Malaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, 13 (3). pp. 159-164. ISSN 2289-5981(print); 2289-599X(online). (Submitted) (Submitted)
Noor Amalina Nisa, Ariffin and Norhayati, Rosli and Mazma Syahidatul Ayuni, Mazlan and Adam, Samsudin (2017) Performance of stochastic Runge-Kutta Methods in approximating the solution of stochastic model in biological system. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1st International Conference on Applied & Industrial Mathematics and Statistics 2017 (ICoAIMS 2017) , 8-10 August 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-7., 890 (012083). ISSN 1742-6596 (Published)
Noor Ashila, Ramle and Syarifah, Abd Rahim and Nornizar, Anuar and El-Hadad, Omar (2017) Solubility of Carbamazepine Co-Crystals in Ethanolic Solution. In: AIP Conference Proceedings: 3rd International Conference On Chemical Materials And Process (ICCMP 2017) , 25-27 May 2017 , Beijing, China. pp. 1-7., 1879 (040001). ISBN 978-0-7354-1559-1 (Published)
Noor Asiah, Mohamad and Ow, Yu Zen and Idrus, Ahmad (2017) Delineation of Catchment Boundary for Flood Prone Area: A Case Study of Pekan Town Area. In: 5th International Young Researchers Workshop on River Basin Environment and Management , 28-29 October 2017 , Hotel Swiss Garden Resort, Kuantan. pp. 1-5.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Noor Asma Fazli, Abdul Samad and Nur Ashikin, Jamin and Suriyati, Saleh (2017) Torrefaction of municipal solid waste in Malaysia. In: International Conference on Alternative Energy in Developing Countries and Emerging Economies, AEDCEE 2017. International Conference on Alternative Energy in Developing Countries and Emerging Economies, AEDCEE 2017 , 25-26 May 2017 , Bangkok. pp. 313-318., 138. ISSN 1876-6102 (Published)
Noor Azlinda, Zainal Abidin (2017) Program GIGvaganza: bukan sekadar permainan biasa! UMP News .
Noor Balqish, Mohd Din (2017) Effect of super absorbent polymer composite on the compressibility behaviour of low plastic clays. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Noor Fadhilah, Ahmad Radi and Roslinazairimah, Zakaria and Piantadosi, Julia and Boland, John and Wan Zawiah, Wan Zin and Muhammad Az-zuhri, Azman (2017) Generating Synthetic Rainfall Total Using Multivariate Skew-t and Checkerboard Copula of Maximum Entropy. Water Resources Management, 31 (5). pp. 1729-1744. ISSN 0920-4741 (print); 1573-1650 (online). (Published)
Noor Fadhilah, Ahmad Radi and Roslinazairimah, Zakaria and Siti Zanariah, Satari (2017) Generating monthly rainfall amount using multivariate skew-t copula. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1st International Conference on Applied & Industrial Mathematics and Statistics 2017 (ICoAIMS 2017) , 8-10 August 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-7., 890 (012133). ISSN 1742-6588 (Published)
Noor Fadhilah, Ahmad Radi and Roslinazairimah, Zakaria and Siti Zanariah, Satari and Muhammad Az-Zuhri, Azman (2017) Spatial dependence of extreme rainfall. In: AIP Conference Proceedings: The 3rd ISM International Statistical Conference 2016 (ISM-III) , 9-11 August 2016 , Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. pp. 1-11., 1842 (020003). ISBN 978-0-7354-1512-6 (Published)
Noor Farahazwani, Che Noh (2017) The relationship between rainfall characteristic and total suspended solid (TSS) of stormwater in UMP Gambang. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Noor Fifinatasha, Shahedan and Mohd Mustafa Al Bakri, Abdullah and Norsuria, Mahmed and Kusbiantoro, Andri and Mohammed, Hussain and Siti Norsaffirah, Zailan (2017) Review on Thermal Insulation Performance in Various Type of Concrete. In: 5th International Conference on Advanced Material Engineering and Technology 2016, ICAMET 2016 , 8 - 9 December 2016 , Kaohsiung City, Taiwan. pp. 1-6., 1835 (1). ISSN 0094-243X (Published)
Noor Hanisya, Mohammad Noor (2017) Study of structural capacity in reinforced concrete beam by adding real-set 233 as an additive. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Noor Liyana, Ahazar (2017) Properties of hot mix asphalt by replacing crumb rubber as fine aggregate. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Noor Sabrina, Ahmad Mutamim and Zainura, Zainon Noor (2017) Assessment of Membrane Bioreactor in Treating Spent Sulfidic Caustic Wastewater: Effects of Organic Biomass Concentration and Solid Retention Time. Chemical Engineering Research Bulletin, 19 (Special). pp. 101-110. ISSN 0379-7678 (Print); 2072-9510 (Online). (Published)
Noor Suhana, Sulaiman and Rohani, Abu Bakar (2017) Rough Set Significant Reduct and Rules of Intrusion Detection System. Journal of Information Security Research, 8 (6). pp. 17-25. ISSN 0976-4151. (Published)
Noor Suhana, Sulaiman and Rohani, Abu Bakar (2017) Rough set discretization: equal frequency binning, entropy/MDL and semi naives algorithms of intrusion detection system. Journal of Intelligent Computing, 8 (3). pp. 91-97. ISSN 0976-9013. (Published)
Noor Suraya, Romali and Zulkifli, Yusop (2017) Frequency Analysis of Annual Maximum Flood for Segamat River. In: MATEC Web of Conferences: International Symposium on Civil and Environmental Engineering 2016 (ISCEE 2016) , 5-6 December 2017 , Melaka, Malaysia. pp. 1-9., 103 (04003). ISSN 2261-236X (Published)
Noor Zalina, Hashim (2017) Production of biofertilizer from vermicomposting of landfill leachate using earthworms. Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Noor ‘Aina Mardhiah, Hanapi (2017) Determination of rainfall pattern and flow rate at Tasik Chini. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Noorli, Ismail and Hamidah, Mohd Saman and Mohd Faizal, Md Jaafar and Siti Radziah, Abdullah (2017) The Effect of Effective Microorganism (EM) Inclusion to the Setting Time of Microbed Cement Paste. In: MATEC Web of Conferences: International Symposium on Civil and Environmental Engineering 2016 (ISCEE 2016) , 5-6 December 2017 , Melaka, Malaysia. pp. 1-7., 103 (01022). ISSN 2261-236X (Published)
Noorli, Ismail and Norhafizah, Salleh and Noor Faezah, Mohd Yusof and Zalipah, Jamellodin and Mohd Faizal, Md Jaafar (2017) Strength, Water Absorption And Thermal Comfort Of Mortar Bricks Containing Crushed Ceramic Waste. Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences and Engineering), 79 (7). pp. 167-173. ISSN 0127-9696 (print); 2180-3722 (online). (Published)
Noorlisa, Harun and E. E., Masiren (2017) Molecular Dynamic Simulation of Amine-CO2 Absorption Process. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 10 (2). pp. 1-5. ISSN 0974-6846(print); 0974-5645(online). (Published)
Noorlisa, Harun and Emyra Ezzaty, Masiren (2017) Molecular Dynamic Simulation of CO2 Absorption into Mixed Aqueous Solutions MDEA/PZ. Chemical Engineering Research Bulletin, 19 (Special). pp. 1-11. ISSN 0379-7678 (Print); 2072-9510 (Online). (Published)
Nor Ain Nadia, Mohamad Zaid (2017) Evaluation on the performance of a signalized intersections. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nor Akmalina, Mustazar (2017) Optimization of mercury removal using palm oil fuel ash. Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nor Alisa, Mohd Damanhuri and Syafikah , Ayob (2017) A General Numerical Approximation of Construction of Axisymmetric Ideal Plastic Plane Deformation of a Granular Material. Journal of Physics: Conference series, 890 (012059). pp. 1-5. ISSN 1742-6588 (print); 1742-6596 (online). (Published)
Nor Anis Aneza, Lokman (2017) Fuzzy-logic based gripper design and analysis for objects grasping. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Nor Anis Aneza, Lokman and Hamzah, Ahmad and Mohd Razali, Daud (2017) Three fingered gripper grasping analysis of different objects using fuzzy logic controller. Advanced Science Letters, 23 (6). pp. 5102-5106. ISSN 1936-6612. (Published)
Nor Azira, Rasedi (2017) Correlation between crash temporal-spatial pattern and crash injury types at east coast expressway phase 2. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nor Azirah, Arifin (2017) Development of low cost 3D printer. Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nor Azliayana, Ahmad Nordin (2017) Sustainability study of u-turn at km16 – km 18, Jalan Kuantan - Gambang. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nor Azlina, Ab. Aziz and Zuwairie, Ibrahim and Marizan, Mubin and Shahdan, Sudin (2017) Adaptive Switching Gravitational Search Algorithm: An Attempt To Improve Diversity Of Gravitational Search Algorithm Through Its Iteration Strategy. Sadhana, 42 (7). pp. 1103-1121. ISSN 0256-2499 (Print); 0973-7677 (Online). (Published)
Nor Azlina, Ab. Aziz and Zuwairie, Ibrahim and Marizan, Mubin and Sophan Wahyudi, Nawawi and Nor Hidayati, Abdul Aziz (2017) Transitional particle swarm optimization. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 7 (3). pp. 1611-1619. ISSN 2088-8708. (Published)
Nor Azma, Laila (2017) Kutipan meningkat. Berita Harian . V50.
Nor Azwadi, Che Sidik and Muhammad Noor Afiq Witri, Mohd Yazid and R., Mamat (2017) Recent Advancement of Nanofluids in Engine Cooling System. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 75. pp. 137-144. ISSN 1364-0321. (Published)
Nor F., Yah and A. N., Oumer and Mat S., Idris (2017) Small Scale Hydro-Power as a Source of Renewable Energy in Malaysia: A Review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 72. pp. 228-239. ISSN 1364-0321. (Published)
Nor Fadzillah, Zulkipli (2017) Beautiful scenery of UMP in "Namaku Bedah". UMP news . (Unpublished)
Nor Fadzillah, Zulkipli (2017) Drama "Namaku Bedah" kongsi keindahan kampus. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nor Fadzillah, Zulkipli (2017) Environmental Pollutions on Scholar Advocacy Program. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nor Fadzillah, Zulkipli (2017) Intriguing event of ROCC IM4U convention. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nor Fadzillah, Zulkipli (2017) Konvensyen ROCC IM4U pikat mahasiswa UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nor Fadzillah, Zulkipli (2017) Mahasiswa UMP berbakti di Tuaran. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nor Fadzillah, Zulkipli (2017) Program Mobiliti kenali sosio ekonomi penduduk Yogyakarta. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nor Fadzillah, Zulkipli (2017) Projek kongsi rezeki bantu mahasiswa menjelang musim peperiksaan. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nor Fadzillah, Zulkipli (2017) UMP terima kunjungan UTEM bagi tanda aras penghijauan kampus. UMP News .
Nor Fadzillah, Zulkipli (2017) UTEM official visit on green campus. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nor Farhana, Hamid (2017) Production of red pigment from oil palm frond using monascus purpureus FTC 5356 in solid state fermentation. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Nor Fatin Athirah, Nor Azman (2017) Assessment of post-fire vegetation recovery and soil erosion on slope containing nesosilicates. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nor Hafizah, Moslim and Yong Zulina, Zubairi and Abdul Ghapor, Hussin and Siti Fatimah, Hassan and Rossita, Mohamad Yunus (2017) On the approximation of the concentration parameter for von Mises distribution. Malaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, SI. pp. 390-393. ISSN 2289-5981 (Print); 2289-599x (Online). (Published)
Nor Hasanah, Abdul Shukor Lim and Mostafa, Samadi and Mohd Warid, Hussin and Abdul Rahman, Mohd Sam and Nur Farhayu, Ariffin and Mohamed, A. Ismail and Lee, Han Seung and Mohd Azreen, Mohd Ariffin (2017) Influence of oil palm biomass waste on compressive strength and chloride penetration of mortar. In: The 6th International Conference of Euro Asia Civil Engineering Forum (EACEF 2017) , 22-25 August 2017 , Hanyang University, Seoul; South Korea. pp. 1-7., 138. ISSN 2261-236X (Published)
Nor Hasanah, Abdul Shukor Lim and Mostafa, Samadi and Nur Farhayu, Ariffin and Mohammadhosseini, Hosein and Nur Hafizah, Abd Khalid and Abdul Rahman, Mohd. Sam (2017) Mechanical Properties of Concrete Containing 100% Recycled Homogeneous Ceramic Aggregates. In: International Conference on Construction and Building Engineering (ICONBUILD 2017) , 14-15 August 2017 , Palembang, Indonesia. pp. 1-4.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Nor Hasanah, Abdul Shukor Lim and Nur Farhayu, Ariffin and Abdul Rahman, Mohd. Sam and Shafaghat, Arezou and Keyvanfar, Ali (2017) Effect of Recycled Homogeneous Ceramic Waste Aggregates on Water Absorption of Mortar. Journal of Environmental Treatment Techniques , 5 (1). pp. 34-37. ISSN 2309-1185. (Published)
Nor Hayati, Hamid and M. I., Adiyanto and M, Mohamad (2017) Seismic Performance of Single Bay Two Storey RC Frame under In-Plane Lateral Cyclic Loading. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 12 (22). pp. 6502-6510. ISSN 1819-6608. (Published)
Nor Hazwani, Aziz and N., Zainol and Nanthinie, Thangaperumal and Nor Hanisah, Zahari (2017) Optimization of Flooded Soil Recovery via Plant- Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Symbiotic Interaction. Chemical Engineering Research Bulletin, 19 (Special). pp. 67-74. ISSN 0379-7678 (Print); 2072-9510 (Online). (Published)
Nor Hazwani, Aziz and N., Zainol and Nanthinie, Thangaperumal and Nor Hanisah, Zahari (2017) Optimization of Flooded Soil Recovery via Plant-Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Symbiotic Interaction. Chemical Engineering Research Bulletin, 19 (Special). pp. 67-74. ISSN 2072-9510. (Published)
Nor Hidayah, Mohamad (2017) Bicara Merdeka to inculcate the love for the country. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nor Hidayah, Mohamad (2017) Dua beradik anak pemandu lori kongsi pentas konvokesyen. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nor Hidayah, Mohamad (2017) Education incentive scheme to aid new students. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nor Hidayah, Mohamad (2017) UMP luas jaringan kerjasama bersama IS:Link. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nor Hidayah, Mohamad (2017) UMP sasar lebih banyak emas dalam SUKUM 2017. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nor Hidayah, Mohamad (2017) oBIKE tawar perkhidmatan kongsi basikal untuk manfaat warga kampus. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nor Hidayah, Nordin (2017) Comparative method between electrocoagulation and ozonolysis for sulphide removal. Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nor Hidayati, Abdul Aziz and Zuwairie, Ibrahim and Nor Azlina, Ab. Aziz and Saifudin, Razali (2017) Parameter-Less Simulated Kalman Filter. International Journal of Software Engineering & Computer Sciences (IJSECS), 3. pp. 129-137. ISSN 2289-8522. (Published)
Nor Hidayu, Norazham (2017) Study on housing defect in Malaysia. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nor Izzati, Jaini (2017) An Efficient Ranking Analysis In Multi-Criteria Decision Making. PhD thesis, University of Manchester (Contributors, Thesis advisor: V. Utyuzhnikov, Sergei).
Nor Izzati, Jaini and Utyuzhnikov, Sergei V. (2017) The effect of uncertainties in distance-based ranking methods for multi-criteria decision making. In: AIP Conference Proceedings: International Conference On Mathematics: Pure, Applied And Computation , 23 November 2016 , Surabaya, Indonesia. pp. 1-17., 1867 (020010). ISSN 0094-243X ISBN 978-0-7354-1547-8 (Published)
Nor Juhaida, Basri (2017) Gaya hidup sihat dengan zumba. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nor Juhaida, Basri (2017) Pusat Sukan UMP tawar program rekreasi berkonsepkan ABC. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nor Juhaida, Basri (2017) UMP tawan puncak Gunung Kinabalu. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nor Mahirah, Mustapha and Sorooshian, Shahryar and Noor Azlinna, Azizan (2017) Performance Measures for Developing the Performance Measurement System: Systematic Literature Review Approach. Quality - Access to Success, 18 (156). pp. 57-64. ISSN 1582-2559. (Published)
Nor Mazlee, Norazmi and Zul Rasyied, Abdul Rasat and Mazuina, Mohamad and Hadi, Manap (2017) Uric acid detection using uv-vis spectrometer. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research (ICMER2017) , 1-2 August 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-6., 257 (012031). ISSN 1757-899X (Published)
Nor Rul Hasma, Abdullah and Mahaletchumi, Morgan and Mahfuzah, Mustafa and Rosdiyana, Samad and Pebrianti, Dwi (2017) Multi-objective evolutionary programming for static var compensator (SVC) in power system considering contingencies (N-m). In: International Conference On Electrical, Electronic, Communication And Control Engineering (ICEECC2017) , 05-06 Disember 2017 , Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur Campus, Malaysia.. pp. 1-7.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Nor Sakinah, Abdul Shukor and Mohd Ashraf, Ahmad and Mohd Zaidi, Mohd Tumari (2017) Data-Driven PID Tuning Based on Safe Experimentation Dynamics for Control of Liquid Slosh. In: 8th IEEE Control and System Graduate Research Colloquium (ICSGRC 2017) , 4-5 August 2017 , Shah Alam, Malaysia. pp. 1-5.. (Published)
Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2017) AiNEX UMP pamer penyelidikan idea kreatif berinovasi. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2017) Azharishah olahragawan UMP. Harian Metro . p. 67.
Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2017) Diaclean - Eco friendly product for kidney disease patient. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2017) Diaclean produk mesra alam bantu pesakit buah pinggang. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2017) Enhance English communication skill through KTP Kindy Program. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2017) FKP capai 99 peratus kebolehpasaran graduan. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2017) Juruteknik bawa pulang RM7000 juara Pertandingan Memancing Terbuka UMP. UMP News .
Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2017) Kembara Minda staf cemerlang. UMP News .
Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2017) Kepentingan matematik dalam industri. UMP News .
Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2017) Mahasiswa UMP berkayuh serah sumbangan 44 basikal. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2017) Pensyarah UMP kongsi kepakaran dalam pengaturcaraan dan pembinaan lego Mindstrom. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2017) Penyelidik UMP hasilkan cecair pembunuh kuman 'Sanitizer’. UMP News .
Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2017) Program KTP Kindy tingkat kemahiran pengasuh berbahasa Inggeris. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2017) Semarak Ramadan UMP bersama pelajar antarabangsa. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2017) Strategic partnership with AMIK Tunas Bangsa and STIKOM Tunas Bangsa. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2017) UMP guna inovasi permudahkan penyediaan juadah iftar. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2017) UMP jalin kerjasama antarabangsa dengan Amik Tunas Bangsa dan Stikom Tunas Bangsa. UMP News .
Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2017) UMP terima dua rusa untuk pelancongan pendidikan. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2017) UMP tuan rumah dialog TN50 alam sekitar. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nor Salwana, Mohammad Idris (2017) The importance of mathematic in industry. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nor Shahirah, Mohd Nasir and Jolius, Gimbun and Asmida, Ideris and Khan, Maksudur R. and Cheng, C. K. (2017) Catalytic Pyrolysis of Glycerol Into Syngas Over Ceria-promoted Ni/α-Al2O3 Catalyst. Renewable Energy, 107. pp. 223-224. ISSN 0960-1481. (Published)
Nor Su’aida, Yusof and Abu Zaharin, Ahmad (2017) Single-Phase Grid-Connected of PV Inverter Using PR Current Controller. In: IEEE Conference on Systems, Process and Control (ICSPC 2017) , 15-17 December 2017 , Melaka, Malaysia. pp. 1-6.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Nor Wahidatul, Azura and Zularisam, A. W. and Mimi Sakinah, A. M. and Mohd, Nasrullah and Siti, Norsita (2017) Effect of Fast Pyrolysis Operation Condition on Bio-Oil Production of Red Meranti Sawdust. In: International Conference On Air Quality & Environmental Sustainability (ICAQES 2017) , 23-24 August 2017 , Terengganu, Malaysia. pp. 1-13.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Nor Wahidatul, Azura and Zularisam, A. W. and Mimi Sakinah, A. M. and Mohd, Nasrullah and Siti, Norsita (2017) Optimization of Fast Pyrolysis Condition of Red Meranti Sawdust on Bio-Oil Yield. In: International Conference On Air Quality & Environmental Sustainability (ICAQES 2017) , 23-24 August 2017 , Terengganu, Malaysia. pp. 1-16.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Nor Wahidatul, Azura and Zularisam, A. W. and Siti, Norsita and Mohd, Nasrullah and Norul Wahida, Kamaruzaman (2017) Effect of Fast Pyrolysis Operating Conditions on Product Yield of Red Meranti Sawdust. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), 4 (9). pp. 607-611. ISSN 2395-0072 (Print); 2395-0056 (Online). (Published)
Nor Yazi, Khamis (2017) Developing a competency framework for practitioners of English for Specific engineering purposes (ESEP). PhD thesis, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Nor Yazi, Khamis and Azwin Arif, Abdul Rahim and Supyan, Hussin and Nor Fariza, Mohd Nor (2017) Understanding ESL practitioners’ challenges in teaching academic english for technical and engineering purposes. In: 5th Malaysian International Conference On Academic Strategies In English Language Teaching , 1-2 November 2017 , IDCC, Shah ALam. . (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Noraihan Afiqah, Rawi and Abdul Rahman, Mohd Kasim and Zaiton, Mat Isa and Aurangzaib, Mangi and Sharidan, Shafie (2017) G-Jitter Effects On The Mixed Convection Flow Of Nanofluid Past An Inclined Stretching Sheet. Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer (FHMT), 8 (12). pp. 1-7. ISSN 2151-8629. (Published)
Noraina, Mohd Khlapiah (2017) A study of the heavy metal in tap water quality in Gambang area, Pahang. Faculty of Engineering Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Noraisah Nurul Fatwa, Mohd Razali and Rosnani, Ismail (2017) The Use Of Simulation And Role-Play In Enhancing Speaking Skills In Learning English Language. Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 6 (2). pp. 72-78. ISSN 2289-1552. (Published)
Norasiha, Hamid (2017) Dyeing adsorption kinetics of ebtacyanin pigment extracted from hylocereus polyrhizus peel onto spun silk and acrylic yarn. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Norasiha, Hamid and Mimi Sakinah, A. M. (2017) An Adsorption Kinetic and Thermodynamic Study of Dyeing Betacyanin Extract from Dragon Fruit Skin onto the Spun Silk and Acrylic Yarn. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 11 (4). pp. 33-41. ISSN 1991-8178. (Published)
Norasiha, Hamid and Mimi Sakinah, A. M. (2017) Optimization On Dyeing Uptake Exhaustion Percentage Of Betacyanin Pigment Extracted From Hylocereus Polyrhizus Peel Onto The Spun Silk Yarn Using Central Composite Design. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology (JCEIB), 1 (1). pp. 72-82. ISSN 0126-8139. (Published)
Norawazni, Yusof (2017) 99,000 graduan dapat kerja. Sinar Harian .
Norawazni, Yusof (2017) Berjaya harum nama Malaysia. Sinar Harian . p. 25.
Norawazni, Yusof (2017) Cipta alat bio maklum balas. Sinar Harian . p. 37.
Norawazni, Yusof (2017) UMP hasilkan sanitizer daun sireh. Sinar Harian . p. 36.
Norawazni, Yusof (2017) UMP terima tiga bot kayuh. Sinar Harian . p. 41.
Norazaliza, Jamil and Wang, Qi (2017) A Mathematical Model For The Effects of Volume Fraction and Fiber Aspect Ratio of Biomass Mixture During Enzymatic Hydrolysis. In: 1st International Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics and Statistics 2017, ICoAIMS 2017 , 8-10 August 2017 , Vistana City Centre Kuantan, Pahang. pp. 2-7.. ISSN 17426588 (Published)
Norazaliza, Jamil and Wang, Qi (2017) Multi-scale Modelling for Cellulosic Biomass Mixture During Enzymatic Hydrolysis. In: 4th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Applications, ICIEA 2017 , 21-23 April 2017 , Nagoya, Japan. pp. 270-274.. ISBN 978-1-5090-6775-6 (Published)
Norazaliza, Mohd Jamil and Nor Alisa, Mohd Damanhuri and Yuhani, Yusof and Nor Aida Zuraimi, Md Noar and Norhafizah, Md Sarif (2017) Mathematical Formulae. Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang. ISBN 978-967-2054-16-0
Norazaliza, Mohd Jamil and Nor Alisa, Mohd Damanhuri and Yuhani, Yusof and Nor Aida Zuraimi, Md Noar and Norhafizah, Md Sarif (2017) Mathematical Formulae 2.0. Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang. ISBN 978-967-2054-68-9
Norazaliza, Mohd Jamil and Wang, Qi (2017) Two-dimensional simulation of diffusion and advection effects in enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose. Journal of Informatics and Mathematical Sciences, 9 (4). pp. 1095-1102. ISSN 0974-875X (Print); 0975-5748 (Online). (Published)
Noraziah, Adzhar and Shaharuddin, Salleh (2017) An Enhanced Simulated Annealing Routing Algorithm for Semi-Diagonal Torus Network. Journal of Physics: Conference series, 890. pp. 1-6. ISSN 1742-6588 (print); 1742-6596 (online). (Published)
Noraziah, Ahmad and Fakhreldin, Mohammed Adam Ibrahim and Khalid, Adam and Mazlina, Abdul Majid (2017) Big Data Processing in Cloud Computing Environments. Advanced Science Letters, 23 (11). pp. 11092-11095. ISSN 1936-6612 . (Published)
Norazielawati, Romli (2017) Program Mobiliti Asean suntik minat sains dan teknologi. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Norazila, Jaalam and Rahim, Rahim and A. H. A., Bakar and Eid, B. M. (2017) Strategy to Enhance the Low-Voltage Ride-Through in Photovoltaic System During Multi-Mode Transition. Solar Energy, 153. pp. 744-754. ISSN 0038-092X. (Published)
Norazimah, Harun (2017) Glycerol dry reforming for syngas production over ag-promoted on ni-based catalysts. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Norazuwen, Rusli (2017) Silicon dioxide recycling from palm oil mill fuel ash waste (POMPAW) by using acid leaching ultrasound wave (ALUW). Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Norfaezahtul, Azaini and N., Masngut (2017) Oscillatory Flow Reactor Design for Biological Process. Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences, 11 (2). pp. 2615-2625. ISSN 2289-4659. (Published)
Norhafizan, Zulkifli (2017) Terenang makin dilupakan. Sinar Harian . p. 37.
Norhafzan, Bariman and S. N., Aqida and Fazliana, Fauzun (2017) Laser Melting of High Thermal Conductivity Steel (HTCS) Surface. Materials Science Forum, 890. pp. 380-383. ISSN 1662-9752. (Published)
Norhayati, Abdullah and M. Z., Yahya and R., Mahmod (2017) Comparative Study of Strong Anion Exchange Hypercrosslinked Poly(HEMA-co-EGDMA-co-VBC) and Strong Anion Exchange Poly(Styrene-co-EGDMA-co-VBC): Synthesis and Characterization. Chemical Engineering Research Bulletin, 19 (Special). pp. 96-101. ISSN 0379-7678 (Print); 2072-9510 (Online). (Published)
Norhayati, Rosli and Amalina Nisa, Ariffin and Yeak, Su Hoe and Arifah, Bahar (2017) Mean square stability analysis of semi-implicit milstein scheme for linear stochastic delay differential equations. In: 3rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTING, MATHEMATICS AND STATISTICS 2017 (iCMS2017) , 7-8 November 2017 , Langkawi, Malaysia. pp. 1-7.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Norhidayah, Mohamad (2017) 17 graduan UMP pelatih ECRL. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Norhidayah, Mohamad (2017) Aktif teater bukan halangan Nurnajat raih Anugerah Prihatin Puspanita. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Norhidayah, Mohamad (2017) Ashwin defeated 55 other contestants. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Norhidayah, Mohamad (2017) Azharishah menang Anugerah Olahragawan UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Norhidayah, Mohamad (2017) Boling UMP bersama media erat hubungan baik. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Norhidayah, Mohamad (2017) Cemerlang akademik seiring kokurikulum Chang Ying Shi cemerlang. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Norhidayah, Mohamad (2017) Driving sustainable future with TVET. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Norhidayah, Mohamad (2017) Ekspoconvo’17 UMP dinanti tampil meriah. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Norhidayah, Mohamad (2017) First batch of PKLI-ECRL to register at UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Norhidayah, Mohamad (2017) Inovasi PPRN tingkatkan produktiviti IKS. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Norhidayah, Mohamad (2017) Jaringan kerjasama stategik UMP dan OpenLearning tawar kursus MOOC. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Norhidayah, Mohamad (2017) Kejohanan Bola Tampar Terbuka UMP Mizuno dapat sambutan. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Norhidayah, Mohamad (2017) Ketua Palapes Laut UMP naib johan pertandingan Bahasa Mandarin. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Norhidayah, Mohamad (2017) Lebih 80 syarikat tawar peluang kerjaya dalam Hari Kerjaya UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Norhidayah, Mohamad (2017) The Malaysia Day fun bicycle ride. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Norhidayah, Mohamad (2017) Mobility Program: outbound student's exchange program to Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Surabaya, Indonesia. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Norhidayah, Mohamad (2017) Pelajar Siswazah UMP wakili Asia-Pasifik ke Pertandingan Falling Wall Labs di Berlin Jerman. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Norhidayah, Mohamad (2017) Pelajar UMP menang anugerah perak dalam Kongres Duta Jauhar 3.0. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Norhidayah, Mohamad (2017) Peluang kerjaya graduan UMP dalam industri rel Projek ECRL. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Norhidayah, Mohamad (2017) Penyelidikan FSKKP sumbang 3 pingat emas dalam ITEX. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Norhidayah, Mohamad (2017) Persidangan FGIC bincang kesedaran integriti dan tadbir urus korporat. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Norhidayah, Mohamad (2017) Pusat Sukan anjur Kejohanan Golf Jemputan UMP 2017. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Norhidayah, Mohamad (2017) Santai berbasikal semarakkan Hari Malaysia. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Norhidayah, Mohamad (2017) Seminar Falak kongsi ilmu fenomena alam. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Norhidayah, Mohamad (2017) ‘Strengthening the national unity’ – Menteri Besar of Pahang. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Norhidayah, Mohamad (2017) Tarian Kustari Borneo raih kemenangan. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Norhidayah, Mohamad (2017) ‘A Touch of Love’. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Norhidayah, Mohamad (2017) UI Greenmetric Data Review: A workshop on ranking improvement. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Norhidayah, Mohamad (2017) UMP Eco Ride to promote the cycling sport. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Norhidayah, Mohamad (2017) UMP diiktiraf terbaik hasilkan penyelidikan dan inovasi berimpak tinggi. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Norhidayah, Mohamad (2017) UMP lonjak pencapaian penyelidikan berimpak tinggi. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Norhidayah, Mohamad (2017) UMP rai mahasiswa iktiraf sumbangan. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Norhidayah, Mohamad (2017) UMP sambut Hari Memperingati AIDS Sedunia. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Norhidayah, Mohamad (2017) UMP tingkat kecekapan dengan memperkemas pentadbiran dan pengurusan. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Norhidayah, Mohamad (2017) UMP tingkat kesedaran bahaya asbestos untuk pelajar sekolah. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Norhidayah, Mohamad (2017) Warga Keselamatan menang Pertandingan Kawad Bomba. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Norhidayah, Mohamad (2017) The challenges of an effective management control system in Fourth Industrial Revolution. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Norhidayah, Mohamed (2017) Bengkel Supermuslim manfaat anak-anak staf UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Norhidayah, Mohamed (2017) Penyelidikan UMP diiktiraf raih pingat emas dalam SIIF Korea. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Noriah and Jamilah Bebe, Mohamad and Noor Hafida, Mohamed (2017) Strategi komunikasi pencapaian dan pengelakan dalam proses pembentangan pelajar cina. In: International Conference on the Teaching and Learning of Languages (ICTLL 2017) , 3-4 April 2017 , Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. . (Published)
Norida, Ridzuan and Al-Mahfadi, M. (2017) Evaluation on the Effects of Wax Inhibitor and Optimization of Operating Parameters For Wax Deposition in Malaysian Crude Oil. Petroleum Science and Technology, 35 (20). pp. 1945-1950. ISSN 1091-6466 (Print), 1532-2459 (Online). (Published)
Norida, Ridzuan and Zulkefli, Yaacob and Fatmawati, Adam (2017) Response Surface Methodology On Wax Deposit Optimization. Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences, 21 (2). pp. 452-459. ISSN 1394-2506. (Published)
Norizam, Sulaiman and Kamarul Hawari, Ghazali and M. S., Jadin and Amran, Abdul Hadi and M. S., Najib and Mohd Salmizan, Mohd Zain and Fatimah, Abdul Halim and Suhaimi, Mohd Daud and Nurdiyana, Zahed and Abdul Adam, Abdullah (2017) Development of Comprehensive Unattended Child Warning and Feedback System in Vehicle. In: MATEC Web of Conferences: The 2nd International Conference on Automotive Innovation and Green Vehicle (AiGEV 2016) , 2-3 August 2016 , Malaysia Automotive Institute, Cyberjaya, Selangor. pp. 1-9., 90 (01008). (Published)
Norizam, Sulaiman and M. S., Jadin and Amran, Abdul Hadi and M. S., Najib and Mohd Ashraf, Ahmad and Nurul Shazrien Amysha, Yusuf (2017) Evaluation of Mobile Phone Wireless Charging System Using Solar and Inductive Coupling. In: Advances in Information and Communication Technology. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 538 (2). Springer International Publishing AG , Vietnam, pp. 238-247. ISBN 9783319490724
Norizan, Yusof and Muhammad Nubli, Abdul Wahab (2017) Developing Modules of Spiritual Body Oriented Psychotherapy (S-BOP) To Enhance Human Potential. International Journal of Humanities Technology and Civilization (IJHTC), 2 (1). pp. 73-82. ISSN 2289-7216. (Published)
Norizan, Yusof and Muhammad Nubli, Abdul Wahab (2017) The Effective Impact of Integration of Body Oriented Psychotherapy, Spirituality, and Biofeedback Techniques on Discipline Troubled Students of Technical Training Institution. The International Journal Of Humanities & Social Studies (IJHSS), 5 (8). pp. 280-286. ISSN 2321 - 9203. (Published)
Norlaily, Mohd Ali and Swee, Keong Yeap and Nadiah, Abu and Kian, Lam Lim and Huynh, Ky and Ahmad Zaim, Mat Pauz and Wan, Yong Ho and Sheau, Wei Tan and Han, Kiat Alan‑Ong and Seema, Zareen and Noorjahan Banu, Alitheen and Akhtar, Muhammad Nadeem (2017) Synthetic Curcumin Derivative DK1 Possessed G2M Arrest and Induced Apoptosis Through Accumulation of Intracellular ROS in MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells. Cancer Cell International, 17 (30). pp. 1-12. ISSN 1475-2867. (Published)
Norlaily, Mohd Ali and Swee, Keong Yeap and Nadiah, Abu and Kian, Lam Lim and Huynh, Ky and Ahmad Zaim, Mat Pauzi and Wan, Yong Ho and Sheau, Wei Tan and Han, Kiat Alan-Ong and Seema, Zareen and Noorjahan Banu, Alitheen and Akhtar, Muhammad Nadeem (2017) Synthetic Curcumin Derivative DK1 Possessed G2/M Arrest and Induced Apoptosis Through Accumulation of Intracellular ROS in MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells. Cancer Cell International, 17 (30). pp. 1-12. ISSN 1475-2867(print); 1475-2867(online). (Published)
Norlia, Muhamad (2017) Extraction of selected bioactive compounds from averrhoa bilimbi and their thermal stability during spray drying. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Norlila, Omar (2017) Mechanical behaviour of fire damaged steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC). Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Norlirabiatuladawiyah, Che Ani and Saidatul Shima, Jamari and W. S. N., Wan Yaacob (2017) Effect of Cross-Linker Concentration on the Synthesis and Swelling Behaviour of Superabsorbent Polymers (SAP) Using Graft Polymerization Techniques. In: Advanced Materials Research and Technologies. Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, pp. 62-68. ISBN 9783035710052
Norlisa, Harruddin and Syed Mohd Saufi, Tuan Chik and C. K. M., Faizal and Abdul Wahab, Mohammad (2017) Removal of acetic acid from aqueous solution by polyethersulfone supported liquid membrane. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 56. pp. 847-852. ISSN 2283-9216. (Published)
Norlisa, Harruddin and Syed Mohd Saufi, Tuan Chik and C. K. M., Faizal and Abdul Wahab, Mohammad and Huang, Nay Ming (2017) Supported Liquid Membrane Using Hybrid Polyethersulfone/ Graphene Flat Sheet Membrane for Acetic Acid Removal. Journal of Physical Science, 28 (1). pp. 111-120. ISSN 1675-3402 (print); 2180-4230 (online). (Published)
Norliyana, Erain and Law, Woon Phui and Noram Irwan, Ramli and Siew, Choo Chin and Jolius, Gimbun (2017) Understanding the Effect of Surface Terrain on Pollution Transport around Gebeng Industrial Area. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 10 (2). pp. 1-5. ISSN 0974-6846 (Print); 0974-5645 (Online). (Published)
Norliyana, Sazali (2017) Determining future water demand needs for domestic users in Pahang. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nornasuha, Abdullah and C. C., Chong and N. Aini, Razali and Chin, S. Y. and Setiabudi, H. D. (2017) Synthesis of Ni/SBA-15 For CO2 Reforming of CH4: Utilization Of Palm Oil Fuel Ash As Silica Source. In: The 3rd International Conference on Green Chemical Engineering and Technology (3rd GCET) , 7-8 November 2017 , Melaka, Malaysia. p. 1.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Norsafiah, Fazli (2017) Biogasoline synthesis through fluid catalytic cracking of rubber seed oil– effects of cracking temperature. Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Norshahira, Adom (2017) Owning and operating costs of motorcycles in Malaysia. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Norul Amalina, Sabri (2017) Biotransformation of benzyl acetone using saccharomyces cerevisiae, aspergillus niger, pseudomonas aeruginosa, enterococcus faecalis and bacillus cereus. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Norul Amalina, Sabri (2017) From The Magic Tree: The Wonders of Agarwood Leaves (Beverages for Healing Part 2). Livingm'sia .
Noryanti, Muhammad and Coolen, Frank P. A. and Coolen-Maturi, Tahani (2017) Nonparametric predictive inference for combining diagnostic tests with parametric copula. In: 1st International Conference on Applied & Industrial Mathematics and Statistics 2017 (ICoAIMS 2017) , 8–10 August 2017 , Vistana City Centre, Kuantan, Pahang. pp. 1-6., 890 (1). ISSN 17426588 (Published)
Noryanti, Muhammad and Saeed, Gamil Abdulraqeb Abdullah and Chuan, Zun Liang and Wan Nur Syahidah, Wan Yusoff and Mohd Zuki, Salleh (2017) Model for estimating of population abundance using line transect sampling. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1st International Conference on Applied & Industrial Mathematics and Statistics 2017 (ICoAIMS 2017) , 8-10 August 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-6., 890 (012153). ISSN 1742-6596 (Published)
Noryusmayati, Zaharee (2017) Warga FKKSA giat amal gaya hidup sihat. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nour, A. H. and Azhari, H. Nour (2017) Production of Biogas and Performance Evaluation of Ultrasonic Membrane Anaerobic System (UMAS) for Palm Oil Mill Effluent Treatment (POME). In: Biological Wastewater Treatment and Resource Recovery. INTECH, pp. 229-243. ISBN 9789535130451 (print); 9789535130468 (online)
Nour, A. H. and Azhari, H. Nour and Said, N. (2017) An Integrated Ultrasonic Membrane An aerobic System (IUMAS) for Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) Treatment. Energy Procedia, 138. pp. 1017-1022. ISSN 1876-6102 . (Published)
Nour, A. H. and R. M., Yunus and Azhari, H. Nour and Said, N. and Zulkafli, Hassan (2017) The Potential of Microwave Heating in Separating Water-in-Oil (w/o) Emulsions. Energy Procedia, 138. pp. 1023-1028. ISSN 1876-6102 . (Published)
Nour, A. H. and Sangeethavani, Sundarajan (2017) Biomethanation Of Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) By Ultrasonic-Membrane Anaerobic System (UMAS). Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 11 (3). pp. 192-199. ISSN 1991-8178. (Published)
Nur Adrina, Ibrahim (2017) Butanol recovery from synthetic fermentation broth via gas stripping. Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nur Afiqah, Awang (2017) A study on the criteria of contractor chosen by client. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nur Aidah Nabihah, Dandang and W. S., Wan Harun and Nur Zalikha, Khalil and Muhammad Hussain, Ismail and Rosdi, Ibrahim (2017) Physical Properties and Microstructure Study of 316L SS Fabricated by Metal Injection Moulding Process. In: AIP Conference Proceedings: Proceedings of the 3rd Advanced Materials Conference 2016 (3rd AMC 2016) , 28-29 November 2016 , Langkawi, Malaysia. pp. 1-6., 1901 (100016). ISBN 978-0-7354-1589-8 (Published)
Nur Aima Syairah, Mohd Abdul Alim (2017) Ultrasound and enzymatic mediated extraction of vitexin and isovitexin from ficus deltoidea leaves. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Nur Ain, Mohammah Fuzia (2017) The estimation of evapotranspiration in kuantan using different methods. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nur Ain Farhana, Ghani (2017) Rapid extraction of fertilizer from palm oil mill effluent (POME) using Magnesium Ammonium Phosphate (MAP) precipitation method and Fe-Chloro Polyacetamide (FeCP) electrolyte system. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Nur Ain Zakiah, Mohd Yusof and Hasnah, Haron and Ishak, Ismail (2017) Internal Audit Capability Level: Preliminary Study of Federal and State Statutory Body in Malaysian Public Sector Organizations. In: Proceedings of the FGIC 1st Conference on Governance & Integrity , 3-4 April 2017 , Yayasan Pahang, Kuantan, Malaysia. pp. 107-126.. ISBN 978-967-2054-37-5 (Published)
Nur Alia Fatiha, Azhar (2017) Mobiliti Asean pelajar UMP timba pengalaman di negara Vietnam. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nur Amanina, Mohamad Adaris (2017) Screening of carbamazepine-saccharin (CBC-SAC) co-crystal. Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nur Amirah, Mohd Nasai (2017) Effect of soil type on seismic performance of reinforced concrete school building. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nur Amnani, Rosman (2017) Removal of heavy metals from industrial wastewater using activated carbon made from lemon peels. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nur Aqilah, Othman and Hamzah, Ahmad (2017) Estimation behavior of intermittent measurement in EKF-based SLAM. In: IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics & Applications (ISIEA 2014) , 28 September - 1 October 2014 , Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. pp. 189-194. (17209416). ISSN 2472-7660 ISBN 978-1-4799-5590-9 (Published)
Nur Asyikin, Ruhannudin (2017) Effect of the government policies towards abandoned housing project in Malaysia. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nur Atiqah, Omar (2017) Development of hydropower sustainability assessment method in Malaysia context. Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nur Azah, Ibrahim (2017) Quantification of factors influencing the road network damage using relative importance index method. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nur Azaida Ruzlyn, Ruzini (2017) A study on technical cleanliness at automotive component assembly line. Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nur Azhani, Abdul Razak and Asnul Hadi, Ahmad and Mohd Rashidi, Maarof (2017) Investigation of pouring temperature and holding time for semisolid metal feedstock production. In: 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research (ICMER2017) , 1–2 August 2017 , Swiss Garden Beach Resort, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-9., 257 (1). ISSN 17578981 (Published)
Nur Azuwa, Ghazali (2017) The causes of delay in construction project in Kuantan. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nur Azwani, Nordin @ Radin (2017) Study on stingless bee honey stability for toothpaste production. Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nur Azyyatul Shahira, Samsuri (2017) Exploration on speed behaviour at dual two-lane highway in urban area. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nur Balqishanis, Zainal Abidin and M. R., Abdul Hamid (2017) Value-Based Higher Education Innovation Model: A Theoretical Foundation. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 12 (4). 825 -828. ISSN 1816-949x (Print); 1818-7803 (Online). (Published)
Nur Eleena Nadhirah, Paat (2017) Investigation of effect of addition of crude palm oil to asphalt pavement mix: a pilot study toward developing a warm mix asphalt. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nur Fadhilah, Mat Nor (2017) Utilization of recycled tyre rubber waste as partial replacement of sand in ultra-high performance concrete (rubberized-UHPC). Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nur Faraidah, Muhammad Di and Siti Zanariah, Satari (2017) The effect of different distance measures in detecting outliers using clustering-based algorithm for circular regression model. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1842 (030016). pp. 1-12. ISSN 978-0-7354-1512-6. (Published)
Nur Farisha, Rahaizak (2017) Longterm rainfall variability and changes in Kuantan river basin. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nur Fathin Nadhirah, Mohamad Noor (2017) Study on the factor that influence the abandoned housing project in Malaysia : mismanagement. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nur Fatin Syahira, Rozak (2017) A solar charging system for a portable electric skateboard. Faculty of Engineering Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nur Hairunnisa, Kamarudin and M. F. F., Ab Rashid (2017) Assembly Line Balancing with Resource Constraints using New Rank-Based Crossovers. Journal of Physics: Conference series, 908 (012059). pp. 1-7. ISSN 1742-6588 (print); 1742-6596 (online). (Published)
Nur Hazirah Huda, Mohd Harun and Fakhrur Razil Alawi, Abdul Wahid and Suriyati, Saleh and Noor Asma Fazli, Abdul Samad (2017) Effect of torrefaction on palm oil waste chemical properties and kinetic parameter estimation. Chemical Engineering Transactions , 56. pp. 1195-1200. ISSN 2283-9216. (Published)
Nur Hazirah Huda, Mohd Harun and Noor Asma Fazli, Abdul Samad and Suriyati, Saleh (2017) Anhydrous weight loss prediction of meranti sawdust during torrefaction using rousset model. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. Malaysian Technical Universities Conference on Engineering and Technology (MUCET 2017) , 6-7 December 2017 , Penang, Malaysia. pp. 1-6., 318 (1). ISSN 1757-8981 (Print), 1757-899X (Online) (Published)
Nur Hazirah Huda, Mohd Harun and Noor Asma Fazli, Abdul Samad and Suriyati, Saleh (2017) Development of kinetics model for torrefaction of empty fruit bunch from palm oil waste. Energy Procedia, 105. pp. 744-749. ISSN 1876-6102 . (Published)
Nur Hazwani, Mat Razali and Shaharin Anwar, Sulaiman and Mohamad Nazmi, Zaidi Moni and F., Basrawi (2017) Pre-treatment of oil palm frond biomass via extensive high temperature drying for gasification process. In: MATEC Web of Conferences: UTP-UMP Symposium on Energy Systems 2017 (SES 2017) , 26-27 September 2017 , Perak, Malaysia. pp. 1-5., 131 (01007). ISSN 2261-236X (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Nur Hidayah, Aliman (2017) The study of dependency factors on foreign worker in construction industry : contractor perspective. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nur Huda, Ramlan (2017) Interconnection and damping assignment passivity based controller for multilevel inverter. PhD thesis, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Nur Huda, Ramlan and N. A., Azli and N. F. A. A., Hafidz (2017) Performance of Interconnection and Damping Assignment Passivity-Based Controller on Inverter Circuits. International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive System (IJPEDS), 8 (1). pp. 69-80. ISSN 2088-8694(print); 2088-8694(online). (Published)
Nur Idayu, Ab Wahab (2017) Isolation of xylanolytic bacteria from landfill soil and production of enzyme from the isolate. Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nur Idayu, Ibrahim (2017) Finite element analysis of cold-formed steel structural members with different arrangement of perforations. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nur Iffah, Mohamed Azmi and Kamal Arifin, Mat Piah and Wan Azhar, Wan Yusoff and F. R. M., Romlay (2017) Optimization of PID Parameters Utilizing Variable Weight Grey-Taguchi Method and Particle Swarm Optimization. In: The 4th Asia Pacific Conference on Manufacturing Systems and The 3rd International Manufacturing Engineering Conference (APCOMS-IMEC 2017) , 7-8 December 2017 , Yogyakarta, Indonesia. pp. 1-6.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Nur Iffah Izzati, Aziz (2017) Flexural behaviour of reinforced concrete beam with rectangular web opening. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nur Izzah, Mohd Nasri (2017) Flexural behaviour of reinforced concrete beam with circular web opening. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nur Khaleeda, Romli and M. R. M., Rejab and Bachtiar, Dandi and Siregar, J. P. and M. F., Rani and W. S., Wan Harun and Salwani, Mohd Salleh and Mohamad Nazirul Mubin, Merzuki (2017) The Behavior Of Aluminium Carbon/Epoxy Fibre Metal Laminate Under Quasi-Static Loading. In: 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research (ICMER2017) , 1–2 August 2017 , Swiss Garden Beach Resort, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-12., 257 (012046). ISSN 1757-8981 (Print); 1757-899X (Online) (Published)
Nur Khalidah, Zainuddin and Ahmad Salihin, Samsudin (2017) Influence of Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) in CMC-NH4BR Based Polymer Electrolytes: Conductivity and Electrical Study. Makara Journal of Technology, 21 (1). pp. 37-42. ISSN 2355-2786. (Published)
Nur Laila, Afandi (2017) 8 staf UMP bakal tunai ibadah haji musim ni. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nur Laila, Afandi (2017) Aina Srikandi Matahari. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nur Laila, Afandi (2017) Anak peneroka Felda antara graduan cemerlang. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nur Laila, Afandi (2017) Anak-anak yatim dan asnaf ceria terima baju raya. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nur Laila, Afandi (2017) Awani Rangers UMP suntik bakat mahasiswa dalam pemberitaan. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nur Laila, Afandi (2017) Bengkel penyelidik muda antara negara tingkat pengurusan sungai. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nur Laila, Afandi (2017) FKEE bantu pelajar minat dalam STEM. UMP News .
Nur Laila, Afandi (2017) FSTI perkenal teknologi solar dan fotovoltaik kepada pelajar SEMSAS. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nur Laila, Afandi (2017) Fiesta Antarabangsa UMP bakal pamer kebudayaan dan juadah tradisi negara luar. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nur Laila, Afandi (2017) Indahnya Ramadan UDA dan UMP tunai tanggungjawab sosial. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nur Laila, Afandi (2017) Inisiatif edu-tourism, tasik UMP bakal jadi tumpuan. UMP News .
Nur Laila, Afandi (2017) Kem Saintis Muda suntik elemen STEM. UMP News .
Nur Laila, Afandi (2017) Konvoi bermotosikal UMP Jelajah Kembara Waqaf Merdeka. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nur Laila, Afandi (2017) Larian LED Dance Music menjelang penganjuran FINOG 2018. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nur Laila, Afandi (2017) Pelajar SK Tanah Puteh lawat kampus universiti. UMP News .
Nur Laila, Afandi (2017) Pelajar UMP menang anugerah terbaik 3MT. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nur Laila, Afandi (2017) Pembentukan barisan perwakilan kepimpinan baharu MPP UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nur Laila, Afandi (2017) Pemetraian memorandum perjanjian UMP dengan MRL dan CCC dalam industri rel. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nur Laila, Afandi (2017) Pertukaran pelajar UMP dan University Ningxia erat hubungan baik. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nur Laila, Afandi (2017) Projek Facelift UMP ceriakan kampung Kuala Pahang. UMP News .
Nur Laila, Afandi (2017) Rahsia graduan cemerlang. UMP News .
Nur Laila, Afandi (2017) Tripartite PLKI-ECRL Agreement to benefit Rail Industry and NRCOE. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nur Laila, Afandi (2017) UMP TVET perkasa kemahiran pendidikan teknikal -Teknologis satu profesion Baharu. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nur Laila, Afandi (2017) UMP agih makanan sahur untuk warga kota. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nur Laila, Afandi (2017) UMP dan BH serah wakaf dilengkapi lampu solar LED berteknologi hijau untuk kelestarian sekolah. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nur Laila, Afandi (2017) UMP jalin kerjasama dengan KBS untuk manfaat belia. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nur Laila, Afandi (2017) UMP jalin kerjasama dengan MRL dan CCCC dalam program kemahiran industri ECRL. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nur Laila, Afandi (2017) UMP lancar INAP Medium perluas hubungan dengan industri. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nur Laila, Afandi (2017) UMP memasyarakatkan teknologi di Tammalang Hilir Satun. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nur Laila, Afandi (2017) UMP mula tanam herba nilam majukan teknologi berasaskan herba. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nur Laila, Afandi (2017) UMP terima bot kayuh sebagai tarikan Pelancongan Pendidikan. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nur Laila, Afandi (2017) Warga UMP sambut Maulidur Rasul. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nur Nabihah, Ramli (2017) Torrefaction and pelletization of oil palm waste and forestry residue. Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nur Nabillah, Mohd Arif (2017) Dry reforming for glycerol hydrogen-rich production over Ni/CaO, Ni/ZrO2 and 5%Re-Ni/CaO. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Nur Nabillah, Mohd Arif and Norazimah, Harun and Nursofia, Mohd Yunus and Vo, Dai-Viet N. and Mohammad Tazli, Azizan and Sumaiya, Zainal Abidin (2017) Reforming of Glycerol for Hydrogen Production over Ni Based Catalysts: Effect of Support Type. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 39 (7). pp. 657-663. ISSN 1556-7036 (Print); 1556-7230 (Online). (Published)
Nur Nadia, Mohd Nasir (2017) Synthesis, characterization and fabrication of porous carboxymethyl cellulosestarch based bio-composite materials. Faculty of Industrial Sciences and Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nur Nadia Faziera, Abdul Ghani (2017) The probability distribution of hourly rainfall for Kelantan River basin. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nur Nadiah, Burhanuddin (2017) Sustainable pedestrian routing within UMP Gambang. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nur Nadiatul Hidayah, Shaikh Rohmat and Sumaiya, Zainal Abidin (2017) The evolution of mineral processing in extraction of rare earth elements using solid-liquid extraction over liquid-liquid extraction: A review. Minerals Engineering, 112. pp. 103-113. ISSN 0892-6875. (Published)
Nur Nazwa Syamimi, Salleh (2017) Noise monitoring in CNC machine working area in electronic based company in Kuantan, Malaysia. Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nur Soliha, Sahimi and Faiz, Mohd Turan and Kartina, Johan (2017) Development of Sustainability Assessment Framework in Hydropower sector. In: 3rd and 4th International Engineering Research and Innovation Symposium, IRIS 2017 , 6-7 May 2017 , Melaka, Malaysia. pp. 1-6., 226 (012048). ISSN 1757-8981 (Print); 1757-899X (Online) (Published)
Nur Soliha, Sahimi and Faiz, Mohd Turan and Kartina, Johan (2017) Development of Systematic Sustainability Assessment (SSA) Tool for Enviromental Management in Malaysia Hydroelectric Project. In: Proceedings of the FGIC 1st Conference on Governance & Integrity , 3 - 4 April 2017 , Yayasan Pahang, Kuantan Pahnag, Malaysia.. pp. 9-16.. ISBN 978-967-2054-37-5 (Published)
Nur Suhaila, Anang Japar (2017) Isolation of microorganisms from landfill soil and the production of enzyme. Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nur Syahidah, Abu Bakar (2017) A study of roles and impact of project management consultancy in construction project. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nur Syahidah, Yusoff and Shamshuritawati, Sharif (2017) Detecting a currency's dominance using multivariate time series analysis. In: 1st International Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics and Statistics 2017, ICoAIMS 2017 , 8-10 August 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang. pp. 1-6., 890 (1). ISSN 17426588 (Published)
Nur Syahirah, Kamarudin and Rohayu, Jusoh and Nuramira Fateha, Sukor and Herma Dina, Setiabudi (2017) Photodegradation of methylene blue using phyto-mediated synthesis of silver nanoparticles: effect of calcination treatment. In: 3rd International Conference on Green Chemical Engineering and Technology (3RD GCET 2017) , 7-8 November 2017 , Swiss-Garden Hotel Melaka, Malaysia. p. 1.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Nur Syamilah, Arifin and Syazwani, Mohd Zokri and Abdul Rahman, Mohd Kasim and Laila Amera, Aziz and Mohd Zuki, Salleh and Nurul Farahain, Mohammad (2017) The aligned magnetic field with convective boundary conditions over a stretching sheet in a viscous fluid. In: AIP Conference Proceedings: The 3rd ISM International Statistical Conference 2016 (ISM-III) , 9-11 August 2016 , Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. pp. 1-7., 1842 (030006). ISBN 978-0-7354-1512-6 (Published)
Nur Syamilah, Arifin and Syazwani, Mohd Zokri and Abdul Rahman, Mohd Kasim and Mohd Zuki, Salleh and Nurul Farahain, Mohammad (2017) The aligned magnetic field of a dusty fluid flow over a stretching sheet. In: Proceedings of the 24th National Symposium On Mathematical Sciences , 27-29 September 2016 , Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia. pp. 1-6., 1870 (040033). ISBN 978-0-7354-1550-8 (Published)
Nur Syamilah, Arifin and Syazwani, Mohd Zokri and Abdul Rahman, Mohd Kasim and Mohd Zuki, Salleh and Nurul Farahain, Mohammad and Wan Nur Syahidah, Wan Yusoff (2017) Aligned magnetic field of two-phase mixed convection flow in dusty Casson fluid over a stretching sheet with Newtonian heating. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1st International Conference on Applied & Industrial Mathematics and Statistics 2017 (ICoAIMS 2017) , 8-10 August 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-6., 890 (012001). ISSN 1742-6596 (Published)
Nur Syamilah, Arifin and Syazwani, Mohd Zokri and Abdul Rahman, Mohd Kasim and Mohd Zuki, Salleh and Wan Nur Syahidah, Wan Yusoff and Nurul Farahain, Mohammad and Sharidan, Shafie (2017) Aligned Magnetic Field on Dusty Casson Fluid over a Stretching Sheet with Newtonian Heating. Malaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, 13 (3). pp. 244-247. ISSN 2289-5981. (Published)
Nur Syamimi, Zulkefli and Leo, Yu Ling (2017) Drivers in the implementation of sustainable construction management among main contractors. In: The 6th International Conference On Global Optimization and Its Application (ICOGOIA2017) , 25 November 2017 , Avillion Legacy, Melaka. pp. 1-6.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Nur Syamimi Syahraine, Abu Zaki (2017) Bauxite contamination in Kuantan effect on the property of the housing value. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nur Syazana, Muhamad Nasrah and Mior Ahmad Khushairi, Mohd Zahari and N., Masngut and Hidayah, Ariffin (2017) Statistical Optimization for Biobutanol Production by Clostridium acetobutylicum ATCC 824 from Oil Palm Frond (OPF) Juice Using Response Surface Methodology. In: MATEC Web of Conferences: Fluids and Chemical Engineering Conference (FluidsChE 2017) , 4-6 April 2017 , Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. pp. 1-8., 111 (03001). ISSN 2261-236X (Published)
Nur Syazana, Muhd Nasrah and Mior Ahmad Khushairi, Mohd Zahari and N., Masngut and Hidayah, Ariffin (2017) Factorial Experimental Design for Biobutanol Production from Oil Palm Frond (OPF) Juice by Clostridium Acetobutylicum ATCC 824. Chemical Engineering Research Bulletin, 19 (Special). pp. 36-42. ISSN 0379-7678 (Print); 2072-9510 (Online). (Published)
Nur Syazwani, Ahmad (2017) Case on Importance of Strategic Location. In: Collection of Teaching Cases for Business Administration Studies. Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang, pp. 32-37. ISBN 978-967-2054-50-4
Nur Syuhada, Thobari (2017) Behavior of steel fibre in reinforced recycled concrete aggregate beam. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nur Syuhadah, Abdul Wahab (2017) Overall equipment effectiveness analysis of power magnetic inductor production line at BI technologies sdn. bhd. Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nur Zakirah, Kasnan (2017) The mechanical properties of graphene reinforced polystyrene. Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nur Zayani, Zaharudin (2017) Effect of perforations on axially loaded I-section cold-formed steel column. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nurafiqah, Abu Hasan (2017) Cost overrun of construction project in Pahang : causes and solution. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nurain, Rozy (2017) Bengkel roket air tarik minat pelajar sekolah. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nuraini, Aziz and S. N., Aqida and I., Ismail (2017) Microstructural analysis of hot press formed 22MnB5 steel. In: 20th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming (ESAFORM 2017) , 26-28 April 2017 , University Dublin, Ireland. , 1896 (1). ISSN 0094243X ISBN 978-073541580-5 (Published)
Nuramalina, Nuramalina (2017) Study on the factor that contribute to the financial problems of abandoned housing project in Malaysia. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nuramira Fateha, Sukor and Rohayu, Jusoh and Nur Syahirah, Kamarudin (2017) Ultrasound assisted methods for enhanced extraction of phenolic acids from quercus infectoria galls. In: 3rd International Conference on Green Chemical Engineering and Technology (3RD GCET 2017) , 7-8 November 2017 , Swiss-Garden Hotel Melaka, Malaysia. p. 1.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Nurfadzillah, Harun and Zainah, Md. Zain (2017) PSO approach for a controller based-on backstepping method in stabilizing an underactuated X4-AUV. In: 2017 IEEE 7th International Conference on Underwater System Technology: Theory and Applications (USYS’17) , 18-20 Disember 2017 , Kuala Lumpur. pp. 1-8.. (Published)
Nurfarahanim, Abdullah and Nur Amelia, Amran and Nur Hidayah, Mat Yasin (2017) Algae Oil Extraction from Freshwater Microalgae Chlorella Vulgaris. Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences, 21 (3). pp. 735-744. ISSN 1394-2506. (Published)
Nurfatini, Zolkafli (2017) The development of ceramic insert of alumina toughened by zirconia and copper. Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nurhafizah, Abu Talip and Kitazawa, Toshihide and Mohamad Shaiful, Abdul Karim (2017) Scattering Analysis of Rectangular Cavity with Input and Output Waveguides and Its Application to Material Characterization. In: Asia Pacific Microwave Conference 2017 , 13-16 Nov 2017 , Kuala Lumpur. pp. 1-4.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Nurhafizah, Norizam (2017) Sukarelawan UMP salur air bersih untuk komuniti Phnom Penh. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nurhamim, Ahamad and Normy Norfiza, A. Razak and Ummu Kulthum, Jamaludin and Fatanah, Suhaimi and Christopher, Pretty and Geoffrey, Chase and Azrina, Ralib and Basri, Mohd Noor (2017) Efficacy and Safety of SPRINT and STAR Protocol on Malaysian Critically-ill Patients. In: IEEE EMBS Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences (IECBES) , 4-8 December 2016 , Kuala Lumpur. pp. 370-375.. ISBN 9781467377911 (Published)
Nurhanis Sofiah, Abd Ghafar (2017) Synthesis, characterization and modelling of nickel nanowires synthesized via template-assisted electrodeposition. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Nurhanis Sofiah, Abd Ghafar and Kananathan, J. and Samykano, Mahendran and Ulakanathan, S. and S. A., Che Ghani and W. S., Wan Harun and Sudhakar, K. and K., Kadirgama and W. K., Ngui and Siregar, J. P. (2017) Electrochemical Deposited Nickel Nanowires: Influence of Deposition Bath Temperature on the Morphology and Physical Properties. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research (ICMER2017) , 1-2 August 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-8., 257 (012032). ISSN 1757-899X (Published)
Nurhanis Sofiah, Abd Ghafar and Mahendran, Samykano and Murillo, J. Rivas and Nurul Akmal, Che Lah and D., Ramasamy and K., Kadirgama and M. M., Rahman (2017) Effect of the length on the tensile deformation of nickel nanowires using molecular dynamic simulations. Advanced Science Letters, 23 (11). pp. 11549-11552. ISSN 1936-6612. (Published)
Nurhanis Sofiah, Abd Ghafar and Ulakanathan, S. and Wan Sharuzi, Wan Harun and Kananathan, J. and Samykano, Mahendran and Nurul Akmal, Che Lah and Sudhakar, K. and K., Kadirgama and W. K., Ngui and Siregar, J. P. (2017) Influence of boric acid (H3BO3) concentration on the physical properties of electrochemical deposited nickel (Ni) nanowires. In: 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research, ICMER 2017 , 1-2 August 2017 , Swiss Garden Hotel and SpaKuantan, Pahang; Malaysia. pp. 1-7., 257 (1). ISSN 17578981 (Published)
Nurhasbazilah, Rusli (2017) Implication of abandoned housing project in Malaysia. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nurhidayah, Abu Mansor Maturidi (2017) Performance of asphalt mixture by adding crumb rubber as modified bitumen. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nurhidayah, Mahazam (2017) The compatibility of osmotic and vapour equilibrium techniques in establishing soil-water characteristics curve : a case study for bentonite. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Nurhidayatul Akhma, Mat Roka (2017) A study on trip generation in University Malaysia Pahang, Pekan. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nurhusna, Samsudin and Yumi Zuhanis Has Yun, Hashim and Mohd Azmir, Arifin and Maizirwan, Mel and Hamzah, Mohd Salleh and Iis, Sopyan and Dzun Noraini, Jimat (2017) Optimization of ultraviolet ozone treatment process for improvement of polycaprolactone (PCL) microcarrier performance. Cytotechnology, 69 (4). pp. 601-616. ISSN 0920-9069 (Print); 1573-0778 (Online). (Published)
Nurhusna, Samsudin and Yumi Zuhanis Has Yun, Hashim and Mohd Azmir, Arifin and Maizirwan, Mel and Hamzah, Mohd. Salleh and Norshariza, Nordin and Sopyan, Iis and Dzun Noraini, Jimat (2017) Statistical optimization of gelatin immobilisation on modified surface PCL microcarrier to improve PCL microcarrier compatibility. Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering), 79 (6). pp. 167-175. ISSN 2180–3722. (Published)
Nuri Adilah Nashrulmillah, Idris and Ahmad Ziad, Sulaiman (2017) Comparison between Conventional Extraction and Ultrasound Assisted Extraction of Labisia Pumila Sp. in 25-L MobileExtractor using Water as Solvent of Extraction. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 56. pp. 781-786. ISSN 2283-9216. (Published)
Nuri Adilah Nashrulmillah, Idris and Ahmad Ziad, Sulaiman and Azilah, Ajit (2017) Factorial Design for the Effect of Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction (UAE) of Labisia pumila sp. in 25-L Mobile Extractor. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 11 (3). pp. 98-103. ISSN 1991-8178. (Published)
Nurizzathanis, Mohamad Kusaseh and Dewan Muhammad, Nuruzzaman and Chowdhury, Mohammad Asaduzzaman and Oumer, A. N. and Noor Mazni, Ismail and Shahnor, Basri (2017) Tensile Properties of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polyamide 6-Polypropylene Composites. In: 5th International Conference and Exhibition Sustainable Energy and Advanced Material (ICE-SEAM) , 16-19 October 2017 , Melaka, Malaysia. pp. 1-5.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Nurizzati, Idris (2017) Study on properties of hybrid reinforced composite using carbon fiber and kenaf fiber. Faculty of Industrial Sciences and Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nurlaila, Ismail and Mastura, Ibrahim and Seema, Zareen and Mohd Hezri, Fazalul Rahiman and Saiful Nizam, Tajuddin and Mohd Nasir, Taib (2017) Analysis of agarwood smoke chemical compounds using solvent trap, GC-FID and GC-M. Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology (JST), 25 (Special). pp. 1-8. ISSN 0128-7680. (Published)
Nurlaila, Ismail and Mohd Hezri, Fazalul Rahiman and Mohd Nasir, Taib and Mastura, Ibrahim and Zareen, Seema and Saiful Nizam, Tajuddin (2017) Analysis on agarwood vapour using headspace volatile DVB-CAR-PDMS SPME with different sampling time. In: 7th IEEE Control and System Graduate Research Colloquium (ICSGRC) , 8 August 2016 , Shah Alam, Selangor. pp. 170-174.. ISBN 978-150901175-9 (Published)
Nurliana, Bahron (2017) Flexural behaviour of lightweight precast reinforced concrete SLAB with BRC. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nurlisa Syahiera, Mohd Rapidi (2017) Development of hair treatment cream by using keratin protein. Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nurmalia, Mohd Fakri (2017) Building maintenance management in public school of Malaysia. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nurmaryam Aini, Hashim and Ummi Najihah, Md. Hashim and Siti Kholijah, Abdul Mudalip and Noorlisa, Harun and Fatmawati, Adam and Rohaida, Che Man and Siti Zubaidah, Sulaiman and Zatul Iffah, Mohd Arshad and Shalyda, Md Shaarani (2017) Extraction of Bioactive Compounds (Mangiferin) from Mahkota Dewa (Phaleria macrocarpa) Fruits Using Subcritical Water: Effect of Process Parameters on Extraction Yield. Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences, 21 (3). pp. 726-734. ISSN 1394-2506. (Published)
Nurnadianabila, Abd. Halim (2017) Fiber reinforced concrete using empty fruit bunch (efb) waste. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nurnajat Nadira, Abdul Rahman (2017) Performance and behavior of storey school bulding reinforced concrete structure under Acheh and Bukit Tinggi earthquake loading. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nursofea Iman, Ahmad Suffian and Sorooshian, Shahryar (2017) Smaller business performance probability. Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang. ISBN 9789672054245
Nursyaheedah, Muhammad Isa and Amy Zulaikha, Mohd Ali and Fathiah Izzati, Mohamad Fadzillah and Hanisah, Kasbon (2017) Are We Out Of The Woods Yet? An Analysis Of Figurative Expressions Utilized In Taylor Swift’s 1989 Album. Journal of Humanities, Language, Culture and Business (HLCB), 1 (1). pp. 22-34. ISSN 0126-8147. (Published)
Nursyahira, Mohd Rafi (2017) Effect of freeze and thaw cycle and incubation period on the solubilisation of inclusion body protein. Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nursyamirah, Abd Razak and Akhtar, Muhammad Nadeem and Nadiah, Abu and Wan, Yong Ho and Sheau, Wei Tan and Seema, Zareen and Saiful Nizam, Tajuddin and Kamariah, Long and Noorjahan Banu, Alitheen and Swee, Keong Yeap (2017) The In Vivo Anti-Tumor Effect of Curcumin Derivative (2E,6E)-2,6-bis(4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylidene) Cyclohexanone (BHMC) on 4T1 Breast Cancer Cells. RSC Advances, 7 (57). pp. 36185-36192. ISSN 2046-2069. (Published)
Nurul 'Amirah, Khalil (2017) Comparative study the effectiveness 4D autodesk naviswork software with traditional software planner. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nurul Afiqah, Zainal (2017) Investigation of maximum power point tracking (MPPT) for active cooling mono-crystalline photovoltaic panel using fuzzy logic controller. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Nurul Ain, Mohd Yusoff (2017) Turbine blade design for tidal barrage system and simulink model in electricity generation. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Nurul Ain, Zainodin (2017) The environmental impact of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the sediment river. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Nurul Ain Fatehah, Baharuddin (2017) Gilap potensi kepimpinan pelajar luar kampus UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nurul Ain Nabihah, Abd Rahman (2017) Experimental investigation of the flexure impact properties of glass fiber reinforced polymer composites. Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nurul Ain Syazwani, Ahmad Azman (2017) Simulation of coastal flood in Kuantan City using ARC-GIS. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nurul Aini, Mohd Azman and Skowyra, Monika and Muhammad, Kwenstan and Gallego, Maria Gabriela and Almajano, Maria Pilar (2017) Evaluation of the Antioxidant Activity of Betula pendula Leaves Extract and its Effects on Model Foods. Pharmaceutical Biology, 55 (1). pp. 912-919. ISSN 1744-5116. (Published)
Nurul Aini, Razali and Nurul Ainun Nabihah, AbGhazab and Setiabudi, H. D. and Chin, S. Y. (2017) CO2 Reforming of Methane over Ni/Ce-SBA-15: Effects of Ce Addition. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 10 (17). pp. 1-5. ISSN 0974-6846 (Print); 0974-5645 (Online). (Published)
Nurul Akmal, Che Lah and Mahendran, Samykano and Mohd Rafie, Johan and Nuurul Syahierah, Othman and Mohd Mawardi, Saari and Fen, Leo Bey and Nur Zalikha, Khalil (2017) Plasmonic Behaviour of Phenylenediamine Functionalised Silver Nanoparticles. Materials Research Express, 4 (9). pp. 1-14. ISSN 2053-1591. (Published)
Nurul Akmal, Che Lah and Mohd Rafie, Johan and Samykano, Mahendran and Mohd Mawardi, Saari (2017) Truncated and Spheroidal Ag Nanoparticles: A Matter of Size Transformation. Colloid and Polymer Science. pp. 1-11. ISSN 0303-402X (Print); 1435-1536 (Online). (Published)
Nurul Amalina, Shahar (2017) Impacts assessment of bauxite mining activites on human and environment in Bukit Goh. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nurul Amira, Amilruddin (2017) Finite element analysis of cold-formed steel web stiffened channels under compression load. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nurul Asmawati, Roslan (2017) Esterification of free fatty acid in used cooking oil using sulphonated hypercrosslinked exchange resin as catalyst. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Nurul Asyilah, Romzi (2017) Study on causes of delay for government construction project in Kuching, Sarawak. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nurul Athirah, Alwi and Nor Hanimah, Hamidi and Noormazlinah, Ahmad and Siti Hajar Noor, Shaarani (2017) Effect Of Temperature And Formic Acid Concentration On Delignification Of Leucaena Leucocephala. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology (JCEIB), 2. pp. 68-79. ISSN 0126-8139. (Published)
Nurul Athirah, Alwi and Nor Hanimah, Hamidi and Noormazlinah, Ahmad and Siti Hajar Noor, Shaarani (2017) Effect of temperature and formic acid concentration on delignification of Leucaena Eucocephala. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology (JCEIB), 2. pp. 68-79. ISSN 0126-8139. (Published)
Nurul Athirah, Nasrudin and Chan, Weng Howe and Mohd Saberi, Mohamad and Safaai, Deris and Suhaimi, Napis and Shahreen, Kasim (2017) Pathway-based analysis with support vector machine (SVM-LASSO) for gene selection and classification. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 7 (4-2 Special). pp. 1609-1614. ISSN 2088-5334. (Published)
Nurul Atikah, Zulkipli (2017) Axially loaded of cold-formed steel columns with opening. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nurul Atikha, Khariul Abidin (2017) Seismic performance of elevated water tank under earthquake loading. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nurul Atila, Mohd Salleh (2017) Mechanical properties of concrete containing ground palm oil fuel ash (POFA) as partial sand replacement. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nurul Azwa, Othman (2017) Modified hysteresis current controller of half bridge bidirectional DC-DC converter using chassis dynamometer for electric vehicle. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, Thesis advisor: Hamdan, Daniyal).
Nurul Fajrina Hazirah, Azman (2017) Safety measures at rural stop controlled intersection in UMP Gambang. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nurul Farahain, Mohammad and Iskandar, Waini and Abdul Rahman, Mohd Kasim and Nurazleen, Abdul Majid (2017) Unsteady boundary layer flow over a sphere in a porous medium. In: AIP Conference Proceedings; 24th National Symposium on Mathematical Sciences: Mathematical Sciences Exploration for the Universal Preservation, SKSM 2016 , 27 - 29 September 2016 , Primula Beach Hotel, Kuala Terengganu. pp. 1-9., 1870 (040076). ISSN 0094-243X ISBN 9780735415508 (Published)
Nurul Farhana, Ahmad (2017) Fabrication and characterization of PVA/starch fibre using electrospinning technique. Faculty of Industrial Sciences and Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nurul Fathihah, Mohd Zuki (2017) Comparative study the most effectiveness way to reduce excess concrete between recycle, reuse and reduce in construction site. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nurul Fatihah, Mahamad Roli and Wan Mohd Hafizuddin, Wan Yussof and Mazrul Nizam, Abu Seman and Syed Mohd Saufi, Tuan Chik and A. W., Mohammad (2017) Separating Xylose from Glucose using Spiral Wound Nanofiltration Membrane: Effect of Cross-flow Parameters on Sugar Rejection. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 162 (1). pp. 1-6. (Published)
Nurul Fatihah, Mahamad Roli and Wan Mohd Hafizuddin, Wan Yussof and Syed Mohd Saufi, Tuan Chik and Mazrul Nizam, Abu Seman and Abdul W., Mohammad (2017) Synthesis of Nanofiltration Membrane Developed from Triethanolamine (TEOA) and Trimesoyl Chloride (TMC) for Separation of Xylose from Glucose. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 56. pp. 1507-1512. ISSN 2283-9216. (Published)
Nurul Hanierah, Hamdani (2017) Mechanical properties of cement sand brick containing sawdust as partial fine aggregate replacement. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nurul Hasniza, Mohd Sopi (2017) Development of forecasting model for sungai muda, kedah by utilizing artificial neural neywork (ann). Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nurul Hazimah, Mahmud (2017) Estimating the long term pattern of water streamflow with climate change adaptation. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nurul Hazirah, Mohd Saad (2017) Prediction of future trend of the long term streamflow pattern in the context of climate change. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nurul Hazwani, Sabri (2017) Controllability study on multi-vessel batch distillation column based on level control scheme. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, Thesis advisor: Hisyam, Anwaruddin).
Nurul Hazwani, Sabri and Anwaruddin, Hisyam and Badhrulhisham, Abdul Aziz (2017) Comparison of Controller and Interaction Analysis of Multi-vessel Batch Distillation. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 10 (2). pp. 1-5. ISSN (online) 0974-5645, (print) 0974-6846. (Published)
Nurul Hazwani, Sabri and Anwaruddin, Hisyam and Badhrulhisham, Abdul Aziz (2017) Modelling and Simulation of Multi-vessel Batch Distillation Column. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 56. pp. 1136-1140. ISSN 22283-9216. (Published)
Nurul Hidayah, Razak (2017) Modes and progression of tool deterioration and their effects on cutting force during end milling of 718plus Ni-based superalloy using cemented WC-Co tools. PhD thesis, Auckland University of Technology (Contributors, Thesis advisor: Zhan, Chen).
Nurul Hidayah, Razak and Zhan, W. Chen and Timotius, Pasang (2017) Effects of Increasing Feed Rate on Tool Deterioration and Cutting Force during End Milling of 718Plus Superalloy Using Cemented Tungsten Carbide Tool. Metals, 7 (10). pp. 1-14. ISSN 2075-4701. (Published)
Nurul Husna, Zakaria and N. M. Zuki, N. M. and M. F. F., Ab Rashid and A. N. M., Rose (2017) Lean Manufacturing Implementation in Reducing Waste for Electronic Assembly Line. In: MATEC Web of Conferences: The 2nd International Conference on Automotive Innovation and Green Vehicle (AiGEV 2016) , 2-3 August 2016 , Malaysia Automotive Institute, Cyberjaya, Selangor. pp. 1-10., 90 (01048). ISSN 2261-236X (Published)
Nurul Intan Syafinaz, Aminuddin (2017) UMP ungguli Kejohanan Bola Jaring UMP 2017. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nurul Ishafira, Ismail and Darayani, Musa and Nur Afiqah, Mohd Dali (2017) Gunteng Terbang bantu belia tingkat ekonomi. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nurul Izzah, Osman (2017) Flood forecasting at Jerantut, Pahang by using artificial neural network (ANN). Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nurul Jannatul ‘Atiqah, Othman (2017) Safety and health management at construction sites : factors influencing unsafety behaviours on construction sites. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nurul Kamariah, Md Saiful Islam and Wan Sharuzi, Wan Harun and Nur Zalikha, Khalil and F., Ahmad and M. H., Ismail and S., Sharif (2017) Effect of Heat Treatment on Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Selective Laser Melting 316L Stainless Steel. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research (ICMER2017) , 1-2 August 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-11., 257 (012021). ISSN 1757-899X (Published)
Nurul Kamariah, Md Saiful Islam and Wan Sharuzi, Wan Harun and S. A., Che Ghani and Mohd Asnawi, Omar and Mohd Hazlen, Ramli and Muhammad Hussain, Ismail (2017) Physical Properties and Microstructure Study of Stainless Steel 316L Alloy Fabricated by Selective Laser Melting. In: AIP Conference Proceedings: Proceedings of the 3rd Advanced Materials Conference 2016 (3rd AMC 2016) , 28-29 November 2016 , Langkawi, Malaysia. pp. 1-6., 1901 (100015). ISBN 978-0-7354-1589 (Published)
Nurul Kamariah, Md Saiful Islam and Wan Sharuzi, Wan Harun and S. A., Che Ghani and Z., Ghazalli and Dayangku Noorfazidah, Awang Sh'ri and Mohd Azrul Hisham, Mohd Adib and Idris, Mat Sahat (2017) Manufacture by Selective Laser Melting & Physical Behaviour of Commercial 316L Stainless Steel. In: iMEDITEC 2017 Proceeding International Medical Device and Technology Conference , 6-7 September 2017 , Johor Bahru, Malaysia. pp. 87-89.. ISBN 978-967-0194-93-6 (Published)
Nurul Khair, Ishak and Hasnah, Haron and Ishak, Ismail and Siti Zabedah, Saidin (2017) ISO 37001: Anti Bribery Management System - Implementation and Benefits. Journal of Governance and Integrity (JGI), 1 (1). pp. 67-79. ISSN 2600-7479. (Published)
Nurul Khair, Ishak and Hasnah, Haron and Ishak, Ismail and Siti Zabedah, Saidin (2017) ISO 37001: Anti-Bribery Management System-Benefits and Implementation. In: Proceedings of the FGIC 1st Conference on Governance & Integrity , 3-4 April 2017 , Yayasan Pahang, Kuantan, Malaysia. pp. 17-28.. ISBN 978-967-2054-37-5 (Published)
Nurul Maisarah, Mohd Isa (2017) Heat stress assessment among workers working at palm oil plantations in Muadzam Shah, Pahang. Faculty of Engineering Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nurul Nadia, Hamidon (2017) Perception of construction company on quality assessment system in Johor Bahru. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nurul Nadia, Mohammad and Ahmad Aftas, Azman and Mohd Hezri, Marzaki and Ramli, Adnan and Mohd Hezri, Fazalul Rahiman and Saiful Nizam, Tajuddin (2017) Evaluation on energy consumption in compact hydro distillation process between MPC and PID control. In: 8th IEEE Control and System Graduate Research Colloquium, ICSGRC 2017 , 4-5 August 2017 , Shah Alam, Malaysia. pp. 116-121. (8070579). ISBN 9781538603802 (Published)
Nurul Nadia, Mohammad and Mohd Hezri, Marzaki and Ramli, Adnan and Mohd Hezri, Fazalul Rahiman and Saiful Nizam, Tajuddin (2017) Evaluation of energy consumption in small-scale agarwood distillation pot based on averaged control signal simulation. In: IEEE 13th International Colloquium on Signal Processing and its Applications (CSPA 2017) , 10 - 12 March 2017 , Parkroyal Penang Resort, Batu Ferringhi Beach, Penang. pp. 275-280. (8064965). ISBN 978-1-5090-1184-1 (Published)
Nurul Nadia, Mohd Zawawi and Azmi, W. H. and A. A. M., Redhwan and M. Z., Sharif (2017) Coefficient of Friction and Wear Rate Effects of Different Composite Nanolubricant Concentrations on Aluminium 2024 Plate. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research (ICMER2017) , 1-2 August 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-9., 257 (012065). ISSN 1757-8981 (Print), 1757-899X (Online) (Published)
Nurul Nadia, Mohd Zawawi and Azmi, W. H. and Redhwan, A. A. M. and M. Z., Sharif and Sharma, K. V. (2017) Thermo-Physical Properties of Al2O3-SiO2/PAG Composite Nanolubricant for Refrigeration System. International Journal of Refrigeration, 80. pp. 1-10. ISSN 0140-7007. (Published)
Nurul Nadia, Shaari (2017) Masjid UMP manfaat teknologi hijau, mesra alam. Berita Harian . p. 38.
Nurul Nadira, Shaari (2017) Menu makan tengah hari, malam hanya RM1. Berita Harian . p. 25.
Nurul Nadira, Shaari (2017) Misi kemanusiaan UMP ke Aceh. Berita Harian . p. 8.
Nurul Nadira, Shaari (2017) UMP pasang panel solar di Thailand. Berita Harian . p. 19.
Nurul Nadira, Shaari (2017) UMP terus cemerlang cipta rekod. Berita Harian . pp. 22-23.
Nurul Nadirah, Suteris (2017) Polyurethane nanofibers coatings on the x-ray film by using electrospinning techniques. Faculty of Industrial Sciences and Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nurul Nadrah Aqilah, Tukimat and Noor Nabilah, Sarbini and Izni Syahrizal, Ibrahim and Chau, Khun Ma and Khairunisa, Muthusamy (2017) Fresh and Hardened State of Polymer Modified Concrete and Mortars – A Review. MATEC Web of Conferences, 103 (01025). pp. 1-10. ISSN 2261-236X. (Published)
Nurul Nadrah Aqilah, Tukimat and Sobri, Harun and Shamsuddin, Shahid (2017) Modeling Irrigation Water Demand in a Tropical Paddy Cultivated Area in the Context of Climate Change. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 143 (7). pp. 1-8. ISSN 0733-9496. (Published)
Nurul Shakila, Ahmad Zubir and Mohamad Aqib Haqmi, Abas and Ismail, N. A. and Nor Azah, Mohd Ali and Mohd Hezri, Fazalul Rahiman and Ng, K. M. and Saiful Nizam, Tajuddin (2017) Analysis of algorithms variation in multilayer perceptron neural network for agarwood oil qualities classification. In: 2017 IEEE 8th Control and System Graduate Research Colloquium, ICSGRC 2017 , 4 - 5 August 2017 , Grand Blue Wave Hotel, Shah Alam. pp. 122-126. (8070580). ISBN 9781538603802 (Published)
Nurul Shakila, Ahmad Zubir and Mohamad Aqib Haqmi, Abas and Ismail, N. A. and Nor Azah, Mohd Ali and Mohd Hezri Fazalul, Rahiman and Ng, K. M. and Mohd Nasir, Taib and Saiful Nizam, Tajuddin (2017) Pattern classifier of chemical compounds in different qualities of agarwood oil parameter using scale conjugate gradient algorithm in MLP. In: 13th IEEE International Colloquium on Signal Processing and its Applications, CSPA 2017 , 10 - 12 March 2017 , Batu Ferringhi Beach, Penang. pp. 18-22. (8064917). ISBN 9781509011841 (Published)
Nurul Shareena Aqmar, Mohd Sharif and Ee, Su Thor and N., Zainol and Mohd Faizan, Jamaluddin (2017) Optimization of Ferulic Acid Production from Banana Stem Waste using Central Composite Design. Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, 36 (4). pp. 1217-1223. ISSN 1944-7442 (print); 1944-7450 (online). (Published)
Nurul Syafiqah, Rosli (2017) Biogasoline synthesis through fluid catalytic cracking of rubber seed oil - effect of catalyst. Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nurul Syahrain, Abd Rahman and Mahfuzah, Mustafa and Rosdiyana, Samad and Norizam, Sulaiman and Nor Rul Hasma, Abdullah and Nurul Hazlina, Noordin and Amran, Abdul Hadi and S. N., Aqida (2017) Initial Experiment of Muscle Fatigue During Driving Game Using Electromyography. In: International Conference On System Engineering And Technology (ICSET 2017) , 2-3 October 2017 , Shah Alam, Selangor. pp. 101-105.. ISBN 978-1-5386-0383-3 (Published)
Nurul Syamimi, Bang Namin (2017) Study on bed material characteristic and bed load concentration in Sungai Jemberau at Tasik Chini. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nurulain, S. and M. R., Radin and K., Suzalina and Hadi, Manap (2017) Spectra Comparison For An Optical Breathing Gas Sensor Development. In: AIP Conference Proceedings: Engineering Technology International Conference (ETIC 2016) , 4-5 August 2016 , Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. pp. 1-6., 1835 (020035). ISBN 978-0-7354-1505-8 (Published)
Nurulashikin, Khalil @ Azmi (2017) Assessing of land use land cover impact on flood in Kemaman River Basin. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nuruldiyanah, Kamarudin and Sharma, Swati and Chua, Gek Kee and Syed Mohd Saufi, Tuan Chik and Ritu, Gupta (2017) Statistical Investigation of Extraction Parameters of Keratin from Chicken Feather using Design-Expert. 3 Biotech, 7 (127). pp. 1-9. ISSN 2190-572X (print); 2190-5738 (online). (Published)
Nurulhuda, Zakaria (2017) Factor contributing to water shortage issue due to urbanisation in Pahang. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Nurull Syamimi, Ahmad Abzan (2017) BPA sumbang buku bangunkan perpustakaan mini untuk anak yatim. UMP News .
Nurull Syamimi, Ahmad Abzan (2017) Mini library for Hembusan Kasih Sayang Charity House. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nurull Syamimi, Ahmad Abzan (2017) Program Jejak Asnaf BPA bersama komuniti Kampung Langgar Pekan. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Nurus Saadah, Md Yusof and Qistina Balkis, Mohd Yusof and Rashidi, Abbas (2017) The Implementation of Military Leadership Training Programme; Reserve Officer Training Unit (ROTU) In Shaping Islamic Moral Among Cadets: A Study In Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM). Journal Of Global Business And Social Entrepreneurship (GBSE), 1 (3). pp. 24-36. ISSN 2462-1714. (Published)
Nurwadiah, Azizan (2017) Synthesis of sorbitol fatty acid ester through esterification of sorbitol with azelaic acid catalysed by germanium (IV) oxide. Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Odili, Julius Beneoluchi (2017) The design and applications of the african buffalo algorithm for general optimization problems. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Odili, Julius Beneoluchi and Awanis, Romli (2017) Implementation evaluation of Cuckoo search for the benchmark Rosenbrock test function. In: 8th International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT 2017) , 17-18 May 2017 , Amman, Jordan. pp. 334-337. (8080022). ISBN 9781509063321 (Published)
Odili, Julius Beneoluchi and M. N. M., Kahar and Noraziah, Ahmad (2017) A Comparative Study of Neural Networks methods & the African Buffalo Optimization for the Travelling Salesman’s Problems. Advanced Science Letters, 23 (11). pp. 11044-11047. ISSN 1936-6612. (Published)
Odili, Julius Beneoluchi and M. N. M., Kahar and Noraziah, Ahmad (2017) Parameters-Tuning of PID Controller for Automatic Voltage Regulators using the African Buffalo Optimization. PLoS ONE, 12 (4). pp. 1-17. ISSN 1932-6203. (Published)
Odili, Julius Beneoluchi and M. N. M., Kahar and Noraziah, Ahmad and Syafiq Fauzi, Kamarulzaman (2017) A Comparative Evaluation of Swarm Intelligence Techniques for Solving Combinatorial Optimization Problems. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 14 (3). pp. 1-11. ISSN 1729-8806 . (Published)
Odili, Julius Beneoluchi and M. N. M., Kahar and S., Anwar and M., Ali (2017) Tutorials on African Buffalo Optimization for Solving the Travelling Salesman Problem. International Journal of Software Engineering & Computer Sciences (IJSECS), 3. pp. 120-128. ISSN 2289-8522(print); 2180-0650(online). (Published)
Olalere, Olusegun Abayomi and Nour, A. H. and Alara, Oluwaseun Ruth (2017) Extraction, Radical Scavenging Activities and Physicochemical Fingerprints of Black Pepper (Piper nigrum) Extract. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 11 (4). pp. 2195-2201. ISSN 2193-4126 (Print); 2193-4134 (Online). (Published)
Olalere, Olusegun Abayomi and Nour, A. H. and Alara, Oluwaseun Ruth (2017) Extraction, Radical Scavenging Activities and Physicochemical Fngerprints of Black Pepper (Piper Nigrum) Extract. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 11 (4). pp. 2195-2201. ISSN 2193-4126 (Print); 2193-4134 (Online). (Published)
Olalere, Olusegun Abayomi and Nour, A. H. and Alara, Oluwaseun Ruth and Habeeb, Omar Abed (2017) Parametric Optimization of Microwave Reflux Extraction of Spice Oleoresin from White Pepper (Piper nigrum). Journal of Analytical Science and Technology, 8 (8). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2093-3371. (Published)
Olalere, Olusegun Abayomi and Nour, A. H. and Alara, Oluwaseun Ruth and Habeeb, Omar Abed (2017) Optimized Microwave Reflux Extraction and Antioxidant Activities of Piperine from Black and White Piper Nigrum. Chemical Engineering Research Bulletin, 19 (Sp.). pp. 139-144. ISSN 0379-7678 (Print); 2072-9510 (Online). (Published)
Olalere, Olusegun Abayomi and Nour, A. H. and R. M., Yunus and Alara, Oluwaseun Ruth (2017) The Effect of Microwave Heating on the Extraction Yield and Elemental Composition of Black and White Pepper (piper nigrum) Extracts. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology (JCEIB), 2. pp. 59-67. ISSN 0126-8139. (Published)
Olalere, Olusegun Abayomi and Nour, A. H. and R. M., Yunus and Alara, Oluwaseun Ruth (2017) Multi-response optimization and neural network modeling for parameter precision in heat reflux extraction of spice oleoresins from two pepper cultivars (Piper nigrum). Journal of King Saud University - Science, 31 (4). pp. 789-797. ISSN 1018-3647. (Published)
Olalere, Olusegun Abayomi and Nour, A. H. and R. M., Yunus and Alara, Oluwaseun Ruth and Jayshree, Thraisingam (2017) Comparative Study of Pulsed Microwave and Hydrodistillation Extraction of Piperine Oil from Black Pepper. IIUM Engineering Journal, 18 (2). pp. 87-93. ISSN 2289-7860. (Published)
Oluyinka, Oludapo Samson and Puteri Fadzline, Muhamad Tamyez and Cheng, Jack Kie (2017) Development Of Performance Model For Quality And Process Improvement In Business Process Service Industry. International Journal for Quality Research , 11 (2). pp. 295-314. ISSN 1800-6450 . (Published)
Oluyinka, Oludapo Samson and Puteri Fadzline, Muhamad Tamyez and Cheng, Jack Kie and Freida, Ayodele Ozavize (2017) Hybrid performance measurement of a business process outsourcing - a Malaysian company perspective. In: 3rd ISM International Statistical Conference 2016: Bringing Professionalism and Prestige in Statistics, ISM 2016 , 9-11 August 2016 , University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur; Malaysia. pp. 1-18., 1842. ISSN 0094-243X ISBN 978-073541512-6 (Published)
Omar, Abed Habeeb and K., Ramesh and Gomaa Abdelgawad, Mohammed Ali and Roslinazairimah, Zakaria (2017) Optimization of activated carbon synthesis using response surface methodology to enhance h2s removal from refinery wastewater. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology (JCEIB), 1 (1). pp. 1-17. ISSN 0126-8139. (Published)
Omar, Nadzeri (2017) Conical spring and localised region methodologies for modelling of soft tissue deformation. PhD thesis, RMIT University (Contributors, Thesis advisor: Yongmin, Zhong).
Omoregbe, Osaze (2017) Synthesis and characterization of La-promoted Ni/SBA-15 catalysts for methane dry reforming. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Omoregbe, Osaze and Danh, Huong T. and Nguyen-Huy, Chinh and Setiabudi, H. D. and Sumaiya, Zainal Abidin and Truong, Quang Duc and Vo, Dai-Viet N. (2017) Syngas Production from Methane Dry Reforming over Ni/SBA-15 catalyst: Effect of Operating Parameters. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 42. pp. 11283-11294. ISSN 0360-3199. (Published)
Ong, Han Sean (2017) Beneficial collaboration. The Star . p. 2.
Ong, Han Sean (2017) Checklist to combat bribery launched. The Star . p. 2.
Ong, Han Sean (2017) UMP gets two animals to promote edu-tourism. The Star . p. 3.
Ong, Zhi Chao and Lim, Hong Cheet and Khoo, Shin Yee and Ismail, Zubaidah and Kong, Keen Kuan and Abdul Ghaffar, Abdul Rahman (2017) Assessment of the Phase Synchronization Effect in Modal Testing During Operation. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A, 18 (2). pp. 92-105. ISSN 1673-565X(print); 1862-1775(online) . (Published)
Osazuwa, Osarieme U. and Cheng, C. K. (2017) Catalytic Conversion of Methane and Carbon Dioxide (Greenhouse Gases) into Syngas over Samarium-Cobalt-Trioxides Perovskite Catalyst. Journal of Cleaner Production, 148. pp. 202-211. ISSN 0959-6526 (print), 1879-1786 (online). (Published)
Osazuwa, Osarieme U. and Cheng, C. K. (2017) Stoichiometric Effects of Feed Ratio on Syngas Production from CO2 Reforming of Methane over SmCoO3 Perovskite Catalyst. Malaysian Journal of Catalysis, 2 (1). pp. 12-17. ISSN 0128-2581. (Published)
Osazuwa, Osarieme U. and Setiabudi, Herma Dina and Ruwaida, Abdul Rasid and Cheng, Chin Kui (2017) Syngas Production via Methane Dry Reforming: A Novel Application of SmCoO3 Perovskite Catalyst. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 37. pp. 435-448. ISSN 1875-5100. (Published)
Osazuwa, Osarieme Uyi (2017) Synthesis and characterization of samarium-cobalt-trioxide perovskite catalyst for the kinetic and longevity studies of methane dry reforming. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Othman, Mohamad R. and Harun, N. and Wan Ibrahim, W. H. and Badhrulhisham, Abdul Aziz (2017) Experimental and theoretical studies of a diving wall column used for the separation of high purity products in biodiesel production. , [Research Report] (Unpublished)
Oudah, Ali A. (2017) Deployments Scenarios of 5G Networks. In: The 5th International Conference On Wireless Systems And Networks (ICWSN-2017) , 24-27 April 2017 , Toronto, Canada. pp. 1-10.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
P., Leung and A. A., Shah and L., Sanz and C., Flox and J. R., Morante and Q., Xu and Mohd Rusllim, Mohamed and C. Ponce , De León and F. C., Walsh (2017) Recent Developments in Organic Redox Flow Batteries: A Critical Review. Journal of Power Sources, 360. pp. 243-283. ISSN 0378-7753. (Published)
Pakdel, Amir and Witecka, Agnieszka and Rydzek, Gaulthier and Dayangku Noorfazidah, Awang Sh'ri (2017) A Comprehensive Microstructural Analysis of Al-WC micro- and Nano-composites Prepared by Spark Plasma Sintering. Materials & Design, 119. pp. 225-234. ISSN 0264-1275. (Published)
Panda, Sitansu (2017) Managing Performance for Excelling Organization: A Practical Approach. Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang. ISBN 9789672054498
Panda, Sitansu and Khan, M. (2017) Social Security Measures And Their Implementation In Selected Industries Of Malaysia. In: National Conference Future Employment Relations in lndia Role of Stakeholders , 18-19 March 2017 , Berhampur University, India. p. 21.. (Published)
Panda, Sitansu and Pradhan, Prasanna Kumar (2017) Sense, Essence and Essentiality of Performance Management System - An Analysis. Journal of Contemporary Research in Management, 11 (2). pp. 71-81. ISSN 0973-9785. (Published)
Panigrahi, Shrikant (2017) Economic Value Added and Traditional Accounting Measures for Shareholder’s Wealth Creation. Asian Journal of Accounting and Governance, 8. pp. 125-136. ISSN 2180-3838. (Published)
Panigrahi, Shrikant and Mohd Ridzuan, Darun and M., Waris and T., Senthil Kumar (2017) Promoting Research Governance Through Integrity And Ethical Practices: A Qualitative Study. In: Proceedings of the FGIC 1st Conference on Governance & Integrity , 3-4 April 2017 , Yayasan Pahang, Kuantan, Malaysia. pp. 460-469.. ISBN 978-967-2054-37-5 (Published)
Parsia, Yasaman and Puteri Fadzline, Muhamad Tamyez and Sorooshian, Shahryar (2017) A Framework for Hospital Characterization. Research Journal of Medical Sciences, 11 (1). pp. 46-48. ISSN 1815-9346. (Published)
Parsia, Yasaman and Puteri Fadzline, Muhamad Tamyez and Sorooshian, Shahryar (2017) Managerial Solution for Hospital-Acquired Infections. In: Proceedings of the 2017 International Symposium on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM) , 24-25 July 2017 , Bristol, UK. pp. 29-30.. (Published)
Parsia, Yasaman and Puteri Fadzline, Muhamad Tamyez and Sorooshian, Shahryar (2017) Microbial Troubles of Hospitalization. International Journal of Pharmacy & Technology, 9 (1). pp. 28447-28450. ISSN 0975-766X. (Published)
Parsia, Yasaman and Sorooshian, Shahryar (2017) Microbial Biodiversity of Tang and Pirgal Mud Volcanoes and Evaluation of Bio-Emulsifier and Bio-Demulsifier Activities of Capnophile Bacteria. Data in Brief, 15. pp. 262-271. ISSN 2352-3409. (Published)
Pathak, Sunil and Jain, N. K. (2017) Critical Review Of Electrochemical Honing: Sustainable And Alternative Gear Finishing Process. Part 2: Effects Of Various Process Parameters On Surface Characteristics And Material Removal Rate. Transactions of the IMF, 95 (5). pp. 241-254. ISSN 0020-2967 (Print); 1745-9192 (Online). (Published)
Pathak, Sunil and Jain, N. K. (2017) Critical Review of Electrochemical Honing (ECH): Sustainable and Alternative Gear Finishing Process. Part 1: Conventional Processes and Introduction to ECH. Transactions of the IMF, 95 (3). pp. 147-157. ISSN 0020-2967 (Print); 1745-9192 (Online). (Published)
Pathak, Sunil and Jain, N. K. (2017) Modeling and Experimental Validation of Volumetric Material Removal Rate and Surface Roughness Depth of Straight Bevel Gears in Pulsed-ECH Process. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 124-5. pp. 132-144. ISSN 0020-7403. (Published)
Pathak, Sunil and Saha, Gobinda C. (2017) Development of Sustainable Cold Spray Coatings and 3D Additive Manufacturing Components for Repair/Manufacturing Applications: A Critical Review. Coatings, 7 (8). pp. 1-27. ISSN 2079-6412. (Published)
Pebrianti, Dwi and Ong , Ying Peh and Rosdiyana, Samad and Mahfuzah, Mustafa and Bayuaji, Luhur and Nor Rul Hasma, Abdullah (2017) Intelligent Control for Visual Servoing System. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 6 (1). pp. 72-79. ISSN 2502-4752. (Published)
Pedram, Ali and Pedram, Payam and Nukman, Yusof and Sorooshian, Shahryar (2017) Development of Closed–Loop Supply Chain Network in Terms of Corporate Social Responsibility. PLoS ONE, 12 (4). pp. 1-20. ISSN 1932-6203. (Published)
Pejabat, Naib Canselor UMP (2017) Laporan Tahunan 2017 : Universiti Malaysia Pahang. Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Kuantan, Pahang.
Pejabat, Naib Canselor UMP (2017) Persembahan Ucapan Yang Hormat Profesor Dato’ Dr. Daing Nasir Ibrahim Naib Canselor Universiti Malaysia Pahang Sempena Majlis Pelancaran Kolej Kediaman Mawaddah Dan Majlis Sambutan Aidilfitri Universiti Malaysia Pahang. In: Majlis Pelancaran Pembinaan Kolej Kediaman Mawaddah dan Majlis Sambutan Aidilfitri Universiti Malaysia Pahang, 6 Julai 2017, Perkarangan Pusat Aktiviti Pelajar, UMP Pekan. (Unpublished)
Pejabat, Naib Canselor UMP (2017) Speech Of Yang Hormat Professor Dato’ Dr. Daing Nasir Ibrahim Vice-Chancellor Of Universiti Malaysia Pahang at Memorandum Of Agreement Signing Ceremony Between Universiti Malaysia Pahang And Helan No 1 High School. In: Memorandum Of Agreement Signing Ceremony Between Universiti Malaysia Pahang And Helan No 1 High School, 16 Mac 2017, Dewan Kompleks Sukan Universiti, UMP Kampus Gambang. (Unpublished)
Pejabat, Naib Canselor UMP (2017) Speech by Yang Hormat Professor Dato’ Dr. Daing Nasir Ibrahim Vice-Chancellor of Universiti Malaysia Pahang UMP MBA Business Forum 2.0. In: UMP MBA Business Forum 2.0, 26 April 2016, Vistana Hotel, Kuantan. (Unpublished)
Pejabat, Naib Canselor UMP (2017) Speech of Yang Hormat Professor Dato’ Dr Daing Nasir Ibrahim Vice-Chancellor of Universiti Malaysia Pahang Opening Ceremony of FGIC 1st Conference on Governance & Integrity 2017. In: Opening Ceremony of FGIC 1st Conference on Governance & Integrity 2017, 3 April 2017, Yayasan Pahang Complex, Kuantan. (Unpublished)
Pejabat, Naib Canselor UMP (2017) Speech of Yang Hormat Professor Dato’ Dr. Daing Nasir Ibrahim Vice-Chancellor of Universiti Malaysia Pahang at Ceo@Faculty Programme’s Public Lecture. In: CEO @Faculty Programme’s Public Lecture, 22 May 2017, Library’s Auditorium, UMP Gambang Campus. (Unpublished)
Pejabat, Naib Canselor UMP (2017) Teks Ucapan Yang Hormat Dato’ Dr Daing Nasir Ibrahim Naib Canselor Universiti Malaysia Pahang Sempena Majlis Penyerahan Wakaf Berita Harian (BH) dan Lampu LED UMP. In: Majlis Penyerahan Wakaf Berita Harian (BH) dan Lampu LED UMP di SMK Sungai Soi, 25 Mei 2017, Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Sungai Soi, Kuantan. (Unpublished)
Pejabat, Naib Canselor UMP (2017) Teks Ucapan Yang Hormat Profesor Dato Dr. Daing Nasir Ibrahim Naib Canselor Universiti Malaysia Pahang Sempena Majlis Penutup Program Temuduga Terbuka Sl1m Peringkat Zon Pantai Timur Dan Ump Career Fair 2017. In: Majlis Perasmian Penutup Program Temuduga Terbuka SL1M dan UMP Career Fair 2017, 30 Mac 2017, Dewan Kompleks Sukan Universiti, UMP Kampus Gambang. (Unpublished)
Pejabat, Naib Canselor UMP (2017) Teks Ucapan Yang Hormat Profesor Dato' Dr. Daing Mohd Nasir Ibrahim Naib Canselor Universiti Malaysia Pahang Sempena Majlis Perasmian Minggu Keselamatan Dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan. In: Majlis Perasmian Minggu Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan Peringkat Universiti Malaysia Pahang 2017, 26 April 2017, Astaka, UMP Kampus Gambang. (Unpublished)
Pejabat, Naib Canselor UMP (2017) Teks Ucapan Yang Hormat Profesor Dato’ Dr Daing Nasir Ibrahim Naib Canselor Universiti Malaysia Pahang Sempena Majlis Anugerah Kecemerlangan Akademik Empower Ecer 2016. In: Majlis Anugerah Kecemerlangan Akademik Empower ECER Daerah Kuantan 2016, 28 Mac 2017, Astaka, UMP Kampus Gambang. (Unpublished)
Pejabat, Naib Canselor UMP (2017) Teks Ucapan Yang Hormat Profesor Dato’ Dr Daing Nasir Ibrahim Naib Canselor Universiti Malaysia Pahang Sempena Majlis Perasmian Hari Kualiti & Inovasi 2017. In: Majlis Perasmian Hari Kualiti & Inovasi UMP 2017, 19 Mei 2017, Astaka, UMP Kampus Gambang. (Unpublished)
Pejabat, Naib Canselor UMP (2017) Teks Ucapan Yang Hormat Profesor Dato’ Dr Daing Nasir Ibrahim Naib Canselor Universiti Malaysia Pahang Sempena Majlis Perasmian Penutup Dan Majlis Penyampaian Hadiah Creation, Innovation, Technology & Research Exposition 2017. In: Penutup Program Creation, Innovation, Technology and Research Exposition (CITREX) 2017, 16 Mac 2017, Dewan Kompleks Sukan Universiti, UMP Kampus Gambang. (Unpublished)
Pejabat, Naib Canselor UMP (2017) Teks Ucapan Yang Hormat Profesor Dato’ Dr. Daing Nasir Bin Ibrahim Naib Canselor Universiti Malaysia Pahang Majlis Kesyukuran & Keraian Badan Kebajikan Staf. In: Majlis Kesyukuran & Keraian Badan Kebajikan Staf Universiti Malaysia Pahang 2017, 26 Mei 2017, Dewan Bankuet Canseleri Tun Razak, UMP Pekan. (Unpublished)
Pejabat, Naib Canselor UMP (2017) Teks Ucapan Yang Hormat Profesor Dato’ Dr. Daing Nasir Ibrahim Naib Canselor Universiti Malaysia Pahang Sempena Majlis Amanat Tahunan Naib Canselor 2017. In: Memasyarakatkan Teknologi: Agenda UMP, 16 Februari 2017, Dewan Kompleks Sukan Universiti, UMP Kampus Gambang. (Unpublished)
Pejabat, Naib Canselor UMP (2017) Teks Ucapan Yang Hormat Profesor Dato’ Dr. Daing Nasir Ibrahim Naib Canselor Universiti Malaysia Pahang Sempena Majlis Malam Sentuhan Kasih. In: Majlis Malam Sentuhan Kasih, 8 April 2017, Astaka, UMP Kampus Gambang. (Unpublished)
Pejabat, Naib Canselor UMP (2017) Teks Ucapan Yang Hormat Profesor Dato’ Dr. Daing Nasir Ibrahim Naib Canselor Universiti Malaysia Pahang Sempena Majlis Perasmian Penutup 1st International UMP Eco-Ride. In: Majlis Perasmian Penutup 1st International UMP EcoRide 2017, 30 April 2017, Pusat Aktiviti Pelajar, UMP Pekan. (Unpublished)
Pejabat, Naib Canselor UMP (2017) Teks Ucapan Yang Hormat Profesor Dato’ Dr. Daing Nasir Ibrahim Naib Canselor Universiti Malaysia Pahang Sempena Majlis Perasmian Sambutan Hari Memperingati Aids Sedunia. In: Majlis Perasmian Sambutan Hari Memperingati AIDS Sedunia 2017, 20 Mei 2017, Astaka, UMP Kampus Gambang. (Unpublished)
Pejabat, Naib Canselor UMP (2017) Teks Ucapan Yang Hormat Profesor Dato’ Dr. Daing Nasir Ibrahim Naib Canselor Universiti Malaysia Pahang Sempena Majlis Perasmian Siri Jelajah Public-Private Research Network (PPRN). In: Majlis Perasmian Siri Jelajah Public-Private Research Network (PPRN) 2017 Pahang, 6 Mei 2017, Dewan Kompleks Sukan Universiti, UMP Kampus Gambang. (Unpublished)
Pejabat, Naib Canselor UMP (2017) Teks Ucapan Yang Hormat Profesor Dato’ Dr. Daing Nasir Ibrahim Naib Canselor Universiti Malaysia Pahang Sempena Malam Kebudayaan Tahun Baharu Cina 2017. In: Malam Kebudayaan Tahun Baharu Cina, 25 Mac 2017, Astaka, UMP Kampus Gambang. (Unpublished)
Pejabat, Naib Canselor UMP (2017) Teks Ucapan Yang Hormat Profesor Dato’ Dr. Daing Nasir Ibrahim Naib Canselor Universiti Malaysia Pahang Sempena Program Indahnya Ramadan UDA-UMP. In: Program Indahnya Ramadan UDA-UMP, 12 Jun 2017, Pusat Aktiviti Pelajar, UMP Pekan. (Unpublished)
Petah Wazzan, Iskandar (2017) Pencapaian, kualiti universiti awam tidak boleh diragui. Berita Harian . p. 6.
Phang, Biao Yu (2017) Geotechnical properties and morphological properties of raw and processed Gebeng bauxite. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Pourjavaheri, Firoozeh and Mohades, Farzad and Jones, Oliver and Sherkat, Frank and Kong, Ing and Gupta, Arun and Shanks, Robert A. (2017) Avian Keratin Fibre-Based Bio-Composites. World Journal of Engineering, 14 (3). pp. 183-187. ISSN 1708-5284. (Published)
Prabhakaran, Sonia and Thirumal , Dhiviya and Jolius, Gimbun and Ranganathan, Balu (2017) Metformin - A Panacea Pharmaceutical Agent through convergence revolution initiative. Journal of Natural Remedies, 17 (3). pp. 69-79. ISSN 2320-3358. (Published)
Prabhat, Kumar and Akash Kumar, Shukla and Sudhakar, K. and R., Mamat (2017) Experimental Exergy Analysis of Water-Cooled PV Module. International Journal Exergy, 23 (3). pp. 197-209. ISSN 1742-8297. (Published)
Prabhu, S. and Vijayakumar, S. and Manogar, P. and Gaanty Pragas, Maniam and Natanamurugaraj, Govindan (2017) Homology Modeling and Molecular Docking Studies on Type II Diabetes Complications Reduced PPARγ Receptor with Various Ligand Molecules. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 92. pp. 528-535. ISSN 0753-3322. (Published)
Priyaah, Kumaran and Gupta, Arun and Sharma, Swati (2017) Synthesis of Wound-Healing Keratin Hydrogels Using Chicken Feathers Proteins and Its Properties. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 9 (2). pp. 171-178. ISSN 0975–1491. (Published)
Priyandoko, Gigih and Ming, T. Y. and Achmad, Hendriyawan (2017) Mapping of unknown industrial plant using ROS-based navigation mobile robot. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research (ICMER2017) , 1-2 August 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-6., 257 (012088). (Published)
Priyandoko, Gigih and Romlay, Fadhlur Rahman Mohd and Rosli, Rosmazi and At-Tasneem, Mohd Amin (2017) Design and development of six degrees of freedom articulated robot arm for painting. , [Research Report] (Unpublished)
Prosser, M. and Johnson, M. and Saptaji, Kushendarsyah (2017) Sustainable Bauxite Mining Guidelines. Journal of Malaysian Critical Metals, 2. pp. 1-5. ISSN 0128-2557. (Published)
Puranjan, Mishra and Sveta, Thakur and Singh, Lakhveer and Santhana, Krishnan and Mimi Sakinah, A. M. and Zularisam, A. W. (2017) Fermentative Hydrogen Production from Indigenous Mesophilic Strain Bacillus Anthracis PUNAJAN 1 Newly Isolated from Palm Oil Mill Effluent. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 42 (25). pp. 16054-16063. ISSN 0360-3199. (Published)
Puteri Emme Marina, Mohamad (2017) IN SITU growth redox-active iron-centered particles on graphene sheets for specific capacitance enhancement. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Puteri Fadzline, Muhamad Tamyez (2017) How to Grow a Magic Tree and Prosper from it (Part 4). Livingm'sia .
Puteri Fadzline, Muhamad Tamyez and Fazeeda, Mohamad and Cheng, Jack Kie (2017) From The Magic Tree: The Miracle of Oud Oil (Essential Oils for Healing Part 1). Living Malaysia .
Puteri Fadzline, Muhamad Tamyez and Nazaruddin, Ishak and Juhary, Ali (2017) Entrepreneurial competencies and networks in the construction industry. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 12 (23). pp. 13374-13380. ISSN 0973-4562. (Published)
Qasim, Ban and Abdul Syukor, Abd Razak (2017) The impact of floods on safe drinking water supply and sanitation in Southeast Asia: A health priority - review. In: 2nd International Congress on Technology - Engineering & Science (ICONTES) , 28-29 July 2016 , Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. pp. 1-11.. (Published)
Qasim, Ban and Abdul Syukor, Abd Razak and Siddique, Md. Nurul Islam (2017) The Microbiological Quality of Harvested Rainwater System for Domestic Use in Gambang, Malaysia. In: AWWA Annual Conference & Exposition (ACE17) , 11-14 June 2017 , Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States. pp. 1-17.. (Published)
Qasim, Ban and Abdul Syukor, Abd Razak and Siddique, Md. Nurul Islam (2017) Sodium Hypochlorite dosage for rainwater harvesting system for potable use in Gambang, Malaysia. In: Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC) , 12-16 November 2017 , Portland. p. 1.. (Published)
Qasim, Ban and Abdul Syukor, Abd Razak and Siddique, Md. Nurul Islam and Suryati, Sulaiman (2017) The microbiological quality of harvested rainwater system in a rural area in Malaysia. In: AWWA Annual Conference & Exposition (ACE17) , 11-14 June 2017 , Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States. pp. 1-31.. (Published)
Qi, Low Aik and Mazrul Nizam, Abu Seman and Asmadi, Ali (2017) Influence of Mangosteen Pericarp (MP) in Coagulation Treatment and Membrane Fouling. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 56. pp. 1843-1848. ISSN 22283-9216. (Published)
Qistina Balkis, Mohd Yusof and Nurus Saadah, Md Yusof and Rashidi, Abbas (2017) The Effect Of Islamic Work Ethics On Job Satisfaction In Organization; A Study In Sekolah Rendah Islam Indera Mahkota (Sri Abim), Kuantan. Journal Of Global Business And Social Entrepreneurship (GBSE), 1 (3). pp. 46-61. ISSN 2462-1714. (Published)
Qistina Balkis, Mohd Yusof and Rashidi, Abbas (2017) Pengamalan Etika Kerja Islam: Kajian Dalam Kalangan Pelajar Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP). In: Seminar Penyelidikan Kebangsaan (SPK 2017) , 11 November 2017 , Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, UPSI. pp. 93-101.. (Published)
Qurratu Aini Aishah, Ahmad Fazil and U. K., Jamaludin (2017) Investigation on the relationship between cholesterol and blood glucose levels using decision tree method in healthy subjects. In: International Conference on Automatic Control and Intelligent Systems (I2CACIS) , 21 October 2017 , Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. pp. 161-166., 2017. ISBN 978-153860846-3 (Published)
Qusay, Medhat Salih and Rahman, Md. Arafatur and Md. Zakirul Alam, Bhuiyan and Zafril Rizal, M Azmi (2017) The Art of Using Cross-Layer Design in Cognitive Radio Networks. In: Conference proceedings SpaCCS 2017: Security, Privacy, and Anonymity in Computation, Communication, and Storage , 12-15 December 2017 , Guangzhou. pp. 544-556., 10658. ISBN 978-3-319-72395-2 (Published)
R., Daud and Mas Ayu, Hassan and Salwani, Mohd Salleh and Siti Haryani, Tomadi and Mohammed Rafiq, Abdul Kadir and Raghavendran, Hanumantharao Balaji and Tunku, Kamarul (2017) Artificial Neural Network: The Alternative Method to Obtain the Dimension of Ankle Bone Parameters. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 12 (10). pp. 2782-2787. ISSN 1816-949x (Print); 1818-7803 (Online). (Published)
R., Mahmod and M. Z., Yahya and Norhayati, Abdullah (2017) Photoinitiated Dispersion Polymerization of Crosslinked Polymer in Polar Solvents: Effect of Reaction Parameter on Morphology, Size and Size Distribution and Yield. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 10 (2). pp. 1-7. ISSN 0974-6846(print); 0974-5645(online). (Published)
R. A., Bakar and L. M., Gan and M. M., Tahir and A. A., Yusof (2017) Pre-charge pressure effects on isothermal and adiabatic energy storage capacity for dual hybrid hydro-pneumatic passenger car driveline. In: Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Research Day 2017. Centre for Advanced Research on Energy (CARe), pp. 3-4. ISBN 9789670257884 (Unpublished)
R. A., Bakar and Norfadzilah, Jusoh and Ahmad Rasdan, Ismail and Tanti Zanariah, Shamshir Ali (2017) Effect on Human Metabolic Rate of Skin Temperature In An Office Occupant. In: MATEC Web of Conferences: The 2nd International Conference on Automotive Innovation and Green Vehicle (AiGEV 2016) , 2-3 August 2016 , Malaysia Automotive Institute, Cyberjaya, Selangor. pp. 1-10., 90 (01070). ISSN 2261-236X (Published)
Rabbi, M. F. and Ahamed, Nizam Uddin and Alqahtani, Mahdi and Altwijri, Omar and Kamarul Hawari, Ghazali and Sundaraj, K. (2017) Investigation of the EMG-angle Relationship in the Upper-limb Muscles during Isometric Contraction. Biomedical Research (India), 28 (6). pp. 2393-2397. ISSN 0970-938X . (Published)
Rabbi, M. F. and Kamarul Hawari, Ghazali (2017) Time-Varying Channel Tracking for Amplify-and-Forward Relay Network in High Doppler Spread. Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Electrical Engineering, 41 (2). pp. 131-143. ISSN 2228-6179. (Published)
Rabbi, M. F. and Kamarul Hawari, Ghazali and Ahamed, Nizam Uddin and Sikandar, Tasriva (2017) Time and Frequency Domain Features of EMG Signal during Islamic Prayer (Salat). In: IEEE 13th International Colloquium on Signal Processing & its Applications (CSPA 2017) , 10-12 March 2017 , Batu Ferringhi, Malaysia. pp. 139-143.. ISBN 978-1-5090-1184-1 (Published)
Radhiyah, Abd Aziz and Rajan, Jose (2017) Charge Storage Capability of Tunnel MnO2 and Alkaline Layered Na-MnO2 as Anode Material for Aqueous Asymmetry Supercapacitor. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 799. pp. 538-546. ISSN 1572-6657. (Published)
Rafiq Izzuddin, Radzali (2017) Preparation and characterization on carrageenan derivatives as solid biopolymer electrolyte. Faculty of Industrial Sciences and Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Rahamah Wati, Sulaeman (2017) Seismic performance of shell structure under earthquake loading. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Rahil Izzati, Mohd Asri and W. S., Wan Harun and Mahendran, Samykano and Nurul Akmal, Che Lah and S. A., Che Ghani and F., Tarlochan and M. R., Raza (2017) Corrosion and Surface Modification on Biocompatible Metals: A Review. Materials Science and Engineering: C, 77. pp. 1261-1274. ISSN 0928-4931. (Published)
Rahim Mohd-Hairul, Ab (2017) Functional expression of Vanda Mimi Palmer monoterpene synthases in Pichia pastoris, a yeast system. , [Research Report] (Unpublished)
Rahimah, Jusoh and Roslinda, Nazar (2017) Dual solutions of stagnation point flow and heat transfer of Maxwell fluid over a permeable stretching/shrinking sheet in the presence of nanoparticles. In: AIP Conference Proceedings; 24th National Symposium on Mathematical Sciences: Mathematical Sciences Exploration for the Universal Preservation, SKSM 2016 , 27 - 29 September 2016 , Primula Beach Hotel, Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu. pp. 1-2., 1870 (040032). ISSN 0094-243X ISBN 9780735415508 (Published)
Rahimah, Jusoh and Roslinda, Nazar and Ioan, Pop (2017) Dual solutions of MHD three-dimensional flow over a permeable stretching/shrinking surface with velocity slip and thermal radiation in a nanofluid. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 14 (3). pp. 1644-1652. ISSN 1546-1955 (Print); ISSN 1546-1963 (Online). (Published)
Rahimah, Jusoh and Roslinda, Nazar and Pop, I. (2017) Dual solutions of magnetohydrodynamic stagnation point flow and heat transfer of viscoelastic nanofluid over a permeable stretching/shrinking sheet with thermal radiation. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series; 1st International Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics and Statistics 2017, ICoAIMS 2017 , 8 - 10 August 2017 , Vistana City Centre, Kuantan, Pahang. pp. 1-7., 890 (1). ISSN 1742-6588 (print); 1742-6596 (online) (Published)
Rahimah, Jusoh and Roslinda, Nazar and Pop, Ioan (2017) Flow and Heat Transfer of Magnetohydrodynamic Three-Dimensional Maxwell Nanofluid Over a Permeable Stretching/Shrinking Surface With Convective Boundary Conditions. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 124125. pp. 166-173. ISSN 0020-7403. (Published)
Rahimah, Mahat and Noraihan Afiqah, Rawi and Abdul Rahman, Mohd Kasim and Sharidan, Shafie (2017) Mixed convection boundary layer flow of viscoelastic nanofluid past a horizontal circular cylinder: Case of constant heat flux. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1st International Conference on Applied & Industrial Mathematics and Statistics 2017 (ICoAIMS 2017) , 8-10 August 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-6., 890 (012052). ISSN 1742-6596 (Published)
Rahimah, Mahat and Noraihan Afiqah, Rawi and Abdul Rahman, Mohd Kasim and Sharidan, Shafie (2017) Mixed convection boundary layer flow past a horizontal circular cylinder in viscoelastic nanofluid with constant wall temperature. Malaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences (Special). pp. 310-314. ISSN 2289-5981 (Print); 2289-599x (Online). (Published)
Rahmah, Mokhtar and Nor Azhar, Ahmad and Fauziah, Zainuddin and Roslina, Abd. Hamid (2017) 70 teknik pemasaran digital. Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang. ISBN 9789672054702
Rahman, M. W. and Ali, M. Y. and Saha, I. and Al Raihan, M. and Moniruzzaman, M. and Alam, M. J. and Deb, Anjan and Khan, Maksudur R. (2017) Date Palm Fiber as a Potential Low-Cost Adsorbent to Uptake Chromium (VI) from Industrial Wastewater. Desalination and Water Treatment, 88. pp. 169-178. ISSN 1944-3994. (Published)
Rahman, Md Mofijur and Rasul, Mohammad Golam and Hassan, Nur Md Sayeed and Haji Hassan, Masjuki and Kalam, Md Abul and Mahmudul, Hasan Md (2017) Assessment of physical, chemical, and tribological properties of different biodiesel fuels. In: Clean Energy for Sustainable Development : Comparisons and Contrasts of New Approaches. Elsevier Inc., Amsterdam, Netherlands, pp. 441-463. ISBN 978-012805424-6, 978-012805423-9
Rahman, Md. Arafatur and Ali, Jahan and M. Nomani, Kabir and Azad, Saiful (2017) A Performance Investigation on IoT Enabled Intra-Vehicular Wireless Sensor Networks. International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering (IJAME), 14 (1). pp. 3970-3984. ISSN 1985-9325(Print); 2180-1606 (Online). (Published)
Rahman, Md. Arafatur and Hasan, Md. Munirul and Asyhari, A. Taufiq and Bhuiyan, Md Zakirul Alam (2017) A 3D-collaborative wireless network: towards resilient communication for rescuing flood victims. In: 2017 IEEE 15th Intl Conf on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, 15th Intl Conf on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, 3rd Intl Conf on Big Data Intelligence and Computing and Cyber Science and Technology Congress(DASC/PiCom/DataCom/CyberSciTech) , 6-11 November 2017 , Orlando, United States. pp. 385-390.. ISBN 978-1-5386-1956-8 (Published)
Raiyan, M. F. and Ahamed, J. U. and M. M., Rahman and Salam, M. A. (2017) Performance and Exergetic Investigation of a Domestic Split Air Conditioner using Blends of R22 and R290. International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering (IJAME), 14 (2). pp. 4125-4139. ISSN 1985-9325(Print); 2180-1606 (Online). (Published)
Raj Krishna Roshan, Kanasan (2017) Methane purification using PVC membrane : preparation, characterization and performance study. Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Raja Norain Hidayah, Raja Abdul Aziz (2017) Ubah landskap sosial. Harian Metro . p. 44.
Rajan, Jose and Azhar, Fakharuddin and Schmidt-Mende, Lukas and Garcia-Belmonte, Germà and Mora-Sero, Ivan (2017) Interfaces in Perovskite Solar Cells. Advanced Energy Materials (170062). pp. 1-44. (Published)
Rajan, Jose and Harilal, Midhun and Qamar, Wali and Syam, G. Krishnan and Izan Izwan, Misnon and Bincy Lathakumari, Vijayan and M. M., Yusoff (2017) Multifunctional Multicomponent Nanowires for Energy Conversion and Storage. In: Nanoworld Conference 2017 , 3-5 April 2017 , Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America. pp. 1-33.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Ramachandran, Kaaliarasan and K., Kadirgama and D., Ramasamy and Hussein, A.M. and Azmi, W. H. and Tarlochan, F. and Kadirgama, G. (2017) Thermophysical Properties Measurement of Nano Cellulose in Ethylene Glycol/Water. Applied Thermal Engineering, 123. pp. 1158-1165. (Published)
Ramesh, Yanalagaran (2017) Wind induced coastal erosion in Peninsular Malaysia. Faculty of Civil Engineering & Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Ramli, Aizi Nor Mazila (2017) Molecular cloning and overexpression of stem bromelain from Ananas comosus in Kluyveromyces lactis. , [Research Report] (Unpublished)
Rana, Supriyanka and Singh, Lakhveer and Zularisam, A. W. and Liu, Hong (2017) A recent overview of palm oil mill effluent management via bioreactor configurations. Current Pollution Reports, 3 (4). pp. 254-267. ISSN 2198-6592. (Published)
Ranak, M. S. A. Noman and Azad, Saiful and Nur Nadiah Hanim, Mohd Nor and Kamal Z., Zamli (2017) Press Touch Code: A Finger Press based Screen Size Independent Authentication Scheme for Smart Devices. PLoS ONE, 12 (10). pp. 1-20. ISSN 1932-6203. (Published)
Rashed, Musaab K. and Abdulbari, Hayder A. and Mohamad Amran, Mohd Salleh and M. Halim Shah, Ismail (2017) Effect of Structure Height on the Drag Reduction Performance using Rotating Disk Apparatus. Fluid Dynamics Research, 49 (015507). pp. 1-13. ISSN 1873-7005. (Published)
Rashid, Khalid Turki (2017) Poly (vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene) hollow fibre membrane for membrane distillation. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Rassem, Hesham H. A. and Nour, A. H. and R. M., Yunus (2017) Extraction and characterization of bioactive compounds from hibiscus flower via microwave-assisted hydrodistillation (MAHD). In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Separation Technology: ICoST 2017 , 15-16 April 2017 , Johor Bahru, Malaysia. pp. 1-5.. ISBN 978-967-0194-85-1 (Published)
Rassem, Hesham H. A. and Nour, A. H. and R. M., Yunus (2017) GC-MS Analysis of Bioactive Constituents of Hibiscus Flower. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 11 (3). pp. 91-97. ISSN 1991-8178. (Published)
Rassem, Taha H. and Al-Sewari, Abdul Rahman Ahmed Mohammed and Nasrin, M. Makbol (2017) Texture Image Classification Using Wavelet Completed Local Binary Pattern Descriptor (WCLBP). In: IEEE The 7th Conference On Innovative Computing Technology (INTECH 2017) , 15-19 August 2017 , University of Bedfordshire, Luton, UK. pp. 15-20.. ISBN 978-150903988-3 (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Rassem, Taha H. and Bee, Ee Khoo and Makbol, Nasrin M. and Al-Sewari, Abdul Rahman Ahmed Mohammed (2017) Multi-Scale Colour Completed Local Binary Patterns for Scene and Event Sport Image Categorisation. IAENG International Journal of Computer Science, , 44 (2). pp. 197-211. ISSN 1819-9224. (Published)
Rassem, Taha H. and Bee, Ee Khoo and Mohammed, Mohammed Falah and Makbol, Nasrin M. (2017) Medical, Scene And Event Image Category Recognition Using Completed Local Ternary Patterns (CLTP). Malaysian Journal of Computer Science, 30 (3). pp. 200-218. ISSN 0127-9084. (Published)
Rassem, Taha H. and Makbol, Nasrin M. and Hassan, Ali Muttaleb and Siti Syazni, Mohd Zaki and Girija, P. N. (2017) Restoring The Missing Features of the Corrupted Speech using Linear Interpolation Methods. In: The 2nd International Conference on Applied Science and Technology , 3–5 April 2017 , Kedah, Malaysia. pp. 1-6., 1891 (020119). ISBN 978-0-7354-1573-7 (Published)
Rassem, Taha H. and Makbol, Nasrin M. and Sam, Yin Yee (2017) Face Recognition Using Completed Local Ternary Pattern (CLTP) Texture Descriptor. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 7 (3). pp. 1594-1601. ISSN 2088-8708. (Published)
Rasul, Md Golam and Islam, Mir Sujaul and R. M., Yunus and Mazlin, Mokhtar and Alam, Lubna and Fadzil, Mat Yahaya (2017) Spatial and Temporal Variation of Water Quality in the Bertam Catchment, Cameron Highlands, Malaysia. Water Environment Research, 89 (12). pp. 2088-2102. ISSN 1061-4303 (Print); 1554-7531 (Online). (Published)
Rathey, Paramasivam (2017) Properties of concrete containing palm oil fuel ash (POFA) as partial sand replacement. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Ravinder, Kumar (2017) A study of morphological effect of oxygen reduction catalyst on microbial fuel cell performance. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Razali, Mohd Najib and Mahmud, Mohd Sabri and Musfafikri, Musa and Abd Aziz, Mohd Aizudin and Yunus, Rosli Mohd (2017) High performance grease from industrial waste. , [Research Report] (Unpublished)
Rebecca Ng, Shin Mei and Mohd Herwan, Sulaiman and Zuriani, Mustaffa and Hamdan, Daniyal (2017) Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch Solution by Loss Minimization Using Moth-Flame Optimization Technique. Applied Soft Computing, 59. pp. 210-222. ISSN 1568-4946. (Published)
Redhwan, A. A. M. and Azmi, W. H. and M. Z., Sharif and Nurul Nadia, Mohd Zawawi (2017) Thermal Conductivity Enhancement of Al2O3 and SiO2 Nanolubricants for Application in Automotive Air Conditioning (AAC) System. In: MATEC Web of Conferences: The 2nd International Conference on Automotive Innovation and Green Vehicle (AiGEV 2016) , 2-3 August 2016 , Malaysia Automotive Institute, Cyberjaya, Selangor. pp. 1-9., 90 (01051). ISSN 2261-236X (Published)
Rehan, Zainol Abidin (2017) Alkali and rare earth metals loading on deoiled-spent bleaching clay as catalysts in transesterification of waste oils. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, Thesis advisor: Gaanty Pragas, Maniam).
Rejab, Mohd Ruzaimi Mat (2017) Periodic two-dimensional self reinforced polypropylene honeycomb core for sandwich structures. , [Research Report] (Unpublished)
Ridzwan, Mazlan (2017) Study of concrete thermal colour and strength correlation using image generated by infrared thermography (IRT). Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Robin, Lee and Chong, Chee Kiong and Chin, Tin Huang and Kulkarni, R. R. (2017) Development and Testing of Hot Cold Tumbler Operating on Peltier Effect. International Journal of Engineering Technology And Sciences (IJETS), 7 (1). pp. 1-5. ISSN 2289-697X. (Published)
Rohaida, Che Man (2017) Methodology (Engineering). Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang. ISBN 978-967-2054-18-4
Rohaida, Che Man and R. M., Illias and Siti Zubaidah, Sulaiman and Siti Kholijah, Abdul Mudalip and Shalyda, Md Shaarani and Zatul Iffah, Mohd Arshad (2017) Effect of the Cross Linkers’ Concentration on the Immobilization of Recombinant Escherichia Coli Cells on Hollow Fiber Membrane for Excretion of Cyclodextrin Glucanotransferase (CGTase). Chemical Engineering Research Bulletin, 19 (Special). pp. 154-159. ISSN 0379-7678 (Print); 2072-9510 (Online). (Published)
Rohana, Abu (2017) Program Mobiliti mahasiswa UMP di ITS Surabaya. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Rohana, Hamzah (2017) Kecerdasan spiritual. Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang. ISBN 978-967-0691-94-7
Rohana, Hamzah and Zulfadly, Othman and Hasnah, Hussiin and Zuraina, Ali and Nur Qistina, Abdullah (2017) Pembangunan Model Penilaian Kurikulum Berteraskan Nilai Universal bagi Program Pendidikan Berasaskan Teknologi & Kejuruteraan: Satu Kerangka Konseptual. International Journal of Humanities Technology and Civilization (IJHTC), 2 (1). pp. 50-61. ISSN 2289-7216. (Published)
Rohana, Hamzah and Zuraina, Ali (2017) Phylosophy of science (plus ethics in research). Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang. ISBN 978-967-2054-06-1
Ros Azlinawati, Ramli (2017) Hollow Polymer Particles: A Review. RSC Advances, 7 (83). pp. 52632-52650. ISSN 2046-2069. (Published)
Rosdiyana, Samad and Muhammad Zabri, Abu Bakar and Pebrianti, Dwi and Mahfuzah, Mustafa and Nor Rul Hasma, Abdullah (2017) Elbow Flexion and Extension Rehabilitation Exercise System Using Marker-less Kinect-based Method. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 7 (3). pp. 1602-1610. ISSN 2088-8708. (Published)
Roshahliza, M. Ramli and Noor, Ali O. Abid and Salina, Abdul Samad (2017) Noise Cancellation using Selectable Adaptive Algorithm for Speech in Variable Noise Environment. International Journal of Speech Technology, 20 (3). pp. 535-542. ISSN 1572-8110. (Published)
Roshlawaty, Rajeh (2017) Bantuan makanan RM1. Sinar Harian . pp. 4-5.
Rosilawati, Rosedi (2017) Mesin potong daun mengkuang. Sinar Harian . p. 37.
Rosjuliana Hidayu, Rosli (2017) Aplikasi rentak lagu “Children Rhymes” dalam mengingati perkataan Arab bagi mahasiswa kejuruteraan Universiti Malaysia Pahang. In: International Conference Exploring Frontiers in Language Research: Changes, Challenges, Choices (Sols2017) , 21-22 November 2017 , Marriot Hotel Putrajaya. p. 1.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Rosjuliana Hidayu, Rosli (2017) Ibu Masak, Anak Cemerlang! Sinar Online . p. 1.
Rosjuliana Hidayu, Rosli (2017) Ibu masak, anak cemerlang! Sinar Online .
Rosjuliana Hidayu, Rosli (2017) Mahasiswa UMP berkelana curah bakti dengan komuniti Phnom Penh. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Rosjuliana Hidayu, Rosli (2017) Pelajar tahfiz 10A SPM kongsi tip cemerlang yang semua ibu wajib tahu. GPS Bestari . p. 1.
Rosjuliana Hidayu, Rosli (2017) Transformasi teknik belajar Bahasa Arab dengan mengaplikasi teknologi kebudayaan tradisi arab menerusi pengajaran dan pembelajaran Bahasa Arab bagi mahasiswa Universiti Malaysia Pahang. Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Pertandingan Penyelidikan Inovasi Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab WALD 2017, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
Roslinazairimah, Zakaria and Noor Fadhilah, Ahmad Radi and Siti Zanariah, Satari (2017) Extraction Method of Extreme Rainfall Data. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1st International Conference on Applied & Industrial Mathematics and Statistics 2017 (ICoAIMS 2017) , 8-10 August 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-7., 890 (012154). ISSN 1742-6588 (print); 1742-6596 (online) (Published)
Roslinazairimah, Zakaria and Nor Hafizah, Moslim (2017) Modelling Rainfall Amounts using Mixed-Gamma Model for Kuantan District. In: AIP Conference Proceedings: The 3rd ISM International Statistical Conference 2016 (ISM-III) , 9-11 August 2016 , Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. pp. 1-8., 1842 (020001). ISBN 978-0-7354-1512-6 (Published)
Rosmawati, Naim (2017) Scientific writing (Engineering). Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang. ISBN 978-967-2054-17-7
Rosshila, Idris and C. T., Hing and Noorlisa, Harun and Mohamad Rizza, Othman (2017) Development of Equation Oriented Modelling of Advanced Distillation Process Using MOSAIC: Dividing Wall Column Case study. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 11 (3). pp. 30-42. ISSN 1991-8178. (Published)
Rossyuhaida, Mohd Zakria and Jolius, Gimbun and Mohd Fazli, Farida Asras and Chua, Gek Kee (2017) Magnesium Sulphate and β-Alanine Enhanced the Ability of Kluyveromyces marxianus Producing Bioethanol Using Oil Palm Trunk Sap. Biofuels, 8 (5). pp. 595-603. ISSN 1759-7269 (Print); 1759-7277 (Online). (Published)
Rozaimi, Abu Samah and N., Zainol and Lai, Yee Phang and Suraini, Abd Aziz (2017) Fixed-bed adsorption of aqueous vanillin onto resin H103. IIUM Engineering Journal, 18 (2). pp. 94-104. ISSN 2289-7860. (Published)
Rozaimi, Abu Samah and N., Zainol and Phang, Lai Yee and Suraini, Abd Aziz (2017) The Use of Diagnostic Plots and Interaction Plots for Describing the Effect of Factors Affecting Vanillin Adsorption onto Resin H103. In: The 2nd International Conference on Fluids and Chemical Engineering (FLUIDSCHE 2017) , 4-6 April 2017 , Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. . (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Roziah, Zailan and Siti Nurzalikha, Zaini and Muhammad Ikram, Mohd Rashid and A. A., Razak (2017) Feasibility study of standalone PV-wind-diesel energy systems for coastal residential application in Pekan, Pahang. In: UTP-UMP Symposium on Energy Systems, SES 2017 , 26-27 September 2017 , Perak, Malaysia. 1 -6., 131 (02001). ISSN 2261-236X (Published)
Roziasyahira, Mutazah (2017) Chemical constituents, antioxidant and cytotoxicity properties of Rhodomyrtus Tomentosa root extracts. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, Thesis advisor: Abd Hamid, Hazrulrizawat).
Rozieana, Khairuddin and Zaitul Marlizawati, Zainuddin and Gan, Jia Jiun (2017) A simulated annealing approach for redesigning a warehouse network problem. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1st International Conference on Applied & Industrial Mathematics and Statistics 2017 (ICoAIMS 2017) , 8-10 August 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-7., 890 (012109). ISSN 1742-6588 (print); 1742-6596 (online) (Published)
Rozita , Mokhtar and Mazita, Mokhtar and Muhammad Aiman , Zulkifli (2017) Measuring the product quality of Malaysian herbal industry:a pilot study. In: 4th International Conference On Humanities, Social Science, Science And Technology (IV ICHSST) , 24-27 November 2017 , Leeds, UK. pp. 1-15.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Rubeni, Raja (2017) Rainfall-runoff simulation of Sg. Kuantan upstream (Kenau Flow Station) using HEC-HMS. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Ruhaiza, Rusmin (2017) Gilap potensi jamin kebolehpasaran graduan. Harian Metro . pp. 4-5.
Ruhil Amal, Azmuddin and Nor Fariza , Mohd Nor and Afendi , Hamat (2017) Metacognitive online reading and navigational strategies by science and technology university students. Journal of Language Studies, 17 (3). pp. 18-36. ISSN 2550-2131. (Published)
Ruwaida, Abdul Rasid and M. H. M., Yusoff (2017) The potential of CO2 torrefaction as biomass pre-treatment method. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 10 (7). pp. 1-5. ISSN 0974-6846(print); 0974-5645(online). (Published)
Ruzaini, Abdullah Arshah and Mohammad Ishak, Desa and Ab. Razak, Che Hussin (2017) Instrument for Integrated Information System Assessment in Higher Learning Institutions. Advanced Science Letters, 23 (1). pp. 352-355. ISSN ISSN 1936-6612. (Published)
S., Nurulain and Hadi, Manap (2017) Development of a visible light transmission (vlt) measurement system using an open-path optical method. In: International Conference on Electrical and Electronic Engineering 2017 , 14-15 Ogos 2017 , Pulai Spring Resort, Johor. pp. 1-5.. (Published)
S., Nurulain and Nor Mazlee, Norazmi and M. R., Salim and Hadi, Manap (2017) A Review on Optical Fibre Sensor Topology and Modulation Technique. International Journal of Engineering Technology And Sciences (IJETS), 7 (1). pp. 1-7. ISSN 2289-697X. (Published)
S. A., Che Ghani and Mohd Hafizu, Zakaria and W. S., Wan Harun and Zakri, Ghazalli (2017) Progressive Tool Flank Wear And Surface Roughness When Turning AISI 1017 Mild Steel Using Reduced Thickness Inserts In Finishing Cutting Conditions. In: AIP Conference Proceedings: Proceedings of the 3rd Advanced Materials Conference 2016 (3rd AMC 2016) , 28-29 November 2016 , Langkawi, Malaysia. pp. 1-5., 1901 (040003). ISBN 978-0-7354-1589-8 (Published)
S. A., Che Ghani and Mohd Nasri, Muda and Mueller, Timo Michael and W. S., Wan Harun and Saiful Nizam, Tajuddin and M., Ishak and Anwaruddin, Hisyam (2017) Improvement of Agarwood Oil Extraction by Heat Transfer Control in Multiple Hydrodistillation Systems. In: Proceedings of 4th National Conference on Knowledge Transfer (NCKT'17) , 4-5 December 2017 , Knowledge Transfer Centre, Universiti Sains Malaysia. pp. 1-5.. ISBN 978-967-394-X-X. (Published)
S. A., Che Ghani and Siti Rohaida, Mohamed and W. S., Wan Harun and Nor Aida Zuraimi, Md Noar (2017) Physical Evaluations of Co-Cr-Mo Parts Processed using Different Additive Manufacturing Techniques. In: AIP Conference Proceedings: Proceedings of the 3rd Advanced Materials Conference 2016 (3rd AMC 2016) , 28-29 November 2016 , Langkawi, Malaysia. pp. 1-6., 1901 (100001). ISBN 978-0-7354-1589-8 (Published)
S. F. M., Ibrahim and Mohd Rusllim, Mohamed and S., Razali and H., Ahmad and M. H., Sulaiman (2017) Adaptiveness Of Equivalent Electrical Circuit For Vanadium Redox Flow Battery (V-RFB) Using Extended Kalman Filter (EKF). In: The 9th International Meeting On Advances In Thermofluids (IMAT) , 25 January 2017 , Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. pp. 1-4.. (Published)
S. I., Doh and R. A., Bahamid (2017) A review of risk management process in construction projects of developing countries. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Global Congress on Construction, Material and Structural Engineering (GCoMSE2017) , 28-29 August 2017 , Johor Bahru, Malaysia. pp. 1-9., 271 (012042). ISSN 1757-899X (Published)
S. I., Harun and Siti Rabiatull Aisha, Idris and N., Tamar Jaya (2017) A Study on The Development of Local Exhaust Ventilation System (LEV’s) for Laser Machine. In: Joining and Welding Symposium (JWS2017) , 11 July 2017 , Universiti Malaysia Pahang. pp. 1-6., 238 (1). ISSN 17578981 (Published)
S. M., Zokri and L. A., Aziz and N. S., Arifin and M. K. A., Mohamed and Mohd Zuki, Salleh and Abdul Rahman, Mohd Kasim and N. F., Mohammad (2017) Boundary Layer Flow of Jeffrey Fluid over a Stretching Sheet with Convective Boundary Conditions: Application in Polymer Processing. In: Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Research Day 2017. Centre for Advanced Research on Energy (CARe), pp. 437-439. ISBN 9789670257884
S. N., Mohamad Aziz and Mimi Sakinah, A. M. (2017) The Solubilization and Extraction Parameters of Erythromycin from Aqueous Phase Into Mixed AOT/SB3-18 Reverse Micelle Phase. Chemical Engineering Research Bulletin, 19 (Special). pp. 123-128. ISSN 0379-7678 (Print); 2072-9510 (Online). (Published)
S. N. S., Mahmud and M. A., Jusoh and You, K. Y. and N., Salim and S., Shaheen and Sutjipto, A. G. E. (2017) Structural and Dielectric Properties of Polyurethane Palm Oil Based Filled Empty Fruit Bunch. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) , 4 (1). pp. 259-264. ISSN 2349-6495(print); 2456-1908(online). (Published)
S. S., Sulaiman and Muhamad Arifpin, Mansor (2017) A case study: SMED contributor using Shapley value. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 8 (1). pp. 45-51. ISSN 2180-3811. (Published)
S. S., Teng and N., Harruddin and Syed Mohd Saufi, Tuan Chik (2017) Extraction of glucose by supported liquid membrane using polyethersulfone flat sheet membrane support. Journal of Applied Membrane Science & Technology, 20 (1). pp. 1-9. ISSN 2600-9226. (Published)
S. S. K., Singh and S., Abdullah and Nik Abdullah, Nik Mohamed (2017) Markov Chain Application in Fatigue Reliability Analysis for Durability Assessment of a Vehicle Crankshaft. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 12 (6). 1991 -1996. ISSN 1819-6608. (Published)
S.N.R, Ramli and S. H. S. M., Fadzullah and Z., Mustafa and M. R. M., Rejab and M. Z., Hassan (2017) The effect of varying pressure on mechanical performance of pineapple leaf fiber reinforced poly lactic acid biocomposites. In: Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Research Day 2017. Centre for Advanced Research on Energy (CARe), pp. 305-307. ISBN 9789670257884
Sabudin, S.N. and Norazaliza, Jamil and Norhayati, Rosli (2017) A Review of Parameter Estimation Used in Solar Photovoltaic System for a Single Diode Model. Journal of Physics: Conference Series , 890. pp. 1-7. ISSN 17426588. (Published)
Sadegh, Hamidreza and Ali, Gomaa A. M. and Gupta, Vinod Kumar and Makhlouf, Hamdy Abdel Salam and Ghoshekandi, Ramin Shahryari and Nadagouda, N. Mallikarjuna and Sillanpaa, Mika and Megiel, Elzbieta (2017) The Role of Nanomaterials as Effective Adsorbents and Their Applications in Wastewater Treatment. Journal of Nanostructure in Chemistry, 7 (1). pp. 1-14. ISSN 2193-8865. (Published)
Sadiq, Ali Safa and Almohammad, Turfah Zeyad and Rabiatul Adawiah, Muhamed Khadri and Ahmed, Abdulghani Ali and Lloret, Jaime (2017) An Energy-Efficient Cross-Layer approach for cloud wireless green communications. In: Second International Conference on Fog and Mobile Edge Computing (FMEC) , 8-11 May 2017 , Valencia, Spain. pp. 230-234. (16963961). ISBN 978-1-5386-2859-1 (Published)
Saffuan, Wan Ahmad and A., Adnan and R., Nazir and Noram Irwan, Ramli and Mohamad Idris, Ali and M. Z., Ramli and Khairunisa, Muthusamy (2017) Determination of Earthquake Design Ratio for Fixed Offshore Platform Due to Aceh Earthquake in Malaysia. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Geo-Environmental, Sp. (NCWE). pp. 6-9. ISSN 2180-2742. (Published)
Saffuan, Wan Ahmad and Khairunisa, Muthusamy and Norhafizah, A.Mohd and Norhaiza, Nordin (2017) Properties of concrete containing ground palm oil fuel ash as fine aggregate replacement. In: International Conference on Building Materials and Materials Engineering (ICBMM 2017) , 21-23 September 2017 , Lyon, France. pp. 1-6., 264 (1). ISSN 17578981 (Published)
Safriza, Baharuddin (2017) Foo Weng Kar dan Siti Rahmah terima Anugerah Pelajaran Diraja. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Sahat, Idris Mat and At-Tasneem, Mohd Amin and Mu'Tasim, Muhammad Ammar Nik and Hassan, Wan Anuar Wan and Jamaludin, U. K. and Rosli, Rosmazi (2017) Optimization of the flow characteristic in various array arrangements of multiple picohydro power turbines. , [Research Report] (Unpublished)
Sahid, N. S. M. and M. M., Rahman and K., Kadirgama and D., Ramasamy and Maleque, M. A. and M. M., Noor (2017) Experimental Investigation on the Performance of the TiO2 and ZnO Hybrid Nanocoolant in Ethylene Glycol Mixture towards AA6061-T6 Machining. International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering (IJAME), 14 (1). pp. 3913-3926. ISSN 2229-8649 (Print); 2180-1606 (Online). (Published)
Sahimel Azwal, Sulaiman and Yuhani, Yusof and Shahoodh, Mohammed Khalid (2017) The Number of Compatible Pair of Actions for Cyclic Groups of 2-Power Order. International Journal of Simulation Systems, Science & Technology, 18 (4). 2.1-2.8. ISSN 1473-8031(Print); 1473-804x (Online). (Published)
Sahu, Alok K. and K., Sudhakar (2017) Effect of UV exposure on bimodal HDPE floats for floating solar application. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. pp. 1-10. ISSN 2238-7854. (In Press / Online First) (In Press / Online First)
Said, N. and N. A., Nanih and Jolius, Gimbun and Nour, A. H. and Mohd Sabri, Mahmud and M. V. , Sivaguru (2017) Perspective of Natural Liquid Fabric Softener Extracted from Kaffir Lime Leaves (KALFASOF). In: The 2nd International Conference on Fluids and Chemical Engineering (FLUIDSCHE 2017) , 4-6 April 2017 , TH Hotel, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. . (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Said, N. and Nor Hidayah, Kamin and M. V., Sivaguru and Nur Syazwani, Ghazali and Mohamad Zaki, Sahad and Siti Farhana, Haron (2017) Future prospects of biobased detergent derived from Jatropha c. seeds oil (JSO). Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 11 (3 Special). pp. 79-84. ISSN 1991-8178. (Published)
Said A., Salloum and Mostafa, Al-Emran and Azza, Abdel Monem and Khaled, Shaalan (2017) A survey of text mining in social media facebook and twitter perspectives. Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal, 2 (1). pp. 127-133. ISSN 2415-6698. (Published)
Saifful Kamaluddin, Muzakir (2017) FSTI kongsi informasi program Sains dan Teknologi Bahan. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Saifful Kamaluddin, Muzakir and Ahmad Salihin, Samsudin and Muhammad Halim, Paboh (2017) Temubual bersama penilai luar program Ijazah Sarjana Muda (Kepujian) Teknologi Bahan, Fakulti Sains & Teknologi Industri (Lighting up the Community). [Video]
Saifful Kamaluddin, Muzakir and Izan Izwan, Misnon (2017) Laboratory Manual: Advanced Materials Laboratory (BSP3452). Manual. Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang.
Saifful Kamaluddin, Muzakir and Muhammad Adam lee, Abdullah and Nurlin, Abu Samah and Muhammad Azrin, Ahmad (2017) Laporan Penganjuran Kem Saintis Muda 2017. Pelajar-pelajar dari lima buah sekolah sekitar Kuantan capai sasaran kecemerlangan di dalam Kem Saintis Muda 2017 (13 - 16 Ogos 2017). .
Saifful Kamaluddin, Muzakir and Paboh, Muhammad Halim and Syed Abd Aziz, Syed Mohd Akmal and Ismail, Mohd Rizal (2017) Saintis Muda Bawa Teknologi Fotovoltaik Ke SEMSAS. [Video]
Saifful Kamaluddin, Muzakir and Roslan, Umar (2017) Three Mistakes We Have Made During Fabrication of Quantum Dots Solar Cell; How Can You Learn From Them. In: Proceedings of National Workshop on Functional Materials 2017 , 17 - 18 January 2017 , Centre for Ionics University of Malaya. pp. 89-94.. ISBN 978-967-12067-1-3 (Published)
Saifful Kamaluddin, Muzakir and Sutjipto, A. G. E. and Muhammad Hafiz, Mazwir and Mohamad Ashry, Jusoh and Farah Hanani, Zulkifli (2017) Job Opportunities in Material(s) Technology. Materials Mind (17). pp. 16-17. ISSN 2289-9030
Sakinah, Hisham and K., Kadirgama and D., Ramasamy and M. M., Noor and Amirruddin, Abdul Kadir and G., Najafi and M. M., Rahman (2017) Waste Cooking Oil Blended With The Engine Oil For Reduction of Friction and Wear On Piston Skirt. Fuel, 205. pp. 247-261. ISSN 0016-2361. (Published)
Sakinah, Muhamad Hisham (2017) Tribological behavior of waste cooking oil blended lubricant. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Salloum, Said A. and Al-Emran, Mostafa and Monem, A. A. and Shaalan, Khaled (2017) Using text mining techniques for extracting information from research articles. In: Intelligent Natural Language Processing: Trends and Applications. Springer, Berlin, Germany, pp. 373-397. ISBN 9783319670553
Salloum, Said A. and Al-Emran, Mostafa and Shaalan, Khaled (2017) Mining Social Media Text: Extracting Knowledge from Facebook. International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems, 6 (2). pp. 73-81. ISSN 2210-142X. (Published)
Salloum, Said A. and AlHamad, Ahmad Qasim and Al-Emran, Mostafa and Shaalan, Khaled (2017) A survey of arabic text mining. In: Intelligent natural language processing: trends and applications. Springer, Berlin, Germany, pp. 417-431. ISBN 978-3-319-67056-0
Salwana, Mohamad (2017) Generating visualisation for crime scene investigation based on probability result of knowledge-based system. International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 56 (1). pp. 18-26. ISSN 0952-8091 (print); 1741-5047 (online). (Published)
Salwani, Mohd Salleh and Razali, Hafsham and Mas Ayu, Hassan and Rosdi, Daud (2017) Flexural Performance of the Heat-Treated Boron Alloyed Steel. In: Asia Conference on Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering , 9-11 June 2017 , Tokyo University, Japan. pp. 21-26., 909. ISSN 02555476 ISBN 9783035712919 (Published)
Sameh, Abdulrahman Arif (2017) The detection of concrete defects using infrared thermography. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Sami, Waqas and Ansari, Tahir and Butt, Nadeem Shafique and M. R., Abdul Hamid (2017) Psychometric Evaluation of Dietary Habits Questionnaire for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1st International Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics and Statistics (ICoAIMS 2017) , 8-10 August 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-6., 890 (012151). ISSN 1742-6588 (print); 1742-6596 (online) (Published)
Sami, Waqas and Ansari, Tahir and Butt, Nadeem Shafique and Mohd Rashid, Ab Hamid (2017) Diabetes mellitus knowledge of type 2 diabetic patients, Almajmaah, Saudi Arabia. International Journal of Advanced Life Sciences (IJALS), 10 (4). pp. 377-385. ISSN 2277-758X. (Published)
Sami, Waqas and Ansari, Tahir and Butt, Nadeem Shafique and Mohd Rashid, Ab Hamid (2017) Effect of Diet on Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Review. International Journal of Health Sciences, 11 (2). pp. 65-71. ISSN 1658-3639. (Published)
Samsudin, Abdullah and Rahimah, Jusoh and Ezzatul Farhain, Azmi and Norazaliza, Mohd Jamil and Abdul Rahman, Mohd Kasim and Nor Izzati, Jaini (2017) Applied Calculus For Engineering & Science Students. Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang. ISBN 978-967-2054-26-9
Sangeethavani, Sundarajan (2017) Biomethanation of palm oil mill effluent (POME) by ultrasonic-membrane anaerobic system (UMAS). Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Santhana, Krishnan and Singh, Lakhveer and Mimi Sakinah, A. M. and Thakur, Sveta and Zularisam, A. W. and Ghrayeb, Omar A. (2017) Role of Organic Loading Rate in Bioenergy Generation from Palm Oil Mill Effluent in a Two-Stage Up-Flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Continuous-Stirred Tank Reactor. Journal of Cleaner Production, 142 (Pt. 4). pp. 3044-3049. ISSN 0959-6526 (print), 1879-1786 (online). (Published)
Santhana, Krishnan Chandrasekar (2017) Hydrogen and methane production from palm oil mill effluent through two-stage dark fermentation. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Santoso, Ardhi Wicaksono (2017) Fuzzy-based frost filter for speckle noise reduction of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) image. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Saptaji, Kushendarsyah and Subbiah, Sathyan (2017) Burr Reduction of Micro-milled Microfluidic Channels Mould Using a Tapered Tool. Procedia Engineering, 184. pp. 137-144. ISSN 1877-7058. (Published)
Sara Asmawati, Shariffuddin and Jamal Rizal, Razali (2017) Transformation of University Colleges to Full-Pledged Universities: A Proposed Conceptual Framework for Malaysian Higher Learning Institutions. International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, 4 (12). pp. 168-173. ISSN 0973-4562 (Print); 0973-9769 (Online). (Published)
Sara Asmawati, Shariffuddin and Jamal Rizal, Razali and Ismi Safia Adilah, Ibrahim and Sharifah Sakinah, Syed Abd Mutalib (2017) Academics’ Perception On The Transformation Of University Colleges To Universities: A Pilot Study In A Malaysian University College. In: International Research Conference (IRC2017) , 27-28 August 2017 , Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia. pp. 14-22.. (Published)
Sara Asmawati, Shariffuddin and Jamal Rizal, Razali and Mislaiha, A. Ghani and Wan Raihan, Wan Shaaidi and Ismi Safia Adilah, Ibrahim (2017) Transformation of Higher Education Institutions in Malaysia: A Review. Journal Of Global Business And Social Entrepreneurship (GBSE), 1 (2). pp. 126-136. ISSN 2462-1714. (Published)
Sarkar, Shaheen M. and Lutfor, M. R. (2017) Cellulose Supported Poly(amidoxime) Copper Complex for Click Reaction. Journal of Cleaner Production, 141. pp. 683-692. ISSN 0959-6526 (print), 1879-1786 (online). (Published)
Sarkar, Shaheen M. and Lutfor, M. R. and Chong, Kwok Feng and M. M., Yusoff (2017) Poly(hydroxamic acid) Palladium Catalyst for Heck Reactions and its Application in the Synthesis of Ozagrel. Journal of Catalysis, 350. pp. 103-110. ISSN 0021-9517. (Published)
Sarwari, Abdul Qahar (2017) The Contact And Cohesion Theory: A Conceptual Framework Based On The Eastern Context Of Communication. Journal of Language and Communication, , 4 (1). pp. 1-11. ISSN 2289 - 649X. (Published)
Sarwari, Abdul Qahar and Muhammad Nubli, Abdul Wahab (2017) The Effectiveness of HRV-Biofeedback Technology and Heart Rate Variability on Intercultural Communication Competence among Postgraduate Students from Different Nationalities. The International Journal Of Humanities & Social Studies (IJHSS), 5 (10). pp. 201-209. ISSN 2321 - 9203. (Published)
Sarwari, Abdul Qahar and Muhammad Nubli, Abdul Wahab (2017) Evaluation Of The Relationship Between Interpersonal Communication Competence And Intercultural Communication Competence Among Postgraduate Students From Different Nationalities. Journal of Language and Communication, 4 (2). pp. 225-237. ISSN 2289-649X. (Published)
Sarwari, Abdul Qahar and Muhammad Nubli, Abdul Wahab (2017) Study of the Relationship between Intercultural Sensitivity and Intercultural Communication Competence among International Postgraduate Students: A Case Study at University Malaysia Pahang. Cogent Social Sciences, 3 (1). pp. 1-11. ISSN 2331-1886. (Published)
Sathiya, Sanmugam and Norlisa, Harruddin and Syed Mohd Saufi, Tuan Chik (2017) Effect of Coagulation Bath Temperature During Preparation of PES Hollow Fiber Supported Liquid Membrane for Acetic Acid Removal. Chemical Engineering Research Bulletin, 19 (Special). pp. 118-122. ISSN 0379-7678 (Print); 2072-9510 (Online). (Published)
Sathuramalingam, Pillay Darminesh and Nor Azwadi, Che Sidik and G., Najafi and R., Mamat and Tan, Lit Ken and Yutaka, Asako (2017) Recent Development on Biodegradable Nanolubricant: A Review. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 86. pp. 159-165. ISSN 0735-1933. (Published)
Satishrao , Pothorajoo and Hamdan, Daniyal (2017) PID Bidirectional Speed Controller for BLDC with Seamless Speed Reversal using Direct Commutation Switching Scheme. In: 8th Control and System Graduate Research Colloquium (ICSGRC 2017) , 4-5 August 2017 , Shah Alam, Selangor. pp. 7-12.. ISBN 9781538603802 (Published)
Sayed Ahmed, Ebtehal Atta Elsayed and Yuserrie, Zainuddin (2017) Evaluating Zakat Institutions Performance in Malaysia. In: Proceedings of the FGIC 1st Conference on Governance & Integrity , 3-4 April 2017 , Yayasan Pahang, Kuantan, Malaysia. pp. 290-296.. ISBN 978-967-2054-37-5 (Published)
Sazliana Sahima, Sidek (2017) Coconut shell as partial replacement of fine and coarse aggregate in concrete. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Sazmal E., Arshad and Lutfor, M. R. and Sarkar, Shaheen M. and Eddy F., Yusslee and Siti Z., Patuwan (2017) Hydrothermal Synthesis of Zeolite T from Kaolin using Two Different Structure Directing Agents. Materials Research Express, 5 (015011). pp. 1-11. ISSN 2053-1591. (Published)
Setiabudi, H. D. and K. H., Lim and N. Aini, Razali and S. Y., Chin and N. H. N., Kamarudin (2017) CO2 Reforming of CH4 over Ni/SBA-15: Influence of Ni Loading on the Metal-support Interaction and Catalytic Activity. Journal of Materials and Environmental Sciences , 8 (2). pp. 573-581. ISSN 2028-2508. (Published)
Setiabudi, H. D. and Lim, K.H. and N., Ainirazali and Chin, S. Y. and N. H. N., Kamarudin (2017) CO2 Reforming of CH4 over Ni/SBA-15: Influence of Ni Loading on the Metalsupport Interaction and Catalytic Activity. Journal of Materials and Environmental Sciences , 8 (2). pp. 573-581. ISSN 2028-2508 . (Published)
Setiabudi, H. D. and Rohayu, Jusoh and N. S., Kamarudin and N. F. , Sukor (2017) Chitosan-functionalized Ag nanoparticles for degradation of methylene blue: effect of chitosan pre-treatment. The International Journal Of Science & Technoledge, 5 (12). pp. 1-7. ISSN 2321-919X. (Published)
Setiabudi, Herma Dina and Nurul Aini, Mohamed Razali and Mohd Zahari, Mior Ahmad Khushairi and Abdullah, Syamsul B. (2017) Synthesis and characterization of modified SBA-15 for CO2 reforming of CH4. , [Research Report] (Unpublished)
Shaban, Omar Kassim A. and Liu, Yao and Mohd Ridzuan, Darun (2017) Measurement Model of Brand Loyalty for Palm Cooking Oil Market in Malaysia. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of The Asian Academy of Applied Business (AAAB) 2017 , 20-22 December 2017 , Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. pp. 1-11.. (Published)
Shaban, Omar Kassim A. and Liu, Yao and Mohd Ridzuan, Nordin and Alkhateeb, Abdullah N. A. (2017) Review of Important Brand Loyalty Influencing Factors: State of Art. International Business Management, 11 (5). pp. 1034-1040. ISSN 1993-5250. (Published)
Shahab, Suhail Najm (2017) An enhanced minimum variance distortionless response beamformer techniques to reduce interference in array antenna system. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, Thesis advisor: Zainun, Ayib Rosdi).
Shahab, Suhail Najm and Ayib Rosdi, Zainun and Alabdraba, Waleed M. Sh. and Nurul Hazlina, Noordin (2017) Interference reduction by null-forming optimization based MVDR technique using gravitational search algorithm. In: 1st EAI International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (COMPSE 2016) , 11-12 November 2016 , Penang, Malaysia. pp. 1-12.. ISBN 9781631901362 (Published)
Shahab, Suhail Najm and Ayib Rosdi, Zainun and Ali, Hussein Ahmed and Hojabri, Mojgan and Nurul Hazlina, Noordin (2017) MVDR Algorithm Based Linear Antenna Array Performance Assessment For Adaptive Beamforming Application. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 12 (5). pp. 1366-1385. ISSN 1823-4690. (Published)
Shaheer Shaida, Durrani and Abu Zaharin, Ahmad (2017) An efficient digitally controlled of RGB driver for LED pixels. In: 4th IEEE International Conference On Engineering Technologies and Applied Sciences (ICETAS 2017) , 29 November-1 December 2017 , AMA International University, Bahrain. pp. 1-6.. (Published)
Shahid, Anwar and Jasni, Mohamad Zain and Mohamad Fadli, Zolkipli and Inayat, Zakira and Khan, Suleman and Anthony, Bokolo Jnr. and Chang, Victor (2017) From Intrusion Detection to an Intrusion Response System: Fundamentals, Requirements, and Future Directions. Algorithms, 10 (2). pp. 1-24. ISSN 1999-4893. (Published)
Shahid, Anwar and Mohamad Fadli, Zolkipli and Zakira, Inayat and Jasni, Mohamad Zain and Abdullah, Gani and Nor Badrul, Anuar and Khan, Muhammad Khurram and Chang, Victor (2017) Cross-VM Cache-based Side Channel Attacks and Proposed Prevention Mechanisms: A Survey. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 93. pp. 259-279. ISSN 1084-8045. (Published)
Shahid, Shahid Hussain and Zuraina, Ali (2017) Effects Of Video-Podcasts On Listening Comprehension Of Saudi EFL Learners. European Journal of English Language Teaching, 2 (4). pp. 169-194. ISSN 2501-7136. (Published)
Shahid, Shahid Hussain and Zuraina, Ali (2017) Finding the Best Length of Video-Podcasts: Effects of Varied numbers of Video-Podcast Used on Listening Comprehension of Saudi Undergraduates. International Journal of Novel Research in Education and Learning, 4 (5). pp. 19-31. ISSN 2394-9686. (Published)
Shahid, Shahid Hussain and Zuraina, Ali (2017) Saudi EFL Learners’ Attitude Towards Integration of Video-Podcasts In Listening Comprehension. European Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 2 (2). pp. 130-156. ISSN 2537-1754. (Published)
Shahid, Shahid Hussain and Zuraina, Ali and Mahmoud, Masoud Omar (2017) Exploring Relationship between Saudi EFL Learners’ Attitude to CALL in Listening and Their Prior Experience with CALL Integrated EFL Courses. IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR - JHSS), 21 (3). pp. 132-145. ISSN 2279-0845 (print); 2279-0837 (online). (Published)
Shahoodh, Mohammed Khalid and Yuhani, Yusof and Sahimel Azwal, Sulaiman (2017) Number of Compatible Pair of Actions For Finite Cyclic Groups of 3-Power Order. International Journal of Simulation Systems, Science & Technology, 18 (4). 1.1-1.4. ISSN 1473-8031(Print); 1473-804x (Online). (Published)
Shahrinnahar, Latib (2017) Empower ECER Mahkota bantu pertingkat ekonomi rakyat. Berita Harian . p. 21.
Shahrinnahar, Latib (2017) Empower ECER Mahkota ubah sikap pelajar Orang Asli. Berita Harian . p. 18.
Shahrinnahar, Latib (2017) Hadiah buat keluarga. Metro . p. 72.
Shahrinnahar, Latib (2017) Mujarab biji betik. Harian Metro .
Shahrinnahar, Latib (2017) Pekerja dipelawa sambung pengajian. Berita Harian . p. 22.
Shahrinnahar, Latib (2017) Pemangkin UMP. Harian Metro . p. 53.
Shahrinnahar, Latib (2017) Program Empower ECER ubah taraf hidup peserta. Berita Harian . p. 2.
Shahrinnahar, Latib (2017) Program UMP Kompeten naik taraf kemahiran warga industri. Berita Harian . p. 22.
Shahrinnahar, Latib (2017) SMK Sungai Soi sekolah kedua terima sumbangan Wakaf BH. Berita Harian . p. 18.
Shahrinnahar, Latib (2017) Sukarelawan UMP, penduduk baiki rumah. Berita Harian . p. 18.
Shahrinnahar, Latib (2017) Tukar juadah tradisional. Harian Metro . p. 42.
Shahrinnahar, Latib (2017) UMP Advanced hulur sumbangan RM 10,000 kepada SMA Maran. Berita Harian . p. 24.
Shahrinnahar, Latib (2017) UMP Advanced tawar ijazah sarjana muda sepenuh masa. Berita Harian . p. 65.
Shahrinnahar, Latib (2017) UMP Advanced tawar program pembelajaran sepanjang hayat. Berita Harian . p. 22.
Shahrinnahar, Latib (2017) UMP anjur Program Sentuhan Kasih. Berita Harian . p. 77.
Shahrinnahar, Latib (2017) UMPCT jalin kerjasama dengan firma Norway. Berita Harian . p. 21.
Shahrom, Mohd Syahmi and A. R., Yusoff (2017) Cyclic extrusion compression back pressure technique for hot forging process in direct recycling of aluminium 6061 machining chip. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 29. pp. 1-9. ISSN 1526-6125. (Published)
Shahrul Nizam, Md Ahir (2017) Siri jelajah masjid dalam Program Jom Lepak@Masjid. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Shahrulanoor, Ishak (2017) Mahu Malaysia bebas buli siber. Kosmo . p. 14.
Shahrulanoor, Ishak and Mohd. Hafizi, Ahmad (2017) Bangunkan sistem daftar graduan. Kosmo . p. 8.
Shalfarina, Shahriman (2017) Buku Mandarin For All menang Anugerah Khas. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Shalfarina, Shahriman (2017) Ibu sebak terima Ijazah Anumerta UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Shalfarina, Shahriman (2017) Kemahiran mencatat nota GFLM bantu pelajar ingat fakta. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Shalfarina, Shahriman (2017) Kursus DOE With Minitab tarik minat peserta. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Shalfarina, Shahriman (2017) Lumpuh bukan penghalang untuk hadir terima diploma. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Shalfarina, Shahriman (2017) Modul Mandarin For All: Book 1 Menang Anugerah Buku Negara. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Shalfarina, Shahriman (2017) Penerbit UMP anjur Bengkel SPSS. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Shamsah, Raghad S. and Ahmedov, Anvarjon A. and Hishamuddin, Zainuddin and Kilicman, Adem and Fudziah, Ismail (2017) A New Structure for Scaling Functions System with Dyadic Intervals. In: 2nd International Conference and Workshop on Mathematical Analysis 2016 (ICWOMA2016) , 2–4 August 2016 , Langkawi, Malaysia. pp. 1-8., 1795 (1). ISSN 0094-243X ISBN 978-0-7354-1461-7 (Published)
Shamsul, Zakaria and Madsen, Frederikke B. and Skov, Anne Ladegaard (2017) Post-Curing as an Effective Means of Ensuring the Long-Term Reliability of PDMS Thin Films for Dielectric Elastomer Applications. Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering, 56 (1). pp. 83-95. ISSN 0360-2559 (Print); 1525-6111 (Online). (Published)
Sharifah Fatma Munirah, Syed Zain (2017) Stair climbing robot. Faculty of Engineering Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Sharifah Hafizah, Sy Ahmad Ubaidillah and Noraziah, Ahmad and Mohd Helmy, Abdul Wahab and Ainul Azila, Che Fauzi and Roslina, Mohd Sidek (2017) The Application of Fragmentation Techniques on Distributed Database: An Overview. In: 1st International Conference on Big Data and Cloud Computing (ICOBIC 2017) , 25-26 November 2017 , Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. pp. 1-7.. (Published)
Sharifah Hafizah, Syed Ahmad Ubaidillah and Noraziah, Ahmad (2017) Overview of Replication Techniques on Distributed Database in Cloud Environment. Advanced Science Letters, 23 (11). pp. 11105-11108. ISSN 1936-6612 . (Published)
Sharifah Maszura, Syed Mohsin and M. S., Zainal and Jokhio, Gul A. and Khairunisa, Muthusamy (2017) Behaviour of Hybrid Fibers in Oil Palm Shell and Palm Oil Fuel Ash Reinforced Concrete Beam. In: Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Research Day 2017 (MERD'17) , 30 March 2017 , Melaka, Malaysia. pp. 391-392.. ISBN 978-967-0257-88-4 (Published)
Shariza, Jamek and Nyffenegger, Christian and Muschiol, Jan and Holck, Jesper and Meyer, Anne S. and Mikkelsen, Jørn D. (2017) Characterization of Two Novel Bacterial Type A exo-chitobiose Hydrolases Having C-terminal 5/12-type Carbohydrate-binding Modules. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 101 (11). pp. 4533-4546. ISSN 0175-7598(print); 1432-0614(online). (Published)
Sharma, Swati and Gupta, Arun and Syed Mohd Saufi, Tuan Chik and Chua, Gek Kee and Mistry, Bhupendra M. and Kim, Doo H. and Sharma, Gaurav (2017) Characterization of Keratin Microparticles from Feather Biomass with Potent Antioxidant and Anticancer Activities. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 104. pp. 189-196. ISSN 0141-8130. (Published)
Sharma, Swati and Gupta, Arun and Syed Mohd Saufi, Tuan Chik and Chua, Gek Kee and Poddar, Pradeep Kumar (2017) Dissolution and Characterization of Biofunctional Keratin Particles Extracted from Chicken Feathers. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 191 (1). pp. 1-5. ISSN 1757-8981 (Print), 1757-899X (Online). (Published)
Sharmaine, Shaari (2017) Traffic management during construction: case study of flyover at Jalan Bukit Ubi, Kuantan. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Shaza Akmalina, Badrul Kamal (2017) Jom Makan Buah-buahan program santai bersama Alumni UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Shaza Akmalina, Badrul Kamal and Tengku Nadzirah, Tengku Majani and Awani Rangers, UMP (2017) Mahasiswa beri sokongan padu terhadap aspirasi TN50. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Shi, Yan Liew and Jolius, Gimbun (2017) CFD Simulation on the Hydrodynamics in Gas-Liquid Airlift Reactor. Chemical Product and Process Modeling, 12 (4). pp. 1-11. ISSN 1934-2659. (Published)
Shi, Yan Liew and Zhi, Yee Lam and Jolius, Gimbun (2017) Experimental Measurement And CFD Simulation on the Hydrodynamics of An Internal-Loop Airlift Reactor. In: MATEC Web of Conferences: Fluids and Chemical Engineering Conference (FluidsChE 2017) , 4-6 April 2017 , Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. pp. 1-9., 111 (01002). ISSN 2261-236X (Published)
Shi Chuan, Soh and M. Z., Ibrahim and Marlina, Yakno and D.J., Mulvaney (2017) Palm vein recognition using scale invariant feature transform with RANSAC mismatching removal. In: IT Convergence and Security 201. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 449 . Springer Verlag, Berlin, Germany, pp. 1-8. ISBN 978-981106450-0
Shoriya Aruni, Abdul Manaf and Hegde, Gurumurthy and Mandal, Uttam K. and Wong, Tin Wui and Roy, Partha (2017) Functionalized carbon nano-scale drug delivery systems from biowaste sago bark for cancer cell imaging. Current drug delivery, 14 (8). pp. 1071-1077. ISSN 1567-2018. (Published)
Shukla, Akash Kumar and K., Sudhakar and Prashant, Baredar and R., Mamat (2017) BIPV in Southeast Asian countries-opportunities and challenges. Renewable Energy Focus, 21. pp. 25-32. ISSN 1755-0084. (Published)
Shukla, Akash Kumar and Sudhakar, K. and Baredar, Prashant and R., Mamat (2017) BIPV in Southeast Asian Countries – Opportunities and Challenges. Renewable Energy Focus, 21. pp. 25-32. ISSN 1755-0084. (Published)
Siang, Tan Ji and Danh, Huong T. and Singh, Sharanjit and Truong, Quang Duc and Setiabudi, H. D. and Vo, Dai-Viet N. (2017) Syngas Production from Combined Steam and Carbon Dioxide Reforming of Methane over Ce-modified Silicasupported Nickel Catalysts. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS, 56. pp. 1129-1134. ISSN 2283-9216 . (Published)
Siddique, Md. Nurul Islam and Mimi Sakinah, A. M. and Zularisam, A. W. (2017) The Combined Effect of Ultrasonic and Microwave Pre-Treatment on Bio-Methane Generation from Co-Digestion of Petrochemical Wastewater. Journal of Cleaner Production, 145. pp. 303-309. ISSN 0959-6526 (print), 1879-1786 (online). (Published)
Siddique, Md. Nurul Islam and Mohd Fakhrurrazi, Ishak and Zularisam, A. W. (2017) Enriched Renewable Methane from the Anaerobic Digestion of Petrochemical Wastewater: A Bio-Remediation Study. International Journal of Engineering Technology And Sciences (IJETS), 7 (1). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2289-697X. (Published)
Siddique, Md. Nurul Islam and Zularisam, A. W. (2017) Effect of mixing proportion on the properties of seaweed modified sustainable concrete. In: 2nd International Conference on Applied Science and Technology 2017, ICAST 2017 , 3–5 April 2017 , Kedah, Malaysia. pp. 1-7., 1891 (020132). ISSN 0094-243X ISBN 978-0-7354-1573-7 (Published)
Siddiqui, Muhammad Faisal and Singh, Lakhveer and Zularisam, A. W. (2017) Treatment of Dye Wastewater for Water Reuse Using Membrane Bioreactor and Biofouling Control. In: Waste Biomass Management - A Holistic Approach. Springer, pp. 121-136. ISBN 9783319495958 (online); 9783319495941(print)
Sim, Chun Kiat (2017) Batteries and circuit design for a portable electric skateboard as alternative green transportation. Faculty of Engineering Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Sim, Mei Chee (2017) Image analysis on migration of non aqueous phase liquid in combined single and double porosity media. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Sin-Ye, Phoon and Hwa, Jen Yap and Zahari, Taha and Yun, Suen Pai (2017) Interactive Solution Approach For Loop Layout Problem Using Virtual Reality Technology. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 89 (5-8). pp. 2375-2385. ISSN 0268-3768 (Print), 1433-3015 (Online). (Published)
Sina Davazdah, Emami and Rafiziana, Md. Kasmani and Zahra, Naserzadeh and Che Rosmani, Che Hassan and Mahar Diana, Hamid and Siti Zubaidah, Sulaiman and Norazana, Ibrahim and Mohd Dinie Muhaimin, Samsudin (2017) Effectiveness of Diluent Gases on Hydrogen Flame Propagation in Tee Pipe(part II) – Influence of Tee Junction Position. Fuel, 190. pp. 260-267. ISSN 0016-2361. (Published)
Singh, Sharanjit and Nga, Nguyen Thi Anh and Pham, Thong L. M. and Tan, Ji Siang and Phuong, Pham T. T. and Khan, Maksudur R. and Vo, Dai-Viet N. (2017) Metgas Production from Bi-reforming of Methane over La-modified Santa Barbara Amorphous-15 Supported Nickel Catalyst. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 56. pp. 1573-1578. ISSN 2283-9216. (Published)
Siregar, J. P. (2017) Compatibilizing effect of maleic anhydride on the mechanical properties of Mengkuang leaves fibre reinforced polythylene composites. , [Research Report] (Unpublished)
Siti Afiqah, Kamaruzaman (2017) Case on Customized Logistics Services. In: Collection of Teaching Cases for Business Administration Studies. Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang, pp. 26-31. ISBN 978-967-2054-50-4
Siti Aisyah, Abdull Malid (2017) Supported liquid membrane for acetic acid extraction : screening of membrane support preparation factors. Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Siti Aisyah, Romli (2017) Kesan kejadian histeria terhadap guru di sekolah-sekolah menengah di daerah Kuantan. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, Thesis advisor: Mahyuddin, Ismail).
Siti Aisyah, Romli and Mahyuddin, Ismail (2017) Histeria: Kesannya Terhadap Psikologi dan Fizikal Guru. International Journal of Humanities Technology and Civilization (IJHTC), 2 (1). pp. 24-33. ISSN 2289-7216. (Published)
Siti Amirah, Syed Abu Bakar (2017) Microstrucral and electrical properties of rare earth ionic doped CCTO ceramics. Faculty of Industrial Sciences and Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Siti Hajar, Mohamad Ros and Islam, Md. Shaharul and Lutfor, M. R. and Rashid, Shah Samiur and Chowdhury, Zaira Zaman and Ali, Md. Eaqub and Sarkar, Shaheen M. (2017) Highly Active and Reusable Kenaf Cellulose Supported Bio-Poly(hydroxamic acid) Functionalized Copper Catalysts for C–N Bond Formation Reactions. BioResources, 12 (1). pp. 882-898. ISSN 1930-2126 (print); 1930-2126 (online). (Published)
Siti Hajar, Saharudin and Jun Haslinda, Haji Shariffuddin and Noor Ida Amalina, Ahamad Nordin (2017) Biocomposites from (Anadara granosa) Shells Waste for Bone Material Applications. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research (ICMER2017) , 1-2 August 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-10., 257 (012061). ISSN 1757-899X (Published)
Siti Hajar, Saharudin and Jun Haslinda, Shariffuddin and Noor Ida Amalina, Ahamad Nordin (2017) Effect of biopolymers on cockle shell biocomposite for bone material applications. In: ICMER 2017, International Conference Mechanical Engineering Research 2017 , 1-2 Aug. 2017 , Swiss Garden, Balok, Kuantan. pp. 1-10.. (Published)
Siti Hana, Abu Bakar and Fatmawati, Adam (2017) Determination of physical crossllink between carrageenan and glyoxylic acid using density functional theory calculations [Penentuan ikatan sambung silang fizikal antara karagenan dan asid glioksilik menggunakan pengiraan teori fungsi ketumpatan]. Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences, 21 (4). pp. 979-985. ISSN 1394-2506. (Published)
Siti Haryani, Tomadi and J. A., Ghani and C. H., Che Haron and Mas Ayu, Hassan and Rosdi, Daud (2017) Effect of Cutting Parameters on Surface Roughness in End Milling of AlSi/AlN Metal Matrix Composite. Procedia Engineering, 184. pp. 58-69. ISSN 1877-7058. (Published)
Siti Kholijah, Abdul Mudalip and Fatmawati, Adam and Jamal, Parveen and Mohd Rushdi, Abu Bakar and Norliyana, Amran and Siti Zubaidah, Sulaiman and Rohaida, Che Man and Zatul Iffah, Mohd Arshad and Shalyda, Md Shaarani (2017) Effect of Cooling Rates on Shape and Crystal Size Distributions of Mefenamic Acid Polymorph in Ethyl Acetate. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, The 2nd International Conference on Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology , 12-14 May 2017 , Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. pp. 1-5., 205 (012025). ISSN 1757-8981 (Print), 1757-899X (Online) (Published)
Siti Mazlifah, Ismail (2017) Biological treatment of acidic palm oil mill effluent (POME) by using soil mixed culture (SMC). Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, Thesis advisor: Zainol, Norazwina).
Siti Muslihah, Isnain (2017) Pertandingan pidato rebut Piala Pengetua Kolej Kediaman 1. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Siti Nadirah, Omar (2017) Development of rainfall temporal pattern in Kuantan River Basin. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Siti Nasiroh, Ismail and Nina Suhaity, Azmi and Makky, Essam A. (2017) Auto aggregation activity and antibiotic susceptibility as a potential probiotic properties of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) isolated from Malaysian fermented foods. In: AIMC 2017 Asia International Miltidisciplinary Conference , 1-2 May 2017 , Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bharu, Malaysia. pp. 1-9.. (Published)
Siti Nazila, Mohammad Udin (2017) Mechanical properties of concrete containing sawdust as partial sand replacement. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Siti Nazira, Hazudin (2017) Kongres Ketua Pentadbir Hal Ehwal Islam. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Siti Nazira, Hazudin (2017) UMP memasyarakatkan teknologi bersama masyarakat orang Asli. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Siti Noorul Aina, Ab Rahim and Sarani, Zakaria and Sharifah Nabihah, Syed Jaafar and Chin, Hua Chia and Rasidi, Roslan and Hatika, Kaco and Sinyee, Gan (2017) As-spun Bio-novolac Fibre Morphological Study based on Resin’s Physico-chemical Properties. Sains Malaysiana, 46 (9). pp. 1659-1665. ISSN 0126-6039. (Published)
Siti Nor Aishah, Yusoff and Ng, Yik Ru and Noor Ida Amalina, Ahamad Nordin (2017) Characteristics of alkaline treated fiberpolypropylene biocomposite. In: Wood and Biofiber International Conference (WOBIC 2017) , 21-23 November 2017 , Bandar Baru Bangi. . (Published)
Siti Nor Aisyah, Burhanudin and Amir Izzani, Mohamed and Zainor Afezi, Zainal Abidin and Mohd Shawal, Jadin (2017) Development of Parabolic Concentrator-Based Thermoelectric Generator. In: 4th IET Clean Energy and Technology Conference (CEAT 2016) , 14-15 November 2016 , Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. pp. 83-88.. ISBN 978-1-78561-238-1 (Published)
Siti Nor Amira, Rosli (2017) Isolation of solubilizing microorganisms from landfill soil. Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Siti Nor Hidayah, Nordin (2017) Risk management of musculoskeletal disorders and ergonomic risk factors in bakery manufacturing industry. Faculty of Engineering Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Siti Nor Izzati, Mat Yaacob (2017) Heat exposure and its health effects among construction site workers. Faculty of Engineering Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Siti Nor Suraya, Zulaini (2017) Pedestrian facilities for elderly people at UTC area, Kuantan. Faculty of Engineering Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Siti Noraini, Abdul Malek (2017) Case on How to Improve of Supply Chain Productivity. In: Collection of Teaching Cases for Business Administration Studies. Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang, pp. 11-17. ISBN 978-967-2054-50-4
Siti Norazila, Zahari (2017) Investigation of dynamics properties of dissimilar materials produced by friction stir welding. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Siti Norazila, Zahari and M. S. M., Sani (2017) Investigation on impact hammer testing with different types of hammer tip for welded thin plate. Advanced Science Letters, 23 (11). pp. 11325-11329. ISSN 1936-6612. (Published)
Siti Norazila, Zahari and M. S. M., Sani and M., Ishak (2017) Finite Element Modelling and Updating of Friction Stir Welding (FSW) Joint for Vibration Analysis. In: MATEC Web of Conferences: The 2nd International Conference on Automotive Innovation and Green Vehicle (AiGEV 2016) , 2-3 August 2016 , Malaysia Automotive Institute, Cyberjaya, Selangor. pp. 1-11., 90 (01021). ISSN 2261-236X (Published)
Siti Norazimah, Mohamad Aziz and Mimi Sakinah, A. M. (2017) Mathematical Modelling Of Backward Extraction Mixed Reverse Micelle Of Amoxicillin By Surface Response Methodology (RSM). Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology (JCEIB), 2. pp. 47-58. ISSN 0126-8139. (Published)
Siti Norhafiza, Mohd Khazaai and Gaanty Pragas, Maniam and Mohd Hasbi, Ab. Rahim and M. M., Yusoff and Matsumura, Yukihiko (2017) Review on Methyl Ester Production from Inedible Rubber Seed Oil under Various Catalysts. Industrial Crops and Products, 97. pp. 191-195. ISSN 0926-6690. (Published)
Siti Norhana, Selamat and Nik Hisyamudin, Muhd Nor and Muhammad Hanif, Abdul Rashid and Mohd Fauzi, Ahmad and Fariza, Mohamad and Al Emran, Ismail and Mohd Fahrul, Hassan and Faiz, Mohd Turan and Zamzuri, Hamedon and Elmi, Abu Bakar and Seiji, Yokoyama (2017) Review of CO2 Reduction Technologies using Mineral Carbonation of Iron and Steel Making Slag in Malaysia. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, International Conference on Materials Physics and Mechanics 2017 , 23 July 2017 , Langkawi, Malaysia. pp. 1-14., 914 (012012). ISSN 1742-6596 (Published)
Siti Norhanani, Saari (2017) Cutting orientations of non-complex part in 4th axis CNC machining for rapid manufacturing process. Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Siti Norizat, Shikh Abdul Jalil (2017) Kerjasama jual produk dihasilkan banduan. Utusan Malaysia . p. 26.
Siti Norizat, Shikh Abdul Jalil (2017) Pelajar UMP berbakti di Satun. Utusan Malaysia . p. 30.
Siti Norizat, Shikh Abdul Jalil (2017) Penuntut UMP menang perak. Utusan Malaysia . p. 30.
Siti Norizat, Shikh Abdul Jalil (2017) UMP raih tempat ke-58 dunia kelestarian kampus. Utusan Malaysia . p. 26.
Siti Normaziah, Ihsan and Tuty Asmawaty, Abdul Kadir (2017) A serious games development framework through application of software development life cycle model. In: The 5th International Conference on Software Engineering & Computer System ( ICSECS' 17) , 22-24 November 2017 , Adya Hotel, Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia. p. 43.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Siti Normunira, Ramli and Syed Mohd Saufi, Tuan Chik and Mazrul Nizam, Abu Seman and Hafizuddin, Wan Yussof and Abdul Wahab, Mohammad (2017) Effects of Polyethersulfone Membrane Substrate on the Separation Performance of Thin Film Composite Membrane in Biorefinery. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 56. pp. 1033-1038. ISSN 2283-9216. (Published)
Siti Nudra Shafinie, Ab Aziz (2017) Development of solar still for water purification and its performance analysis. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Siti Nudra Shafinie, Abdul Aziz and Omar, El-Hadad and Syarifah, Abd Rahim and Chew, Few Ne (2017) Solar Still; Unrevealed Facts And Reasons Causing Its Low Productivity. Journal of Engineering Research, 5 (1). pp. 181-199. ISSN 2307-1877(print); 2307-1885(online). (Published)
Siti Nur Liyana, Sheikh Roslan (2017) Vehicle growth trends in Universiti Malaysia Pahang Gambang and Pekan campus. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Siti Nur Sakinah, Jamaludin and Shahnor, Basri and Faizal, Mustapha and Nuruzzaman, D. M. and Muhammad Ihsan, Abdul Latiff and Noor Mazni, Ismail (2017) Phase Contamination Characterization of Stepwise-built Functionally Graded Hydroxyapatite/Titanium (HA/Ti) Sintered under Various Atmospheres. In: 5th International Conference on Engineering and Innovative Materials, ICEIM 2016 , 10 - 12 September 2016 , Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. pp. 90-96., 889. ISSN 0255-5476 (Published)
Siti Nur Syafiqah, Mohd Sa'don (2017) Barriers in the implementation of IBS formwork in Malaysian construction industry. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Siti Nursyahirah, Ahmad Latfi and Fahmi, Samsuri (2017) Simulation of electric fields for the development of biochip for the purpose of manipulating biological cells. In: 6th IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing and Engineering (ICCSCE 2016) , 25-27 November 2016 , PARK ROYAL Penang Resort, Penang; Malaysia. pp. 79-84.. ISBN 978-150901178-0 (Published)
Siti Nursyuhada, Mahsahirun (2017) Development of S-PWM voltage source inverter for induction motor drives. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Siti Nurul Najiah, Abd Rasid (2017) Phytosterol esters formation from cocoa shell waste and jatropha seeds oil (CSW-TJO). Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Siti Rabeah, Othman and Nordin, Yahaya and Norhazilan, Md Noor and Lim, Kar Sing and Zardasti, Libriati and Ahmad Safuan, A. Rashid (2017) Modeling of External Metal Loss for Corroded Buried Pipeline. Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 139 (3). 031702. ISSN 0094-9930 (print); 1528-8978 (online). (Published)
Siti Rabiatull Aisha, Idris and M., Ishak and Aiman, Mohd Halil (2017) BMM1533 workbook: strength of materials 1. Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang. ISBN 976-967-2054-56-6
Siti Rabiatull Aisha, Idris and M., Ishak and Luqman Hakim, Ahmad Shah (2017) The Effect of ER4043 and ER5356 Filler Metal on Welded Al 7075 by Metal Inert Gas Welding. In: High Performance and Optimum Design of Structures and Materials II. WIT Transactions on The Built Environment, UK, pp. 213-224. ISBN 978-1-78466-143-4
Siti Rabiatull Aisha, Idris and Nadhrah, Murad and M., Ishak (2017) Effects of Cooling Rates on Microstructure, Wettability and Strength of Sn3.8Ag0.7Cu Solder Alloy. Procedia Engineering, 184. pp. 266-273. ISSN 1877-7058. (Published)
Siti Rahimah, Jumaat and Saiful Nizam, Tajuddin and Runglawan, Sudmoon and Arunrat, Chaveerach and Ummi Hani, Abdullah and Rozi, Mohamed (2017) Chemical Constituents and Toxicity Screening of Three Aromatic Plant Species from Peninsular Malaysia. BioResources, 12 (3). pp. 5878-5896. ISSN 1930-2126 (print); 1930-2126 (online). (Published)
Siti Raishan, Mohd Rashid and Nur Hazirah Huda, Mohd Harun and Suriyati, Saleh and Noor Asma Fazli, Abdul Samad (2017) Modelling anhydrous weight loss of torrefied wood sawdust. Energy Procedia, 138. pp. 319-324. ISSN 1876-6102 . (Published)
Siti Robiah, Arshad (2017) A study on comparison between substitution of low density polyethylene/plastic mix and ordinary mixes with various percentages of bitumen. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Siti Rohaida, Mohamed (2017) Mechanical and biocompatibility analyses of metabiomaterials cobalt chrome molybdenum manufactured by selective laser melting for load bearing implant. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, Thesis advisor: Saiful Anwar, Che Ghani).
Siti Roslindar, Yaziz and Roslinazairimah, Zakaria and Maizah Hura, Ahmad (2017) Determination of Sample Size for Higher Volatile Data Using New Framework of Box-Jenkins Model With GARCH: A Case Study on Gold Price. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1st International Conference on Applied & Industrial Mathematics and Statistics 2017 (ICoAIMS 2017) , 8-10 August 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-6., 890 (012161). ISSN 1742-6588 (print); 1742-6596 (online) (Published)
Siti Roslindar, Yaziz and Roslinazairimah, Zakaria and Maizah Hura, Ahmad (2017) Determination of sample size for higher volatile data using new framework of hybrid Box-Jenkins - GARCH: a case study on gold price. In: 1st International Conference On Applied & Industrial Mathematics And Statistics 2017 (ICOAIMS 2017) , 8-10 Aug 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang. pp. 1-7.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Siti Sabrina, Mohd Sukri and Mimi Sakinah, A. M. (2017) Combination of Entrapment and Covalent Binding Techniques for Xylanase Immobilisation on Alginate Beads: Screening Process Parameters. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 56. pp. 169-174. ISSN 2283-9216. (Published)
Siti Sabrina, Mohd Sukri and Mimi Sakinah, A. M. (2017) Effects of Support Matrix for Xylanase Immobilisation on Alginate Hydrogel Beads. International Journal of Engineering Technology And Sciences (IJETS), 7 (1). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2289-697X. (Published)
Siti Sabrina, Mohd Sukri and Mimi Sakinah, A. M. (2017) Effects of Support Matrix for Xylanase Immobilisationon Alginate Hydrogel Beads. International Journal of Engineering Technology And Sciences (IJETS), 7 (1). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2289-697X. (Published)
Siti Sabrina, Mohd Sukri and Mimi Sakinah, A. M. (2017) Production of High Commercial Value Xylooligosaccharides from Meranti Wood Sawdust Using Immobilised Xylanase. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. pp. 1-13. ISSN 1559-0291. (In Press / Online First) (In Press / Online First)
Siti Safiah, Mohamed Ramli (2017) Alumni UMP kumpul dana hulur sumbangan buat asnaf dan fakir miskin. UMP News .
Siti Safiah, Mohamed Ramli (2017) Explore Kapit memasyarakatkan teknologi. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) 17 UMP Graduates are ECRL Trainees. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) 44 bicycles for Orang Asli Kids. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) Acknowledgment of excellence. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) Aina is Srikandi Matahari. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) Anak pasangan tukang jahit terima anugerah emas. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) Books donation program. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) Bowling Tourney to tighten the ties between UMP and Media. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) Celebrates Ramadan with UMP, PERAMAH and community of Pekan. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) Ceramah Syria bergolak tanda hari kiamat. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) Conflict in Syria, a sign of the judgment day. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) Convocation bound. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) Cross-Cultural experience in UMP International Fiesta 2017. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) Facelift UMP baik pulih rumah semarak aktiviti kemasyarakatan. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) Fahmi timba pengalaman di China. UMP News .
Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) Festival Glimpse of Cultures pamer persembahan kebudayaan. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) Four graduates received VDI Karlsruhe Dual Degree Excellence Award. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) Ghani Format Learning Method (GFLM) helps memorizing difficult facts. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) Larian belon memeriahkan Sambutan Hari Jantung Sedunia. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) Mutiara Mahkota Launched. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) Nurnajat won the first ever PUSPANITA Community Care Award. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) Paddle boats to boost edu-tourism. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) Perpustakaan Digital UMP operasi 24 jam. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) Persatuan Bahasa Mandarin sumbang buku. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) Program PIMPIN manfaatkan warga UMP dan masyarakat setempat. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) Projek Kongsi Rezeki bantu mahasiswa menjelang musim peperiksaan. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) Run for your heart. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) SKY RUN kumpul dana penganjuran Kejohanan UMP Badminton Open 2017. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) Sambutan Hari Malaysia Peringkat Negeri Pahang meriah. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) Sambutan Hari Wanita Sedunia peringkat UMP meriah. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) Santai Seni Warisan meriah buka tirai Expokonvo UMP. UMP News .
Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) Sharing the joy celebrating Eid Ul Ftri. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) Special Award for Mandarin For All. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) Two daughters of a lorry driver shared the convocation stage. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) UMP Green Earth Mobility with West Java Community. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) UMP Ink Seven MoU with strategic partner for the betterment of the community. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) UMP Students represent Asia-Pacific in the Falling Wall Labs Competition in Berlin Germany. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) UMP and BH to support continuous education. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) UMP hosted Public Universities Registrar Committee Meeting. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) UMP hulur sumbangan kelengkapan sekolah keluarga asnaf dan anak yatim. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) UMP pacu pembelajaran digital suntik minat pelajar dalam STEM. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) UMP to host SUKUM 2018. UMP News .
Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) UMP to restore Terenang Ceramic, the heritage of Pahang. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) Unforgettable experience in China. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) Warga UMP semarakkan Ramadan dengan penghayatan Al-Quran. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) 'We Rise by Lifting Others' Asean Mobility Programme. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) Wong Wei Pin terima anugerah emas UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) Young Researchers Workshop on River Management. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) A helping hand for Tuaran. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Siti Sarah, Mohamad Rajimi (2017) oBike offers bicycle sharing services for UMPians. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Siti Sofiah, Mohd Radzi and Kamarul Hawari, Ghazali and Sabira, Khatun (2017) Contextual thermal face detection for fever mass screening. Advanced Science Letters, 23 (11). pp. 11330-11334. ISSN 1936-6612. (Published)
Siti Syafinah Amirah, Salleh (2017) Effective project management based on performance index. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Siti Syahirah , Suhaimi (2017) Menyanyi sebagai terapi bukan sekadar hobi. Berita Harian . p. 13.
Siti Zabedah, Saidin and Hasnah, Haron (2017) Corporate Integrity Disclosure in the Annual Report: A Study on Malaysian Federal Statutory Bodies. In: Proceedings of the FGIC 1st Conference on Governance & Integrity , 3-4 April 2017 , Yayasan Pahang, Kuantan, Malaysia. pp. 1-14.. ISBN 978-967-2054-37-5 (Published)
Siti Zabedah, Saidin and Hasnah, Haron (2017) Voluntary Disclosure of Corporate Integrity In the Annual Report of the Malaysian Federal Statutory Bodies. Journal of Governance & Integrity, 1 (1). pp. 54-66. ISSN 2600-7479. (Published)
Siti Zanariah, Satari (2017) Data collection & analysis (Engineering). Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang. ISBN 978-967-2054-05-4
Siti Zanariah, Satari and Noryanti, Muhammad and Siti Roslindar, Yaziz and Nor Hafizah, Moslim and Roslinazairimah, Zakaria and Siti Maznah, Kabeb (2017) Applied Statistics Module, Version 2: Science, Engineering, Technology. Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang. ISBN 978-967-0691-64-0
Siti Zanariah, Satari and Nur Faraidah, Muhammad Di and Roslinazairimah, Zakaria (2017) The Multiple Outliers Detection using Agglomerative Hierarchical Methods in Circular Regression Model. Journal of Physics: Conference series, 890 (012152). pp. 1-5. ISSN 1742-6588 (print); 1742-6596 (online). (Published)
Siti Zubaidah, Sulaiman and R. M., Kasmani and A., Mustafa and Siti Kholijah, Abdul Mudalip and Rohaida, Che Man and Shalyda, Md Shaarani and Zatul Iffah, Mohd Arshad and N. S., Noor Azmi and N. A. M., Harinder Khan (2017) Effect of pipe size on acetylene flame propagation in a closed straight pipe. Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences (JMES), 11 (4). pp. 3095-3103. ISSN 2289-4659 (print); 2231-8380 (online). (Published)
Siti Zulaikha, Md Jamil (2017) New hybrid biopolymer based on CMC/kappa-carrageenan for application as electrolyte system. Faculty of Industrial Sciences and Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Sofian, Azizul Helmi (2017) Corrosion protection of zinc coating on steels. , [Research Report] (Unpublished)
Sofian, Azizul Helmi (2017) Development of galvanic coating (ZINC) for application in mils steel upon corrosive environment. , [Research Report] (Unpublished)
Sofian, Azizul Helmi (2017) Development of test equipment to study life, friction and wear performance for polymer gears in automotive applications. , [Research Report] (Unpublished)
Soh, Jiah Chee (2017) Ethylene production from ethanol dehydration over non- modified and phosphorus modified zeolite Y. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Soh, Jiah Chee and Chong, Soo Ling and Chin, S. Y. and Cheng, C. K. (2017) Catalytic Performance of Commercial Zeolites Y as Catalyst for Ethylene Production from Ethanol Dehydration. Malaysian Journal of Catalysis, 2. pp. 1-7. ISSN 0128-2581. (Published)
Solahuddin, Azuwa (2017) The effect of shredded paper as partial sand replacement on properties of cement sand brick. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Soleh, Ardiansyah and Mazlina, Abdul Majid and Jasni, Mohamad Zain (2017) Knowledge of extraction from trained neural network by using decision tree. In: 2nd International Conference on Science in Information Technology (ICSITech 2016) , 26-27 October 2016 , Balikpapan, Indonesia. pp. 220-225.. ISBN 978-1-5090-1721-8 (Published)
Soni, Ruma Arora and K., Sudhakar and Rana, R. S. (2017) Spirulina - From growth to nutritional product: A review. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 69 (Pt. A). pp. 157-171. ISSN 0924-2244. (Published)
Sook, Fun Pang and Mei, Zhu Lau and M. M., Yusoff and Jolius, Gimbun (2017) Microwave-Irradiation Induced Fast Simultaneous Extraction of Methoxylated and Hydroxylated Phenolic Compounds from Orthosiphon stamineus Leaves. Materials Science Forum, 890. pp. 155-158. ISSN 0255-5476. (Published)
Soon-Yew, Ju and Diyana, Kamarudin and Ramayah, Thurasamy and Noor Azlinna, Azizan (2017) Employees’ organizational citizenship behaviour toward the environment in response to environmental management practices: A proposed mediation models. In: Proceedings of 2nd Business Management and Computing Research Colloquium (BMCRC 2017) , 27 July 2017 , Universiti Teknologi MARA, Raub Campus, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 169-172.. ISBN 978-967-14020-1-6 (Published)
Soong, Hui Ying (2017) Feasibility study on reusing Sewerage Treatment Plant (STP) effluent in aquaponics system. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Sorooshian, Shahryar (2017) Adaptation of a Business Performance Measurement System for Malaysian Smaller Enterprises. Quality - Access to Success, 18 (157). pp. 124-131. ISSN 1582-2559. (Published)
Sorooshian, Shahryar (2017) Author’s Index. KOME - An International Journal of Pure Communication Inquiry, 5 (2). pp. 71-72. ISSN 2063-7330. (Published)
Sorooshian, Shahryar (2017) Author’s Index; a new tool to compare scholars. In: International Symposium & Exhibition on Business and Accounting 2017 (ISEBA 2017) , 1 March 2017 , Muadzam, Pahang. p. 1.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Sorooshian, Shahryar (2017) Business Ethics for Mobile Network Operators. Science and Engineering Ethics. pp. 1-2. ISSN 1353-3452 (Print); 1471-5546 (Online). (Published)
Sorooshian, Shahryar (2017) Collection of Teaching Cases for Business Administration Studies. Penerbit Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Kuantan. ISBN 978-967-2054-50-4
Sorooshian, Shahryar (2017) Conference Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing. Science and Engineering Ethics, 23 (6). pp. 1805-1806. ISSN 1353-3452 (Print); 1471-5546 (Online). (Published)
Sorooshian, Shahryar (2017) E4SE; Formula Of Business Success. In: International Symposium & Exhibition on Business and Accounting 2017 (ISEBA 2017) , 1 March 2017 , Muadzam, Pahang. . (Published)
Sorooshian, Shahryar (2017) Fake Graduates. Science and Engineering Ethics, 23 (3). pp. 941-942. ISSN 1353-3452 (Print); 1471-5546 (Online). (Published)
Sorooshian, Shahryar (2017) Peer Review Art. Italian Journal of Medicine, 11 (4). pp. 424-425. ISSN 1877-9352. (Published)
Sorooshian, Shahryar (2017) Scholarly Black Market. Science and Engineering Ethics, 23 (2). pp. 623-624. ISSN 1353-3452 (Print); 1471-5546 (Online). (Published)
Sorooshian, Shahryar and Ahmad Suffian, Nursofea Iman (2017) Small and Medium Enterprises’ Risk Modeling. International Review of Management and Marketing, 7 (2). pp. 197-201. ISSN 2146-4405. (Published)
Sorooshian, Shahryar and Ali Khan, Muhammad Waris and Senthil Kumar, T. and Hasahudin, Hassan and Ida Rizyani, Tahir and Farrah Hayaty, Baharundin (2017) Industrial Management Tribune (1). Industrial Management Tribune, 2017 (1). pp. 1-19. ISSN 0127-8215
Sorooshian, Shahryar and Amira, Mohd Mustafa (2017) A Business Destiny Forecast Model. Quality - Access to Success, 18 (160). pp. 150-155. ISSN 1582-2559. (Published)
Sorooshian, Shahryar and Senthil Kumar, T. and M., Waris (2017) Industrial Management Tribun 2017 (II). Industrial Management Tribune, 17 (2). pp. 1-18. ISSN 0127-8215
Sorooshian, Shahryar and Siti Aissah, Mad Ali (2017) Lean Practices Pertaining Hard and Soft Factors in Service Sectors. Quality - Access to Success, 18 (161). pp. 80-86. ISSN 1582-2559. (Published)
Sorooshian, Shahryar and Tan, Ai Fen (2017) Applicability of Manufacturing Lean Tools in Service Operations. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), 8 (7). pp. 53-60. ISSN 0976-6340. (Published)
Sorooshian, Shahryar and Yahaghi, Javad (2017) University Budget Versus Students. Maejo International Journal of Science and Technology , 11 (1). ii-iii. ISSN 1905-7873. (Published)
Sorooshian, Shahryar and Ze En, Ler and Mohd Ghazali, Maarof and Adeleke, A. Q. (2017) Lean Tools Application Failure. International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research, 15 (18). pp. 425-443. ISSN 0972-7302. (Published)
Sorooshian, Shahryar (2017) Structural Equation Modeling Algorithm and Its Application in Business Analytics. In: Organizational Productivity and Performance Measurements Using Predictive Modeling and Analytics (Advances in Business Information Systems). IGI Global, Pennsylvania (USA), pp. 17-39. ISBN 9781522506546
Srimathan, Rajah Muniandy (2017) Factorial analysis of biobutanol production from oil palm frond juice. Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Subramaniam, Bawani and Sorooshian, Shahryar (2017) Case on System Performance Improvement. In: Collection of Teaching Cases for Business Administration Studies. Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang, pp. 2-5. ISBN 978-967-2054-50-4
Sugandha, Chahal and Fathima Shahitha, Jahir Hussain and Mashitah, Mohd Yusoff and Mohammad Syaiful Bahari, Abdull Rasad and Anuj, Kumar (2017) Nanohydroxyapatite-coated hydroxyethyl cellulose/poly (vinyl) alcohol electrospun scaffolds and their cellular response. International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials, 66 (3). 115 -122. ISSN 0091-4037(Print); 1563-535X(Online). (Published)
Sugoro Bhakti , Sutono and Salwa Hanim, Abdul-Rashid and Zahari, Taha (2017) Integration of Grey-Based Taguchi Method and Principal Component Analysis for Multi-Response Decision-Making in Kansei Engineering. European Journal of Industrial Engineering, 11 (2). pp. 205-227. ISSN 1751-5254 (Print); 1751-5262 (Online). (Published)
Suhail Najm, Shahab and Ayib Rosdi, Zainun and Nurul Hazlina, Noordin and Izzeldin, I. Mohd and Essa Ibrahim, Essa and A. Omar, Khaldoon (2017) MVDR beamformer model for array response vector mismatch reduction. In: Communication, Management and Information Technology. CRC Press, Leiden, The Netherlands, pp. 131-138. ISBN 978-1-315-37508-3 (online); 9781138029729 (printed)
Suhaimi, Mohd Daud and M. S., Najib and Nurdiyana, Zahed and Mohd Falfazli, Mat Jusof and Muhammad Firdaus, Che Jusoh@Yusoff and Muhammad Izzat Izzuddin Nai’mullah, Hassim (2017) Classification of Lubricant Oil Adulteration Level using Case-Based Reasoning. Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, 9 (4S). pp. 256-275. ISSN 1112-9867. (Published)
Suhana, Mohd Nor (2017) Penjenamaan pentadbir sebagai pengurus UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Sui, Hai Juan (2017) Impacts of knowledge sharing and knowledge creation on employee engagement - case studies of Malaysian universities. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Sui, Hai Juan and Liu, Yao (2017) Considering University Governance: A Preliminary Investigation of Employee Engagement in Higher Educational Institutions in Malaysia. In: Proceedings of the FGIC 1st Conference on Governance & Integrity , 3-4 April 2017 , Yayasan Pahang, Kuantan, Malaysia. pp. 224-232.. ISBN 978-967-2054-37-5 (Published)
Sujak, Sehnaz and Zainatul Bahiyah , Handani and Sharifah Rafidah, Wan Alwi and Zainuddin, Abdul Manan and Haslenda, Hashim and Lim, Jeng Shiun (2017) A Holistic Approach for Design of Cost-Optimal Water Networks. Journal of Cleaner Production, 146. pp. 194-207. ISSN 0959-6526(print); 1879-1786(online). (Published)
Sukadarin, Ezrin Hani and Aziz, Hanida Abdul and Zakaria, Junaidah and Joharizal, Johari and Mimi Nabila, Mohd Noordin and Mohamad Hafizi, Che Mat and Mohd Shamsul Azmi, Samsudin and Mohd Fauzan, Mohd and Nur Fazrina, Mohd Salleh (2017) Occupational safety and health risk management in pineapple plantation. , [Research Report] (Unpublished)
Sukumaran, Sreenath and Sudhakar, K. (2017) Fully Solar Powered Airport: A Case Study of Cochin International Airport. Journal of Air Transport Management, 62. pp. 176-188. ISSN 0969-6997. (Published)
Sukumaran, Sreenath and Sudhakar, K. (2017) Fully Solar Powered Raja Bhoj International Airport: A Feasibility Study. Resource-Efficient Technologies, 3. pp. 306-316. ISSN 2405-6537. (Published)
Sulaiman, Mohd Herwan (2017) Study of nature inspired computing (NIC) technique for optimal reactive power dispatch problems. , [Research Report] (Unpublished)
Sultana, Sharmin and Norazaliza, Jamil and Saleh, E. A. M. and Yousuf, Abu and C. K. M., Faizal (2017) A Mathematical Model for Ethanol Fermentation From Oil Palm Trunk Sap Using Saccharomyces Cerevisiae. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1st International Conference on Applied & Industrial Mathematics and Statistics 2017 (ICoAIMS 2017) , 8-10 August 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-7., 890 (012050). ISSN 1742-6596 (Published)
Sumaiya, Zainal Abidin and Nursofia, Mohd Yunus and Siti Amirah, Abdul Ghani and Nurul Asmawati, Roslan and Chin, S. Y. (2017) Studies on free fatty acid esterification of used cooking oil: investigation on the performance of sulphonated cation exchange resins. Biofuels. pp. 1-16. ISSN 1759-7269(Print); 1759-7277(Online). (In Press / Online First) (In Press / Online First)
Sumaiya, Zainal Abidin and Nurul Aini, Razali and Rohaida, Che Man and Nurul Sa'aadah, Sulaiman and Hamidah, Abdullah (2017) FKKSA undergraduate research project module. Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang. ISBN 978-967-2054-63-4
Sumaiya, Zainal Abidin and Nurul Aini, Razali and Rohaida, Che Man and Nurul Sa'aadah, Sulaiman and Hamidah, Abdullah and Rozaimi, Abu Samah and Norazwina, Zainol (2017) FKKSA undergraduate research project writing guidelines. Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang. ISBN 978-967-2054-64-1
Sunarti, Abd Rahman and Raj, Roshan and Sureena, Abdullah and Siti Noraishah, Ismail and Wan Zulaisa Amira, Wan Jusoh (2017) Methane Purification Using PVC Membrane: Preparation, Characterization and Performance Study. Invention Journal of Research Technology in Engineering & Management, 1 (12). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2455-3689. (Published)
Sunarti, Abd Rahman and Rashid, Khalid T. and Alsalhy, Qusay (2017) Improvement of PVDF-co-HFP Hollow Fiber Membranes for Direct Contact Membrane Distillation Applications. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 10 (7). pp. 1-5. ISSN 0974-6846 (Print); 0974-5645 (Online). (Published)
Suriani, Husaini and Mazrul Nizam, Abu Seman (2017) Performance of Layer-By-Layer (LbL) Polyelectrolyte Forward Osmosis Membrane for Humic Acid Removal and Reverse Solute Diffusion. Chemical Engineering Research Bulletin, 19. pp. 75-79. ISSN 0379-7678 (Print); 2072-9510 (Online). (Published)
Suriati, Ghazali and Najahusna, Adnan (2017) Effect of Foaming Agent on the Properties of Superporous Hydrogels Prepared via Solution Polymerization Method. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 10 (6). pp. 1-6. ISSN 0974-6846 (Print); 0974-5645 (Online). (Published)
Suriati, Ghazali and Saidatul Shima, Jamari and N., Noordin and Tan, K. M. (2017) Properties of Controlled-Release-Water-Retention Fertilizer Coated with Carbonaceous-g-Poly(acrylic acid-co acrylamide)Superabsorbent Polymer. International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications (IJCEA), 8 (2). pp. 141-147. ISSN 2010-0221. (Published)
Suryanti, Awang and Junaida, Sulaiman and Noorhuzaimi@Karimah, Mohd Noor and Bayuaji, Luhur (2017) Comparison of accuracy performance based on normalization techniques for the features fusion of face and online signature. Advanced Science Letters, 23 (11). pp. 11233-11236. ISSN 1936-6612. (Published)
Suryanti, Awang and Nik Mohamad Aizuddin, Nik Azmi (2017) Sparse-Filtered Convolutional Neural Networks with Layer-Skipping (SFCNNLS) for intra-class variation of vehicle type recognition. In: Deep Learning for Image Processing Applications. IOS Press, Amsterdam, Netherlands, pp. 194-217. ISBN 978-161499822-8, 978-161499821-1
Suryanti, Awang and Nik Mohamad Aizuddin, Nik Azmi (2017) Vehicle counting system based on vehicle type classification using deep learning method. In: 7th International Conference on IT Convergence and Security, ICITCS 2017 , 25-28 September 2017 , Seoul, South Korea. pp. 1-8., 449. ISSN 1876-1100 ISBN 978-981106450-0 (Published)
Sutjipto, A. G. E. and Asmara, Y. P. and Mohamad Ashry, Jusoh (2017) Behavior of MgO Based Ceramics under Electron Irradiation. In: Engineering Physics International Conference (EPIC 2016) , 7-10 September 2016 , Bandung, Indonesia. pp. 88-92., 170. ISSN 1877-7058 (Published)
Suziyana, Mat Dahan and Sha'ri, Mohd Yusof and Mohd Yusof, Taib (2017) Performance measure of eco-process innovation: Insights from a literature review. In: UTP-UMP Symposium on Energy Systems, SES 2017 , 26-27 September , Perak, Malaysia. pp. 1-13., 131. ISSN 2261236X (Published)
Swati, Sharma and Gupta, Arun and Syed Mohd Saufi, Tuan Chik and Chua, Gek Kee and Praddep, Kumar Podder and Malini, Subramaniam and Jayshree, Thraisingam (2017) Study of Different Treatment Methods on Chicken Feather Biomass. IIUM Engineering Journal, 18 (2). pp. 47-55. ISSN 2289-7860. (Published)
Swee, Keong Yeap and Nadiah, Abu and Akhtar, Muhammad Nadeem and Wan, Yong Ho and Huynh, Ky and Sheau, Wei Tan and Noorjahan Banu, Alitheen and Tunku, Kamarul (2017) Gene Expression Analysis Reveals the Concurrent Activation of Proapoptotic and Antioxidant-Defensive Mechanisms in Flavokawain B-Treated Cervical Cancer HeLa Cells. Integrative Cancer Therapies, 16 (3). pp. 373-384. ISSN 1534-7354 (print); 1552-695X (online). (Published)
Syafiq Fauzi, Kamarulzaman (2017) Multi-task learning control system by compound function with application in goal and obstacle consideration. In: IEEE 4th International Symposium on Robotics and Intelligent Sensors (IRIS 2016) , 17-20 December 2016 , Tokyo, Japan. pp. 27-33.. ISBN 978-1-5090-6084-9 (Published)
Syafiqa Areesa, Zamri (2017) Performance of modified asphalt mixes by replacing crumb rubber as fine aggregates. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Syafiqah Syahirah, Ayub (2017) Investigation of explosion severity for methane/air in a closed vessel. Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Syafrizal, . and Nabsiah, Abdul Wahid and Ishak, Ismail (2017) Identifying the Antecedents for Relationship Quality Model and Its Outcomes for Priority Banking Customers in Indonesia. Asian Academy of Management Journal, 22 (1). pp. 131-150. ISSN 1394-2603 (print); 2180-4184 (online). (Published)
Syahida Nasuha, Bukhari and A. H. K., Owgi and N. Aini, Razali and Vo, Dai-Viet N. and Setiabudi, H. D. (2017) Enhanced Catalytic Performance Of Ni/Sba-15 Towards Co2 Methanation Via P123-Assisted Method. In: The 3rd International Conference on Green Chemical Engineering and Technology (3rd GCET) , 7-8 November 2017 , Melaka, Malaysia. p. 1.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Syahida Nasuha, Bukhari and Chin, S. Y. and Setiabudi, H. D. and Vo, Dai-Viet N. (2017) Tailoring the Properties and Catalytic Activities of Ni/SBA-15 via Different TEOS/P123 Mass Ratios for CO2 Reforming of CH4. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 5 (4). pp. 3122-3128. ISSN 2213-3437. (Published)
Syahrina, Ahmad and Jamilah Bebe, Mohamad and Jamal Rizal, Razali (2017) Alih dan campur kod dalam kalangan pelajar kejuruteraan di sebuah universiti awam. In: International Conference on the Teaching and Learning of Languages (ICTLL 2017) , 3-4 April 2017 , Kuching, Sarawak. pp. 1-2.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Syahrulanuar, Ngah and Rohani, Abu Bakar (2017) Sigmoid function implementation using the unequal segmentation of differential lookup table and second order nonlinear function. Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering, 9 (2-8). pp. 103-108. ISSN 2180-1843 (Print); 2289-8131 (Online). (Published)
Syaiful Azmirul, Mohd Rozlan and Izzuddin, Zaman and Bukhari, Manshoor and Amir, Khalid and Shiau, Wei Chan and M. S. M., Sani (2017) Theoretical Modelling of a Beam with Attached Spring-Mass-Damper System. In: MATEC Web of Conferences: The 2nd International Conference on Automotive Innovation and Green Vehicle (AiGEV 2016) , 2-3 August 2016 , Malaysia Automotive Institute, Cyberjaya, Selangor. pp. 1-9., 90 (01030). ISSN 2261-236X (Published)
Syaiful Azmirul, Mohd Rozlan and Izzuddin, Zaman and Chan, Shiau Wei and Bukhari, Manshoor and M. S. M., Sani and Amir, Khalid (2017) Study of a simply-supported beam with attached multiple vibration absorbers by using finite element analysis. Advanced Science Letters, 23 (5). pp. 3951-3954. ISSN 1936-6612. (Published)
Syakila Mohamad, Sodikin (2017) Study the microstructure and mechanical properties of nickel-aluminium intermetallic alloy. Faculty of Industrial Sciences and Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Syarifah, Abd Rahim and Nor Azila, Ramli (2017) Preliminary Study of Phytoremediation for Sulphide Treatment using Scirpus grossus. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 10 (6). pp. 1-4. ISSN 0974-6846(print); 0974-5645(online). (Published)
Syarifah, Abd Rahim and Suriati, Ghazali and Rohana, Abu and Ali, Eman N. (2017) Responsible Mining Towards The Sustainable and Mineral Resource Development: Education Perspective. Journal of Malaysian Critical Metals, 2. pp. 1-3. ISSN 0128-2557. (Published)
Syarifah Norsuhaila, Syed Mahmud and Mohamad Ashry, Jusoh and Kok, You Yeow and Fahmiruddin, Esa and Sutjipto, A. G. E. (2017) Complex Permittivity Determination of Glycerol Using Graphical and Numerical Technique. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 10 (11). pp. 172-179. ISSN 1991-8178. (Published)
Syarifah Norsuhaila, Syed Mahmud and Mohamad Ashry, Jusoh and S. E., Jasim (2017) A study on indispensable palm oil based polyurethane. International Journal of Science, Environment and Technology, 6 (6). pp. 3233-3239. ISSN 2277-663X (print); 2278-3687 (online). (Published)
Syarifah Nur Farhana, Said Mostafa (2017) Mechanical properties of adobe bricks using sawdust as partial sand replacement. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Syarifah Nursyarafina, Syed Hussein (2017) Owning and operating costs of passenger car in Malaysia. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Syazrie Adley, Nor Azman and Liu, Yao and Puteri Fadzline, Muhamad Tamyez (2017) Investigation of Technology Management Process Implementation in SMEs in Klang Valley. In: Proceedings of the FGIC 1st Conference on Governance & Integrity , 3-4 April 2017 , Yayasan Pahang, Kuantan, Malaysia. pp. 285-289.. ISBN 978-967-2054-37-5 (Published)
Syazwan, F. and Kavinjr, M. and Maghribi, S. and Ashraf, N. and H. A., Salaam and Shayfull, Z. and Mohd Rashidi, Maarof (2017) Effect of degassing addition on the solidification segregation of nickel aluminum bronze. In: AIP Conference Proceedings. AIP Conference Proceedings; 3rd Electronic and Green Materials International Conference 2017, EGM 2017 , 29 - 30 April 2017 , Hotel Ibis Styles, Aonang Krabi, Thailand. pp. 1-2., 1885 (020220). ISSN 0094-243X ISBN 9780735415652 (Published)
Syazwan, N. Moni and Edriyana, Abd Aziz and Marlinda, A. Malek (2017) Introduction of water footprint assessment approach to enhance water supply management in Malaysia. In: International Conference of Global Network for Innovative Technology and AWAM International Conference in Civil Engineering (IGNITE-AICCE'17) , 8-9 August 2017 , Penang, Malaysia. pp. 1-8., 1892. ISSN 0094243X ISBN 978-073541574-4 (Published)
Syazwan, Sukri (2017) Liquefaction risks on bulk cargoes carrying Bukit Goh bauxite in accordance International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes (IMSBC) code. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Syazwani, Mohd Zokri and Nur Syamilah, Arifin and Muhammad Khairul Anuar, Mohamed and Mohd Zuki, Salleh and Abdul Rahman, Mohd Kasim and Nurul Farahain, Mohammad (2017) Influence of radiation and viscous dissipation on magnetohydrodynamic Jeffrey fluid over a stretching sheet with convective boundary conditions. Malaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, 13 (3). pp. 279-284. ISSN 2289-5981. (Published)
Syed Mohamad Arzmierull, Syed Nasruddin (2017) Durability performance of ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) incorporating waste rubber powder. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Syed Mohd Saufi, Tuan Chik and Syamsul, Abdullah and Mazrul Nizam, Abu Seman and Malyanah, Mohd Taib (2017) Tetrabutylphosphonium trifluoroacetate ([p4444]cf3coo) thermo responsive ionic liquid as a draw solution for forward osmosis process. In: The 2nd International Conference On Separation Technology , 15-16 April 2017 , Pulai Spring, Johor Bahru. pp. 1-3.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Syeda Maria, Zaidi and Akbari, Abolghasem (2017) Urban Expansion Analysis Using Semi- Supervised Classification (SSIC) of Landsat-5 Image: A Case Study in Kuantan, Malaysia. In: 3rd International Congress on Technology - Engineering & Science (ICONTES) , 9-10 February 2017 , Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. pp. 1-6.. (Published)
Syeda Maria, Zaidi and Akbari, Abolghasem and Azizan, Abu Samah and Ngien, S. K. and Gisen, J. I. A. (2017) Landsat-5 Time Series Analysis for Land Use/Land Cover Change Detection Using NDVI and Semi-Supervised Classification Techniques. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 26 (6). pp. 2833-2840. ISSN 1230-1485. (Published)
Szeto, Yang Yang (2017) Wireless GSM haze monitoring system. Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
T., Mueller and S. A., Che Ghani and W. S., Wan Harun and A. H., Abdullah (2017) Optimization of small agarwood hydrodistillation systems: An analytical study to determine the required cooling water flow for optimal operation of an agarwood-hydrodistillation system. In: International Innovation Technology Exhibition & Conferences 2017 (iTec17) , 11 September 2017 , Kolej Kemahiran Tinggi MARA (KKTM), Kemaman, Terengganu. pp. 1-6.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
T., Senthil Kumar (2017) Case on “To buy, or not to Buy”. In: Collection of Teaching Cases for Business Administration Studies. Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang, pp. 38-43. ISBN 978-967-2054-50-4
T. A., Majid and A., Adnan and M. I., Adiyanto and M. Z., Ramli and T. C., Ghuan (2017) Preliminary Damage Assessment Due To 2015 Ranau Earthquake. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Geo-Environmental, Sp. (NCWE). pp. 49-54. ISSN 2180-2742. (Published)
T. J., Nabila and Siti Rabiatull Aisha, Idris and M., Ishak (2017) Optimization On Laser Soldering Parameters Onto Lead-Free Solder Joint. In: Joining and Welding Symposium (JWS2017) , 11 July 2017 , Universiti Malaysia Pahang. pp. 1-6., 238 (1). ISSN 17578981 (Published)
T. N. A., Tengku Sallehuddin and Mazrul Nizam, Abu Seman (2017) Modification of Thin Film Composite Nanofiltration Membrane using Silver Nanoparticles: Preparation, Characterization and Antibacterial Performance. Journal of Membrane Science & Research, 3 (1). pp. 29-35. (Published)
T.N., Alagesh (2017) UMP forging ahead. New Straits Times . p. 10.
T.N., Alagesh (2017) UMP to build eco-friendly mosque. New Straits Times . p. 24.
Taha, Muhammad and Sultan, Sadia and Mohamad, Azlan and Syed Adnan, Ali Shah and Jamil, Waqas and Swee, KeongYeap and Syahrul, Imran and Akhtar, Muhammad Nadeem and Seema, Zareen and Nor Hadiani, Ismail and Ali, Muhammad (2017) Synthesis of a Series of New 6-nitrobenzofuran-2-carbohydrazide Derivatives with Cytotoxic and Antioxidant Activity. New Horizons in Translational Medicine, 4 (1-4). pp. 23-30. ISSN 2307-5023. (Published)
Tai, Vallienetina Ejah @ Tai Siew Chin (2017) The mechanical properties of blended cement using microwaved sewage sludge (MSSA) and eggshell powder (ESP). Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Taj, Imtiaz Hassan and Fatimah, Ali and Sipra, Muhammad Aslam and Ahmad, Waqar (2017) Effect of Technology Enhanced Language Learning on Vocabulary Acquisition of EFL Learners. International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature, 6 (3). pp. 262-272. ISSN 2200-3592 (Print), 2200-3452 (Online) . (Published)
Tam, Weng Loong (2017) Geotechnical and morphological properties of row and prosessed Bukit Goh bauxite. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Tan, Darlene Tzet Lene (2017) Extraction of propolis by using water and evaluation by TLC, HPLC and UV VIS spectrophotometry. Faculty of Engineering Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Tan, Hon Seong (2017) Application of adaptive bats sonar algorithm to minimise car side impact design. Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Tan, Keen Hong (2017) Finite element analysis on reinforced concrete column with transverse openings. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Tan, Khye Fang and Chin, Siew Choo and Doh, Shu Ing and Jolius, Gimbun and Mohd Tamizi, Mustafa (2017) Potential Use of Bamboo Reinforced Concrete Beams towards Sustainable Construction. In: Civil Engineering and Urban Planning: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Civil Engineering and Urban Planning (CEUP2016) , 23-26 August 2016 , Xi'an, China. pp. 456-467.. ISBN 978-981-3225-22-0 (Published)
Tan, Kok Zhuan (2017) A study on the properties of oil palm mesocarp fiber-reinforced bioplastic. Faculty of Engineering Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Tan, Lit Ken and Ong, Sie Meng and Lee, Kee Quen and Gan, Yee Siang and Goh, Chien Yong and Tey, Wah Yen and Ngien, S. K. (2017) Principal Component Analysis on Meteorological Data in UTM KL. Progress in Energy and Environment, 1. pp. 40-46. ISSN 2600-7762. (Published)
Tan, Lit Ken and Ong, Sie Meng and Nor Azwadi, Che Sidik and Asako, Yutaka and Lee, Kee Quen and Gan, Yee Siang and Goh, Chien Yong and Tey, Wah Yen and Ngien, S. K. and Chuan, Zun Liang (2017) Forecasting Multivariate Time Series Meteorological Data for Solar Thermal Cogeneration Systems. In: Seoul International Conference on Applied Science and Engineering , 5-7 December 2017 , Seoul, Korea. pp. 69-83. (SICASE-0002). ISBN 978-986-89536-5-9 (Published)
Tan, Shu Mei (2017) Chemical and mechanical properties of coconut shell powder (csp) as partially replacement of fine aggregate in mortar. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Tan, Siew Leng (2017) Investigation on migration of LNAPL and DNAPL in different sand size layers. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Tan, Suat Hian (2017) Morphological and Biochemical Characteristics on Different Accession of Pegaga. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 10 (2). pp. 1-5. ISSN 0974-6846(print); 0974-5645(online). (Published)
Tan, Sze Pei and S. N., M. Saffe and Siti Aishah, Rusdan and Nurul Nadiah, Nor Hamran (2017) Oblique Impact on Crashworthiness: Review. International Journal of Engineering Technology And Sciences (IJETS), 8 (1). pp. 1-17. ISSN 2289-697X. (Published)
Tan, Wei Mong (2017) Application of 1-d analytical solution for salt intrusion investigation in the Kuantan estuary during low water. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Tan, Woei Liang (2017) Measuring urban traffic congestion on the effect of a newly developed commercial area at Taman Tas. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Tan, Woon Han (2017) Analysis on the effect of different X-bracing arrangements and locations on lateral drift of different storey steel frame buildings subjected to lateral forces using ANSYS. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Tan, Yee Siang (2017) Pick and place programmable logic controller system for hot press forming. Facuity of Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Tan, Yeong Yu and Doh, Shu Ing and Chin, Siew Choo (2017) The Effect of Different Curing Methods on the Compressive Strength of Eggshell Concrete. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 10 (6). pp. 1-4. ISSN 0974-6846(print); 0974-5645(online). (Published)
Tan, Yeong Yu and Doh, Shu Ing and Chin, Siew Choo and Muhammad Aizat, Azed (2017) Natural Lime Treated as Partial Cement Replacement to Produce Concrete. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 7 (5). pp. 1798-1804. ISSN 2088-5334. (Published)
Tanti, Ali and R. A., Bakar and Gan, Leong Ming and Zarina, Amat Jafar (2017) Investigation of Passenger Car using Macpherson Strut for Suspension System pt.1: Vehicle Behaviour Variation of Time Response. In: MATEC Web of Conferences: The 2nd International Conference on Automotive Innovation and Green Vehicle (AiGEV 2016) , 2-3 August 2016 , Malaysia Automotive Institute, Cyberjaya, Selangor. pp. 1-8., 90 (01072). ISSN 2261-236X (Published)
Tasriva, Sikandar and Kamarul Hawari, Ghazali and Izzeldin, I. Mohd and Rabbi, M. F. (2017) Skin Color Pixel Classification for Face Detection with Hijab and Niqab. In: Proceedings of 2017 International Conference on Imaging, Signal Processing and Communication , 26-28 July 2017 , Penang, Malaysia. pp. 1-4.. ISBN 978-1-4503-5289-5 (Published)
Tayan, Omar and Alginahi, Yasser M. and M. Nomani, Kabir and Al Binali, Abdullah M. (2017) Analysis of a Transportation System with Correlated Network Intersections: A Case Study for a Central Urban City With High Seasonal Fluctuation Trends. IEEE Access, 5. pp. 7619-7635. ISSN 2169-3536. (Published)
Teh, Chee Yee (2017) Enhancement of kaolinite using superabsorbent polymer (SAP) as earth grounding material. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Teixeira Da Silva, Jaime A. and Al-Khatib, Aceil and Sorooshian, Shahryar (2017) Cost-benefit Assessment of Congresses, Meetings or Symposia, and Selection Criteria to Determine if they are Predatory. Walailak Journal of Science and Technology , 14 (4). pp. 259-265. ISSN 2228-835X. (Published)
Tengku Hasanul, Firdaus (2017) Case on Delivery Performance Improvement. In: Collection of Teaching Cases for Business Administration Studies. Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang, pp. 6-10. ISBN 978-967-2054-50-4
Tengku Indok Munirah, Daeng Yacob (2017) Effect on various electrode materials in treating spent caustic wastewater using bioelectrochemical cell (BeCC). Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Tengku Intan Nabilah, Tenku Sulaiman and Nur Syazwani, Ahmad (2017) Factors that Influence Corporate Governance Failures in Malaysia. In: Proceedings of the FGIC 1st Conference on Governance & Integrity , 3-4 April 2017 , Yayasan Pahang, Kuantan, Malaysia. pp. 79-93.. ISBN 978-967-2054-37-5 (Published)
Tengku Khamanur Azma, Tg. Mohd Zamri (2017) Adsorption studies of dyeing natural dyes from local resources onto bamboo yarn. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, Thesis advisor: Zularisam, Abd Wahid).
Tengku Khamanur Azma, Tg. Mohd Zamri and Mimi Sakinah, A. M. and Zularisam, A. W. (2017) Adsorption and Kinetic Studies Of A Natural Dye from Curcuma longa L., Onto Bamboo Yarn. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology (JCEIB), 2. pp. 13-26. ISSN 0126-8139. (Published)
Tengku Khamanur Azma, Tg. Mohd Zamri and Mimi Sakinah, A. M. and Zularisam, A. W. (2017) Adsorption and Kinetic Studies of Dyeing Clitoria ternatea L. Natural Dye onto Bamboo Yarn. International Journal of Engineering Technology And Sciences (IJETS), 7 (1). pp. 1-16. ISSN 2289-697X. (Published)
Tengku Khamanur Azma, Tg. Mohd Zamri and Mimi Sakinah, A. M. and Zularisam, A. W. (2017) Regression Analysis for the Adsorption Isotherms of Natural Dyes onto Bamboo Yarn. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), 4 (6). pp. 1699-1703. ISSN 2395-0072 (Print); 2395-0056 (Online). (Published)
Tengku Nor Hidayati, Tengku Zainal Abidin (2017) Kaedah al-istibra haiwan akuatik menurut perspektif Islam dan sains akuakultur : pangasius sutchii. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, Thesis advisor: Hassan, Ahmad).
Teo, Lek Kuan (2017) The durability study of quarry dust as sand replacement in concrete. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Tevan, R. and Mugilan, Govindaraju and Saravanan, Jayakumar and Govindan, Natanamurugaraj and Mohd Hasbi, Ab. Rahim and Gaanty Pragas, Maniam and Ichwan, Solachuddin J. A. (2017) Antimicrobial activities of silver nanoparticles bio-synthesized from diatom Amphora sp. Journal of Engineering and Science Research, 1 (2). pp. 176-184. ISSN 2289-7127. (Published)
Tevan, R. and Saravanan, Jayakumar and Mohd Hasbi, Ab. Rahim and Gaanty Pragas, Maniam and Govindan, Natanamurugaraj (2017) The Effect of Iron (II) Chloride in Microalgae Cultivation for Bio-Oil Extraction. Journal of Engineering and Science Research, 1 (2). pp. 185-196. ISSN 2289-7127. (Published)
Tevan, R. and Saravanan, Jayakumar and Nor Haledah, Ahmad Sahimi and Nur Farah Ain, Iqbal and Iffah, Zapri and Natanamurugaraj, Govindan and Mohd Hasbi, Ab. Rahim and J. A. Ichwan, Solachuddin and Gaanty Pragas, Maniam (2017) Biosynthesis Of Silver Nanoparticles Using Marine Microalgae Isochrysis sp. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology (JCEIB), 2. pp. 1-12. ISSN 0126-8139. (Published)
Thakur, Sveta and Singh, Lakhveer and Zularisam, A. W. and Mimi Sakinah, A. M. and M. F. M., Din (2017) Lead Induced Oxidative Stress and Alteration in the Activities of Antioxidative Enzymes in Rice Shoots. Biologia Plantarum, 61 (3). pp. 595-598. ISSN 0006-3134 (Print); 1573-8264 (Online). (Published)
Thaneissha, Marimuthu (2017) Design and development of solar desalination plant. Faculty of Engineering Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Thaneissha, Marimuthu and Atnaw, Samson M. and Priyatharishini, Mardarveran and Sim, Shu Yi and Mazlin Azura, Usop and Muhammad Khairi, Md. Gapar and Siti Aishah, Rusdan and Roshahliza, M. Ramli and Shaharin, A. Sulaiman (2017) Design and Development of Solar Desalination Plant. In: MATEC Web of Conferences: UTP-UMP Symposium on Energy Systems (SES 2017) , 26-27 September 2017 , Perak, Malaysia. pp. 1-6., 131 (02004). ISSN 2261-236X (Published)
Thanoon, Raid D. and Rubaaini, Subramaniam and Mahmood, Mahmood H. and Munem, Osama A. and Makky, Essam A. and M. M., Yusoff (2017) Waste Management Biotechnology for Alkaline Protease Production and Optimization. In: Proceedings of the FGIC 1st Conference on Governance & Integrity , 3-4 April 2017 , Yayasan Pahang, Kuantan, Malaysia. pp. 308-322.. ISBN 978-967-2054-37-5 (Published)
Thanusha, Thanihaik Kumaar (2017) Study on thermodynamic properties of MTBE/alcohol binary mixtures using nonlinear models and molecular interaction using spectroscopic approach. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Tharushini, Thiagarajan (2017) Influencing factor of crushable sand soil on liquefaction. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Then, Kang Jin (2017) Skid resistance performance enhancement using different macrotexture parameters in chip seal. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Thor, Kait Wei (2017) Physicochemical properties changes on palm oil waste torrefaction : effect of temperature and residence time. Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Thulashi, Murugayah (2017) Cabaran Titan uji ketangkasan mahasiswa UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Thulashi, Murugayah (2017) Car Boot Sale open up 2017 Career Fair. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Thulashi, Murugayah (2017) Program jualan buka tirai mempromosikan karnival kerjaya 2017. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Thum, Wei Seong and M. Z., Ibrahim and Nurul Wahidah, Arshad and D.J., Mulvaney (2017) Result comparison of model validation techniques on audio-visual speech recognition. In: IT Convergence and Security 2017. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 449 . Springer, Singapore, Berlin, Germany, pp. 1-8. ISBN 978-981-10-6450-0 (Print); 978-981-10-6451-7 (online)
Thye Mei Chin, Thye Ah Chai (2017) The potential of food waste as an energy source. Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Ting, Qiang Chao (2017) Durability of foamed concrete with processed spent bleaching earth as partial replacement of cement under chloride environment. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Tng, Wam Chen (2017) Developing a durable green electric skateboard. Faculty of Engineering Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Tony, Hadibarata and Khudhair, Ameer Badr and Kristanti, Risky Ayu and Kamyab, Hesam (2017) Biodegradation of Pyrene by Candida sp. S1 under High Salinity Conditions. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 40 (9). pp. 1411-1418. ISSN 1615-7591. (Published)
Truong, Quang Duc and Dien, Luong Xuan and Vo, Dai-Viet N. and Le, Thanh Son (2017) Controlled Synthesis of Titania using Water-soluble Titanium Complexes: A Review. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 251. pp. 143-163. ISSN 0022-4596. (Published)
Truong, Quang Duc and Hoa, Huu Thu and Vo, Dai-Viet N. and Le, Thanh Son (2017) Controlling the Shape of Anatase Nanocrystals for Enhanced Photocatalytic Reduction of CO2 to Methanol. New Journal of Chemistry, 41 (13). pp. 5660-5668. ISSN 1144-0546. (Published)
Tuan Sidek, T. M. and Ridzwan, Ahmad (2017) Aplikasi al-Istihalah dalam Industri Halal Semasa Menurut Perspektif Maqasid al-Shariah = The Application of al-Istihalah in Current Halal Industry from the Perspective of Maqasid al-Shari‘ah. International Journal of Humanities Technology and Civilization, 2 (1). pp. 1-9. ISSN 2289-9294. (Published)
Tuan Sidek, T. Muda and Rashidi, Abbas and Mansor, Sulaiman (2017) Pengurusan dana masjid dan surau berpandukan pencapaian maqasid syariah. In: 4th International Conference on Masjid, Zakat and Waqf Management (IMAF-2017) , 4-5 Disember 2017 , Institut Latihan Islam Malaysia, Bangi. pp. 1-8.. ISBN 978-967-13087-3-8 (Published)
UMP, LIB (2017) 3,600 graduan dipilih ikuti program PKLI-ECRL. Berita Harian . p. 4.
UMP, LIB (2017) ABMS hasil kejayaan kolaborasi YP, UMP. Sinar Harian . p. 35.
UMP, LIB (2017) About iCGPA. New Straits Times . p. 7.
UMP, LIB (2017) Amanat. Berita Harian .
UMP, LIB (2017) Anak yatim teruja lawat zoo mini di Bukit Gambang. Sinar Harian .
UMP, LIB (2017) Ashwin harumkan nama UMP, Malaysia. Utusan Malaysia . p. 21.
UMP, LIB (2017) Bahana kosmetik tiruan. Sinar Harian . p. 36.
UMP, LIB (2017) Berkat keazaman, usaha gigih. Sinar Harian . p. 38.
UMP, LIB (2017) Bermotosikal semarakkan Hari Kebangsaan. Utusan Malaysia . p. 27.
UMP, LIB (2017) Calon UPSR sertai program Q-Gen 2017. Sinar Harian . p. 35.
UMP, LIB (2017) Didikan awal minda si cilik. Harian Metro . p. 48.
UMP, LIB (2017) Dr Daing reappointed UMP vice-chancellor. The Star .
UMP, LIB (2017) Ekspokonvo medan promosi UMP. Utusan Malaysia . p. 7.
UMP, LIB (2017) Empowering entrepreneurs with relevant skills training. The Star . p. 3.
UMP, LIB (2017) Fiesta Antarabangsa UMP tonjol keunikan. Sinar Harian . p. 36.
UMP, LIB (2017) ISKANDAR UMP memasyarakatkan teknologi dengan penanaman cendawan. UMP News . (Unpublished)
UMP, LIB (2017) JKNC/R bincang hala tuju universiti bagi tingkatkan kualiti. UMP News . (Unpublished)
UMP, LIB (2017) Jalin kerjasama tawar program dwiijazah. Sinar Harian . p. 37.
UMP, LIB (2017) Jurutera pamer bakat seni. Utusan Malaysia .
UMP, LIB (2017) Kolokium NCWE bincang kejuruteraan angin dan gempa bumi. UMP News . (Unpublished)
UMP, LIB (2017) Kongsi rezeki. Harian Metro . p. 8.
UMP, LIB (2017) Obsolete enviromental laws to be amended. New Straits Times . p. 27.
UMP, LIB (2017) Our graduates are on a par with foreigners, says professors. New Straits Times . p. 6.
UMP, LIB (2017) Pelatih pertama PKLI-ECRL mulakan latihan. Sinar Harian .
UMP, LIB (2017) Pengurus UMP perlu miliki pengetahuan. Utusan Malaysia . p. 26.
UMP, LIB (2017) Program Jom Lepak@Masjid dekatkan UMP, komuniti. Sinar Harian . p. 46.
UMP, LIB (2017) RERC terbit jurnal berfokuskan nadir bumi. UMP news . (Unpublished)
UMP, LIB (2017) Rail link a huge economic boost. The Star . p. 4.
UMP, LIB (2017) Ramai alumni UMP jadi sukarelawan. Sinar Harian . p. 37.
UMP, LIB (2017) Set makanan hanya RM1 untuk pelajar UMP. Sinar Harian . p. 35.
UMP, LIB (2017) Sukarelawan UMP berbakti di bumi Mexico. Berita Harian . p. 9.
UMP, LIB (2017) Sukarelawan UMP kongsi kepakaran di Kampung Tammalang. Berita Harian . p. 9.
UMP, LIB (2017) Tenaga pakar tempatan berkemahiran tinggi untuk projek ECRL. Utusan Malaysia . p. 30.
UMP, LIB (2017) Tie-up with German varsities boots UMP Grad's employability. New Straits Times . p. 27.
UMP, LIB (2017) UMP committed to role to improve society. New Straits Times . p. 18.
UMP, LIB (2017) UMP diiktiraf terbaik. Sinar Harian . p. 29.
UMP, LIB (2017) UMP dilantik Universiti Fokal program PLKI. Berita Harian . p. 31.
UMP, LIB (2017) UMP duduki tangga ke-58 terbaik dunia. Sinar Harian . p. 38.
UMP, LIB (2017) UMP tempat ke-58 kampus lestari global. Harian Metro . p. 39.
UMP, LIB (2017) UMP, PCHEBUST jalin kerjasama laksana program dwiijazah. Harian Metro . p. 42.
UMP, LIB (2017) UMP, PCHEBUST tawar program dwiijazah. Berita Harian . p. 14.
UMP, LIB (2017) UMP, YP anjur persidangan tadbir urus korporat. Sinar Harian . p. 42.
UMP, LIB (2017) UMP, tujuh rakan industri jalin kerjasama. Sinar Harian .
UMP, LIB (2017) UniSZA juara Kejohanan Sepak Takraw Terbuka UMP. Berita Harian . p. 16.
UMP, LIB (2017) Warga UMP tawan Gunung Kinabalu. Sinar Harian . p. 44.
UMP, LIB (2017) Young Innovators Challenge 2017 suntik minat pelajar ceburi STEM. Utusan Malaysia . p. 30.
UMP, PNC (2017) 2, 845 graduan UMP bakal terima diploma, ijazah. Utusan Malaysia . p. 9.
UMP, PNC (2017) 2000 meriahkan Sambutan Hari Raya UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)
UMP, PNC (2017) 41 pelajar program empower ECER cemerlang. UMP News . (Unpublished)
UMP, PNC (2017) 43 dapat kelengkapan raya baru. Harian Metro . p. 64.
UMP, PNC (2017) 466 pakar penyelidikan bimbing usahawan PKS. Sinar Harian . p. 51.
UMP, PNC (2017) 50 graduan sertai PLKI-ECRL. Utusan Malaysia . p. 26.
UMP, PNC (2017) 500 peminat sukan berbasikal sertai UMP EcoRide 2017. Sinar Harian . p. 36.
UMP, PNC (2017) 70 kanak-kanak asnaf terima bantuan sekolah. Harian Metro . p. 52.
UMP, PNC (2017) Accountability vital for grads, says Pahang regent. New Straits Times . p. 23.
UMP, PNC (2017) Aidilfitri komuniti antarabangsa UMP meriah. Utusan Malaysia . p. 30.
UMP, PNC (2017) Alat ukur ketinggian bahu terbaik. Harian Metro . p. 56.
UMP, PNC (2017) Alumni UMP jurutera tani. UMP News .
UMP, PNC (2017) Ambilan pertama pelatih PLKI- ECRL mendaftar. UMP News . (Unpublished)
UMP, PNC (2017) Anugerah Puspanita jadi pemangkin semangat. Sinar Harian . p. 25.
UMP, PNC (2017) Azharishah menang Anugerah Olahragawan UMP. Sinar Harian . p. 42.
UMP, PNC (2017) Azharishah, Pui Kei dinobat Olahragawan, Olahragawati UMP. Utusan Malaysia . p. 30.
UMP, PNC (2017) Bakal jurutera dan teknologis pamer bakat seni. UMP News . (Unpublished)
UMP, PNC (2017) Bapa beranikan diri pandu jauh daftar anak di UMP. Berita Harian . p. 17.
UMP, PNC (2017) Basmi anai-anai cara mesra alam. Harian Metro . p. 4.
UMP, PNC (2017) Belajar Mandarin 28 Jam. Harian Metro . p. 22.
UMP, PNC (2017) Belia perlu kongsi pandangan guna saluran betul. Sinar Harian . p. 36.
UMP, PNC (2017) Beranikan diri memandu 270km hantar anak. Kosmo . p. 6.
UMP, PNC (2017) Berkayuh sambil nikmati keindahan alam. Harian Metro . p. 42.
UMP, PNC (2017) Bersyukur rumah dibaik pulih. Harian Metro . p. 42.
UMP, PNC (2017) Bicara Merdeka semarakkan semangat sayangkan negara. UMP News .
UMP, PNC (2017) Bijak pilih program pengajian pendidikan tinggi. UMP News . (Unpublished)
UMP, PNC (2017) CITREX pamer penyelidikan UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)
UMP, PNC (2017) Diaclean bantu pesakit buah pinggang. Utusan Malaysia . p. 20.
UMP, PNC (2017) Eco Ride UMP 2017 promosi gaya hidup sihat di kampus. Utusan Malaysia . p. 26.
UMP, PNC (2017) Elak terpengaruh fahaman luar - Tengku Abdullah. Utusan Malaysia . p. 31.
UMP, PNC (2017) Empat graduan terima Anugerah Kecemerlangan Dwiijazah VDI Karlsruhe. UMP News . (Unpublished)
UMP, PNC (2017) Empower Boot Camp jana jati diri murid. Sinar Harian . p. 38.
UMP, PNC (2017) Empower Q-Gen 2017 dedah murid konsep kemandirian hidup. Sinar Harian . p. 41.
UMP, PNC (2017) Expokonvo UMP: Utusan tawar pelbagai hadiah. Utusan Malaysia . p. 33.
UMP, PNC (2017) Facelift D'Kuala pulih rumah nelayan. Utusan Malaysia .
UMP, PNC (2017) Fiesta UMP pamer budaya, juadah luar. Utusan Malaysia . p. 26.
UMP, PNC (2017) Fiesta gabung budaya unik. Harian Metro . p. 45.
UMP, PNC (2017) Fun Run sempena Pesta Konvo UMP 2017. Mingguan Malaysia . p. 16.
UMP, PNC (2017) Graduan tidak akan menganggur jika dilatih. Sinar Harian . p. 13.
UMP, PNC (2017) Hadiah buat ayahanda, bonda. Sinar Harian . p. 47.
UMP, PNC (2017) Hadiah lumayan menanti kaki pancing. Utusan Malaysia . p. 22.
UMP, PNC (2017) Hari raya komuniti antarabangsa UMP meriah. UMP News . (Unpublished)
UMP, PNC (2017) IPTA sambut baik saranan Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi. Kosmo . p. 2.
UMP, PNC (2017) Ibu bapa disaran pilih pusat tahfiz berdaftar. Sinar Harian . p. 53.
UMP, PNC (2017) Ibu sebak terima ijazah mendiang anak. Mingguan Malaysia . p. 16.
UMP, PNC (2017) Ikan tenggalan 1.62kg jadi juara. Harian Metro . p. 42.
UMP, PNC (2017) Impactful research driving UMP forward. New Straits Times . p. 11.
UMP, PNC (2017) Inovasi umpan tiruan anai-anai diiktiraf AIN. Harian Metro . p. 38.
UMP, PNC (2017) JKNCR himpun Naib Canselor dan Rektor Universiti Awam. UMP News . (Unpublished)
UMP, PNC (2017) Jom kaki pancing ke Tasik UMP. Harian Metro . p. 49.
UMP, PNC (2017) Juruteknik juara pertandingan memancing UMP. Sinar Harian . p. 36.
UMP, PNC (2017) Kejohanan Boling UMP-Media meriah. Mingguan Malaysia . p. 21.
UMP, PNC (2017) Kembara Waqaf Merdeka 60 meriahkan bulan kemerdekaan. Sinar Harian . p. 36.
UMP, PNC (2017) Kempen satu rumah satu kebun cetus aktiviti sihat. Harian Metro . p. 45.
UMP, PNC (2017) Kerjasama UMP dan Helan No.1 High School tingkat pelajar antarabangsa. UMP News . (Unpublished)
UMP, PNC (2017) Kerjasama UMP, PKPP ceriakan anak yatim. Utusan Malaysia . p. 30.
UMP, PNC (2017) Kini semua hanya tinggal kenangan. Metro . p. 59.
UMP, PNC (2017) Kolej kediaman konsep wakaf. Harian Metro . p. 28.
UMP, PNC (2017) Komitmen sosial UMP dan PKPP ceriakan anak yatim. UMP News . (Unpublished)
UMP, PNC (2017) Komuniti Kuala Pahang masak bubur lambuk. UMP News . (Unpublished)
UMP, PNC (2017) Konsep derma RM1 bina masjid UMP kampus Pekan. Berita Harian . p. 67.
UMP, PNC (2017) Konsert Milenia UMP-Utusan meriah. Utusan Malaysia . p. 27.
UMP, PNC (2017) Kursus teknologi kereta api diperkenal. Kosmo . p. 6.
UMP, PNC (2017) Lebih 1 tan ikan dilepaskan untuk buruan pemancing di Tasik UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)
UMP, PNC (2017) Lebih 500 dijangka sertai pertandingan basikal di UMP. Berita Harian .
UMP, PNC (2017) Lebih RM16,000 jadi rebutan di Tasik UMP, Pekan. Sinar Harian . p. 3.
UMP, PNC (2017) Lecturer wins award for eco-friendly termite bait. New Straits Times . p. 25.
UMP, PNC (2017) Lonjak sosioekonomi penduduk. Harian Metro . p. 26.
UMP, PNC (2017) MPP UMP terima watikah pelantikan. Sinar Harian . p. 43.
UMP, PNC (2017) MRSM Terendak raih emas inovasi TVET. Utusan Malaysia . p. 25.
UMP, PNC (2017) Mahasiswa UMP tanam 1, 200 anak pokok. Sinar Harian . p. 20.
UMP, PNC (2017) Mahasiswa dituntut cipta kecemerlangan. UMP News .
UMP, PNC (2017) Mahasiswa turun padang dekati masyarakat. Sinar Harian . p. 35.
UMP, PNC (2017) Malaysia #QuranHour perlu dianjur lebih kerap. Utusan Malaysia . p. 32.
UMP, PNC (2017) Mampu realisasi hasrat Malaysia jadi hab pendidikan tinggi. Berita Harian . p. 31.
UMP, PNC (2017) Memasyarakatkan teknologi agenda keterampilan UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)
UMP, PNC (2017) PM lancar pembinaan masjid UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)
UMP, PNC (2017) Pekan folk overjoyed over newly-refurbished homes. New Straits Times . p. 10.
UMP, PNC (2017) 'Pekan', 'Chini' antara tarikan terbaru UMP. Utusan Malaysia . p. 30.
UMP, PNC (2017) Pelajar UMP wakili Asia-Pasifik. Sinar Harian .
UMP, PNC (2017) Pelajar empower ECER cemerlang raih 9 A. UMP News . (Unpublished)
UMP, PNC (2017) Pelbagai lapisan sertai Balloon Run. Utusan Malaysia . p. 26.
UMP, PNC (2017) Pemangku Raja Pahang dianugerah Ijazah Kehormat UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)
UMP, PNC (2017) Pemangku Raja Pahang lancar pembinaan Kolej Kediaman Mawaddah UMP. UMP News . (Unpublished)
UMP, PNC (2017) Pembunuh kuman daripada daun sireh. Harian Metro . p. 33.
UMP, PNC (2017) Pementasan teater mahasiswa UMP mendapat pujian. UMP News . (Unpublished)
UMP, PNC (2017) Pensyarah UMP cipta alat kaji emosi. Harian Metro . p. 17.
UMP, PNC (2017) Pensyarah UMP rakam detik fenomena gerhana matahari. UMP News .
UMP, PNC (2017) Penuntut universiti disaran timba pengalaman jadi sukarelawan. Sinar Harian . p. 25.
UMP, PNC (2017) Penyelidikan UMP berimpak tinggi. Utusan Malaysia . p. 5.
UMP, PNC (2017) Periuk pengacau automatik mudahkan masak daging. Berita Harian . p. 5.
UMP, PNC (2017) Pertandingan memancing sempena Bulan Kemerdekaan, Hari Malaysia di tasik UMP. Utusan Malaysia . p. 14.
UMP, PNC (2017) Program Advokasi Ilmuwan bincang pencemaran alam sekitar. UMP News . (Unpublished)
UMP, PNC (2017) Program Diskusi MPP. Harian Metro . p. 6.
UMP, PNC (2017) Projek 'facelift' ceriakan landskap perkampungan Kuala Pahang. Berita Harian . p. 38.
UMP, PNC (2017) Projek MyGift `Lighting Up the Community' bantu ringankan beban keluarga asnaf. UMP News . (Unpublished)
UMP, PNC (2017) Promosi gaya hidup sihat. Harian Metro . p. 42.
UMP, PNC (2017) Pupuk kesedaran penuntut. Harian Metro . p. 51.
UMP, PNC (2017) Pusat Kejuruteraan UMP Anjur AiNEX 2017. Utusan Malaysia . p. 26.
UMP, PNC (2017) Rezeki alat ukur sifat orang. Harian Metro . p. 64.
UMP, PNC (2017) Rusa Bintik untuk pelancongan pendidikan. Sinar Harian . p. 36.
UMP, PNC (2017) Salut atap asbestos elak bahaya. Harian Metro . p. 72.
UMP, PNC (2017) Santai berbasikal dalam Fun Ride. Sinar Harian . p. 36.
UMP, PNC (2017) Satu tan patin dilepaskan di tasik UMP. Berita Harian . p. 15.
UMP, PNC (2017) Singgah sahur UMP. Utusan Malaysia . p. 14.
UMP, PNC (2017) Sukarelawan Mampan berbakti di Felda. Utusan Malaysia . p. 30.
UMP, PNC (2017) Sukarelawan UMP bantu cat atap. Sinar Harian . p. 41.
UMP, PNC (2017) Sukarelawan UMP curah bakti dalam Misi Infaq Kemboja. UMP News . (Unpublished)
UMP, PNC (2017) Sukarelawan teruskan inisiatif bantu penduduk Kampung Ulu Tual. Berita Harian . p. 55.
UMP, PNC (2017) Syor wujud daftar graduan dalam talian. Berita Harian . p. 6.
UMP, PNC (2017) TN50 UMP sasar golongan belia. Sinar Harian . p. 7.
UMP, PNC (2017) Tambah baik penguasaan pelajar dalam subjek Sains. Sinar Harian . p. 46.
UMP, PNC (2017) Tenaga pakar tempatan dan berkemahiran diperlukan untuk projek ECRL. UMP News . (Unpublished)
UMP, PNC (2017) Tengku Abdullah dianugerah Ijazah Kehormat Doktor Pengurusan UMP. Berita Harian . p. 60.
UMP, PNC (2017) Tiga fakulti UMP capai kebolehpasaran graduan. Sinar Harian . p. 35.
UMP, PNC (2017) Tingkatkan kefahaman generasi milenium. Mingguan Malaysia . p. 21.
UMP, PNC (2017) Tuah umpan cacing Wan Ahmad bawa pulang RM7, 000. Mingguan Malaysia . p. 16.
UMP, PNC (2017) UDA, UMP edar lebih 3,000 pek bubur lambuk. Utusan Malaysia . p. 31.
UMP, PNC (2017) UDA, UMP rancang bina bandar universiti. Utusan Malaysia . p. 30.
UMP, PNC (2017) UMP Advanced perkasa agenda TVET dan PSH. Berita Harian . p. 22.
UMP, PNC (2017) UMP Consultancy & Training Sdn Bhd memeterai MoA dengan tenaga Swicthgear Sdn Bhd. UMP News . (Unpublished)
UMP, PNC (2017) UMP Eco Ride dapat sambutan galak sukan berbasikal. UMP News . (Unpublished)
UMP, PNC (2017) UMP Facelift Program to beautify Kuala Pahang. UMP News . (Unpublished)
UMP, PNC (2017) UMP amal budaya kerja beretika. UMP News . (Unpublished)
UMP, PNC (2017) UMP anjur pertandingan memancing. Kosmo . p. 26.
UMP, PNC (2017) UMP anjur program ubah wajah Kuala Pahang. Berita Harian . p. 74.
UMP, PNC (2017) UMP bakal anjur UMP Eco Ride mempromosikan gaya hidup sihat. UMP News . (Unpublished)
UMP, PNC (2017) UMP bina masjid berciri lestari. Utusan Malaysia . p. 28.
UMP, PNC (2017) UMP budayakan cegah rasuah. Sinar Harian . p. 35.
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UMP, PNC (2017) UMP cemerlang dalam penyelidikan BIS 17. UMP News . (Unpublished)
UMP, PNC (2017) UMP cipta mesin potong mengkuang. Harian Metro . p. 10.
UMP, PNC (2017) UMP dan Kelab PERAMAH raikan Ramadan bersama komuniti Pekan. UMP News . (Unpublished)
UMP, PNC (2017) UMP dan PKPP bantu anak yatim mangsa Tsunami Aceh tingkat kualiti hidup. UMP News . (Unpublished)
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UMP, PNC (2017) UMP iktiraf kakitangan cemerlang. Berita Harian .
UMP, PNC (2017) UMP iktiraf staf cemerlang. UMP News . (Unpublished)
UMP, PNC (2017) UMP jalin kerjasama dengan tujuh rakan strategik. UMP News . (Unpublished)
UMP, PNC (2017) UMP jalin kerjasama pengurusan Produk MyPride Jabatan Penjara. UMP News . (Unpublished)
UMP, PNC (2017) UMP kaji tembikar Terenang warisan Pahang. UMP News . (Unpublished)
UMP, PNC (2017) UMP lancar perpustakaan digital, galak minat membaca. Sinar Harian . p. 41.
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UMP, PNC (2017) UMP sasar lebih banyak emas dalam MASUM 2017. UMP News . (Unpublished)
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Voges, Matthias and Rohana, Abu and Gundersen, Maria T. and Held, Christoph and Woodley, John M. and Sadowski, Gabriele (2017) Reaction equilibrium of the ω-transamination of (S)-Phenylethylamine: experiments and ePC-SAFT modeling. Organic Process Research and Development, 21 (7). pp. 976-986. ISSN 1083-6160. (Published)
Vorathin, E. and Z. M., Hafizi and S. A., Che Ghani and Lim, Kok Sing and A. M., Aizzuddin (2017) The use of an improved technique to reduce the variability of output voltage in real-time Fibre Bragg Grating based monitoring system. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research, ICMER 2017 , 1-2 August 2017 , The Swiss Garden Beach Resort, Kuantan. pp. 1-11., 257 (012001). ISSN 1757-8981 (Print); 1757-899X (Online) (Published)
Vorathin, Epin (2017) Improved static and dynamic FBG sensor system for real-time monitoring of composite structures. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
W. M., Asyraf and Vasu, Anusuiah and Hagos, F. Y. and M. M., Noor and R., Mamat (2017) Transient Modelling of Heat Loading of Phase Change Material for Energy Storage. In: MATEC Web of Conferences: The 2nd International Conference on Automotive Innovation and Green Vehicle (AiGEV 2016) , 2-3 August 2016 , Malaysia Automotive Institute, Cyberjaya, Selangor. pp. 1-12., 90 (01078). ISSN 2261-236X (Published)
W. N. W. M. N., Hissyam and Aiman, Mohd Halil and Kurniawan, Tedi and M., Ishak and Ariga, T. (2017) Effect of copper-based fillers composition on spreading and wetting behaviour. In: Joining and Welding Symposium (JWS2017) , 11 July 2017 , Universiti Malaysia Pahang. pp. 1-6., 238 (1). ISSN 17578981 (Published)
W. S. A., W. Omar and Ahmad Ziad, Sulaiman and Azilah, Ajit and Y., Chisti and A. L. T. , Chor (2017) Effect of Flow Rate, Duty Cycle, Amplitude, and Treatment Time of Ultrasonic Regimens Towards Escherichia Coli Harbouring Lipase. In: 29th Symposium of Malaysian Chemical Engineers (SOMChE) 2016 , 1–3 December 2016 , Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia. pp. 1-11., 206 (1). ISSN 1757-8981 (Print); 1757-899X (Online) (Published)
Wafaa, A. Khadim and Mohd Hasbi, Ab. Rahim (2017) Surfactant-less Sol-Gel Technique for the Synthesis of Mg-ZnO Nanoparticle. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FLUIDS & CHEMICAL ENGINEERING 2017 , 4-6 April 2017 , Sabah, Malaysia. pp. 1-4., 111. ISSN 2261-236X (Published)
Wafiuddin, Md Ghazali and Daing Mohamad Nafiz, Daing Idris and Azizul Helmi, Sofian and F., Basrawi and Thamir K., Ibrahim (2017) Investigation on wear characteristic of biopolymer gear. In: 4th International Conference On Mechanical Engineering Research , August 1-2, 2017 , Swiss Garden Beach Resort, Kuantan Pahang. pp. 1-9.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Wahaizad, Safiei and Muhamad Ridzuan, Radin Muhamad Amin (2017) Experimental Investigation Of EDM Die Sinking Process Parameters On Aluminium Alloy 5083 Using Design Of Experiment. International Journal of Engineering Technology And Sciences (IJETS), 7 (1). pp. 1-7. ISSN 2289-697X. (Published)
Wahida, Amat Fadzil (2017) Fabrication of novel particleboards from oil palm frond blended with empty fruit bunch and treated with preservative against termite. UNSPECIFIED thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Wahyu Nur Susianna, Omar (2017) Speed studies on Malaysia East Coast expressway. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Wan Abdullah, Wan Zakkhry (2017) Effect of crude palm oil (CPO) as an additive in the asphalt mixture. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Wan Ahmad, Saffuan and Khairunisa, Muthusamy and Hashim, Mohd Hanafi and Yaacob, Maizatil Akma (2017) Properties of Concrete Containing Unground Palm Oil Fuel Ash as Partial Sand Replacement. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 864. pp. 278-283. ISSN 1662-7482. (Published)
Wan Asilah, Wan Muhamad and Razali, Ngah and Mohd Faizal, Jamlos and Ping, Jack Soh and Mohd Tarmizi, Ali (2017) Bandwidth Enhancement using Polymeric Grid Array Antenna for Millimeter-Wave Application. Applied Physics A, 123 (69). pp. 1-5. ISSN 0947-8396 (Print) 1432-0630 (Online). (Published)
Wan Asilah, Wan Muhamad and Razali, Ngah and Mohd Faizal, Jamlos and Ping, Jack Soh and Mohd Tarmizi, Ali and Narbudowicz, Adam (2017) Bandwidth Enhancement of a Multilayered Polymeric Comb Array Antenna for Millimeter-Wave Applications. Applied Physics A, 123 (105). pp. 1-4. ISSN 0947-8396(print); 1432-0630(online). (Published)
Wan Hairani, Wan Na'aman and Syed Mohd Saufi, Tuan Chik and Mazrul Nizam, Abu Seman and Hafizuddin, Wan Yussof and Abdul Wahab, Mohammad (2017) Fabrication of asymmetric nanofiltration flatsheet membrane for the separation of acetic acid from xylose and glucose. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 56. pp. 1201-1206. ISSN 2283-9216. (Published)
Wan Iryana, Wan Md Nor (2017) Wrinkling prediction in deep drawing metal forming : kinematic hardening model versus mixed hardening model. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Wan Jumani, Fauzi (2017) The effectiveness of Storytelling module to improve daycare educators' confidence and proficiency in storytelling in English. In: International Conference On Social Sciences And Education 2017 , 21-23 November 2017 , Bali World Hotel, Bandung, Indonesia. p. 1.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Wan Mohd Hafizuddin, Wan Yussof and S. S., Bahri and Phan, A. N. and Harvey, A. P. (2017) Effect of Oscillation Amplitude on the Residence Time Distribution for the Mesoscale Oscillatory Baffled Reactor. Chemical Engineering Research Bulletin, 19 (2017). pp. 111-117. ISSN 2072-9510. (Published)
Wan Mohd Nafis, Wan Lezaini and Addie Irawan, Hashim and A. R., Razali and Abdul Hamid, Adom (2017) Hybrid Antiwindup-Fuzzy Logic Control for an Underactuated Robot Leg Precision Motion. In: 3rd IEEE International Symposium in Robotics and Manufacturing Automation (ROMA 2017) , 19-21 September 2017 , Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia. , 2017. (Published)
Wan Mohd Nafis, Wan Lezaini and Addie Irawan, Hashim and Sheikh Norhasmadi, Sheikh Ali (2017) Forkloader Position Control for A Mini Heavy Loaded Vehicle using Fuzzy Logic-Antiwindup Control. Telkomnika, 15 (2). pp. 739-745. ISSN 1693-6930. (Published)
Wan Muhamad Syafiq, Wan Ismail and Ruwaida, Abdul Rasid (2017) Co-gasification of coal and empty fruit bunch (EFB) in an entrained flow gasification process. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology (JCEIB), 2. pp. 37-46. ISSN 0126-8139. (Published)
Wan Muhamad Syafiq, Wan Ismail and Ruwaida, Abdul Rasid (2017) Empty fruit bunch (EFB) gasification in an entrained flow gasification system. Chemical Engineering Research Bulletin, 19. pp. 43-49. ISSN 0379-7678 (Print); 2072-9510 (Online). (Published)
Wan Muhamad Syafiq , Wan Ismail and Ruwaida, Abdul Rasid (2017) Co-Gasification Of Coal And Empty Fruit Bunch (EFB) In An Entrained Flow Gasification. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology (JCEIB), 2. pp. 37-46. ISSN 0126-8139. (Published)
Wan Muslimin, Wan Nawang (2017) FKASA kongsi kepakaran dalam kejuruteraan tanah. UMP News .
Wan Muslimin, Wan Nawang (2017) Kem Pemimpin Muda Prihatin Air. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Wan Nazrul Helmy, Wan Mohd Zain (2017) Kerjasama akademik UMP dan Institusi Jepun diperluas. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Wan Nazrul Helmy, Wan Mohd Zain (2017) MBA UMP diiktiraf terima akreditasi dan Anugerah Amalan Baik ABEST21. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Wan Nur Azhani, W. Samsudin (2017) Improved abnormal detection using self-adaptive social force model for visual surveillance. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Wan Nur Hafeza Haslinda, Wan Hassan (2017) Assessing the impact of anthropogenic disturbances on water quality in the Sungai Nyior, Kuantan. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Wan Nurhusna, Wan Azmi (2017) Shear strength behaviour and critical shear stress for nesosilicates subjected to wildfire. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Wan Nurul Huda, Wan Zainal and Soon, Huat Tan and Mohd Azmier, Ahmad (2017) Carbon Membranes Prepared from a Polymer Blend of Polyethylene Glycol and Polyetherimide. Chemical Engineering and Technology, 40 (1). pp. 94-102. ISSN 1521-4125. (Published)
Wan Nurul Nabilah, Wan Suhaimi (2017) Pedestrian facilities for wheelchair users at UTC area Kuantan. Faculty of Engineering Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Wan Nurul Safawati, Wan Manan and Mazlina, Abdul Majid and Hasmanizam, Abdul Majid and Mohd Izham, Ibrahim (2017) Securing e-learning environment: A study of security awareness and behavior of user. Advanced Science Letters, 23 (11). pp. 11272-11275. ISSN 1936-6612. (Published)
Wan Nurul Safawati, Wan Manan and Tuan Muhammad, Safiuddin (2017) An Intelligence Technique For Denial Of Service (Dos) Attack Detection. In: The 5th International Conference on Software Engineering & Computer System ( ICSECS' 17) , 22-24 November 2017 , Adya Hotel, Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia. p. 1.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Wan Nurul Syahirah, Wan Lanang and Faiz, Mohd Turan and Kartina, Johan (2017) Systematic Assessment Model for Sustainability Reporting in the Malaysia Context. In: Proceedings of the FGIC 1st Conference on Governance & Integrity , 3-4 April 2017 , Yayasan Pahang, Kuantan, Malaysia. pp. 1-8.. ISBN 978-967-2054-37-5 (Published)
Wan Nurul Syahirah, Wan Lanang and Faiz, Mohd Turan and Kartina, Johan (2017) Systematic Assessment Through Mathematical Model for Sustainability Reporting in Malaysia Context. In: 3rd and 4th International Engineering Research and Innovation Symposium, IRIS 2017 , 6–7 May 2017 , Melaka, Malaysia. pp. 1-9., 226 (012049). ISSN 1757-8981 (Print); 1757-899X (Online) (Published)
Wan Syahirah, Wan Samsudin and Rosdiyana, Samad and Kenneth, Sundaraj and Mahfuzah, Mustafa and Nor Rul Hasma, Abdullah (2017) Correlation of Objective Assessment of Facial Paralysis with House-Brackmann Score. TELKOMNIKA, 15 (2). pp. 829-835. ISSN 1693-6930. (Published)
Wan Zuha, Wan Hasan and Fairuz Rizal, Mohamad Rashidi and Mohd Nizar, Hamidon and Yufridin, Wahab (2017) Design of readout circuit for piezoresistive pressure sensor using nodal array approach reading technique. Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology (JST), 25 (Special). pp. 215-224. ISSN 0128-7680 (Print);2231-8526 (Online).. (Published)
Wan Zulaisa Amira, Wan Jusoh and Sunarti, Abd Rahman and Abdul Latif, Ahmad and Nadzirah, Mohd Mokhtar (2017) Two Level Factorial Design Using RSM For Screening Factors Of IPA Dehydration By Pervaporation Process Using PA Hollow Fibers. In: The 5th International Young Researchers Workshop on River Basin Environment & Management , 28-29 October 2017 , Swiss Garden, Kuantan Pahang. p. 1.. (Published)
Wang, Wei-Kang and Lin, Fengyi and Irene, Wei Kiong Ting and Kweh, Qian Long and Lu, Wen-Min and Chiu, Tzu-Yu (2017) Does Asset-Light Strategy Contribute to the Dynamic Efficiency of Global Airlines? Journal of Air Transport Management, 62. pp. 99-108. ISSN 0969-6997. (Published)
Wee, Tee and A. N., Oumer and Ahmmad, Shukrie and Azizuddin, Abdul Aziz and Baheta, Aklilu (2017) Effect of Stall Strip Position, Size and Geometry on the Lift Coefficient of NACA 001 Aerofoil. In: MATEC Web of Conferences: UTP-UMP Symposium on Energy Systems 2017 (SES 2017) , 26-27 September 2017 , Perak, Malaysia. pp. 1-6., 131 (04011). ISSN 2261-236X (Published)
Widyarto, Setyawan and Suryasa, I. Nyoman and Khairul Annuar, Abdullah and Fajarianto, Otto and Mohd Shafry, Mohd Rahim and Priyandoko, Gigih and Budaya, Gilang Anggit (2017) Wood texture detection with conjugate gradient neural network algorithm. In: 4th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics (EECSI 2017) , 19-21 September 2017 , Yogyakarta, Indonesia. pp. 1-6.. ISBN 978-1-5386-0549-3 (Published)
Williams, Andrew R. and Krych, Lukasz and Hajar Fauzan, Ahmad and Nejsum, Peter and Skovgaard, Kerstin and Nielsen, Dennis S. and Thamsborg, Stig M. (2017) A polyphenol-enriched diet and Ascaris suum infection modulate mucosal immune responses and gut microbiota composition in pigs. PLoS ONE, 12 (10). pp. 1-21. ISSN 1932-6203. (Published)
Winter, Michael James and Hyodo, Masayuki and Wu, Yang and Yoshimoto, Norimasa and Muzamir, Hasan and Matsui, Kanta (2017) Influences of Particle Characteristic and Compaction Degree on the Shear Response of Clinker Ash. Engineering Geology, 230. pp. 32-45. ISSN 0013-7952. (Published)
Wong, Jia Eng (2017) Investigation of salt intrusion in the Kuantan Estuary during high tide condition adopting 1-D analytical solution. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Wong, Kelvin Le Thai (2017) Automated fruit grading system. Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Wong, Suk Chee (2017) The undrained shear strength of soft clay reinforced with group encapsulated lime bottom ash columns. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Wong, Wai Cheng (2017) Behaviour of concrete beam reinforced with kenaf fiber mat (KFM). Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Woon, Chee Wai (2017) Tailoring manganese dioxide electrocatalyst by platinum and carbon nanotube for air-cathode microbial fuel cell. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Woon, Chee Wai and Islam, M. Amirul and Ethiraj, Baranitharan and Huei, Ruey Ong and Cheng, C. K. and Chong, Kwok Feng and Hegde, Gurumurthy and Khan, Maksudur R. (2017) Carbon Nanotube-Modified MnO2: An Efficient Electrocatalyst for Oxygen Reduction Reaction. ChemistrySelect, 2 (25). pp. 7637-7644. ISSN 2365-6549. (Published)
Wun, Wee Long and Chua, Gek Kee and Chin, S. Y. (2017) Effect of Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) Treatment by Activated Sludge. Journal CleanWAS, 1. pp. 6-9. ISSN 2521-0912. (Published)
Y., Mohd Syafiq and Zamzuri, Hamedon and Wan Azila, Aziz and A. R., Yusoff (2017) Prevention of Crack In Stretch Flanging Process Using Hot Stamping Technique. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research (ICMER2017) , 1-2 August 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-9., 257. ISSN 1757-8981 (Print), 1757-899X (Online) (Published)
Yadav, Sumit Manohar (2017) Modification of nanoclay using transition metal ion and its effect on mechanical, physical, and thermal properties of wood-plastic composites. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, Thesis advisor: Kamal, Yusoh).
Yahaghi, Hossein and Sorooshian, Shahryar and Yahaghi, Javad (2017) Unethical Postgraduate Supervision. Science and Engineering Ethics, 23 (2). pp. 629-630. ISSN 1353-3452 (Print); 1471-5546 (Online). (Published)
Yahaghi, Hossein and Sorooshian, Shahryar and Yahaghi, Javad (2017) Viva Delay. Science and Engineering Ethics, 23 (3). pp. 945-946. ISSN 1353-3452 (Print); 1471-5546 (Online). (Published)
Yahya Al-Tawil, Yahya Mohsen (2017) The effect of steel wire mesh on mechanical properties of ADOBE. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Yanti Salina, Shaari and Khairul Bahri, Abdul Samad and Jamilah Bebe, Mohamad and Mardhiyyah, Zamani and Jamal Rizal, Razali (2017) Perbandingan Konjugasi Kata Kerja Bahasa Jerman, Bahasa Arab dan Bahasa Melayu: Satu Tinjauan di UMP. In: Prosiding: Persidangan Antarabangsa Linguistik Bahasa Melayu 2017 , 16-17 November 2017 , USM, Penang, Malaysia. pp. 225-241.. ISSN 978-967-394-303-6 (Published)
Yanti Salina, Shaari and Khairulbahri, Abdul Samad and Jamilah Bebe, Mohamad and Mardhiyyah, Zamani and Jamal Rizal, Razali (2017) Perbandingan Konjugasi Kata Kerja Bahasa Jerman, Bahasa Arab dan Bahasa Melayu: Satu Tinjauan di UMP. In: Prosiding Persidangan Antarabangsa Linguistik Bahasa Melayu 2017 , 16-17 November 2017 , Universiti Sains Malaysia, Pulau Pinang. pp. 225-241.. ISBN 978-967-394-303-6 (Published)
Yap, Chew Shan and Tung, Kean Wei and Ramalingam, Mritha and Puviarasi, R. and Ernawan, Ferda and Chinnavan, Elanchezhian (2017) A Better Engineering Design for Safety Environment. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 117 (9). pp. 65-69. ISSN 1311-8080 (print); 314-3395 (online). (Published)
Yap, H. T. and Ngien, S. K. (2017) Assessment on inflow and infiltration in sewerage systems of Kuantan, Pahang. Water Science & Technology, 76 (11). pp. 2918-2927. ISSN ISSN Print: 0273-1223 | ISSN Online: 1996-9732. (Published)
Yap, H. T. and Ngien, S. K. and Norasman, Othman and Nadiatul Adilah, Ahmad Abdul Ghani and Rahman, N. A. (2017) Preliminary Inflow and Infiltration Study of Sewerage Systems from Two Residential Areas in Kuantan, Pahang. ESTEEM Academic Journal, 13 (Specia). pp. 98-106. ISSN p-ISSN 1675-7939; e-ISSN 2289-4934. (Published)
Yap, Huey Tyng and Ong, Zhi Chao and Kong, Keen Kuan and Zubaidah, Ismail and Abdul Ghaffar, Abdul Rahman and Chong, Wen Tong (2017) Similitude study of an in-service industrial piping system under high flow induced vibration. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 31 (8). pp. 3705-3713. ISSN 1976-3824. (Published)
Yasmin, Abdul Wahab (2017) 2 MHz electrical resistance tomography for static liquid solid profile measurement. PhD thesis, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (Contributors, Thesis advisor: Ruzairi, Abdul Rahim).
Yasmin, Abdul Wahab and Ruzairi, Abdul Rahim and Fazalul, Rahiman and Suzzana, Ridzuan Aw and Fazlul Rahman, Mohd Yunus and Jaysuman, Pusppanathan and Nor Muzakkir , Nor Ayob and Leow, Pei Ling (2017) Inverse problem: comparison between linear back-projection algorithm and filtered back-projection algorithm in soft-field tomography. International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 9 (4). pp. 32-36. ISSN 2229-838X. (Published)
Yasmin, Abdul Wahab and Ruzairi, Abdul Rahim and Mohd Hafiz Fazalul, Rahiman and Leow, Pei Ling and Suzanna, Ridzuan Aw and Muhammad Jayasuman, Pusppanathan and Mohd Fadzli, Abd Shaib and Herlina, Abdul Rahim and Elmy Johana, Mohamad (2017) Image reconstruction for solid profile measurement in ERT using non-invasive approach. Telkomnika, 15 (4). pp. 1554-1564. ISSN 1693-6930. (Published)
Yeap, Shu Ying (2017) Biological hydrogen production from Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME). Faculty of Engineering Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Yeo, Boon Kiat (2017) Physicochemical properties changes on woody biomass torrefaction : effect of temperature and residence time. Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Yeong, Yi Ling and Pang, Sook Fun and Jolius, Gimbun (2017) The Effect of Auxiliary Energy on Rhein, Kaempferol and Astragalin Extraction from Cassia Alata. MATEC Web of Conferences, 111. pp. 1-4. ISSN 2261-236X. (Published)
Yip, Wai Kit (2017) Finite element analysis of rc beams with bamboo fiber reinforced composite plate using ABAQUS. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Yong, Jia Hong (2017) Sustainable production and characterization of microalgae using aquaponics system for biofuel application. Faculty of Industrial Sciences and Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Yong, Ying Mei (2017) Pelajar UMP terpilih dalam ASEAN Youth Summer Camp di China. UMP News .
Yong, Ying Mei (2017) A study on Mandarin Speaking Analysis Among Non-Chinese Students In Malaysia. In: 1st ASEAN Academic Conference on Teaching Chinese , 16-17 February 2017 , Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. . (Published)
Yong, Ying Mei and Cheng, Ching Yee (2017) A study of the Malaysian non-Chinese undergraduate’s response in the mandarin speaking test. In: The 2nd International Conference on Theory and Practice in Chinese Language Teaching , 14-15 October 2017 , New Era University College. . (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Yong, Ying Mei and Kang, Mei Feng (2017) Mandarin For All: Book 2. Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang. ISBN 978-967-2054-21-4
Yong, Zong Wei (2017) Autonomous mobile robot using myRIO. Facuity of Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Yousuf, Abu and Khan, Maksudur R. and Islam, M. Amirul and Monir, Md Minhaj Uddin and Zularisam, A. W. and Pirozzi, Domenico (2017) Application of Electroporation Technique in Biofuel Processing. In: MATEC Web of Conferences: Engineering Technology International Conference (ETIC 2016) , 4-5 August 2016 , Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. pp. 1-5., 97 (01085). ISSN 2261-236X (Published)
Yousuf, Abu and Khan, Maksudur R. and Islam, M. Amirul and Zularisam, A. W. and Pirozzi, Domenico (2017) Technical Difficulties and Solutions of Direct Transesterification Process of Microbial Oil for Biodiesel Synthesis. Biotechnology Letters, 39 (1). pp. 13-23. ISSN 0141-5492. (Published)
Yousuf, Abu and Khan, Maksudur R. and Pirozzi, Domenico and Zularisam, A. W. and Atnaw, Samson M. (2017) Economic and Market Value of Biogas Technology. In: Waste Biomass Management - A Holistic Approach. Springer, pp. 137-158. ISBN 9783319495958 (online); 9783319495941(print)
Yousuf, Abu and Sultana, Sharmin and Monir, Minhaj Uddin and Karim, Ahasanul and Syed Radzi, Rahamaddulla (2017) Social Business Models for Empowering the Biogas Technology. Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy , 12 (2). pp. 99-109. ISSN 1556-7249 (Print); 1556-7257 (Online). (Published)
Yousuf, Abu and Syed Radzi, Rahamaddulla (2017) Facility management. Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang. ISBN 978-967-2054-29-0
Yusdiana, Yazid (2017) The perception of a user on factors affecting the price of housing in Negeri Sembilan. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Yuserrie, Zainuddin (2017) Revolusi industri keempat: cabaran sistem kawalan pengurusan yang berkesan. Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang. ISBN 978-967-2054-67-2
Yusrah Atikah, Ismail (2017) Assessment of climate change impacts on water yield in Pahang River Basin. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Yuvaraj, Ganesan and Hasnah, Haron and Azlan, Amran and Say, Keat Ooi (2017) Corporate Social Responsibility in SMEs: The Role of Non-Audit Services. In: Small and Medium Enterprises in Developing Countries. IGI Global, pp. 345-359. ISBN 9781522521662
Yuvaraj, Ganesan and Hasnah, Haron and Ishak, Ismail (2017) The Services Quality Influence the Satisfaction of SMEs and fees Paid on Non-Audit Services Provided by Small and Medium Practitioners (SMPS). In: Proceedings of the FGIC 1st Conference on Governance & Integrity , 3-4 April 2017 , Yayasan Pahang, Kuantan, Malaysia. pp. 269-284.. ISBN 978-967-2054-37-5 (Published)
Z., Zolkafli and Saifudin, Razali (2017) A Spherical Simplex Unscented Rauch-Tung Striebel Smoother for a Vehicle Localization Problem. Advanced Science Letters, 23 (6). pp. 5556-5560. ISSN 1936-6612. (Published)
Z. L., Chuan and A. A., Jemain and C-Y, Liong and N. A. M., Ghani and L. K., Tan (2017) A Robust Firearm Identification Algorithm of Forensic Ballistics Specimens. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1st International Conference on Applied & Industrial Mathematics and Statistics 2017 (ICoAIMS 2017) , 8-10 August 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-10., 890 (012126). ISSN 1742-6588 (print); 1742-6596 (online) (Published)
Z. M., Hafizi and A. M., Aizzuddin and N. I. A., Halim and M. F., Jamaludin (2017) Modal properties investigation of car body-in-white with attached windscreen and rear screen. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research (ICMER2017) , 1-2 August 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-9., 257 (012038). ISSN 1757-8981 (Print); 1757-899X (Online) (Published)
Zahari, Taha and Anwar, P. P. Abdul Majeed and Ismail, Mohd Khairuddin and M. Y., Wong and M. A., Abdullah and M. A., Mohd Razman (2017) The Control of an Upper-Limb CC by Means of a Particle Swarm Optimized Active Force Control for Motor Recovery. In: 3rd International Conference on Movement, Health and Exercise: Engineering Olympics Success: From Theory to Practice. Springer, pp. 56-62. ISBN 978-981-10-3736-8
Zahari, Taha and Anwar, P. P. Abdul Majeed and M. A., Abdullah and I.M., Khairuddin and M.A., Zakaria and M. H. A., Hassan (2017) The identification and control of an upper extremity exoskeleton for motor recovery. In: Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Research Day 2017. Centre for Advanced Research on Energy (CARe), p. 483. ISBN 9789670257884
Zahari, Taha and Haque, Mainul and Musa, Rabiu Muazu and Mohamad Razali, Abdullah and Maliki, Ahmad Bisyri Husin Musawi and Norzulaika, Alias and Norlaila Azura, Kosni (2017) Intelligent Prediction of Suitable Physical Characteristics Toward Archery Performance Using Multivariate Techniques. Journal of Global Pharma Technology, 9 (7). pp. 44-52. ISSN 0975 -8542. (Published)
Zahari, Taha and Jessnor Arif, Mat-Jizat and Muhammad Amirul, Abdullah and Mohamad Razali, Abdullah and Musa, Rabiu Muazu and Mohamad Fauzi, Ibrahim and Mohd Ali Hanafiah, Shaharudin (2017) Integrated multi sensors and camera video sequence application for performance monitoring in archery. In: 4th Asia Pacific Conference on Manufacturing Systems and the 3rd International Manufacturing Engineering Conference, APCOMS-iMEC 2017 , 7-8 December 2017 , Yogyakarta, Indonesia. pp. 1-5., 319 (1). ISSN 1757-8981 (Print), 1757-899X (Online) (Published)
Zahari, Taha and Lum, Shirley and Mohd Azraai, Mohd Razman (2017) A Review on Non-Invasive Hypertension Monitoring System by using Photoplethysmography Method. Movement, Health & Exercise (MoHE), 6 (1). pp. 47-57. ISSN 2231-9409. (Published)
Zahari, Taha and Mohd Azraai, Mohd Razman and Faeiz Azizi, Adnan and Anwar, P. P. A. Majeed and Rabiu Muazu, Musa (2017) The Development of the Putt.It.In Monitoring Device and the Establishment of Its Reliability: A Solution for Putting-In Analysis in Golf. Movement, Health & Exercise (MoHE), 6 (1). pp. 31-38. ISSN 2231-9409. (Published)
Zahari, Taha and Mohd Fadzil, Abdul Rahim and R., Mamat (2017) Injection Characteristics Study of High Pressure Direct Injector for Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) using Experimental and Analytical Method. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research (ICMER2017) , 1-2 August 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. pp. 1-20., 257 (012057). ISSN 1757-8981 (Published)
Zahari, Taha and Mohd Hasnun Ariff, Hassan (2017) A Reaction-Force-Validated Soccer Ball Finite Element Model. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology, 231 (1). pp. 43-49. ISSN 1754-338X. (Published)
Zahari, Taha and Rabiu Muazu, Musa and M.R., Abdullah and M. H. A., Hassan and M. A. M., Razman and Anwar, P. P. Abdul Majeed (2017) Reliability testing of inertial measurement units in the analysis of physiological variables in archery. In: Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Research Day 2017. Centre for Advanced Research on Energy (CARe), pp. 140-141. ISBN 9789670257884
Zahari, Taha and Rabiu Muazu, Musa and Mohamad Razali, Abdullah and Mohd Azrai, Mohd Razman and Chei, Ming Lee and Faeiz Azizi, Adnan and Muhammad Amirul, Abdullah and Haque, Mainul (2017) The Application of Inertial Measurement Units and Wearable Sensors to Measure Selected Physiological Indicators in Archery. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Health Care, 9 (2). pp. 85-92. ISSN 2250-1460 . (Published)
Zahidah, Ansari and M. R. M., Rejab and Bachtiar, Dandi and Siregar, J. P. (2017) Crushing Response of Green Square Honeycomb Structure from Sugar Palm & PLA. Materials Science Forum, 909. pp. 122-126. ISSN 0255-5476. (Published)
Zahidah, Ansari and Tan, Cheng Wen and M. R. M., Rejab and Bachtiar, Dandi and Siregar, J. P. and Mohd Zuhri, Mohd Yusuf and Nor Syaza Dinie, Mohd Marzuki (2017) Crushing Behaviour of Composite Square Honeycomb Structure: A Finite Element Analysis. Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences (JMES) , 11 (2). pp. 2637-2649. ISSN 2289-4659 (print); 2231-8380 (online). (Published)
Zahiruddin, Mohd Zain (2017) UMP dan MAPUM anjur kursus jana pendapatan kolej kediaman. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Zailani, Abdullah and Amir, Ngah and Herawan, Tutut and Noraziah, Ahmad and Siti Zaharah, Mohamad and Abdul Razak, Hamdan (2017) ELP-M2: An Efficient Model for Mining Least Patterns from Data Repository. In: Recent Advances on Soft Computing and Data Mining: The Second International Conference on Soft Computing and Data Mining (SCDM-2016), Bandung, Indonesia, August 18-20, 2016 Proceedings. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (AISC), 549 . Springer, Cham, pp. 224-232. ISBN 978-3-319-51279-2
Zainab, A. Malik and Cheng, Jack Kie (2017) Using System Dynamics Simulation To Understand The Feedback Process In A Construction Project. International Journal of Industrial Management (IJIM), 3. pp. 1-14. ISSN 2289-9286 (Print); 0127-564x (Online). (Published)
Zainab, Amin and Awanis, Romli and Rahmah, Mokhtar and Mazlina, Abdul Majid (2017) The development of conceptual KPI model based on balanced scorecard measurement method for tacit knowledge of universities’ academic staff. Advanced Science Letters, 23 (11). pp. 11007-11011. ISSN 1936-6612. (Published)
Zainah, Md. Zain and Maziyah, Mat Noh and Khairil Ashraff, Ab Rahim and Nurfadzillah, Harun (2017) Design and development of a remotely operated vehicle with new maneuvering method. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences (IJMS), 46 (12). pp. 2519-2526. ISSN 0975-1033. (Published)
Zainah, Md. Zain and Nurfadzillah, Harun and Nur Natasha, Hanipah and Norhafizah, Md. Zain (2017) Backstepping and sliding-mode methods for stabilizing an underactuated X4-AUV. Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering, 9 (2-3). pp. 1-7. ISSN 2180-1843 (Print); 2289-8131 (Online). (Published)
Zainal, Bahari (2017) Medan Ikan Bakar Kuala Pahang tarikan baharu Pekan. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Zainal Ariffin, Selamat and Alias, M. and A. R., Yusoff and M. M., Rahman (2017) Experimental of surface roughness and tool wear on coolant condition technique using Aluminium alloy 319 used in automotive industries. International Journal of Engineering Research & Science (IJOER), 3 (10). pp. 51-60. ISSN 2395-6992. (Published)
Zainal Hisham, Che Soh and Syahrul Afzal, Che Abdullah and Kamal Z., Zamli (2017) Distributed t-way test suite execution with code coverage on multiple machines. In: 2014 IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics and Applications, ISIEA 2014 , 28 - 1 October 2014 , Sutera Harbour Resort, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. pp. 125-129. (8049884). ISBN 9781479955909 (Published)
Zakil, Fathie Ahmad and Ridzuan, Norida and Yusoh, K. and Shariffuddin, Jun Haslinda and Amin, Khairatun Najwa Mohd and Isha, Ruzinah and Sariah, Saalah (2017) Mechanism of Pleurotus Ostreatus (Oyster Mushroom) cultivation on Various Lignocellulosic wastes using empty fruit bunch, palm press fibre and corncob. , [Research Report] (Unpublished)
Zakira, Inayat and Abdullah, Gani and Nor Badrul, Anuar and Shahid, Anwar and Muhammad Khurram , Khan (2017) Cloud-Based Intrusion Detection and Response System: Open Research Issues, and Solutions. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 42 (2). pp. 399-423. ISSN 1319-8025 (print); 2191-4281 (online). (Published)
Zakirah, Mohd Zahari and Suriyati, Saleh and Noor Asma Fazli, Abdul Samad (2017) Achieving the target crystal size distribution in the case of agglomeration and breakage for batch cooling crystallisation process. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 56. pp. 205-210. ISSN 2283-9216. (Published)
Zalili, Musa and M. N. M., Kahar and Mohd Hafiz, Mohd Hassin and Rohani, Abu Bakar (2017) Global best Local Neighbourhood in Particle Swarm Optimization for Big Data Environment. In: The 5th International Conference on Software Engineering & Computer System (ICSECS' 17) , 22-24 November 2017 , Adya Hotel, Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia. p. 76.. (Published)
Zamzurina, Ahmad (2017) Pendaki UMP tawan Gunung Kinabalu. Utusan Malaysia . p. 26.
Zamzurina, Ahmad (2017) Santai seni buka tirai expokonvo UMP 2017. Utusan Malaysia . p. 26.
Zamzurina, Ahmad (2017) Sukarelawan UMP bimbing pemimpin pelajar. Utusan Malaysia . p. 26.
Zamzurina, Ahmad (2017) Terap nilai murni secara profesional. Mingguan Malaysia . p. 16.
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Zamzurina, Ahmad (2017) UMP budayakan integriti elak rasuah. Utusan Malaysia . p. 27.
Zamzurina, Ahmad (2017) UMP guna kepakaranan bantu penduduk Satun. Utusan Malaysia . p. 26.
Zamzurina, Ahmad (2017) UMP terus cemerlang. Utusan Malaysia . p. 5.
Zamzurina, Ahmad and Ghazali, Alias (2017) 167 terima darjah kebesaran. Utusan Malaysia . p. 4.
Zatul Iffah, Mohd Arshad and Azura, Amid and Faridah, Yusof and Siti Zubaidah, Sulaiman and Siti Kholijah, Abdul Mudalip and Rohaida, Che Man and Shalyda, Md Shaarani (2017) Comparison of Purification Methods to Purify Recombinant Bromelain from Escherichia coli BL21-A1. Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences, 21 (4). pp. 958-971. ISSN 1394-2506. (Published)
Zeeshan, Asim and Sarwat, Surriyya and Sorooshian, Shahryar and Ahmad, Muhammad Shahid (2017) Overview on Pakistan R&D sector in context adopting technological capabilities. Information (Japan), 20 (10(A)). pp. 7217-7226. ISSN 1343-4500 (Print); 344-8994 (Online). (Published)
Zeeshan, Asim and Sorooshian, Shahryar (2017) Assessing Challenges Face By Pakistan R&D Sector In Context Of Knowledge Management Capabilities. In: Intervarsities Multidisciplinary International Conference (IMICO 2017) , 21-22 April 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang. pp. 1-7.. (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Zeeshan, Asim and Surrilya, Sarwat and Sorooshian, Shahryar and Muhammad Shahid, Ahmad (2017) Disabilities in Pakistan's R&D sector: knowledge management capability. Information, 20 (10(A)). pp. 7209-7216. ISSN 1343-4500 (Print); 1344-8994 (Online). (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Zeeshan , Asim and Sorooshian, Shahryar (2017) Current Challenges Face By Pakistan R&D Sector In Context Of Innovation Management Capabilities. In: Intervarsities Multidisciplinary International Conference 2017 (IMICO 2017) , 21-22 April 2017 , Kuantan, Pahang. . (Unpublished) (Unpublished)
Zetty Akhtar, Abd Malek (2017) Effect of nickel doping into solder alloy and its strength between SnCu-Ni/immersion gold joint. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Contributors, UNSPECIFIED: UNSPECIFIED).
Zianor Azrina, Z. A. and Beg, M. D. H. and R. M., Yunus and Ridzuan, Ramli (2017) Nano Crystal Cellulose Incorporated Poly Vinyl Alcohol (PVA) Hydrogel for Industrial Waste Water Treatment. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 11 (3 Special). pp. 137-142. ISSN 1991-8178. (Published)
Zianor Azrina, Z. A. and Beg, M. D. H. and R. M., Yunus and Ridzuan, Ramli and A. K. M., Moshiul Alam (2017) Modification of NanoCrystalline Cellulose (NCC) by Hyperbranched Polymer. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 10 (6). pp. 1-5. ISSN 0974-6846 (Print); 0974-5645 (Online). (Published)
Zianor Azrina, Z. A. and Beg, M. D. H. and R. M., Yunus and Ridzuan, Ramli and Norhafzan, Junadi and A. K. M., Moshiul Alam (2017) Spherical Nanocrystalline Cellulose (NCC) from Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch Pulp via Ultrasound Assisted Hydrolysis. Carbohydrate Polymers, 162. pp. 115-120. ISSN 0144-8617. (Published)
Zubair, Khalil (2017) Case on Quality Engineering: Acceptance Sampling. In: Collection of Teaching Cases for Business Administration Studies. Penerbit UMP, Kuantan, Pahang, pp. 44-59. ISBN 978-967-2054-50-4
Zubir, Mohammad Amirulkhairi and Ghazali, Norhaiza and Ismail, Azlina B.H. and Muhammad Nurul Fakhri, Rusli and Mohd Hafiz Al-Kasah, Jamal Akhsah (2017) Engineering properties of concrete containing synthetic lightweight coarse aggregate using offshore sand foamed concrete (SYLCAG). , [Research Report] (Unpublished)
Zularisam, A. W. and Norul Wahida, Kamaruzaman (2017) Kinetic and Isotherm Studies for Nickel (II) Removal Using Novel Mesoparticle Graphene Sand Composite Synthesised From Sand and Arenga Palm Sugar. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, International Conference on Materials Technology and Energy , 20-21 April 2017 , Curtin University, Malaysia. pp. 1-8., 217. ISSN 1757-8981 (Print), 1757-899X (Online) (Published)
Zularisam, A. W. and Norul Wahida, Kamaruzaman and Ahmad, Alfian (2017) Comparison on characteristic of Mesoparticle Graphene Sand Composite (MGSC) using different types of sugar to remove methylene blue. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, International Conference on Materials Technology and Energy , 20-21 April 2017 , Curtin University, Malaysia. pp. 1-5., 217 (012005). ISSN 1757-899X (Published)
Zulhelmi, Ismail and Abdullah, Abu Hannifa and Zainal Abidin, Anis Sakinah and Kamal, Yusoh (2017) Production of functional graphene by kitchen mixer: mechanism and metric development for in situ measurement of sheet size. Journal of Nanostructure in Chemistry, 7 (3). pp. 231-242. ISSN 2008-9244 (Print); 2193-8865 (Online). (Published)
Zulhelmi, Ismail and Abu Hannifa, Abdullah and Anis Sakinah, Zainal Abidin and Kamal, Yusoh (2017) Application of graphene from exfoliation in kitchen mixer allows mechanical reinforcement of PVA/graphene film. Applied Nanoscience, 7 (6). pp. 317-324. ISSN 2190-5509 (Print); 2190-5517 (Online). (Published)
Zulhelmi, Ismail and Nurul Farhana, Abu Kassim and Abu Hannifa, Abdullah and Anis Sakinah, Zainal Abidin and Fadwa Sameha, Ismail and Kamal, Yusoh (2017) Black Tea Assisted Exfoliation Using a Kitchen Mixer Allowing One-Step Production of Graphene. Materials Research Express, 4 (7). ISSN 2053-1591. (Published)
Zulita, Mustafa (2017) Dual Degree: Two times the reward. New Straits Times . p. 5.
Zulkafli, Hassan and M. Y. M., Yunus and Nurul Ain, Ismail and A., Ramli and K., Ramesh (2017) The Role of Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) In Human Capital Development for The Mineral Resources Industry: Rare Earth Case Study. Journal of Malaysian Critical Metals, 2. pp. 1-8. ISSN 0128-2557. (Published)
Zulkafli, Hassan and Shaharuddin, H and Wan Asma, Ibrahim and Siti Nur Ridhwah, M.R. (2017) Production and applications of biodiesel derived from high acid value feedstocks. In: 5th International Conference On Advances In Mechanical Engineering 2017 (Icame 2017) , 15-18 Aug 2017 , Krabi, Thailand. pp. 1-7., 13 (2). ISSN 1823- 5514 (Published)
Zulkifli, Ahmad and Yong, Wong Fei and Mong, Tan Choon and Idris, Mat Sahat and Zakri, Ghazalli (2017) Development of the wireless goniometer in measuring range of motion for lower extremities. Advanced Science Letters, 23 (6). pp. 5107-5111. ISSN 1936-6612. (Published)
Zulkifli, Syafiq and Othman, Fahmi and Awad, Omar I. and Abdul Adam, Abdullah (2017) The Study of Stability, Combustion Characteristics and Performance of Water in Diesel Emulsion Fuel. In: MATEC Web of Conferences: The 2nd International Conference on Automotive Innovation and Green Vehicle (AiGEV 2016) , 2-3 August 2016 , Malaysia Automotive Institute, Cyberjaya, Selangor. pp. 1-8., 90 (01022). ISSN 2261-236X (Published)
Zuraida, Hasbullah (2017) Application of bias correction in climate prediction. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
Zuriana Sidi, Ahmad and Mimi Sakinah, A. M. (2017) Effect of Fermentation Time, Moisture Content, and Temperature on Sorbitol Production Via Solid State Fermentation Process. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology (JCEIB), 1 (1). pp. 64-71. ISSN 0126-8139. (Published)
Zuriani, Mustaffa and Ernawan, Ferda and M. H., Sulaiman and Syafiq Fauzi, Kamarulzaman (2017) Hybrid least squares support vector machines for short term predictive analysis. In: The 3rd International Conference on Control, Automation and Robotics (ICCAR 2017) , 24-26 April 2017 , Nagoya, Japan. pp. 571-574.. ISBN 978-150906087-0 (Published)
Zuriani, Mustaffa and Mohd Herwan, Sulaiman and Yuhanis, Yusof and Syafiq Fauzi, Kamarulzaman (2017) A novel hybrid metaheuristic algorithm for short term load forecasting. International Journal of Simulation: Systems, Science and Technology, 17 (41). 6.1-6.6. ISSN 1473-804x(Online); 1473-8031(print). (Published)
Zuryaty, Zol (2017) Hubungan baik Muehlbauer Technologies manfaatkan mahasiswa. UMP News . (Unpublished)
Zuryaty, Zol (2017) Seminar Antarabangsa Serentak APCOMS dan iMEC fokus masa depan Kejuruteraan Pembuatan. UMP News . (Unpublished)